Chairman of the Board of JSC FGC UES Oleg Budargin introduced the new manager to the Kubanenergo team. How power engineers “exposed” the Kuban redistribution Alexander Ilyich Gavrilov awarded Kubanenergo

14:56 — REGNUM The Board of Directors of Kubanenergo OJSC elected the general director of the company for a period of three years. As the company's press service reported on June 6, he became Alexander Gavrilov, who has been acting head of the company since March 19 of this year.

According to Alexander Gavrilov, the priority task facing the power grid complex of the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea is to increase the reliability of energy supply and the transparency of procedures for technological connection of consumers. Among the absolute priorities for 2013, the new head of the company notes the timely completion of the construction of all electrical distribution infrastructure facilities as part of the implementation of the Olympic program. More than a thousand people have already been sent from various regions of Russia and branches of Kubanenergo to strengthen the operation and repair of power grid facilities in Sochi.

Reference: Alexander Gavrilov was born in 1973 in the city of Makhachkala in the Republic of Dagestan. He graduated from Kuban State University with a degree in accounting and audit and Kuban State Technological University with a degree in Development and Operation of Oil and Gas Fields. Has an academic degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences.

Gavrilov has significant experience in the industry in senior positions. In 2002-2004, he worked as Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance at Krasnodar Regional Gas Sales Company LLC. In 2004-2005 - Deputy Head of the Krasnodar Territory Administration for Industry, Transport and Energy; Actual State Councilor of the Krasnodar Territory, 3rd class. In 2005, he held the position of Deputy General Director for Prospective Development of OJSC Krasnodargazstroy. Since December 2005 - Executive Director of Kubanenergo OJSC.

In 2006-2007, he was the General Director of Kubanenergo JSC, in 2007-2010 - the General Director of IDGC of the South, JSC. In 2010-2012 - Professor of the Department of Economic Theory, Economics and Management, Faculty of Economics, Institute of Economics, Law and Humanities. From January to March 2013 - chief advisor to the chairman of the board of JSC FGC UES.

Open Joint-Stock Company for Energy and Electrification of Kuban (JSC Kubanenergo) is responsible for the transport of electrical energy in the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea. The energy system includes 11 electric grid enterprises (Krasnodar, Sochi, Armavir, Adygei, Timashevsky, Tikhoretsky, Leningrad, Slavyansky, South-Western, Labinsky, Ust-Labinsky). The total length of power lines reaches 90 thousand km. The area of ​​the serviced territory is 83.8 thousand square meters. km, population - more than 5.5 million people.

Journalist Vitaly Pereverzev writes. As always - energy, big officials and no less big money. Well, as an addition - the North Caucasus.

I don’t know to what extent the author has an evidence base, and it may well be that the author is pushing things too hard somewhere. But according to the logic of the events taking place, everything seems to fit into the standard Russian-bureaucratic scheme.

Original taken from here:

"There are. There are still people in the Russian government who act on a grand scale and do not deny themselves anything. Of course, not for the sake of self-interest, but out of will... But more on that later. And now only about the good. About the Olympics, for example. That same , which will begin the other day in winter Sochi.

So, the Olympics should be light and warm. That is, it is desirable that Russian Grids (one of the largest power grid companies in the world, combining energy transmission and energy distribution structures) work to the fullest, without being distracted by any other problems that prevent these same Russian Grids from uninterruptedly fulfilling their obligations. At least during the Olympic period.

The fact is that recently an amazing person, Oleg Mikhailovich Budargin, has been working as the General Director and Chairman of the Board of Rosseti OJSC. The character is little known to the general public (unlike the former “energy engineer” Chubais), but, judging by some publications of very reputable publications, he has already appeared in a number of unpleasant stories. Then Budargin is presented with a statement from the prosecutor's office in connection with damage to the state during the construction of high-voltage lines in the Ural Federal District. Then this comrade in his official BMW with a flashing light ends up under a video camera while meeting the “night butterflies”. Either Budargin turns out, according to journalists, in a strange connection with networks of dubious offshore companies or in a story with the no less mysterious $625 million of Vnesheconombank. But this is all yesterday. We are interested in the near future.

And so now about the problems. The same ones that so distract citizen Budargin from providing light and warmth for the main Games of the planet.

The fact is that the head of Rosseti systematically “mastered” the Central, Siberian, and Northwestern federal districts, changing leadership and weeding out the recalcitrant, regardless of their knowledge, influence and influence in the regions.

And now Budargin has finally reached the most vulnerable region, where budgetary funds are poorly controlled - the North Caucasus. And forgetting about the upcoming Olympic Games, he just now made a number of personnel changes among the republican leaders. Thus, the heads of the divisions of IDGC of the North Caucasus in the republics of Dagestan, Ingushetia, and North Ossetia-Alania lost their positions.

And what’s interesting is that all the managers suddenly realized their professional incompetence and wrote a letter of resignation “of their own free will.” Moreover, everyone had many years of experience in the energy sector. Something suggests that the ultimate goal of these actions is to implement the 2014 investment program, which amounts to tens of billions of rubles. And apparently the personnel changes are not the last.

Now let’s try to figure out how the “technology of making money” is being developed in the energy sector in the Caucasus region. This is especially relevant right now, since on the eve of the Games in Sochi, interested parties will be most actively trying to preserve their money streams and rivers.

So: A group of people “enters” the North Caucasus region and is actively buying up shares of sales companies, using a method tested in the Belgorod, Tver regions, Krasnodar Territory, and so on. Under the leadership of O. Budargin, this group of people is trying to place trusted people in key positions. Currently, such events have already been carried out in Dvagestan, North Ossetia and Ingushetia, and leadership positions have been occupied by a certain contingent very close to Comrade Budargin.

Thus, for this group, the optimal solution is to place close people in key positions in sales companies.

While still the head of JSC FGC UES of Russia, O. Budargin began to “conquer the Caucasus.” During this period, a certain OJSC Energostroy - M.N., controlled by a businessman from Dagestan, Murtazaliev Sh.R., appeared in the competitive procedures, which suddenly became the winner in most of the competitive procedures of FGC UES OJSC. Yes, yes, the same FSK, which was so successfully led by Oleg Budargin.
For the period 2011 - 2012 OJSC "Energostroy-M.N." entered into agreements with JSC FGC UES to carry out work on reconstruction, construction of substations, etc. for a total amount of 17.3 billion. rub. (The main customers of the work were the branch of FGC UES - MES of the South, OJSC FGC UES "CIUS UES").
But even now nothing has changed. Oleg Budargin, as the head of Rosseti, continues active attempts to strengthen his position in IDGC of the North Caucasus OJSC.

It is indisputable that the head of Rosseti would not have decided to “conquer” the North Caucasus on his own, especially knowing that this region is receiving close attention from both the authorities and law enforcement agencies. Especially in the pre-Olympic period.

As journalists managed to find out, Budargin has a close-knit and very controversial team. Here are just a few names and positions:

Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Kravchenko - Deputy Minister of Energy, Soltan Mazhitovich Kurdanov - head of the North Caucasus Energy Repair Company in Pyatigorsk, Alexander Ilyich Gavrilov - Kubanenergo. By the way, this man was accepted as a bribe by our valiant FSB. But how, they not only let me go, but also didn’t fire me. Somehow, against the backdrop of current personnel changes, it does not quite fit into the logic of the presidential anti-corruption program. At present, the case against Gavrilov is not closed, and, as a source in the investigation said, in the near future O. Budargin and his deputy S. Sergeev may well be summoned for questioning as witnesses.

The same group of “Budargin’s support” quite likely includes Shamil Ramazanovich Murtazaliev - Energostroy-M.N., Alan Batrazovich Lolaev - IDGC division for the Republic of North Ossetia and Oleg Yuryevich Isaev - General Director of IDGC-Center.

Of course, not a single war for a grain bureaucratic position takes place without internal squabbles for power and money. Especially in structures that “make money” with government participation. This has already become a long-standing Russian tradition. Suffice it to recall RAO ​​UES, Rusnano, Rosneft and many others. But at least during the preparation and holding of the Olympic Games in Sochi, it would be possible to slow down the business wars for sweet pieces. Wait a little. But, alas, so far none of the “power engineers” are going to press the brakes. They have no time."

The company's Board of Directors elected Alexander Ilyich Gavrilov as General Director of the Company for a period of three years. Previously, since March 19 of this year, Alexander Ilyich acted as the head of the company.

Alexander Gavrilov was born in 1973 in the city of Makhachkala in the Republic of Dagestan. He graduated from Kuban State University with a degree in Accounting and Audit and Kuban State Technological University with a degree in Development and Operation of Oil and Gas Fields. Has an academic degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences.
According to the press service of OJSC Russian Grids, A. Gavrilov has significant experience in the industry in senior positions. In 2002-2004 worked as Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance at Krasnodar Regional Gas Sales Company LLC. In 2004-2005 - Deputy Head of the Krasnodar Territory Administration for Industry, Transport and Energy; Actual State Councilor of the Krasnodar Territory, 3rd class. In 2005, he held the position of Deputy General Director for Prospective Development of OJSC Krasnodargazstroy. Since December 2005 - Executive Director of Kubanenergo OJSC.
In 2006-2007 was the General Director of OJSC Kubanenergo, in 2007-2010. – General Director of IDGC of the South, JSC. In 2010-2012 – Professor of the Department of Economic Theory, Economics and Management, Faculty of Economics, Institute of Economics, Law and Humanities. From January to March 2013 – Chief Advisor to the Chairman of the Management Board of JSC FGC UES.
He has the honorary title “Honored Worker of the Kuban Fuel and Energy Complex”, awards “For Outstanding Contribution to the Development of Kuban” 1st and 3rd degree, “For Merit to the Astrakhan Region”, gratitude from the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation “For Merit in the Development of the Fuel and Energy Complex”, Board of Directors of IDGC of the South JSC, Certificates of Honor of IDGC Holding JSC, head of the administration of the Volgograd region. Awarded the honorary badge “Honored Worker of the Unified Energy System of Russia.” For providing assistance to the federal security service, he was awarded the Certificate of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

The material was published by the printed publication "Business Newspaper. South"

07.06.2013 08:44

The board of directors of Kubanenergo OJSC elected Alexander Gavrilov as general director of the company for three years. He has been acting head of the company since March 19 of this year. This was reported by the press service of the Kubanenergo company. Biography of Alexander Gavrilov, general director of Kubanenergo: Alexander Gavrilov was born in 1973 in the city of Makhachkala in the Republic of Dagestan. He graduated from Kuban State University with a degree in accounting and auditing and Kuban State Technological University with a degree in Development and Operation of Oil and Gas Fields. Has an academic degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences. Alexander Gavrilov in 2002-2004. worked as Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance at Krasnodar Regional Gas Sales Company LLC. In 2004-2005 - Deputy Head of the Krasnodar Territory Administration for Industry, Transport and Energy; Actual State Councilor of the Krasnodar Territory, 3rd class. In 2005, he held the position of Deputy General Director for Prospective Development of OJSC Krasnodargazstroy. Since December 2005 - Executive Director of Kubanenergo OJSC. In 2006-2007. was the General Director of OJSC Kubanenergo, in 2007-2010. – General Director of IDGC of the South, JSC. In 2010-2012 – Professor of the Department of Economic Theory, Economics and Management, Faculty of Economics, Institute of Economics, Law and Humanities. From January to March 2013 - Chief Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of JSC FGC UES. According to Alexander Gavrilov, the priority task facing the power grid complex of the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea is to increase the reliability of energy supply and the transparency of procedures for technological connection of consumers. Among the priorities for 2013, Alexander Gavrilov names the timely completion of the construction of all electrical distribution infrastructure facilities as part of the implementation of the Olympic program. More than a thousand people have already been sent from various regions of Russia and branches of Kubanenergo to strengthen the work on the operation and repair of power grid facilities in Sochi. “Delovaya Gazeta. South" - news from the Krasnodar region

125 million rubles will be allocated for the renovation of the Krasnodar Circus in 2020

05.01.2020 11:16

The authorities of the Krasnodar region will allocate 125 million rubles in 2020 for the reconstruction of the circus building in the capital of Kuban, the press service of the regional administration reports.

In total, this year major repairs will be carried out in 46 cultural facilities throughout the region, and new equipment will be purchased for another 81 institutions. A total of 375.9 million rubles will be allocated for these purposes. 340 million rubles will come from the federal and regional budgets, and another 35.9 million rubles will be allocated by the municipalities themselves.

“In addition, funds are provided for the reconstruction of the Krasnodar Circus building. This year, about 125 million rubles will be allocated for these purposes,” the press service said in a statement.

According to the Delovaya Gazeta.Yug website, a total of 1.89 billion rubles will be allocated from the regional treasury for the reconstruction of the Krasnodar Circus building; the work will take four years. Using the allocated funds, the building will be equipped with high-tech film and sound equipment and the functionality of the auditorium will be expanded. Experts also provide for the possibility of transforming premises for animals depending on the rental program. The renovated circus will have a summer foyer and guest parking.

The Krasnodar Circus was opened in 1970, since then the building has never been renovated. In 2014, the facility transferred from the jurisdiction of the Russian State Circus to the ownership of the region.

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No sooner had the excitement of the New Year holidays passed than headlines appeared on Kuban news feeds indicating the implementation of a large-scale program to redistribute spheres of influence in the fuel and energy complex of the Krasnodar Territory. This is understandable - business laws do not recognize holidays. Following the November “velvet revolution” at Kubanenergo (then the general director was removed from the post of Yuri Khardikov) in January 2006, Dmitry Pestov, the director of Adygea Electric Networks, was removed from his position. According to the order of the executive director of Kubanenergo OJSC Alexandra Gavrilova Inver Natkho, who recently held one of the senior positions in the structure of RAO UES of Russia, became the new director. Thus, the campaign to “clean up” the region’s energy sector by representatives of Chubais and co. continues.

Experts say that these changes hide big changes in the economic and political life of the region. True, Kuban, sophisticated and fairly tired of the leapfrog of forecasts that sometimes alternate between anger and mercy towards the governor 10 times a month, no longer reacts to any provocations. Meanwhile, the brewing scandal will definitely have consequences. Let's try to figure it out below.

Ilyich's magic lamp

The key to unraveling the political economic rebus of Kuban, according to some analysts, lies in the personality of Alexander Ilyich Gavrilov, who currently holds the post of executive director of Kubanenergo OJSC.

The fact is that this politician was not so long ago the object of lively discussions. And the reason for them was his resignation (formally reduction of position) from the post of vice-governor in charge of the fuel and energy complex. The intrigue was that the dismissal, like the appointment, was significant. Why?

To begin with, because people at the age of 30 usually do not jump from the position of deputy (or acting director) of a small gas enterprise to the position of vice-governor of the region, where vast experience and business connections are required. In this case, political connections helped.

Being close to the governor’s “family,” Gavrilov was able to formally take control of a fairly large chunk of the Kuban economy. However, it soon became clear that he had crossed the path of several stronger players. It is well known to everyone in the region that the real vertical of power in the economic sphere ends with Alexander Remezkov, the first deputy governor. Unable to control the situation as a whole, the young vice-governor chose the path of intrigue and the use of administrative resources. In the regional center there was talk that Gavrilov was promoting relatives to positions and selling positions in the region’s fuel and energy complex enterprises. There was also a rumor that he was actively pursuing the interests of the Dagestani group in Krasnodar, trying to play politics. What it was, slander and squabbles between competitors or the truth - it doesn’t matter anymore. The main thing is that his resignation was a matter of time from the very day of his appointment. He brought discord into the unified gubernatorial team, managed to make a mark in the fuel and energy complex and attract serious attention from the security forces to the “family” business of the first person of Kuban. That was enough.

Logical resignation. And an illogical resurrection. Light bulb Chubais became for Alexander Gavrilov a “magic lamp”, a pass into the world of the big economy and politics of Kuban. For what and for whom? For the governor?

Team fight Tkachev The fight for control over the region's energy enterprises is ongoing, not letting up even for an hour, but the changes that have taken place, whatever one may say, are not beneficial to either the governor or the region. They are generally possible only in one case - if Tkachev’s days as governor are numbered .

Trojan horse

So, we get a theatrical production in which puppeteers from Moscow pull the strings of weak-willed figures. There is no demand from the “puppets” - “it’s not us, we are forced”; the “puppeteers” cannot be reached - “all decisions are made locally, we do not interfere.” In this situation, the most vulnerable position lies with regional officials - they do not control the situation. Appointing one's own person does not provide any real control levers, and if the energy reform moves at the same pace and in the same direction as now, then in a year Kuban will be left without generating capacity and large tax deductions - this is exactly the plan for 2006 proclaimed Viktor Gvozdev. In this case, Gavrilov is a “Trojan horse” that allowed essentially legalized raiders to be brought into the real economy of the Krasnodar Territory, methodically taking over the remaining assets in the regions. Until now in the region they were opposed by the team Mikhail Abyzov, but with his resignation the last serious obstacle was removed.

The political consequences of such a redistribution are easy to predict. The “cutting up” of large property with the knowledge of the governor and with the financial interest of members of his team and “family” is a good reason to offer him at least a move to a new place of work. As they say, how can you refuse? It's a setup, though.

Ripping claws

The second version is no less plausible, but approaches the situation from the other side. It is based on a political decision – the resignation of the governor. Moreover, in this case, the resignation does not have to be a real fact, the notorious decision of the Kremlin or a conspiracy in the Rostov embassy. This may be the decision of Tkachev’s circle. It’s banal and simple – it’s time to cut out the claws. The indecently protracted reappointment, coupled with the demonstrative flogging of a number of regional leaders (criminal cases against the governors who were at fault and removed), has already given rise to a lot of speculation on the topic “Tkachev will not sit still.” And then there is this temptation - the reform of the fuel and energy complex - in fact, the last chance to ensure the primary accumulation of capital to the level of a decent oligarch. There is already a serious choice here - moral and material. An alliance with the untouchables from the Kremlin (or the old Yeltsin family) pool can provide amnesty for past sins and protection from former partners - the main thing is not to forget to share.

In this scenario - the worst for Kuban - we should expect rapid reform of the electricity sector. First, it is likely that joint ventures will appear with the participation of the regional administration and RAO UES of Russia, which will then be privatized by a narrow circle of people. At the same time, attacks will begin on all large enterprises that are “badly lying.” It is significant that at the end of November last year, a warning article appeared on the Kuban information website: “The south of Russia is being attacked by raiders, invisible and merciless.” Why would this be?

For example, a link in this chain can be considered a voluntary-compulsory merger of assets of the gas transportation business. So, in December 2005, in the best traditions of raider attacks, the management of Krasnodargorgaz was “crushed” - the enterprise came under the control of the regional administration, and two structures with Moscow and Kuban capital. There is talk about Gavrilov's participation in this project. This assumption will not seem far-fetched if we remember that TGK-8, headed by Viktor Gvozdev, is methodically taking over heating networks and approaching the housing and communal services system as a whole. His company already manages heating networks in the Volgograd and Rostov regions. On the other hand, distribution networks are the strong point of officials of the Kuban administration. Gavrilov, on the other hand, happily combines experience and energy (he is well versed in gas distribution assets) and an official. In a word, the hand washes the hand and warms it. But this scenario still assumes the end of Tkachev’s career in the region. Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine a situation in which a governor can “protect” a semi-criminal redistribution and remain in power. Even his renunciation of the most presumptuous deputies will not save him.

The development of the second scenario could lead Kuban to catastrophic consequences. Firstly, redistribution in large business always entails a conflict of major interests - here it should be understood that over the past few years the leadership of Kuban has made many enemies within the region and beyond. A new conflict could shake the hitherto stable political balance of Kuban. Secondly, if the division goes like hot cakes, then the interests of the population, which are traditionally thought of last, will go down the drain. And then the residents of Kuban will be able to experience all the delights of the capitalist system, when the main thing is the profit of the owners, and no one cares about the problems of the consumer.