The best paint for plastic in cans. Paint for plastic. New unprimed part

We don’t know about you, but we at the editorial office want to spend good summer evenings on the lawn near our house. Imagine how great it is to sit in a garden or country house with a drink in your hand and look at nature... Only you are sure that you have beautiful place, where to sit? Lots of people have these cheap ones. plastic chairs. Before you get rid of them, you can try to fix them! Who knew you could spray paint and have chairs looking beautiful in about an hour? It took about an hour to completely make 6 chairs. So here's how it went:

  • We need spray paint that says it's suitable for plastic. You choose the shade yourself, to your taste, of course. Consumption is approximately 1 can per 1 chair. In the example, Painter's Touch paint was used in the Côte d'Azur and Green Apple colors. If the chair has minor defects, you can choose paint with a hammer effect, this will slightly update the surface.

Don't worry too much about shine. 2 were used here different coatings: gloss and satin - but the surface turned out to be approximately the same. So just choose the paint according to its shade.

How to paint plastic chairs

Clean them up: In the example, the chairs were simply washed with a hose under low pressure. If you have the opportunity to wash them in the bathroom with dishwashing detergent, it won’t be superfluous.

Dry them: We let the chairs dry completely in the sun.

Prepare your surroundings: I don't like to clean up after myself after a project, so I try to avoid getting dirty beforehand. It is better to paint directly on the lawn (before mowing, because traces will still remain) or line the balcony/veranda with newspapers, protective film or old rags.

Paint them: Apply a thin coat of paint to each chair. Hold the can at a distance of about 25 centimeters from the surface of the chair and do not let the can direct the paint to one point for a long time. It must be constantly moved while spraying. Don't worry about full coverage during the first coat of paint.

  • Advice. It is better to start with the part of the chair that is hidden from view to practice on it. But you don't have to paint the bottom at all.

Second layer: The first coat should be allowed to dry for 30 minutes before applying the second coat. (I believe the instructions say to wait a little longer, but we're all impatient here).

Final coating: You may have a few spots or uneven spots here and there, and the second coat is the time to touch it up. Paint the chair, then walk around it and inspect it from all sides to make sure all visible parts are painted.

Let them dry COMPLETELY.: The only thing worse than the original dull color is smudged paint. So I let them dry for the rest of the day and then waited a couple of days before letting anyone sit on the freshly painted chair.

This is what the chairs looked like after a year. The green paint had faded (this was in Southern California and these chairs were exposed to the sun a lot).

In response to the question, “Can plastic outdoor furniture be painted?” We answer “Yes!” It works and is considered a great way to freshen up your backyard.

Automotive plastics quite often require painting, be it an interior element, a bumper or external body kits. This is due to many reasons. It happens that a car manufacturer, even a premium one, does not pay enough attention to the aesthetics of plastic interior parts, covering them insufficiently (or not at all) with varnish. But most often the reason for their loss is appearance are operating flaws.

To restore aesthetics, such a part needs to be painted.

Features of painting car interior plastic

At first glance, painting car interior parts made of plastic looks like a simple task. There are certain nuances in this process that you need to know in order to get a high-quality and beautiful coating and get rid of defects.

Painting plastic parts in a car requires careful preparation.

Painting plastic is a multi-stage process that has the following features:

  • first of all, it is necessary to dismantle the required part without breaking off the latches and without losing its small parts;
  • Before painting the plastic elements of the interior trim, they must be degreased and cleaned of remnants of factory varnish and paint;
  • tinting of paints with the selection of the desired shade is carried out at least an hour before their application;
  • for better adhesion, priming and painting of parts is done in layers with the previous layer completely dry;
  • When using polyurethane water-based paint, a hardener must be added to it.

Some plastics used for the manufacture of car interior elements do not need to be primed. This is determined by a simple test. You need to place a piece of such material, cleared of paint, into water. How to paint chairs with white paint in Provence style video?

If it sinks, you can do without a primer, but when it remains afloat, primer must be applied.

How to paint interior plastic, painting plastic from a spray can

Attention! When painting plastic parts of a car interior, a variety of tools can be used, including a brush, a pneumatic spray gun, or an aerosol can of paint. The main thing is that the paint is applied in a thin layer, no thicker than 60 microns.

A thicker layer of paintwork will take longer to dry, and the quality of the paint may noticeably deteriorate.

When painting, spray paint for plastic is best; some parts are more convenient to paint with a brush.

The following types of paints and varnishes are used to perform painting work:

  • a special primer for plastic, which is called a primer or adhesive primer - its purpose is to ensure reliable adhesion of the paintwork to the plastic;
  • filler primer or secondary, acrylic primer;
  • dye;
  • clear acrylic varnish.

Most often painting plastic products perform the following types colors:

  • acrylic;
  • polyurethane enamels;
  • powder paints (used for thermoplastics - polyamide, polyethylene, polypropylene and polyurethane);
  • polymer coatings such as liquid plastic;
  • nitroenamel in an aerosol can.

When using a can of nitro enamel to paint interior parts of a car, you need to take into account the aggressiveness of the solvent included in its composition. Therefore, the paint should be applied in a thin layer, having previously treated and primed the surface.

Do-it-yourself painting of plastic can be done using a brush or an aerosol can.

Painting plastic with chrome

Recently, it has become fashionable among car owners to repaint plastic interior elements to look chrome. Basically, this painting is not much different from the usual one. What paint to paint a wooden floor plinth?

This especially applies to the surface preparation process. There are two methods of “chrome plating”. The first of them involves performing the following sequential steps:

  • applying black paint;
  • polishing the painted product after drying to a mirror finish;
  • wiping the polished surface with special alcohol;
  • heating the painted part with a construction hairdryer;
  • chromium spraying;
  • polishing after drying.

Important! Chrome plating is done with a spray gun using a small amount of paint applied under high pressure.

The second method involves initially using a regular varnish coating. After 15 minutes of drying you need to:

  • perform polishing;
  • apply several thin layers of chrome with a spray gun;
  • Dry the part thoroughly in a special chamber at a temperature of about 600 C.

Today there are also various ways painting car plastic like wood and metal, aluminum and gold, crocodile and snakeskin.

Do-it-yourself painting of plastic car parts

In order to carry out high-quality painting of plastic parts of a car interior, you need to adhere to a certain algorithm of actions, and first of all, correctly prepare the surface for painting. To do this you need:

  • Remove the part and, before degreasing, rinse it thoroughly, inspecting it for cracks and other defects.
  • Using solvent or white spirit, remove grease and oil stains, as well as other contaminants.
  • Treat the surface with an antistatic agent to static electricity did not attract dust.
  • If there are defects, you need to eliminate them with a special putty for plastic and give the surface time to dry.
  • Sand all rough spots with sandpaper. In this case, you need to sand “wet”, using abrasive P300 or P400.
  • Rinse, dry thoroughly and degrease the product again.

Painting plastic parts of a car with your own hands is a matter for the patient; you must strictly follow the technology

  • Apply a thin layer of adhesive primer and 1-2 layers of acrylic primer with an interval of 10-15 minutes for each layer to dry. If you want to get a structural surface, use a texture primer in the last layer.
  • After the primer has dried, clean the primer with abrasive sandpaper P400–P500.

The surface is completely ready for painting. At home, if you don’t have a spray gun, you can use a can of aerosol paint or an ordinary brush. The paint is applied in 2-3 layers with an interval of 15-25 minutes, and the parts are allowed to dry thoroughly.

Only after this can the surface be varnished and polished with a special paste.

Additional information:

In addition, time also affects the plastic of the interior; scratches, worn places appear, and sometimes cracks and small dents appear. Polishes cannot help restore the original appearance plastic panel. Therefore, painting will be the optimal solution.

But, many questions arise regarding how to paint plastic in a car interior, and whether it is possible to do it yourself. In this case, the main task is safety and proper adherence to painting technology.

When disassembling plastic parts, never use steel screwdrivers. There are special polyurethane blades for this. What paint to paint the ceiling and walls in the kitchen?

At the slightest contact, the hard metal will bend the edges soft plastic. And it will be very difficult to return to its previous form.

Since the interior plastic for each car model can be of different quality, it is difficult to determine which primer is most suitable for it. Only reasonable solution will be purchasing paint and primer from the same manufacturer. This at least guarantees good adhesion of these components to each other.

  • For red cars, red is a good color for the interior plastic inserts.
  • On blue cars: individual parts of the interior can be painted in the same color as the body, blue with a mixture of purple, violet or orange.
  • On black cars: universal colors, red, blue (light blue), purple, orange and pink (for girls).
  • You should not choose a color that is too light (especially white) for painting interior parts, as it will be too easily soiled.

In order for the car to become beautiful again, you must apply the purchased materials efficiently and without errors during the work process. Otherwise, the paint will run off, will not dry, or will be very different in color. Remember also that when painting local plastic parts you will have to use the transition painting method. This is not possible using a spray can; professional equipment will be required.

Interior plastic paint is sold not only in aerosol form, but this is the most convenient way to use it.

One of the important preliminary procedures is the careful removal of the necessary components from the interior and the outer plane of the body. The difficulty is that the options for attaching them are individual for each model, and in some cases a special tool may be needed. For example, in order to remove the dashboard on some cars, you cannot do without a pin of a special configuration.

Instructions for painting automotive plastic

1 First, we need to degrease the plastic surface that we are going to paint. To do this, we will use a regular solvent; it removes grease, oil stains, and dirt well; 2 If you want to be sure that your plastic part will not attract dust and small lint, which can greatly spoil the result of painting, treat the surface with an antistatic agent, which is usually sold along with varnishes and paints; 3 If you are working with a new part, proceed to step 6. If you are repairing or repainting an old part that has chips, cracks or other surface defects, first apply a special plastic putty; 4 Next, treat the surface with moisture-resistant sandpaper (300-400) all the unevenness, and the rubbing process should be carried out with water - this will eliminate cracks and crevices; 5 After sanding, we must dry the part thoroughly and degrease it again; 6 The next step is to prime the surface in 2-3 layers, for better adhesion of materials when painting. Primer can be used as one- or two-component, in different colors; 7 After the primer has dried, prepare the surface for final painting. To do this, matte the surface for painting with fine abrasive sandpaper (400-500); 8 Acrylic paint, regular or with the addition of plasticizer, is ideal for painting plastic. Apply paint in 2-3 layers using a spray gun or aerosol can, allowing each layer to dry thoroughly before applying the next layer; 9 If we used metallic paint for painting, then after painting we can apply acrylic varnish to protect the painted surface; 10 After our plastic part has completely dried, to achieve a perfect result, you can apply a wax polishing paste, which removes small errors and irregularities resulting from the process of painting the plastic;

Notes and Cautions.

Often, various plastic products that could serve their owners for a long time lose their original appearance. Noticeable cracks appear on their surface, objects become too dull. Many people cannot decide which paint is best to choose for applying a new coat to things made of plastic.


As of today construction market There are a huge variety of different types of paint for plastic. The choice depends on what kind of thing you are going to paint and what use it will have. After all, each individual type has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Many people think that painting plastic products at home is very simple. But in reality this is not the case. It is the choice of coating and the application technology that determines how long the part will last. We must not forget that you need to pay attention to the type of plastic. Every separate species This material has its own exceptional characteristics.

It should be noted that some types of plastic cannot be painted at all.

Objects made using polypropylene or polyethylene have a similar property. The paint from such materials will simply come off. Therefore, it is almost impossible to coat metal-plastic pipes which are made using polyethylene.

Automotive plastics deserve special attention. For some types of such materials, it is necessary to apply the first layer of a special primer-concentrate before painting; for other types, this procedure is completely optional. Today, experts can offer a considerable number of ways to determine the type of material that requires coating with other intermediate layers.

Types and compositions

At this time, experts can offer consumers a large variety of absolutely different types paints for plastic. They all differ from each other in their characteristics and composition.

These include:

  • Waterproof acrylic enamel;
  • Aerosol paint;
  • Vinyl paint;
  • Structural paint;
  • Matte soft touch paint.

Waterproof acrylic

This type of material is the best option for plastic. Enamel has everything necessary qualities. It should also be noted that it is quite simple to apply. Acrylic paint on water based is one of the most persistent. You can often see such a coating with a bright glossy tint.


Recently, many consumers prefer this particular coating. This paint is perfect for textured surfaces. Different types aerosols can give plastic a wide variety of shades (mirror, golden, silver). It is important to note that certain types of such material have antistatic properties.


It should be noted that this material is one of the most environmentally friendly. Another important characteristic is low cost. But vinyl paint cannot be called wear-resistant. It is completely unstable to moisture, wind and many others. external factors.


Most often, this coating is used for automotive plastics. This paint gives surfaces a slightly rough textured finish. With it you can easily hide scratches and cracks.

Such an application will make the part durable and resistant to external factors (wind, dampness).

Soft touch

This matte paint is great for plastic products. It is very easy to apply. This material can give the plastic a pleasant matte tint. It is worth noting that such a base is quite pleasant to the touch. Most often, this type of coating is used when decorating street lamps, some mobile phones, binoculars.

Currently on the market building materials you can find completely different coloring compositions:

  • Tactile. After application to plastic products, this composition allows you to leave a pleasant velvety base on the surface. This coating also allows you to make the part in an unusual matte shade. As a rule, soft touch paint has a tactile base, which is widely used for decorating various materials.
  • Powder. It is important to note that paint with this composition may not be suitable for all types of plastic, but only for those that have high heat resistance. After all, the coating with a powder base is applied in special chambers under the influence of sufficiently high temperatures. Most often, instruments on boats, ships, and steamships are painted with this material to give them even greater strength and resistance to external mechanical damage.

  • Abrasion resistant. Such compositions are based on special polyurethane resins, to which additional substances are added. All kinds of additives can make the material even stronger and harder. As a rule, paint with such a base is used for items subject to heavy loads.
  • Structural. This composition is ideal for parts with noticeable scratches and damage. After all, paints with such compounds give surfaces a light, rough surface, with which you can easily hide all defects. These coatings are quite convenient for decorating items at home.


Today, experts can recommend a huge variety of paints to consumers. unusual flowers. With the help of such coatings you can decorate almost any thing. The most original and interesting options are gold, brown, black, silver, bronze, silver paints.

Many designers advise using different decorative elements made of plastic paint, which gives the surface a chrome effect. This material can fit perfectly into many interiors and this coating is often used for automotive products.

There are paints that can give different objects a silver tint. They are also used to decorate automobile parts.


Plastic paint is often used for chrome plating parts. Most often, such coatings are represented by various aerosols.

It is best to decorate windows and window sills using aerosols. This application will last quite a long time. The same base is perfect for painting fiberglass. It must be remembered that all kinds of enamels are not good option for similar items.

It is best to paint PVC products with waterproof acrylic enamel.

But it should be noted that before applying the main paint, it is necessary to cover the part with a layer of a special primer, otherwise the surface of the product will quickly lose its original appearance.

Which one to choose?

Today there is a wide variety of paints for plastic. But we must not forget that each type of plastic has its own certain type coverings. Therefore, before painting elements, study in detail the material from which the part is made, as well as the composition of the base on which you want to apply it.

Before applying paint to plastic, it needs to be prepared. This must be done by following step by step instructions and adhering to a clear sequence of actions.

Step 1. Using a solvent, degrease the plastic object by wiping it.

Step 2. To prevent dust and small debris from being attracted to the plastic after painting, it must be treated with an antistatic agent.

Step 3. If the item is old and has some minor defects, they can be corrected by applying putty.

Step 4. In order to remove all cracks and crevices, rub the object with sandpaper. It should be remembered that sandpaper must be chosen that is moisture-resistant, since the grouting process must take place with water.

Step 5. Dry the plastic and degrease it again.

Step 6. Prime the surface in several layers.

Step 7. After the primer has completely dried, it should be wiped with sandpaper No. 400-500, this is necessary for matting.

Now the plastic is ready for further painting.

Choosing paint for painting plastic yourself

Not every paint is ideal for plastic; if it is not chosen correctly, then when painting, the paint will lie down and be distributed unevenly on the surface. You can buy paint for plastic in a special store; it is also sold in cans and other containers intended for application with a brush.

Aerosol paints are ideal for plastic; they are sold in cans, which makes application as convenient as possible. To work with the spray can you do not need additional tools, such as a roller or brush. This paint perfectly colors objects even in hard-to-reach places.

It should also be noted that this paint dries quickly and is less susceptible to fading and destructive effects than others. There is a huge selection of spray paint colors, making it easy to choose the right shade. Paint that is not completely used in a can will be stored for a long time and will not emit an odor.

Having a number of advantages over other types of paints, aerosol also has its disadvantages. The main disadvantage is that it is almost impossible to mix colors and get a clear border when painting, and it is also impossible to reduce the thickness of the paint.

How to paint plastic yourself

Painting plastic products is not a difficult task and is very similar to ordinary painting work. Before painting, you should pay attention to the temperature of the paint itself and the plastic product - it should be the same, approximately 20-23 degrees. And the room humidity should not exceed 80%.

It doesn’t matter whether the surface is painted with a brush or a spray can, you should remember that the paint should be distributed evenly in 2-3 layers; if you do more layers, streaks may form. Before applying each layer, you need to let the product dry thoroughly, and only then start painting the next one. If applying more layers to the plastic is necessary, then the product should be given more time to dry.

To add shine to a plastic surface, use a sealant with a special shiny effect. Apply it in exactly the same way as paint, allowing the product to dry completely.

After painting, the plastic must dry at a temperature of 17 to 60 degrees Celsius and a humidity of about 65%. This will take 3-4 hours. Thick paint layers may increase drying time.

For a complete picture of the process of painting plastic products, you can watch a video where all the nuances of the work are described in detail.