How much is the distance from the gas stove to the hood. The height of the hood above a gas and electric stove or panel. At what height to hang a hood: standards and norms

Housewives cook up to 90% of all dishes on kitchen stoves. This creative and routine process is accompanied by the release of steam, pleasant (and sometimes not so pleasant) aromas, small particles of fat and harmful products, formed during the combustion process. All this saturates the surrounding space, and primarily the air in the kitchen. Without ventilation device there is no way around this, but what should be the distance from the stove to the hood to ensure cleanliness in a small room?
Reply to this current issue you can find in today's article.

Optimal height values ​​for different units

The installation height of the hood above the tile is determined taking into account 2 components - type hob And design features arrangement of equipment for a specific kitchen. It is necessary to understand that the height is never “tied” to the size of the air intake, components or type of device.

The only exception to the rule is kitchens with low ceilings, where it is not possible to maintain the recommended distance between the hob and the hood.

Please note! Experts recommend adjusting the installation height of the fence structure within 10 cm of the nominal design value.

Read also:

Horizontal solutions

It is possible to determine exactly at what height to install the hood only if you have information about the type of stove used. Based on this, the distance between the inflow and exhaust is selected. This type of equipment is installed taking into account a number of parameters (type of hob, performance of the intake unit, etc.).

The relationship between human height and device installation height

But what distance is considered optimal in terms of safety and efficiency?

The standard for each device is different, but there are accepted standards that are primarily advisory in nature:

  • distance between hood and burners gas stove– from 65 to 85 cm;
  • The minimum distance from an electric hob is 60 cm, and the maximum is 80 cm.

The specified data is valid only for devices fixed strictly horizontally.

Video on installing a horizontal type unit

Installing a hood with your own hands. YASAMMOGU-TV

Inclined units

Inclined type unit

When installing inclined models, it is extremely important that the distance between the stove and the hood corresponds to the following values:

  • from 35 to 45 cm when working with electric stove;
  • from 55 to 65 cm – for gas burners.

In conditions real kitchen It is customary to install ventilation units where operation will be not only efficient, but also convenient for the owner. The distances indicated above are experimentally established values ​​confirmed by years of practice. You can calculate them yourself, you just have to take into account a number of variables:

  • kitchen area;
  • planning features of the premises;
  • approximate area of ​​the cooking surface;
  • performance and type of hood;
  • growth of family members, housewives.

Please note! The exhaust unit is quite simply mounted above the electric stove, so the height can be increased without much difficulty, if necessary. But lowering equipment below the minimum level is strictly prohibited.

If you do not maintain the established distance and hang the unit too low, there is a high probability that the device will operate under constant heating conditions. And this is fraught with premature failure of the faithful assistant. In addition, if the hood is installed too low above the electric stove, it will simply be inconvenient to use.

Video on installing an inclined type unit

Installation (installation) of an inclined KRONA hood in the kitchen. Complete process.

Based on decades of practical operation, experts have formed their own recommendations regarding the height at which to hang the hood. There are unspoken rules for units placed above the base gas burner. They are indicated in the user instructions or installation recommendations that are attached to each model of the exhaust unit.

Here are just a few examples:

  1. 1. Products from Bosch are traditionally considered to be among the highest quality on the market. The average power of the units is 650 m3/h. It is better to hang a hood of the specified capacity at a distance of 65 cm from the surface of the burners.
  2. 2. Solutions produced by the Shindo brand are characterized by reliability and availability. For the most part, we are talking about a horizontal device of medium power. The average productivity of the devices is 450-500 m3/h. The kitchen hood is mounted at a height of 75 cm above the electric stove. The device should not be located above the open flame of the burner.
  3. 3. Products of the domestic brand Saturn cannot boast high power, but at the same time, a productivity of 240-300 m3/h will be enough for the average housewife. The recommended distance to the hood is 75-80 cm from the burner.

Which products to buy and from which brand is up to you to decide, but in terms of installation height, the units are almost identical. It should be noted that the distance from the surface of the gas stove to the hood is determined according to a number of important requirements:

  • ease of use;
  • leveling the likelihood of spontaneous combustion (especially if there are tables with other household devices nearby);
  • effective intake of dirty air over the stove or stove.

Taking into account the listed requirements, it can be argued that the safest and most acceptable distance from the hob to the hood is within 70-90 cm.


Before purchasing an exhaust hood, we recommend that you check the dimensions of the slab (in particular its width), ceiling height and total area kitchens. Then, you should decide on the number of family members, the intensity and frequency of food preparation. The specified data will allow you to more competently select the optimal unit. And the hood height is indicated in the instructions for each specific model. With certain skills, installing it yourself will not be difficult.

Exhaust devices have individual performance, which depends on many factors. One of them is the height of the hood above the gas stove. Correct installation and connections will be brought greatest benefit from operating the equipment, so it is important to consider in this article the basic criteria for marking the location and find out at what distance from the stove to connect the hood.

Also, today we will consider the principles of selecting the distance of each type of hood - from horizontal to inclined devices, and also give examples for each type of device.

What does distance affect?

Manufacturers pay attention to the permissible height of the hood from the stove for a reason. If the indicator is met, the device will effectively perform its tasks, and it will be easier for a person to use its capabilities.

If you install the hood lower than recommended, this can lead to many unpleasant consequences. A tall person will experience discomfort while cooking and hit his head on the body. One of the main risks is the possibility of ignition of soot, which forms on the filter over a long period of time. Also, such a hood will be inconvenient to maintain (replace or clean the filter).

Also, the lower the hood is above the stove, the smaller its radius for absorbing steam and other emissions. Therefore, it is important to adhere to the manufacturers' recommendations.

If the hood is installed high, the performance of the equipment will drop several times. To cope with the load, it will be necessary to turn on maximum power, which will entail high energy consumption and rapid wear of the exhaust system.

It should be noted that there are no state standards on this issue, however, manufacturers always indicate in the technical documentation of the hood the permissible height of the device above the stove.

There are factors that directly affect the calculation of the distance from the stove to the hood. These include:

  • Human growth;
  • Kitchen height;
  • Dimensions and type of hob;
  • Features of the kitchen layout;
  • Type and power of the hood.

Also, it is necessary to take into account that there are standards for air ducts and electrical networks. Compliance with all recommendations and proper installation of the hood above the stove will reveal the full operating potential of the equipment and ensure its comfortable operation.

Height from the stove to the inclined and horizontal hood

Before you understand at what distance from the stove to install the hood, it is necessary to consider the main types of exhaust devices, which is the main factor when calculating the distance.

As for the operating mode, there are the following three types, which have their own characteristics:

  1. Recirculation - a hood that sucks in air using fans, passes it through carbon and grease filters and returns it fresh air back to the kitchen;
  2. Flow-through hood is a hood that sucks in exhaust air, drives it through a grease filter and directs it outside the house using ventilation ducts;
  3. Combined - universal option, the mode of which can be switched using the control panel.

According to their form, the following types of hoods are distinguished:

  • Built-in (installed in a cabinet or other object);
  • Island (used in large kitchens);
  • Suspended (flat hood that is installed above the stove);
  • Retractable (a type of built-in type).

An important criterion: according to the shape of the air intake, hoods are divided into the following types:

  1. Inclined;
  2. Horizontal.

When choosing the height of the hood installation above the stove, you must remember that it is important to take into account the dimensions and shape of each type of device for installing the equipment strictly above the hob.

  • It is best to place a horizontal hood at a distance of 80 cm;
  • It is best to install an inclined hood at a distance of 60 cm;
  • If the hood is straight above an electric stove, then the distance is 70 cm, the inclined hood is 50 cm.

It is important to note that the indicators are calculated for an average kitchen with an average person’s height, so it is necessary to individually calculate the height so as not to experience inconvenience while cooking.

Inclined hoods

So, at what height are inclined type hoods hung? The design feature of such exhaust devices speaks for itself: the air is absorbed by fans located in the upper part of the case. Accordingly, the equipment must be installed lower than the horizontal type.

The manufacturer recommends hanging the hood above the stove at a distance of 60 cm. This is the optimal indicator that will allow you to maximize the potential of the device. Also, at this distance the body will not interfere with a person while cooking.

The inclined principle of the body structure is very convenient, because the user receives more possibilities to remove the filter for subsequent cleaning or replacement.

Also, inclined hoods have a minimal risk of fire. The fire rises straight up, so contact with the device will be minimal.

If the choice fell on a built-in inclined type hood, then it is important to take into account the height from the stove to the installation of the kitchen wall, so it is best to develop a plan for equipping the kitchen space in advance.

Horizontal devices

What is the distance from the hood to the stove? The distance of the horizontal type hood above the hob differs from the above example. Manufacturers indicate 80 cm in the technical documentation for the device.

However, many models differ in their performance. For example, a weak exhaust device must be located lower to cope with the exhaust air draft.

Also, it is important to take into account the height of the ceilings, because if you install the hood close to the ceiling, there will be no space left to connect the body with the elements ventilation system, which is important for the normal operation of flow-type equipment.

Also, you should not strictly invest in sizes if a person’s height is above average. Cooking should be fun and comfortable. That is why you should correctly calculate the most acceptable height.

It is recommended to take responsibility when choosing island hoods. The distance must be calculated before purchasing, because later it may turn out that the dimensions of the device do not coincide with the optimal distance between the hood and the stove (gas or electric).

At what height should the hood be installed above the gas stove?

Recommendations for selecting the distance between the stove and the hood come not only from device manufacturers, but also from specialists who install them. Important question, which stands in front of people: at what distance should you hang the hood above the gas stove? After all, they predominate in many apartments and houses, and the substances released during cooking on burners are greater than from other types of stoves.

Manufacturers add documentation to each hood, which indicates not only distance indicators, but also other installation recommendations. For example, the Saturn company strongly recommends that customers install the hood at a height of 75 cm from the surface of the gas stove. Bosch, in turn, attributes the figure to 55 cm (the distance has been reduced to achieve greater performance).

Only three criteria determine the distance (risk of fire, convenience during cooking and power of the equipment). Having accurate numbers and hood indicators, you can independently calculate the installation height.

It is also important to consider at what height to install the hood above the electric stove. It would seem that an electric stove emits fewer unpleasant objects during operation than a gas stove, but it is important not to go overboard with reducing the distance.

Horizontal hoods can be installed above an electric stove at a height of 65 cm. This is an optimal indicator that will not disturb human comfort and will allow the equipment to reveal its potential without experiencing any loss in performance.

It is better to install inclined hoods above the electric stove at a distance of 40-50 cm. However, it should be understood that for tall people this indicator will indicate a feeling of discomfort near the stove.

Requirements for air ducts and electrical networks

Parameters such as air ducts and electrical networks directly affect the performance of exhaust devices. That is why it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the design of ventilation ducts and electrical networks.

It should be immediately noted that for recirculation type hoods there is no need to lay ventilation pipes. They absorb air and simply filter it, after which they return it back to the room. That is why this chapter will consider the flow-through type of exhaust equipment.

If you do not plan the air exhaust system correctly, a person may get a number of the following problems:

  • Changes in pressure in the channels;
  • Poor air permeability;
  • Large air flow from the street.

To avoid this, it is best to use the help of professionals who will install ventilation ducts according to GOST standards. Only in this case will the hood be able to reveal its full potential and not cause problems during long-term use.

Also, attention must be paid to electrical networks. The position of the socket must correspond to the length of the factory hood cable. Under no circumstances is it recommended to extend the equipment wire yourself; this can lead to cable oxidation and overloading the hood.

The socket is also installed in accordance with GOST standards. It is best to plan the wiring and power points in advance after the hood has already been purchased. Of course, you can always use an extension cord.

Where to put the socket

So, in order to correctly design and install ventilation ducts, it is necessary to adhere to the basic opinions of experts, which will help increase the performance of the hood and reduce the pressure on the device’s motor.

The first thing to avoid when laying communications is excessive bends. First of all, they force you to create extra pressure exhaust hood to deliver exhaust air outside the house. Hence the conclusion: the fewer knees, the less force the device will need to expend to perform its basic functions. Also, the pipes must be sealed. Under no circumstances are holes allowed in them, which could lead to a loss of pressure and, accordingly, overload of the hood motor.

It is important to make the distance from the hood to the street as short as possible so that the exhaust device spends less energy working with a large volume of air. Also, narrowing and expansion should be avoided - the pipe must be of the same cross-section throughout its entire length, which will allow maintaining constant pressure for normal operation of the fans.

It is also recommended to install ventilation communications strictly at level. There is no need to make the air rise at an angle through the pipe; it is better to maintain a strict horizontal line and use a 90-degree elbow to move to the vertical level.

The diameter of the ventilation pipes must match the hood connector. It is best to use pipes made of environmentally friendly plastic or galvanized, they will last longer, and the cost will not hit the budget too much.

It is important to note that the installation of ventilation ducts should be carried out by a specialist who has extensive experience working with hoods and knows the basic subtleties that can improve or, conversely, worsen the performance of the exhaust device.

Distance for ventilation ducts

According to GOST standards, the outlet for the exhaust device is installed at a height of 2.5 meters from the floor level. This is the optimal indicator that specialists will use during the installation of electrical communications.

Also, it is necessary to retreat 15-20 centimeters to the left or right from the hood so that the equipment body does not block the access point to the power supply. Some hoods are connected directly to the network using terminal blocks or plugs, so installing an outlet is not always necessary.

It is very important to provide grounding for the outlet. Grounding prevents the device from burning out due to voltage surges or other unpleasant situations. Considering that some hoods cost a lot of money, it is best to take every precaution and know that the equipment will not be damaged.

If the wiring and sockets are old and the hood is already installed, you can use an extension cord. However, it is recommended to purchase an extension cord with a fuse (a device that will disconnect the carrier from the mains in the event of power surges or other situations).


At what distance should the hood be placed above the stove? Anyone can answer this question, knowing the basic criteria for calculating height, namely:

  • Person's height;
  • Hood type;
  • Slab type.

As mentioned above, for an inclined hood the optimal figure is 60 cm, and above an electric stove - 40-50. In turn, this type of hood has many additional advantages, such as ease of maintenance and low risk of fire.

Horizontal hoods must be installed at a height of 80 cm from the surface of the gas stove. Accordingly, above an electric stove the indicator will decrease by 20 cm.

It is important to understand that if the manufacturer indicated a specific figure, without knowing the height of the kitchen ceiling and the dimensions of the person, it is not necessary to strictly follow these recommendations. Nothing critical will happen if you move the device by 1-5 cm, because the main thing is to feel comfortable while cooking.

Also, it is necessary to seriously consider the issue of ventilation ducts and electrical networks, because without proper arrangement, the hood will not be able to work normally. The ventilation pipe should be as short as possible, without bends and uniform, in order to maintain pressure and not overload the exhaust system. It is important to take care of the safety of the equipment and get an extension cord with a fuse or connect it to a grounded outlet.

Also, it doesn’t hurt to use the help of installation professionals who have the necessary skills and are familiar with all the intricacies of placing a hood over a gas or electric stove. Of course, if the buyer knows how to work with the hood, it never hurts to save on calling a specialist.

The hood is necessary element in the kitchen of every housewife who removes harmful substances And unpleasant odors from the air. With its help, furniture and walls will always remain clean, and the room will be a pleasant place to spend time with your family.

Using a stove is accompanied by the process of gas combustion and the release of residual products into the surrounding space. Owners need to know exactly the optimal distance from the stove to the hood, which will be sufficient to ensure high-quality air exchange. You cannot do without an exhaust unit for the kitchen. But the question is more relevant than ever.

This parameter determines the efficiency of the device, as well as the cleanliness of the air in the kitchen. The latter is especially important in conditions where the kitchen is combined with the dining room.

Distance from the stove and inclined and horizontal hood

The installation height above the stove is determined by two criteria - the type of stove and the placement of the unit.

The design features of the household appliance, the size of the air duct or the presence of additional elements do not affect given value. An exception to the rule is situations where the ceiling is at a low height and the distance from the stove to the hood cannot be structurally maintained. Experts advise taking into account the rated power of the device, and then adjusting the height ±10 cm from the recommended average.

Inclined hoods

When installing inclined models of devices, the distance specified by the manufacturers should be observed:

  • from 35 to 50 cm, if dishes are planned to be cooked on an electric or induction hob;
  • from 55 to 65 cm is the recommended distance to the hood above the gas stove.

It is worth mounting a kitchen appliance where it will be convenient to use. Naturally, the values ​​​​indicated by experts are not taken “from the head”. The calculated data takes into account a number of criteria:

  • room layout;
  • kitchen area;
  • the height of the hostess;
  • power of the exhaust unit;
  • interior and room features.

Professionals emphasize that the distance from the hob to the household unit can be increased if there is sufficient power reserve. As for lowering below the recommended value, this is strictly prohibited. Proper installation will complicate the operation of the device and make it inconvenient.

If the distance between the hood and the hob is below the recommended value, the unit will be subject to constant and significant heating. It is better to avoid such situations initially, otherwise the equipment will quickly fail.

Horizontal devices

At what height to hang above the hob depends primarily on the characteristics of the stove itself with a horizontal surface.

The placement of this type of equipment depends on several factors, the main ones being the type of stove, model, technical specifications device. Recommended values:

  • for an electric stove - from 60 to 80 cm;
  • for gas burners - from 65 to 85 cm.

The nuances of installation above an electric stove

For a kitchen, an exhaust device is a structure through which forced air exchange is carried out in the room. It sucks in polluted air, purifies it, eliminating small particles of fat, evaporation, combustion products, odors and even impurities that are formed during cooking.

The height of the hood depends on design features the installation itself. Here it is necessary to focus on several aspects:

  • a flat-type suspended structure can be placed above a gas or electric stove in a horizontal position;
  • Most often, a kitchen hood is mounted on the wall near the stove, and you can choose any height at the owner’s discretion;
  • built-in devices are installed in a special light kitchen set located above the stove;
  • For installation of an island unit, spacious rooms are best suited, where you can hang the hood in the central part of the room, near the ceiling.

The distance between the inlet and the exhaust must be at least 60 cm. Despite the fact that this value is not final and can be adjusted in each specific case, experts recommend sticking to it.

The distance from the stove to the hood is indicated not only by manufacturing companies household appliances, but also recommendations from specialists based on many years of operation of various types and models. The question of what is the norm for installing a kitchen hood over gas heaters deserves special attention, since they are the ones that predominate in domestic houses and apartments.

Manufacturers of kitchen units, in the instructions for each appliance, recommend that consumers adhere to the installation conditions, and also observe minimum distance between the hob and the hood. Here are just a few examples:

  1. The Russian company Saturn, in the instructions for the M60 model, indicates that the device should be mounted at a distance of 65 cm from the burner. The productivity of this model is stated at 245 m3/h.
  2. The Bosch DWW09W650 model is installed at a height of at least 65 cm above the gas burners. Above the electric stove - the distance from the hob can be reduced to 55 cm. The productivity of the device is 650,650 m3/h.
  3. The unit from Shindo Metida60W boasts a productivity of 420 m3/h. This model should be installed at a distance of 75 cm.

At what distance is it better to hang a kitchen unit? The distance between the bottom of the hood and the burners depends on 3 requirements:

  • reduce the likelihood of spontaneous combustion;
  • ensure the removal of contaminated air flows;
  • guarantee comfortable use for the owner.

There are no horizontal restrictions; as for the vertical plane, the distance is within 70-90 cm.

Experts recommend checking with a company consultant at what height to install the hood, indicating the exact value, in order to optimize functionality device. Sometimes the distance is increased by purchasing a powerful device, which will provide the owner with additional convenience.

Properly selected distance from the stove to the hood and professional installation will ensure efficient and long-term operation of the equipment. Carefully study the instructions, where the corresponding values ​​and heights are indicated by the manufacturer.

How to determine the optimal distance from the stove to the hood

When arranging a kitchen space special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the distance from the stove to the hood The state of clean air, free from soot and unnecessary odors, directly depends on the operation of the hood. That is why it is so important to choose it correctly and determine the correct distance from the hob to the device itself. A properly chosen height affects not only the overall efficiency of ventilation, but also ensures the safety of the system as a whole.

Optimal hood height above a gas stove according to the standard

Lack of hood above the stove or its incorrect location can significantly complicate the process of preparing food and create some discomfort while in the room. Proper installation of the exhaust device according to the standard will ensure the necessary air circulation and comfort for the housewife in the kitchen. At what distance from the stove should the hood hang?

It is best to place the hood over a gas stove, taking into account certain standards

  • Gas stoves with direct hood should have a distance between each other of 75-85 cm;
  • If the hood is inclined, then the gap between it bottom And gas stove must be a minimum of 55 and a maximum of 65 cm;
  • An electric oven should have a distance of 65-75 cm to the direct hood;
  • In the case of an inclined hood, a stove with electric burners can be located at a distance of 35-45 cm from its lower part.

This range was not chosen by chance and you cannot arbitrarily reduce the recommended minimum distance between the hood and the stove. True, you can still increase it a little if necessary.

Reducing the distance can make it more difficult for the cook, who may constantly hit his head on the device. In addition, the hood can become very hot, which jeopardizes its operation. That is why it is extremely undesirable to reduce the distance recommended by GOST.

When choosing the height of the hood above the stove, you should also consider:

  • Power and design of the device;
  • Configuration and interior of the room;
  • The height of the person who spends the most time at the stove.

Weak hoods, as a rule, should be hung at a level not exceeding 75 cm from the stove, but powerful modern installations can be mounted higher, if necessary.

Typically, each hood is accompanied by instructions that detail all the recommended distances and installation parameters.

What affects the distance from the gas stove to the hood

When installing a hood, one of the most important factors that deserves attention is the maximum and minimum height of its location from the border of the hob. Usually, in order to understand at what distance the hood should be hung, you need to study the instructions. If it is not there, you must comply with some conditions for installing the device.

The distance from the stove to the bottom of the hood directly depends on:

  • Convenience of cooking - this means that the person preparing food should have free access to all the pots on the stove and not hit his head on the hood;
  • Safety - the distance must be such as to prevent spontaneous combustion of anything or deformation of the material ( safe distance considered – 65-70 cm);
  • The ability of the device to extract air from the most contaminated layers - in other words, the extraction power.

The dimensions of the hood also matter. For example, the width of the device should not be less than the width of a gas or electric stove, otherwise it will not be able to clean the entire surface of the stove from contaminated air.

The type of hood also plays a role. A lower location of the hood is allowed above an electric stove than above a gas stove, and it is also taken into account exactly how the device is located - inclined or straight.

If the hood hangs obliquely, then its lower edge usually falls slightly below the recommended distances. For a gas stove the gap is 55 cm, and for an electric stove it is 35 cm.

Standard installation of a hood over a gas stove and types of devices

A standard hood is a design that purifies the air from various fumes, gas combustion products, smoke, and various odors that appear during cooking.

According to the principle of operation, there are two types of hoods:

  • Flow-through - remove air outside the room, but at the same time require a fresh supply of air from outside;
  • Recirculation – purify the air on site, passing it through special filters and “returning” it to the kitchen.

Flow hoods work faster, but require a ventilation system, unlike recirculation hoods.

As a rule, its correct installation depends on the type of hood

Based on installation conditions, the hood can be:

  • Hanging - usually has flat view and installed from below wall cabinet above the hob;
  • Dome - installed after placing the cabinets, can be decorated to suit a variety of styles;
  • Built-in - its body is usually located inside the cabinet above the tile, the optimal height is determined according to recommended standards;
  • Corner - may be needed where the stove is moved to the end of the wall and the kitchen hood has to be placed in the corner of the room;
  • Wall-mounted (inclined) – mounted directly on the wall, the distance is measured from the slab to the bottom border of the hood;
  • Island - this type can be found in large kitchens of catering establishments, where the hood is attached to the ceiling in the center of the room.

We should also talk about built-in exhaust devices. There are models that are embedded into the surface of the countertop, behind the stove. This type can also be called tabletop and in this case the gap between the stove, table and hood is reduced to almost a minimum.

There are also special glass-ceramic hobs with induction cooking system and already built-in hood. This type of stove is very convenient to use, but, unfortunately, it is very expensive.

The hood can also be installed, choosing according to the design. This means that it can be stationary, removable or tilted, that is, introduced into the air purification zone when necessary.

Before hanging the hood, you must very carefully select the place where it will be located. All necessary communications or sewer outlets must be available.

You can hang the hood over a gas stove yourself if you carefully read the step-by-step instructions

For successful subsequent operation of the device, the following rules must be observed when installing it:

  • The size of the hood must correspond to the size of the stove itself in order to have access to all contaminated layers of air;
  • The distance from the device to the stove should not contradict the measures fire safety and the type of stove (the standard is usually indicated in the technical data sheet of the hood);
  • The socket used to connect the hood to power should not be located above the tile;
  • The air exhaust pipe must have a minimum number of bends.

When connecting the hood, you should also install a special protective unit in the power supply of the device, which will be able to emergency situation turn off the equipment.

What should be the distance from the stove to the hood (video)

Buying a range hood is a responsible matter, because the convenience of cooking and a comfortable stay in the kitchen in general depends on the operation of this device. It is best to entrust the installation of this equipment to specialists so that they can efficiently connect all the necessary communications and provide everything necessary for successful work hoods.

We are confident that if you need to install an exhaust device, you will use the help of a specialist. Meanwhile, to choose the distance from the gas stove to the hood, you will have to forget about the rush and take into account, on average, more than five factors that are relevant to your kitchen.

You wouldn't want to re-install, would you? Installation of a hood is the next step in arranging a kitchen, and the quality of the work performed should not be inferior to everything else.

When installing the hood, errors occur, due to which the device becomes unusable over time. Consumers whose device has broken down sometimes regret their money on new technology and begin to ventilate the kitchen many times more often and for longer. To prevent this from happening to your hood, we have collected all the important information about the installation height and installation rules for the device.

Hoods over stoves improve local ventilation, air circulation throughout the room. Built-in ventilation ducts do not cope well with the same task, and kitchen owners are faced with a choice - to use an exhaust device or constantly open the windows, both in summer and in winter. Furniture and decoration will retain their appearance if steam from dishes escapes quickly.

Ventilation devices come in 2 types according to their mode of action and have more than 10 varieties in structure. Hoods are placed over gas stoves, electric stoves, and mixed-type appliances.

The properties of the air become better due to the fact that the hood eliminates:

  • gas combustion residues;
  • pollution;
  • soot;
  • smells.

The devices purify the gaseous environment using flow-through (discharge) and recirculation methods. Devices of the 1st type draw in air and remove it from the building. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting that the systems require ducts, and that the kitchen has to be filled with air from the street.

Before selecting height and installation, determine the required capacity. Installing a weak system in a large kitchen is a waste of money.

The minimum power for effective air purification is determined by the formula N=S×h×12×1.3, Where:

  • S - kitchen area;
  • h - ceiling height in the room;
  • 12 - the number of times you need to refresh the air in the kitchen within an hour;
  • 1.3 is the equivalent of 30% - an approximate indicator of power loss due to air movement through bends, connections, openings and filters.

A small margin is added to the result obtained even without the indicated 30 percent, because manufacturers may be inaccurate.

Owners of medium-sized kitchens should focus on models with a capacity of 350, 400, 450 and 500 m³/hour. The indicator is selected no more than the throughput of the built-in ventilation ducts used.

Installing an exhaust system over a gas stove

First, communications and furniture arrangement are noted on paper - planned or ready data. For absolute accuracy, draw lines on the walls.

Electrical safety must be taken into account. You can’t do without grounding, and if there is no corresponding outlet in the kitchen, then a 16-amp RCD is installed in the electrical panel.

The device is connected to the power network with three wires: phase, neutral and ground. In the shield they find a blank neutral with nuts and wires. It carries its own wire with a cross-section of 2.5 mm². The core is placed separately or on top of others, if technically possible.

You cannot disconnect an already secured wire yourself - you may get an electric shock. Exhaust system connected via a 6.3 ampere circuit breaker.

The new apartments have Euro-type sockets and a grounding circuit. The device is connected to the terminal labeled GND (Ground) or with three lines different sizes. On exhaust devices without a grounding socket, the wire is attached to a metal part.

Safe models are considered to be hoods with automatic shut-off, which stop working after a short circuit or fire.

After initial activities proceed to marking the space for the exhaust device and counting the fastening parts. For the last time, measure the distance from the hood to the stove and compare it with the standard height above gas appliances.

The exhaust duct is made as straight and short as possible, but without violating the relative straightness of the connections and without angles that differ significantly from straight. Transitional parts between sections are used with a slightly rounded shape. Ideally, turns consist of many short parts.

The cross-sectional area of ​​the passage is changed only if there are no other options. In total, no more than three bends are made. With a clogged ventilation shaft, the hood will not work well, and then they use circulation systems and do without an air duct.

Installation of a hood between cabinets

First, the ventilation sleeve is assembled. Air ducts come in square and round section, and the typical size is 13×13 cm. The diameter is selected according to the hole made in ventilation grille or wall, kept unchanged along the entire length.

Preference is given to air ducts made from plastics or metals, with a smooth interior and.

Other mounting options

Hoods are mounted not only between cabinets, but also inside. Furniture sets sometimes include modules for an exhaust hood.

Installation in an unsuitable section includes three stages: preparing a wall cabinet, securing it and connecting communications, and installing a working device.

Preparing the hanging box:

  1. We unscrew the doors.
  2. Remove the module from the hinges on the wall. A second person must support the locker to prevent it from falling. You can also make a temporary mount with adjacent walls of other boxes.
  3. We dismantle the lower shelf of the case. We make sure that the equipment and the cabinet are compatible. We trim the sides if necessary.
  4. We determine what the depth of the air duct in the cabinet will be. Then we cut out parts from the top and inner shelves according to the outlines of the air channel and the depth of their location. We also provide a place for the power cord.
  5. We make four holes in the inner shelf for fixing the hood - if the configuration of the device allows for such fastening. In other cases, we install slats.

The cabinet is installed back and the connection to the electrical network is organized. The hood is built into the allocated space and secured with self-tapping screws. Then they are connected to the air duct, and the shelves are temporarily removed if necessary.

At the end, the door is returned to its place, but, if possible, converted to a lifting one. Gas lifts can be added if desired.

It makes sense to equip a cramped kitchen with a hood without a shell like decor or a built-in cabinet, which gradually lose their attractive appearance. The role of the supporting structure can be assigned to a homemade frame made of metal corners.

The parts are assembled into a rectangular structure and then everything is finally measured and the location for the load-bearing self-tapping screws that will hold the frame is determined. Even before installation, a grounding wire is connected to the frame. In the end, all that remains is to fix the hood in the frame, hang the device, connect it to the finished air duct and run it for testing.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Mounting height above the stove, installation features and some interesting points:

Review of the nuances of the structure and connection of hoods, various errors:

Cleaning the grease filter of the hood in order to increase the power of the device and extend its service life - methods:

In the article we have provided comprehensive information about the nuances that will have to be taken into account before placing the exhaust device. We indicated the standards for the height of the hood above a gas stove and compared them with the standards for electric ones. The lower installation level starts from 75 cm above the gas burners.

Inclined appliances can be hung at 55 cm. The height is also determined according to the manufacturer’s instructions, the size of the hood, its power, the design of the kitchen and furniture. Devices for working on kitchen stoves are flow-through and circulation. Type 2 devices clean and return air.

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