Walnut tree is compatible with which shrubs. Edible flowers and leaves. What is the real harvest? New from users

Chekalkin rowan nut, or Xanthoceras rowanifolia(Xanthoceras sorbifolium) is a graceful deciduous tree or shrub native to northern China. In cultivation, this plant, under favorable climatic conditions, can grow up to 4 m. It is valued for its beautiful bending trunk and thick crown from leaves resembling rowan in shape. But xanthoceras is especially spectacular during the spring flowering period, when long clusters of beautiful large white flowers with a red throat flaunt against the background of the leaves beginning to bloom. Therefore, the chekalkin nut is rightfully classified as a flowering plant. woody plants, which delight gardeners in the spring, simultaneously with.

The round seed pods of the chekalkin nut, resembling in appearance, contain inside several round brown nuts with a thin shell, similar to. The edible kernels of these nuts contain a lot of fat and nutrients and are eaten fresh or roasted.

Xanthoceras seeds do not have a dormant period; they are able to germinate quickly without stratification immediately after ripening. However, autumn sowing of nuts risks exposing weak plants to severe cold, which can destroy young plants. Therefore it is recommended spring sowing xanthoceras seeds after storing them in a cool, ventilated place with high humidity air. Under such conditions, their germination persists for about 2 years. When sowing nuts in the garden after storage, the percentage of germination of chekalkin nuts can fluctuate between 20-70 percent, which must be taken into account when growing seedlings.
Nuts treated with kerosene (from mice) are buried 4-5 cm into the soil.

Before sowing xanthoceras nuts in the garden, you need to choose a suitable place for the plants so that you do not have to replant the seedlings later - this plant does not like having its long tap root disturbed or damaged.

Chekalkin nut develops well in warm sunny place without stagnation of water, in a permeable fertile soil With good drainage. In the right place it is frost-resistant plant(4 zone) develops quickly. It overwinters successfully without the roots becoming entangled.
Different unfavorable factors can greatly inhibit the development of chekalkin nut seedlings, and adult plants with a long taproot become more unpretentious.

During heat and drought, regular watering of xanthoceras is recommended, otherwise the plant drops its leaves and can shed them completely if the soil dries out too much. However, do not despair and remove it from the site - this plant is quite hardy. When soil moisture is normalized, the root system is gradually restored and dormant buds on the shoots are awakened. After this, the affected chekalkin nut wakes up next spring and begins to grow: it expands the crown and resumes flowering.

The chekalkin nut also runs the risk of being damaged by rodents, especially when the bush is still small and is completely under the snow - mice that get to it can destroy the buds. Therefore, before wintering xanthoceras, it is necessary to provide for its protection from.

Considering that this plant reaches a fairly large size, when grown in a small garden, regular pruning and crown formation are carried out. Thinning and sanitary pruning of xanthoceras should be done, as with lilacs, in early spring before the buds open. However, if necessary, you can prune the plant immediately after flowering, so that the growing young branches of the chekalkin nut have time to form flower buds that will bloom next spring. Pruning the plant within garden season is also possible, but then this will affect its flowering next year.

Reproduction and cultivation of chekalkin nut, xanthoceras

This one is incomparable and abundant flowering bush(or rather, a small spreading bushy tree) I accidentally came across in a city park about three years ago. This plant interested me with its wonderful flowers, vaguely reminiscent of flowers.

However, the catalpas growing in the parks of our city are tall trees. And the flowering tree that intrigued me reached a height of no more than two meters. It grew in a narrow clearing among thickets, spirea and... Getting closer to it, I realized that it was not a catalpa, but a plant completely unfamiliar to me.

Upon closer examination, the mysterious tree no longer reminded me of a catalpa - both the flowers and the leaves are not the same. Its graceful, pointed at the ends, serrated, odd-pinnate leaves are more reminiscent of, and they have nothing in common with, the large, whole leaves of the catalpa.
Having had enough of admiring the flowering of an unknown plant, I left the park, having previously photographed this blooming mystery...

I remembered this unfamiliar plant the following spring, again walking in the park with a camera. Having climbed into the already familiar park thickets, I discovered this tree, which had lost its decorative qualities, with many dry branches, and there was not a single flower on it...

That summer in the park, I climbed into the treasured thickets several more times to check whether this unusual tree had begun to grow. However, no miracle happened. It seemed to me that the mysterious tree was dying.

However, last spring I was in for a surprise. Imagine my joy when I once again looked (just in case) into that overgrown clearing of the park and discovered this seemingly almost dead tree - it was not only revived, but also blooming! Among its young green leaves were long flower clusters.

And in the summer... My surprise knew no bounds when I saw ovaries on the branches of a revived tree. The seed pods hanging on the tree reminded me of green hedgehogs. Only this tree’s seed pods were not prickly, but rather shaggy.

Autumn came, and in each of the bursting fruits of the mysterious tree I found several (from 3 to 6 pieces) small spherical seeds with a diameter of 8-12 mm. Interestingly, these seeds seemed to be small copies of chestnuts...

This time I left the park not only joyful, but also with booty - carrying two dozen seeds of an unknown tree in my pocket.

In the photo: leaf, seeds and seedling of chekalkin nut

That same day I sowed in the garden collected seeds. I sowed in two plastic containers with holes to drain excess moisture.
Expanded clay was placed at the bottom of the containers to ensure drainage, and a ready-made soil mixture for growing seedlings was poured on top.
Containers with crops were buried in open ground so that the seeds overwinter and undergo stratification under natural conditions.

In the spring, only four sprouts appeared from the many seeds sown. Of these, one plant turned out to be completely stunted and weak; it soon died.

So, now I have only three seedlings growing in my garden - three future beautiful trees. And I'm so happy about it! I hope that I will be able to grow this unusual plant in the garden, whose name has long remained a mystery to me. Thanks to a plant connoisseur and the possibilities of communication on the Internet, I found out that I was growing chekalkin nut, or xanthoceras rowan-leaved, from seeds.

Try to grow this wonderful plant in your garden to enjoy the decorative appearance and unparalleled flowering of chekalkin nut. Moreover, xanthoceras will give your family healthy nuts, the smell and taste of which resemble hazelnuts.

Tatyana Petrova (Poltava region)

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Xanthoceras (lat. Xanthoceras) or Chekalkin nut is a monotypic genus belonging to the Sapindaceae family (lat. Sapindaceae). In its natural environment, the plant can be seen in the northern regions of China and Korea in the mountains, foothills and hills, and is also found in southern Mongolia. It is used in cultural plantings in the European part of Russia, in Crimea, in the south and west of Ukraine, as well as in Georgia, Azerbaijan and Central Asia. Chekalkin nut was discovered by the German-Russian botanist A. A. Bunge, and with his help the plants were brought first to France and then to Russia.


The genus is represented by a single species - Xanthoceras rowan-leaved (lat. X. sorbifolium). This is what is grown for decorative and agricultural purposes. No varieties have been developed based on it.

Interesting fact: in Latin, rowan is “sorbus”, from this word the name of the species comes, since the leaves of xanthoceras are very similar to the leaves of rowan.

Xanthoceras rowanifolia

The species is represented by deciduous trees growing in wildlife up to 8 m; when cultivated, they do not grow higher than 2-3 m. The plants have twisting trunks and branches, giving xanthoceras a special decorative appearance. The crown is dense, wide-pyramidal in shape. The bark is gray-brown and cracks over time. Adult branches are thick, young ones are thin, covered with slight pubescence. The root system is taprooted and well developed.

Ripening fruits

The leaves are sessile, opposite, 3–5 cm long, 0.7 to 1.2 cm wide. Lanceolate in shape, serrated edges. The leaves of chekalkin nut are similar to rowan leaves, but much more attractive: dark green above, light green below. In autumn the foliage turns yellow.

Biological features xanthoceras

The inflorescence consists of a large number of large flowers and is a thick raceme 15 to 25 cm long. The inflorescences are formed at the ends of the shoots. Flowers white, regular star-shaped, bisexual. Therefore, one plant is enough to set fruit. The flowers have a very beautiful color: the petals are white on the outside, and yellow on the inside, closer to the middle. After pollination, the central part of the flower becomes bright red or burgundy-red. Abundant flowering begins in May and lasts until the leaves completely bloom.

Inflorescences and leaves

The diameter of the flowers reaches 4 cm. They are located on pedicels about 1.5 cm long. There are 5 petals, 8 stamens. The fruits are round boxes, up to 5 cm in diameter, similar to chestnuts, only without thorns. They are formed in the summer and are first colored green, when ripe, become brown-black. Inside the box are edible seeds about 1.8 cm long and up to 1.5 cm in diameter. They are used as food raw and fried. When ripe, the box cracks, from 5 to 17 seeds ripen inside, which are round dark brown nuts.

Inflorescence with pollinated and not yet pollinated flowers

Growing and care

Let's talk about planting and caring for xanthoceras.

Location. Xanthoceras loves well-lit, warmed sun rays, places. It is not afraid of drafts, but it must be protected from northern winds.

Soils. The land must be rich nutrients, neutral reaction, well drained. Plants are tolerant to high lime content. If the soil is too dense, you can add a little coarse sand.

Four-year-old tree

Watering. Chekalkin nut does not tolerate stagnant water, especially for young plants. At the same time, it does not tolerate drought very well and can shed its leaves. Therefore, you need to be very careful about watering. When choosing between two extremes, it is better to underfill than overfill.

Fertilizers. During the growing season (from April to September), a universal fertilizer with a high content of phosphorus and potassium is applied.

Chekalkin nut before flowering

Trimming. Sanitary pruning is carried out as necessary: ​​diseased and broken branches are removed. Early spring You can do formative pruning. Chekalkin nut tolerates such procedures well. It is better not to prune young plants and leave them to form on their own (the natural tortuosity of the branches looks very aesthetically pleasing). To give shape by cutting off no more than a third of the old lower branches, it is better for mature (over 3-4 years old) trees.

Twisting shapes

Other rules. Xanthoceras does not tolerate replanting well, which is due to its root system, so this is done only in extreme cases using the transshipment method. The trees are frost-resistant; they are not protected for the winter. However, from severe frosts may freeze, and sometimes this affects the entire above-ground part of the plant. In such cases, the nut is restored from the root.

Diseases. The bark of xanthoceras is affected by coral fungus from excess moisture and/or sharp decline air temperature. Unfortunately, there is no treatment; the plant may dry out and die.

Chekalkin nut during flowering


Xanthoceras propagation occurs mainly by seeds and root cuttings. The survival rate of both green and lignified cuttings is very low. Except in cases where the material is taken from an adult tree grown from seeds in specific climatic conditions.

Growing chekalkin nuts from seeds is more common. After collection, the nuts are stored in a canvas bag in a damp, well-ventilated area. When stored this way, they remain viable for 1.5-2 years. There are two approaches to growing xanthoceras from seeds:

  • Since the root system is fragile, the seeds need to be sown in the spring, immediately in the place where the tree will constantly grow. The planting depth is 4-5 cm; it is worth considering that the nuts can be eaten by mice.
  • preliminary germination followed by planting (transfer).

Xanthoceras fruits

With any growing method, seed germination ranges from 20 to 65%. Of those sprouts that have grown, half die in the first one or two months due to the frailty and pallor of the plants; the survivors continue to grow until autumn. It is better to cover them for the winter. In three years, the roots reach 1 m in length. In four years, the trees grow up to 2 m, but at the same time remain thin.

Chekalkin nut in autumn

To pre-sprout the nuts, soak them for a day, then carefully cut off part of the peel in the place where the sprouts appear. After which they are treated with any growth stimulator and wrapped in a damp cloth for another 12 hours. The air temperature should be 20 °C. Planted in a deep container, at the bottom of which a drainage layer is arranged; the soil mixture should be moist. The crops are not watered, covered with cellophane and kept for a week at 20 °C. The soil is moistened with water daily to prevent it from drying out.

After the shoots appear, the pot is placed in a bright place and watering begins. They are planted in a permanent place when the weather has already settled and frosts are not expected.

After flowering in joint landing with spruce

Decorative use

Chekalkin nut is one of the most beautiful ornamental fruit-bearing plants, which is valued for abundant flowering, beautiful bright leaves and graceful configurations of branches. Many experts consider it one of the most spectacular among shrubs and trees. In modern landscape design is not used often yet, as it is quite rare plant.

Xanthoceras in the park

Xanthoceras is used for landscaping parks. Often planted solo on some hill or among stones. Chekalkin nut fits organically into mountain landscapes. Group plantings with plants that have similar feathery leaves, for example, weigela, look interesting. You can also plant it next to lilac, which blooms with chekalkin nut at the same time. Trees are good background plants for blooming in spring tulips, crocuses, daffodils. The inflorescences can be cut for bouquets.

Today I want to tell you about another interesting plant, the seeds of which were brought to me from China. This is a chekalkin nut, or rowan-leaved nut. It was sent to me by an acquaintance of mine who worked in China for several years, learned the language, and remained in Shanghai.

I planted the nuts directly into the ground in April, without doing any stratification (there was no time). I didn’t have any literature about this exotic. But, upon reflection, as it turned out later, I correctly reasoned that if at home, in China, it grew on stones, then I would not add humus to it, but would put expanded clay at the bottom of the hole so that excess water would drain, and add a can of wood ash. After two weeks, I was surprised that all five nuts sprouted! Then, when the seedlings had already grown by 10 centimeters, I made a mistake and decided to plant them. And three seedlings died during transplantation. So for myself, I came to the conclusion that the nut should be planted immediately in a permanent place, or at home through seedlings in a peat pot.

Over the summer, the seedlings grew by 35-40 cm. The leaves are very similar to rowan, complex, pinnate. I haven’t watered them since mid-July so that the stems become woody. We overwintered without any losses. In the second year, a bush began to form. We had shortages of water, there wasn’t enough for watering, but it was still green. Apparently, he learned to get water himself.

The Chekalkin nut blossomed for the first time in the third year. It has clusters of white flowers at the ends of the shoots, flowers 3-4 cm in diameter, star-shaped with a pleasant aroma. And in September the fruits ripened. Nuts of five to seven pieces are enclosed in a box the size of a large walnut, and they themselves are the size of small hazelnuts, have a very thin peel and a sweet kernel. Now this is a small compact tree about 2.5 m high. It grows almost without care, I throw a handful of urea under it in the spring, then half a bucket of chalk on the tree trunk, water it once a week in the first half of summer, and don’t water it in the second half. I do it to him twice a season foliar feeding- I spray the leaves with a solution of humate with microelements. The chekalkin nut bears fruit profusely every year. You need to be careful and collect them in time so that the nuts do not spill onto the ground - otherwise here on earth they immediately become a tasty prey for mice, crows and other living creatures. Collected nuts We dry it and fry it in a frying pan for eating: you can’t tell it from almonds. And it takes up little space, and bears fruit in the third year! This miracle propagates by nuts, which can be planted immediately in the ground in the spring; they can also be planted before winter, but the planting site must be covered with thorny branches - from mice and crows, so that the nuts are not eaten.

Anyone who wants to create a walnut garden along with walnuts can also grow rowan nuts. Five nuts - 150 rub. In addition, now I have seeds that are unique in their early ripening and their taste qualities cucumber varieties Muromsky miracle, “fruity” sweet tomatoes: Raspberry Marmalade, Irish liqueur, Crimean delicacy, Kumato chocolate, fireweed seeds - very healthy tea, tastes better than store-bought, meadowsweet, meadowsweet - cleansing blood vessels, joints. Subscribe to our video channel on youtube

Natalia Zakomurnaya

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I sincerely thank all readers of our newspaper for their keen interest in new plants, and especially in nut crops. We have already met the unique Korenovsky walnut, the royal walnut - Thin-shelled almond, and the short almond - handsome spring garden. Many gardeners grow and thrive in hazelnuts - red-leaved and green-leaved.

I also had a chance to try chilim - a water chestnut that grows in a pond, brought from Penza region. With success, about eight years ago, I grew Goodwin peanuts (groundnuts), chufu or ground almonds on a free plot. We can no longer talk about the benefits of all nuts - everyone knows that in terms of calories, protein content, healthy fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, nuts are not inferior to meat, milk and other valuable food products.

Nut from a friend in China

While talking with you, I noted that nuts want to have everything, but the area land plot often does not allow growing powerful and tall trees, such as Manchurian walnut, gray and tall walnut varieties. And no one wants to wait 10 years for fruiting. Today I want to tell you about another interesting plant, the seeds of which were brought to me from China. This is Chekalkin nut or rowan nut. It was sent to me by an acquaintance of mine who worked in China for several years, learned the language, and remained in Shanghai.
The Chinese are very practical people. Since there are very few good lands in the country suitable for traditional farming (rice, wheat, vegetables), they gradually take up all the inconveniences of unpretentious useful plants. And, among other things, in the foothills, on rocky, organic-poor soils, they grow almonds, dogwoods, serviceberries, and chekalkin nuts. This is who we should learn from! Everything that can be eaten is grown on their plantations and delivered to consumers. All these plants require almost no watering, are content with poor soils and bring great benefits to humans.

Walnut growing on stones

I planted the nuts directly in the ground in April, without doing any stratification (there was no time). I didn’t have any literature about this exotic. But, upon reflection, as it turned out later, I correctly reasoned that if at home, in China, it grew on stones, then I would not add humus to it (it is not known how it would react to it), but I would put expanded clay at the bottom of the hole so that excess water drains, and add a can of wood ash.
After two weeks, I was surprised that all five nuts sprouted! Then, when the seedlings had already grown by 10 centimeters, I made a mistake and decided to plant them. And three seedlings died during transplantation. So for myself, I came to the conclusion that the nut should be planted immediately in a permanent place or at home through seedlings in a peat pot, so as not to further injure the roots.

Chekalka nuts

Over the summer, the seedling grew by 35-40 cm. The leaves are very similar to rowan, complex, feathery. As always, since mid-July, I no longer watered it so that the trunk would become a little woody. For the winter, I covered it with branches and spruce branches with a layer of 30 cm. We overwintered without any losses. In the second year, a bush began to form. We had shortages of water and there wasn’t enough for watering, but it was still green. Apparently, he learned to get water himself.
The Chekalkin nut blossomed for the first time in the third year. It has clusters of white flowers at the ends of the shoots, flowers 3-4 cm in diameter, star-shaped with a pleasant aroma. And in September the fruits ripened. The nuts, 5-7 pieces each, are enclosed in a box the size of a large walnut, and they themselves are the size of small hazelnuts, have a very thin peel and a sweet kernel. The kernel of the rowan leaf nut contains a lot of fat - up to 60%, trace elements, iodine, selenium, calcium, magnesium, cobalt.
Now this is a small compact tree 2.5 m high, it grows almost without care, I throw a handful of urea under it in the spring, then half a bucket of chalk on the trunk circle, I water it once a week in the first half of summer, in the second half I don’t water it anymore. Twice a season I give it foliar feeding - I spray the leaves with a solution of humate with microelements. The chekalkin nut bears fruit profusely. You need to be careful and collect them in time so that the nuts do not spill onto the ground - otherwise, here on earth, they immediately become a tasty prey for mice and other living creatures. We dry the collected nuts and fry them in a frying pan for food. You can't tell it from almonds. And it takes up little space, and bears fruit in the third year!
This miracle reproduces by nuts, which can be planted directly into the ground in the spring. Who wants to create such a compact walnut garden - along with Korenovsky walnuts and almonds, you can also grow rowan walnuts. I can send you nuts.
You can contact me with any questions by phone: 8-917-632-13-28 or write to me at: 432008, Ulyanovsk, PO Box 201.

Natalya Petrovna

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Xanthoceras Chekalkin's nut is a bush tree of incredible beauty. It was discovered at the end of the 19th century by Abbe David. This plant is native to China and North Korea. The tree has dense foliage and many flowers, which is why it is recognized as one of the the most beautiful plants in the world.


The tree has a bizarrely curved trunk, with branching branches. The crown forms a dense thick hat of leaves. The leaves of the plant have a wide paromidal shape and appearance They resemble mountain ash, but have a slightly different color tone - dark green on top and light green below. In autumn, the foliage turns bright yellow. The height of the tree reaches 6 meters, and the tree grows like a shrub (see photo).

The brush reaches a length of 25 cm, which is dotted with a large number of large white flowers. Flowers have

star-shaped and reach a size of 4 cm in diameter (see photo).

Chekalkin nut has a well-developed root system, which provides it with the ability to take root in all soils.

Walnut flowering occurs in May. Within two weeks, all leaves bloom. Even after flowering, the graceful tree continues to delight the eye with its unusual shapes and beautiful leaves.

The fruits of the tree are very reminiscent of chestnuts; they are round boxes up to 7 cm in size, inside of which there are sweet seeds (see photo). Their weight does not exceed grams. The nuts begin to ripen in the fall. After full ripening, the round capsule of the nut bursts and reveals edible balls, the number of seeds in them ranges from 5 to 17. They taste like almonds. They can be consumed both raw and fried.


Rowan-leaved nut is a sun-loving plant, so it is comfortable for it to take root in areas well

illuminated and warmed by the sun. Despite the fact that the tree does not like wind, drafts are not scary for it.

Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to prepare the soil well. The soil must be diluted with sand if it is too hard. It is imperative to fertilize the soil with nutrients. Chekalkin nut takes well to liberally sprinkled lime and soil drainage (see photo).

Attention! The rowan-leaved nut xanthoceras does not tolerate transplantation well, so it should only be replanted at a young age.

The plant does not tolerate excessive watering, stagnation of water and closely located groundwater. It tolerates frosts calmly and can easily withstand -30˚С.

Cultivation occurs from Chekalkin nut seeds or root cuttings. But the cuttings take root very poorly and are able to survive only in ideal conditions. But the seeds do not even require stratification (freezing), since they are not at rest.

Planting of xanthoceras seeds is carried out in April in a well-warmed and sunny place. Small holes 4-5 cm deep are made in the ground and the seeds are immersed there. You can place several pieces in one hole, thus increasing the chance of germination. Sunrise germinates very slowly, within 1.5 months, many seedlings die. According to reviews experienced gardeners, out of 10 planted seedlings, only 3 germinate – those that have developed a good root system.

In order to avoid the death of Chekalkin nut seedlings, you can first germinate them separately in a special dishes (see photo). For better germination, Chekalkin nut seeds must first be soaked for several days in warm water. After this, it is necessary to slightly cut the skin of the seeds in those places where germination is expected to occur. For a better effect, you can use a growth stimulator and keep it at 20˚.

After the seedlings are ready for planting, drainage should be placed on the bottom of the dish, and a moist soil mixture (70% soil, 30% river sand) should be placed on top. After this, they are planted to a depth of 2 cm and covered with plastic film. Watering the seedlings is not required, you just need to make sure that the soil does not dry out and moisten it a little once a week.

After the first sprouts appear (see photo), the pot is placed in a warm, sunlit place and watered. The final planting in the ground occurs after warm weather sets in.

In order for the plant to grow successfully, several rules must be taken into account:

  • a young plant does not tolerate frost;
  • at the end of autumn the plant needs to be covered with branches and leaves;
  • rowan-leaved nut loves sunny weather, tolerates drought calmly, but does not tolerate stagnant water and moisture;
  • prefers soil with minerals where there is large number lime;
  • during the period of active growth, the nut must be fertilized with mineral complexes that contain phosphorus and potassium;
  • the tree bears fruit only in the 3rd year of its life; in the first summer it grows 40 cm;
  • young bushes do not need to be pruned;
  • It is necessary to prune only adult plants, while removing broken and dried branches.

Attention! Excess moisture can cause a tree to become infected with coral fungus. Unfortunately, there is no cure and the tree may die.

The development and growth of the Chekalkin nut completely depends on climatic and weather conditions. It is not necessary to water the plant, because... a little drought is better for him than overwatering. The plant tolerates the fungus very poorly and almost always dies. But, despite this, its frost resistance is high, so it is not afraid of frosts. Reviews from of this plant very good. Those who managed to grow xanthoceras are very satisfied, since the tree is not very whimsical and, in addition to its decorative properties, this nut has a rich and healthy harvest.