Products from car wheels. Making a knife from an old brake disc. What you need to know about disks

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A stove made from car wheel disks can heat a room up to 15-16 square meters. m, heating a bathhouse or becoming an inexpensive, effective cooking device, which is what this article is actually about. Its main advantage is the availability of high-quality material - thick, resistant and durable steel. Boiler steel in sheets and profiles is expensive, and ordinary structural steel in a furnace structure quickly burns out.

The additional advantage of a disk oven can be seen through experience. Take two pieces of metal of approximately the same size and weight: one from simple steel, and the other cut from a wheel rim, and heat it up stronger, at least in the kitchen on gas. The first one will immediately give off the smell of hot iron, and the second one can be heated to orange (about 900 degrees), without feeling anything unpleasant in the air. Oven from rims practically does not dry out the air and does not emit harmful fumes into the atmosphere, because the wheel disks are made of special steels that are resistant to corrosion. Of course, they are not standardized for heat resistance, but The reserve of resistance that is built into them is quite enough for a wood-coal stove.

What you need to know about disks

The furnace is being worked out. made using car rims. Don't do things like that!

To make a furnace from disks with your own hands, you need to know not only the advantages, but also the disadvantages of the source material and some of the design features of furnaces that are significant in this case. The disadvantage of special steel is that it is not standardized for welding properties. There are several technologies for the production of wheel rims, but if welding is used for this, it is very limited, followed by thermal tempering (annealing) and flaw detection of the seam. And, of course, no vehicle designer expects anything to be welded to the wheels during operation.

This leads to a very important conclusion from a safety point of view: from disks (see figure), as well as pyrolysis ones, This must not be done under any circumstances! Unless you really want that at one not at all wonderful moment boiling, most likely burning, oil will flow through a crack in the seam or chemically aggressive, highly toxic gases will begin to be released. But these stoves cannot be extinguished; they must burn out completely. Disks can only be used to make a solid fuel combustion furnace.

Note: welds for special operating conditions that are not properly quality controlled are considered unreliable. Welded vessels operating under pressure, heat and for chemically aggressive contents that have not undergone flaw detection and subsequently tested in the operating mode of use are a priori recognized as unsuitable. Any oven satisfies at least two of these conditions.

However, it is possible to make a completely safe solid fuel stove from car rims by welding for non-residential premises (country house also applies to them) is quite possible if you follow the following. rules:

  1. The weld must be of visually high quality, without visible defects - cracks, splashes, holes, bubbles, see fig. right;
  2. You can only weld two mating parts at a time; under no circumstances should you weld the entire structure at once!
  3. After making each seam, the welded parts must be given a rest to absorb residual internal stresses, approx. from 3 minutes per kilogram of mass of connected parts. In practice, cook further no earlier than when you can touch the metal with your bare hand 3-4 cm from the end of the seam;
  4. The finished furnace, after being left for a day to absorb the same stresses, is subjected to a test run, from 3 hours for a stationary one and from an hour for a portable outdoor one, at full power, i.e. with the air throttle (if equipped) or combustion/blower door fully open, and maximum fuel load.

During the test run, the furnace is annealed simultaneously. Discovered minor defects welds, no more than 2 per seam, are eliminated after a day, after which the furnace run with annealing is repeated.

Note: The modulus of the coefficient of thermal expansion of TKR steel for car wheels is significantly less than that of structural steels. It’s clear why, but this circumstance also needs to be kept in mind when making a stove, see below.

What you need to know about ovens

When making a stove from car rims, you need to be aware of one more circumstance. According to the rules of construction fiery furnaces on solid fuel from the firebox or grate, i.e. from where the fuel is placed, there must be at least 40-50 cm to the first vertical obstacle to the flow of flue gases (for example, the roof of the firebox) if conditioned fuel is loaded into the stove. If it is damp or waste, the specified distance should be increased to 60-80 cm; The heating time of the oven will then increase. The latter is unimportant for disk furnaces, because they warm up quickly.

The reason is that hot pyrolysis gases are released from solid fuel, which contribute a significant, or even decisive, share to the heat release. If pyrolysis gases come into contact with a less heated surface, they will not be able to burn out and soot will fall out. With further use of such a stove, it will become coked - dense carbon deposits will form on the roof of the firebox and in the chimney. It not only reduces the thermal efficiency of the furnace (analogous to efficiency in the furnace business), but is also a fire hazard.

Note: a high firebox for raw fuel is made so that the pyrolysis gases and water vapor have time to separate, and the former also burn out before reaching the roof. In this case, fuel is loaded to no more than half the height of the firebox.

Disk stoves are very often operated using waste fuel (rotten dried wood, damp scraps, etc.), but at the same time, there may simply not be enough unusable disks for a high stove, or the optimal stove design in this case (see below) ) will not allow you to make a high firebox. Then you can make a furnace from disks by using a non-standard grate made of steel sheet from 6 mm and reinforcing rods from 10 mm. There is no need to fear that there will not be enough air for combustion: through a hole with a diameter of 10 cm, with a chimney 1.5 m high, it will pass enough for a power of 18 kW for wood and 30 kW for coal. A furnace made of disks will never develop something like this.

The non-standard grate is simply inserted into the oven with a gap of approx. 6-10 mm, due to the difference in TKR materials, see above. This design has another advantage - it solves the problem of the ash pan, which is quite serious for disk furnaces. In this case, they simply substitute it under the ashes tin can with a diameter of 15 cm.

Note: horizontal ovens from disks (see below) for the same purpose they are made without grate, i.e. the fuel burns on the stove floor, and the air flow is regulated by a throttle in the ash pan. The durability of steel for discs makes it possible to use such a solution.

What kind of oven should I make?

Based on the above, the possibilities self-made ovens made from car disks can be arranged on shelves in this way:

  • When it is desirable and necessary, because the use of autodiscs can improve the quality of the stove and/or simplify its manufacture.
  • When possible, for the main (fire) parts of the furnace structure instead of expensive heat-resistant steel.
  • When possible, partially as a sufficiently resistant material at hand.
  • When you can’t do anything - discussed above.

When needed

The best use of stove disks is in mobile (portable) outdoor and garden cooking stoves and as firelights. In the simplest disk-based stove for a summer residence, a large mass and height of the side (rim of the disk) are used, which allows stabilizing heat transfer and provides some protection from the wind. How to make a simple country and garden stove from a car wheel, see video:

Video: mini garden oven made from car rims

For the cauldron

However best use disks in garden stoves - under a cauldron. The oven made from disks for a cauldron is completely round, namely in the corners brick oven under the cauldron cooking utensils it heats up less, and soot settles there. The disk stove ensures absolutely uniform heating of the cauldron and saves firewood, which is very significant when using waste fuel. The branches and chips collected on the site and in the surrounding area may not be enough for the pilaf or beshbarmak to ripen as expected. And damp and rotten fuel in a massive brick firebox simply will not heat the cooking vessel to the required degree. In a cauldron oven, both are excluded from auto disks, but – let us emphasize – if it's done correctly.

Flue gases follow the path of least resistance. If you simply weld 2 disks and cut a combustion hole on the side, then hot gases will flow through the technological (to facilitate the design) holes in the disk hub, pos. 1 in Fig., because their total area more than fastening and axial ones, and they are lower. If the stove is heated to maximum, then perhaps a tongue of flame will appear from the axial hole, pos. 2, but with a cauldron on the burner of such a stove, all the heat will again go to the side to no avail, pos. 3, or, if you try to plug some of the technical holes, or add fuel, the flame will burst out of the loading door, pos. 4. On such a stove, food prepared by simmering over coals turns out well, pos. 5, but not everyone cooks this way.

A proper stove for a cauldron made from disks must, firstly, be equipped with a tightly closing door on the loading opening. Secondly, the cauldron should sit in the cutout of the burner, partially blocking the technological holes in the hub, pos. 6. This is not difficult to achieve: you need to cut out the middle of the hub with a grinder, as shown in pos. 7. The remainder will not go to waste - it will make an excellent grate. How to make a garden stove for a cauldron from car wheel rims, see also the video

Video: oven for a cauldron made of disks

BBQ option

It is not necessary to cut out the core of the disk hub, except for simmering on coals, in the case when a garden barbecue oven is made from disks. Then a grille is placed on the burner - a flame divider, which will at the same time serve as a culinary grille-rasper. The advantage of this design is that several different temperature zones are formed on the rasp, pos. 1 in Fig. on the right, which allows, for example, to simultaneously cook rare roast beef (half-raw with blood), medium (juicy, moderately baked, like a shish kebab), and well done (fried until crispy). If there is a group of people at the picnic, everyone will get something to their liking at the same time. It is advisable to make such a furnace from disks with a small number of wide technological holes in the hub, for example. from Gazelle. The grille is made from bicycle spokes. There is no need to cook them: they are perfectly joined with heat-resistant metal glue (cold welding).

Note: sometimes stoves without a combustion door are made from disks of the same type (item 2 in the figure on the right), placing thin wood chips through the technical holes in the hub during combustion. But the stove turns out to be gluttonous and does not cook well. Why - see above.

When you can completely

A heating stove-potbelly stove made entirely of disks works well. The advantage in this case will be its large heat capacity and heat transfer time - the metal of the body is thick - although, of course, not the same as that of cast iron, and a slight increase in efficiency. The downside is the higher labor intensity of manufacturing improved furnaces increased efficiency due to the complex configuration of the housing.

If there is plenty of waste fuel, then a stove-stove made of disks for heating a small room can be made without internal partitions-dividers (see below) horizontally, pos. 1 in Fig. It is highly advisable to make such a furnace from the disks of a truck: firstly, a larger volume of the furnace will increase its efficiency and heat transfer time. Secondly, due to the complex surface of the disc rim, the area of ​​the heat-generating outer surface can be one and a half to two times larger than that of a simple one. round that the same volume from a barrel or . The same circumstance, together with the high corrosion resistance of car wheel rims, makes it possible to equip the stove with a jacket for water heating, see for example. track. plot:

Video: potbelly stove made of disks with a jacket

Horizontal potbelly stoves are bulky, so vertical ones are often made. If we are talking about a stove made of disks, then, firstly, you need to take care of a suitable grate and ash pan, see above. You can’t let coals and hot ash fall directly onto the fire protection area!

As for thermal properties, they can be improved in two ways. The first is when quick heating of the room is required, and the heat transfer time is unimportant, for example, if the stove is placed in a garage. Then its upper, hot part is surrounded by an annular casing made of thin steel (not galvanized! Zinc melts at 440 degrees, and its vapors are poisonous!), with a gap of 40-60 mm, pos. 2 in Fig. The potbelly stove thus turns into a heater stove. But, by the way, a horizontal furnace-heater made of disks will be much more efficient, see below.

The second method is used when, on the contrary, it is necessary to increase the heat transfer time after combustion, for example, in country house, inhabited from spring to autumn. To do this, you need to line the stove with any in an accessible way materials that combine high heat capacity and thermal conductivity. Soapstone (soapstone) stove stone is expensive, but fireclay brick (item 3) can completely replace it. As a last resort, you can hob apply heavier and denser wild stone, pos. 4. If the stove consists of 4 weight disks, the fuel burns out completely and the view closes by midnight, then in a tracksuit under an army blanket you sleep peacefully until 6-7 o’clock in the morning. You can get some sleep.

Let's improve the potbelly stove made of disks

It is possible to increase the thermal efficiency of any potbelly stove by installing cut-off partitions inside. This creates an afterburner chamber. In this case, the air casing, which converts the stove into a heater, also increases the efficiency of the stove.

Diagrams for constructing potbelly stoves made from disks are shown in Fig. The simple vertical one (item 1) is more compact, somewhat more efficient than the horizontal one (item 3) and provides a cooking surface, but installing an afterburner chamber cut-off device (item 2) in it is more difficult, because in this case, it must be welded to it along the entire contour adjacent to the furnace body. However, a vertical potbelly stove with a single-turn afterburner achieves an efficiency of slightly more than 60%. A simple horizontal potbelly stove (item 3) is the worst in all respects, but quite effective stoves are made on its basis. The leading value for the development of modifications is the smallest internal diameter of the fuel chamber d.

Note: To weld the body of a potbelly stove from car wheels, their hubs are completely cut out, see fig. right.

Dimensional ratios for potbelly stoves made of disks with a single- and 2-turn afterburner are given in pos. 4 and 5. The efficiency of both is approx. 60%, but the 2-turn keeps it on junk fuel, and the single-turn requires quality to ensure the highest possible thermal efficiency. There is no need to cut the cutter (steel from 4 mm) exactly along the internal contour of the furnace body: you only need to select holes in its blank so that there is a gap between the cutter and the wall of the body of approx. 1.5 cm pos. 4a. Then the afterburner will become self-adjusting to the furnace’s progress (firing mode) and it will maintain efficiency close to maximum, both at low and full speed. A similar solution is used in Buleryan stoves, but for this purpose holes are punched in the cutter. In mass production, this is more profitable: the cutter is still cut out in one stroke of the press punch, and metallurgists willingly buy waste metal as a high-quality raw material for open-hearth furnaces. Well, at home it’s easier to leave a gap along the edges of the cutter.

A horizontal potbelly stove made of disks with an afterburner is generally comparable in efficiency to a Buleryan if it is equipped with an air casing with a slotted nozzle at the top and an air intake skirt at the bottom, pos. 5a. The casing must be adjacent to the body from the outside, and the resulting channels will act in exactly the same way as in the buleryan or stoves Engineer Butakov, Fire-Battery, etc.

Note: in the chimneys of highly efficient potbelly stoves made of disks (items 2 and 5), there must be a condensate collector with a drain valve, because the flue gases coming out of them are slightly warm.

Based on a horizontal potbelly stove, you can make a full-fledged heating boiler from disks, pos. 6. If you weld its flame body from KAMAZ disks, you can accelerate to a thermal power of approx. 40 kW, and this is enough to heat an ordinary residential building.

However, making the heat exchanger body from disks of the same size, pos. 1 in Fig., is irrational: then you will have to install a fire-tube heat receiver, pos. 2. It is better to weld the heat exchanger body from smaller disks, for example. from passenger car. The temperature in it will then rise to values ​​that allow the use of a water-tube heat sink. Of the preventive measures, it only requires an annual pressure test in order to pressurize the system before startup and inspect it after it.

A water-tube heat receiver is a thin, solid coil through which coolant flows. The distance between the branches is equal to the outer diameter of the pipe; branches are located in checkerboard pattern. You can make a water-tube heat receiver for the heat exchanger of a home boiler from disks from copper tube with a clearance of 20 mm and a wall thickness of 2 mm. In this case, the input and output of the heat receiver into the heat exchanger is sealed by cold welding.

Oven partially made of disks

As components Autodiscs are widely used in sauna stoves. A sauna stove made of disks can be built entirely, but only for a barely average-level sauna. In a Russian bathhouse, the steam from any all-metal stove is harsh.

What a sauna stove built using car wheel rims looks like is shown in Fig. right, and complete diagram its device is shown in Fig. below. The main thing that ensures the proper quality of steam in this furnace is the brick firebox. Autodiscs are used as a container for the contents of a closed heater and for the manufacture of a water heating tank.

Note: It is possible to build a homemade sauna stove with an open heater only with a special design entirely made of brick, which ensures complete afterburning of the gases coming from the firebox, including carbon dioxide and water vapor, before they reach the heater. Branded metal sauna stoves with an open heater are made for this purpose from special materials according to complex technology. If you try to repeat this on your own using ordinary materials, a cloud of soot will fly out of the heater with each addition of water.

This sauna stove has already been repeated by many who like to take a steam bath in their sauna. In general, everyone is happy; Only one permanent defect was noticed: the lower cutter (parts Strut and Reflector on the right in the figure) after a year or two becomes warped and comes off from the struts, or the struts from the body. The reason is obvious: different TKR steel of the specified parts and the body from the auto disk. To eliminate the defect, it is apparently necessary to make the cutter also from a smaller disk, for example, a passenger one. Most of the rim needs to be cut out, leaving 4 legs. Then heat the transition points between the rim and the hub and bend the legs to size.

There is no need to weld holes in the hub. Due to heat transfer to the body, the shutter will be slightly cooler than the flue gases. Since the hub is convex, a gas plug will form under it, like a gas plug in a bell-type stove, like in a bad garden stove made of disks, see above, and the flue gases will still flow around the bottom of the heater, as shown by the arrows in the diagram.

Combi option

Amateurs don’t have dozens of worthless wheel rims lying around in their garages, but wear out, as a rule, in pairs, either front or rear. In this case, to make enough disks efficient stove with a high firebox, a couple of disks will need to be supplemented with a piece steel pipe suitable diameter with walls from 6 mm.

The design of a furnace made of 2 disks from car wheels is shown in Fig. It does not differ in anything special from those described above. The same oven can be made horizontal. For the design of the burner, see above.

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The popularity of CDs is declining. Today they are being replaced from our lives by miniature flash media. But you shouldn't get rid of old disks. Laser media is a beneficial material for decorating walls, furniture, creating garden miniatures for the dacha, as well as for children's creativity.

When starting work, you should be careful and attentive so as not to get hurt. Cutting tools should be large and sharply sharpened.

If it becomes necessary to heat the vinyl during the process, do this outdoors or in a well-ventilated area, and also keep a container of water on hand to extinguish the fire if the materials ignite.

What can be made from CDs

A napkin holder, stands for stationery and hot dishes, a sparkling ball, a candlestick, New Year's toys - this is just a part of what you can make from disks with your own hands. All these things do not require large investments, and the process of making them will not take much time.

Shiny ball

A disco ball is perhaps the most good example Togo,

Tools and materials:

  • foam ball;
  • unnecessary disks;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Using scissors, cut the media into pieces of arbitrary shape.
  2. Lubricate the workpiece with glue and cover the surface with sparkling fragments.
  3. When the glue dries, you can hang the disco ball from the ceiling.

An unforgettable atmosphere at the party is guaranteed!

Napkin holder

A napkin holder is not just a serving item, but also stylish decoration a table that you can make yourself.

You will need:

  • carriers - 3 pcs;
  • large beads;
  • glue gun;
  • stationery knife;
  • mock-up rug or piece of laminate.

Since the base will be a whole disk, work should begin by preparing the holders. Using a knife, cut off ¼ of the disks as shown in the photo.

Attach the sides to the base using a gun.

Start decorating. Glue a thread of beads along the joint - this will cover all the flaws in the glue seam. Decorate the napkin holder with beads in random order.

Other decoration options are also possible. For example, using the decoupage technique.

You can use floristry techniques.

Or you can decorate the napkin holder with stickers and miniature figures.

Hot coasters

Continuing the kitchen theme - hot pads.

For work prepare:

  • floppy disks;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • PVA and Titan glue;
  • alcohol;
  • fine-grained sandpaper;
  • napkins with drawings;
  • putty;
  • acrylic primer and varnish.

How to do

Cut a circle of the appropriate diameter from cardboard.

Coat all components with glue.

Assemble them into a “sandwich”, as shown below.

Pack into files. If several stands are made at once, then they need to be placed separately.

Submit under press. As soon as everything is dry, fill the hole and ends of the “sandwiches”.

Sand the surface thoroughly with sandpaper, degrease with alcohol, and prime.

Dilute PVA with water in a 1:1 ratio. Glue the napkin with this solution. Leave to dry.

After drying, walk along the edge of the stand with sandpaper, removing excess tissue.

Varnish. Since hot dishes are placed on the stand, it is advisable to choose a heat-resistant varnish.

Interesting models are made from felt, inside of which a DVD is sewn - for rigidity.

Laying mosaics on a flower pot

Look luxurious flower pots, decorated with a mosaic of used CDs.

In addition to disks, you will need:

  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • stained glass paint.

Cut laser plates into pieces.

Glue the mosaic fragments onto the degreased surface of the flowerpot so that the distance between them is minimal. Let the glue dry.

At the end of the work, carefully paint over the seams.

You can cover the entire area of ​​the flowerpot with mosaics.


A great idea is to make a clock from a used CD and keyboard.

For work you will also need:

  • super glue;
  • clock mechanism with hands.

Take out the function keys, that is, those marked F1, F2 and so on. There are 12 of them in total, which is exactly what you need. Apply a time index scale to the disk. Fix the keys with glue according to the resulting markings.

Install the clock mechanism and hands. Insert battery. And the clock is ticking!

Photo frame

Original decoration the room will be a photograph framed in a sparkling frame.

To implement the idea you need:

  • cardboard - 2 sheets;
  • PVA glue;
  • disks;
  • scissors;
  • contour on glass;
  • ruler;
  • pencil.

Draw the outlines of the frame on one sheet of cardboard. Cut it out.

Use scissors to turn the discs into rainbow shards.

Generously coat the frame with glue.

Use tweezers to lay out the mosaic pieces.

Leave to dry for 3-4 hours.

Draw a contour along all the joints, not forgetting the edges of the frame.

Let the paint dry. Connect the frame and the backdrop, leaving one side uncovered - this is where the image will be inserted.

All that remains is to place the photo and hang it on the wall.

New Year's toys

Create New Year decorations better with the kids. This is an opportunity not only to acquire a number of unique toys, but also to have fun creating together.

It is best to invite your child to make his favorite character from the animated series “Smeshariki”.

All you need for this:

  • colored paper and cardboard;
  • glue;
  • pattern;
  • paints (if necessary);
  • scissors;
  • unnecessary blanks.

How to make

Find your favorite character image on the Internet. From paper, cut out parts of the face, hairstyle, flowers, glasses - everything that a cartoon character needs. Then cut out arms, legs, and ears from cardboard.

Glue all the elements onto the disk. To make facial features more expressive, outline the details with a black felt-tip pen or marker. Glue a loop at the back and you can hang the craft on the Christmas tree.

The principle of making the next toy is similar.


  • a set of New Year's themed paper decor - snowflakes, stars;
  • postcard;
  • scissors;
  • a little glue.

Cut out a circle from your favorite card. Glue the fragment onto the disk and add a frame of snowflakes in a circle.

One row is positioned so as to hide the contours of the cut out element. The second one is closer to the center. A puncture is carefully made with a hot awl, a ribbon is threaded, and tied with a bow. Christmas tree decoration ready.

Christmas tree decorations made from old disks will look harmonious on a large tree. If the Christmas tree is miniature, then crafts are used to create a festive atmosphere in the interior.

The installation on the wall in the shape of a Christmas tree looks spectacular and unusual.

And if you hang a sparkling owl on the door, it will definitely not go unnoticed!

Ideas for inspiration

Upon registration New Year's crafts You can use beading or isothread techniques.

Or you can decorate them in an original way using decoupage techniques or photographs from an album.

Curtain tiebacks

Another useful little thing for the home can be made from vinyl circles - a curtain tieback.

For one lift you will need:

  • disk - one piece;
  • bamboo stick for rolls - one piece;
  • a piece of whatman paper;
  • tape 2.5 cm wide - about three meters;
  • rhinestones, half beads - three pieces;
  • hot glue gun;
  • candle or lighter;
  • tweezers;
  • needle and thread;
  • scissors.

Decoration technique

Cut out the record inner part so that it turns out to be a bagel.

Glue one end of the ribbon to the ring and braid it. The turns are overlapped so that the base does not show through.

When the entire surface is braided, cut off the excess tape, securing it on the wrong side.

Go to floral elements. Cut the ribbon into pieces about 8 cm in length. Singe the ends of each so as not to crumble.

Fold the petal as shown in the pictures.

This is what the front side looks like. There should be 15 such petals in total.

Using a thread and a needle, collect three flowers, each with five petals.

Decorate the middle with rhinestones or half beads.

Collect everything into a single composition.

Using the kanzashi technique, you can create a wide variety of curtain holders - just master the basic techniques.

If you replace the ribbon with jute twine or fabric with sequins, you will get completely different models.


There is something mystical and bewitching in the flame of a candle; you just can’t take your eyes off the flickering light! And the corresponding candlestick will only emphasize the romantic and mysterious atmosphere.

Add to the already known toolkit:

  • candle tablet;
  • drinks can;
  • decorations (cones, shells, pebbles, large beads, artificial flowers and others).

Cut off the bottom of the jar, place a candlestick in the center of it on the plate. Arrange the decor in a circle: pine cones, beads. Lubricate the cones with glue and sprinkle artificial snow. You can paint the ends with gold or silver paint, and lay a “rain” around the perimeter of the circle.

By changing the decorations, you can make a candlestick on any theme: marine, for the holiday of March 8, oriental style and just for romantic dinner.

Country ideas

The cottage should be beautiful. This is a place where soul and body relax from the bustle of the city. As a rule, all the trash that has accumulated in the apartment moves here, and vinyl roundels are no exception. Crafts made from them can be used in dacha farming.

You can make a kitchen apron using mosaic techniques.

In the same way it is possible to transform coffee table.

Rainbow circles make an interesting scarecrow for the garden or curtain holders in the bathroom.

You can make a window curtain.

And if you have talent and patience, then these are real landscape miniatures.

If you happen to have 3.5-inch floppy disks lying around in the closet, you can use them too. Just to get started, you need to prepare it in a certain way: lower the protective cap and use a hot awl to pierce holes in the corners of the floppy.

You will get a blank with holes through which the floppy disks will be connected to each other. Wire, clamps, and metal rings are used as connecting elements; For greater strength of the seams, it is advisable to apply super glue.

You can, for example, make a stand for stationery.

A larger number of three-inch pieces will make a box or chest for small items.

By changing the assembly configuration, you can get a stylish lampshade.

All this is just a part of the DIY CD crafts. The main thing is not to limit your imagination.

Mini sharpener made from an old hard drive

Don't throw away any spilled hard disk (hard drive). It can be given a second life as a sharpener for knives and scissors.

For this, in addition to the hard drive, you will need:

  • power supply from a PC (personal computer);
  • connector where the power will be connected;
  • sandpaper;
  • screwdriver for disassembly hard drive;
  • wires;
  • soldering iron

Remove all stickers from the hard drive, unscrew all the bolts, remove the pancakes. Remove all unnecessary components, leaving only the motor, spindle and logic board.

Place one pancake on the sandpaper, trace it with a pencil, and cut along the contour. Coat the circle with glue and glue it on. Place the pancake on the spindle and secure it. Supply power from the computer PSU (power supply).

The mini sharpener is ready for use.

Products from old car wheels

Every car owner eventually develops obsolete rims. As a rule, they gather dust in the garage. But from them you can make a good-quality barbecue with removable supports for country house.

Required Tools and materials:

  • car disk;
  • metal rods with threads at the ends;
  • nuts;
  • a piece of square mesh - 400 x 400 mm;
  • metal sheet 5 mm thick - 250 x 250 mm;
  • welding machine.

On bottom part weld the disk onto the sheet. This is necessary so that hot coals do not spill through its large holes.

Place the nuts on the legs (do not tighten them all the way, so as not to accidentally weld the posts, and they could be removable). Weld to their locations on the structure.

Turn the grill over. Place the grid on the disc and trace it with a marker. Trim off all excess with a grinder.

Place the mesh in its intended place.


In the video you can see how to make a barbecue oven from old rims.

The following video shows 35 examples of DIY crafts made from old DVDs - from simple miniatures to garden sculptures.

Another video review of crafts made from old laser plates: 40 simple, but original ideas.

Made barbecue, oven, barbecue. a smokehouse made from car disks is an example of how waste materials can be reused for useful and desired design. These wheel rims are quite simple to make; you can make them yourself in the garage or in a home workshop. Although the design is simple, this product can be used for many tasks.

How to make a grill from rims

For self-assembly For this design of car disks, we think in advance what the layout of our product will be. Let's prepare consumables in the required quantity, as well as a list of tools. To do a quality job, you need to be able to use a grinder to cut metal and a welding machine.

A simple option - a grill for skewers

More complex grill models with grill grates

How does a barbecue oven work:
Below we put firewood or cooked coals. A grill is placed on top or skewers are placed. We can also place the dishes on the wire rack or directly on the wheel, if the size is suitable. Thanks to the heat that rises, you can cook food in the same way as a regular barbecue. If we want to smoke food, then we close the exit at the top, make sure that the wood chips smolder - smoke should form. In each case, an individual design is thought out, depending on the needs of the owners. However, when assembling the device, the basic design principle is the same, regardless of the model.

Smoking chamber made from car wheels

A barbecue made from disks will be more profitable if it is adapted for various tasks. For those who prefer homemade balyk and sausages, we recommend a smokehouse, which will serve as a device made of disks. Such a useful thing is made using at least two units of material.

The work is based on the principle in which two disks are connected to form a solid hollow structure. The upper part is modified to make it convenient to fry kebabs - as in the previous model. However, in order to preserve the smoke, a lid and a smoke exhaust system should be installed. The partition with holes can be left, which will be easier. In this case, the device can act as a hob.

To secure the door, we weld a nut onto it so that they are symmetrical relative to the weld seam. One bolt at a time is also fixed to the grill by welding in such a way that the door nuts are placed on them. After this, the grill is ready! Now you can enjoy the cooking process and the dishes themselves.

Ideas on how to create a grill, barbecue, oven with your own hands from car wheels

Possibility to adjust the height of the cauldron on the stand above the disk.

Grill grate with forging elements

disc grill on legs.

Brazier from a wheel disk and a spit.

Hanging original grill.

The wheel rim for the barbecue was taken from a truck.

It is difficult for car owners to part with old rims. What if they come in handy! And they lie in garages and dachas, waiting for their finest hour. And then it came! There is a great idea to use wheel rims for a barbecue. A specialist with golden hands will easily assemble for himself useful thing and will enjoy quiet summer evenings with the aroma of fried kebabs or pilaf. The family is happy, money is saved in the family budget. And if the master also has a good imagination, then the wheels turn into amazing masterpieces


To make a homemade grill from disks, you don’t need to go somewhere special to the market and buy expensive materials. All car owners have rims. You can go to any auto repair shop; the mechanics will be happy to provide you with a pair of used wheels. It is worth noting the durability of the material and strength. It is unlikely that you will find a dent or scratch on the disc due to the thickness of the metal.

The shape of the discs is ideal for turning into a barbecue. The work on its manufacture takes literally a couple of hours. Only available materials are used. The product is compact and can be easily moved. The design holds the heat of the fire remarkably well, not inferior to the products of famous brands. This grill can be used for other purposes. It will easily fit into hunting or fishing conditions, becoming a camp kitchen for a while. And here there is already a different range of dishes - fish soup, pilaf, stewed potatoes and much more.

The design of the firebox ensures the flow of air, which maintains the required heat temperature. A homemade grill is easy to clean after cooking. It does not burn out, withstanding fire for several hours.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Even a child can figure out how the grill works. Coals are placed in the lower level. A traditional grill grate and utensils are placed on top. You can do without this and fry traditional meat on skewers.

The heat comes from below, the cooking conditions are the same as on a regular grill. When smoking, it is necessary to close the top exit. This will allow the wood to smolder and create smoke. Each owner makes a barbecue for himself, but the main work on its production remains common.

With all the advantages, there are also disadvantages. One of them is low height. Cooking is too low. The traction may not be enough, and the grill may simply go out. Another disadvantage is the small volume of the firebox. Many users compare the design capabilities with camping bricks, which are used as stands for skewers. But this, of course, is not entirely true.


The world of homemade barbecues is diverse. Craftsmen turn barrels and cylinders into braziers.

The grill made from car disks offers the following functionality:

  • cooking kebab skewers or grill;
  • B-B-Q;
  • cooking in a bowl. A cauldron is usually used;
  • smokehouse.

For a summer residence, such a grill is an ideal option.


There are several options for making barbecues. The most simple model called a simple grill. Nothing complicated here. Coals are placed in the wheel, and everything on top is optional: skewers with kebab or meat on the grill.

The double design has more options. Due to the use of two wheels, the product becomes taller. A cauldron is placed on top. There is uniform heating, which ensures extinguishing. You can smoke food in a closed oven. The smoke remains inside the structure and is discharged through a special outlet.

There are universal models. You can do everything with them: kebabs, dishes in a cauldron, smoking. This grill can be with or without legs. For a barbecue with one disk, a stand is required. Double and triple barbecues can easily do without it. The lower disk becomes the very stand. There are restrictions when using this barbecue. If the ground is after rain or snow, it will prevent the formation of heat. You cannot place a barbecue on a wooden floor.

Before making a barbecue, you need to think about its layout and what functions you need to get from it. After determining the number of disks, you need to prepare the tools. You will need skills in using a grinder and a welding machine.


Despite the simplicity of making a barbecue, there are questions regarding the choice of disks. Which machine is best to use? Finding wheels is not a problem. Any tire shop will be happy to share its surplus rims. Experienced drivers believe that truck wheels are best suited. Most best option The wheels are considered to be from KAMAZ wheels. They are made of thick metal and will not burn out for up to 40 years. The same can be said about disks from any freight transport. But a disc, for example, from a minibus will last up to 20 years.

In principle, the wheels of any car are suitable for the role of a barbecue. It is made from stamped car wheels. They are made from high quality steel. The service life of the grill depends on the fuel. Coal makes the product burn out faster.

The idea of ​​a barbecue made from car rims quickly spread across the country and many began to think about its implementation.


Before starting welding, it is necessary to inspect everything necessary.

It is necessary to prepare the following equipment and tools:

  • car wheels;
  • iron brush for removing rust;
  • Bulgarian saw;
  • welding machine;
  • drill;
  • hammer;
  • bolts;
  • file;
  • nozzle for cutting metal;
  • steel rod (profile pipes are possible).

The latter will go on the legs under the grill. Four supports are recommended for stability. Three-legged uneven surface may collapse. Rust must be removed from the discs. The surface should be processed with a Bulgarian saw. Installation is carried out by welding.

How to assemble it yourself?

All work is carried out in compliance with safety regulations. Be sure to use the funds personal protection. When welding, eyes must be covered with goggles or a mask, and work must be performed only in special gloves. When working with an angle grinder, its disk must be held at a right angle to the object. Otherwise, the disk may bite and its fragments will fly. Carry out work only with special glasses.

It’s worth starting with the simplest model - a single circle on a stand.

To create such a product, you must perform the following steps:

  • cut out internal partition. After which the workpiece becomes like a barrel;
  • There are discs with a large number of holes, then they need to be closed;
  • the plate should be welded, but gaps should be left for blowing out the coals;
  • The legs must be secured to the sides of the bottom by welding. Their optimal length is up to 45 cm;

  • then you need to clean the cuts. Make a window in the side to monitor the fire and clean out the contents of the structure;
  • It is best to leave the frying grid removable;
  • All that remains is to weld the handles. This will add comfort when using the barbecue.

Another option for a do-it-yourself barbecue is a smokehouse. You will need two disks. This option can be considered universal. You can use it not only to cook kebabs, but also to grill and stew food.

The work is simple and includes the following steps:

  • it is necessary to combine two spare parts into one whole;
  • To preserve the smoke, a lid and an exhaust system are needed, so a partition must be left in the upper disk;
  • the lower disk should be removed from the septum using welding machine connect both disks to each other;
  • the legs need to be welded;
  • a door must be made in the middle of the lower disk;
  • Upon completion of the work, be sure to calcine the structure. This will clear it of gasoline and oil;
  • To make the product presentable, you need to coat it with durable thermal paint.

Before this, you need to remove any remaining rust. This can be done with a stiff brush or using a special drill attachment. It wouldn’t hurt to go over the sides of the grill again with sandpaper, then degrease it and you can start painting.

Despite the fact that metal is considered one of the strongest and most durable materials, it loses its position over time. However, something that can no longer serve for its intended purpose is often quite capable of serving another term in a different role. For example, wheel rims that have gone out of use can be adapted to various needs, which is what lovers of useful homemade products do with success.

Barbecues, ovens

One of the most common designs made from used wheels are barbecues in various designs. In the simplest version, coals are simply placed in a disk, and on top is a grill for meat or skewers. The disk itself can either stand on the ground/rocks or on legs. It’s not difficult to build a brazier with legs if you have a grinder and a welding machine, but in addition to the tools and base, you will need a metal profile pipe for the bed.

The disk is cleaned of rust, a partition is cut out on one side, and a plug is welded into the bottom. Three legs are welded either into the bottom or on the sides, the optimal length of the legs is 40-45 cm - a barbecue of this height is easy to use. You can also immediately fix the grill grate and handles for transportation.

Two disks placed one on top of the other can be used without legs, and if you cut through the door, you get not only a barbecue, but also a potbelly stove.

If you need a larger potbelly stove, for a garage, greenhouse or other needs, you can weld a double one - from four disks, with separate loading.

By equipping the frame with a jack, you can adjust the intensity heat treatment and change components depending on the desired dish.

Hose clamp

To ensure that the hose lasts as long as possible and is convenient to use, a holder is needed. The round shape is optimal as it prevents creases. A disused disc with minimal modification will become an excellent holder.

Original shelf

In a country house, garage or outbuilding, a couple of discs cut into thirds can become the basis for a shelf.

If you don’t bother with cutting and arrange the disks horizontally, in several rows, with boards or shields between them, you will get a reliable and stable rack.

coffee table

A polished disc plus a transparent glass tabletop - an exclusive coffee table for an interior in a modern style.

Ceiling lamps

Lightweight car rims, as well as rims from motorcycle wheels, can be turned into stylish chandeliers by equipping them with sockets or LED strips.

Bar chairs

Of course, it’s not so much a second life for old discs as it is outrageous furniture, but as an option - why not?