Garden hibiscus, care and propagation - a welcome guest from the tropics. Caring for hibiscus in the garden. How to care for a plant

Hibiscus is a flower from the mallow family that has many different varieties and hybrids. They are annual and perennial, herbaceous and tree-like, garden and indoor, frost-resistant and heat-loving. By growing the desired varieties of hibiscus, it can be used to decorate rooms or personal plot. Growing the herbaceous hybrid hibiscus, which is characterized by its ease of care and very large flowers (up to 25 cm in diameter), is becoming especially popular.

In this article we will look at this important question in growing garden hibiscus - how exactly it should be prepared for winter, so that next year you can enjoy its flowering.

When is it necessary to cover garden hibiscus for the winter?

Frost-resistant perennial shrubs are classified as garden varieties of hibiscus, which southern regions no special preparation for winter is needed, and in the northern regions or in regions with harsh winters with little snow, you just need to cover them correctly.

The herbaceous hibiscus hybrid is initially a frost-resistant crop, and during the winter the above-ground part (stems) of the plant itself dies off and only its powerful rhizomes remain in the ground. For successful wintering of this type of garden hibiscus, it will be enough to simply mulch the soil at the planting site.

How to keep hibiscus in the garden in winter?

In order to prevent freezing in extreme frosts (from -15°C), both herbaceous and tree-like varieties of garden hibiscus require proper care when preparing for the winter. It consists of several stages:

  • pruning;
  • watering;
  • hilling;
  • mulching the soil or covering the plant.

Varieties that grow as a bush with woody shoots (for example: Syrian garden hibiscus) can be pruned for the winter in the same way as a rose, or not pruned at all, but pruned in early spring, when frozen shoots are visible.

In herbaceous varieties of hibiscus (swamp, armed or their hybrid), all stems are cut off completely, leaving only stumps 10 cm above the ground.

It is necessary to carry out water-recharging watering of bush plants in late autumn, but this should be done before the onset of frost, so that an ice crust does not form around the roots.

A few days after watering, you should hill up both the bushes and the remains of herbaceous hibiscus to a depth of 15-22 cm, using ordinary garden soil with the addition of humus and sand to prevent overheating of the root system.

The last stage in preparing garden hibiscus for winter is insulation, which is usually carried out from the second half of November, when the air temperature no longer rises above +5°C.

Herbaceous species are simply covered with harvested dry fallen leaves, making a mound about 15 cm high. You can also use dry sawdust instead of soil.

Young bushes especially need shelter from frost, since the frost resistance of hibiscus increases with age. This can be done in two ways:

If the winter is going to be very cold, then it is better to add spruce branches to such a shelter.

Knowing how to properly cover the hibiscus growing in your garden for the winter, every year you will enjoy its beautiful blooms, which are a real decoration of your flower garden. But do not rush to uproot hibiscus bushes in early spring if they have not moved away from wintering. Bush varieties Hibiscus (especially Syrian) emerges from winter dormancy much later than its herbaceous hybrids.

Care and propagation of garden hibiscus

The tropics provided many plants for cultivated agriculture. Among them is garden hibiscus; its care and propagation will not cause difficulties even in the middle zone. Among the many garden varieties The most unpretentious is the Syrian hibiscus. He carries low temperatures and moves further north.

Read also: Flowerbeds of perennials - the choice of lazy people or a reason to create a masterpiece

Garden hibiscus plant and its varieties

Total in natural conditions There are 200 varieties of hibiscus, and through the efforts of breeders their number has increased to 500. All cultivated species are divided according to the form of development:

  • herbaceous varieties;
  • tree-like;
  • shrubby.

Growing and caring for garden hibiscus is a fun activity. IN landscape design All types of plants occupy special niches. Herbaceous varieties They overwinter well under cover and produce beautiful curtains that camouflage utility structures.

Planting and caring for garden hibiscus - photo - shrub, allows you to get hedge and various compositions by formation. It is especially easy to work with the unpretentious Syrian hibiscus. Most common in mild climates middle zone it became a bush. It is easier to cover for winter storage.

Agricultural technology of hibiscus

To grow garden hibiscus in an unusual climate, you need to follow the recommendations of breeders in care and propagation. The main operations are considered:

  • choose a planting location;
  • water and feed;
  • prepare for winter.

Care includes protecting plantings from pests, diseases and creating decorative forms.

On the light sunny place and without replanting, garden hibiscus can grow for up to 20 years. The selected location should be protected from wind and scorching sun rays. Planting a plant from a container or replanting should be done in the spring, when the plant is full vitality. Well-developed plants are planted as seedlings. Basically, bushes that have overwintered in a warm container are replanted.

Proper rooting of hibiscus

Strong root system The plant consists of a central rod with shoots. Hibiscus transplantation is not necessary if it receives enough nutrition. Therefore, the planting pit is prepared in advance. It is dug with reserve so that the roots have room to develop at first in the loose soil. The nutritional composition is laid down:

  • turf land - 2 parts;
  • leaf soil - 2 parts;
  • ripe humus - 1 part;
  • coarse sand - 1 part.

Half a bucket of water is poured out. The roots are placed on the pillow, without damaging it, with the expectation that the top tier will be at surface level. Only light roots work on the plant; the old ones take nutrients for themselves.

The soil is carefully added and compacted, and the new plant is hilled up on top and watered so that the soil between the roots is compacted. The photo shows planting and subsequent care of tree hibiscus.

If the plant needs to be transplanted to a new location, then best time in spring before flowering. The upper roots are removed, and the tree is moved to a new location without destroying the earthen coma. So that the plant can feed the upper part, the crown is pruned before replanting.

Regular fertilizing with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers is important in growing and caring for garden hibiscus. Phosphorus activates flowering, and potassium improves the winter hardiness of the plant. Juice with a high content of potassium salts is not liked by aphids, the main pest of the plant.

Formation of an ornamental plant

In some areas with cold winters, garden hibiscus is grown as a pot plant. If you grow three plants with different colors in one container, then by intertwining the trunks during the growth process you can get a multi-color composition with a common trunk, as in the photo of the garden tree hibiscus.

In the spring, with the appearance of new stems, old dry twigs are removed. Pruning is necessary, only young branches bloom. Therefore, remove excess branches before sap flow begins in the spring. Old branches are cut out, shoots from last year are shortened by a quarter. By systematic pruning, bushes can be given the desired shape. There are several types of pruning:

  • stimulating, early spring;
  • thinning, removal of dried, weakened shoots;
  • corrective;
  • autumn, after flowering stops;
  • for survival when a minimum of ground mass is left.

Watering and spraying hibiscus

Water for irrigation needs rain or settled river water with low hardness. The plant requires moderate watering, depending on the drying of the top layer of soil. If it's hot outside, watering can be daily. The leaves need to be washed to remove dust and thus prevent the appearance of spider mites. If the color begins to fall en masse, there is not enough moisture. Chlorosis warns of watering with water containing chlorine or iron. There is no violation if beautiful color OK It falls off within a day. Another one must bloom to replace it. A danger signal is the massive fall of flowers and unopened buds. And most often the cause of garden hibiscus disease is improper watering.

To save the plant from aphids, you need to spray it with water and ash from cigars or cigarettes. Aphids cannot tolerate the smell of lavender growing near hibiscus. Therefore, measures should be taken in advance to ensure that the delicate leaves of hibiscus do not interest the insect.

Preparation for wintering is an important stage

Garden tree hibiscus sheds its leaves for the winter. In the middle zone it grows no higher than two meters. Hibiscus blooms from July until the first frost. Frost-resistant varieties are considered to be those that do not freeze in mild southern winters. In the middle zone, tropical plants need shelter. For cultivation here, varieties with simple, non-double flowers should be used.

In winter, the plant is watered abundantly, after the top layer has dried, it is hilled high, but sand is added to the ground by a third. When stable frosty weather sets in, the plant is covered with shavings, sawdust, dry leaves - loose bedding about 15 cm high.

The branches, as far as possible, bend down to the ground, cover themselves with dense non-woven material in several rows. A frame is built on top, onto which insulating materials and coniferous spruce branches are subsequently thrown. The photo shows how garden hibiscus overwinters in the garden.

In temperate latitudes, tree hibiscus can overwinter only with insulated roots, but it is necessary to prepare a frame for survival in extreme conditions. In areas with a continental climate, garden hibiscus is guaranteed to be preserved in cellars by digging up a plant with a large lump of earth.

Herbaceous hibiscus will overwinter if it is insulated after the above-ground part dies.

Reproduction of garden hibiscus

Hibiscus propagates easily by cuttings and seeds. Both methods are used, but cuttings produce a decorative bush faster. The seed method allows you to get an adult flowering plant in 3 years.

Woody cut shoots that produce a panicle of roots in water are suitable for cuttings. The best cuttings can be planted in pots and planted in a permanent place after winter. You can also root cuttings in the substrate. But a strong bush, strengthened over the summer, ready for wintering, is obtained from an overwintered and grown seedling.

Video about caring for garden hibiscus

Hibiscus tree garden: description of the plant, care, reproduction

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Garden hibiscus: how to care, how to overwinter in the garden

Hibiscus - an ancient Greek name, is believed to come from Hawaii and Malaysia, there is no exact data on where it came from. Let's take a closer look at the question: garden hibiscus, photos, care and planting, how to overwinter in the garden. It is safe to say that he belongs to the family herbaceous plants. It is also found in the form of shrubs and evergreen trees.

At proper care, the hibiscus tree can reach 3 meters in height and 1.5 meters in width, and lives up to 20 years. In southern countries, the plant decorates city streets, the flowers are large, people call it Chinese rose. The flowers of many species are large, bright, double and non-double, with different colors - white, bright blue, orange, dark purple, lilac, sometimes bicolor. There are more than 200 species of this beautiful and cheerful flower in nature. Looking at him, you get peace of mind, feeling of surrounding beauty. People often call it the “flower of love.”

Planting and caring for hibiscus

This exotic flower does not require special care. If you decide to plant it in the garden, then you definitely need to find a place where you will always get sun rays, and it will be protected from the wind. The soil should be loose and fertile; hibiscus coexists well with roses. Can also grow on sandy soil, but then its leaves may turn yellow and fall off. Soil enriched with manure enhances the flowering and growth of hibiscus and requires regular watering, especially in summer.

The dug hole should be approximately two times larger than the root of the plant. You need to pour broken bricks and small pebbles onto the bottom. Hill up around the tree, creating a voluminous recess for watering. Planting should be carried out in the spring, not forgetting that the seedling needs room to grow in the future, so the planting area should be large, bright and comfortable, protected from sudden strong winds.

Herbaceous hibiscus: propagation from seeds to flowerpot

If you have decided on the variety of hibiscus, then it’s time to prepare the soil or soil mixture. Many people use ready-made soil mixture from stores; if this is not possible, you can prepare it yourself by mixing garden soil with leaf soil in equal proportions. The finished soil must be sifted and poured into small boxes. Now make grooves using a stick and carefully sprinkle the seeds.

Typically, such planting is done in winter, so under no circumstances should the boxes be left on the balcony; it is best to place them near the radiators. The soil will dry out very quickly, so regular watering will be required to slow down the drying rate. You can place the boxes in bags or wrap them in plastic wrap. When the first shoots appear, be sure to move the boxes to a sunny place, otherwise they may die. Once the sprouts are strong, it's time to move them into separate pots small sizes. As they grow, transplant into larger pots, not forgetting to water after transplanting. When the first bud appears, it must be removed, as the seedling may weaken and die.

Garden hibiscus: cutting propagation

The cut cuttings are placed in a bowl of water, changing the water regularly. As soon as roots appear on your baby, they are transplanted into a pot with soil. Then you can take it out to the garden plot or to the balcony, not forgetting a sunny place. For the first year, you can leave the seedling in a pot, taking it indoors for the winter, thereby allowing it to grow stronger. And already in the second year you can transplant it into a garden plot or into a large tub.

For regions with a cool climate, a non-double variety of this exotic and incredibly beautiful plant. In order for hibiscus to bloom profusely, it needs pruning every two years.

Often it is attacked by aphids, to avoid this, plant lavender next door, which will drive away unfriendly guests from your beauty.

The soil should be loose with good water permeability. Water only when necessary, that is, when the soil has dried out a little. Phosphorus supplements will ensure incredibly beautiful and rich flowering. In order for the plant to survive the winter, potash fertilizers will be needed.

Look also: the wonderful Crassula plant, photo, money tree. home doctor.

Pruning garden hibiscus

Pruning is necessary for better flowering, as well as to give a certain shape, it already depends on you and your love for a magnificent, pleasing to the eye plant. A hibiscus tree and bush require patience and love. It is necessary to trim young tree, branches to the level of two buds, leaving a strong trunk. As soon as the tree grows to the desired height, the crown of the tree is formed from strong and healthy shoots, cutting off several buds.

In the spring, so-called sanitary pruning is carried out, removing diseased, old, and shoots growing inward. The bush is pruned around the main shoot at different heights, which will give the bush beautiful shape.

Diseases and pests of hibiscus

  • Spots on the leaves, a stunted, sickly appearance, shriveled stems: all this indicates that your pet is sick.
  • Yellowing of the leaf on the underside is a normal process, but if yellowing occurs on a large scale, it means the plant has dried out.
  • Excessive watering can cause the stems to dry out.
  • If your plant grows on a garden plot, you take care of it according to all the rules of gardening, but it does not bloom, which means there is not enough phosphorus in the soil. The same can happen due to a lack of boron. Therefore, do not forget about fertilizers and feed your pet on time.
  • Lack of sunlight makes the flower look sick and weak.
    In winter, after opening a window for ventilation, you need to put the pot in a warm place, otherwise it may freeze and die.
  • When stickiness appears on the leaves, you should know that aphids are killing them. If the infection is mild, the leaves can be washed with soap and water, but if the infection is very serious, then it is necessary to use products such as: Biotlin, Iskra, Bison, Tobacco dust.
  • If yellow specks appear on the leaves, which will later turn into discolored areas, this is spider mite, which lives under the leaves in the web. The appearance of spider webs and mites is promoted by dry air and high temperature. If the plant is not severely affected, then each leaf can be treated soap solution, in case of severe illness, it is necessary to resort to ready-made drugs.
    Infected hibiscus (aphids, spider mites) growing in a garden plot are best transplanted to another place, treated with the necessary preparations.

How hibiscus overwinters in the garden

We already know what exists large number varieties of this beautiful and beloved flower. Many people have an association with indoor plant, or as it is also called: “Chinese rose”. But many species of this plant grow and delight their owners on garden plots without demanding special attention and worries. But when winter approaches, you need to take care of it, not let it die and preserve it until next spring. Herbaceous, as well as hybrid varieties, are frost-resistant, but they still need shelter, which is a must if we are talking about colder regions, for example, in central Russia.

  • Many gardeners dig up hibiscus for the winter, transplant them into large tubs and store them in the basement until spring.
  • Sheltering the plant should occur no earlier than November, so that it is slightly hardened during fresh air.
  • In areas where there are no frosts of more than -15 C, flower growers make special frames, onto which lutrasil and agrotex are stretched. But this can lead to plant disease, since this material does not release heat.

Among many gardeners and floriculture lovers, spruce branches are considered the best shelter for hibiscus. A tree or shrub wrapped in spruce branches will overwinter in comfort and be healthy. The lapnik collects snow on itself, and this is the best cozy house from any frost. The shelter is made in the form of a hut by tying branches and wrapping them with burlap material. During wintering, uninvited guests, such as mice, can sneak into the hut. To avoid this, all kinds of mousetraps are laid around, or wheat is poured inside the hut, which is mixed with poison.

Hibiscus at home

  • Feeding: begins in March and lasts until September. Feed every seven to eight days. Many people prefer alternating: mineral fertilizers with mullein infusion. Mix the infusion with water in a ratio of 1:10.
  • Temperature: the most suitable for hibiscus at home is +24 degrees. In the summer, if your pet is indoors and not outdoors, then be sure to ventilate the room daily, but do not leave the flowerpot in drafts.
  • Light. This is a light-loving plant, the ideal place for it is a sunny balcony or a bright window sill. In winter it also needs sunlight.
  • Humidity: the air should not be too dry, neither in winter nor in summer. Therefore, it is necessary to spray hibiscus leaves.
  • Watering: You need to water the flowerpot if necessary, without allowing the soil in the flowerpot to dry out. Otherwise, this may lead to the falling of leaves and buds, and your flower will not bloom.

Watch a video on how to grow hibiscus at home

Hibiscus species

  • Hibiscus, popularly known as "Chinese rose". It has all kinds of tones and shades, with the exception of blue and black, its flowers can be small, no more than 5 cm, or reach almost 30 cm.
  • Syrian hibiscus prefers the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine and is found in Western Europe. Doesn't like winter.
  • Swamp hibiscus is one of the most common species; its flowers are considered large on average, but not more than 12 cm.
  • Red leaf hibiscus. It is distinguished by its red purple tint leaves. Sometimes found with green-red leaves. Popularly called “false rose”. It also differs from all hibiscus in its flowering. Blooms with the arrival of autumn. In winter, it is usually transferred to the basement for storage.
  • Hibiscus is sour. Gardeners prefer it because it propagates very easily and quickly using seeds.
  • Hibiscus arnotti, first appeared in the Hawaiian Islands. It is an evergreen tree that can reach enormous sizes.
  • Hawaiian hibiscus. This is the smallest tree or shrub. It can be tiny, 30 cm high, or grow up to 1 meter. Its leaves resemble those of a ficus called Benjamin. The flowers are bright red.

We told you how to care for hibiscus at home, how it overwinters in the garden, what kind of care it requires, and what types of hibiscus there are. Now you can choose for yourself suitable look, according to your region, and grow this exotic beauty in your garden or home.

How to grow garden hibiscus: planting seeds, propagation and caring for flowers for the winter

Hibiscus is considered the king of the tropics, unlike perennial verbena. It grows throughout the world, preferring wild tropical, subtropical and warm temperate regions.

Hibiscus is a very diverse genus and consists of approximately 220 species of annuals, herbaceous perennials, shrubs, subshrubs and trees. These plants have been bred over several centuries, like their common garden neighbor, the dwarf snapdragon.

The name "Hibiscus" comes from "hibiskos", the old Greek name for marshmallow. Often, garden hibiscus flowers are large, flat, bright and funnel-shaped. They consist of five petals and have very beautiful different colors, ranging from white to pink, red, purple or yellow. The size of the plant's petals varies from 4 to 15 cm in width.

Plant varieties

  1. Ardens is a variety of garden hibiscus. It has beautiful lilac-pink flowers that bloom in early summer. Maintains its shape and does not require pruning. Counts perennial plant(from 3 years old). In adulthood it reaches more than 3 meters in height.
  2. Blue Bird A very popular type of garden hibiscus shrub. It is famous for its rare shade of flowers - clear blue with a red spot in the center. This species is a long-lived shrub and reaches up to 4 meters in height.
  3. Antong Two Lil Kim An unusual plant variety that is famous for its bicolor flowers. A miniature shrub reaching only 30 cm in height. It blooms profusely, the flowers are small with three ruffled petals, each white with a red spot. They bloom within one to three days.

Hibiscus flowers Antong Two Lil Kim in the photo

  • Pink Giant is a fast-growing, erect, deciduous shrub. The leaves are diamond-shaped, toothed, dark green. The flower is large, pink with a burgundy eye. Blooms in summer and autumn.
  • Russian Violet is famous for its long flowering, unlike climbing nasturtium, which you can read about in the article. The buds begin to bloom in August and continue to bloom until the end of September. The flowers are large, dark purple with a red heart. This perennial shrub reaches two meters in height.
  • Reproduction

    Hibiscus flowers produce pods that contain a seed. When ripe, the pods open and the seeds fall to the ground, where they germinate easily. To plant healthy seeds in in the right place They must first be collected, as when planting and caring for ageratum.

    1. The ripening of the pods is determined by their brown color.
    2. Before harvesting, the bush of the plant must be covered with paper bags or bags. This will prevent the seeds from scattering on the ground after the pods open.
    3. Clean the bag periodically.

    When purchasing seeds, you need to pay attention to the description and photo of the plant variety.

    Planting garden hibiscus seeds :

    1. Before sowing, it is necessary to do a test for the viability of the seeds, as when growing perennial morning glory, about planting and caring for which read here To do this, place 5 to 10 beans in a damp paper towel and seal in a plastic bag.
    2. Leave the seeds at room temperature within 5 – 7 days. After a while, remove and check for swelling or root formation. If such signs are present, the seeds are viable.
    3. Fill the planting tray with a moistened organic mixture.
    4. Sow the seeds at a distance of 0.5 cm from each other, lightly sprinkle with soil on top. Water generously from a watering can.
    5. Keep the pot in a warm, sunny place. Don't let the soil dry out. Complete germination occurs in two to three weeks.

    It is important to note that when propagated by seeds, plants are particularly resistant to weather conditions and other stressful conditions. But at the same time they can lose their varietal qualities.

    Photos of cuttings of a tree variety

    One of the types of propagation of garden hibiscus is propagation by cuttings. It is often carried out in early summer or late autumn.

    • Select a peg from the top of the bush and use pruning shears to cut it obliquely. Remove the lower leaves from the cutting, but leave a few on the top. Before planting, place the pagon in water.
    • Fill a quart tray with quality soil and water until there are no dry gaps. Make a hole in the center of the pot into which the cutting will be planted.
    • Place ½ teaspoon of powdered growth accelerator into the hole. Lower the cutting into the prepared recess 3 - 5 cm deep. Sprinkle with soil and press to remove air, water.
    • Using a frame and film, create a small greenhouse around the cutting. Keep at room temperature in a brightly lit area. In this case, you should avoid direct sunlight, as the plant can get burned.
    • The development of roots is observed after 3 weeks, as when planting and caring for daylily flowers. It is very simple to check their appearance - you need to pull on the leaves; if the cutting is rooted, it will be firmly gray in the soil.

    Dividing the bush

    • Reproduction by dividing the bush is carried out mainly by complex hybrid plants. And it consists of dividing the rhizomes, and only large, heavily overgrown shrubs are selected.
    • Held in the spring. To do this, the bush is completely dug up and divided into several parts, depending on the number of stems and buds.
    • It is allowed to tear the roots by hand, as well as use pruners.
    • After planting, all plants must be fertilized and watered abundantly, as when planting and caring for heather, a photo of which can be viewed here html.

    This propagation method is convenient in the case of maintaining varietal purity.

    Selection of location and soil

    All types of garden hibiscus Grows best in partial shade. In this case, the plant needs about 6 hours of sun per day.

    1. Choice the right soil will create favorable conditions for plant growth and development.
    2. Proper soil should consist of 5% perlite, 50% peat and 45% bark hard rocks tree.
    3. For good growth The plant's pH level should be in the range of 5.5 to 6.5. This pH range makes the soil slightly acidic.
    4. The plant feels best in soil with a high content of organic matter.
    5. Garden hibiscus prefers good soil drainage. The soil should not remain wet for a long time, as this can lead to rotting of the roots and slower growth.

    Planting technology

    Before planting the plant in the ground, it is important to prepare the planting hole.

    • Check drainage. Initially, you need to make sure good drainage soil. This can be done by pouring a gallon of water into the hole. If the water disappears within an hour, the drainage is quite good. If after an hour the water remains, then by planting the plant in such soil, there will be a high risk of flooding its roots.

    Once drainage has been established, plant the seedlings quite deeply, covering the roots with a few centimeters of soil.

  • Water permeability test. To find out how well water is absorbed by the soil, you need to dig a small hole at the top of the soil. Then fill it with water 2 or 3 times over the course of half an hour. Then check how far the water has been absorbed. If the ground is moist at a depth of 30 centimeters, then the soil has high permeability and the plant will be comfortable in it. With low permeability, the soil gets wet by 5 - 10 centimeters and the plant can die from drought, regardless of how much water it is watered.
  • sandy soil. Excessive sand in the soil causes water and fertilizer to pass past the roots. In this case it is necessary frequent watering and the use of surface feeding. You can also amend sandy soil with good compost and other organic ingredients that can absorb and retain water and nutrients.
  • Digging a hole for planting. The hole for planting hibiscus should be slightly wider than the pot from which the plant is transplanted. If the location where the plant is planted is often exposed to frost, plant the hibiscus deeper. If the area is damp and warm, dig a shallower hole so that the tops of the roots are above the ground.
  • Planting a plant. Before planting hibiscus, you need to pour water into the prepared hole to moisten the soil. Then carefully remove the plant from the pot, being careful not to tear the roots. Place into the prepared hole. Make sure that all branches grow in the desired direction without bending. Fill with soil and water 2 or 3 times, as you would when growing and caring for hosta.
  • Hibiscus care

    Hibiscus is a water-loving plant. It has many large leaves and large, sloping flowers that will require a lot of moisture.

    Watering hibiscus can be divided into two zones - in cold weather and in hot weather. In hot weather, hibiscus will require a lot of water and usually prefer a steady supply. In this case, it is necessary to avoid flooding of the roots, as well as stagnation of water for a long time.

    If there is not enough water in hot weather, the leaves will wilt. To avoid this, the plant needs frequent and abundant watering during drought. In cold and wet conditions the plant is susceptible to fungal diseases of the roots. You can avoid this problem by limiting watering the plant. During this period, dry land is preferable to overflow and stagnation of water. Since this is one of the few signs that cause frequent plant death.

    As for the quality of water, hibiscus is not very picky and will tolerate even tap water, if its pH (acidity) varies in the range from 5.0 to 7.0.

    Tree hibiscus, unlike herbaceous hibiscus, requires regular pruning.

    Pruning helps stimulate new growth and also rejuvenates and awakens the plant from its winter slumber.

    • Often, hibiscus is pruned back a bit in late summer and early fall. However, you should not prune the plant in late autumn or winter, as this can provoke early formation and death of buds.
    • Immediately before the procedure itself, you should make sure that the pruners are sharp and clean. It is also advisable to sterilize them with alcohol gels. This will prevent the possibility of infectious infection of the plant branches.
    • The branches are cut just above the nodes. Weak, diseased or dead shoots are removed.

    In order to maintain the growth, healthy and beautiful color of the plant, it must be fed. At the same time, the bush needs a large amount nutrients.

    What does hibiscus need?

    • Lots of potassium. It is essential to support garden hibiscus with potassium, especially during flowering periods. It neutralizes various stressful situations, to which the plant may be exposed. Helps in the process of photosynthesis and planting.
    • Phosphorus limitation. Hibiscus does not tolerate phosphorus very well in large doses. Namely, with prolonged and abundant use of it in fertilizers, the roots of the plant block the supply of phosphorus, and with it other useful minerals and nutrients. As a result, the plant slowly and painfully dies from starvation.
    • Moderate amount of nitrogen. All living cells use nitrogen, and all plants need large amounts of it. Nitrogen is used by plants for the synthesis of proteins, enzymes and other metabolic processes. Excessive amounts of it can “burn” the leaves, turning their edges into dry, dark brown streaks. A deficiency leads to slower growth of the plant.

    In the summer, it is best to use high-calorie fertilizers. You can water with diluted liquid fertilizer once a week, slow-release once a month, or add potassium compost to the soil. IN winter time You should completely stop feeding the plant.

    Pests and their control

    Rich and bright colors make hibiscus attractive to many insects, including pests. They pierce the leaves and suck the juice from them, sometimes spreading viral infections. They also lay eggs in the buds, as a result of which they fall off before opening.

    Signs of a pest:

    • Spider mite- affects leaves, creating unsightly yellow spots on them.
    • Thrips- the buds of the affected plant lose their color and fall off, this is due to the fact that the pests lay eggs in the buds.
    • Gall midges- the disease leads to yellowing and falling of the buds.
    • Whiteflies- creates chaotic white spots on the leaves, and is also marked by the presence of white flies. As a result, the plant acquires an unpleasant appearance and gradually dies.

  • Aphid- black, white or green insects on the leaves of the plant.
  • Mealybugs- are marked by small, bright white spots on the leaves. Eliminated with the help of special drugs.
  • rocky snow- small spots on the bark white. It is considered very dangerous disease and requires long-term treatment.
  • Fungus gnats- black small insects that resemble tiny mosquitoes. These mosquitoes lay eggs and eat the plant itself.

    The simplest and in an effective way getting rid of fungus gnats is considered washing powder, dishwashing liquid or liquid soap for hands A small amount of detergent is added to the plant fertilizer.

  • Ants– a large number of small ants that eat the nectar of the flower, and also injure and interfere with its normal growth. Pesticides are used to control ants. They are sprayed around the plant and within 2-3 weeks the insects die.
  • To prepare garden hibiscus for winter, you need to consider and complete several steps:

    1. Proper pruning. Garden hibiscus should be pruned for the winter or just at the beginning of spring. Thanks to this pruning, the plant will produce new branches in time, without losing strength on the old ones.
    2. Watering. Before the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to irrigate the plant generously once. But in no case should you water during frosts, as there is a high probability of an ice crust forming on the roots.
    3. Hilling. A couple of days after watering, the bush needs to be hilled.
    4. Shelter. In the second half of November, when the temperature reaches below 5 degrees, the plant will need to be insulated for the winter. To do this, you can use the mulching procedure or cover the bush with dry sawdust. At the same time, young bushes will need stronger protection from frost - they can be covered with film or a bag, pressing them on the sides with something heavy.

    The best time to transplant hibiscus is the same as when planting and caring for irises, photos of which are shown in the article. - after the inflorescences wither. Often this period falls at the end of August or September.

    • To replant, you should dig up the bush and carefully move it to a new planting site. In this case, you need to make sure that the root ball is not damaged.
    • Place the bush in the dug hole and cover it with soil. Press down to remove any air pockets.
    • After transplanting, the hibiscus bush will need a lot of moisture for four to six weeks. So you will have to water every two to three days, provided there is no rain.

    Photo of garden hibiscus grown from seeds

    Hardy and prolific garden hibiscus does not require much attention and care, but at the same time it always decorates any area with its beautiful flowers.

    All that needs to be done is to acquire several additional plants in order to compensate for the barren period of one flower with another. But in any case, this plant is universal. Easy care and extraordinary flowers make it one of the most beautiful bushes, which can be placed in the garden or yard.

    Hibiscus is a plant of the mallow family. It is very loved by gardeners, since almost all types of this plant bloom very beautifully. Hibiscus flowers, even within the same species, are very diverse. More than 200 species and about 500 varieties of this plant are known.

    Did you know?A distinctive feature of all hibiscus is the short life of flowers. Each flower lives only one day - it opens in the morning and withers in the evening.

    Three types of hibiscus are common in our latitudes. One of them is grown indoors and is better known as the Chinese rose. Chinese hibiscus can be taken out into the garden in the summer, but it is still considered a houseplant. The other two types of hibiscus are garden varieties.

    Garden types of hibiscus

    In gardens in southern Russia, Ukraine and Crimea, you can often find Syrian hibiscus, which is also called tree hibiscus. This flowering shrub, which can reach up to 3 m in height. Often, trunks are formed from it, resulting in a beautifully flowering tree. By planting several varieties very close together, you can create a standard tree with different colors from garden hibiscus.

    Tree hibiscus is a perennial. It can grow in one place for up to 10 years. Blooms from June to September. The flowers of Syrian hibiscus can be simple and double, of various shades, but not large. But the second type of garden hibiscus, herbaceous hibiscus, has flowers up to 26 cm in diameter. Herbaceous hibiscus is also called swamp hibiscus.

    Important!Hibiscus blooms in the second half of May, so do not rush to think that it is frozen and immediately throw away the plant. Herbaceous hibiscus is more frost-resistant and can grow not only in the south, but also in temperate latitudes. It is also covered with dry leaves or dry manure for the winter.

    The varieties of this plant are also very diverse. The height ranges from 80 cm to 2 m, and the flowers have a wide variety of shades. The plant grows well in one place, but after 5 years the hibiscus needs to be transplanted to another place in the garden. Rises in the second half of May. Blooms from late June to early September. Sudanese rose, rosella, or hibiscus sabdariffa, comes from India and is grown in all tropical regions. From this type of hibiscus the drink hibiscus is made, where the dark red petals, cups and subcups of the flowers are used, they are called roses. All parts of this plant, except the roots, are edible. The plant can be grown at home in a pot, and the seeds can easily be found in a bag of hibiscus tea.

    Caring for garden hibiscus

    Hibiscus propagation

    Hibiscus reproduces in different ways:

    dividing the bush;

    By cuttings;

    By layering;


    Syrian hibiscus is best propagated by cuttings, and you can use the branches that were left when pruning the bush. Cuttings 15-20 cm long are placed in water. The roots appear in 2-3 weeks. Then the cuttings are transplanted into pots with light soil.

    Planted in the ground the next year. Herbaceous hibiscus is best propagated by dividing the bush in the spring, when the shoots grow 10-15 cm. Propagation by cuttings, layering and dividing the bush guarantees the preservation of the varietal properties of the plant. Both types of hibiscus can be propagated by seeds. Growing hibiscus from seeds at home is quite easy. You can buy seeds at the store or collect seed pods from bushes on your site when they are ripe.

    But if you collect seeds yourself, you cannot expect that a plant will grow that exactly replicates the parent one. Many gardeners specially pollinate the flowers of different hibiscus in order to obtain new variety. For better germination, you can put the seeds in the refrigerator for 2 weeks at above-zero temperatures. Sow one seed at a time in pots. Planted in the ground the next year. Tree hibiscus grown from seeds can bloom only in the fourth year, while herbaceous hibiscus will bloom in the second.

    Rules for pruning hibiscus

    Tree hibiscus is pruned in early spring. This is done to remove dried and broken branches, give the plant a more beautiful shape, or provide abundant flowering. Hibiscus flowers appear on the current year's shoots, so in order to increase the number of flowers, Syrian hibiscus can be pruned before the beginning of summer. The plant responds very well to pruning and grows back quickly. Of course, pruning is more applicable to Syrian hibiscus, but herbaceous hibiscus can also be pruned. If the variety of such hibiscus is very tall, then it can be trimmed to the height you need. At the same time, the hibiscus will let out side shoots, forming a denser bush. But the flowers on the side shoots of herbaceous hibiscus are much smaller than those on the stem.

    How to cover garden hibiscus for the winter

    Tree hibiscus is less resistant to frost. Growing hibiscus in open ground possible where the air temperature in winter rarely exceeds -20°C. A bush of such hibiscus is covered with dry leaves for the winter, the trunk is insulated with spruce branches or a frame is built, covered with agrotex or lutrasil. But with such insulation, there is a danger of rodents appearing under the bedding or intertrigo of the bark. If the tree is small, it can be transplanted into a tub and placed in a basement or other cool room until spring.

    Many beginning gardeners associate hibiscus with an exotic indoor plant, the so-called “Chinese rose.” Meanwhile, there are a huge number of varieties of these magnificent flowers, and among them there are many garden varieties. Some take root well in the conditions of central Russia and can winter in open ground. However, if the plant is not frost-resistant, it is necessary to cover the hibiscus for the winter.

    Sheltering plants for the winter

    Hibiscus varieties: is winter shelter necessary?

    So that the flower beds will delight theirs for a long time lush flowering, before the start of winter, it is necessary to cover exactly the hibiscus that really needs it. It is important to thoroughly study the characteristics of the varieties used. Thus, hybrid and herbaceous hibiscus are distinguished by good frost resistance, so in a less severe climate (for example, in the conditions of Kazakhstan or Voronezh) they do not necessarily need to be covered. More delicate Syrian varieties (especially terry ones!) will need winter insulation. Typically, when a hibiscus grows large, its resistance to cold also increases.

    Many experienced gardeners do not cover the herbaceous hibiscus before the cold weather, but only cut its stems in the fall at a distance of about 10 cm from the ground level and lightly sprinkle them with soil or spud them with leaves. If winter is expected with frosts down to -30°C, it is recommended to cover all flowers, even winter-hardy ones. Particularly capricious exotics must be dug out from open ground, carefully moved into a suitable container along with a lump of earth and placed in the basement or brought into the house for the winter.

    Do not use a large amount of foliage to cover plants. On frames with deciduous covering and when hilling during thaws, a rotted layer is often created, which can cause the hibiscus to rot.

    In harsh climates, it is important to immediately select garden frost-resistant varieties for breeding in open ground, so you should always monitor the quality very carefully planting material. It is necessary to buy cuttings from nurseries with a reliable reputation, making sure that the seedlings have developed roots that are absolutely undamaged during transportation. Low-quality hibiscus can die even with proper shelter, since careless sellers use too many growth stimulants and mineral fertilizers during their production.

    When breeding hibiscus, cuttings that have taken root in a container with water should be transplanted into a pot with a mixture of garden soil and peat (optimal proportions - 3:1) and brought indoors for the winter. In spring they can be planted in the garden

    So, the following varieties of hibiscus can be called relatively frost-resistant:

    Hybrid hibiscus (Hibiscus hybridus) is the result of crossing holly, pink and bright red varieties (a plant with bright, large flowers and wedge-shaped leaves); - among the hybrids, red hibiscus tolerates frosts well (height - 3 m, palmate leaves, flowers - red-carmine, similar to funnels with a diameter of up to 17 cm);- pink hybrids(height - up to 2 m, sharp three-lobed leaves, flowers up to 23 cm in diameter of rich pink color with wide open petals); - light pink hybrids (height - up to 2 m; leaves look like pink hybrid hibiscus; with giant flowers, the diameter of which sometimes about 30 cm); - herbaceous or northern, trifoliate hibiscus (Hibiscus trionum) - up to 75 cm high, with single rounded flowers located in the axils of the leaves; - sometimes - middle-aged Syrian hibiscus that has reached a large size.

    Hibiscus shelter: basic rules

    The optimal period for preparing exotic flowers for wintering is considered to be the second ten days of November, when the air temperature is no more than -5°C and no less than -10°C. Experienced plant growers do not recommend covering hibiscus earlier, because the plants need to harden a little in the fresh air. According to experts, slight night frosts will not be scary for them.

    An experiment in the botanical garden at Moscow State University showed that under a cover of spruce branches the temperature remained no lower than -5°C at an air temperature of -30°C. When it was -5°C outside, in the coniferous hut it did not exceed -3°C

    Cover hibiscus for the winter

    To protect hibiscus from autumn and spring frosts, as well as in areas where there are no frosts below -15 ° C, flower growers often use special frames covered with non-woven material - spunbond, lutrasil, agrotex. IN severe frosts It is strongly not recommended to use it, since the covering material does not release heat back, causing the plants under it to damp out.

    The best protective material for wintering hibiscus is considered to be spruce branches, which accumulate snow on themselves, and this is an excellent shelter from any frost. At the same time, the plants do not overheat, since the temperature under the coniferous shelter is usually only a degree higher than outside the cover. It is recommended to cover the plants with spruce branches in 3 layers in the form of a hut, having previously tied the branches and wrapped them in burlap.

    If after “hibernation” the hibiscus does not wake up for a long time, there is no need to get upset ahead of time. Some varieties of these flowers, for example, Syrian ones, bloom leaf buds quite late

    Gardening practice shows that rodents often climb into warm huts made of pine branches. Voles can chew through the bark around hibiscus stems in rings, which can cause the plant to die. To get rid of the animals, it is recommended to place special mousetraps around the flowerbed or place wheat treated with anti-rodent poison under a coniferous shelter (sold in retail departments for gardeners and hardware stores).

    Hibiscus - an ancient Greek name, is believed to come from Hawaii and Malaysia, there is no exact data on where it came from. Let's take a closer look at the question: garden hibiscus, photos, care and planting, how to overwinter in the garden. It is safe to say that it belongs to the genus of herbaceous plants. It is also found in the form of shrubs and evergreen trees.

    With proper care, a hibiscus tree can reach 3 meters in height and 1.5 meters in width, and lives up to 20 years. In southern countries, the plant decorates city streets; the flowers are large; people call it the Chinese rose. The flowers of many species are large, bright, double and non-double, with different colors - white, bright blue, orange, dark purple, lilac, sometimes bicolor. There are more than 200 species of this beautiful and cheerful flower in nature. Looking at it, you get peace of mind and a sense of surrounding beauty. People often call it the “flower of love.”

    This exotic flower does not require special care. If you decide to plant it in the garden, then you definitely need to find a place where the sun's rays will always fall and it will be protected from the wind. The soil should be loose and fertile; hibiscus coexists well with roses. It can also grow on sandy soil, but then its leaves may turn yellow and fall off. Soil enriched with manure enhances the flowering and growth of hibiscus and requires regular watering, especially in summer.

    The dug hole should be approximately two times larger than the root of the plant. You need to pour broken bricks and small pebbles onto the bottom. Hill up around the tree, creating a voluminous recess for watering. Planting should be carried out in the spring, not forgetting that the seedling needs room to grow in the future, so the planting area should be large, bright and comfortable, protected from sudden strong winds.

    Herbaceous hibiscus: propagation from seeds to flowerpot

    If you have decided on the variety of hibiscus, then it’s time to prepare the soil or soil mixture. Many people use ready-made soil mixture from stores; if this is not possible, you can prepare it yourself by mixing garden soil with leaf soil in equal proportions. The finished soil must be sifted and poured into small boxes. Now make grooves using a stick and carefully sprinkle the seeds.

    Typically, such planting is done in winter, so under no circumstances should the boxes be left on the balcony; it is best to place them near the radiators. The soil will dry out very quickly, so regular watering will be required to slow down the drying rate. You can place the boxes in bags or wrap them in plastic wrap. When the first shoots appear, be sure to move the boxes to a sunny place, otherwise they may die. Once the sprouts are strong, it’s time to move them into separate small pots. As they grow, transplant into larger pots, not forgetting to water after transplanting. When the first bud appears, it must be removed, as the seedling may weaken and die.

    Garden hibiscus: cutting propagation

    The cut cuttings are placed in a bowl of water, changing the water regularly. As soon as roots appear on your baby, they are transplanted into a pot with soil. Then you can take it out to the garden plot or to the balcony, not forgetting a sunny place. For the first year, you can leave the seedling in a pot, taking it indoors for the winter, thereby allowing it to grow stronger. And already in the second year you can transplant it into a garden plot or into a large tub.

    For regions with a cool climate, a non-double variety of this exotic and incredibly beautiful plant is best suited. In order for hibiscus to bloom profusely, it needs pruning every two years.

    Often it is attacked by aphids, to avoid this, plant lavender next door, which will drive away unfriendly guests from your beauty.

    The soil should be loose with good water permeability. Water only when necessary, that is, when the soil has dried out a little. Phosphorus supplements will ensure incredibly beautiful and rich flowering. In order for the plant to survive the winter, potash fertilizers will be needed.

    Look also: the wonderful plant Crassula, a home healer.

    Pruning garden hibiscus

    Pruning is necessary for better flowering, as well as to give it a certain shape, it depends on you and your love for a magnificent, pleasing to the eye plant. A hibiscus tree and bush require patience and love. It is necessary to trim the branches of a young tree to the level of two buds, leaving a strong trunk. As soon as the tree grows to the desired height, the crown of the tree is formed from strong and healthy shoots, cutting off several buds.

    In the spring, so-called sanitary pruning is carried out, removing diseased, old, and shoots growing inward. The bush is pruned around the main shoot at different heights, which will give the bush a beautiful shape.

    Diseases and pests of hibiscus

    • Spots on the leaves, a stunted, sickly appearance, shriveled stems: all this indicates that your pet is sick.
    • Yellowing of the leaf on the underside is a normal process, but if yellowing occurs on a large scale, it means the plant has dried out.
    • Excessive watering can cause the stems to dry out.
    • If your plant grows on a garden plot, you take care of it according to all the rules of gardening, but it does not bloom, which means there is not enough phosphorus in the soil. The same can happen due to a lack of boron. Therefore, do not forget about fertilizers and feed your pet on time.
    • Lack of sunlight makes the flower look sick and weak.
      In winter, after opening a window for ventilation, you need to put the pot in a warm place, otherwise it may freeze and die.
    • When stickiness appears on the leaves, you should know that aphids are killing them. If the infection is mild, the leaves can be washed with soap and water, but if the infection is very serious, then it is necessary to use products such as: Biotlin, Iskra, Bison, Tobacco dust.
    • If yellow specks appear on the leaves, which will later turn into discolored areas, this is a spider mite, which lives under the leaves in the web. Dry air and high temperatures contribute to the appearance of spider webs and mites. If the plant is not severely affected, then you can treat each leaf with a soap solution; in case of severe disease, you must resort to ready-made preparations.
      Infected hibiscus (aphids, spider mites) growing in a garden plot are best transplanted to another place, treated with the necessary preparations.

    How hibiscus overwinters in the garden

    We already know that there are a large number of varieties of this beautiful and beloved flower. Many people have an association with the houseplant, or as it is also called: “Chinese rose”. But many species of this plant grow and delight their owners in garden plots, without requiring special attention and care. But when winter approaches, you need to take care of it, not let it die and preserve it until next spring. Herbaceous, as well as hybrid varieties, are frost-resistant, but they still need shelter, which is a must if we are talking about colder regions, for example, in central Russia.

    • Many gardeners dig up hibiscus for the winter, transplant them into large tubs and store them in the basement until spring.
    • The plant should be covered no earlier than November, so that it is slightly hardened in the fresh air.
    • In areas where there are no frosts of more than -15 C, flower growers make special frames onto which lutrasil and agrotex are stretched. But this can lead to plant disease, since this material does not release heat.

    Among many gardeners and floriculture lovers, spruce branches are considered the best shelter for hibiscus. A tree or shrub wrapped in spruce branches will overwinter in comfort and be healthy. The lapnik collects snow on itself, and this is the best cozy house from any frost. The shelter is made in the form of a hut by tying branches and wrapping them with burlap material. During wintering, uninvited guests, such as mice, can sneak into the hut. To avoid this, all kinds of mousetraps are laid around, or wheat is poured inside the hut, which is mixed with poison.

    Hibiscus at home

    • Feeding: begins in March and lasts until September. Feed every seven to eight days. Many people prefer alternation: mineral fertilizers with mullein infusion. Mix the infusion with water in a ratio of 1:10.
    • Temperature: the most suitable for hibiscus at home is +24 degrees. In the summer, if your pet is indoors and not outdoors, then be sure to ventilate the room daily, but do not leave the flowerpot in drafts.
    • Light: this is a light-loving plant, the ideal place for it is a sunny balcony or a bright window sill. In winter it also needs sunlight.
    • Humidity: the air should not be too dry, neither in winter nor in summer. Therefore, it is necessary to spray hibiscus leaves.
    • Watering: You need to water the flowerpot if necessary, without allowing the soil in the flowerpot to dry out. Otherwise, this may lead to the falling of leaves and buds, and your flower will not bloom.

    Watch a video on how to grow hibiscus at home

    Hibiscus species

    • Hibiscus, popularly known as "Chinese rose". It has all kinds of tones and shades, with the exception of blue and black, its flowers can be small, no more than 5 cm, or reach almost 30 cm.
    • Syrian hibiscus prefers the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine and is found in Western Europe. Doesn't like winter.
    • Swamp hibiscus is one of the most common species; its flowers are considered large on average, but not more than 12 cm.
    • Red leaf hibiscus. It is distinguished by its red leaves with a purple tint. Sometimes found with green-red leaves. Popularly called “false rose”. It also differs from all hibiscus in its flowering. Blooms with the arrival of autumn. In winter, it is usually transferred to the basement for storage.
    • Hibiscus is sour. Gardeners prefer it because it propagates very easily and quickly using seeds.
    • Hibiscus arnotti, first appeared in the Hawaiian Islands. It is an evergreen tree that can reach enormous sizes.
    • Hawaiian hibiscus. This is the smallest tree or shrub. It can be tiny, 30 cm high, or grow up to 1 meter. Its leaves resemble those of a ficus called Benjamin. The flowers are bright red.

    We told you how to care for hibiscus at home, how it overwinters in the garden, what kind of care it requires, and what types of hibiscus there are. Now you can choose the right species for yourself, according to your region, and grow this exotic beauty in your garden or home.

    The plant belongs to the mallow family and is represented by a huge variety of species (about 300). Natural range habitat - tropical zone of America, Africa and Asia. In nature, the genus Hibiscus occurs in the form of shrubs and trees. Some subspecies are perennial or annual herbs.

    Hibiscus classification

    From a cultivation point of view, two groups are considered:

    • indoor plants - a prominent representative is the Chinese rose;
    • garden forms - the most common is the Syrian hibiscus.

    IN wildlife Hibiscus found in temperate climates:

    • trifoliate (northern) - a herbaceous annual whose leaves are used in the pharmaceutical industry for the production of diaphoretics;
    • hemp (kenaf) - grown as an agricultural crop for the production of fiber and technical oils.

    Hybrid forms attract attention with their large petals and variety of colors. Flowers are used to prepare drinks with a pronounced antispasmodic effect. Hibiscus tea has amazing properties - a hot drink increases blood pressure, cold - has hypotensive properties.

    Garden forms of hibiscus

    In the territory of the former USSR, only two types of hibiscus are common in nature:

    • Hibiscus syriacus (Syrian) - southern slope of the Greater Caucasus Range;
    • Hibiscus trionum (northern, trifoliate) - Far East RF, Crimea.

    Wintering species such as Syrian or tree hibiscus are suitable for growing in garden conditions.

    The coat of arms of Korea depicts a beautiful flower - a hibiscus (mugunghwa), which is a symbol of the state. The graceful plant is sung in a hymn - in poetic form, Koreans thank the magical flower for giving the country of rivers and mountains pristine beauty.

    Hibiscus tree or Syrian

    Tree hibiscus blooms for six months or more, but each flower lives only for a day (hybrid species - 2-3 days). New buds immediately bloom to replace the withered petals. The plant blooms in early July and renews its flower stalks until mid-autumn.

    From a botanical point of view, the Syrian rose is a deciduous shrub. In the temperate climate of the middle zone, the height of the bush does not exceed 2 m, although in natural conditions tree-like forms reach 5 m. Large (up to 10 cm) leaves are oval or ovoid have a bright green color. The flowers are arranged singly, very large, reaching up to 27-30 cm in diameter. Double or simple inflorescences cover almost the entire spectrum of shades, and can be two- or three-colored.

    Planting and growing garden forms

    Tree hibiscus can be propagated by any means - from sowing seeds to directly dividing the bush. When starting to get acquainted with the plant, purchase ready-made seedlings from a well-established nursery. This way you will protect yourself from negative consequences associated with possible diseases and the presence of pest larvae.

    Planting hibiscus by dividing the bush

    • choose a bright, draft-free place;
    • use well-loosened fertile soil;
    • At the bottom of the pit, lay drainage at least 10 cm thick (sand, washed crushed stone, gravel);
    • straighten the roots and fill the hole with soil so that the root collar is at soil level.

    To prevent aphids, plant lavender bushes near the hibiscus.

    The plant is moisture-loving, but it cannot be flooded. Ample weekly watering is recommended, and in dry weather - 2-3 times a week.

    Growing hibiscus from seeds

    From seeds you can also grow a full-fledged specimen of the tree-like form of the Asian beauty, but you should prepare for the fact that this process will take a lot of time. Seeds are sown in winter - in January-February:

    • prepare a bowl with peat-sand soil mixture;
    • pre-soak the seeds in any stimulant for a day;
    • Cover the container with polyethylene or glass.

    Seed the seeds to a depth of 0.7-1 cm. The first shoots appear in 2-3 weeks, subject to temperature regime(+25-27°C), regular ventilation and humidification. As soon as the first pair of true leaves appear, transplant the seedlings into separate pots.

    In May, transfer the seedlings to the ground. In warm climates, hibiscus obtained from seeds can begin flowering 2-3 years after planting, in temperate climates - 3-4 years.

    Propagation by seeds has its positive and negative sides. A plant grown from seeds has stable reactions to sharp fluctuations weather and is immune to disease. Varietal characteristics are at risk - the new plant most often will not have complete resemblance to the ancestor.

    Hibiscus cuttings

    Cuttings - simple and inexpensive way reproduction. Hibiscus grown from green cuttings fully matches the hybrid form of the donor.

    In the spring (during the formation of buds) or at the end of September (when the growth of annual shoots ends), cuttings up to 15-20 cm long are cut.

    4-6 buds are left at the bottom and the sprout is placed in a mixture of peat and sand (the ratio is equal). Root formation lasts about 3 weeks, then the plant is planted in a pot.

    It is better for a young seedling to overwinter the first year in a warm room, especially if it is an autumn cutting. Hibiscus are transplanted to a permanent location in the spring. Over the summer, the new resident of your garden will gain strength and will be able to spend the winter comfortably.

    How garden hibiscus overwinters

    How to insulate hibiscus for the winter:

    • after flowering, prune the plant;
    • water generously at the root;
    • after a week, cover the bush with light turf soil with added sand;
    • With the onset of the first frosts, insulate completely.

    We insulate hibiscus plantings before winter

    Insulation is carried out in several ways:

    1. Young plants are bent to the ground, sprinkled with sawdust, leaves or special covering material. A plastic film is placed on top, which is pressed to the ground with pegs or stones.
    2. Standard forms remain in a vertical position. A wooden or wire frame is installed around the tree and wrapped with covering material. Spruce branches or straw are tied on top of the shelter.

    In winter, rodents love to climb into such warm houses. To prevent damage to the plant, place ears of grain soaked in poison inside the hut, or place mousetraps.

    Galina Yurchenko, expert

    During the winter, carefully monitor temperature fluctuations - during early spring thaws, hibiscus must be ventilated.

    Reanimation of hibiscus in spring

    The plant has a hard time coming out after wintering, but there is one secret that will help quickly bring it back to life:

    • in the first warm days, remove the insulation from the hibiscus and cover the flower with a light greenhouse;
    • in the middle of the day, ventilate the bush for 15 minutes at intervals of 1-2 hours;
    • remove the film gradually as the shoots grow.

    In two to three weeks, your Hawaiian beauty will gain strength and reward you with lush blooms.

    Pruning and shaping hibiscus

    There is a point of view according to which it is not recommended to prune hibiscus in the first years after planting. This is incorrect because flowers appear only on young shoots. The more often old branches are removed, the more the bush gives to young shoots. To enhance flowering, regular annual pruning is performed before sap flow begins.

    Decorative pruning is carried out with the aim of forming a bush. In the photo, the hibiscus flower looks like a small multi-colored tree. The procedure for forming a braided stem:

    • plant three varieties of plants in one pot;
    • when the seedlings take root, intertwine the shoots with a pigtail;
    • secure the weave with a bandage or fabric strips in several places;
    • continue weaving to the desired height.

    Syrian tree hibiscus is widely used in the design of personal plots. Shrubs are planted in tapeworms or in groups, next to bright annuals or against the backdrop of an emerald lawn.

    Where does your eastern miracle grow? Share your observations with readers and surprise your neighbors by learning new secrets with us.