What paint to paint the cabinet white. How to update an old cabinet? Which tool to choose

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How to repaint a closet and give furniture a second life - practical recommendations and advice

Do you have an old Soviet cabinet and you don’t know how to get rid of it? Don't rush to throw it away old furniture, because it is easy to restore, update and make it visually attractive. Read on to learn how to easily and effortlessly give furniture a second life.

How to prepare a cabinet for painting

It is not difficult to update old furniture, as there is a wide range of products on the market. paint and varnish materials and tools for their use. However, the result of furniture restoration will depend 50% on how well it was prepared for painting.

Illustrations Preparation instructions wooden surfaces to coloring

Freeing from contents and disassembling. To simplify finishing work, unload the cabinet shelves, and then remove the doors.

Seal the cracks. Putty is used to fill cracks and dents in wood. Apply the putty with a spatula along the direction of the crack.

We try to ensure that the thickness of the applied layer does not exceed 2 mm at a time.

Create a rough surface. To ensure better adhesion of wood and primer, the surface of the furniture is treated with medium-grain sandpaper.

Remove grease and dirt. Dampen a piece of thick cloth with solvent and wipe the surface to remove all dirt and sawdust.

Padding. Cover the sanded surface with a layer of deep penetration primer.

What paint to paint the cabinet

When choosing paint, pay attention to the following criteria:

  • Matching the paint to the restored surface. If restoration is required wooden furniture, need wood paint or universal option, suitable for different materials;
  • Texture of the painted surface. Among the range of paints and varnishes there are coatings with glossy, semi-gloss, matte and embossed texture;
  • Consumption. The lower the consumption, the less paint will be used.
Illustrations What to choose?

Alkyd and pentaphthalic enamels. These paints are characterized by good hiding power, glossy or semi-gloss texture. The most common option is PF-115 enamel.

Beware of fakes, as among inexpensive enamels there are many unoriginal low-quality products.

Acrylic enamels. The service life of such coverage is at least 8 years. Disadvantage of acrylic enamels high price in comparison with less expensive alkyd analogues.

Oil paint. Oil paints good at an affordable price. Otherwise, the coating is distinguished by a persistent toxic odor, long drying time and a short service life.

Cabinet Painting Tools

Illustrations Tool and its description

Brushes. When choosing a brush for painting furniture, consider its width and bristle length. The longer the bristles, the easier it will be to spread the paint evenly across the surface of the cabinet.

Rollers. A paint roller allows you to cover a larger area of ​​the surface in one pass than can be done with a brush. Moreover, the roller paints smoothly without any relief.

Spray guns (spray guns). The advantage of a spray gun is a perfectly even layer of coating plus the ability to deal with coloring faster than you can do using a roller.

Wood cabinet painting process

Before starting painting work, wipe the surface of the prepared cabinet with a solvent.

When painting in two or more colors, we use masking tape, with which we cover certain parts of the furniture.

When painting a cabinet with a continuous layer, we try to cover as much of the surface as possible at once. We point the painting tool in one direction, then there will be a greater chance that the coating will lie flat.

When working with oil or alkyd paints, we ventilate the room. When working with acrylic enamels, there is no special need for ventilation, since there is no toxic odor.

Painting a chipboard cabinet (preparation)

Painting furniture made of chipboard and MDF begins with preparatory work, which is determined by the type decorative covering furniture:

  • If the chipboard is covered with glossy vinyl, the surface is sanded with fine sandpaper to ensure adequate adhesion to the primer;
  • If the chipboard is laminated with matte veneer, the surface is simply degreased and primed.

The damaged surface of chipboard furniture is prepared in accordance with the type and degree of damage.

Painting a wooden cabinet made of chipboard

If several days have passed after applying the primer, wipe the furniture with a rag soaked in a solvent. After this, the paint is sprayed in an even layer throughout the cabinet.

After the first layer has completely dried, apply second layer. As a rule, two layers of coating are sufficient for high-quality painting. After the applied layers have dried, a layer of varnish is applied, which, in addition to its decorative function, will serve as a protective reinforcing layer.

It is advisable to varnish any painted surface, no matter what texture is ultimately needed - glossy or matte. To obtain a glossy texture there is a glossy varnish, to obtain a matte texture there is a matte varnish.

Painting kitchen cabinets

Color kitchen cabinets you need it just like other furniture, but there are several features:

  • For ease of restoration, the furniture will have to be moved to a larger room, since the kitchen is typical apartment tight;
  • Kitchen furniture is covered with a layer of fat and soot, so you need to pay attention special attention preparatory work;
  • Kitchen furniture has to be washed frequently, so you need to paint it in several layers to ensure that the coating is resistant to abrasion.

How to artistically paint a closet and create color gradations

Alternating similar or contrasting shades is popular when decorating modern furniture, made in a minimalist style.

Gradation of colors allows you to visually adjust the room. For example, changing the shade from light to dark from bottom to top will make the ceiling visually lower. And vice versa, gradation from dark shades to light ones in the direction from bottom to top will make the ceiling higher.

Spot Painting for Polished Cabinet

The painting on the surface of the cabinet can be detailed with precise drawing of the ornament. But for such decoration you need to be able to draw. If you don’t have any artistic skills, you can do it simpler and, as shown in the photo, apply colored dots with a brush in a random order, so that you end up with an interesting combination that will look harmonious from a distance.

Closet Update Ideas

You can update your closet by completely repainting it. But this is not the easiest solution since all the old coating needs to be removed, and then primer, paint and varnish must be applied. There are simpler options.

Fabric covering

If you don’t want to repaint the furniture or cover it with self-adhesive vinyl, why not use fabric as a decorative covering. Considering the variety of fabrics on sale, it would be wrong to refuse to use such material for decoration.

The cabinet surfaces are coated with a layer of low-penetration adhesive. Then the fabric is stretched and smoothed over the entire surface.

Master class No. 1: painting with a stencil

  • Paint selection. For painting through a stencil, it is preferable to use paints with a semi-liquid and thick consistency. This will prevent bleeding from under the stencil.
  • Selecting Brushes and Rollers. I do not recommend working with a stencil with a brush, as smudges will be inevitable. The best result is guaranteed by using a foam roller or foam swab.
  • Technologies and painting techniques. The stencil is applied to the surface of the cabinet. The swab is dipped into paint. Then the swab is applied with light pressure to the holes in the stencil.

Master class No. 2: updating a chipboard cabinet

Let's look at a simple guide to restoring a bedside cabinet.

Illustrations Step by step guide

Removal of old coating and primer. The lamination layer is removed down to the particle board. The cleaned surface is primed.

Putty and primer. Irregularities on the surface of the cabinet are puttied. After the putty has dried, the surface is sanded and covered with a layer of adhesive primer.

Painting. After the primer has dried, the surface of the furniture is evenly painted using a spray gun. If necessary, paint is applied in two layers.

Master class No. 3: painting a polished cabinet

Painting process. Painting polished furniture is no more difficult than painting a regular cabinet. The secret is that all the gloss from the surface will have to be removed, and only after that start painting work. The remaining stages are standard, namely, applying a primer and applying a paint coating.

Materials and tools. To work with polished surfaces, standard painting tools and standard paints and varnishes are used. An exception is a sander with replaceable abrasive attachments. You can grind a polished surface by hand, but it will take a lot of time, so it is better to use a mechanical tool.

Decoration process. When painting, you don’t have to limit yourself to applying a single-color coating. Using masking tape you can combine several colors and shades. Using stencils, you can apply decorative patterns using interesting combinations shades.

Wallpaper or film. If you don’t want to mess with a painting tool and don’t want to waste time on sanding, cover the cabinet with self-adhesive vinyl or wallpaper. The use of wallpaper can generally be considered as an ideal opportunity to harmoniously fit the wardrobe into the interior of the room.

Let's sum it up

Now you know everything about how to do old wardrobe new. If you have any questions about decorating furniture, ask them in the comments to the article.

With your own hands? In any living space you can find furniture that makes up its interior. Here you can find chairs various shapes tables, chairs, sofas, cabinets. Such furniture is constantly in sight and in addition to its direct functions, it is necessary that it be attractive and decorate the interior of the room.

In this case, the question becomes relevant: how to paint an old cabinet? The article will tell you how to do this.

Tip: Any cabinet with peeling paint can be made beautiful and impressive. Therefore, you should not throw away old models; you can simply repaint them.

Features of old furniture:

  • It has the best quality.
  • Natural materials are used for its production.
  • Furniture items are more reliable and durable.

Cabinets can be made from different materials:

  • Made of wood.
  • From chipboard. This material absorbs less moisture than wood. Therefore, chipboard will take longer to dry, it is much easier to create the desired color on it, and a smaller layer of primer is used compared to wooden products.

When preparing furniture for painting you must:

  • Remove all removable elements:
  1. pens;
  2. loops;
  3. boxes;
  4. doors.

The end result should be a completely clean cabinet frame.

Tip: Preparing and painting furniture should be done in a well-ventilated and thoroughly cleaned area, or even better in a fresh air in the absence of wind.

For preparatory stage For painting you need to prepare:

  • Sandpaper with different grits.
  • Flat brush.
  • Sponge or rag.
  • Use a sponge or rag to remove all dust and dirt from the cabinet.
  • Remains of the previous paint and varnish are removed with sandpaper (see How to remove varnish from wood: methods for performing the work). The process is performed in circular, sweeping movements.
  • First, use coarse sandpaper.
  • The cabinet is completely cleaned of any unevenness, varnish and paint residues. This will allow the new coating to lie on the surface evenly and smoothly.

Tip: When rubbing the surface, you need to make sure that the veneer layer is not erased. Otherwise, you will need to additionally sand the surface to prevent the appearance of irregularities and holes.

  • After treating the cabinet with coarse sandpaper, the surfaces are swept to remove dust with a flat brush.

Tip: Do not clean a cabinet or chest of drawers from dust with a rag. Thus, it will not be possible to get rid of it completely, but you can drive the remaining dust into the surface itself, which will subsequently affect the quality of the cabinet’s painting.

  • Areas not treated with coarse sandpaper are treated with fine grain paper.
  • The cabinet is brushed again to remove dust.
  • The room in which the work is performed is thoroughly cleaned and free of dust. A dusty room will deteriorate the quality of painting.

What paint is used for the cabinet

Of all types of paint, it is better to give preference to acrylic paints.

Its advantages:

  • Bright color.
  • It has virtually no smell.
  • It is quite easily diluted with water to obtain the desired color.
  • This paint washes off quite easily, which allows you to correct errors when applying the coating.
  • The water evaporates after the paint dries, and the coating becomes more durable.

It is not necessary to paint the cabinet one color.

In this case, you can experiment, for example, use two colors:

  • Beige for the base.
  • For details - a brighter color.

If you want to choose a different color or shade, you can use white acrylic paint, and then add the desired color to it. When choosing the desired shade, you can check its appearance on small area furniture. Thus, the color that suits best is determined and its saturation is selected.

How to reprime a cabinet

Before high-quality painting of a cabinet with your own hands, its surfaces must be re-primed.

In this case:

  • The primer will prevent the surfaces from absorbing moisture, which will facilitate proper drying.
  • The desired color will not be lost. After applying paint to a surface without a primer, after drying the color may change slightly due to the absorption of some of it into the material.

It is best to use an acrylic-based primer. The components of this primer interact perfectly with the selected acrylic paint. Treating the surface with an acrylic primer is quite simple; the instructions for its use will help with this.

When using primer:

  • It must dry completely.
  • It is necessary to make correct calculations of the surface areas to be processed, which will allow you to purchase the required volume of material.
  • The cabinet is primed with a roller, in a fairly thin layer.
  • The cabinet is left to dry completely.

How to paint a cabinet

Before repainting an old varnished cabinet, you need to purchase the following tools:

  • Brush.
  • Roller.

When choosing a tool, you should take into account the owner’s preferences and skills, but it is more convenient to use a brush. The latter is more reliable and practical to use.

Benefits of the brush:

  • The paint is applied over the entire surface in an even, uniform layer.
  • It can be used to conveniently paint hard-to-reach places.

Tip: When choosing brushes and rollers for painting, preference should be given only to high-quality tools. Otherwise, fluff will remain on the surface to be painted, falling out of a low-quality brush. Brushes should be chosen different sizes, which will make the work easier.

Cabinet painting technology includes:

  • The application of the first layer is carried out with paint over light color than the selected one.
  • Its composition must be liquid.
  • When the paint hardens, it is diluted with water.
  • The surface may take on a different color, depending on the number of layers applied:
  1. with one thin layer, the structure of the wood is visible, this is well suited for Provence style;
  2. a thicker layer is obtained after applying several layers of paint.
  • Each layer is applied only after the previous one has dried.
  • In this case, strokes are applied only in one direction, then you get a uniform color and an original structure.

Tip: When using two or more colors, the borders between them should be sealed with masking tape, which will prevent colors from mixing.

  • After a few days, a thin layer of matte clear varnish is applied to the cabinet. It will better protect the painted surface from possible damage.
  • After the varnish has dried, all previously removed parts are attached to the cabinet.

Thus, you can transform an old cabinet into a fashionable and original piece of furniture, as the video in this article demonstrates well.

How to age a closet

By simply painting an old cabinet, it takes on a completely featureless appearance, just freshly repainted old item furniture that can be used on the balcony or in the garage. But it can also become a stylish rarity that will resemble ancient times, a true interior decoration.

Tip: Only matte shades should be used for painting. For the effect of antiquity, gloss is absolutely not suitable.

Before painting an antique cabinet, the surface is primed with a special primer or primer, which will prevent wood oils from penetrating the finished surface and will promote better adhesion of the paint to the wooden base.

To complete the work you will need the following tools:

  • Tassels good quality, different sizes.
  • Roller.
  • Foam rubber.
  • Aerosol.

Coating technology:

  • Painting begins on the inconspicuous side of the cabinet, which will allow you to fill your hand and determine how much paint to take on a brush or roller, and, if necessary, change the shade of the paint.
  • The front wall of the cabinet is painted.
  • The second layer is applied after the first one dries, about three hours.

“Aging” of the surface can be done in several ways:

  • By "wrapping" or "scraping". To do this:
  1. paint is applied;
  2. the coating dries;
  3. rub with sandpaper places where furniture wear is typical, for example, on handles, in corners. You can scrub it down to the primer or to the wood.
  • “The effect of the old coating showing through.” In this case, the product is painted in two layers: paint of a different color is applied with a dry brush in the required places. In this case, the movements should be light, almost airy. This technique is called “dry brushing”.
  • “The effect of a contaminated surface over time”. This effect can be achieved by unevenly coating dark wax in places where the cabinet is touched by a person’s hand.
  • An original and attractive technique is to apply several layers of paint on top of each other.. For example:
  1. green paint is applied to the cleaned and pre-primed surface;
  2. the next layer is bronze or gold;
  3. the final layer is also green.

After the paint has dried, take coarse sandpaper and wipe the surface of the cabinet with it. In this case, one paint should be visible through the other. After this, the surface is wiped with finer sandpaper.

After obtaining a certain result, a thin layer of white is applied to the surface, which is diluted with water. The final operation is to coat the cabinet with a craquelure varnish composition.

How to protect the coating

The paint on the cabinet can be protected with a special wax that is used for wood. Apply wax to the surface with an ordinary clean cloth, as in the photo, or a foam sponge. Rub thoroughly and leave for fifteen minutes until dry.

There are two types of wax:

  • Dark. The composition gets into the recesses, pits, and various cutouts, which gives the cabinet an inimitable antique effect. If you cover the entire surface with it instead of transparent, the cabinet will become a darker shade.
  • Transparent. This coating does not change the color of the product.

Tip: Waxing should be applied after matte acrylic varnish used on wooden surfaces.

It is best to refinish furniture with varnish every six months. An updated and beautifully painted wardrobe will add newness and coziness to the interior of the room.

Many of us wonder whether it is possible to paint antique furniture. After all, most city dwellers have an unnecessary closet or chest of drawers, which it would be a pity to throw away, but they also don’t want to leave it, because it looks frankly out of place in the apartment.

Painting the cabinet

If you want to rejuvenate your decor, but don't know how to paint an old cabinet with your own hands, we will provide step by step instructions all upcoming operations.

In general terms, the work to be done is as follows:

  1. We remove handles and other fittings from furniture, remove drawers, mirrors, hooks, etc.

  1. Then we disassemble the cabinet itself, if possible, to the very foundation.
  2. And finally, let's paint the cabinet.


Let's take a closer look at how to repaint an old lacquered cabinet.

The first thing to do is inspect it carefully.

  • If there was an old varnish layer on its surface, then the polishing can be removed either with a special solution, or with acetone or turpentine, taking all precautions.

  • If the furniture has been painted before, then sand the surface until a wooden base appears. This, of course, is a rather painstaking and time-consuming process. Wood must be processed very carefully so as not to disturb its fibers and structure.
  • With an unpainted cabinet, everything is much simpler - use sandpaper to remove the top layer, on which grease and dirt have accumulated over the years. If the surface is very dirty, you can simply wash it soap solution. If there were cracks on the furniture, then it is advisable to cover them with putty using. And after drying, sand it down.

If you want to transform your interior into classic style, then for this you need to know how to paint an antique cabinet:

  • You can use special chalk paints. They have a large palette of shades, both blurred and faded.
  • We can recommend the brands “Autentico” or “AnniSloan”. If you can’t find them, you can experiment with regular paints on water based, for example, for .

Antique AnniSloan paint

Aging the wardrobe

We suggest you use the so-called “aging” - a deliberate emphasis on the “antiquity” of an object, deliberately emphasizing the duration of its use. Why “age” an already old thing?

If you simply paint an old cabinet, you will end up with a completely faceless, freshly repainted old piece of furniture that belongs in the garage or on the balcony. But a stylish rarity, which emanates from antiquity, can become a true decoration of the interior.

Advice. We use only matte shades.
Gloss is in no way suitable for the effect of antiquity.

Before starting “aging”, prime the surface with a special primer (primer). It will prevent the penetration of wood oils onto the finished surface, and will also promote good adhesion of the paint and the wooden base.

What you use to paint an old cabinet also plays an important role – I mean the tool.

You can paint the surface:

  • With a brush. Try to choose good and high-quality brushes; it is advisable to buy brushes of different sizes.
  • Roller
  • Foam rubber
  • Aerosol

Painting an old cabinet with your own hands - process labor-intensive, but you can get complete satisfaction when you see the end result of your work.

Below - detailed instructions how this can be done.

  • It’s better to start painting from an inconspicuous side of the cabinet in order to get your hands on a little and feel how much paint to take on a roller or brush, and maybe change the shade of paint a little if you don’t like it (it’s possible to combine colors, for example, to highlight some decorative parts different color).
  • Then you can move to the front wall of the cabinet, where everything will be visible to the naked eye. The second layer, if necessary, is applied after the first layer has completely dried. Drying time depends on many factors and is approximately two to three hours.

Paint and protect the surface

Aging can be done in several ways:

  1. The first method is called “worn or shabby.” It consists in the following. We apply the paint, let it dry, then sand it with three sandpapers in places where furniture wear is typical, for example, on corners or handles, etc. You can scrub down to the primer or to the wood itself.
  2. The second method is called the "bleed-through effect" old paint" Here you will need to paint the product in two layers. Apply paint of a different color with a dry brush in the right places. We do this with light, almost airy movements. This technique is called “dry brush”.

  1. Another antique technique is called the “effect of a surface contaminated by time.” To achieve this effect, apply dark wax unevenly in places where the furniture is touched by a person’s hand.

  1. A good and original technique is “the effect of several layers of paint applied on top of each other.” For example, let's apply green paint to a cleaned and primed surface. The next layer can be applied either bronze or gold. And, for example, the final layer can also be applied green.

After the paint has dried, take some coarse sandpaper and scrub the surface of the cabinet. One paint should show through the other. Then use finer sandpaper.

Having obtained a certain result, apply a thin layer of white diluted with water to the surface. Then cover with a craquelure varnishing composition. Now you can admire the result and make a photon memory. And by watching the video in this article, you can learn something interesting for yourself.

Protection coating

  1. We protect the paint with special wax for wood.
    It is usually sold in two types - dark or transparent.
    • We apply it with an ordinary clean rag or foam sponge. Rub it and wait about fifteen minutes until it dries.
    • Transparent wax does not change the color of the product, but dark wax gets into recesses, holes, cutouts and gives an inimitable antique effect.
    • If the entire surface is covered with dark wax instead of transparent, then the cabinet will take on a darker shade.

Tip: Waxing requires the application of matte acrylic varnish.
Such updating with varnish can be carried out once every six months.


Now you know how to paint an old cabinet with your own hands. The main thing is to want it the right way! And the new direction that you have become acquainted with is called upcycling - the reconstruction of old things. The price of such beauty can vary, it all depends on what material was used in the restoration.

Every home has furniture , which is of paramount importance in the interior of the room. Wherever she stands, whatever she is - a closet, a chair, a table, a soft corner, she stands in plain sight of everyone. In addition to the main purpose of furniture must be nice view, and it can serve as a decoration for the room.

Metamorphosis in white- This is a great way to extend the life of old interior items.

Unfortunately, it never happens that your favorite item furniture For a long time it remained as if it had been brought from a store. Over time, any thing loses its former attractiveness and ages. Needs regular repairs and renovations furniture . The chipboard cabinet has turned into junk; this cannot be an excuse to take it to the landfill. It can be easily updated, you just need to paint it. At good care old furniture will last for many, many years, because it is much stronger than modern ones.

And the budget will not be affected, since the expenses will be insignificant if you were buying a new cabinet.

The one who decided to paint furniture yourself, I’m sure you’ve wondered how to do it correctly. Interior items made from chipboard absorb moisture to a lesser extent than wood. It will take a long time for them to dry.

Chipboard will need less primer than wood.

So how to paint a cabinet ? What paint should I use? The best option would be to use water-based alkyd or acrylic paint. It has many advantages - it has a juicy shade, no odor, which has great value, when you work indoors, it is easily diluted with water. It is easy enough to wash off to correct inaccuracies during painting. Working with her is a pleasure. Once the paint dries, it will become stronger. Keep this in mind as you layer. Regular wood paint or spray paint will also work.

There is a wide variety of acrylic paints with a metallic or pearlescent effect.

To thoroughly paint, use varnishes. They will give the furniture an antique effect. She will look great. The surface must be painted in several layers, first allowing each layer to dry. This is not their only property.

Varnishes help fix the color and protect against minor defects.

You can paint the cabinet in different colors, such as a light base and multi-colored details. For the desired color in white paint add tone. When decorating a children's room, use all your imagination. Having decided what shade you need, apply paint to a small area. furniture , so you will understand what color paint you will need and what its brightness will be.

Each manufacturer produces the appropriate primer for their paint, and it is better to use this particular primer.

Required materials and tools

Before you start painting, you need to stock up necessary materials: construction tape; napkins or rags or sponges; sandpaper different grain sizes to remove the previous layer of paint; degreasing agent; primer; putty (car putty is quite suitable); solvent or white spirit - will remove remnants of the previous paint; glue; dye; varnish; gloves, for painting it is better to take rubber ones.

Materials and tools for work.

Tools you will need: stationery and carpenter's knives; a construction hair dryer to dry the painted surface; flat brush – it’s better not to skimp on brushes, buy high-quality ones so that no lint remains on the surface; roller; spatula; screwdrivers; hammer; nails; drill.

You need to remove the fittings from the furniture, take out the shelves, remove the doors. Then get to work.

Seal the cracks

The appearance of cracks on objects furniture made of chipboard, as a rule, promotes the ingress of moisture, they are also formed due to exposure to heat or frequent opening and closing of doors without holding them, slamming doors. You can remove this defect yourself without resorting to outside help.

To work you will need a syringe with a needle, clamps, and PVA glue.

Fill the syringe with PVA glue and put on the needle. We fill the entire gap of the crack with glue. We attach a clamp to the plane from the side where the crack appeared and tighten it. Remove excess glue with a napkin. Leave for a day or two. After time has passed, we continue restoration work.

You can get rid of cracks using putty.

Apply the mixture to the surface with a spatula in two layers. We distribute the first layer equally evenly on the surface. We wait for it to dry, apply a second layer of putty, and also let it dry.

Create a rough surface

Before painting, you need to remove the old layer of paint. We will do it with the help sandpaper , after wiping the surface with a rag or sponge. Sand with circular, wide movements. First we clean sandpaper coarse grain. We carry out the work carefully, thoroughly removing the old coating . Be careful not to wear off the veneer layer.

After the procedure, remove the dust with a flat brush; the dust will not be completely removed from the rag and may get stuck in the surface or crevices. This may affect the paint job.

We clean again, but this time sandpaper fine grain. We remove dust in the same way. Upon completion of this stage of restoration, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the room.

This is necessary to prevent dirt from getting onto the surface to be painted in the future.

Remove grease and dirt

Chipboard furniture must be cleaned of dirt and grease before painting. For this procedure, fat-dissolving agents are used.

Wash with a sponge or soft cloth, rinse, let dry, wipe with a napkin.

The primer is the main character

Primer is an important part in the furniture restoration process; with its help you will paint your cabinet with high quality. It will also help the paint dry quickly, as it does not allow moisture to be absorbed into the surface. On a positive note is also the fact that after priming, the color saturation of the paint will remain the same as when painting.

If you choose acrylic paint for painting, then you need to use an acrylic-based primer.

The painting will be of very good quality, because the elements of the materials for painting are perfectly combined with each other. Before priming, it is important to read the instruction manual and find out how long it takes for the primer to dry, since you only need to paint a dry surface.

Apply it with a roller in a very thin layer, leave it for the time specified in the instructions.

Technology of applying paint and varnish to furniture

After the above preparations, we proceed directly to painting.There should be several layers, so the structure of the plane will not be visible. First, paint a tone lighter than the chosen color.

The paint needs to be diluted with water from time to time, otherwise it may thicken.

Then we work with the main color, moving the brush in one direction, so the paint applies evenly.

The number of layers is determined visually to achieve the desired effect.

If you are painting with multiple colors, use masking tape on the edges to prevent the colors from mixing. It takes some time for the furniture to dry completely - about 2-3 days. After we cover the surface with transparent varnish, this will protect it from external influences.

When the work is completed, we assemble the cabinet elements.

Applying paint or varnish is necessary not only for beauty, but also to prevent the release of hazardous substances, in particular formaldehyde. If you have children at home, it is of great importance to you that finishing materials were odorless, use water-based acrylic varnishes.

After painting, your furniture will not only change appearance, it will become the highlight of the interior.

Another acceptable option is NC varnish. Dries instantly, dust deposits are not noticeable on it. It is better to apply it in two layers. If the furniture already has a certain coating , it would be ideal to use oil varnish PF-283.

The cladding will become strong and durable and will last for a very long time.

Do you want coverage was tinted, use alkyd varnish with tinting, especially since color palette quite varied. To add shine, use yacht varnish, the furniture will look simply perfect.

A good means of protection, also decorative finishing Wood surfaces are covered with yacht varnish.

Of course, preparing furniture for painting takes a lot of time. If you ignore them, there may not be the desired effect, but coating applied to furniture will quickly fall off. You need to do everything according to the rules. Updating outdated furniture is not as difficult as it may seem.

A little imagination and patience, and a luxurious piece of furniture will appear in your home.

How to artistically paint a closet and create color gradations

Painting is widespread nowadays. People want their apartment or house to be unique, without monotony. And many furniture manufacturers are trying to release products specifically without any embellishment, so that everyone can decorate it themselves. Many people approach this process differently - they use original style or decorated with copies of famous paintings.

You can add uniqueness to absolutely any furniture, be it a chest of drawers, a bedside table, a wardrobe, a table, a chair, an armchair, or change the appearance of the room so that no one recognizes the old furniture in the new interior.

Artistic painting is an exciting thing; furniture will sparkle in a new way. If you love and know how to draw, it won’t be difficult to make a real work of art out of an ordinary closet, using all your imagination.For creative work worth using acrylic paints. The image must be applied to the base. The main thing is that the theme of the drawing is in complete harmony with the interior. The flora and various patterns will look unique. Furniture painted with craquelure looks very unusual.

Cracks will give the piece of furniture a very old look.

If the closet has many drawers, would be better suited gradation A transition is made between shades of the same color or you can use different colors. For example, you make a gradual transition from green to yellow, or from lilac to pink or blue. To ensure a transition without sharp boundaries, you should add a colored pigment to the paint each time. You can draw a rainbow or anything else you like.

The gradation will look especially original in a children's room.

Now there are many ways to alternate colors, all of them are quite worthy of attention. You can use any of them you like. Don't be afraid, create! You just have to want it, and everything will work out.

VIDEO: Giving new life to an old closet.

Options for updating old cabinets - 50 photo ideas:

Sometimes it’s not necessary to throw out your old closet. If the owner has taste, then the item can be given as a gift new life. And what satisfaction does restored furniture give? with my own hands! For it to truly become a source of pride, you should carefully study how to paint chipboard furniture at home. This knowledge will help you inexpensively refresh the appearance of a table, bedside table, living room wall, bed, chest of drawers or stool. The tips in this article are universal for any objects made of particleboard.

Chipboard is a material that perfectly replaces wood. Knowing its properties will help explain how to paint chipboard furniture. So here they are:

  1. Strength - when external forces act on the chipboard, tension arises inside it, counteracting the process of destruction. The limit of this property in tension is up to 0.5 MPa, in bending – up to 25 MPa. The strength of the material is due to the uniformity of its structure;
  2. Ease of processing - despite its significant density, chipboard lends itself perfectly to cutting, milling, sanding, gluing and painting;
  3. Moisture content – ​​even after drying, chipboard retains an average of 8% moisture. So the right color can seal out moisture and extend the life of the slabs;
  4. Moisture resistance is slightly lower than wood slabs, but high-quality slabs can easily withstand the humid air of bathrooms. This quality also depends on what material they are lined with. Best performance moisture resistance of plastic-coated chipboard;
  5. Fire resistance - particle boards are able to restrain the spread of fire and maintain basic qualities in the event of a fire. To increase fire resistance, this material is impregnated with compounds containing fire retardants. Good non-flammable paint can also enhance this property of the material.

How to choose the right paint materials

Chipboard works well with acrylic and latex paints, as well as alkyd enamels.

Acrylic paints have significant advantages:

  • Non-toxic, they can be applied directly in the apartment;
  • The acrylic composition is based on water, so it can be diluted to the desired consistency;
  • Convenience: sloppy strokes of this paint can be removed with a wet rag;
  • Fast drying. Thin layers dry in a few minutes, and thick ones in two hours;
  • A rich palette of rich, bright colors;
  • The coating is water-permeable and vapor-proof. Its color does not fade or fade under the rays of the sun.

Acrylic paints that have proven themselves are called Olimp, Helle, Triora, Parade and Ceresit. Latex paints are water-dispersion enamels. They are good because they do not contain harmful substances and create a durable, wear-resistant layer on the furniture. The disadvantage of latex compounds is their inability to resist microorganisms. In wet areas Mold forms on the painted surface. The most popular latex paints are KABE, DALI, Sniezka.

Alkyd enamels are resistant to moisture, and therefore can be used for kitchens and bathrooms. Their disadvantage is that they contain a toxic organic solvent. This paint should be applied with caution. Alkyd materials lay flat, do not create gaps and dry quickly. Paint furniture from Chipboard is better all with Tikkurila Miranol paint.

As for the choice of paint color, you need to be guided by the requirements of the interior style. To give furniture an effect natural wood You can use varnish with a warm tint.

Any of the above products are suitable for restoring chipboard surfaces, but for the sake of your own safety, you should avoid compounds containing lead.



Necessary means at hand

For the furniture restoration process, in addition to paint and varnish materials, you will need:

  • Rubber gloves;
  • Sanding paper (emery cloth);
  • Solvent for removing old coating;
  • Degreaser-detergent;
  • Flannel rags;
  • Construction tape;
  • Glue;
  • Acrylic putty;
  • Acrylic primer.

The last 2 materials are necessary to prepare surfaces for painting. Working on the principle of adhesion, priming creates a reliable basis for the subsequent process. Construction tape helps when several colors are used in painting. It prevents them from being accidentally mixed. With this “helper” you can even draw ornaments or geometric shapes.

Basic tools:

  • Brushes and rollers;
  • Spatula;
  • Screwdrivers;
  • Knives;
  • Construction hair dryer.

It is convenient to paint furniture with aerosol cans. In this case, there is no need to use a pallet, rollers and brushes. In this case, it is better to enclose the object to be painted with a film like an awning.

It is important to purchase high-quality brushes, otherwise fallen hairs will spoil the work by remaining on the painted surface. For priming you will need a thin roller. It also needs to be checked carefully. Quality tool It has firmly fixed foam rubber and a stable handle. In addition, you will need newspapers, plastic bags and cardboard bedding to keep the work area clean.

Basic processes

No matter how much your hands itch to begin the wonderful process of transformation as soon as possible, you cannot immediately grab your brush. Otherwise new paint will peel off quickly. Painting chipboard furniture needs to be approached thoroughly and, like all significant projects, divided into stages. The more carefully you highlight them, the better the final result will be.

Before repainting furniture, you need to carry out preparatory work. It is more comfortable to carry out any processing of furniture if you first disassemble the item into parts. Therefore, you first need to dismantle all the fittings (handles, rollers, corners), then remove the doors (at the cabinet), remove the drawers (at the chest of drawers), remove the legs (at the table). The item to be painted should be disassembled as much as possible. Metal parts can also be updated. To do this, they need to be kept in white vinegar for 24 hours. The substance dissolves rust. After this, the fittings can be repainted anti-corrosion paint Zinga.

A. Removal of obsolete coating

Removing the old coating is painstaking, slow work and the most difficult stage of furniture restoration. There are two ways to implement this idea:

  • Thermal - it is used construction hair dryer, heating the old coating until it melts. Softened paint and varnish can be easily removed with a spatula. Instead of a hairdryer, you can use a torch or iron through foil. This method especially good for old paint. When heated, it forms bubbles and is easier to remove. It is also ideal for flooring, since after removing the old layer it can be painted immediately, without waiting for it to dry, which reduces repair time;
  • Chemical (the most effective) - special reagents are used here. They dissolve the resins contained in the paint, and it is removed with a scraper. The products are divided into volatile organic solvents and removers. The latter are pasty or liquid substances based on acids, alkalis or organic solvents.



The algorithm of actions for chemical paint removal is as follows:

  1. The product is applied to a long-painted surface with a roller or nylon brush in one direction;
  2. It is kept on the coating for a certain time specified in the instructions for the remover;
  3. The softened coating is removed with a stainless steel brush;
  4. The procedure is repeated if the coating consists of several layers.

After removing the paint, sanding the surface is required. It gives smoothness, which will make subsequent painting easier. Removal of old layers should be completed by degreasing the surface using a detergent.

Apply the remover

Remove with a spatula

Sanding with sandpaper

B. Primer and sanding

After the furniture has dried, you need to check it for traces of accidental mechanical damage. If there are any, it is advisable to seal them with a special mixture. It is easy to prepare: you need to mix PVA glue with small wood shavings. Chipboard putty is also suitable for smoothing out uneven surfaces. Next, you need to wait until the putty hardens and sand the surface again, first with coarse-grained and then fine-grained sandpaper. The movements should be sweeping, and it is necessary to move along the fibers of the chipboard. The resulting dust should be brushed off with a flat brush.

Next comes the primer. This process ensures excellent adhesion (cohesion) of dissimilar layers, guarantees uniform distribution of paint over the entire surface and reduces its consumption by three times. To avoid rotting of the material, a hydrophobic additive can be added to the primer. It will prevent the appearance of fungus and mold and preserve the appearance of the restored product for a long time.

The primer should be applied with a roller or brush, trying to completely saturate the surface to be treated. One layer is quite enough. In this case, the air temperature in the room should be more than 5°C. The primer layer on the surface of the product will dry completely within a day. Then you can start painting.

Apply putty

Process with sandpaper

Apply primer

B. Painting technology

It is advisable to place the object being processed horizontally. This will eliminate the possibility of drips. It is recommended to paint vertically located objects from top to bottom. Only unidirectional brush or roller strokes will result in an even finish. If the paint is aerosol, then before starting you need to shake the can for half a minute. It is better to apply paint from a distance of 23 centimeters.

First the background layer is applied. After it dries, after 30 minutes, the next one falls on it. There should be three layers in total. Hard to reach places (internal corners, joints, convexities, concavities) are best treated with a radiator brush with a curved handle. Paints (especially acrylics) inevitably wear off over time. Three coats of top coat varnish will provide excellent protection against this. The varnish should be applied with a sponge, using the “stamp” principle, but not by “smearing”.

Laminate flooring can also be painted. To paint such material, the following sequence of steps is used:

  • Washing away dirt and degreasing - products that break down fat will help with this. After the main wash, you need to wipe the laminate clean water and wipe it with a dry cloth;
  • Transforming a smooth coating into a rough one - to do this, you need to treat the surface with the finest-grained sandpaper. This is important for creating adhesion;
  • Primer – a polyurethane based primer is suitable. Allow 12 hours for the layer to dry;
  • Leveling cracks - latex putty can handle this;
  • Re-priming and drying;
  • Painting – laminated chipboard flooring is ideally suited to alkyd enamel. It is also suitable for laminate;
  • Varnishing – varnish (anti-slip) is applied with a wide brush in three layers.

How to paint chipboard furniture at home is a relevant question for creative people. This is a more interesting and profitable process than purchasing new furniture. In order for the result to be excellent, you need to clearly know how to paint chipboard. Choose suitable option and go for it!