Why do you dream about a potato field? Dream Interpretation: What does a potato mean in a dream? Why do you dream about boiled potatoes?

Eating potatoes in a dream is a more positive symbol than a negative one, dream interpreters say. The explanation of why such a plot is dreamed of is largely influenced by the degree of its readiness and the form in which you ate it. Remember all the details of the dream, and compare the interpretations of several dream books.

Gustav Miller and his dream book

Explaining why one dreams of eating potatoes, Miller’s dream book foreshadows significant profits and benefits that await the dreamer if he makes even a little effort on his part. And yet some differences in the interpretation of this plot exist. Compare:

  • if you dreamed that you were frying potatoes, you would be offered a promising job;
  • eating potatoes with mushrooms - organizing a party will require more money than you thought;
  • ate mashed potatoes for breakfast - a sign of making a decision about the “fate” of other people’s finances;
  • to see that you are having baked potatoes for lunch is a sign of success in the professional field;
  • caught a burnt baked potato - a competitor will get ahead of you;
  • chew potato peelings - get rid of other people's influence.

French fries as a symbol of change

If you dreamed that you were eating fried potatoes, then be prepared for the fact that major changes await you in reality. For men, eating fried potatoes in a dream is a signal that he has a chance to get a high position, the main thing is not to miss this opportunity.

But in a dream, a girl eats country-style fried potatoes - a sign of imminent marriage. Moreover, her husband will be from a wealthy family, says Pastor Loff’s dream book.

Puree: From hospitality to prospects

Why do you dream about boiled potatoes? Eastern dream book. If you dreamed about how you eat delicious puree, then this means that they will come to you welcome guests. And if you feasted on boiled potatoes in their jackets, then they will make you an interesting offer, which at first glance will seem unpromising to you.

To see in a dream how you eat boiled potatoes with butter means that you are not in a hurry to make a decision. The more thoughtful and balanced it is, the greater the chances of success.

Pies with potato filling are a sign of profitable work

Baking pies with potatoes in a dream is a symbol of painstaking but interesting work, Longo’s dream book suggests. If you added fish to the pie, then you should not tell anyone about your plans until you implement them. Especially if you caught the fish yourself.

Did you fry pies with potatoes in your dream? Remember if you added dill to the filling. If the filling for your pies contained greens, then you will be able to earn good money doing what you love.

Did you dream about potato pancakes, but with sour cream? You will be able to profitably “sell” your skills and experience. And if in your night dreams you feasted on “zrazy” with meat, then you are worrying about your abilities in vain - you are a master of your craft.

Potatoes are the most familiar and even native product for us. It is on the tables of the most modest and poor families, and on the menus of expensive restaurants. It is associated with satiety, home and family, but what does a potato mean in a dream and does it mean anything at all? Dream books say yes.

Moreover, potatoes in a dream are a wonderful sign that almost always means something good! To find out more precisely what potatoes mean in dreams, you need to remember various little things and nuances. For example, what you dreamed about, where, what you did. The interpreter describes many different options:

  • I dreamed about large or, on the contrary, very small potatoes.
  • Fresh or rotten.
  • Fried, boiled or raw.
  • Planting potatoes in a dream, digging them yourself, or collecting tubers from the ground.
  • Eat it, peel it or cook it.
  • Buy or sell.

This is a general, incomplete list, which already shows us that the usual tubers in a dream are not such a simple symbol. There are a lot of meanings, and let's find out why you dream about potatoes.

Appearance of tubers

The first thing you need to remember and interpret is what she was like. Its properties and appearance will say a lot.

1. Potatoes themselves, as the dream book describes, are a very favorable sign. He hints that in reality many happy accidents await you and luck will begin to smile. Even where it seems nothing good can happen, something pleasant will definitely happen. And luck will begin to surprise you unexpectedly!

2. If you dream about rotten or old potatoes, it means that you will have to give up something familiar, since it has already outlived itself. Something - either an activity, or a person, or some kind of habit - must leave your life, and for future happiness you need to take this step, get rid of the old one.

3. Let's see why you dream of big, large potatoes? This is a symbol of great success, and major benefits await you from some project. You will be much richer and happier!

4. Small tubers are a symbol of small, but still money. New sources of profit or some additional income will appear. And it depends on you whether they will increase!

5. Seeing potatoes in a dream, of which there were a lot, whole scatterings, is a symbol big harvest literally or figuratively. Well-being and a full cup in the house - this is what is to come soon!

What do potato dishes mean? It is most common to see potato dishes on the table, in the kitchen, and not in dreams. Fried potatoes, mashed potatoes or other dishes are not only loved by many, but can also indicate a future from the world of dreams.

As the dream book says, boiled or jacket potatoes are for guests. Maybe they will come unexpectedly, or maybe it will be a long-awaited meeting. You have to set a magnificent table to please your dear guests!

I wonder why you dream about fried potatoes, which many people love so much? It brings you a pleasant omen and portends wealth. The house will be full, and your family will not be in need. You will be able to achieve great prosperity.

As the dream book describes, the potatoes that you happened to eat in your dreams are to great benefit and profit. It doesn’t matter whether the potato was boiled, fried or mashed - it is a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

If the potatoes you had to eat were tasteless, raw or even rotten, there is a lot of work ahead. It may not be the easiest or most enjoyable, but if you show hard work and diligence, try and don’t give up, you will ultimately achieve great results. good fruits.


If you had to dig hard in your dreams, collect tubers from the garden or peel potatoes, this also matters. Let's see what the interpreters say.

So, why dream of digging potatoes - a simple, prosaic action that many have encountered? This is a good sign; digging potatoes in a dream means that in reality you will become the owner of great luck and achieve success in some business.

Planting potatoes is also a great symbol. Your wishes will come true in reality, you can safely count on it! The period will soon come when dreams will come true.

Collecting tubers is a symbol of good fruits from labor and effort. It’s not for nothing that you work so hard and spend time on work; soon the time will come to enjoy the result. And, believe me, he will surprise you very pleasantly. So don't give up!

And peeling potatoes in a dream is a symbol that you are full of strength. You have great potential, and now is the ideal time to realize it. And vice versa - now it is simply contraindicated to do nothing, rest and be lazy! If you start putting effort into something, it will bring excellent results and generous fruits.

A potato dish is a wonderful symbol; it portends great success in the work field. A fruitful and interesting work, or maybe a promotion or some special achievements.

Let's see what dreams mean about the potatoes you sold in your dreams. The dream book promises that you will soon get rid of any troubles, troubles and sorrows. A very bright, favorable period awaits you.

On the contrary, buying it is a symbol that you will receive something valuable. Maybe a gift or some necessary thing, or maybe something intangible.

You dreamed of such a simple, but pleasant and valuable symbol. Believe in the kindest interpretations, and everything will come true.

Many years have passed since the restless Tsar Peter brought potatoes to Rus'. The overseas delicacy has ceased to be a curiosity and has turned into the most banal garden plant. Even if a person doesn’t eat potatoes on principle, different-sized brown tubers every now and then catch his eye in the vegetable departments of stores, at the market, behind the fence of a neighbor’s gardener... In a word, there is nothing more natural than seeing a familiar vegetable in a dream. However, there are dreams that are so vivid and memorable that you can’t help but think - this is not without reason! So why do you dream about potatoes?

Why do you dream about potatoes according to various dream books?

It is not for nothing that the glory of the “second bread” has been assigned to potatoes. Productive, tasty, allowing you to prepare dozens of different and hearty dishes, it very quickly caught the fancy of our ancestors, who at first were hostile to the new product. And over time, he even displaced the turnip, which was more familiar to the Slavs, from the gardens! It is not surprising that dreams about an unpretentious tuber began to be perceived as a good omen.

Definitely a lucky sign!

  • Dream Interpretation of the New Era:

Potatoes appearing in night dreams serve as a kind of advice to look around more carefully. What looks gray and unpresentable - a random event, a new acquaintance, an idea that flashed in the head - can in fact be of great value.

  • General dream book:

Soon all your difficulties will end, your worries will dissipate, and a period of peace and harmony will begin in your life.

  • Modern dream book:

Changes are coming that will please you.

  • Jewish dream book:

Seeing potato tubers in a dream means making a profit.

  • Esoteric dream book:

Potatoes dream of prosperity.

  • Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima:

Happiness is already in a hurry to your home, but it will not come on its own. It will take a lot of effort to provide your family with comfort and prosperity.

A lush green potato bush is a hint to “dig deeper.” Trying to deal with a problem, you focus on its visible, “above-ground” part, not noticing that the roots of your troubles are hidden in a completely different place.

However, not every person has pleasant associations with potatoes. For some, this vegetable is associated primarily with hard work, which will not necessarily be followed by reward - after all, lean years have not been canceled.

Rotten potatoes are considered one of the most unpleasant signs

  • Miller's Dream Book:

If changes come, they will be rather unpleasant.

  • Eastern women's dream book:

Alas, all your undertakings planned during this period will turn out to be a waste of time and effort.

  • Dream Interpretation of Solomon:

Potatoes symbolize tears.

  • Children's dream book:

Take courage and patience, you have a difficult period ahead.

  • Dream Book of the Wanderer:

You will have to engage in difficult and tedious work, which will leave behind only a feeling of dissatisfaction. Your obligations will not bring you money or respect.

You can’t decide which interpretation to take personally, but your intuition is treacherously silent? Then try to remember the state of the root vegetables you saw in your dream. Whole, even and smooth promise peace and prosperity. Rotten and clumsy people only dream of negative events: they predict separation and loneliness for lovers, and bad news, losses and a long black streak in life for everyone else.

Who had the dream: interpretations for a woman or a man

If none of the general explanations satisfy you, try looking at your dream from a different angle. For example, many interpreters will definitely find it necessary to clarify who exactly dreamed of potatoes - a man or a woman?

I wonder if there will be a promotion, a raise or marriage?

For a woman, an eternal gatherer, a dream about strong, beautiful potato tubers almost always means positive changes. You are predicted to have an unexpected, albeit honestly deserved, promotion or a significant increase in salary. Or it may happen that a competing organization will pay attention to your successes and try to lure you over by offering you a new, higher position and an attractive salary.

Is your career still stalled? Therefore, you will be lucky in love. Expect a marriage proposal. Most likely, it will come from an old admirer or your current partner - in other words, a person with whom you have already invested a lot of effort. All that remains is to “harvest the harvest” with pleasure.

The most successful dreams are those in which a woman had to collect or eat potatoes.

For a man, a hunter and breadwinner, the dream of fussing with tubers paints less rosy prospects. When faced with another problem, you will be tempted to use old connections to solve it. But don’t rely too much on useful acquaintances and friends - this time they will let you down. However, there are two favorable points: firstly, you are quite capable of coping with difficulties on your own, and secondly, the “problem” period will not last long.

By quantity and size: large or small, many or one tuber

They say that small change in dreams brings tears. This statement is also true for dreams about potatoes.

Small tubers are considered a prototype of future disorders and troubles. And if, moreover, they were covered in dirt, the streak of bad luck threatens to turn into a wide black streak, which will be oh so difficult to overcome! It is especially bad to see such a dream during the period of nurturing important plans: there is a high chance that on the way to their fulfillment you will encounter many different obstacles, and when you finally make your way to your desired goal, you will find out that you do not need it as much as you thought!

For lovers, small potatoes predict quarrels caused by a lack of attention from a partner.

Looks like someone's going to get lucky

Large, clean, neat tubers are a sign of upcoming triumph. If you are currently working on a project, do not doubt its success; your efforts will be noticed, appreciated and duly rewarded. If you are planning to make changes in your life, don’t hesitate to get down to business. The result will exceed your wildest expectations! True, dreamers who decide to rest on their laurels in advance will not succeed: potatoes do not jump out of the ground by themselves.

IN at the moment you don’t make grandiose plans, and therefore don’t expect victories? But you can count on an increase in well-being, probably due to the emergence of new sources of income.

But even when the potatoes you see in your dreams don’t amaze you with their size, it’s too early to get upset. Maybe he'll take it in quantity? For example, a large pile of tubers, regardless of their size, has long been considered a harbinger of a rich harvest, which “translated” into modern language can mean material profit.

Ukrainian dream book connects a bunch of potatoes with a lot of people you'll be seeing in the near future. Let's say at a party, wedding or conference.

The meaning of actions with potatoes: digging, planting, collecting, etc.

  • Picking flowers from a potato bush.

This seemingly insignificant event foretells a wedding celebration.

Lots of fun awaits!

  • Plant potatoes.

Roll up your sleeves and get ready to work hard: the task ahead of you is neither easy nor pleasant. But the profit from it will cover and cover the efforts expended many times over! Everything planned will be accomplished “perfectly”, things will work out in the most wonderful way, and if you have a secret desire that has been nurtured in your soul for a long time, it can come true during this period. A good dream for those who are thinking about starting their own business. Everything you put into it now will eventually grow into an unprecedented harvest!

If in a dream someone else planted potato seeds for you, success will come to this person, but you will also receive a hefty piece of his luck.

Occasionally, a dream about planting or digging up potatoes is interpreted as a sign of an intimate relationship that the dreamer will enter into with a new partner.

  • Spud.

You have taken on a rather risky business, which can result in both a takeoff and a painful fall on the asphalt. True, sometimes interpreters promise good profits to dreamers born from January to April; birthday people in May, June, July and August - hard work, and those who celebrate their birthday in the fall or in the first month of winter are predicted... good harvest potatoes.

  • Dig.

In a general sense, this dream speaks of success in business and love spheres, small joys and major successes. Especially for those who, digging up potatoes, rejoiced a bountiful harvest! However, the dreamer, who has become exhausted during imaginary garden work, has health problems - even in a dream, his body cannot get rid of fatigue, which is a hidden sign of malaise. Well, watching someone digging potatoes in front of you predicts a profitable deal and trusting relationships with loved ones.

It matters when and how you harvested your crops.

It also matters what exactly you used to extract the tubers from the ground. If you use a shovel, soon new, previously unknown circumstances or someone’s secret will be revealed to you, which will have a beneficial effect on your future life. It’s worse when a person goes out to harvest the crops with bare hands: This means that you are careless and tend to trust your secret thoughts to the wrong people. Keep your mouth shut, someone around you is hanging on every word, hoping to trip you up.

A fantastic dream about searching for potatoes under the snow predicts numerous pleasant events related to finances for the lucky one. Working in the garden under the warm autumn sun is a sign of harmony in family life. But the one who shoveled wet clods of earth in the pouring rain is unlikely to be able to bring the work he started to a victorious end.

The lunar dream book assures that the person digging up potatoes will have to do a thankless job, and Ivanov’s dream book frightens the unlucky dreamer with illness.

  • Buy and sell.

Buying potatoes means earning respect. To sell is to get rid of something negative, perhaps by going against your beliefs. Carrying potatoes in bags means experiencing enormous stress, which will deprive you of strength for a long time. Often such dreams are harbingers of illness, so pay more attention to your well-being. Perhaps the disease is already mastering your body.

  • Prepare.

Anyone who peeled a vegetable in a dream will be subject to pressure, but will be able to resist it. Or maybe you will be able to get rid of the cunning manipulator who has been trying to subjugate you to his influence for a long time. In a word, a dream about peeling potato tubers symbolizes liberation from something unpleasant associated with violence, physical or psychological.

Pleasure served!

Boiled potatoes are associated in dream books - and not only among them - with gatherings in a warm company or the visit of an unexpected guest. Fried predicts a lot of pleasures, but at the same time calls not to forget about moderation, so that the pursuit of sensual pleasures does not lead to problems. She can even predict a wedding for some lucky ones!

Cooking potatoes without specifying the details, in a general sense, means a change of job, and in the most favorable way for the dreamer. A new business will captivate you, allow you to enjoy the process itself and delight you with the results.

If another person fried and steamed potatoes in your dream, the gingerbread promised by the dream books will go to him. But you can show nobility and be happy for your friend.

The first interpretation is the most common: you will make a big profit. Second, less popular: you will be asked on a date. Third, the most unpleasant: an event that aroused great expectations in you will ultimately turn out to be a dud. Which interpretation to believe? Naturally, the best!

When trying to interpret a dream, one should “start dancing” not from the dream book and its predictions, but from the person himself. Ask yourself, what associations do potatoes give you? What feelings did the dream leave behind? After analyzing both, you can easily find the correct answer. Naturally, if the day before you did not spend several hours in a row at the dacha, collecting new harvest. In this case, mysticism does not work, only visual memory.

is a symbol of well-being, stability and prosperity. As you know, potatoes were brought to Russian soil. And very short terms this vegetable has become very popular among Russian citizens. The reason for this lies in the yield of potatoes, as well as the fact that they perfectly satisfy hunger.

It seems to me that this is why the root vegetable has become associated with stability: the cooked vegetable is a very simple dish, but everyone can afford to buy it.

The dream book interprets the dream in which you saw yourself peeling potatoes as follows: another turn in the dreamer’s fate will bring him joy.

Who hasn't eaten potatoes? Despite its simplicity, this vegetable can be a simple dish, or it can smell of the romance of a fire and songs.

The taste of potatoes - familiar from childhood, I would even say everyday - has become so in our time: we should not forget that this crop is a strategically important type of raw material. It was not for nothing that the peasants filled their bins with this root crop for the winter.

Why do you dream about peeling potatoes with a knife?

If you dreamed that you were peeling potatoes, then get ready for your ill-wishers to try to discredit your name. You can regain your good name and get out of the situation with honor. In fact, such a dream is a reason to think. Every person has enemies.

However, this is not yet a reason to calm down: as you know, there is no such thing as without. Try again weigh your actions well and words and no longer give your spiteful critics a reason for slander.

If you believe the dream book, then cleaning large potatoes portends big positive changes in life. However, be patient.

The prediction also indicates that for such changes to occur in your life, some time must pass.

Whatever the change, it always means that you will experience stress.

Psychologically prepare yourself for the fact that something will change, even for the better. Only by keeping a cool mind can you get the maximum benefit from the gift that fate has prepared for you.

Dream Interpretation – peel raw potatoes

Dreaming of raw potatoes that you peel in a dream means that soon you will experience material well-being and prosperity coming to your family. financial stability. Of course, the dream is pleasant. However, not everything is so simple: in a dream you peel potatoes with your own hands.

It seems that the dream in which you dreamed that you were peeling potatoes does not carry a deep semantic load. However, even the most harmless dreams can promise trouble.

For this reason, I advise you to pay attention to even the most seemingly harmless visions. Let's talk about what is needed in order to learn to understand yourself.

A person spends on sleep large number time allotted to us by nature. Nothing in nature happens just like that.

Every natural phenomenon is necessarily conditioned by a causal connection either with the general essence of the concept underlying the given phenomenon, or with another phenomenon, which, together with the first, constitutes new conceptual category, remember this.

So shouldn’t a person think about the fact that the images and events seen in a dream do not appear in our minds by chance? In the silence of the night, when the senses are at rest, our subconscious is revealed, having accumulated information about the events that occurred during the day.

In this light, the capabilities of the brain seem truly amazing: after all, in a dream we can talk, even do things that are impossible in reality...

And, it seems to me, not using such an opportunity, neglecting such potential would simply be extremely unforgivable.

However, here the mind runs into some difficulties: firstly, we usually do not remember our dreams, and secondly, people have been learning the art of understanding themselves for decades.

Can science help us in this matter? I think it can. Any psychologist with experience, after a conversation with you (longer if you have not seen him before, and short if you regular customer) will most likely be able to explain to you what your dream means.

However, as shows history of philosophical science, a person spends his whole life learning to understand himself (Diogenes, for example, in the name of this glorious action, lived in a barrel).

And if this is so, then it seems quite plausible that with a certain maturity of mind, you, relying on world experience (through dream books), will be able to interpret your dreams yourself.

A trained memory and... a notebook will be your good allies in this matter. Don't try to remember your dreams. It is better to write them down, at least with a few suggestive general phrases.


Just two hundred years ago people had never heard anything about potatoes, but now it is impossible to imagine a Russian person’s table without this product. Every self-respecting housewife has her own signature recipe for preparing this root vegetable, but few people know why potatoes are dreamed of. Popular dream books will help you interpret this vision.

Potatoes in a dream foreshadow various accidents, but they will not always be favorable.

  1. Ukrainian dream book: a large root vegetable means trouble, a small one means communicating with a large number of people.
  2. Jewish: the financial situation is stabilizing.
  3. Kananita's Dream Interpretation: you need to increase household supplies.
  4. Nina Grishina claims that potatoes in bags dream of unexpected wealth. Perhaps you will receive an inheritance.
  5. According to the General Dream Book, the difficulties that have been haunting you lately will soon end, and you will again feel all the delights of life.
  6. Female: to promotion, success in endeavors.
  7. Dream Interpretation of Winter: happiness is already very close to you, all you have to do is make a little effort.
  8. Smirnova: hard, low-paid work awaits you.
  9. Esoteric: potatoes in a dream - to prosperity.
  10. Culinary dream book: some event will initially seem important, but soon you will be disappointed in it.
  11. Psychologist Miller warns about changes in life. True, not all of them will be positive.
  12. The great seer Vanga assured that “potato” dreams always speak of well-being. For example, if you plant potatoes, it means you will never see poverty. Dig up a root crop - to quickly advance along career ladder.
  13. Spring: take care of your body! Vision predicts deterioration in health.
  14. According to Solomon's dream book, seeing potatoes in a dream means tears.

The appearance of potato tubers in a dream often indicates the financial situation of the sleeper

Who dreamed about the root vegetable: a woman or a man

As practice shows, general description the image is often not enough, so interpreters recommend taking into account the gender of the dreamer when interpreting a dream.

For example, if a woman saw potatoes, it means that at work she was able to show herself with best side and the authorities noticed her abilities and diligence. Accepting a potato as a gift is a symbol behind which competitors may be hiding. Perhaps in the near future they will try to entice you to join them by offering excellent conditions. Interpreters do not advise agreeing, because new team may not accept you.

A girl harvesting potatoes in a dream can be sure that her personal life things will finally get better. Soon they will propose marriage to her, and the groom will be a man whom she has known since childhood.

A pregnant dream about potatoes predicts a difficult birth, but everything will end well.

To a young man, who had to dig potatoes in his sleep, in real life you will have to work hard to prove your importance and superiority over your competitors. If you dreamed of a flowering root vegetable, it means that the dreamer is hiding some secret from everyone, but soon it will become public.

A man's dream of potatoes does not promise good prospects. Typically, this vision indicates that you have relied too much on your friends, but at the most crucial moment they will let you down.

Lovers who see a lot of small potatoes may soon have a big quarrel.

If you dreamed about dirty potatoes, prepare for failure

Potatoes with meat, which you eat with appetite in a dream, may indicate an intestinal disease.

Description of potatoes

Many dream books believe that potatoes seen in a dream foreshadow hard and painstaking work. However, some nuances can radically change the meaning of the dream.

Were the tubers small or large?

Serious meaning has the size of a root vegetable.

For example, universal dream book states that small potatoes indicate unpleasant events that will make the dreamer cry. Grishina's dream book interprets this same image as the pettiness of friends who will betray at the first opportune moment. But the famous Vanga considered small potatoes, seen in a dream, as a warning about a lack of funds. Apparently, the sleeper used his financial capabilities irrationally and is now paying for it. For some time he will have to live in austerity mode, but after a while everything will work out.

Large, beautiful root vegetables portend wealth and prosperity. Therefore, a person who has such a dream should not worry about his future. Luck is on his side now.

Quantity matters

The amount of potatoes is no less important.

The Ukrainian dream book interprets a pile of root vegetables poured in the courtyard of the dreamer’s house as the arrival of a large company of guests. The sleeper needs to be well prepared so as not to lose face and show himself as a hospitable host. A bag of potatoes portends material profit. If you see a whole field planted with this vegetable, it means that you don’t have to think about financial issues in the near future, everything in this regard will be good and cloudless.

Making dumplings with potatoes means a significant improvement in financial affairs

Interpretation by color and appearance

To find out your future with utmost accuracy, remember all the details of what you saw: what color the dreamed tubers were, what they looked like.

  1. White potatoes - a messenger of stable financial situation. If the tubers were pink, it means that many pleasant worries and worries await you ahead.
  2. Digging clean root vegetables from the ground indicates the success of any endeavor. If the potatoes had lumps of dirt, it means that the work started will fail.
  3. Rotten potatoes indicate difficult times. Also, this dream may portend unexpected large expenses that will not add joy.
  4. Washed tubers are a sign that something you initially don’t like will delight you in the future.
  5. Potatoes with sprouts indicate useless labor. Your efforts will be wasted - the matter will never get off the ground.
  6. Blooming potatoes - to receive an inheritance or a gift.
  7. Potatoes without skins mean you need to be more vigilant. Meeting with scammers is possible.
  8. New potatoes - to pleasant surprise.
  9. Unripe tubers - you will have to participate in a dubious business that will bring nothing but trouble.
  10. Burnt potatoes mean unpleasant experiences.

Location: in the ground, in a bucket, in nets, in the cellar

The meaning of the dream may also change depending on where exactly the potato was located:

  • in the basement - means that it is better for you not to spend money on trifles, but to save a certain amount for a “rainy” day;
  • in the ground - you judge people only by appearance without taking them into account inner world. But in vain, because sometimes a person who is beautiful on the outside can turn out to be “rotten” in the middle;
  • in tightly tied bags - a sign that you will have to get out of difficult situation;
  • potatoes growing in your own garden portend good news from distant relatives;
  • in the grid - promotion or job change.

Potatoes in the ground are a sign that you should not judge people only by their appearance

Dreaming of potatoes on a grave is a sign that you are wasting money too much.

What does it mean to see raw, cooked, fried potatoes?

If you saw raw potatoes from the ground in a dream, it means that you will soon find a new source of income. And even if initially the profit will not be too great, in the future everything will work out and money will flow to you like a river.

Fragrant fried potatoes symbolize important event, for which you need to mentally prepare in advance. This dream can also prophesy new, pleasant acquaintances. Watching the frying process means meeting an unpleasant person who will cling to you like a tick.

Boiled potatoes indicate improved relationships with loved ones. Some interpreters believe that this image indicates the arrival of distant relatives. Potatoes boiled in their jackets have the same meaning. Potatoes with mushrooms are a sign that the planned party will require more funds than you expected.

Mashed potatoes, which the sleeper consumes in large quantities, indicate a profitable deal. If the dreamer prepares this dish, it means that he will be promoted.

Peeling potatoes with a knife - changing your opinion about a loved one

Potato pies indicate the need to take care of your inner world.

The dreamer's actions: dig, plant, sell, collect, clean

Dreams about potatoes usually mean getting your daily bread through hard work. A clue to deciphering what you saw can be your actions in a dream.

  1. Planting potatoes is a lucrative offer. Of course, the business will be difficult, but very soon it will bring you good profits. If you had to do this work together with a deceased person, it means that you will need the help of friends to stabilize your financial situation.
  2. Throwing small potatoes, like peas, into holes means health problems for a loved one.
  3. Collecting means an increase in salary. If you did this with a company, it means that you will soon be able to visit distant relatives.
  4. Digging small potatoes means doing difficult and monotonous work. If luck smiled on you and you dug up large tubers, it means that the business you have started will be successful. In addition, it is necessary to take into account what was used to remove the tubers from the ground:
    • if you did the work with your bare hands, it means that you are acting too carelessly, trusting your secrets to strangers;
    • if you were digging potatoes with a shovel, it means that you will soon learn news that will change your life for the better.
  5. Hilling growing potatoes is a sign that you are getting involved in a risky business, the result of which cannot be predicted.
  6. Eating potato dishes means a pleasant gift or a romantic date.
  7. Choosing tubers at the market is a sign of pleasant events that will bring you joy and peace.
  8. Selling root vegetables - you will be able to remove annoying people from your life, communication with whom you are already quite tired of.
  9. Clean with a knife raw potatoes- change your opinion about a loved one. If you had to peel boiled tubers, it means that quick actions on your part will help you avoid losses. Remember, no delay!
  10. Bake potatoes - get additional funding.

Video: what do “potato” dreams mean?

Dreaming about potatoes in most cases suggests honest and hard work that will give a good result. Therefore, do not be lazy and achieve your goal. Believe, you will succeed!