Why do you dream about potatoes growing? Why do you dream about large potatoes? Dream Interpretation - Clean

In reality, they are repeated in dreams. If you had to peel potatoes in a dream, then most often interpreters regard this as a favorable sign associated with good events. The dreamer expects profit and material well-being. But not everything is so simple; there are certain subtleties that dream books will help you understand. To decipher what you dream about peeling potatoes, you always need to remember the details.

How to solve a dream?

Dreams with potatoes do not always have some kind of secret meaning. Perhaps tubers that often appear in dreams indicate a lack of certain microelements in the body and you need to somehow change your lifestyle and think about nutrition.

Peeled root vegetable

Tubers that are already peeled and ready for cooking can symbolize the dreamer's state of affairs. Peeled potatoes in a dream show a lot.

  • Stagnation in business.
  • The cherished wish will not come true or you will have to wait a very long time.
  • Unpleasant things ahead, boring job.
  • Holidays should be postponed for now and fun get-togethers.
  • Those looking for a new job should not rush and immediately agree to the first offer.

Wash the tubers

By Slavic dream book potatoes in dreams are interpreted as well-deserved wealth and a good reward for the effort spent at work, and washing potatoes leads to a well-fed, prosperous life not only for the dreamer, but also for all his families.

  • Cashing out earned.
  • If the tubers are small - to tears.
  • Good, easy to clean - to quick profit.
  • TO clear conscience , but some losses in property.
  • To wash means see the fruits of your labor.
  • To be received good news.
  • Wash potatoes with sprouts - warning that savings will soon come to an end. There is no need to live as before. Review your spending.
  • Clean very dirty tubers, while seeing muddy waterprofit is possible, which, if not abandoned, can lead to problems with the law.

Potato peelings in a dream

The answer to the question is ambiguous. Here are some options for deciphering such a dream.

Most dream books agree that peeling potatoes in a dream promises the dreamer prosperity or profit, although sometimes through certain difficulties and hard work. Having woken up, you should first of all listen to your feelings and only after that, turning to various ones, draw some conclusions.


An unfamiliar area, one bed was dug (I know that my relative dug it, but I didn’t see how he did it), I have to choose potatoes. The potatoes are very large and I enjoy picking them out of the ground. But at the same time, something worries me, I’m worried. Having selected potatoes from under one bush, I collect a full bucket with a mountain. I dig up potatoes from the depths with my hands. makes me happy good harvest. I cleaned up the entire garden bed and ended up with a lot of full bags. I sank into an empty hole and was surprised that I dug the ground so deeply that it turned out to be an underground hollow in the entire bed with holes at the top (in the places of the holes). I was surprised by this, I felt terrible and I hurried upstairs and outside.
I am 37 years old, female. a relative I saw is sick. IN real life I also feel bad underground (cathouses, caves).


On the night from 19 to 21 (16 lunar day) This time I ended up in the village with my grandmother. I met many childhood friends, and I saw them as they are now, almost seven years after our last meeting. But most of all I paid attention to the vegetable garden, or rather to the planted potatoes:) I carefully dug up the soil around me, talked to it, then watered it abundantly... I also remember that someone was against me in this dream... Wasn’t it old friends?...




Hello. Today I dreamed that I was eating fried potatoes and fried eggs. Then I dreamed that I was in some house on the second floor. I know that this house has 23 floors. I get into the elevator and start going up. I’m very scared (I was afraid of heights), but with each floor I become less scared. I climbed to the very top. I wanted to go back down, to come back, but I couldn’t find how to do it. My friend appeared and showed me how to get down. I invited him to come down with me, but he refused... He was about to walk down the steps. This is where the dream ended. I never came down. My zodiac sign is Scorpio. Thank you very much.

I dreamed that I saw at the market, on the counter they were selling large potatoes in large nets, there were a lot of them, but I didn’t buy them, I just saw them, and I myself walked with a small canvas bag in which there were a few potatoes, I didn’t see them, but I know that It’s lying there, and I’m bringing it from the market, where I supposedly sold it, but I didn’t sell it and I’m carrying it, and that’s when I saw a lot of large potatoes in nets lying on the counter.

A dream that predicts hard work and routine. If you start peeling potatoes and see that this work does not end, expect difficulties.

However, the dream book also gives other interpretations of why one dreams of peeling potatoes in a dream.

To understand the meaning of night vision, pay attention to who and where did such work and whether it was possible to complete it.

Here's what ancient and modern books write about it.

Endless work

Seeing large and dirty bags of potatoes is a sign of hard and tedious activity, the result of which will not bring much joy. Potatoes generally mean routine, harsh reality and necessity.

If you were forced to work with her or the dreamer himself took the initiative to feed her large number people, then the modern dream book prophesies that soon you will have to do not the most interesting things.

It is possible that you will have to repair some kind of breakdown, cook a lot, or try to make ends meet and buy only the essentials.

Peeling large potatoes in a dream means failure to fulfill desires and stagnation in business. The dream book writes that you will have to put in a lot of effort, do a lot of boring and tedious work, stop thinking about your own desires or temporarily postpone holidays and celebrations until better times. For those who are looking for work, modern books write that they should not rush and grab what is offered.

Deception, a probationary period without salary, as well as various kinds of troubles and scandals are possible. Or you will get a position or activity such that you will have to work hard, but for pennies. So you will not have enough money, and you will have to forget about pampering and luxury items.

Much or little

Small potatoes that are easy to peel are a sign of profit. If there were only a few of them, and in your dream you already put them in a frying pan or boiled them in lightly salted water, expect minor difficulties. Yes, you will have to work hard, make some effort or do housework, but it is unlikely to take more time than one day.

The modern dream book writes that peeling young potatoes means light flirting and pleasant preparations. Perhaps guests will soon visit your home, and they will need to be treated to something.

Some books indicate that tortuous and lumpy potatoes, which are very difficult to put in order, dream of trouble or a cunning intrigue that will have to be unraveled. It is possible that some woman will be involved in this matter.

For a girl to be in the role of a housewife and cook this vegetable in a dream means trouble. It is possible that your wish will not come true and you will have to show restraint and patience to get yours.

If the potatoes were easy to peel and you finished them quickly, expect the unpleasant task to be over and a good result. Especially if you fried it until golden brown or boiled it in its jacket. In some situations, it symbolizes intimate relationships that will not last long, but will bring satisfaction. A lot of tubers, especially large ones, mean trouble. If you see bags of this vegetable and they seem endless to you, beware.

These stories may show your overwork, physical and homework, great experiences. Dreams in which there are a lot of tubers also symbolize an illness, especially a chronic one, or the need to care for a sick relative.

In men's dreams

Round and large potatoes symbolize the presence of a mature and beautiful woman. Men dream of such a dream to have an intimate relationship with her, but without love.

Dreams about potatoes usually mean obtaining your daily bread through honest, hard work. Therefore, planting, harvesting or preparing potatoes for food in a dream means profit that you will spend on your daily needs.

Giving away, selling or seeing potatoes rotten is a sign of losses, debts and unwise spending of money. Selling potatoes sometimes means getting rid of unpleasant visitors.

Eating potatoes in a dream predicts that you will try to use your funds to develop your business and generate additional profit. Frying potatoes in a dream means marriage.

Seeing a lot of potatoes in a dream means big profits earned with blood and sweat.

Seeing small potatoes in a dream is a sign of life in need; Seeing large means good income.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Seeing Potatoes in a dream

Such a dream is fraught with accidents better quality;
digging potatoes is a sign of future success;
eating potatoes is a significant benefit;
cooking is a job that suits you;
planting - fulfillment of desires;
rotten potatoes - your joys and pleasures will come to an end, your future does not bode well.
Also see Cooking.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

Seeing Potatoes in a dream

Digging - having a thankless job; eating - slight stomach upset; liberate - free from violence; cook - an unpleasant visit; to see a lot - good income or good fortune; seeing small is a disadvantage; sell - get rid of guests

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Meaning of dreams Potato

Potatoes - see or eat - harvest, profit - dig - have a thankless job - eat - slight stomach upset - peel - free from violence - cook - unpleasant visit - see a lot - good income or harvest - see small - disadvantage - sell - get rid of guests.

Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

What does Potato mean in a dream?

Potatoes - if you dream about potatoes, you will see a lot of people. Potatoes are a hassle. Digging potatoes is good, eating them will make you sick. If you dream that you were taking potatoes from a barn or digging in a field, you will get sick.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

Meaning of dream Potato

Eating potatoes in a dream foreshadows an event that will seem important to you at first, but will soon disappoint you. Peeling potatoes means changing your opinion about a person from bad to good. Planting or digging potatoes means intimacy with a new partner.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation "Food"

What does Potato predict in a dream?

Dreams before various events. For example, if a woman eats potatoes in a dream, then soon she will professional activity will bring tangible results, which will be expressed either in an increase in salary or in promotion up the career ladder. Planting potatoes - an interesting offer awaits her in the near future, if not marriage, then a well-paid job. And if the potatoes are rotten, then you won’t have long to rejoice. So seize the moment and enjoy life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for women

What does it mean to see Potatoes in a dream?

Digging potatoes in a dream promises success in matters of the heart.

Planting potatoes means your wishes will come true. However, rotten potatoes do not bode well; they dream of loneliness and separation of lovers.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Potato

If in a dream you are planting potatoes, it means that in reality you will arrange your affairs in the best possible way. in the best possible way and you can count on the successful implementation of your plans. Digging up potatoes means getting a thankless and humiliating job.

Peeling potatoes in a dream means that in reality you will avoid coercion, having managed to stand up for yourself in such a way that you will be taken into account. Boiling potatoes means an unpleasant visit, frying them means pleasure and early marriage.

Eating potato dishes in a dream foretells a date with friends after hours. Small potatoes in a dream foreshadows insufficient attention to you from a loved one exactly when you especially need it. Large and blemish-free potatoes mean good income and additional cash flow. Rotten potatoes foreshadow the onset of a dark streak in life, which can drag on for a long time.

Selling potatoes in a dream means compromising with your conscience; buying them means you will receive a high honor. Carrying heavy sacks of potatoes in a dream means overexertion, fatigue and illness during a cold epidemic.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

See Potatoes in a dream

Find a suitable job.

Imagine that you are preparing some very special food from potatoes. delicious dish. For example, fry potatoes with mushrooms.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Potato dream prediction

To the harvest or to tears.

Boiling potatoes is a pleasure.

Digging potatoes is a sign of fun.

Eating potatoes means a date.

Frying potatoes with a friend means marriage.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about Potatoes?

Planting potatoes or digging (if the harvest is good, there are a lot of potatoes and they look good) is a dream that marks the fulfillment of desires and success in endeavors.

Rotten potatoes are a collapse of hope.

Peel potatoes - you will change your opinion about someone and begin to think better about him.

Eating potatoes means a harvest, profit, a date, and sometimes just for everyday affairs.

Cooking - for pleasure, frying - for a wedding.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

What does the dream Potato mean?

Boiling potatoes is a pleasure.

Yes - a date with a friend.

Digging is a pleasure.

Well, you see! And you keep whining: “It’s hard! I won’t dig!”

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do you dream about large potatoes? In a dream, an image can carry positive or negative information. The main thing is to remember all the details of the dream plot in order to find out exactly what fate has prepared.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

According to Miller's dream interpreter, large fruits in a dream indicate big changes in the environment. If a person dreamed of the process of planting or digging up a root crop, as well as cooking food from it, then good changes await in the near future. They may be associated with a promotion, profit, a new promising job, or marriage. According to Miller's dream book, only spoiled large potatoes promise something bad regarding illness and failure in business.

What does a large potato mean - interpretation according to Vanga

The famous seer interprets large potatoes in a dream as the approach of a long-awaited event. Why do you dream that you are dripping it, planting it or eating it? The interpretation of the dream is almost identical - great prospect, establishing financial situation, fulfillment of desires. If the root crop turns out to be rotten, then an unfavorable period awaits the person.

If you dreamed of large potatoes - Modern dream book

By Modern dream book large potatoes in a dream - to great joy, satisfaction from work, friendly and trusting relationships with friends and family.

Unexpected news about a salary increase is guaranteed if you dreamed that you were preparing a dish of large potatoes. The negative meaning of a vegetable can be traced only in the case of rotten potatoes seen in a dream. At the same time, the streak of luck will be replaced by failure in business.

Why do you dream of large potatoes according to Tsvetkov’s dream book?

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, large potatoes and all manipulations with them in a dream are important events at this stage of life.

A person will receive good news, meet guests, learn about an unexpected prospect in business if he dreamed of a lot of potatoes or some dish prepared from such a vegetable.

Why do you dream of cooking dishes from large potatoes? This is the only option that has a negative connotation.

Interpretation of the image according to Hasse's dream book

Did you dream about large potatoes? According to Hasse's dream book, this is not a good sign. It can warn of upcoming difficulties at work, delayed salaries, unexpected visits from enemies, and health problems. If a person happens to see a lot of potatoes in a dream, then this means great trouble, indignation, and dissatisfaction with life.

Interpretation according to the Seasonal Dream Book

The seasonal dream book interprets events related to large potatoes in a dream according to each season.

If you dreamed about a product in the spring, then there could be illnesses, funerals or big troubles. In the summer, the image will be a good sign, foreshadowing quick profits and good luck, both at work and in your personal life.

Why do you dream about potatoes in the fall? She will warn about difficulties that a person will not overcome soon. A winter dream warns of a calm and moderate life.

Large potatoes in a dream - dream options

  • digging and collecting - success in business, achieved with great difficulty;
  • potatoes on the ground - large cash flow, new acquaintances;
  • pure - to victory, promotion, honor and recognition;
  • raw - a symbol of success, improvement of financial situation;
  • fried - for girls a quick marriage or fun with friends;
  • collecting rotten - to sadness and grief;
  • potatoes in a bag - a critical situation with health or finances will soon occur;
  • in the grid - you will have a chance to get a new position;
  • with small dots - there is an envious person among friends;
  • dirty root vegetable - bad rumors;
  • a large number of potatoes - unfinished business;
  • to see other people eating potatoes - the idyll in family relationships will be restored;
  • washing - hard, long work that will eventually bear fruit;
  • sell - you will have to give up something in the name of good;
  • buy - expects respect and praise from management and friends;
  • clean - change your attitude towards a person you didn’t like before;
  • choosing on the market means an unexpected prospect.

If the vision is alarming and causes negative emotions, then it is enough to tell it running water. Then it will definitely not come true. This is exactly what the ancestors did, who firmly believed in dreams.