Napoleon cake with cocoa custard. Homemade Napoleon cake with chocolate cream. Napoleon chocolate recipe

When I was a child, I simply adored this cake and it seemed to me that there was nothing tastier in the world. No sponge cakes with roses could compare with the delicate crumbly structure of the Napoleon cake. And this combination of salty cakes with sweet cream - mmm... delight.

Years passed, new cake recipes appeared, new tastes developed, but no, no, I still remember that forgotten and distant taste of cake from childhood.

The most interesting thing is that I tried the perfect cake from my friend’s mother. My friend and I, when we were still schoolgirls, then tried to repeat it, but nothing worked out for us, we ended up with a different taste, a different cake. We did everything wrong, so the result was different.

Recently I came across the correct recipe for cakes, with proven proportions, and immediately wanted to repeat it. There is no such recipe on the website. Of course, the simplest butter custard is suitable for this cake, but I took the simplest route and prepared a homemade Napoleon cake with chocolate cream.

So, to bake crumbly cake layers for the Napoleon cake, take the following products.

In a container, mix ice water, egg, salt, vinegar. Total quantity liquid should be 250 ml. If you get a larger quantity, then only 250 ml is added to the dough. Place the resulting mixture in the refrigerator.

Grate the cold butter into the flour, periodically shaking the pieces of butter with the flour to form crumbly butter-flour crumbs. Add vanillin here. It is important not to heat the oil with your hands. Remove the ice-cold liquid from the refrigerator and pour it into the dry ingredients.

Quickly gather the dough into one lump, trying not to knead it at all. Place the dough in a plastic bag and leave in the refrigerator overnight. As a last resort, you can keep the dough in the refrigerator for an hour and a half.

Then divide into equal pieces, their number depends on the height of your cake and its shape. I took the simple route and decided to roll out the dough according to the size of my baking sheet, rectangular in shape. Each piece is the right size for my oven.

While one piece is being rolled out, the rest should be kept in the refrigerator. If necessary, add flour to make rolling easier.

Before baking, the cake should be pricked with a knife or fork. Bake at 200 degrees until golden brown.

While one cake is baking, the next one is rolled out. In total you need to bake 6 pieces. But if you want to make a round cake, then it is best to cut out the cakes on a plate and bake them in a round shape.

These are the ruddy and very fragile cakes I got. They break when touched, you need to treat them like a crystal vase from some Chinese dynasty)))

While the cakes are cooling, prepare the cream. I bought this version of dry cream. It is enough to dilute it with water and beat with a mixer with the addition of powdered sugar. I added powder because the cream was not too sweet, and I needed something sweeter to combine with the salty cakes.

The cream turns out lush, similar to cream. For lovers of the classic version of the cake, you can prepare butter custard. First, then it is whipped with soft butter.

Baked cakes should be trimmed. Doing this, I tell you, is not easy. Because they are very delicate and fragile. I succeeded))) The cake scraps are used to sprinkle the cake; they are simply rubbed together by hand.

Grease each cake with cream.

Don't forget to grease the sides of the cake and then sprinkle with crumbs. Homemade Napoleon cake with chocolate cream is ready.

The photo shows how fragile the texture is. Enjoy your tea.

Classic version, light, with custard. But you already know that I am a restless adventurer and experimenter... And then one day I thought: what if I made... a chocolate Napoleon? And with Tauride chocolate cream!
And this is how it turned out!


- 4.5 cups flour;
- 500 g margarine;
- 2 eggs;
- 2-3 tablespoons of cocoa;
- 1 teaspoon of soda;
- 1 tablespoon of vinegar.

- 0.5 l of milk;
- 125 g butter;
- 2 heaped tablespoons of flour;
- 0.5 glass of sugar;
- a pinch of vanilla sugar;
- 2 tablespoons of toffee (boiled condensed milk) or a little more regular condensed milk;
- 1-2 tablespoons of cocoa powder - preferably not plain, but the best, chocolate! If there is one in your area, I haven’t seen it yet. 🙂

Napoleon chocolate recipe:

We prepare the dough for chocolate Napoleon in exactly the same way as for a simple one, with the only difference being that cocoa is added to the dough.

Pour flour onto the table (or onto confectionery parchment) and add cocoa powder to the flour.

We also put softened margarine there.

Use a knife to chop it into crumbs and put it back into a pile again. Now we will arrange a home volcano! At the top of the slide we make a depression, pour soda into it and extinguish it.

After mixing, again make a mound with a depression and drive the eggs into it.

Knead the dough well with your hands until smooth and divide into 4 parts.

Place the dough in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Then, one by one, we roll out the cakes on a table sprinkled with flour: having rolled one thinner, crush it on top with flour and roll it onto a rolling pin, transfer it to a greased baking sheet and unroll it there. To prevent the cake from bubbling, you need to poke it with a fork.

Bake in an oven preheated to 200-220C for about 15 minutes, while baking, roll out the next one. There are 4 cakes in total.

We move the cakes from the baking sheet to a tray, let them cool, and in the meantime we will cook Tauride custard - the recipe can be found at the link.

We cut the cakes into shape, depending on what kind of Napoleon you want, round or rectangular, and coat with cream.

Sprinkle the cake with crumbs from the cake layers. Let it soak for an hour or two, and then you can try!

But, to be honest, I still like the classic Napoleon better. But chocolate is not for everyone. What do you think? 🙂

Napoleon cake with chocolate custard is a more elegant version of the beloved Napoleon. Chocolate and cocoa always give dessert a more refined taste. I recently tried adding layers of berries to a chocolate napoleon, and that was what it was missing. Raspberry, cherry, currant - it doesn’t matter, choose your favorite flavor.

I love cutting into a cake and that feeling when the knife blade cuts through the soft layers. It’s like popping bubble wrap, it seems like nothing special, but it captivates many people.

This recipe produces a Napoleon for 16-18 cakes and weighing 1.5 kg.

Watch the cooking video here:

For cakes Ø 17 cm:

  • Sour cream - 115 g (0.5 tbsp.)
  • Oil 82% - 150 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Cocoa - 2 tbsp.
  • Soda - 1/2 tsp.
  • Salt - on the tip of a knife
  • Flour - 360 g + 40 g for rolling (3+0.5 tbsp)

For the chocolate cream

  • Milk - 900 ml.
  • Egg yolks - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 170 g
  • Flour - 3 tbsp.
  • Cocoa - 30 g (5 tbsp)
  • Milk chocolate - 80 g
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 g

For the currant layer

  • Currant berries - 150 g
  • Sugar - 75 g
  • Potato starch - 0.5 tsp.

Preparing dough for Napoleon

To prepare Napoleon, you can use butter or margarine, the main thing is that the product is of high quality and very cold. The photo shows all the ingredients you will need to make the cakes.

We'll cook for Napoleon puff pastry on sour cream.

To begin, combine 360 ​​g of flour with soda and cocoa. Mix the dry ingredients with a whisk or sift.

The butter must be chopped, simultaneously combining with flour, and continue kneading with your hands, turning the dough into crumbs.

Add eggs and sour cream to the resulting crumbs and knead the dough.

This is how the dough will turn out. Sticky but pliable to work with.

Using a scale, divide the resulting dough into balls weighing about 60 g each. From each ball you can roll out and cut out a cake with a diameter of 19 cm, but after baking the cake will decrease by 1.5 cm, and you will get about 17 cm.

In total, you will get 14-15 finished balls, and the rest of the cakes will come out of scraps.

Lightly sprinkle portions of Napoleon dough with flour and place in the refrigerator for an hour.

Roll each piece into a thin layer. Add additional flour to dust or grease the rolling pin if necessary.

I find it convenient to roll out the dough on parchment. You can roll out very thin cakes on parchment paper. Using a mold and a knife, cut out the cakes and put the trimmings aside.

Pierce each cake along the surface with a fork, then the cake will be even after baking, since air will escape through these holes.

Bake each cake for about 13 minutes at 190°C. Bake the cakes directly on the parchment paper you used for rolling out. I managed to bake two cakes at the same time with a diameter of 19 cm. While the cakes are baking, I have time to roll out the next two.

The finished cake should become brittle and there should be no elasticity left in it. When you take out the cakes, carefully pick up the cake with a wide wooden spatula, you will see that it is ready, it should come off easily, not sag, but be light and even.

Use the two most uneven cake layers and the leftovers to make crumbs for topping the cake.

If during the cooking process some of the cakes turned out uneven or even broke, this should not alert you; after assembly and soaking, this will not be noticeable.

Making chocolate custard

Sift the flour together with cocoa, combine with regular and vanilla sugar. Combine the yolks with milk and dry ingredients, and put everything on low heat.

Brew the cream, stirring constantly with a whisk. The mixture should become homogeneous and the sugar should melt. Bring the cream almost to a boil, but do not boil. Until this time, the cream will become noticeably thicker. Turn off the heat, add butter and chocolate pieces, stir until smooth.

It will take 15-20 minutes to prepare the cream.

Berry layer for cake

I used frozen berries. Thaw the berries, combine with sugar and cook over medium heat after boiling for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat, add starch and stir. The berries can be lightly pureed with a blender, or you can leave them as is.

Napoleon assembly

When preparing Napoleon cake, do not skimp on the cream, especially around the edges. At least 5 tablespoons must be applied to one cake; cakes for Napoleon require a lot of cream.

Many people wonder how to make Napoleon cake with chocolate cream. I have prepared this many times delicious cake, I liked it the most chocolate cream for cake, I’m adding the recipe to my recipe box!


Margarine - 200 grams;

Kefir - 1 glass (200 ml);

Egg - 1 piece;

Soda - 1 teaspoon (need to be quenched with vinegar);

Salt - a pinch;

Sugar - 50 grams;

Wheat flour - how much dough will take.


For cream:

Milk - 1 liter;

Butter - 150 grams;

Sugar - 400 grams;

Egg - 1 piece;

Cocoa - 50 grams;

Flour - 3-5 tablespoons.


Cooking method:

Margarine must be melted and mixed with kefir.

Add a beaten egg with sugar, a pinch of salt, quench the soda with vinegar and add to the resulting mass.

For a sweet cake, you need to sift the flour, add as much as the dough will take. It should be elastic and not stick to your hands. Knead well. Divide into 12-15 small balls. Place in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.

Roll out each ball very thinly on a floured board. Trim evenly; this can be done by placing a dish of the desired size on top.

Bake the cakes in the oven on a floured baking sheet until golden brown at 180-190 degrees. I made 15 cakes! That's actually what I told you, how to make napoleon cake, now I’ll tell you how to do it chocolate cream for cake.

We will prepare chocolate cream from cocoa custard:

Place a liter of milk on the stove to warm up.

Add 300 grams of sugar and stir.

Beat the egg with the remaining 100 grams of sugar. When the milk becomes warm, pour in the beaten egg in a thin stream. We don’t stop mixing everything well.

When the milk becomes hot, add cocoa and stir well so that there are no lumps. The temperature of the stove during the preparation of the cream should be minimal. Add flour and stir continuously. Cook a little more until the cream thickens. Ready chocolate cream for cake Remove from heat, let cool slightly, add butter and stir well.

For many of us, Napoleon is our favorite dessert. We would like to tell all cake lovers about how you can make chocolate Napoleon. It will surely appeal to all lovers of chocolate treats.

Ingredients for chocolate Napoleon

Chocolate Napoleon is one of the many options for preparing this amazing dessert. There are many recipes for wonderful delicacies. In our article we want to present the best of them. The recipe for Napoleon chocolate cake is not too different from the classic one, so if you can handle preparing it, then it won’t be difficult for you to change it a little. As a result, you will get your favorite dessert with a new taste.

So, to prepare chocolate butter we will need:

  1. Butter - 210 g.
  2. Flour - 100 g.
  3. Dark chocolate - 100 g.

For the cakes:

  1. Chocolate butter - 410 g.
  2. Half a kilogram of flour.
  3. One egg.
  4. Cocoa - 35 g.
  5. A pinch of salt.
  6. Water (necessarily cold) - 290 g.
  7. Lemon juice - a tablespoon.

For buttercream:

  1. A glass of sugar.
  2. A glass of milk.
  3. One hundred grams of dark chocolate.
  4. One egg.
  5. A tablespoon of starch.
  6. Vanilla sugar - 10 g.

For decoration:

  1. Walnuts - 70 g.
  2. Cake trimmings.

Chocolate “Napoleon”: dough recipe

First you need to prepare. To do this, melt the chocolate in a water bath and add soft butter (butter) to it. Mix the ingredients and add the sifted flour, then knead the mixture until smooth. Place the resulting mass in a bowl and cover with cling film or a lid, and then put it in the freezer for an hour to harden completely.

Now you can move on to preparing the dough. To do this, sift the flour, dividing it into two parts. One hundred grams must be poured into a separate container for sprinkling. Next, mix cocoa and flour. In a glass, stir the egg with cold water and pour the solution into the flour, adding lemon juice and salt. Add another hundred grams of water (cold only) and quickly knead the dough. Then we roll it into a ball, cover it with a towel and let it stand for about twenty minutes.

Then roll out the dough into a layer, preferably giving it rectangular shape. It is better to make the edges thinner than the middle. Sprinkle flour on top of the cake, cover with a towel and let sit for ten minutes.

We take the frozen chocolate mass out of the freezer and trim it with a knife. Next, spread the shavings in an even layer on the dough, retreating two centimeters from the edges, and press the mixture onto the crust. We wrap the dough along the short edges and pinch it. The oil should be inside. Cover the dough again with a towel and leave it to lie for another ten minutes. Next, we again fold the layer along the short sides into the middle (by ¼ of the length). The result is a block of four layers. We wrap it in a towel and put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

After some time, take out the dough and carefully roll it into a layer no more than one centimeter thick. We repeat the process of folding the mass four times again, after which we put the dough in the refrigerator for another twenty minutes.

Next, we repeat the entire procedure two more times. Divide the finished dough into equal parts. There should be six of them. We roll each of them out very thinly and place them on parchment, cutting out a round cake. The scraps should not be removed from the paper, as they will later be used to decorate the cake. Bake the pieces at 200 degrees for ten minutes. As a result, we should have six cake layers.

Making custard

Since we are preparing chocolate Napoleon with custard, we should prepare this same cream. To do this, grind the egg until white with vanilla and sugar, adding starch and milk. Bring the resulting mixture over low heat until thickened. Then remove the dishes from the stove and put broken pieces of chocolate into the cream. Stir the mixture until the chocolate melts and the cream becomes homogeneous. Cover the mixture with film and put it in the refrigerator.

Beat soft butter with a mixer, adding cold chocolate cream. In order to beautifully decorate the Napoleon cake (chocolate), grind it in a blender walnuts and cakes. If you like cinnamon, you can add a little of it too.

Assembling the cake

Now that we have all the ingredients ready, let’s assemble the chocolate Napoleon. Grease the cakes with cream and stack one on top of the other. They need to be pressed down a little. We also grease the sides and top with cream and sprinkle with crumbs. So our chocolate “Napoleon” is ready (photos are given in the article). You can put it in the refrigerator overnight so that the cakes are well soaked in the cream.

Napoleon with condensed milk: ingredients

We offer another option for making chocolate Napoleon.

Ingredients for cream:

  1. Condensed milk - 390 g.
  2. Cream (certainly fat, at least 35%) - 400 ml.
  3. Two tablespoons of sugar.
  4. Egg yolks - 4 pcs.
  5. Chocolate (bitter black) - 120 g.
  6. Water - 70 ml.
  7. A tablespoon of cognac or liqueur.

For the cakes:

  1. Sour cream with a fat content of at least 25% - 200 g.
  2. Butter - 220 g.
  3. Flour - 390 g.
  4. One egg.
  5. ½ teaspoon of soda.
  6. A pinch of salt.
  7. ½ teaspoon lemon juice.
  8. A tablespoon of cocoa powder.

Napoleon's recipe

Chocolate "Napoleon" (recipe with photo is given in the article) is prepared no more complicated than the classic version.

Chilled butter must be finely chopped, add cocoa powder and sour cream. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly. After this, you need to add flour, egg, salt, soda, slaked with lemon juice. Then knead the dough and divide it into equal 18 parts. We put them all in the refrigerator for an hour.

In the meantime, let's prepare the cream. We divide the eggs into yolks and whites. In this recipe we don’t need proteins at all, so they can be used to prepare another dish. Combine the yolks with water and beat well until smooth. Add condensed milk to the mixture and place the container on the stove. Cook the mixture over low heat until thickened. The cream takes a little longer to prepare than regular custard. As soon as you see the first bubbles on the surface, remove the pan from the heat.

Now add chocolate to the cream and stir with a whisk until it melts. Next, beat the finished mass with a mixer until an airy consistency is obtained. As soon as the cream has cooled a little, we send it to cool further in the refrigerator.

In the meantime, we can start making the cakes. Roll out one part on parchment and make several punctures with a fork. We bake each cake for about six to seven minutes at 200 degrees. Having gradually prepared all the cake layers, you can begin assembling the cake.

Take the cream out of the refrigerator. In a separate bowl, beat the cold cream with two tablespoons of sugar until peaks form. Add a few tablespoons of cream to the cream mass and mix with a whisk. Then add the rest of the cream and mix the ingredients again. You also need to add liquor. This cream has a very delicate taste, somewhat reminiscent of melted ice cream.

Carefully coat each cake with the creamy mixture. On lateral surface finished product We also apply cream. Place the chocolate Napoleon in the refrigerator.

Chocolate cream for Napoleon

If you prefer classic version cakes for your favorite “Napoleon”, then you can add unusual notes using chocolate cream.

To prepare it we will need:

  1. Five yolks.
  2. 2.5 cups flour.
  3. Butter - 370 g.
  4. Vanillin - 1 g.
  5. A glass of sugar.
  6. Dark chocolate - 160 g.
  7. Milk - 540 g.

First, prepare the milk base for the cream. To do this, add flour and a little milk to the saucepan and stir with a whisk so that there are no lumps. Then add the yolks and sugar, as well as vanillin with the rest of the milk. Mix the mixture thoroughly and cook over low heat until thickened. Now the base is ready.

Beat the butter until fluffy. Without stopping the process, add melted chocolate. As a result, we get a chocolate-butter mixture. Add the milk base into it in separate parts and beat again. It is very important that all components from which the cream is prepared are at approximately the same temperature (preferably room temperature). So the chocolate cream for Napoleon is ready.

Instead of an afterword

We hope that our recipes will be useful to housewives. Perhaps not everyone will like the new taste of the delicacy, but still this “Napoleon” is worth a try for all chocolate lovers. They will definitely appreciate the dessert.