Mini-garden in a pot: compositions of miniature plots in a confined space. DIY mini garden in a pot. Hobby and income

Miniature gardens, which do not require a summer cottage, special conditions, or labor-intensive care, are loved by many. Such gardens recreate a real garden or sections of it, only very reduced. Creating them, selecting plants and accessories is a very exciting activity, because in miniature gardens everything is like the real thing - there are benches, fences, paths, ponds and even houses. Children really like these kind of kindergartens. The prototypes of miniature gardens have been known for a long time - these are Japanese bonsai and suiseki, english gardens for fairies. There are many varieties of miniature gardens - horizontal, vertical; open and closed florariums.

Miniature garden - a small copy of a corner in the park

Kindergarten in a bowl

In a miniature garden in a bowl they usually plant various shapes plants with similar requirements for environmental conditions, then the garden will last a long time. The plants selected are unpretentious; usually such a garden does not need to be watered more than once a week. Succulents are well suited for this purpose. It is good to use plants that can be shaped, ideally varieties of the same species with multi-colored flowers and leaves different sizes and colors such as fuchsia.

Mini garden in a bowl - how to make it yourself: photo

Making such a garden is very simple - suitable plants transplanted into a bowl or into a specially prepared basin, laid out paths of pebbles, filled the free space with river sand or various decorative materials. Sometimes such gardens are planted in boxes and even made mobile. A pond in a mini garden is made by digging a glass container, and sometimes the water is tinted. We must remember that the water in such a container quickly stagnates and needs to be changed periodically. Sometimes decorative beads are used to imitate water.

Miniature garden in a box - live plants and accessories

Miniature garden - house in the village

Miniature garden with paths, fences and garden furniture
Miniature garden - imitation of a corner of a real garden
Miniature garden with a pond in a bowl Miniature garden with tangerine tree with fruits

Mini-garden: Florariums

A miniature garden in a glass vessel - a florarium - is somewhat more difficult to arrange. Selecting plants for such a garden is very difficult, and if open gardens a plant that has lost its appearance or is not suitable for the composition can be replaced, but it is very difficult to do this inside a vessel. When choosing plants in this case, it is important to take into account not only their watering requirements, but also required composition soil, because plants that prefer acidic soils will not be able to grow in alkaline soils, the nitrogen needed by some plants can poison others. It is important to choose a suitable place for the florarium, so that it is light enough, not cold or hot, and so that it is convenient to admire it - after all, florariums are created precisely for this.

Miniature garden - outdoor florarium
Vertical florarium in the ceiling - miniature gardens in the interior

A properly arranged florarium can exist for a very long time without losing its attractiveness, and caring for it is easy.

Miniature garden - florarium in a teapot

Closed florariums are even more difficult to manufacture, but there is no need to care for them - everything necessary is circulated in this system.

Miniature garden - indoor florarium

Miniature Japanese gardens

The traditional Japanese art of creating miniature trees - bonsai - has not gone out of fashion for a long time. Often such trees are a separate element of a miniature Japanese garden, as in landscape garden, there are stones, ponds, bridges. Growing and shaping bonsai requires many years of painstaking work.

Miniature garden - bonsai

Japanese suiseki garden - tabletop rock garden. Admire natural beauty raw stone, meditate and enjoy nature - the goal of creating such a garden. It is advisable to arrange it yourself, because Japanese garden- this is a special philosophy where there are no random elements - everything matters. River sand is poured onto a small tray and stones are laid out so that they can be admired from all sides. In a real rock garden, one stone is always hidden from the observer, but in a miniature garden this is not always feasible. Sometimes the garden is supplemented with living plants, houses, and benches. An integral element of such a garden is a miniature rake, which is used to draw waves and circles in the sand, which express the attitude of the person caring for the garden.

Miniature gardens are a wonderful way to liven up your interiors while being imaginative and creative. Of course, to create such a garden with your own hands you need certain knowledge, but by recreating your favorite corner of nature or a place you really want to go to, you can make your life more interesting and get great pleasure.

Miniature garden - imitation of a real garden Did you like the article? Share on social networks!

Beautiful, neat, well-groomed personal plot is the dream of any homeowner, although it takes a lot of effort and time to make such a dream come true. Of course, the result is worth it, but when the site seems to have already been put in order, you can catch yourself thinking that you want to add something unusual to it: install a decorative castle, put up a house for fairies, develop a rose garden, a small pond or create a garden in a pot . By the way, the idea of ​​a garden in a pot is also suitable for apartment balconies, where the space simply does not allow for the development of a full-fledged garden. Visually, the miniature garden looks like a doll’s garden garden plot, with flowering plants, tiny houses, benches, chairs and tables. The result is a stunning tiny garden, the pot of which can be placed near the entrance to the house, next to the gazebo or garden benches.

DIY garden in a pot.

Decorative elements.

In fact, the choice of such elements will depend on the imagination of the owner of the future kindergarten, as well as on the thematic focus of the design of the pot. Let's say a pot decorated in Country style will accept miniature well, a garden wheelbarrow, rough-looking chairs and a table. A miniature garden in the Provence style can be decorated with white openwork and elegant tables, benches, and arches.

Suitable decorative elements.

Let us remind you that all parts must be tiny in size, this could be:

  • House;
  • Pot;
  • Kettle;
  • Bench;
  • Table and chairs;
  • Arch;
  • Alcove;
  • Chaise longue;
  • Fountain;
  • Pond;
  • Statues;
  • Nest;
  • Animals;
  • Birds;
  • Insects;
  • Snakes, lizards;
  • Fence;
  • Lamps;
  • Candles;
  • Baskets;
  • Shovels, rakes;
  • Garden watering can, etc.

Where to find decorative elements.

You can make tiny elements yourself, benches, tables and chairs from wire, pots from polymer clay, weave baskets and nests from straw or willow vines, ladders from skewers or toothpicks, make a house from cement mortar and stones, and look for more complex items in souvenir shops, children's stores, art departments or garden departments.

Suitable plants for a mini garden.

It is necessary to select only slowly growing dwarf plants(V garden stores there is an unlimited number of similar ones). We recommend taking a closer look at:

  • Miniature ivy;
  • Graceful Fittonia;
  • Dwarf Pilea Cadieux;
  • Fat man;
  • Low-growing Saintpaulia;
  • Selaginella;
  • Tradescantia;
  • Succulent;
  • Varieties of moss;
  • Cacti;
  • Stone Rose;
  • Diamondmaker;
  • Sedumu;
  • Haworthia;
  • Gelksine;
  • Gasteria;
  • Pachyphytum;
  • Saxifraga;
  • Money tree;
  • Myrtle;
  • Dwarf ficus;
  • Sinpolyam;
  • Cyclamen;
  • Mini roses;
  • Streptocarpus;
  • Nertere;
  • Soleirolie.

How to make a crumb garden in a flowerpot or pot.

Method number 1. Large flowerpot or tub.

What you will need:

  • Flower pot or tub;
  • Stones, sand, soil;
  • Tiny decorative elements(mini pots, stairs, arches, bowl for a pond, etc.);

Let's plan the area of ​​the pot (it is better to first sketch all the details on a piece of paper, namely, where and in what places certain plants and decorative elements will be located).

  1. Pour stones into the tub for drainage, then soil.
  2. We compact the soil and plant suitable plants.
  3. Install decorative arch and a pond.
  4. We plant the remaining plants.
  5. We install a bench and a fence. Sprinkle the paths with small stones.
  6. We place the figurines and miniature pots. At the end of the article there is a video on how to make such a fashionable garden.
  7. We are delighted with the result!

Mini garden in a pot photo

Method number 2. Broken terracotta pot.

What you will need:

  • Flower pot;
  • Hammer;
  • Stones, sand, soil;
  • Tiny decorative elements (mini pots, fairy figurines, houses, etc.);
  • Slow-growing plants (the list of suitable plants is presented above).
  1. We lightly hit the side of the pot with a hammer, part of the wall breaks off.
  2. From the broken part we break off another small part with a hammer (put it aside). We dig the rest into the soil (as in the photo below).
  3. From the part that was previously put aside, we construct improvised steps. To do this, use a hammer to break this part of the pot into small pieces. We dig them in on one side of the pot in the form of steps (see photo).
  4. We plant suitable plants and distribute fairy figures, houses, and miniature pots.

Mini garden in a pot photo

Video: How to make a garden in a pot.

Video: Miniature garden with sand.

Such a garden in a pot will become a real decoration for any site, it is only important to choose the right one style direction, and then it will look really flawless.

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2016-07-23 301


Summer residents and happy owners of private plots go to great lengths to create unique views on their territory. A beautiful and well-groomed garden plot is a guarantee of the good nature and hospitality of the owners, but making such a dream come true can take a lot of effort and time. However, the game is worth the candle if you want an individual and creative approach to the work process. In addition, the idea will be suitable not only for a garden in the house, but also for installation on the balcony of an apartment.

Decorative elements for a mini-garden in a pot

The main advantage of a mini-garden created in a pot is its mobility. If it gets boring or becomes an obstacle to carrying out dacha work in one place, it can always be moved to another. IN winter time For example, it can be placed in a windless area and covered with snow.

Container and its choice

The basis for any small garden can be a container or other container with a height of about 15 cm. Thanks to the large horizontal space, you can create an interesting “landscape” using all your creative potential. The pot can be round or square shape, you can create original compositions in several levels.

If you want to make the pot more attractive in appearance, you can do cladding of external walls: first they are coated with a mixture of crushed peat and sifted sand, which are taken in equal proportions with water, and then decorative elements are applied. This could be pebbles, colored tiles, plants. A suitable option will become a stone having porous structure which can absorb large number moisture. Such stones include tuff, limestone, and shell rock. Thanks to the soft rock, the elements can be easily processed and, if necessary, holes can be drilled.

The decoration will be exquisite and original if you use it animal figurines And seashells. If you take a children's toy set, you will find a lot of interesting things in it: chairs, benches, armchairs and even doll houses.

Another decoration idea is water, which is created by means of a small vessel buried in the ground. You can add some small pebbles or special sand to the bottom of the reservoir to hide the natural appearance bottom (usually made of plastic). The edges of the vessel can be decorated with decorative flowering plants or even beads to create the impression of silver or refraction of sunlight.

Another decoration idea is to use mountains or rocky gardens along with Mexican deserts and Caucasian meadows. To achieve this result you will need stones and various decorative succulents.

Suitable plants for a mini-garden

When choosing plants for a mini-garden, it is worth remembering that they will differ from the flower bed. All elements that grow too rapidly will have to be removed or cut off, and doing this is extremely unpleasant. Therefore, it is recommended to give preference to plants that grow slowly and feel great.

  • Gelksina- this plant can create enough greenery for the entire pot, “revitalizing” the remaining components.
  • Pachyphytum– thanks to its thick, interestingly shaped leaves, it will add more exoticism to your composition. It can be beautifully used in a small garden designed in a Mediterranean style.
  • Gasteria, young - they perfectly complement each other in one garden and will add more brightness and other elements to it. Plant roots can easily penetrate any cracks, so they can thrive on rocky soil.
  • money tree , myrtle– will add more complexity to the design and make it special. Thanks to decorative form crowns, these plants will make the garden look more majestic.
  • Dwarf varieties coniferous plants suitable if you are going to keep the garden outside. For example, the use of decorative cypress or juniper, or dwarf spruce will become relevant.
  • Sedums– these plants are loved by many summer residents due to their ability to enliven the composition with their small stems.
  • Fittonia, despite its small flowering, thanks to a wide variety of colors, it will make your garden more diverse.
  • Ivygeneral view The garden will become more interesting due to its unusual shapes and types. For example, a plant can either spread along the ground or entwine a tray or pot.

Each of the plants will help create an interesting overall composition, and your site will be unique.

DIY mini-garden in a pot: master class

Creating a mini garden in a pot is a creative and responsible process that requires a special approach.

Stages of work

  1. Putting drainage into the pot for planting. The soil mixture can be made with your own hands by mixing coarse sand with peat and turf (proportions - 2:1:1).
  2. To ensure looseness of the soil, you need to add vermiculite to it.
  3. Compact the soil and plant the plant in a separate pot, which is then dug into the soil.
  4. Maintaining the distance between plants plays an important role; the growth characteristics of the root system and agricultural planting techniques are taken into account.
  5. The voids formed after planting must be filled with crushed stone or pebbles, this will retain moisture after watering and prevent the growth of weeds.

Do-it-yourself mini-garden in a pot: photo

Good day everyone!

To make the idea successful, make a sketch first. For this you will need plain paper and a pencil. If you notice a pot for a mini garden, outline its shape on a sheet of paper. Imagine what you would like to see in your composition. These can be small buildings, little people, or even an entire civilization. The artificial beach looks quite interesting.

If you don’t want to spend a lot of time, just plant suitable plants, place a small bench and an animal figurine. Having imagined the desired kindergarten, transfer your thoughts to paper. If you do not have artistic abilities, you can depict it in the form of a diagram.

Selection of materials

Take the next step responsibly; you have to choose suitable materials for a plant corner.

There will be no problems with soil and stones, but picking up small equipment, figurines and furniture will be more difficult. I found ideas on the Internet and made a mill, a bench and a well. This required glue, paints, popsicle sticks and a little imagination. So, go for it!

If you don’t want to do handicrafts, you can order products from an online store (for example, aliexpress) or conduct a home inventory of children’s toys. Visit gardening and design stores.

The idea of ​​some kind of water source is very difficult to implement and maintain. A good alternative would be blue glass or pebbles purchased at a pet store. You can also buy beautiful sand of various colors there.

If your garden is meant to be made of bricks or tiles, use available materials to create them:

  • modeling clay;
  • pebbles;
  • papier-mâché;
  • gypsum;
  • salt dough.

These are easy to sculpt and paint.

Plant selection

This stage will take the most time, since the outcome of future work depends on it.

When choosing vegetation, keep in mind that flowers should not grow and expand quickly. There are several types of plants in the composition, so none of them should dominate or obscure the others.

I will tell you about the most popular colors used for mini gardens:

Moss can be found in the forest, on trees, or purchased rare species via the Internet. If it is present, it is enough to place it on the soil and periodically moisten it.

Formation of composition

Lay out all the purchased, made and found material in front of you. First fill the layer and then a suitable soil mixture.

  • When starting to plant plants, keep in mind that you need to place flowers with a long root system first, and only then all the others. Don't forget to look at the original diagram and follow it.
  • After placing all the vegetation, cover the surface with a layer of soil and carefully level it.
  • If your idea contains rivers or ravines, immediately make indentations. Then spread the grass and sand if available. The main part of the work is done.
  • Now let's get to the creative part. Following your scheme, place paths, paths, buildings, miniature animals. Here everything is limited only by your imagination. At this stage there should not be any difficulties if you plan everything in advance and prepare the necessary equipment.

If you are passionate about the idea of ​​a mini garden, but can’t come up with anything, I want to offer a few interesting options. I hope you like at least one of them or become the basis for another idea.

To create a mini garden you do not need any special skills. A little patience, imagination and desire is all you need. This activity will help you relax, and the result will delight you for a long time and will be the envy of your guests. If you devote a little more time to the activity, then an exciting hobby can become an additional source of income.

On this positive note, I have to say goodbye to you. Don't forget to subscribe to my blog, follow the news and share ideas with your friends.

Gardening stores sell many different objects that can decorate a garden, complementing what nature has created. But what if you don't like the banal figurines of gnomes and other "sculptures"? Do you want to show excellent European taste?

Pay attention to large pots and flowerpots, ranging from 60-80 cm in height. Did you know that these impressive objects are not only intended for planting flowers? They can fulfill many roles, the main one of which is to create a spectacular and original corner in your garden.

Where to place such large and even huge pots? Which ones to choose so that it doesn’t look banal? What to add to enhance the effect? How can large planters fix problem areas in your garden and around your home? What secrets do landscape designers know when it comes to patios?

Answers to all these questions, 25 best design techniques and 50 photos of large pots with examples of harmonious landscape design - in our new guide. Discover another amazing garden trick!


First, let's talk about what you're probably most concerned about - where to place large pots and flowerpots . We found 10 interesting techniques.

1. Main entrance.

Old as time, but still the same effective technique: Place two identical containers with plants on either side of the entrance to the site. And admire how your yard has been transformed! By the way, in such containers you can also grow capricious plants- as soon as the temperature drops, just bring them into the house.

2. Punctuation marks.

How does this relate to our topic? And so, plants in large containers can make the garden more structured, just like periods and commas do in text. They can mark a turn in the path or indicate a bench in the shade.

3. Like a sculpture.

Another “punctuation mark”, but as a central element of some area of ​​the garden. Adds order and European elegance, especially if you choose a large, antique-style pot.

4. Point of attraction.

And the third way to define the structure of the garden is to install a large planter at the end of the path or where it forks.

5. Mediterranean notes.

When designing a garden or patio in a Mediterranean style - with its characteristic round areas like waves, consider incorporating large vessels or pots made of unglazed ceramic in a natural tone. Add a round mini flower bed (pot in the center) or surround it with small pebbles.

6. Attention to corners.

Vegetation in the corners small area always appropriate, helping to give it smooth shapes. Add a large pot to one of these areas, with or without plants. This focal point is sure to attract attention and demonstrate your unique taste.

7. Change the proportions.

There is usually little land around the house, and all the vegetation is either under your feet or above your head. Balance this picture by adding a “middle element” - at eye level or just below (a large pot of flowers or plants). You will be surprised how much more harmonious it looks now.

8. Among the foliage.

Agree, it’s quite unexpected to come across a huge vessel in the far corner of a wild garden. Rising above the low foliage, it looks as if it had been conjured by a wizard, with treasure waiting inside.

Advice: for such areas, choose pots of soft shades of natural nature (gray, beige, green), this will enhance the charm of the “magic”.

9. Unconventional vegetable garden.

We have already talked in detail about. And here we propose to supplement it with a large pot-vessel. Such a tall element adds decorativeness to trivial beds.

10. Creative (dis)order.

Instead of accentuating a space, oversized pots and planters can create space themselves, breaking up the clutter and introducing new lines.


And now - a few ideas on how choose a large pot or decorative vessel to make the impression as effective as possible.

11. With the patina of time.

A large vessel can make a wonderful focal point if it stands out from the crowd. The larger the pot, the better. Vessels that clearly show the imprint of time (patina) look especially luxurious.

12. Game of contrasts.

If you have a lawn or flowerbed, feel free to place large flowerpots and pots there. Right among the greenery. This will certainly attract attention and give the eyes a break from the solid green canvas. Containers can be very diverse, but they must have something in common - color, shape or material.

13. At the behest of nature.

Take a closer look at the landscape - perhaps there is already an answer to the question of what containers should be like. For example, like here: a heavy round vessel resembles stones in shape, and an exotic, unusual dark color The plants were suggested by the shade of the pot - black.

14. A piece of exotic.

Among the great variety of leaf colors, blue shades are very rare. Especially in our latitudes. That's why take a closer look at bright blue containers or fashionable color teal - against a green background they will look incredibly exotic. Want to enhance your impression? Place artificial leaves or feathers inside, painted in a similar tone.

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Did you know that with the help of decorative flowerpots and pots you can solve the problems of the site or garden ? Find out several ways to do this.

15. Harmony does not tolerate emptiness.

Every designer knows: empty corners there shouldn't be. If you still have them, place a large container with plants there (or an empty one as decoration). A group of such containers will help disguise unsightly utilitarian items: an air conditioning module, a generator or communication hatches.

16. From scratch.

You may be wondering what to do with your boring white fence. Or with the wall of a barn, which offends your aesthetic feelings with its screaming emptiness.

Just imagine this surface as a canvas and yourself as an artist. And create! Place several identical, but certainly spectacular containers with greenery along the wall. Now enjoy your creation with a fashionable twist modern trends decor!

17. Temporary measure.

If there is still little planting on the site, large pots with flowers and plants will perfectly save the situation and get rid of the impression of uncomfortable emptiness.


Now let's talk about what to add to large pots and flowerpots or what to plant in them if you like original solutions.

18. A curious specimen.

Large forms for outstanding content. Try growing a tree with interesting branches or even fruits in a huge container. This is not at all the same as planting it in the ground - a huge pot will highlight the plant and tell everyone about its uniqueness. And all you have to do is admire this excellent specimen.

Tip: Before you plant a tree in a pot, think about its future needs. After all root system and the crown will grow, and the container may simply not withstand the pressure. Therefore, carefully study everything regarding the development of this plant.

19. Mexican landscape.

Have you long dreamed of some exotic landscape? Take large planters, place pots of succulents in them and fill them with gravel. Place it on a site with the same covering, and put the containers away in the house or winter garden for the winter.

20. Add water.

How about getting a garden fountain made from a huge ceramic vessel? You can, of course, look for ready-made models. But it’s really possible to do it yourself - from big pot and a special set for installing small garden fountains.


And in conclusion we suggest spectacular patio decorating ideas - also with the help of large pots and decorative vessels.

21. Magic bush.

You regret that the bushes beautiful flowers located far from your favorite vacation spot? Plant young plants in large pots and rearrange them wherever you want.

22. Berries at hand.

Not only flowers or herbs can grow in large containers, but also berry bushes. Find out from gardening companies which varieties are best to choose and get this “delicious” decor.

23. Blooming staircase.

This technique adds a sense of celebration, turning the daily climb up the stairs into an exciting event that pleases the eye. Use identical pots with the same identical contents - this will reflect your impeccable taste and professional approach to design.

24. Within a harmonious framework.

Very large pots with plants can perfectly zone individual elements of the patio. For example, limiting a barbecue area or becoming an interesting alternative to a garden fence. But, unlike the fence, they are pleasant to admire.

25. Southern European chic.

And if you have special dining or sitting areas enclosed by stone walls, mark the entrance with a couple of unglazed terracotta pots. Plant beautifully inside flowering plants or bushes with picturesque small leaves like boxwood.

We hope this detailed guide on how to use large pots, planters and decorative vessels in landscape design, will inspire you to create original elements garden and patio. We wish you success in this and the admiration of your guests!