Drawing of a furnace made from a pipe. Do-it-yourself furnace for working out: diagram and instructions on how to make a furnace using oil for working out. Fuel consumption and economic feasibility

With the cold weather approaching, many craftsmen come up with various designs for space heating and water heating. First of all, the question is about the type of fuel. In search of the most rational and cheapest option, many choose to work off, the average consumption of which is about 2 liters per hour. A waste oil furnace has a number of advantages. Knowing all the intricacies of its manufacture, you can create a budget-friendly and efficient source of heat in the house.

A factory or homemade waste oil furnace is characterized by a number of advantages:

  • ensuring fast and efficient heating of enclosed spaces in the form of greenhouses, domestic buildings, warehouses and technical rooms;
  • independence of the device from electricity and gas;

  • unique design features apparatus that allows the process of cooking;
  • ease of operation;
  • no open flame;
  • reliability of the structure, which is made of metal products connected by welding;
  • when ensuring normal operation, the stove does not create a lot of soot and burning;
  • due to its light weight and dimensions, the device can be transported;
  • the stove can be made from scrap metal;
  • during operation of the device, combustion of oil and its vapor is ensured;
  • The stove can be combined with a water heating system by installing a tank on top.

A closed type furnace is not without its drawbacks, among which are the following:

  • the possibility of clogging the supply tube with waste oil;
  • the need to install a chimney with a length of at least 4 m;
  • presence of hot open surfaces;

  • weekly cleaning of the chimney and oil container from accumulated waste;
  • high probability of contamination of clothing and premises during contact with fuel;
  • the container with fuel should be located in a warm room;
  • unpleasant smell of used oil;
  • the flame in the apparatus can be extinguished only after the fuel has completely burned out;
  • if used incorrectly, the fire hazard increases;
  • characteristic humming noise during operation of the furnace;
  • The fuel ignites only when it is heated to its flash point.

Important! Before pouring oil into the system, it should be filtered.

Principle of operationwaste oil furnaces

The prototype for oil furnaces operating on waste oil is kerogas, which was previously used in villages and dachas. It used kerosene as fuel, the vapors of which were burned in a separate chamber. To save on fuel, a waste oil burning option was developed. It can be purchased for free or at a reasonable cost at any service station.

Creating a homemade stove during mining is not a difficult process. The main task is proper organization systems for a productive oil combustion process. To ensure complete combustion of vapors, heavy components must first be split into light ones, which is carried out as a result of pyrolysis. The oil must be properly heated for efficient evaporation.

The operating principle of an oil furnace during mining is as follows. First of all, the mining is ignited in the lower chamber of the apparatus. The combustion intensity is regulated using a throttle valve in the device body, through which air enters the chamber. Oil vapor mixed with oxygen rises upward through a vertical pipe. The pipe is connected to the upper tank, which is the afterburner chamber.

The mixture is mixed under the influence of the Coriolis force (force of inertia). The intensity of the process is achieved the right choice diameter and length of the combustion chamber. To ensure complete combustion, air must flow through the damper in sufficient quantity. To do this, it is additionally sucked through holes made in a vertical perforated pipe connecting the tanks.

The gas flow is directed to the final combustion chamber, in which the upper part is expanded. During its manufacture, a horizontal separation is made between the chimney inlet and the combustion chamber outlet, which is necessary to ensure a temperature jump between the nitrogen oxide and oxygen afterburning zones. At temperatures below 600 °C, nitrogen oxides are more active than oxygen. As they decompose, they oxidize fuel particles. With increasing temperature, oxygen acts as the main oxidizing agent. Harmful substances are released into the atmosphere through the chimney.

Important! To ensure efficient oil combustion in the upper tank, the temperature must be low.

Waste oil furnace: types of designs

There are several types of oil furnaces that operate on waste oil. The classic model is the pyrolysis apparatus. It is made from ready-made containers in the form of barrels, pipes, cylinders or from alloy sheets. Oil is poured into the lower vessel, which splits when insufficient quantities air. In the upper tank, intensive combustion of its vapor occurs, due to which a lot of heat is released.

Temperature regulation is carried out by air supply. Such a furnace requires constant cleaning of the chambers from accumulated fractions. It does not have mechanical temperature control.

At the oil recovery stove, a guaranteed air supply to the second chamber is realized with the help of a fan. The combustion process is more efficient, due to which warm air evenly enters the room.

The operating principle of a stove with a drip supply of fuel is similar to the operating mechanism of diesel engines. It is economical. However independent process Manufacturing the device is very labor-intensive, so it is better to purchase a factory device of this type. In addition, it should be taken into account that homemade drip stoves are picky about the quality of the oil, which must be preheated before feeding into the stove.

The most efficient model is a supercharged waste oil furnace. It, in comparison with a potbelly stove, has a higher cost. Additional heat comes from blowing fans. Supercharging can be done using a car cooler motor, and the heater is blown by a 220 V home propeller.

Requirements for installation and operation of an oil furnace

It is required that the stove be located in an empty room, near which there should be no flammable surfaces. Special attention is given to devices self-made. They should not be placed on a shelf or other support that could catch fire.

A homemade furnace for mining should be located on a flat base, which can be concrete or brick. It is necessary that the distance between the apparatus and the wall be at least 1 m. To create good draft, the chimney must have a length of more than 4 m. Insulation should be provided on its external side to prevent the formation of acid condensation.

The used oil should not contain any solvent or other flammable element, so such components should be kept away from the furnace. It is also unacceptable for moisture to get into the container with oil. This will cause a fire in the oven. When emergency situation To put out the fire, use a fire extinguisher.

Important! In the room where the stove is located, there must be organized good system natural supply and exhaust ventilation.

Before starting work, oil is poured into a container in an amount equal to half the volume of the tank, which will provide the necessary space for the formation of vapor. For the vapors to become enriched with oxygen, you need to wait some time. Then the fuel is ignited using long matches. As soon as the process of ignition of vapors begins, the damper is closed halfway.

To increase the performance of the mini-furnace during mining, you can install a sealed tank with liquid above its upper chamber. To supply and drain water, fittings are attached to it, which are placed on different levels. Another option for increasing productivity is the necessary air convection, which is carried out using a fan located near the upper chamber. By taking warm air from the stove, it helps to cool it, which has a positive effect on the life of the device.

DIY options for increasing the efficiency of a mini-oven

Waste oil furnaces are often used to heat a garage or small workshop. It is not recommended to use such a device in a building where people are constantly present. This is due to the fact that the stove absorbs oxygen, which has Negative influence on the human respiratory organs. If the device is intended to heat a living space, it should be located in a separate room.

To improve the efficiency of the device, additional devices can be used. A waste oil furnace with a water circuit is organized by tying the coil body or installing a water jacket on the chimney. In the first case, the coil is made from copper pipe. It is built into the heating system of the house.

The water jacket is made of sheet metal in the form of a container, which is located in the upper part of the housing. It circulates a liquid coolant. For efficient work furnace, the tank should contain up to 30 liters of water. Such a device will allow you to heat a large area.

An exhaust furnace with a water circuit must be equipped with an expansion tank with an emergency drain, necessary in case of boiling of the liquid. It is not recommended to install a membrane container here.

Another option to increase the efficient operation of the furnace is to use an air heat exchanger, which is represented by a fan. No design changes are made to the device, and the heating of the room is improved. The fan is located near the upper chamber. When it cools, the heated air spreads across the area of ​​the room. You can also pass air through a box located on top of the stove, or through a pipe that is installed in the afterburner chamber.

Popular options for pre-fabricated furnaces, their characteristics

The Teplamos NT-612 stove is often chosen as a device used for heating a garage. The power of such a drip fanless heater can vary between 5-15 kW. Fuel consumption is 0.5-1.5 l/hour.

This furnace for use in a garage is a closed type device. It is equipped with a chimney, an air supply pipe and a built-in tank designed for 8 liters of fuel. Fuel combustion occurs in the inner chamber. The operation of the device begins with electrical heating of the plasma bowl. When the required temperature is reached, fuel is supplied and air is forced into the combustion chamber. The average cost of the device is 30 thousand rubles.

Important! For normal operation of the stove, it must be preheated with a small amount of diesel fuel, which is poured into a special bowl.

Another popular model is the Zhar-25 (MS-25) oven. This device can operate not only on waste oil, but also on diesel fuel. The device operates from the electrical network, which powers the internal fan. The thermal power of the furnace varies from 25 to 50 kW. It is designed to heat a room up to 500 square meters. m. Maximum fuel consumption is 4.5 l/hour. The device has large dimensions. Its weight reaches 130 kg. This stove needs to be equipped with a good chimney. You can buy it for 45 thousand rubles.

Do-it-yourself stove for testingfrom sheet metal and pipes

Depending on the type of device, the structure can be created from pipes of different diameters or from iron sheets. To work you will need the following tools:

  • grinder with cutting and grinding wheel;
  • sheet metal and pipes;
  • welding machine and electrodes;
  • metal corners;
  • metal paint that can withstand high temperatures.

Before making a furnace for testing, it is carried out detailed drawing apparatus. You can create it yourself or use ready-made options that are easy to find on websites on the Internet.

The first step is to make the lower part of the chamber connecting to the fuel tank. It looks like a rounded or straight tank with a lid where two pipes are located. The first is used to supply oil, and the second is used to strengthen the pipe that goes into the middle part of the device. Elements for the tank are cut out with a grinder and connected according to the drawing.

The bottom and metal corners, which act as legs of the structure. To create a lid, a sheet of metal is taken and holes are made in it. The first, with a diameter of 100 mm, is located in the center; the second, 60 mm in size, is located closer to the edge. The lid should be removable, which will make cleaning the stove easier.

A pipe about 37 cm long and 100 mm in diameter is used to supply oxygen. It has holes along the entire length of the element necessary for the supply of oxygen. The pipe is welded perpendicular to the cover at the bottom of the apparatus. An air damper is fixed on it, which will be secured with a rivet or bolts. The hole under the damper should be 6 cm in size. It is intended for supplying oil and igniting fuel.

The design of the upper tank is carried out by analogy with the design of the lower tank according to the drawing of a furnace using waste oil with your own hands. The walls of the product must have a thickness of at least 350 mm. A bottom with a diameter of 10 cm is cut out of the bottom of the tank, which should be placed closer to the edge. A small piece of pipe with a diameter of 11 cm is welded to the bottom of the hole. This is necessary to connect the element to the gas combustion tank.

Since the top cover of the furnace during supercharged mining is subject to influence high temperature, for its manufacture you should use a metal sheet with a thickness of at least 6 mm. There is an opening in the lid for the chimney pipe, which should coincide with the opening at the bottom of the container. Between these elements a partition made of dense metal sheet, located near the smoke hole. A pipe is attached to the top of the lid, connecting to the chimney part. The process of self-production can be seen in detail in the video of the furnace being tested.

Important! To give the structure rigidity and stability, a metal spacer in the form of a piece of pipe with a diameter of 200-300 mm is welded between the chambers.

Step-by-step instructions for making a waste oil stove with your own hands from a cylinder

The device can be made from old items using the presented drawings of a waste oil furnace. For this process you will need gas cylinder capacity 50 l. You should also prepare:

  • pipe with a diameter of 80-100 mm and a length of 4 m;
  • steel corner for making a stand and internal elements of the heat exchanger;
  • sheet steel for making the bottom of the upper chamber and the plug;

  • brake disk;
  • fuel supply hose;
  • clamps;
  • half-inch valve;
  • loops;
  • half-inch oil supply pipe.

An empty gas cylinder is used to make the body. You need to unscrew the valve on it, after which you should leave it outside overnight to ventilate the remaining gas. A hole is drilled in the bottom of the product. To prevent the formation of a spark, the drill must be moistened with oil. Through the hole, the cylinder is filled with water, which is then drained, washing away the remaining gas.

Two openings are cut in the cylinder. The top one will be used for the combustion chamber, where the heat exchanger will be installed. The lower one acts as a burner with a tray. The upper part of the chamber is specially made large. If necessary, it can be filled with other fuel options in the form of firewood or pressed briquettes.

Next, the bottom for the upper compartment of the device is made from sheet metal 4 mm thick. A burner is made from a piece of pipe 200 mm long, as shown in the drawing of a waste oil stove. There are many holes made around the circumference of the product, which are necessary for air to enter the fuel. Next they sand it inner part burners. This will eliminate the possibility of soot accumulating on the ends and uneven surfaces.

The furnace burner is exhausted from a gas cylinder and welded to the bottom of the upper chamber. If there are no mining reserves, wood can be laid on the formed shelf.

Making a tray for working off and installing a chimney for an oil stove with your own hands

According to the drawing of the stove, a cast iron automobile brake disc, which has good heat-resistant characteristics, is used to make a waste oil pan. A steel circle is welded in its lower part, which forms the bottom. At the top there is a lid through which air enters the oven.

Helpful advice! It is better to make the opening wide. This will provide sufficient air draft so that the oil will flow into the pan.

The next stage in the manufacture of a stove using waste oil from a gas cylinder is to make a coupling from a 10 cm long pipe that connects the burner and the pan. Thanks to this element, servicing the stove will be much easier. You can remove the tray and clean it bottom part burners. To ensure the supply of oil, a metal tube is inserted into the hole in the housing and secured by welding. An emergency valve is installed on the pipe.

The chimney structure is made of a pipe with a diameter of 100 mm. One end of it is welded to the hole in the central upper part of the body, and the other is brought out to the street.

Helpful advice! The chimney pipe through the wall must pass through a special fireproof glass.

By watching the video “Furnace using a gas cylinder”, you can familiarize yourself with the sequence of actions in the manufacture of the device.

How to make a stove for working offpyrolysis type

A potbelly stove during mining consists of three main elements:

  • oil containers with lid and valve;
  • closed combustion chamber;
  • afterburning chambers.

The stove must have a chimney, the length of which is at least 4 m. The oil container, according to the do-it-yourself potbelly stove drawing, is made from a piece of pipe with a diameter of 345 mm and a length of 100 mm. A sheet metal cover is welded to its lower part. The removable top cover is made of a pipe with a diameter of 352 mm, to which sides with a height of 600 mm must be attached by welding. The lid has a central hole of 100 mm in size, intended for the combustion chamber, as well as a side hole (60 mm in diameter) for air injection, which is closed by a rotating lid.

Important! By adjusting the clearance of the ash pan, you select the combustion intensity of the stove, which affects the air temperature in the room.

According to the drawing of the stove during testing, a pipe with a diameter of 352 mm and a height of 100 mm is used to make the afterburner. Holes measuring 100 mm are made in its lower and upper parts. The first is for the combustion chamber pipe, and the second is for the chimney. Closer to the chimney opening, it is necessary to weld a partition 70 mm high and 330 mm wide.

Using a drill, holes are made in the combustion chamber pipe along its entire height, leaving the lower zone 20 mm high and the upper zone (50 mm) unused. After completing all welding work, the tightness and reliability of the seams should be checked. Next, a furnace test is organized. The waste is poured into the oil container. Kerosene is added on top. Careful ignition is performed with the ash pan open, with the help of which, after heating the oven, the heat intensity is adjusted.

Important! Testing the furnace during testing should be carried out outdoors, which will avoid a fire indoors or other accident.

To heat a garage, small workshop or living space, you can use a waste stove, which has a number of advantages. The device can be purchased ready-made or made independently using drawings from the Internet. Before making a stove, you should study the sequence of actions in order to subsequently obtain a practical and effective device.

Among the many options for homemade heaters and stoves, it is worth mentioning an interesting heater design - a waste oil stove. Many old car enthusiasts have a considerable amount of used motor oil in their garages and basements. The lubricant is not suitable for its intended purpose, but is simply ideal as fuel for a stove during mining.

Waste oil furnace options

The appearance of an oil stove does not inspire enthusiasm, but this is only at first glance. Almost everything homemade options Furnaces using waste lubricant have been repeatedly improved and redesigned in order to achieve stable operation and good heat transfer. To understand and evaluate the reliability of the design, it is worth making a furnace at least once during testing with your own hands, or using ready-made option in severe frost.

Most often, they make for themselves the simplest and most easy option waste oil furnaces. If desired, you can assemble more complex structures:

  • Furnace in exhaust mode with air forced into the combustion chamber;
  • Sauna stove using waste oil with adjustable heating power;
  • Exhaust furnace with a water circuit or forced airflow of the heated surface;
  • Drip furnace using waste oil.

Important ! The high viscosity and poor volatility of waste oil increase the fire safety of the furnace, but do not interfere with easy maintenance and refilling of the container, control of the combustion process and removal of exhaust gases.

For most designs you will need sheet metal 3-4mm thick, a grinder with three metal discs, a welding machine and a dozen No. 4 electrodes.

Features of the device and operation

Any hydrocarbon oil that is similar in consistency and properties to motor oil is suitable for operating the furnace. Hydraulic and ballast fluids can be used, anything that can burn in a very hot state. Some amateurs manage to burn rancid vegetable oil, and even melted waste grease.

Important ! All options are possible provided that the oil does not contain additives or additives that produce toxic or poisonous compounds during combustion or pyrolysis.

What and where burns in the stove

The design of the waste oil stove has two main combustion zones and one auxiliary. As such, there is no separate front or flame of combustion of the fuel-air mixture in the furnace. The conventional combustion area is located in the combustion chamber - a perforated pipe connecting the upper and lower parts of the furnace.

The lower chamber contains a supply of used oil; the smaller its volume, the faster and better the used oil warms up, the faster it evaporates and burns. An additional container or tank with the main waste reserve is connected to the lower reservoir through a metal oil line.

The most difficult thing is the process of igniting the stove. To do this, several pieces of tow, generously moistened with kerosene, are pushed into the combustion chamber. The waste is poured into the lower container of the furnace through a hole with a lid to ¾ of the nominal volume. They set fire to the tow, and the ignition process has begun.

As the oil warms up, it begins to evaporate intensely, and the vapors, mixing with the heated air, enter the chamber and intensify combustion. Under the influence of air draft in the pipe, combustion products are quickly removed to a safe distance.

Drip furnace option

In addition to the above version of a working furnace, which looks like a giant dumbbell placed vertically, there is another very interesting scheme ovens on motor oil. This design is also called a stove with a fire cup. The principle of operation is clear from the given drawing of the furnace during testing.

At the bottom of the cylinder there is an open shallow container filled with broken wire. The waste flows and drips down the vertical pipe from top to bottom. Drops of waste oil falling on hot metal evaporate with the decomposition of heavy oil products into lighter components. They burn very well and produce less soot.

Heat from the cloud of burning oil is transferred through the walls into the surrounding air or into the body of water of the tank or heat exchanger.

For your information! This design of an oil furnace is more complex and heavier than the previous version, but at the same time it is easy to control and gives good quality combustion and is absolutely insensitive to fuel quality.

If the question is not about the mobility of the furnace during mining, it is better to use a design with a drip oil supply.

How to organize proper heat removal from the surface of the furnace

It is not enough to create a burning ball of fire. It is also necessary to somehow properly remove heat into the surrounding space and warm the air in the room. In fact, this is an oil analogue of a potbelly stove, it’s warm nearby, and cold a little further away.

Here in a waste oil furnace some of its disadvantages appear, which you need to be aware of and be prepared to eliminate the possible consequences:

We design and assemble the furnace during mining on our own

Manufacturing the structure is very simple, at the first stage we cut out blanks from sheet metal according to the drawing, at the second stage we qualitatively weld them using electric welding into the finished structure according to the diagram.

Step one - make the main parts

First of all, we cut out the 4 bottoms of the upper and lower oven chambers on a sheet and cut out with a grinder. For finishing, leave an allowance of 1 mm to the diameter of each element. We adjust the cut blanks to the drawing dimensions on a sharpener. The same requirement applies to the side walls of the chambers.

For the fire chamber, you can use a ready-made thick-walled pipe or an old cylinder with a wall thickness of at least 4 mm. Using a core, we mark the positions of the holes and drill them into drilling machine, you can use an electric drill.

Step two - assembly of the structure

Welding work is not particularly difficult when correct selection electric welding mode.

Advice ! Before proceeding with the final assembly, practice welding on scraps of steel sheet and pipe. This will allow you to optimally select the current and operating speed of the electrode.

  • We grab the bottom points and side walls lower chamber, weld the seam twice to obtain a strong and tight connection;
  • We install the heat chamber in the finished lower chamber and fix it with one point, heat the place where the weld is placed with a blowtorch and also boil it hot twice;
  • We put the lower bottom of the upper chamber on the pipe and weld it in the same way as the previous point;
  • We weld the side walls and the cover of the upper chamber, supports, and adapter for the chimney in the usual way.

For the stove filler hole, choose an easily removable tight lid or flap that allows you to regulate the volume of air sucked in by the stove.


To check the reliability of the connection, a thermal test of the furnace should be carried out. The goal is to check the reliability of welds under the influence of internal deformations in a heated state. To do this, you can install two or three working blowtorches in the direction of the fire chamber and warm up the structure for half an hour. If the structure does not lose a single weld, the product is ready for use.

Among all the options for individual space heating developed and used today, one of the most interesting is heating based on the use of a special furnace that uses waste oil as a working resource.

Such ovens have extremely simple design and are, at the same time, very efficient and productive units. You can cope with the manufacture of such a stove on your own, saving significant money.

If desired, you can improve your heating unit by adding a cast iron stove with a burner to its design, which will allow you to cook food, and the arrangement of a water circuit will make it possible to connect the stove to heating system home and start full-fledged water heating.

In furnaces of this kind, fuel combustion occurs twice, so it will be necessary to build two fireboxes at once.

In one chamber, the waste is slowly burned to form flammable vapors, which pass into the second compartment and mix with air there. In the second chamber, the air-gas mixture burns, releasing a large amount of heat.

A damper must be installed at the place where the oil is burned, which allows you to regulate the amount of air supplied to the first compartment. To provide oxygen to the second compartment, many holes (usually about 50) with a diameter of 9-10 mm are created in the pipe through which the two fireboxes are connected.

Furnace modifications

There are several modifications of mining furnaces. Three varieties are most common.

This model has the simplest design. If you have the skills to use a welding unit, you can handle the manufacture of such a furnace product with your own hands.

You need to prepare a thick metal sheet (from 4-6 mm), pipes and other required elements. To further save time and effort, you can replace the metal with an old gas cylinder.

It is important to remove any remaining old gas from the container. Otherwise, an explosion may occur during cutting. To eliminate this possibility, pump regular water into the cylinder and only then start working.

Furnace with pressurization system

The design of such a furnace includes a fan. It must be installed so that the largest part of the air flow falls on the second compartment of the homemade stove. This will ensure the most efficient combustion of fuel, and the resulting heat will be distributed fairly quickly and evenly throughout the heated room.

Furnace with drip feed

It is quite difficult to assemble such a stove on your own. Typically, industrial heating units are equipped with a drip feed mechanism.

Such models make it possible to significantly reduce fuel consumption. Furnaces of this type are compact, efficient, extremely safe and relatively inexpensive.

Also, craftsmen build universal models that combine both the supercharging function and the drip feed mechanism. However, it is strongly not recommended to undertake the assembly of such a unit yourself without the appropriate skills.

The best option for self-production is a unit made from sheets of metal or an empty gas cylinder. A large fire extinguisher will also work.

To manufacture a heating structure from sheet metal, you need to have more serious execution skills welding work. In this case, you will have to independently weld two fuel chambers, weld stable legs to the lower body, then connect both bodies using a pipe with pre-prepared holes, then install a smoke exhaust pipe and perform other related measures.

You can take a much simpler route by using an empty gas cylinder or a large fire extinguisher to make a heating unit that operates on exhaust gas. Such containers have fairly thick and reliable walls, which ensure high fireproof properties of the finished structure and a long service life.

Regardless of whether you use sheet metal or a cylinder to assemble the stove, when constructing the heating unit you must strictly adhere to the following important rules:

  • the air supply to the stove must be adjustable. This rule can be ensured using an ordinary damper. You will change the size of the gap, thereby adjusting the intensity of traction;
  • The combustion chamber for used oil must be dismountable. This will make its maintenance and cleaning much easier;
  • The smoke exhaust pipe must be installed strictly in a vertical position. The use of inclined and horizontal sections in the case of such a stove is prohibited;
  • To ensure the required level of draft, the chimney pipe must be made at least 400 cm long.

Stove Making Guide

We present to your attention the easiest option for manufacturing a unit that runs on waste oil from an empty cylinder.

First step. Cut off the bottom and top of the balloon.

Second step. Make a drum for burning waste oil from the resulting halves.

Third step. Weld stable and preferably adjustable metal legs to the bottom of the structure.

Fourth step. Make a hole in the upper wall of the first compartment to connect a piece metal pipe. Equip the pipe itself with an adjusting valve. Oxygen will enter the fuel chamber through the hole. You will also add work through it.

Fifth step. Make an additional hole approximately in the center of the chamber and weld a piece of metal pipe to it to connect the two main elements of the stove. You must first make holes in this tube. Recommendations regarding the size of holes and their number were given earlier.

Sixth step. Make a second stove chamber from the remaining part of the old cylinder and a metal sheet. Weld the finished chamber to the connecting tube with holes.

Make and install a chimney pipe.

The instructions did not provide any recommendations regarding the size of the heating unit. There is no particular need to specify these parameters, because the operation of a structure of any size, and, consequently, the heating intensity, can be easily adjusted.

If you wish, you can make a waste stove of any required size from sheet metal.

The oven in question is the most simple option of all that exist. Such a unit is perfect for heating a garage, greenhouse, shed and small living space.

To increase the efficiency of the unit, you can equip it with a pressurization system, and, if you have the necessary skills, with a drip feed mechanism.

Although the design of the considered furnace is not particularly complex, when using the finished unit, you still need to adhere to the following important rules and recommendations:

The average user may have some difficulties with mining required quantity used oil. It is recommended to prepare in advance a suitable container for collecting and storing waste. Fuel procurement is best done gradually throughout the year.

Try to come to an agreement with the service station employees. Employees of such enterprises almost always agree to give away used oil for a nominal fee or completely free of charge.

By following the instructions and recommendations given earlier, you will assemble a reliable, safe and efficient stove on used oil. To do this, you do not need to buy expensive materials and use difficult-to-use devices, because the stove is easily assembled from the simplest elements.

Good luck!

Video - Do-it-yourself ovens for testing

Any waste, which for an ordinary person is just garbage that needs to be disposed of, in the hands of a master can bring tangible material benefits.

For example, scraps of pipes of different sizes, an old gas cylinder and other metal scraps will be turned into a furnace, and waste oil will be turned into fuel. Organizing heating using waste oil with your own hands is not so difficult.

We will tell you about the main options for installing heating systems using waste fuel. The article we propose describes in detail the methods of manufacturing proven in practice homemade devices. Taking into account our recommendations, you can achieve optimal results.

If we want to get high-quality heating based on waste, we cannot simply take the oil and set it on fire, as it will smoke and stink. In order not to experience these unpleasant and dangerous to health side effects, you need to heat the fuel so that it begins to evaporate.

Volatile substances obtained as a result of heating will burn. This is the basic principle of operation of the heating unit during testing.

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It's always nice to put waste materials to good use. And if it concerns fuel and heating, it is also very profitable. A striking example is heating stoves on used oil. They can use any oil that can burn. Transmission, diesel, machine, confectionery, vegetable... Really any. There are no problems with fuel for such units. What they found, they filled it in. Moreover, the furnace used for mining is also made from waste materials: old gas or oxygen cylinder, pipe sections different diameters or pieces of metal.

The principle of operation of homemade stoves

If you simply set fire to any used oil, it will smoke mercilessly and “smell” even more intensely. Therefore, direct combustion is not used. First, volatile substances are evaporated, then they are burned. This is the basic principle of design development. Therefore, in some versions, the stove has two combustion chambers connected by a tube in which holes are made.

In the lower chamber, the fuel is heated and evaporated. Combustible vapors rise upward. Passing through a pipe with holes, they mix with oxygen dissolved in the air. Already in the upper part of this pipe the mixture ignites and burns out in the second chamber. Moreover, the combustion of vapors occurs with the release of much more heat and less smoke. At the right technology There is practically no smoke, as well as soot.

The second method of separating “heavy” fuel (oil of any origin) into “flammable” components is more effective, but also more difficult to implement. For efficient evaporation, a metal bowl is installed in the lower chamber. It becomes heated, and drops of waste falling on it instantly turn into volatile flammable vapors. In this case, the glow turns out (in the correct mode) white-blue, as when burning a plasma. This is where another name for this design comes from - with a plasma bowl.

To achieve the greatest efficiency of fuel combustion, used oil must be fed into the lower chamber in very small portions. In some variants - drops, sometimes - in a thin stream. That is why this technology is called drip feed.

These are the basic principles of the “action” of homemade heating units. There is very a large number of their combinations and variations. Several of them are described below.

You can see an example of waste combustion in a plasma bowl in the video below. This is a Gecko mining furnace; it has a built-in water heater and can work as a heating boiler.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main and main advantage is that spent fuel and oils are used, which would otherwise be disposed of. If the technology is followed, combustion is so complete that there is practically no harmful emissions does not occur into the atmosphere. Other advantages are no less significant:

  • simple design;
  • high efficiency;
  • low cost of equipment and fuel;
  • works on any oils, organic, synthetic, vegetable origin;
  • Content of up to 10% of pollutants is allowed.

There are also serious disadvantages. And the main thing is that if the technology is not followed, fuel combustion occurs incompletely. And its vapors enter the room, and this is very dangerous. Therefore, the main and main requirement: furnaces operating on waste oil are installed exclusively in rooms with a ventilation system.

There are also disadvantages:

  • to ensure good draft, the chimney must be straight and high - at least 5 meters;
  • Regular cleaning of the bowl and chimney is required - daily;
  • problematic ignition: you must first heat the bowl, then supply fuel;
  • water heating options are possible, but their independent design difficult task- you cannot significantly lower the temperature in the combustion zone, otherwise the whole process will fall apart (an alternative is to install a water jacket on the chimney, here it certainly will not interfere with the breakdown of the fuel).

Due to these features, such units are rarely used for heating residential buildings. If they are installed, it is in separate rooms and in a modified form.

Application area

IN basic version homemade stove using waste oil to heat the air. They are also called heat guns, heat generators or air heaters. It is rarely used in this form for heating residential premises: the air dries out and oxygen is burned off from the hot metal walls. But for maintaining normal temperature in production or technical premises, such units are very effective: they quickly raise the temperature. They can be seen at service stations, car washes, garages, production workshops where there are no flammable materials, in warehouses, greenhouses, etc.

Do-it-yourself furnaces - the best option for the garage

Many options can be modified: you can install a coil for heating water or make a water jacket. Such equipment already belongs to the category of water heating equipment and can be installed in a water heating system. Without automation, an exhaust furnace with a water circuit requires constant monitoring, but for a summer house, outbuildings with livestock, etc. this is a great option.

How to make a waste oil stove

Today there are already more than a dozen different designs. They use different methods for extracting thermal energy and have different structures.

Furnaces for burning waste from pipes

It is easier to make a stove if the body is already ready. As such, you can use a gas or oxygen cylinder, a thick-walled barrel or pipe. The diagram below explains how to make a waste oil stove from a pipe.

The operation of this unit is based on evaporation in a plasma bowl. It can produce up to 15 kW of heat (on average it can heat 150 square meters of area). Greater heat transfer due to any changes (furnace size or increased air supply) is impossible: the thermal regime will be disrupted and instead of more heat, you will get more fumes, and this is unsafe.

The assembly order is as follows:

After installing the oil tank, testing can begin. First, place some paper in the bowl and pour flammable liquid, everything is set on fire. After the paper is almost burned through, the oil supply opens.

It is not for nothing that this drawing of a waste oil furnace is given with such a precise indication of materials. These are the parts you need to use. As a result of the work homemade stove, with a consumption of 1-1.5 liters of fuel per hour, you can heat a room up to 150 “square meters”.

Drawing of a stove made from a pipe or cylinder in video format

A furnace using waste oil from a cylinder (oxygen or gas) is presented by the author in the video. The design is similar to that described above, but with original modifications (and it is a little simpler)

Do-it-yourself mini oven

This homemade stove small sizes and weight (10 kg), fuel consumption of about 0.5 lira per hour produces 5-6 kW of heat. You can melt it more, but you don’t need to: it might explode. The design is loved by car enthusiasts: the garage heats up quickly even in extreme cold, uses oil sparingly, and is also compact. That’s why it can be called “garage”.

The fuel tank of this little air gun is assembled from the bottom and top of a standard 50 liter gas cylinder. It turns out very reliable design(save at least one circular seam from the cylinder - there is an O-ring there, which will give greater strength. You can make a tank from any other container of similar dimensions: with a diameter of 200-400 mm and a height of about 350 mm.

In addition to the fuel container, you need to make a pipe in which the fuel-air mixture is mixed. The wall thickness here is at least 4 mm. You can use a pipe of suitable diameter. The cones are made from structural steel no thinner than 4 mm.

The dimensions of the waste oil furnace indicated in the drawing can be adjusted up or down, but only by 20 mm - no more. Particular care must be taken to weld the seams in the funnel areas: here the fuel-air mixture lingers for a long time, which is why the temperature is considerable.

The length of the chimney pipe is no more than 3.5 meters. Otherwise, due to too good traction, fuel will be pulled into the pipe, which will significantly increase consumption and reduce heat transfer.

The picture on the right shows a hot water version of a homemade stove. Around the top of the afterburning zone, several turns of a steel tube are made through which water is passed. To prevent the gas temperature from dropping too much, the coil is covered with a heat-reflecting steel casing. Cold water fed from below, passing in a spiral, heats up and goes into the system.

Miracle oven in progress

This option is very popular among summer residents and in garages. A convenient small stove, which is made with round or square zones combustion. The design is so successful that there are even industrial versions. For example, one of the enterprises sells it under the name “Ritsa”. The diagram shows all the required dimensions.

Diagram of a waste oil furnace with dimensions - everything you need to make it yourself

A video report on how to assemble this stove will help you navigate the work order.

The video below shows the option with square containers, its refilling and dimensions.

Factory options

Furnaces operating on waste oil are not only made by handicraft methods, they are also produced by industry. Moreover, there are both imported and Russian. But their type of construction is different.

European or American waste boilers belong to the category of liquid fuel furnaces. They use the supercharging principle: oil is sprayed into small droplets and connected to the air flow. And the fuel-air mixture is ignited. Imported factory stoves use the same principle, only a special burner is installed in which the fuel is heated before spraying.

To appreciate the difference in technology and structure, watch the following video. The device is completely different.

Most Russian-made furnaces use the first principle - there is a hot (plasma) bowl in which liquid fuel turns into gas, mixes with air and burns. The following units are built according to this principle:

Drawings and diagrams

There are many models of furnaces that use waste oil. And below are several diagrams that may give you an idea, and if you bake your own oven, it will be effective, economical and safe.

Oxygen cylinder stove

Diagram of the Gecko stove

Waste oil stove "Typhoon"