What to do: skin becomes very dry. Proper care for very dry skin. Causes of dry skin. Treatment options for dry elbows

Many people who experience dry skin know that it can cause a lot of problems. Tightness, finely porous structure, irritation, dull color, flaking, etc. – these uncomfortable sensations can be upsetting and make you think about finding ways to deal with them. In addition, dry skin is more susceptible to wrinkles and ages faster.

In this article we will tell you about the causes of dry skin and methods of treatment. Such knowledge will help you get rid of discomfort, which it is capable of delivering, and will prevent the formation of premature wrinkles.

Signs of dry skin

You can determine dry skin yourself: when you apply pressure with your fingers, marks on its surface do not disappear for a long time. There are also other signs:

  • tightness;
  • invisible pores;
  • frequent irritation (redness);
  • peeling;
  • lack of elasticity;
  • cracks.

As the top layer of skin dries out, it loses its integrity and dirt, bacteria and chemicals can pass through the resulting microcracks. Subsequently, these foreign agents can cause irritation and itching.


Frequent exposure to the sun contributes to dry skin.

Dry skin is caused by inhibition of sebum production, which is provoked by a number of reasons. In some cases, such ineffective functioning of the sebaceous glands is caused by a hereditary predisposition. Dermatologists note that dry skin in young people often indicates a genetic trait, while in older people it appears due to other internal or external factors.

The main external causes of dry skin are as follows:

  • dry air;
  • climate;
  • hot and cold water;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • freezing;
  • improper skin care (aggressive cosmetics, frequent washing with soap, etc.).

The main internal causes of dry skin:

  • (insufficient water intake, indigestion, high temperature etc.);
  • hormonal imbalances (hypothyroidism, menopause, etc.);
  • metabolic disorders;
  • frequent stress;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • (especially A and E);
  • skin diseases (allergies, keratosis, fungal infections, etc.);
  • poor nutrition and exhausting diets;
  • bad habits (smoking, excessive consumption of sweet tea and coffee, carbonated drinks);
  • aging.

Dry skin can be general or affect specific areas of the body. This or that localization of such zones may indicate the cause of their appearance, and various means can be used to eliminate and treat it.

Treatment options for dry hands and fingers

Dry hands and fingers are often caused by external factors. Washing dishes without gloves with aggressive substances or in hot water, cold air, the use of antibacterial or deodorized soap, working on the ground, working with construction mixtures - these are not all the factors that contribute to dry skin. Special attention attention should be paid to the formation of cracks on the fingers. This symptom may indicate insufficient intake of vitamins A, E and group B into the body.

To eliminate and treat dry skin of the hands and fingers, a number of measures should be taken:

  • use cotton or rubber gloves when working with aggressive substances;
  • wear warm mittens or gloves during the cold season;
  • use sunscreen;
  • Gently dry the skin of your hands after washing with a soft towel;
  • use for washing hands soft and high quality detergents;
  • normalize nutrition;
  • pay attention to a sufficient intake of vitamins A, E and group B.

Treatment of dry hand skin can be carried out using pharmaceutical wound-healing creams and various folk recipes.

  1. Potato mask – boil potatoes in their skins, peel and mash into a paste. Add a tablespoon of warm milk to it. Apply a warm mask to the skin of your hands for 20 minutes for several days in a row, 2-3 times a day.
  2. Compress made of honey and glycerin - take 1 teaspoon each of honey, glycerin, water and flour. Mix the ingredients until smooth and apply the mixture to your hands. Wear cotton gloves for 20 minutes. It is better to do such compresses several times a day for a week.
  3. Sour cream compress – mix a glass of rich sour cream with egg yolk and lemon juice. Moisten the gauze with the resulting mixture and apply it to your hands, secure the top with cling film and put on gloves or wrap your hands in a warm towel. After 20 minutes, remove the remaining compress cotton pad and put on clean cotton gloves. It is better to do such compresses before going to bed for several days.
  4. Mask from olive oil and lemon juice - mix a tablespoon of oil with 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of hand cream. Before going to bed, apply the mixture to the skin of your hands and put on cotton gloves. This mask can be used once a week for prevention or for several days to treat dry skin on the hands.
  5. Oil bath - pour olive, sunflower or linseed oil and heat in a water bath to a comfortable temperature (it should be very warm). Immerse your hands in the oil for 20 minutes. After this, dry your hands with a napkin. It is recommended to carry out such procedures 2 times a week.

The following are used on the fingers: folk recipes:

  1. Ointment from oleoresin and honey - in a metal bowl mix 10 g of oleoresin, 10 g of honey, 15 g of beeswax and 30 ml of vodka. Place on the fire and, stirring constantly, wait until all ingredients are completely dissolved. Pour the ointment into a clean glass container and store in the refrigerator. To treat, apply the product to the crack and cover with a bactericidal adhesive plaster. Leave for 7–8 hours.
  2. Plantain ointment - grind the dry herb into powder, mix with 3 drops of oil and add Vaseline (in a ratio of 1:9). Apply in the same way as ointment made from oleoresin and honey.
  3. Calendula ointment - grind half a glass of dried calendula flowers into powder and mix with one glass of melted lard. Place the mixture in a water bath and, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula, bring to a homogeneous consistency. Pour into a glass container and store in the refrigerator. Apply in the same way as ointment made from oleoresin and honey.

If you have dry hands and cracked fingers, a dermatologist can recommend vitamin and mineral complexes; choosing them yourself is not recommended.

In some cases, dry and flaky hands can be caused. Skin becomes blotchy different sizes and color (from pink to slightly bluish), and the patient may experience itching and burning. At the folds it can crack and form white flaky islands. Proper treatment of such fungal infections of the skin of the hands is prescribed only by a dermatologist after laboratory tests are performed to determine the type of fungus. Only after this will the doctor be able to prescribe antifungal drugs and determine the duration of their use.

Treatment options for dry elbows

Dry skin on the elbows can be caused by many external and internal reasons. Peeling in this area is provoked by mechanical stress (for example, when working in an office) or frequent bathing. It can also be caused by various diseases.

The most common causes of dry elbows are:

  • hypothyroidism - this disease leads to a slowdown in metabolism and skin regeneration, epidermal cells die, do not have time to exfoliate and the skin becomes dry and rough;
  • – lack of iron leads to a decrease in hemoglobin and a lack of oxygen in tissues, metabolic disorders cause dry skin;
  • diabetes mellitus– a metabolic failure causes a disruption in the nutrition of all tissues of the body, the skin becomes dehydrated, becomes vulnerable and thin, areas of inflammation and itching appear;
  • autoimmune and dermatological diseases - atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, skin ichthyosis and other diseases lead to peeling and roughening of the skin.

Treatment for dry skin on the elbows is aimed at eliminating the cause that causes this symptom. In addition to treating the underlying disease, the use of creams with chamomile and alfalfa, Lipikar balm, Pitival and Atoderm creams, Radevit ointment, oils (cocoa, shea, mango, etc.) and folk recipes may be recommended.

Traditional medicine recommends the following remedies for dry skin on the elbows:

  1. Coffee grounds and honey scrub – add honey to coffee grounds, apply to elbows and massage in circular motions to remove dead skin cells. Wash off warm water and apply nourishing cream or oil.
  2. Compresses made from sour cream and sunflower oil– mix the ingredients in equal proportions, apply the mixture on gauze and apply to the elbows, wrap in a warm cloth and leave for 10–20 minutes.
  3. Milk baths – heat the milk and immerse your elbow in it for 20 minutes. Blot with a napkin and repeat the procedure on the other hand.

Methods of treatment for dry skin

Masks made from natural ingredients will help you cope with dry skin at home.

Dry facial skin can be explained by hereditary predisposition, external factors, age-related changes or disruption of the sebaceous glands. A decrease in the level of sebum secretion can provoke various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine or nervous system and a lack of vitamins A, E and group B. To treat these pathologies, a consultation with a doctor is necessary, which will identify the cause and determine the course of treatment for the underlying disease.

To prevent the development of this problem, it is necessary to minimize aggressive exposure environment and provide the skin with proper care. Washing and caring for such skin should be carried out only with the help of special products. You can also use various homemade nourishing and moisturizing products.

Traditional medicine suggests using the following masks for dry skin:

  1. A mask of plum, melon and jojoba oil - take all ingredients in equal proportions. Grind the plum and ripe melon pulp with a fork until pureed. Add oil and mix thoroughly. Apply to face and rinse with warm water after 20 minutes.
  2. Mask of egg yolk, vegetable oil and chamomile - beat the egg yolk with a teaspoon of vegetable oil (almond, flaxseed, sunflower, olive, etc.), add a tablespoon of pharmaceutical chamomile extract and beat again. Apply the mixture to your face and rinse off after 10–15 minutes with slightly warm water.
  3. Mask from oatmeal and olive oil - boil the flakes in milk. Take 3-4 tablespoons of porridge, add the same amount of olive oil and beat. Apply a thick layer to the face. Rinse off after 15 minutes with warm water and rinse your face with cool water.

Methods for treating dry skin on the body

General dry skin on the body can also be caused by external factors, but most often it is caused by diseases internal organs. To treat it, it is necessary to identify the cause and eliminate it. In addition to getting rid of the effects of external factors (hot water, aggressive detergents, prolonged exposure to the sun, etc.) and treating the underlying disease, it is recommended to maintain a normal drinking regime, eat a sufficient amount of dairy products, fish, vegetable oils, broccoli, nuts and seafood .

To moisturize and nourish the skin after hygiene procedures, various cosmetics for dry skin with ceramides, fatty acids and lipids should be used. You can also use various folk recipes for baths, masks and peelings:

  1. Peeling with honey, sea salt and olive oil - mix 4 tablespoons of honey and 1 tablespoon of fine sea ​​salt, add a tablespoon of olive oil to the resulting mixture and stir. Apply to cleansed body skin and massage lightly. After 5 minutes, take a warm shower.
  2. Bath from a decoction of flaxseed and chamomile - boil 5 teaspoons of flax seeds in a liter of water for about 15 minutes, prepare a decoction of chamomile (the recipe is indicated on the package). Mix both decoctions in a 1:1 ratio and add to 1/2 of the bath. The duration of the procedure is about 15 minutes.
  3. Milk bath almond oil and honey - heat a liter of milk and add 200 honey to it, mix with a dessert spoon of almond butter. Pour the composition into the bath. The duration of the procedure is about 15–20 minutes.
  4. Honey and olive oil mask – mix honey and oil in a 1:1 ratio, apply to cleansed body skin and leave for 20 minutes. Take a warm shower.
  5. Mask of avocado, banana, cream and butter - grind the pulp of one avocado and banana with a fork until pureed, add 100 g of butter, 1/2 cup of cream to the mixture and beat everything thoroughly. Add a few drops of rose oil and beat the mask again. Apply to cleansed body skin for 15 minutes. Take a warm shower using a washcloth.

Treatment options for dry skin on feet and heels

May be caused by wearing uncomfortable shoes, insufficient quantity vitamins A and E, diseases of the endocrine system and fungal infections. In some cases, all these reasons can lead to the formation of cracks in the area of ​​roughened skin, which cause a lot of discomfort and pain.

If such a problem was caused by uncomfortable shoes, then it is enough to get rid of them and choose shoes taking into account the size and shape of the foot. Treatment of dry skin on the feet and heels should be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. To do this, you will need to consult an endocrinologist or dermatologist. Lack of adequate treatment will lead to worsening of the underlying disease and the development of complications.

For local treatment of dry skin of the heels and feet, various agents can be used: emollients, exfoliants, antibacterial and wound healing. Their choice depends on the condition of the skin.

To eliminate very dry skin on heels and feet traditional medicine offers the following recipes:

  1. Green apple mask – grate one apple on a fine grater, put the puree on gauze and apply it to the foot. Put on socks. Leave the compress overnight. In the morning, wash off the mask and apply nourishing cream to the skin.
  2. Potato and flaxseed mask – raw potatoes grate on a fine grater, add the same amount of flaxseed, add a little water and boil the mixture until thickened. Allow to cool slightly and apply to feet. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water, remove areas of flaky skin and lubricate your feet with iodine.
  3. Masks with castor oil - moisten gauze with oil and apply to the foot or heel. Wear warm socks and leave overnight. In the morning, blot your skin with a napkin.

To treat cracked heels, you can use folk recipes that were described above for the treatment of cracked fingers. The use of such means also gives good results.

Why does the skin on the body become dry? The cause of dehydration and peeling of the skin is a violation metabolic processes in cells, which leads to malfunctions of the sebaceous glands. Both external factors and skin diseases can provoke such a reaction.

When peeling the dermis, you need to find out exactly the cause of the problem and only then begin the fight against dryness.

Causes of peeling

Pathological peeling of the skin is characterized by the death of epidermal cells, as a result of which keratinized scales constantly fall off from the surface of the body. Why is this happening? The death of the upper layer of the dermis is associated with a violation of the hydrolipid balance. This occurs due to dehydration associated with insufficient sebum secretion.

The first include:

  • influence of chlorinated and hard water;
  • unfavorable atmospheric conditions (heat, cold);
  • exposure to UV rays;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • using inappropriate cosmetics;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • contact with synthetic fabrics.

Also, the skin may peel due to exposure to internal factors, i.e. systemic failures in the body:

  • hypovitaminosis;
  • dehydration;
  • lack of micro- and macroelements;
  • weakening of immune defense;
  • allergic reaction.

Diseases that cause peeling

Why does the skin begin to peel?

The occurrence of a dermatological problem can be caused by the development of a number of skin diseases. That is why, when the first signs of dry dermis appear, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist.

The most common diseases that cause peeling include:

  • neurodermatitis and psoriasis;
  • demodex and pyoderma;
  • hives and eczema;
  • mycoses and scabies;
  • rosacea and acne;
  • seborrhea and dermatoses;
  • molluscum contagiosum and allergies.

Dry skin can be a sign of a fungal infection. If, in addition to peeling, there is redness and severe itching, be sure to consult a specialist.

Treatment methods

The method of dealing with a dermatological problem directly depends on the cause that caused the malfunction of the sebaceous glands.

To normalize metabolic processes in the dermis and restore hydrolipid balance, the following methods can be used:

  • drug treatment.
  • physiotherapeutic methods;
  • cosmetics.

Pharmacy products in the fight against peeling

The skin on the body is peeling, what should I do?

The choice of a specific drug is determined by the source of the problem.

If it occurs due to the development of a fungus, you will need antifungal agents, infections - antiviral or antibacterial drugs:

  • Antihistamines. Are struggling with allergic reaction, which often provokes dry skin. Effective medications include "Tavegil", "Claridol", "Lomilan" and "Rupafin";
  • Antifungal. To combat the fungus, medications with fungicidal properties are used. These include Fluconazole, Terbinafine, Clotrimazole and Mycoheptin;
  • Moisturizing. Restores the acid mantle on the surface of dry skin, which prevents dehydration. As a rule, special ointments contain hydrocortisone "Aquaforor" and "Dexpanthenol".

Cosmetic creams

Dry and sensitive skin needs additional care and protection from external factors such as cold, heat, UV rays, etc.

To help restore the hydrolipid balance and barrier function of the dermis, creams are used, which include:

  • Film-forming humectants: waxes, high mineral oils, fats and glycerin;
  • Hydrants: trihydric alcohol, linoleic acid;
  • Hygroscopic humectants: hyaluronic and lactic acids, urea and collagen.

All of the above components help prevent dehydration, so the skin stops peeling. They form on the surface of the epidermis protective film, which prevents the evaporation of moisture, as well as the penetration of pathogens into the mouth of the hair follicles.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Physiotherapeutic procedures are aimed at restoring metabolic processes in the dermis and intensive nutrition of tissues with necessary substances, such as vitamins, fatty acids, macro- and microelements.

So, they can be used to restore skin the following types therapy:

  • Microcurrent is a popular procedure that allows you to normalize metabolic processes in cells. It involves the impact of weak electrical impulses on the skin, which stimulates the improvement of their lymphatic drainage function. Dryness of the epidermis on the body completely disappears after 8-10 sessions;
  • Mesotherapy is an injection method of combating dermatological problems. During the procedure, injection solutions high in vitamins, amino acids and minerals are injected into the skin;
  • Biorevitalization – effective way saturating very dry dermis with hyaluronic acid. It stimulates the synthesis of elastin and collagen in the body, which help cope with the problem.

Preventive measures

You can prevent the problem from recurring by following simple preventive measures.

There are many ways to dry out oily skin. In the article I gave an example and a recipe from my life and the life of my family. Laundry soap, there is no price for it.

It kills odors, cleanses the skin and can be used for exfoliation. My mom didn't need any scrubs. She steamed her face once a week and cleansed her skin with soap and a washcloth. You should have seen her face!

Cream for oily and problem skin is a must. After all, if you don’t take care of such skin on time, it will be more difficult to restore it later. Wrinkles don't only appear on dry skin.

If you want to dry and cleanse oily skin on your face and get rid of acne, a procedure that should be done in the evening before bed will help you with this. I use laundry soap to cleanse and dry my skin every night when I shower.


  • Laundry soap is very good for getting rid of acne
  • thoroughly wipe each pimple on your face with a damp piece of laundry soap
  • wash your face for the first time after this with cool water only in the morning

I want to tell you one secret about laundry soap, which I learned from my mother, and she from hers. This is passed down in our family from generation to generation. Situations can be very different.

It happens when people sweat, the skin secretes bad smell, especially under the arms. In our family, thanks to laundry soap, no matter how much we sweat, there is no unpleasant odor and not only under them.

Wash yourself with laundry soap every evening when you take a shower and you will never have to blush and be afraid that you smell bad no matter how much you sweat. Believe me, it's true, I know it for sure. You can also read how to deal with sweating in this article: “”

I also exfoliate with laundry soap. The face becomes as smooth as a baby's. After this procedure, be sure to apply moisturizer to your face.

Cream for oily and problem skin

I was thinking about what cream to offer you for oily and problem skin. I think the recipe for this cream is most suitable for this type of skin. Read it and try it, I think it will only be beneficial.


  • you will need several overripe cucumbers
  • one part cucumbers, two parts alcohol or vodka

Grind the cucumbers in a meat grinder and mix with alcohol or vodka. Then fold into glass jar. Place it in the sun for three weeks. During this time, the jar will be filled to the top with cucumber seed oil.

Pour the resulting liquid into bottles and store in a cool place. Every morning, wipe your face with the resulting cucumber cream. That's what my friend calls it, but I would call it more of a cucumber lotion.

This is truly the best cream for oily skin. Before offering it to you, I tried it on my face. Suits my skin very well. The skin became so smooth and soft!

How to prepare this cream:

  • two egg yolks
  • one tablespoon of vegetable oil
  • one teaspoon of liquid honey
  • one tablespoon glycerin
  • one and a half glasses of water

Grind the yolks with vegetable oil and add all the other ingredients. Then pour the entire composition into the bottle and shake well. Then add two teaspoons of camphor alcohol and shake the liquid again. The cream is ready.

Oily skin on the face must be dried so it will be clean and smooth. So you found out how you can dry out oily skin. How to prepare cream for oily and problem skin and the recipe for the best cream for oily skin.

Be healthy and happy.

Video - Oily, problematic facial skin


Rough, dry, rough skin on your hands is not a death sentence at all if you take good care of it. Nutrition and hydration are important not only for women with skin prone to dryness, but also for everyone else: this problem often appears during the cold season, during temperature changes, and illness. Dry hand skin - what to do with it, what creams, oils to moisturize, what vitamins to add to your diet and what to avoid - read on.

What is dry skin

Dry skin means a constant feeling of tightness, tingling, peeling, and cracks on the hands. The surface of the skin back side the hands and palms become rough and inelastic, especially stretched after contact with water and soap. Household chores can cause even more harm in this situation, so it is important to use special gloves when washing dishes and cleaning.

Why does the skin on your hands dry out?

The epidermis on the hands is thinner, has no sebaceous glands at all, and contains little moisture, unlike the skin of the face. Unfavorable weather conditions, contact with allergens, constant washing hot water, failure to follow basic daily self-care rules - all this leads to dry skin on your hands. What reasons can be identified:

  • cold: if you don't wear gloves low temperature– the skin will definitely become rough;
  • household chemicals: wash dishes, windows, do wet cleaning only with gloves;
  • rough work bare hands;
  • congenital predisposition;
  • nutritional disorders, lack of vitamins, dermatological diseases.

What to do if your hands have dry skin

First you need to understand that dry hand skin is a temporary problem. The situation can be easily corrected if you follow useful tips and continue to try to avoid dangerous factors. Let's look at how to get rid of dry hand skin:

  • if the problem is critical: there are deep cracks, calluses, wounds, the skin is very flaky - you should contact a dermatologist or cosmetologist to select effective restorative therapy;
  • if the skin is simply dry and does not look very beautiful, various creams, therapeutic masks and oils will certainly help you.

Vitamins for dry hands

If the cause of dryness is seasonal disorders of the body, then mandatory element To get rid of the problem are vitamins. Vitamins B, A, C, E help best for hydration. It is necessary to include in the diet foods rich in essential substances: liver, fatty red fish, nuts, herbs, fruits. Water balance is important: you need to drink a lot of clean liquid a day and do not drink alcohol. Vitamins for dry hand skin can be taken in capsules, in the form of ready-made complexes.

How to moisturize your hands at home

To moisturize the skin of your hands at home, you need to apply nourishing, softening creams daily, eat foods rich in healthy fats, and keep your hands clean and safe. What to apply to your hands for cracks and dryness? Simple recipes moisturizers that can be prepared from available natural ingredients will help solve the problem. Prepare them yourself or choose special cosmetics that can be bought at any store.

Hand baths for dryness

Baths are a convenient and effective procedure. They saturate the skin with all the necessary substances, thanks to their aqueous structure, long-term effects penetrate deep into the skin and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Herbal tinctures also heal flaky areas, small wounds and cracks well. Several recipes for homemade hand bath for dryness:

  • A liter of linden blossom decoction, 7 drops of patchouli essential oil, can be replaced with orange, 1 tsp. glycerin. Place your hands in a hot bath and hold for 30 minutes.
  • Oatmeal. Add 3 tbsp to 0.5 boiling water. l. flour, stir, cool to a comfortable temperature, place your hands in the mixture, hold for 20 minutes.
  • Potato or celery broth. Cool the liquid and hold your hands for 20 minutes.
  • Heat the milk slightly, add a teaspoon of honey, 2 drops of oil (avocado, jojoba, olive, sage). Stir and keep for about 20 minutes.
  • Half a liter of kefir, 2 raw yolks, 1 tsp. flaxseed, olive or other vegetable oil. Mix well and keep your hands in the bath for 20 minutes.

Hand mask for dryness and cracks

For the effect of the procedures to be noticeable, hand masks against dryness and cracks should be done regularly, 2 times a week. Before doing this, you need to wash your hands thoroughly, dry them with a towel, and massage them. The procedure can be done both at home and professionally, at an appointment with a manicurist or cosmetologist. What masks can be made from improvised materials:

  • Raw yolk, any vegetable oil, honey Mix a tablespoon of honey and oil with the yolk, grind, apply to your hands, rinse with warm water after 15 minutes, or leave overnight, wearing thin gloves on top.
  • Juice of one slice of orange or lemon, vegetable oil. Apply the mixture to your hands, wait 15 minutes until it is half absorbed, and rinse.
  • Banana, 1 tsp. butter, 1 tsp. honey Mash the banana, mix with the rest of the ingredients, apply a compress to your hands, wrap them in cellophane and put on warm gloves. Leave for 30 minutes.
  • Soak the crumb of white bread with hot water, add a drop of lemon juice and any oil, grease your hands, put on thin gloves. Wash off after 10 minutes.

Remedy for dry hands

Peeling of the hands can cause a lot of discomfort, both aesthetic and internal, since the skin becomes more vulnerable, exposed to external factors. Good remedy for dry hand skin - paraffin baths and wax masks, which can be made at home, if you have the necessary ingredients, or from a specialist for a small amount. Special medicinal cosmetics, which are sold in pharmacies, have a quick, guaranteed safe effect. When selecting, you need to try each product on yourself and follow the instructions.

Cream for dry hands

Creams prepared at home are natural and harmless, but they can be stored for a short time, up to 2 weeks, and in some cases they can cause allergies if the composition is incorrectly selected. For the base homemade cream beeswax, paraffin, fish or pork fat are good for dry hands, butter and glycerin. The product must contain essential oils and other natural emollients.

It is better to apply cream for chapped hands at night for better effect, to maximally moisturize your hands and prevent the appearance of new cracks. Here are homemade recipes you may need:

  1. Butter – 2 tbsp. l., 1 tsp. honey, 1 tbsp. l. St. John's wort decoction. Store in the refrigerator, rub into the skin of your hands daily before bed.
  2. A solution containing vitamins A and E – 1 tsp, 1 tsp. any honey, 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice, 1 tsp. oil, preferably olive, 1 tsp. low-fat cream. Apply with a cotton pad.
  3. Night cream, to be applied and kept under gloves: 1 tbsp. l. strong green tea, 1 tsp. shea butter, 1 tsp. orange oil, 1 tsp. beeswax, 2 capsules of a vitamin complex (for example, aevit). Heat the mixture in a water bath, stir, and cool.
  4. A mixture of herbs (chamomile, celandine, St. John's wort) - 2 tbsp. l., pour half a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Mix 2 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn oil, 3 tbsp. l. melted wax, half a teaspoon of propolis and strained tincture. Apply in the morning and before bed.
  5. Glycerin – 4 tbsp. l., 3 tsp. lemon juice, 3 tsp. starch, 2 tbsp. l. vodka. Heat in a water bath, stir, cool, use every day.
  6. Take a tablespoon of cocoa butter, 3 drops of bitter orange oil, half a teaspoon of cinnamon. Mix, heat, beat with a fork or whisk, cool.

Hand oil for dry hands

Oils are a natural source of moisturizing and nourishing the skin. If you eat the right amount of fatty foods, add natural oils to cereals and salads, you can get the necessary fats to maintain softness and balance of the skin. Hand oil for dry hands can be used as part of masks or in its pure form. Regular care with oils will help your skin stay smooth during cold periods. Which oils are effective:

  • Cocoa butter. Can be applied solid or melted.
  • Shea butter, coconut, natural cream.
  • Nourishing mask: a teaspoon each of avocado, grape seed, almond, apricot, orange, olive oils. Mix, warm slightly, treat especially damaged areas of the hands and elbows.

Ointment for dry skin of hands

If the situation is serious and your hands become very dry and crack, daily, careful care may be required. Cracks and dryness can occur over time, in old age, especially if you previously engaged in rough physical labor (work in the garden, in production). You need to start dealing with this problem on time - with the help of daily care, help the skin return to a soft, delicate state, do not forget to use creams and protective gloves. What ointments for dry hand skin will you need:

  • From calendula: grind half a glass of dry plant into powder using a blender or by hand, add a glass of melted lard. Heat in a water bath, stir, cool, store in the refrigerator.
  • Mix plantain powder with a teaspoon of any oil and a tablespoon of Vaseline.
  • Grind homemade rose petals into a pulp, mix with lard, leave for several days.
  • Smooth hernia: combine 100 g of crushed plant and 2 tbsp. olive or almond oil. Infuse for a week.

Treatment with pharmaceuticals

Cosmetics offered in pharmacies are good because they contain a ready-made set of active ingredients, the effect of which has been clinically proven. The downside is the high cost of such products and the unlikely but possible allergy. However, if you don’t want to bother with preparation, treatment with pharmaceutical products is also a solution: they can thoroughly moisturize the skin and protect it from aggressive influences external environment. If you follow the instructions on the packaging and use the cream regularly, the development and renewal of skin cells will begin quickly.

What remedies are effective:

  • French cosmetics Vichy, La Roche Posay, Eucerin, Lierac;
  • ingredients for homemade creams: glycerin, paraffin, wax, herbal preparations, healthy oils;
  • vitamins A and E in capsules: for oral administration and dilution with oil.

Video: moisturizing hands at home

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Dry hand skin - what to do and how to treat it at home with creams, masks and vitamins

Dry and itchy body skin are common symptoms that can bother each of us from time to time. Some people have dry skin from birth. In others, a similar symptom occurs under the influence of internal or external factors, it can manifest itself acutely, then subside for a while. In any case, when the skin dries out, a person feels severe discomfort, both physical and moral.

Dehydrated dermis is pale, unhealthy in appearance, prone to redness, peeling and cracking. When in contact with cold, heat, salty or acidic environment, it is easily irritated, begins to itch and turn red. In addition, wrinkles appear on it earlier and are more noticeable.

How to get rid of unpleasant symptoms pharmaceutical products, and folk. But before you start treating them, it is recommended to consult a doctor to accurately determine the causes.

Why does this happen

The causes and treatment of dryness, itching and sagging body skin are, in fact, two parts of one question that must be solved sequentially. That is, the cause of the discomfort is first established. And depending on it, solutions are selected.

The structure of the skin of every person contains sweat and sebaceous glands. They produce certain substances that, when mixed, form a thin, imperceptible film on the surface of the dermis. But she has great value, as it protects from the effects of negative external factors and at the same time does not allow moisture to evaporate.

If for some reason this protective film is regularly destroyed, or the sebaceous and sweat glands do not work properly, the skin begins to suffer. First, they dry out, and then all the unpleasant symptoms accompanying this phenomenon appear: redness, itching, hypersensitivity, peeling and cracks.

Note: in medicine and cosmetology this phenomenon is called xerosis. Most often, xerosis is temporary and is a concern during the winter season. Sometimes it is congenital. As a rule, the abdominal and upper back areas are affected, and less commonly the limbs. But this is not necessary: ​​xerosis can occur in those areas of the body that suffer more than others from dry air, hot, poor-quality water, chemicals etc.

So, if xerosis is not congenital, the following factors can provoke its appearance:

  • Changes in climatic conditions, including seasonal ones. Insufficiently humidified air in the summer heat or in winter, heated by heating radiators, provokes dehydration of skin cells.
  • Abuse water procedures using hot water and soaps are the first and necessary funds hygiene, but with too much frequent use they destroy the natural protective film; it simply does not have time to form again.
  • Neglect of water procedures. In this case, the opposite happens: too much accumulates on the skin. harmful substances, which irritate it and interfere with the access of oxygen, moisture and nutrients.
  • Hormonal disorders. Hormone levels directly affect the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands.
  • Metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiencies or hypovitaminosis.
  • Poor nutrition. Strict diets, as well as overeating, and even with insufficient consumption of regular clean water, seriously harm the condition of the skin.

  • Bad habits. Not only alcohol and smoking - excessive consumption of coffee and soda also contributes to dehydration of the body and dermis in the first place.
  • Frequent exposure to ultraviolet rays: in the open sun or in a solarium.
  • Some dermatological diseases: psoriasis, dermatitis of various etiologies, eczema, keratosis, diabetes mellitus affect the production of ceramides - building material skin cells. With a long course of these diseases, the structures of the dermis do not receive the necessary nutrition and do not have time to renew themselves, as a result - xerosis of varying degrees of severity.
  • Incorrectly selected and used cosmetics, poor-quality hygiene products. Products containing alcohol and abrasive particles, fragrances and preservatives are especially harmful.
  • Taking certain medications, usually antibacterial.
  • Stress and overwork.

Practice shows that xerosis is usually caused by a combination of two or more factors. Often an internal disease (for example, diabetes mellitus or pathologies digestive system when the body does not absorb vitamins, microelements and other nutrients supplied with food nutrients) is aggravated by improper care and bad habits. Therefore, you should get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon consistently and comprehensively.

What to buy at the pharmacy

Pharmaceutical products against dry skin can be divided into two broad categories:

  1. For external use - these are a variety of ointments, creams, gels and lotions, usually without alcohol, based on oils and plant extracts.
  2. For internal use - as a rule, these are various vitamins for dry skin of the body and face.

They are used for serious problems, when xerosis becomes protracted and ordinary moisturizing creams are no longer enough. Ideally, vitamins and emollient external ointments and lotions will be selected by a dermatologist.

Important: if xerosis is a symptom of a serious disease, such as diabetes, eczema, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, then systemic treatment is indispensable. In addition to specific medications to treat the underlying disease, the doctor may prescribe ointments containing hormones. They quickly relieve itching, swelling, and irritation, but they cannot be used independently, especially for pregnant women and children.

A cream for dry body skin must contain vitamins A, E, C and B. Fatty acids, phospholipids, and ceramides are also welcome in the composition. Shouldn't be:

  • lauryl sulfate;
  • alcohol;
  • parabens;
  • silicone.

As for vitamin-mineral complexes, you should pay attention to those that contain the predominant vitamins and fatty acids listed above, as well as zinc and iron. The most affordable and effective supplements are AEVit and Biotin.

How can traditional medicine help?

Many people prefer to deal with dryness, itching and sagging body skin folk remedies. They are more affordable than expensive creams and emulsions, and they are also safer - at least that is what is commonly believed. Gentle and proven folk recipes will also help remove dry skin on the body and face in a child.

  1. Baths - for the whole body or its individual parts with the addition of beneficial moisturizing, soothing and softening ingredients. They are done 2-3 times a week, the duration of the procedure is no more than 15 minutes.

  1. Lotions - they are used for wiping, lubricating, compresses and lotions; depending on the composition, this is done daily or every other day.
  2. Ointments and masks are applied to the most affected areas. Ointments are usually used every day, and masks are made 1-2 times a week.
  • decoction of flaxseed. 5 large spoons of seeds should be poured into a thermos with a liter of boiling water, closed and left for several hours. Then strain. The liquid is used for baths, and the steamed seed can be applied to extremely irritated areas as a compress;
  • milk and honey Heat a liter of milk over low heat, pour in 200 g of honey and continue heating until the honey is completely dissolved. But the milk should not boil. Add a spoonful of almond oil to the honey-milk mixture, stir and pour into a bath of warm water;

  • oatmeal. 3 tablespoons of ground oatmeal are placed in a bag made of several layers of gauze, tied above the bathtub to a hot water tap so that when opened, water flows through the bag, then immersed in water for a quarter of an hour. You can repeat this procedure every other day;
  • almonds and sour cream. Grind one and a half tablespoons of fresh almonds in a coffee grinder and stir with the same amount of fat sour cream. The mixture is applied as a cleansing, moisturizing and softening scrub with gentle massaging movements. After five minutes, wash off in the shower;
  • olive oil. The oil is slightly heated, combined with a spoonful of liquid honey and applied to the body for 15 minutes. This mask gently cleanses, removes toxins, nourishes, moisturizes, stimulates regeneration;
  • avocado and banana. Both fruits are peeled and pureed. The gruel is diluted with 100 ml of heavy unsweetened cream; if desired, you can also add a couple of drops of wheat germ oil, grape seed or neroli. The mixture is applied for 20 minutes, then washed off with warm water;

  • kefir. If the skin is very itchy and red, after the bath you can soak a linen napkin in chilled kefir and apply it as a compress. Cold kefir will soothe, relieve irritation and moisturize it.

Herbs that are useful for xerosis: chamomile, linden, hops, rose petals, jasmine, dill, mint, violet, coltsfoot. Any of these herbs can be mixed in equal proportions, and then prepare an infusion at the rate of one spoon of the mixture for each glass of hot water. The resulting mixture is added to baths or used for compresses and rubbing.

Oils for dry skin: rosehip, rose, almond, coconut, jojoba, wheat germ, shea butter, macadamia, apricot, peach. They are added to bath water, masks, lotions.

Does nutrition play a role?

Nutrition plays an important role in case of increased dryness of the skin of the body. We mainly get the necessary vitamins from foods. Therefore, it is important to review your diet and adjust it taking into account the existing problem.

To quickly eliminate dryness and flaking in both men and women, you should drink as much as possible. And not only in summer, but also in winter, since it heating season. This means that you are constantly in a room with hot air, which is not in the best possible way affects the condition of the epidermis and can cause discomfort.

What else is worth doing:

  1. eliminate or minimize the consumption of coffee and alcohol;
  2. make it a habit to consume nuts, seeds and vegetable oils daily;
  3. stop starvation diets and regularly eat fatty sea fish.

If for some reason you cannot eat fish and dairy products, drink more vegetable and fruit juices with pulp.

Eliminating dry and itchy body skin during pregnancy is sometimes not so easy. In this case, such a symptom is associated with hormonal changes in the body, so just cream or oil, even the best, will not be enough. Your doctor will tell you what to do and how to deal with itching and dryness throughout the body.

  • drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water daily;
  • Do not take hot baths using soap. Preference should be given warm shower using soft cream gel;
  • avoid exposure to direct sunlight;
  • temporarily abandon decorative cosmetics and use gentle exfoliating and softening products to cleanse the skin;
  • after a shower, do not wipe the body, but pat it dry, and then immediately apply moisturizing oil or lotion;

  • wear clothes that are appropriate for the season so as not to freeze, but also not to sweat in them. Preference should be given to natural, breathable fabrics;
  • lead healthy image life, watch your diet, do not abuse alcohol and caffeine;
  • Avoid stress and overwork, and, if possible, do not take antibiotics and other potent medications.

Xerosis must be fought from the inside and outside. Reviews from adequate users and doctors recommend sparing no time and money to consult a specialist: in the end, it is cheaper and more effective than looking for ways to combat xerosis experimentally. A simple analysis will show exactly what is missing in the body, and the doctor will tell you what vitamins to take for your problem and how else you can quickly and safely eliminate severe dry skin of the body.