Clicks in the heating of a private house. Noise and knocking in heating pipes: causes and methods of elimination. Seething water in heating pipes and radiators

This question can suddenly burst into the life of any resident of an apartment or private house.

When the cold season comes, when you come home, you want to relax and take a break from the bustle of the outside world.

But what to do if the space begins to be filled with annoying and incomprehensible sounds coming from the heating battery?

What causes noise in a heating radiator?

As a rule, the causes of unpleasant noise and clicks in the battery are associated with errors made during the installation of the heating device, its components, or with wear and tear of the heating system elements.

In order to correctly navigate this issue, you need to know information that will allow you to quickly identify the malfunction and make the right decision to correct it.

The main sources of problems are:

  • difference in liner diameters. In this case, the inlet and supply pipe have different internal cross-sections. Due to this difference, additional pressure is created on such sections of the heating communication, which is the cause of the unpleasant sound;
  • The radiator or riser is clogged. Over time, solid debris can accumulate in the heating system, which, when water flows inside the radiator or pipe, will hit the walls;
  • air inside the heating device. When you hear the sound of water bubbling or gurgling in the battery, this indicates that there is an air lock in the system;
  • Poor fastening of the battery to the brackets. Due to the vibration of passing water, the battery can rub against loosely joined brackets, making sounds similar to clicks;
  • leak in the system. Occurs in the event of a violation of the tightness of heating communications;
  • Incorrect connection of the thermal valve or shut-off valves. Due to inexperience and carelessness, the valve could have been installed the other way around;
  • pressure difference. Appears due to the lack of a pressure regulator - a special washer that is installed in front of the elevator nozzle to reduce pressure;
  • Incorrect operation of the circulation pump. If for some reason the pump begins to work abnormally, then a slight vibration may be created, which through the pipe system will reach the radiators in the apartments in the form of noise;
  • incorrect pipe laying. Often, pipes are installed in prepared “ditches,” which are subsequently sealed with cement. So, without a special gap and laying insulation around the pipes, the structure can also make noise.

Preventive measures

If you are just planning to install pipes in your house, then you should approach this process thoroughly.

To give the room a more harmonious look, many people choose to hide the pipeline in the wall or floor.

To do this, appropriate recesses are made into which pipes are placed and then filled with concrete.

The pipes are made of metal, which, in turn, according to the laws of physics, tends to expand when heated.

If you do not take this fact into account and simply fill the pipes, then after several warm and cold seasons, free space will form around them.

Based on this, when laying pipes it is necessary to take into account distance tolerance and thermal insulation to avoid friction of heating pipes on concrete.

Experienced experts advise using ball valves instead of screw taps and small-diameter valves, which shut off the flow of water by turning the handle 90 degrees.

Such devices have no restrictions under the valve, there is no place for debris to accumulate, and the operation is not affected by the direction of water flow.

Thanks to the use of such cranes, you will not have to think about some possible causes of noise.

Heating systems today, in addition to the battery and supply pipes, consist of many related devices.

Such devices ensure the greatest safety and simplify the operation of the heating system as a whole.

Pressure relief valve, bypass, meters, thermostats - they all require taking into account the specifics of the installation.

When purchasing and installing, it is necessary to check the diameters of all inlet holes and the internal cross-section of the pipes.

Installation of valves and taps must be carried out strictly according to the instructions.

For example, an incorrectly built-in shut-off valve will make knocking noises under the pressure of the water pressure, that is, the valve will begin to “move” due to the pressure on it. This can be fixed by reinstalling the element.

How to solve noise problems?

It often happens that the heating device becomes clogged from the inside. In this case, pieces of slag will move along the radiator along with the flow of water, touching the walls.

In this case, flushing will help. A hose is put on the faucet, and the water along with the debris is gradually drained.

If the procedure does not help, at the end of the heating season the radiator will have to be dismantled, disassembled and cleaned, or replaced.

An air lock in a heating device is a common cause of unpleasant gurgling sounds.

This problem is solved with the help of a Mayevsky crane, which will allow the air to be released and the battery to continue to operate silently.

Quite often, at the beginning of the heating season, problems with noise in pipes can arise due to pressure that is not fully equalized.

When the pressure difference in the pipeline exceeds 1.5 atmospheres, tapping may begin.

In this case, the specialist must install a washer in front of the regulator nozzle, which will equalize the pressure.

In an apartment building, a circulation pump is responsible for the movement of warm water through pipes and heating appliances in apartments.

If for some reason it starts to work incorrectly, then specialists must determine the solution: it may be necessary to install a special valve that will correct the operation of the pump, or it may even go as far as replacing the unit.

If the cause of the noise is identified in the place where the heating battery connects to the bracket, then you should think about replacing the brackets or choose a simpler method - place a rubber pad between the battery and the fastening element to prevent friction.

You can identify the leak yourself. To do this, just inspect the pipes in your apartment or house. If one can be seen with the naked eye, then this is good luck, and corrective measures can be taken immediately.

Having found out that everything is normal in the apartment, you need to go around the neighbors to look for the pipe from which water is leaking.

If your neighbors also do not have a leaking pipe, then it is necessary to inspect the main unit of the heating system.

In an apartment building, it is located in the basement, going down into which you can immediately come across steam - it is this that signals the location of the breakthrough.

In this case, the emergency service is immediately called.

As it turned out, there are various reasons for the unpleasant sounds emanating from radiators. But it will be easier to find out the reason now.

In most cases, it is better to solve the problem of eliminating noise according to the opinion of specialists, because they are guaranteed to have experience, knowledge, special tools and spare parts.

The main thing is not to hesitate, because this will help to avoid emergency situations in the future.

Why do heating radiators make noise in an apartment or house and what to do? Do you want to get rid of extraneous sounds? Don't you like it when heating radiators click, shoot, hum, hiss?

In this post we will look at all possible problems and their solutions. After reading it, you will be able to independently determine the cause of noise in the batteries. You will also learn how to get rid of extraneous noise in heating radiators.

Hissing and whistling

If the radiator hisses or whistles, this is a sign of a water leak. Moreover, the location of the leak can be anywhere in the heating system. Sometimes water comes out in a heating pipe embedded in the wall, and the sound comes from a radiator 10 meters away.

If you live in a multi-storey building and have not found an obvious leak in your apartment, talk to your neighbors. Maybe somewhere in a secluded corner they have already accumulated a puddle. If you can't find an obvious place, you should check:

  • Parts of pipes embedded in ceilings and walls;
  • Common riser;
  • Places where the riser passes through the ceilings.

Destruction of gaskets may happen due to:

  • They are of low quality;
  • Highly acidic waters;
  • Aggressive coolant;
  • Flushing the system with strong detergents.

In this case, the only option is to replace the gaskets. Moreover, they need to be changed not only at the inlet and outlet of the radiator pipes, but also between sections.

Clicking or knocking noises when heating and cooling

Sometimes strange noises occur when batteries start to heat up or cool down. This is due to the fact that they do it unevenly. Metal expands when heated and contracts when cooled.

In this case, you need to lay gaskets between the brackets on which the battery is attached to the wall or floor and the radiator itself. These can be ordinary pieces of rubber 2-3 mm thick.

If you have cheap bimetallic radiators, extraneous sounds may arise due to their internal structure. differs from the others - they use two metals. If they do not fit tightly together, clicks will be heard when expanding.

Batteries click, shoot, knock

If a thermostat (thermal valve) is installed in the heating system, this may be the reason. Check if it is positioned correctly. On its body there should be an indicator of the direction of water or coolant flow (see photo). The only option to get rid of the knocking noise in the battery is to remove it and put it in the right direction.

Sometimes pipes may knock. This happens when they are located too close to a wall or furniture. Due to strong pressure, the heating system may begin to vibrate. Moreover, this is not always noticeable to the eye. You can solve the problem by wrapping the pipe in insulation or a thin piece of rubber.

Noise, hum, buzzing, extraneous sounds

There can be many reasons for constant noise in heating radiators. Let's look at them in order:

Incorrect pipe diameter

Sometimes heating pipes are of different diameters and are connected by adapters. Because of this, a pressure drop occurs and turbulence appears in the water or coolant. They lead to vibration and extraneous sounds.

Often a change in diameter occurs due to clogged pipes. Sediments can accumulate on their inner walls. This results in reduced throughput.

During the operation of heating systems, extraneous sounds periodically arise that should not be there. These noises are generated due to the following reasons:

  • uneven movement of the coolant caused by changes in speed and pressure;
  • malfunctions of installed pipeline fittings;
  • incorrect settings of equipment and pipeline fittings.

And if, during the operation of the heating system, noise appears in the heating pipes, then the first step to eliminating it should be a correct diagnosis.

Classification of extraneous noise

All extraneous sounds can be classified as follows:

  • crackling noise coming from heating pipes. It usually appears when heating is put into operation;
  • clicks that appear with a certain frequency;
  • hum in the pipeline system;
  • knocking in the heating pipes in the apartment.

All these noises not only reduce the comfort of staying in the house, but also clearly indicate the objective reasons that serve to cause them.

If they are not eliminated in time, then you can expect troubles in the form of damage to the batteries, installed pumps and valves, up to a complete stop of the heat supply.

One of the main causes of noise in the heating system is water (coolant) leaks from the pipeline. You cannot eliminate these defects in an apartment building on your own; they must be reported to the management company. Its specialists must inspect all rooms located in the building for coolant leaks. As a rule, sources of leaks are flanged or threaded connections, valves, valves and fistulas formed during operation. If the inspection does not produce results, then it is necessary to check the entire heating system and the units installed in it.

A knocking noise in the heating pipe of a private home may come from the heating pump.

It should only be removed by specialists who have special skills and tools.

In addition, individual devices installed in the heating network, for example, a drain valve or an air vent, can generate knocking noises in heating pipes in a private house. Modern heating systems are assembled in such a way that the main pumps, control valves, control and automation equipment are located in one room and it makes sense to immediately conduct a full inspection.

Extra sounds from heating appliances

The next source of noise and knocking in the heating pipes of a private house is heating radiators. As a rule, the cause of their occurrence is errors made during installation or defects in the housing. In the latter case, it is advisable to change the battery.

If the radiator is not damaged and its installation was carried out strictly according to the rules, then the cause of noise in the pipes may be the presence of an air lock in the radiator.

Its presence creates an obstacle to the movement of the coolant and at the same time a hum appears.

In addition, an unreasonably large number of fittings built into the heat supply system provokes unnecessary noise. The battery can become a source of hum and knocking in the heating pipes of a house due to improper installation, and the vibration that occurs when the coolant moves is transmitted throughout the pipeline. And of course, one of the reasons that can contribute to noise is debris accumulating in radiators.

Cleaning the heating radiator from deposits

By the way, another reason may be that when installing pipelines, transitions from one diameter to another are used too often. Using these nuances results in the flow of the work environment slowing down or speeding up.

These are the main reasons for the appearance of extraneous sounds in heating radiators.

Air is removed from radiators using a Mayevsky tap. This operation is carried out when filling the heating system with coolant, before the start of the heating season. If such defects appear during operation, you will have to stop the heat supply to the building or, at least, reduce it and wait until the temperature drops to 30 degrees. After this, you need to open the tap and wait until the air comes out of it and the coolant begins to flow out. Typically this procedure lasts one to two minutes, but this depends on the volume of the system. After this, the heat supply is turned on again and if the noise disappears, then all work has been done correctly and the air lock has been removed from the system. Mayevsky taps are installed at the highest point of the heating system.

By the way, the presence of air indicates that coolant leaks have formed in the heat supply system, which urgently need to be found and eliminated.

Debris in the radiator

One way or another, debris accumulates in the radiators - these are small particles of rust, limestone sediment, etc. You can check its presence after dismantling the mesh filter; if particles of rust and plaque are visible in it, then, most likely, debris has accumulated in the radiator .

In this case, to eliminate knocking in heating pipes in an apartment, two methods are used. The first method is called hydrodynamic, the second chemical. When using the first method, a powerful pump is used that creates high water pressure. But at the same time, we must remember to limit the operating pressure in the system. If it is exceeded, radiators and other elements of the piping system can be damaged.

The second method implies that special chemicals dissolve the particles or destroy them, after which they leave the system under coolant pressure. But before you engage in chemical cleaning, you must read the instructions very carefully. Phosphoric acid may be used in some formulations. When using it, increased safety precautions must be observed.

Excessive noise in pipelines

Excess noise in heating pipes appears due to:

  • incorrect operation of the circulation pump;
  • presence of debris in pipes;
  • design errors;
  • improper installation of the structure.

Sometimes these problems can appear simultaneously, and sometimes all together. In this case, the diagnostic task becomes more complicated. The cause can be identified first of all by the nature of the sound. For example, clicking sounds indicate a blockage in the heating pipe. A blockage in the pipe can significantly reduce its internal bore diameter.

This leads to an increase in operating pressure in a certain section of the pipeline and, as a consequence, to the appearance of excess noise.

A cracking sound indicates that the air valve has most likely failed. It needs to be tested and replaced. Vibration, which also creates extraneous noise, occurs in improperly installed heat supply systems. That is, the passage of the working medium can cause the pipe to vibrate and, if installation rules are not followed, it may hit the wall.

To avoid clogging, all heating supply components are washed either before the start or at the end of the heating season.

Pump noise

Above were descriptions of the causes of extraneous noise and knocking in heating pipes. A private house or high-rise building has a heating system consisting of passive and active parts of pipeline fittings. But, these noises can also be created due to malfunctions in the operation of pumps, valves and other equipment operating from an electric drive.

In the event of partial failure of the impeller or rotor, vibration occurs during pump operation. Moreover, when operating a defective engine, the operating parameters of the system, that is, pressure, may deteriorate. This defect can be eliminated either by repairing or replacing the pump. Which is not difficult to do even during the heating season.

As a rule, two pumps are installed, one is considered the main pump and the other is a backup.

And one of them can be cut off from the coolant supply line for some time.

By the way, unstable operation of the pump can also be caused by errors in the design or flaws during the installation of the heating unit, more precisely, in its electrical part. If electricity is supplied to the power plants with insufficient parameters or phase imbalance, then you can be sure that the movement of the coolant will be uneven. Accordingly, this will lead to noise and knocking in the heating pipes when the coolant is heated.

In addition, extraneous noise and knocking in heating pipes in a private house may occur for the following reasons:

  • violation of the rules for installing the pump; its shaft must be positioned strictly horizontally;
  • discrepancy between the technical parameters of the installed pump and the design parameters.

In the first option, runout of the pump shaft may appear; in the second, a change in technical characteristics leads to an increase or decrease in the flow rate of the working fluid.

Diagnosing the source of noise and knocking in heating pipes in a private home is a difficult job. To perform this, you must dismantle the pump and have certain skills in working with various tools. As a rule, diagnostics are performed by trained plumbers.

Noise in boilers

Boilers that produce heat, like any other equipment in the heating system, can also generate knocking noises in heating pipes in a private home. As a rule, the reasons for their appearance are similar to those that cause extraneous sounds during operation of pipes and radiators. These are lime deposits and debris getting into the heat exchanger.

If cleaning the boiler does not bring a positive result, then it is necessary to look for the causes of noise in other components. In addition, they indicate errors in the operation of the boiler itself.

In any case, boiler maintenance and repair work should only be carried out by trained specialists.

Causes of noise in different types of boilers

In practice, four main types of fuel are used:

  • solid – coal, wood;
  • gas - liquefied gas, propane;
  • liquid – diesel fuel;
  • electric.

Each type of boiler has its own disadvantages. Thus, when boilers operate on solid fuel, the pipe becomes clogged and, as a result, the draft decreases. This is the reason for the appearance of abnormal sounds; to eliminate them, it is necessary to clean the chimney in a timely manner.

Boilers that use diesel fuel may whistle.

This occurs due to incomplete combustion of the fuel and a large amount of soot forms on its injectors.

Theoretically, using the methods described in the technical description, you can clean the boiler combustion system yourself. As a rule, the documentation describes the frequency of cleaning, the procedure for performing actions and the necessary tools for this.

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It happens that after installation, heaters and radiators crackle and click. What is the cause of extraneous noise during operation?

Causes of noise in a heating radiator

The reason for knocking and noise in batteries is mainly due to violations committed during installation. The most common problems are:
  • Different diameters of the radiator inlet and hose. Modern systems use control valves, a Mayevsky valve, a bypass, etc. All pipes and shut-off valves must have the same internal cross-section.
  • Lack of differential pressure regulator. A special washer is installed in front of the regulator nozzle in the basement of an apartment building, designed to stabilize the pressure. If there is no washer, the coolant makes noise in the batteries when the pressure in the pipeline reaches above 1.5 Bar.
  • Heating radiators crackle due to incorrect connection of the thermal valve or poor mounting on the brackets. The problem can be resolved by replacing the temperature controller. Water presses on the valve in the thermostat, which leads to extraneous noise. The cause of the crackling sound is also insufficient fixation on the brackets. When heated, the metal from which the radiators are made expands, which leads to noise.
  • Air pockets - if water is bubbling in the radiator, this indicates the presence of air in the system. When water passes the location of the plug, a sound similar to the babbling of a stream is made. A similar problem is detected if the batteries gurgle when the heating is turned on. The situation is corrected using the Mayevsky crane. By bleeding air from the heating system, you can achieve silent operation.
  • Leak in the system. Whistling and humming indicate a lack of tightness in the heating system or excessive narrowing of the pipeline. Moreover, the heating radiator is humming due to a “fistula” in the riser not only in the apartment itself, but also in the basement. If a visual inspection does not reveal the location of the break, the building management plumbers are called to look for a broken pipe in the basement.

These are the most common causes of noise during heating operation. To determine what became the catalyst for the violation, the location and localization of knocking, gurgling or other sounds should be determined. After this, identify errors in installation.

Eliminating noise from radiators is much more difficult than preventing them from appearing. Therefore, it is recommended that the installation of the system be carried out by a qualified installation team.

Why does the heater crackle when operating?

The causes of noise in electric heaters, unlike radiators connected to a liquid heating system, are rarely associated with installation errors. The main cause of clicks, crackling and other sounds is violations of operation by the owners themselves.
  • Oil cooler– if clicks are heard when you turn on the heater, the problem is due to moisture getting into the oil. This happens for several reasons. The heater was turned upside down during transportation. We transported the heater in winter, and then immediately turned it on, etc. Detailed instructions on how to avoid unpleasant noise can be found in the heater instructions.
  • Fan heater and convector– noises indicate accumulated dust. The heating process involves the use of an incandescent filament. The settled dust causes unpleasant clicking sounds during operation, usually accompanied by a burning smell.

Qualified specialists must eliminate the causes of crackling and clicking noises in radiators and electric heaters. Regarding electrical equipment malfunctions, you should contact the service center. A competent plumber can eliminate violations that cause radiators to knock, make noise, or creak during heating.

Here you will find out why heating radiators make noise in an apartment: how to turn on the radiator correctly to get rid of knocking, crackling and clicking, how to increase efficiency and improve sound insulation in an apartment building.

Who doesn’t want warmth and comfort in their apartment in winter? But what to do if the whole impression is spoiled by the noise from the heating radiators in an apartment building?

Of course, look for the cause of its occurrence. The heating system is as complex a mechanism as the human body.

A rumbling stomach can indicate hunger, or maybe a serious illness. Same with batteries. To figure out whether they are “sick” or not, you need to know how heating works in an apartment building.

How do batteries work?

Few people remember these familiar devices in apartments if they are hot and quiet. But as soon as this changes, the question immediately arises: how does the heating battery work in the apartment?

The principle of its service is simple:

  1. A carrier is supplied to the circuit, usually water.
  2. The coolant, moving through the system, heats up all its elements.
  3. A heated radiator gives off its heat to the room.
  4. The cooling coolant continues its path along the circuit, returning to the general system, and the cycle repeats again.

This is a primitive description of the general principle, but in fact the carrier passes from the boiler room through pipes and many nodes, so it is not surprising that somewhere along the way it “got astray” for some reason, which is reflected by knocking or noise in the batteries .

Modern radiators differ in sizes, shapes and types of materials.

Today the domestic market offers:

Sometimes, if the heating radiator in an apartment is noisy, one of the reasons may be the material from which it is made or its shape. The market offers sectional, tubular, panel and plate batteries.

The above sounds can be caused by various factors, but the first place to check is whether the radiators are connected correctly.

Checking radiators

As practice shows, the quality of the heating system largely depends on the integrity of its elements and the quality of their connections.

Before the heating season starts, you need to check everything:

  1. Firstly, How tightly are the batteries secured and are the brackets loose?. This is especially true for cast iron analogues, since their weight can cause them to sag over time.
  2. Secondly, check the correct location for the radiators and their position relative to the floor, walls and window sill, if they are installed traditionally under the windows.
  3. Thirdly, integrity of plugs and their insulation.
  4. Fourthly, check the connecting nodes and clean them from rust if available.
  5. Fifthly, check the system for air pockets, what can be done by unscrewing the Mayevsky tap.
  6. Sixth, after connecting the batteries, you need check them for leaks. If there are any, then as a temporary remedy, you can apply a sealant and call technicians to either fix the leak or replace the element.

If all this work is carried out correctly before turning on the heating radiator in the apartment, then in the event of possible noise in it, it will be possible to eliminate the question of its integrity and look for the true cause of the sounds.

Why are the radiators making noise in the apartment?

According to experts, the most common cause of any noise in the heating system is its incorrect connection, but as practice shows, there are many more of them:

  1. Incorrect pipe diameter in eyeliner this phenomenon is quite common, since the system consists of many elements and components. For example, the connection to the radiator has a diameter of 50 mm, and the shut-off valve has a diameter of 25 mm, and if it is also covered, it turns out that under high pressure the carrier is trying to break through a small gap. Hence the knocking sound in the heating radiators of an apartment building.
  2. Pressure drops in the heating circuit originate in the media distribution elevator. To eliminate the cause, sometimes it is enough to place a washer in front of the elevator pipe, but a more reliable, although slightly expensive, way is to place a pressure regulator there. The knocking will stop immediately.
  3. Airing the system causes gurgling in it, which can be easily removed by draining the coolant using a Mayevsky tap. Once all the air is out, the sounds will stop.
  4. It is easy to understand why the heating radiators in the apartment click. Because all elements of the heating circuit are made of metal, which tends to expand when heated, then their involuntary contacts occur, causing similar sounds. They can be removed if gaskets are installed between the mounts and the batteries themselves.
  5. Why are the heating radiators knocking in the apartment? Sometimes the heating radiators in the apartment knock because The thermostatic device is not installed correctly, for example, from the wrong side. It is enough to return it to its rightful place so that the valve stops knocking and there is silence.
  6. Many high-rise buildings are equipped with one circulation pump for the entire circuit. Ingoda him vibrations are transmitted through pipes and reach radiators. You can remove its noise using a valve between it and the elevator.
  7. Why do heating radiators crackle in an apartment? A cracking sound in heating radiators in an apartment building can be caused by coolant if it is not suitable for the heating system. In this case, technicians must drain the old media and replace it with a new one.

To determine why the radiators are humming in the apartment, it is better to contact a specialist with this question. They can determine the nature of the noise by the quality of the noise and quickly eliminate it.

How to improve system performance?

The comfortable sensations of apartment residents depend on how well the batteries are heated. If the heat is not enough, then there is a reason to think about how to increase the efficiency of the heating battery in the apartment.

These can be quite simple actions:

  1. Getting rid of air jams.
  2. Flushing radiators to clean them of scale, salts and dirt accumulated over years of operation.
  3. Removing dust from the battery.
  4. Installing a reflective screen, for which you can use ordinary foil, securing it behind the radiator. It’s even better if it’s a metal sheet or plate, since they will not only reflect heat and prevent it from passing through the wall to the outside, but also, when they heat up themselves, will become an additional source of heat.
  5. Blowing air over a heating radiator in an apartment using a fan is a fairly popular and effective method of warming an apartment. Any device is suitable for this, the main thing is that it operates silently and consumes little energy.

These simple steps can significantly improve the operation of the system, but this can only be checked by knowing the standards for the heating radiators in the apartment.

In this case, we mean their heating level:

  • for a two-pipe heating system it is +95 degrees (maximum values ​​are indicated);
  • with a single-pipe coolant supply - +115;
  • The main indicator of heating batteries in apartments is considered to be +85-90 degrees.

You can measure the heating of radiators with a regular thermometer.

Soundproofing of pipes

Sometimes the cause of strange and annoying sounds is poor system insulation. This happens either because over time, the previously applied sound insulation of the heating radiators in the apartment has become dilapidated, or the builders did not install it at all.

You can carry out work to eliminate the defect yourself:

  1. Clean the pipes from the old solution.
  2. Wrap the pipe with any sound-insulating material, for example, fiberglass, and seal the area.
  3. If a sound insulation sleeve was used, then cleaning is done inside it.

When checking the system for the quality of sound insulation, you need to monitor how firmly all its elements are fastened - from the smallest, for example, brackets, to radiators.

Knowing how the system as a whole works, you can figure out why the heating radiators are noisy in an apartment building. The simplest ways to solve the problem can be done yourself, for example, by bleeding the air out of the pipes; in other cases, it is better to trust the experience of specialists.