Wooden window frames carved templates pictures. How to make carved window frames in a wooden house Homemade window frames

No plastic window can compare with the finish of wooden windows. Wooden trim gives this uniqueness and charm. They are really very popular now, they are used in decoration country houses, dachas, buildings on the countryside or summer cottage– bathhouses, gazebos, guest houses. This popularity is justified, because in general, wooden housing construction not only does not lose its demand, but is also expanding. Moreover, this fact is typical for large cities, and for small ones, and even for villages and towns. There are many examples when all buildings are on suburban area decorated in the same style, it is especially impressive and stylish.

The SevLesProm company has been producing platbands for more than 10 years. We work only with selected materials, solid wood from the Kostroma forests, harvested to all standards. Such materials lend themselves well correct processing, make it possible to create any shape and size of the platband, retain all their properties for a long time, and will not crack.

Our materials are selected according to all the rules in order to create truly high-quality and exclusive products. The use of this raw material makes it possible to create platbands that are strong, durable, hold their shape and color well, and are not susceptible to external influences.

Wooden frames for windows and doors

In our company you can buy ready-made platbands both in small batches and in bulk. Our prices are very competitive, as we work without intermediaries. In the catalog below you can choose the type of platband that will suit you for your decoration, the range is extensive. You can also order a new sketch. We even have a service for making a sketch based on a photo and description. Depending on the pattern, sketch, shape and size of the platbands, their cost varies.

Carved cornices for the roof of a house

On houses built in the traditional Russian style, eaves on the roofs look very beautiful. This design performs several functions at once: aesthetic and practical. Aesthetic – cornices serve as decoration and add a special style to a house, guest house or other building. Practical – protects from rain. We have our own production base, we have everything necessary equipment for production, the staff includes only professionals with extensive experience. All this allows us to create masterpieces for decorating your homes.

Attention! Special offer for cash buyers!

When ordering more than 15,000 rubles, a DISCOUNT is provided - 20 rubles per linear meter.

vendor code
№ 1

per linear meter

  • Width: 95 mm
  • Length: 3 m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 2

per linear meter

  • Width: 130 mm
  • Length: 3 m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 3

per linear meter

  • Width: 130 mm
  • Length: 3 m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 4

per linear meter

  • Width: 140 mm
  • Length: 3 m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 5

per linear meter

  • Width: 140 mm
  • Length: 3 m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 6

per linear meter

  • Width: 140 mm
  • Length: 3 m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 7

per linear meter

  • Width: 190 mm
  • Length: 3 m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 8

per linear meter

  • Width: 190 mm
  • Length: 3 m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 9

per linear meter

  • Width: 140 mm
  • Length: 3 m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 10

per linear meter

  • Width: 140 mm
  • Length: 3 m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 11

per linear meter

  • Width: 140 mm
  • Length: 3 m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 12

per linear meter

  • Width: 140 mm
  • Length: 3 m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 13

per linear meter

  • Width: 140 mm
  • Length: 3 m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

vendor code
№ 14

per linear meter

  • Width: 140 mm
  • Length: 3 m
  • Humidity: 8-12%
  • Wood: Spruce, Pine

№ 15

  • Special style and charm.
    Such original carved elements make it possible to express individuality in some cases, and in others to create beauty and luxury in your area. Everything will depend on what type of product you choose.
  • Single ensemble.
    Used on site different materials for buildings? No single style? In this case, elements such as platbands and cornices will help. You can order both the product in the same style and the same pattern - and the solution is ready.
  • Protective function.
    In this case, it is meant that the platbands protect against the penetration of dust and moisture.
  • Additional sound insulation.
    Thanks to the tight fit of the products, the noise insulation characteristics increase general design. This is very important if the house is located near a road or within the city.
  • Reliability and thermal insulation.
    Our platbands are of such quality that you don’t have to worry about temperature changes - there will be no cracking or deformation. In addition, the tight fit prevents heat loss and also makes it possible to stay cool in hot weather.

Installation of external frame window openings usually practiced in wooden houses, where you need to cover the gaps between the frame and the wall with something. The issue can be solved in different ways: by nailing planed boards around the perimeter, or by first cutting out the trim for the windows, and only then attaching them to the walls with your own hands. There is a third option - to supply ready-made products purchased in the store. Our task is to explain how to make such cladding yourself.

Types of decorative strips

For external framing of windows and entrance doors Platbands made from the following materials are used:

  • wood, thick plywood;
  • metal;
  • Styrofoam;
  • polyurethane.

Wooden cladding, which has adorned log houses for centuries, remains popular to this day. It is performed in two styles - Russian, where beautiful carvings with rich ornaments prevail, and Finnish - more laconic. The latter is distinguished by the straight shapes of the elements and a small hinged visor, as shown in the photo:

Framing in Finnish (left) and Russian style (right)

Reference. The scope of application of wood strips is not limited to log houses. Now they can be found on country cottages built from timber and brick, including with plastic windows. As the photo shows, the openwork pattern looks great even on a stone wall.

The main advantage of wood is not ease of processing, although this also matters. Another thing is important here: carved platbands, made according to an individual sketch, will give the facade an exclusive appearance that you will not see anywhere else. This good reason take up self-production, because ordering such products from a specialist will not be cheap. This equally applies to metal flashings - you can also cut them yourself if desired.

Window cladding made of polystyrene foam and plastic – more modern way resolving the issue. And although polymer elements for windows are not exorbitantly priced and are easy to install, they are completely devoid of individuality. The reason is clear - many enterprises have mastered the production of polyurethane decor.

Facade decor made of polyurethane

Cutting out a wooden frame without a stencil

This method is suitable for those who want to decorate door and window openings, but do not have wood carving experience. First you need to select a material - boards 2-4 cm thick, whose width is determined by the selected pattern, and the length - by the size of the window.

Advice. Choose lumber from soft woods - linden, alder or aspen. Sawing a pattern in solid beech or oak is not an easy task. Spruce is too knotty, and pine easily cracks along the grain, so it is not advisable for a beginner to use it.

The window casing consists of 4 main parts shown in the drawing: two side panels, a frieze and a window sill board. The design can be supplemented with a decorative top (otherwise known as a kokoshnik). The elements are joined together at an angle of 45 or 90° - at your discretion.

To make flashings with a simple flower pattern, proceed in this order:

  1. Draw a line down the center of the board. Using it as a guide, draw circles along the entire length with a pencil (you can outline a round object of suitable diameter). Using a square, draw lines at 90 and 45° angles through the centers of all circles.
  2. Take a drill and drill a hole in the center of the circle and two more on each line. Draw petals of future flowers around them.
  3. Using a jigsaw, cut out each petal and trace the outer contour of the product with a pencil, as shown in the photo. Cut off the excess part and thoroughly clean the resulting ornament. In the same way, make all 4 parts.

Advice. If you are not very good at drawing, use a regular pattern to draw curved lines.

After cutting, homemade platbands must be carefully processed inside and out with a rasp, and then with coarse sandpaper. Final stage– antiseptic coating and painting (or application of yacht waterproof varnish). To better understand the process, watch the video where a little boy does all the work:

Important point. Nothing bad will happen if during the work the board cracks into 2 parts. They can be fastened together with steel plates screwed with reverse side.

Manufacturing according to template

This technology involves applying complex pattern on wooden surface using a stencil, according to which the platbands are cut out with your own hands. Some samples of templates available for sale are shown in the picture:

Note. You can make an individual stencil yourself by drawing a pattern on a sheet of cardboard, thin plywood or plastic, and then cutting it out with a jigsaw or scissors.

Drilling a workpiece for a jigsaw

There are 2 ways to make wooden window coverings:

  1. Take the boards and make a slotted pattern, as described in the previous section.
  2. Cut out complex elements separately, and then attach them to the boards with glue, screws or tenons. This is how patterns with protruding parts are made.

No matter which method you choose, the cutting process is the same. An ornament is applied to the surface with a pencil through a stencil, after which the outer contour of the product is formed with a jigsaw. Where you need to cut out the internal pattern, first drill holes for the jigsaw blade to fit into. To confidently work with thin curved slots, it is better to take a file of small width.

A finished element, which is then attached to the frieze or side framing board

Note. The same technology is used for the manufacture of platbands from thin sheet metal or corrugated sheets. You just need to choose a different cutting tool.

We bring to your attention another video that tells you how to make window cladding using a template without using a jigsaw, using only a drill with a core drill bit:

Installation instructions

There is no special trick to installing platbands with a slotted pattern. The structure can be assembled on a table and then placed on the window as a whole or attached in parts. Chopped wooden house To install the cladding, it is necessary to prepare areas around the perimeter of the opening, cutting the logs to the width of the board.

Element-by-element assembly using self-tapping screws is carried out in the following order:

  1. Treat all carved parts with varnish and place them in places on the prepared board to form a pattern.
  2. If you need to make a large top, then use several boards connected by corners as the base.
  3. Screw each element to the base by screwing in the screws on the back of the board.
  4. Install the finished casing flush with window frame so that it closes the gap, and secure with long screws. For doors that open outward, make an indent of 1-2 cm so that they swing open 90°.

Advice. To prevent the ornamental elements from moving during fastening, carefully pull them to the base with clamps.

How to correctly install carved flashings is shown in the video:


Cute platbands with beautiful patterns look great on any windows, both wooden and plastic. This is not to say that they are difficult to manufacture, but they will take some work. Success largely depends on the quality of the wood and your qualifications. In order to avoid mistakes, beginners are advised to choose a simpler design and “get to grips” with the facades facing the backyard. Then you will decorate the front side of the house impeccably.

Design engineer with more than 8 years of experience in construction.
Graduated from the East Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dal with a degree in Electronics Industry Equipment in 2011.

The originality of carved frames for windows and doors is striking in its spirituality. If you are not afraid of carpentry and want to make wooden frames with your own hands, then all you have to do is come up with a composition for framing.

Below are sketches of carved platbands in small size and in mediocre quality. But these templates can be downloaded for free. The main idea is the idea, and the template can be made to the desired size.

How to make templates for carved frames (stencil)

Optimal and simple ways, how to make templates for cutting.

Using a graphic editor

There are many programs for image processing (Photoshop, etc.).


If you don’t want to deal with programs, you can make a photocopy of the drawing and immediately set right size copies (enlarge, reduce, compress, expand). Or scan and print the sketch on a printer in the desired format.

Manually - scaling by cells

In the end, you can make a template manually using the technology of scaling (copying) by cells (linear scaling).

By scaling by cells, you can change the proportions of the drawings. For example, you don't like the original form and you want to change it. To do this, when transferring the drawing, keep one of the sides at the original size, and increase the second in the new square.

Scaling by cell

Changing the proportions of a picture when scaling by cells

From drawing to template

Template for platbands The template for platbands is made of cardboard, life-size. A separate template is made for each element, pattern and ornament.

The resulting template is placed on the board and the outline is traced with a pencil.

Making holes You can immediately mark the locations for the holes. Holes are drilled inside the pattern, in places where there will be a turn when carving. First, the internal patterns are cut out, and then the external ornament.

Platband carving

Another way to apply a design to a workpiece is copying.

The method involves the use of carbon paper. A sheet of copy paper is placed on the board, and a drawing is placed on top. The drawing is secured with push pins. An outline is drawn with a pencil and copied onto the wood.

Stencil template for carved trims

Now you know how to make a stencil template for carved platbands.

Templates of carved window frames - photo gallery

Window trim template - 1

Window trim template - 2

Window trim template - 3

Window trim template - 4

Window trim template - 5

Window trim template - 6

Window trim template - 7

Window trim template - 8

Window trim template - 9

Window trim template - 10

Window trim template - 11

Window trim template - 12

Window trim template - 13

Window trim template - 14

Window trim template - 15

Window trim template - 16

Window trim template - 17

Window trim template - 18

Window trim template - 19

Window trim template - 20

Window trim template - 21

Window trim template - 22

Window trim template - 23

Window trim template - 24

Window trim template - 25

Window trim template - 26

Sketch of window frames - rooster

Sketch of window frames in the form of a cockerel on a spire

Sketch of window frames - horse

Sketch of window frames - horse

Sketch of window frames - boat

Sketch of window trim - butterfly

Sketch of window trim - leaflet

Sketch of window frames - maple leaf

Sketch of window trim - pattern with fish (right)

Sketch of window trim - pattern with fish (left)

Sketch of window trim - pattern with a bird (left)

Sketch of window trim - pattern with a bird (right)

Sketch of window frames - ornament with goldfish

Sketch of window frames - acorns

Sketch of window frames - flowers

Sketch of window frames - flowers

Sketch of window frames - roses

Sketch of window frames - ornament of interlacing leaves (right)

Sketch of window frames - ornament of interlacing leaves (left)

Sketch of window frames - ornament of weaving leaves-2

Sketch of window frames - ornament of weaving leaves-3

Sketch of window frames - ornament with grapes

Sketch of window frames - ornament with flowers

Wooden window frames: photo ideas on how to make carved frames with your own hands on the website website. Tradition to install window frames does not fade over the years and is still relevant today. Modern products can be made not only from wood, but also from other materials, and their functional purpose most often it comes down only to decorating the window opening. Making platbands with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, but it requires certain skills and tools.

Platbands are a traditional decoration for windows outside the house.

Advantages and disadvantages of wooden platbands

Before you start making carved window frames, you should consider their advantages and disadvantages. TO positive aspects This element of home design includes the following:

  • with its help you can visually change the size of the window opening, for example, expand it or narrow it. This is very convenient in cases where the window in your home does not look quite the way you would like. The element also affects the appearance of the entire facade of the house;
  • emphasizes original style buildings, and also allows you to combine all the buildings on the site into one architectural ensemble. If you make the patterns on the frames of the windows of all buildings the same, this will create the impression of a holistic composition;

The wooden house is decorated with beautiful window designs

  • protects the gaps between the window and the wall from moisture and dust. Increases the level of thermal insulation and reduces noise levels from the street;
  • is the only optimal option for external decoration of windows of a wooden building. Any other design option for a window opening in a wooden house will simply look out of place.

Installation platbands for windows may also have a number of disadvantages:

  • the product is very dependent on external conditions, especially if wood is used for manufacturing. Wooden decorative elements may crack from frequent temperature changes, swell from high humidity and burn out in the sun. To prevent this from happening, the wood must be treated with special compounds that extend the service life of the product;

Windows with shutters and discreet but pretty carved platbands

  • the need for regular care and treatment. The element will have to be constantly exposed with varnishes and paints, otherwise it will quickly lose its attractiveness appearance and will only spoil the facade of your house;
  • inappropriateness of installation on modern ones. For PVC windows, wooden frames may look alien, so it is recommended to install them on classic wooden frames.

Helpful advice! If you nevertheless decide to install an element with a plastic double-glazed window, then you should paint the frame to resemble wood, or paint the trim white.

The pattern of window trims sets the style of the entire house

DIY carved window trim templates

View and design features carved frames largely depend on how this element will be attached to the window. Based on the type of fastening, there are two main types:

  1. Overlays – mounted on window frame using nails, screws or construction adhesive.
  2. Telescopic - have special L-shaped protrusions that fit into the grooves of the window or door frame. This type of bowl is used to frame doors rather than windows and is more difficult to make.

Sample carved frames on the windows

Also, the platbands can be flat and standard, and the most attractive option in terms of appearance is carved platbands for the window. Life-size stencils can easily be found on the Internet. The carved version is usually made using specialized equipment.

As for the material for the manufacture of this design element, it can be wood of various species, plastic, polyurethane, metal or laminated MDF. The first option is considered classic and is most often used to decorate wooden buildings. Its advantages include its original appearance and style, while its disadvantages include greater dependence on external conditions.

Sketches of carved wooden window frames

The advisability of using plastic window frames is due to the fact that, unlike wood, plastic does not swell with water, withstands temperature changes and does not lose its attractive appearance as a result of prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

Disadvantages: less authentic appearance and violation of the overall stylistic concept wooden house. However, this can be corrected by decorating the plastic to look like wood. Photos of plastic window frames, stylized as wood, confirm the demand for such a solution.

Laminated MDF trims are visually indistinguishable from wooden ones

MDF trim is a borderline option between wooden and plastic products. They are made from waste wood production, therefore they can boast of being more environmentally friendly than plastic ones. They are also more resistant to humidity, ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes than natural wood. In the photo, window frames made of laminated MDF are indistinguishable from wooden ones.

Products made from polyurethane differ favorably from other types in that they are unpretentious in operation. You can buy a frame for a window in a wooden house made of polyurethane, install it and forget about its existence for a long time.

Metal trims are good if you need to protect the installation seam from the outside or inside doors or windows. The metal product is connected to the profile box into a single structure.

Wood selection

If you decide to go with the classic wooden version, then it is worth considering that the main performance characteristics of platbands depend on the type of wood from which they are made. There are the following options for carved frames for windows in a wooden house:

  • from hard deciduous wood - beech, ash, oak. These types of wood are characterized by durability and strength, but the pattern on hard rocks cutting is quite difficult without special equipment, this takes a lot of time and effort;

Selecting patterns for wooden platbands quite varied, which allows you to choose the most suitable option

  • from soft hardwoods - alder, linden, aspen. Such materials are much easier to process, and patterns can even be cut out on them by hand. On the other hand, such wood very easily absorbs moisture and becomes unusable under the influence of external unfavorable factors, therefore requires special processing and impregnation;
  • coniferous and deciduous species - birch, pine. They have good performance characteristics, while being quite easy to process;
  • from apple or cherry - these types of wood are good for making individual decorative elements that are attached on top of the main structure.

The most common material for making platbands is wood

Helpful advice! The combination of several types of wood can give an interesting result from a decorative point of view, but do not forget about the practical side of the issue. Avoid using both soft and durum varieties, apply impregnations and coatings.

The nuances of making wooden frames for windows: photos and tips

There are a number of general points that you should pay attention to when making platbands:

  • take into account color scheme walls of your home when painting decorative elements. This does not mean that the color of the wall and platbands should be the same, but there should not be any obvious contrast. In the first case, the element will simply merge with the wall, and in the second, it will disrupt the integrity of the appearance. View the best options color combinations you can see numerous photos of window trims on the Internet;
  • The size of the platbands is very important. They should not be too large or too small, since an element that is too large will obscure the window, and a small one will be lost against its background. The best option with a standard window opening size - 3-4 cm wide;

You can make window trims yourself

  • Very great importance has the quality of the coating with which the element is processed. To do this, you need to use special varnishes and paints intended for external work. Be sure to take into account the climatic characteristics of your region and choose a coating that will withstand all natural influences. And if a special fire protection system is provided for your wooden house, then the platbands should undergo the same treatment;
  • To make external carved platbands, you need to create a template. You can do this using only your imagination, or you can download one of the many options on the Internet.

Carved platbands on plastic windows wooden house

Wooden window frames: step-by-step manufacturing instructions

As already mentioned, before you start creating decorative elements for the window with your own hands, you need to make a template or stencil. It should be the same for all windows to give the whole house a consistent style. If you are new to wood carving, it is recommended to use designs that contain large elements that are easy to cut. In addition, it is worth considering that there are two main ways to create a thread:

  1. Carved carving is a through pattern that makes the decorative element look like original wooden lace. Quite difficult to make, but looks very original.
  2. Overlay carving - design elements are created separately and then attached to the main board. This option is simpler and would be better suited for newbies.

Step 1: Preparing the wood and necessary tools for work

When making window frames using a template with your own hands, it is recommended to use stencils regardless of the chosen type of thread. In this case, the elements of the design must be placed along the grain of the wood, so the thread will be protected from premature cracking.

To create window frames for windows in a wooden house using your own template, you will need the following tools:

  • wood hacksaw;
  • a set of special knives and Various types chisel;
  • grinding or sandpaper;
  • jigsaw manual or electric;
  • drill;
  • milling machine.

DIY window trims, step 2: applying a pattern to the front wooden surface with a simple pencil

Photo of carved window frames, made with your own hands, show that with certain skills and special tools, you can create a pattern of almost any complexity. The work itself is performed in the following order:

  • measurements are taken. For a window in a private house standard sizes have rather floating values, so you need to make accurate measurements of the height and width of the opening;
  • boards are selected from the wood of your choice. The lumber must be dry, otherwise the design may be deformed and the platbands will quickly lose their attractive appearance. The width of the board is selected depending on the size of the window opening, but the thickness should be at least 30 mm if you plan to make slotted threads, and at least 10 mm for an invoice;
  • According to sketches (pictures, templates) of wooden carved frames for windows, blanks are cut out. This is best done with the help of specialized carpentry tools;

DIY window trims, step 3: after applying the pattern, you can start cutting, it is important to remember that all holes should be carefully sanded with sandpaper

  • on the underside of the casing, you need to select wood to a depth of approximately 1-2 mm. This way you will ensure a tighter fit of the element to the surface;
  • the pattern, which is applied to the board according to a template, is cut out using a jigsaw and drills of various diameters;
  • All holes and slots are processed using sanding paper, after which it is necessary to remove wood dust and shavings from the holes. This is done so that fine dust does not interfere with further processing of the product;
  • the elements of the casing are attached to its wide base. This can be done using nails without heads or special construction adhesive for wood.

Do-it-yourself window trim, step 4: the finished trim can be tinted with stain or immediately coated with weather-resistant varnish

Installation of carved window frames

There are two common ways to attach ready product to the window. The first of them is installation on a blind tenon. Such spikes are installed on the inside of the element, and special holes for them are drilled in the frame. Then you need to apply a little wood glue to the tenon and insert it into the groove. This type of fastening is good because it protects the installation site of the platband from moisture and dust, and also does not spoil the appearance of the element.

The second installation option is a through tenon. It is simpler, but less reliable, since water can get into the attachment point, which will lead to damage to the casing. Therefore, the place where the spike enters must be carefully painted over or varnished.

To fix the trim on the windows, use special high-strength glue or liquid nails so as not to damage the integrity of the profile.

Both of these options make sense when the installation of the platband is carried out on wooden window. If we are talking about plastic double glazed windows, then it is necessary to use liquid nails that will not damage the integrity of the frame. The installation process is not affected by standard window sizes for a private home or the original shape of the window opening.

Caring for wooden frames

Regular care window casings will ensure their beautiful appearance for a long time

Remember that the treatment should be repeated every few years, so you will not only significantly extend the life of the product, but also maintain its attractive appearance for a long time.

If you have plastic, metal or polyurethane trims installed, then they do not require special care, the main thing is to update the paint in a timely manner and ensure that the decorative elements are not damaged by corrosion.

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

Decorating the facade of the house is an important step. Since ancient times, people have tried to make the face of their home unique by covering the space near the door and windows with intricate carvings. Our ancestors attached sacred meaning to each turn they made and hoped that these golden laces would protect their home from the penetration of dark forces. The fashion for antiquity leads to the fact that today ancient traditions have become again in demand. In this article we will talk about how to make window frames with your own hands.


Any business should start with a project. First, they draw the façade of the building, taking into account all the actual details. Then you need to make a drawing of carved window frames. You can also use the drawings and diagrams presented on the site.

Using a visualization program, if you have one, you can make a 3D project of the house. It will show you everything in its entirety and will allow you to evaluate how appropriate the wooden window frames you like are appropriate.

When the project documentation is ready, a set of tools is prepared that will be useful for the upcoming work.

  • screwdriver;
  • feather drill for wood (12 mm);
  • jigsaw, preferably with soft start, without it it will be difficult to cut out complex elements;
  • Sander.

You should take care of the material for future platbands. Traditionally they take pine boards High Quality, which have a minimum number of knots. If there are knots on the surface of the boards, then the cuts must be made in such a way as to prevent a knot from getting into place.

Sawing out platbands

The manufacture of window frames begins with cuts that need to be made from the inside. First, holes are drilled along the contour of the pattern, where it is planned to make openwork patterns in the future. The video shows that when working, the drill must be held perpendicular to the surface of the board.

When the end-to-end patterns are ready, cut out the outer contour.

The tool must be guided from one end to the other, the direction does not matter. Pre-cuts are made in the middle part.

The result is a finished part for window decoration. Next, a similar one is made in mirror image to be used on the opposite side.

Surface grinding

To give the wood an optimal appearance, it is processed using a sanding machine, the sanding wheel of which should have a grit of 80. The result is a smooth surface, ready for painting.

Primer and painting

Before painting, the wood is treated with an antiseptic, which will protect it from rotting and bark beetles. This composition must be applied to the entire surface, without even missing hard to reach places. Scrupulousness in work will allow the platbands to last for many years.

When the composition is applied, you need to thoroughly dry the workpieces, and only then begin painting the parts. The best option is paint on water based, intended for woodworking. The window frames in a wooden house are painted in the color specified in the project. For this project we use paints of two colors: white and cherry.

The work is carried out using 2 brushes: wide (50 mm) and narrow (20 mm). The first is for painting external surfaces, the second is for internal ones.

It is necessary to carefully paint over the parts, leaving no uncovered areas. After the first layer has dried, apply the second.

One layer is enough. They are careful in their work. Smudges can completely ruin the overall picture. Products should dry in normal conditions- on open air.


It is better to assemble blanks into a single composition using horizontal surface. This is much more convenient than directly on the window.