Download car trailer drawings. Homemade trailer for a car: production, registration. Welding work: frame

If you have a car, then you are probably quite often faced with the need to transport all kinds of cargo. There is no way to do this without using a light trailer. It, of course, can be purchased at a store of relevant goods, but it is possible to make such a design yourself.

Working on the frame

Homemade trailer, like a factory-type model, must have a frame, which is the basis of the structure. Its rigidity and strength will determine the durability of the trailer. In order to ensure greater reliability, it is recommended to use elements that will be connected to each other by welding. It is necessary to begin work by determining the dimensions of the element being described, or rather, width and length. The size will be determined by the outer edges of the frame components. In order to determine the final width of the frame, the thickness of one wall multiplied by 2 must be added to the distance between the inner edges of the side walls. If the frame will be located between the wheels and not above them, then the gap between the bolt and the tire should be taken into account.

If you decide to make a homemade trailer, then after determining the dimensions, you should try on the frame. For this metal profile need to be laid out on the surface, maintaining perpendicularity between the components. The elements must be connected to each other with clamps. At the same time, you should check the shape; to do this, use a tape measure to measure the diagonal of the resulting rectangle. The values ​​must be equal to each other, deviations can range from 2 to 5%. The structure must have a stiffening rib, because a square and a rectangle are unstable structures.

Connecting a trailer to a vehicle

A homemade trailer must have a chain ball. To perform this element, it is necessary to remember that a shorter length of the connecting part indicates fast response when the car is moving. Even a slight lateral turn of the drive wheels will cause the trailer to move abruptly. This may cause the load to become damaged and fall. When making a homemade trailer, you need to choose the optimal length - ranging from 1.5 to 2.5 cm. When choosing a material, it is recommended to use steel sections that will form the basis of the frame and connections. For the last element you will need 3 pipes. The frames can be connected to the pipe by welding, and for higher strength it is recommended to reinforce them using corners. Before welding, the master must try on the elements so that the coupling is made along the axis of the structure. When homemade trailers for a passenger car are made, at the same stage a safety cable should be installed, which can be replaced with a chain. If desired, a folding wheel can be installed in the hitch area for comfortable transportation of the trailer without a vehicle.

Installation of the coupling

Homemade trailers for a passenger car must have installation that can be done using welding or bolts. Before final fixing this component to the frame, it is necessary to check that the dimensions of the frame pipes match the grooves of the gutter. The latter should not be larger than the width of the pipe; the excess in size can be a maximum of 5 millimeters. A welded joint may provide excellent strength, but if damaged, removal will require the use of gas burner. The strength of a connection using a bolt is less. Bolts that belong to the eighth strength class should be used. Less durable ones will not be able to withstand shearing forces. To connect, you need to prepare two bolts; you should not use more, as this will weaken the frame element, as well as the coupling due to the presence of holes for fastening.

Working on the axis

Before registering a homemade trailer, it must be fully prepared for use. There is a rule according to which the trailer axle is located at a distance of 40% of the length of the structure from the rear side. After you can measure the distance, you need to indicate the location of the axis. It can be installed by placing the frame on the surface. In this case, you need to use two 4x4 blocks, and the spindle should hang freely. In the intended location for mounting the axle, paint must be removed from the surface of the frame. The step between the bushings must be divided into two, the resulting mark is marked on the surface.

A homemade trailer for a walk-behind tractor can be made using the same technology, but the dimensions will be much smaller. In order to check the dimensions, you need to measure the width of the frame again. After this, the wizard can begin the final installation. The elements are connected to each other by welding. It is recommended to use a spring-shock-absorbing suspension for the reason that it guarantees more impressive softness, although it is less durable.

Working on stabilizing jacks

When making a homemade one, it is important to ensure the horizontal position of the structure. As the most suitable option the corners of the frame protrude. It is possible to install only on one side of the structure. If we consider the device from the point of view, it is recommended to use a screw mechanism. It can also be used to replace a wheel.

Summing up

Homemade, just like for a car, will be able to expand your capabilities. Last option can be used to transport goods, no matter what configuration they have. There is absolutely no risk of damaging the car. Although the trailer may have its own specific features, the recommendations given above are common to all options. If desired, a homemade trailer for a boat or car can be equipped with a braking system, as well as lighting. However, experts recommend trusting professionals to resolve these issues.

Trailer registration

If you are thinking about how to make a trailer, then you should be interested in the task of registering it. The design must undergo an examination, which is what the All-Russian Society of Automobile Enthusiasts, abbreviated as SAI, does. Each region has its own society. To pass the examination, it is necessary to make sure that the device complies with the existing GOST. You can familiarize yourself with state standards in the document GOST 37.001. 220-80. Before registering a homemade trailer, you should know that the above standard applies to all types of trailers that are intended to be towed by minibuses, as well as cars on public roads. The standard does not apply to those devices the design of which was carried out before approval technical assignments the mentioned standard.


Before you start making a trailer, you should familiarize yourself with state standards so that you don’t have to redo the design later. The weight of the device should not exceed that permitted by the manufacturer. The weight must not exceed the curb weight of the vehicle. This indicator is 1800 kilograms. The length of the device should not be more than 1.5 car lengths or a limit of 8 meters. These requirements must be taken into account at the trailer design stage, otherwise it will be impossible to use the design.

Almost every family has a car. Since people are interested in gardening and construction, the need for cargo delivery arises regularly. You say that the car has a trunk. But the thing is that it is not suitable for carrying heavy things. It’s easy to get out of this situation; you need to call a shipping company and place an order. But not all car owners want to spend money on their services. There is a way out! Buy a trailer. You don’t have to buy it, because you can easily make this useful thing with his own hand.

Is it profitable to make a trailer?

Of course it's profitable! If you are comfortable with tools and have the skills to work with welding and spare parts, then do it yourself. Assembling the trailer will not take much time; no expensive tools or materials are required for the work.

You'll save money because you won't have to spend money on a factory trailer.

How to make a trailer for a light car?

  • First, buy everything you need. You will need sheet steel, from which you will make the body. Buy chassis and wheels, steel channels are needed. In addition, the trailer will need aluminum pipes and fasteners high quality. To weld the body you need welding machine. If you know how to work with it, weld the sheets.

  • Determine the desired dimensions of the trailer and make a drawing, this will help you during assembly. It’s very good if you have stocks of old parts in your garage; they will be needed in your work. For example, take the connecting elements of the sides from the tractor, and knock down the sides themselves from the lining. Make the frame from steel pipe, it is enough to buy a product with a diameter of 40 mm. Adapt a pipe of slightly smaller diameter for the draft. Buy three pieces, two you will use for longitudinal rods, and one for transverse rods. Don't forget to purchase a pipe for the bridge beam.
  • Install tubeless wheels; shock absorbers from the old Ural will come in handy. In the store you need to buy a device designed to grip the tow bar and a safety chain.

What to pay attention to

You need to start by assembling the frame. You probably hope that your homemade trailer will serve you for a long time. Remember that service life directly depends on the strength of the frame. An important factor is rigidity. To assemble the structure, use welding, this guarantees a reliable connection.

Once you specify the dimensions of the trailer, try to assemble the frame. Lay out the elements on a flat floor, assemble the structure, fastening it with temporary clamps. Pay attention to the components of the frame, place them perpendicularly. Take a tape measure and measure the diagonals. The values ​​must be the same, the discrepancy should not exceed 3%. If the discrepancy is greater, then it is worth reassembling the frame.

Since a rectangle is not the most reliable design, strengthen the trailer with an additional stiffening rib.

How to connect a trailer to a car?

You will need to purchase a trailer hitch for your car. When assembling the coupling part, pay attention to the length. The shorter it is, the easier it is to control the trailer. The easiest way is to make the coupling part from 1.5 to 2.5 m long.

Do not make the coupling part short, because the trailer will react even to a slight turn of the wheels, this will cause the load to fall.

Make the towbar from a pipe square shape. Take a welding machine and weld three pipes. Place the middle of the connection point along the tow axle. Weld a metal corner to the assembly, so the structure will become even more reliable.

Then proceed to install the safety rope. If you don't have one, use a chain instead. Select the length so that the chain does not touch the road when driving.

Install the connection coupling; use bolts or welding for fastening. Welding is considered a reliable method of fastening.

Are you going to do the fastening with bolts? Install no more than two. If you do more, drilling holes in the mounting points will weaken the frame.

Axle installation and side mounting

Turn the frame over and place it on two blocks. Measure the length of the trailer, multiply the value by 40%. Place the resulting distance on the rear side of the trailer; this is where the axle should be located. Remove paint from frame before installation. Measure the distance between the bushings, divide in half and make a mark on the axle.

Connect parts of the structure spot welding. Install a spring-shock suspension on the trailer; it will ensure a smooth ride.

Install stabilization jacks on the inside of the frame; they will hold the trailer in a horizontal position. Side walls make the trailer from clapboard, or use metal sheets.

First, the flooring is made from boards. Use bolts for fastening, then install the clapboard box. Fix the corners of the box metal corners, so the structure will become even stronger. Sheathe the sides with metal; on such a trailer you can easily transport bulk cargo.

Bottom line

The trailer is easy to assemble and will increase the vehicle's potential. You will transport cargo, the trunk and interior of the car will not be damaged. Car owners install a braking system on the trailer and install lighting. Entrust their installation to specialists; to do this, contact the service center.

A trailer is an excellent tool that allows you to transport large and bulky cargo. The luggage compartment cannot always cope with this task.

It may have too little space for transportation. The dimensions of the cargo can become an obstacle to its normal placement in the trunk of a car.

Undoubtedly, all vehicles have different luggage compartment capacity. Some models have large and spacious compartments for storing cargo.

But we are considering middle-class passenger cars, which in most cases are purchased by Russian drivers.

If such transportation is carried out one-time, then you can use the services of a cargo taxi. But if you need to transport cargo regularly, then this method can become very expensive.

In such a situation, you can either buy a homemade trailer for a car, or personally make it yourself. Each driver chooses the most suitable option for him.

For example, buying a ready-made trailer will save time and effort on its manufacture. A homemade products require less cash investment.

To make a trailer you will need certain crafts and tools. They need to be prepared in advance.

So, masters will need:

  • steel channels;
  • plywood;
  • sheet steel;
  • wheels with running gear;
  • fasteners;
  • aluminum tubes;
  • welding machine;
  • electrical equipment.

If the master has not previously dealt with assembling trailers, then he needs a drawing. It will be the instructions for carrying out all the necessary operations in the process.

Please note that the drawing must be drawn up correctly and meet all technical requirements OST 37.001.220-80.

This act includes requirements affecting the manufacture of trailers for passenger cars. Some drivers take the legislator's regulations very lightly, but in vain.

If the trailer does not comply with all OST standards, it will not be possible to register it.

And without going through such a procedure, its use is considered illegal. That is, the driver will waste his time, money and effort.


Let's consider the basic concepts related to our topic, which are presented in paragraph 1.2 of the SDA:

All vehicles that fall under the term “trailer” must be registered in the prescribed manner.

What is its purpose

Obviously, the main purpose of the trailer is to transport goods. The traffic rules regulate the procedure for performing relevant actions.

It is very important to comply with such rules, otherwise the driver of a vehicle with a trailer will create a threat of causing damage to other road users.

For such actions he may be held accountable. The rules for the carriage of goods are defined in paragraph 23 of the traffic rules:

The weight of the load cannot be higher than Which is defined for this vehicle
The driver must keep an eye on the load while driving To avoid the possibility of it falling or interfering with movement
The cargo must not pollute the road or the environment Cover the vehicle's external lighting devices, impair the stability of the vehicle
If the cargo is considered large according to the law Then it must be marked with identification marks
For certain goods (for example, dangerous) There are specific rules that must be followed by them.

Legal regulation

We have already mentioned traffic rules. The Rules define the concept of “trailer” and also contain the rules for transporting goods.

The traffic rules define a list of documents that must be presented to the traffic police officer. Among others, special acts for trailers are noted (clause 2.1.1).

Clause 10.3 of the Rules stipulates the speed limit for a vehicle with a trailer - 70 km/h or 90 km/h (on highways). We also mentioned that the trailer is created according to certain parameters.

He meets the requirements if the driver wishes to successfully complete the registration procedure with the traffic police.

Currently, OST 37.001.220-80 “trailers for passenger cars” is in force. What to pay attention to:

It is important to mention another legal act – the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. It is in it that the penalties for non-compliance with the legislator’s instructions are fixed.

For example, if there is no state registration sign on the trailer, then a fine of 500 rubles will be issued (Article 11.27).

For violating the rules for transporting goods, you will also have to pay 500 rubles (Article 12.21).

If the driver does not have registration documents for the trailer, then he will be fined 500 rubles in accordance with Art. 12.3 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

How to build a homemade trailer for a car

How to make a car trailer with your own hands? It is not difficult to perform such actions, but it is very important to carefully follow the instructions in the drawing.

If a discrepancy is detected, the registration of such a product will not be carried out. In such a situation, the driver will waste time, effort, and cash.

The fact that the trailer will have to be registered must be remembered during the construction stage. This will allow you not to complicate your task with alterations and modifications in the future.

It's easier to follow all the instructions from the very beginning. If the driver decides to make a trailer, then he saves his money. Ready-made vehicles for transporting goods are more expensive.

At the same time, when deciding to create a trailer, you must understand that such operations will require additional costs, time and effort.

Difficulties often arise at the registration stage. It may be refused for various reasons. At the same time, registering a finished trailer from the manufacturer is much easier.

Required set of tools and materials

First of all, you need to purchase the necessary set of tools and materials. This list may vary depending on what kind of trailer a person wants to make.

We will give an approximate list:

  • for the frame and connection unit you will need a pipe with a square cross-section (40x40 mm). It is permissible to take a pipe larger size, but if this does not lead to an increase in the mass of the entire structure. The length and quantity are determined according to the drawing;
  • to install the sides you will need a steel sheet (thickness - at least 0.6 mm). To calculate the quantity, you need to study the drawing. Multiply the length of the sides by their height. So, the area is calculated. After this, you will have an idea of ​​how many sheets are needed and what size they should be;
  • the bottom can be made of tin, thick plywood or polycarbonate;
  • you can make the chassis yourself or use the front axle of an SZD motorized stroller;
  • braking system;
  • towbar;
  • electrical appliances and conduct for connection to the car;
  • tarpaulin or other moisture-resistant fabric to cover the trailer;
  • fasteners (corners, brackets, etc.);
  • welding equipment;
  • electric tools for working with metal objects (jigsaw, grinder, etc.).

Where to get drawings

Video: homemade trailer

The master will ensure that finished product complied with the requirements of the regulatory legal acts we reviewed.

Where can I get the drawing? If you have enough experience and knowledge, then you can do it yourself.

At the same time it is allowed to use ready-made options. They're in large quantities posted on the Internet, including for creating caravans.

The finished drawing can be transformed at the driver's request. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that after such changes the trailer still meets the requirements of OST.

Assembly instructions

Assembling a homemade two-axle trailer for a passenger car includes the following steps:

Frame making The durability of the entire product will depend on it. The pipe or profile is cut and then the parts are welded into a rectangle. After this, it must be strengthened by welding a piece of profile pipe across the rectangle. The frame of the side and front sides must be welded to the frame. They can be made from a profile pipe, but smaller in size
Trailer unit The length of this element cannot be more than 1.5 or 2 meters. The assembly is welded in at least 4 places from the end in the middle of the frame. Stiffening ribs are mounted on each side of the element
Installing a lock for the connecting node The lock is mounted with 3 bolts, with which it is attached to the trailer unit
Axle installation The axle is also mounted with bolts. It is installed almost in the middle of the frame
Formation of sides and bottom The material is fastened with self-tapping screws or rivets. Materials for cladding are chosen by the craftsman himself
Installation of electrical equipment (marker headlights with turn and brake lights) The trailer is equipped with red reflectors at the rear and white at the front.

How to legitimize (registration)

Every car owner is familiar with the car registration procedure. But not everyone knows how to register a trailer correctly. Is it really necessary to do this?

In accordance with the traffic rules, this vehicle must be equipped with state registration plates.

The driver is obliged, at the request of the traffic police inspector, to provide documents confirming the fact of completing this procedure.

Failure to comply with such instructions will result in liability under the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The driver will be fined.

To avoid these consequences, you must register the trailer. You need to start by preparing documents that can confirm the fact that the product meets the requirements of the legislator.

To do this, a person contacts an accredited testing laboratory. Its employees will conduct tests to verify the homemade trailer.

If they are successful, a certificate of ability to safely operate the trailer will be provided.

To register it with the MREO, the following package of documents is provided:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • certificate from the laboratory;
  • documents evidencing ownership of the trailer;
  • check for payment of state duty;
  • technical inspection report;
  • OSAGO policy.

Good day to you! I would like to discuss with you a homemade trailer for a car. I will be very glad to see your opinions in the comments. My position may differ from yours, but I will try to explain my position as objectively as possible. So let's get started.

Features of a homemade trailer

The decision to do something yourself is usually determined by several nuances:

  • there is no money to buy a factory product;
  • have their own original ideas that you want to implement;
  • an attempt at an experiment and testing one’s own strengths;
  • Manufacturers not having what you need.

But still, the main reason is an attempt to save money. In the case of caravans, I cannot say that there is a limited range on the market. Having time and money, you can find or order individual project literally any type of design.

If you have no difficulties with how to cook several metal elements and how to make or, then there is every chance of assembling a caravan with your own hands. But I have a few comments about this. I advise you to read them before taking the drawings and starting to assemble the structure in your garage.

Let's talk about the positive first. Assembly is not that difficult if you have certain skills. Plus, you are limited only by your imagination and real needs or requirements for the trailer. That's probably all.

Now let's move on to the real facts regarding homemade caravans.

  • All car trailers must meet strict standards. Therefore, do-it-yourself manufacturing is limited to rather rigid limits;
  • Each node must be tested for compliance;
  • According to current laws, almost all elements of caravans when self-assembly must be factory-made and have appropriate documents of origin and authenticity;
  • In fact, saving on homemade trailers is self-deception, since almost everything will have to be bought in stores;
  • You won't be able to make a structure out of garbage accumulated in the garage;
  • An additional complication for such trailers is their registration. Let's talk about it separately.

But why do the country have such strict laws and regulations? Does the government simply want to deprive people of the ability to do things with their own hands, forcing them to buy only factory-made devices?

No. The point is different. The bulk of homemade products were previously characterized by extremely low reliability, before such restrictions came into force. They were assembled from anything, as a result of which such vehicles with trailed structures on wheels created a real threat on the roads, causing accidents and traffic accidents. Often with fatal consequences.

In this regard, it was decided not to ban homemade devices, but about strict requirements for them. As for me, this is logical and very correct. Road safety should come before any savings.

Let's look at things realistically. Today there are a number of manufacturers who officially produce and sell trailers for Russian market. Compare their price with the cost of individual components and assemblies that you will need for assembly. You won't experience any significant savings. Add to this the issue of registering a homemade vehicle, and you will get an additional headache.

No, I'm not discouraging you from trying to build caravans yourself. There are also ready-made drawings, photos and video manuals that can be used to create something unusual and of high quality. If the only question is the desire to realize your ideas, then I don’t see anything wrong with making a homemade trailer that meets all the standards.

But if you just want to save money, you are unlikely to succeed. And that's a fact. Therefore, I adhere to the idea of ​​​​buying factory-type trailers with springs that have passed all tests, with a design in accordance with the requirements and other elements, the reliability and safety of which I will not doubt.

Assembly includes several main steps:

  • manufacturing a frame that will ensure the strength and reliability of the entire structure;
  • creating a connecting unit, that is, an element connecting the trailer to the car;
  • assembly of the coupling for attaching the trailer to the car (fixed with bolts or welding);
  • production of vehicle axles;
  • stabilization jacks are not required elements, but improving the behavior of the structure on the road;
  • creating the bottom and making the sides;
  • performing electrical wiring and connecting lighting fixtures.

By clearly performing the work step by step, you can achieve excellent results and even surpass some factory solutions.


Having decided to assemble a trailer for your car yourself, I can only envy your determination and abilities. Be sure to share your experience in the assembly. I am extremely interested to see the result of your labors.

Is it possible to legalize a homemade vehicle (in our case, a trailer)? Yes, sure. It doesn’t matter whether it is a single-axle or two-axle trailer, as long as it complies with the standards, you have every right to legally operate the structure.

To register vehicle, assembled with your own hands, you will have to spend your time on it. With factory ones, everything is much simpler, since they undergo all tests at the factory and are sold with the appropriate documents.

Homemade trailers are designed in the following sequence:

  • Collect all receipts and certificates of quality from the parts you used to create your homemade trailer;
  • Create a description for your vehicle and take photographs from all sides. It is advisable to print the photo immediately;
  • Now feel free to go to the traffic police, where you will be given a list of documents required for registration;

Having completed all stages, you will have a certificate of conformity, a certificate and a state number. That's it, your homemade trailer has every right to go on the roads public use. With which I congratulate you!

How to make a trailer with your own hands will be discussed in this article, and several manufacturing options will be described, depending on the wheel suspension. Many drivers are starting to think about self-production trailer when there is a need to transport some kind of cargo, for example during the construction of a house or cottage. And when looking for a ready-made trailer, many do not find what they need on sale, and if they do, the trailer costs quite a lot.

With self-production, car owners have the opportunity not only to save a significant amount of money, but also to make a trailer to suit their needs and the dimensions of the cargo being transported, as well as the size of their car. In addition, some trailer parts can be made literally from iron trash that is lying around in the garage or at the dacha, or you can find something for pennies at a car disassembly (for example, the same suspension parts and wheels).

Below we will first describe the manufacture of a soft (suspension) version of the trailer using a ready-made automobile beam, then it will be described in full homemade version with suspension, and at the very end, the simplest non-suspension option will be shown, which can be used locally (if cargo should be transported nearby and on a good road).

And of course, each driver will be able to choose the trailer manufacturing option that is more suitable for him in terms of operating conditions, as well as depending on the complexity of manufacturing. There is no point in listing what tools and materials you will need to make a trailer at the beginning, since everything will be described during the process.

Do-it-yourself trailer - an option with a ready-made car beam.

As the name already implies, you will need to find a rear suspension beam from some old car at a car disassembly site. Instead of a beam, you can use suitable pipe(for example, 80 mm in diameter), this option will be easier, but in this case you will have to make fastenings of the wheel hubs to the pipe and fastening the springs to the pipe. But with a beam everything is much simpler, since all the fastenings are already there.

However, some springs can also be secured to a regular pipe using hairpin clamps (as shown in the photo with a square adapter for the hub - below in the text). Using a pipe instead of a factory beam will lighten the weight of the suspension, since the beam is still significantly heavier than the pipe. What to choose - a pipe or a finished beam, everyone decides for himself, based on his capabilities and what material is available.

The price of a beam can be a penny if you use a beam not from a foreign car, but from a Soviet car. And if the price of some ancient Moskvich can be in the range of $100 - $150, then it is not difficult to guess that the price of the rear beam from the same Moskvich will be very low.

The advantage of the Moskvich beam and its rear suspension is that the Moskvich suspension uses leaf springs rather than springs, which means that the load-carrying capacity of a trailer with springs will allow even cubes of a boiler for construction to be transported in the trailer. In addition, it will always be possible to add a couple of additional springs and thereby further increase the trailer’s load-carrying capacity, in case of emergency.

Well, another advantage of the leaf spring suspension is that you will not need to spend additional time making A-arms for the independent suspension, which is usually used with springs. However, this one is more difficult option will be discussed below.

And so we purchased a beam (rear axle), preferably together with hubs and wheels, and of course with springs attached to the beam (see photo 1).

The axle shafts can be cut off, and the main pair of the gearbox can be removed from the housing along with the bearings - they will no longer be needed, and the weight of the beam will be significantly reduced. Well, the hole for the exit of the cross will need to be closed with a homemade plug. That's it - the base of the trailer is there.

Ear for attaching the spring to the trailer frame.

Next, you should make the ears shown in photo 2 below and in the photo on the left. “Ears” could also be cut off from the car body during disassembly (the factory ear is shown in the photo on the left), but if this was not possible, then they would have to be made from sheet metal 4 - 6 mm thick.

These "ears" will be used to attach the springs to the trailer frame once the frame is built.

It is best to make the frame from a profile pipe (a rectangular profile 40x60x4, but a square one 60x60x4 is also possible), since such a pipe is quite rigid, despite the small thickness of the walls, and is not too heavy, unlike a corner one. In addition, it is very convenient to weld the joints of the profile pipe at the corners of the frame.

Of course, before welding the frame, you should measure with a tape measure and mark the desired length with a marker, and then cut pipe blanks for the base, which has the shape of a rectangle.

The two longest pipes (long sides of the frame rectangle) will be the length that you want to get the final trailer body (2 meters is quite enough, but if longer, then it is preferable to make a two-axle trailer). Well, the width of the other two transverse pipes for the short sides of the frame rectangle, if possible, should not be wider than the dimensions of your car.

Having cut two long pipes and two shorter ones with a grinder, we grind chamfers from the edges of all the pipes (for a reliable weld) and lay the pipes on a flat floor, laying out an equilateral rectangle from the pipes.

We check all the corners of the rectangle using a square (so that the angle is strictly 90º), then we electrically weld the pipe joints, check the corners again with a square and finally weld the joints.

We use a conventional welding machine, with an electrode diameter equal to the thickness of the pipe wall, but it is much more convenient and faster to work with someone who has one, and the quality of the seam will be better (and without scale).

Having welded the rectangle, we then prepare (cut) two or three transverse pipes, which we weld in the middle of the rectangle (this will add rigidity and additional supporting surface floor of the trailer body and the longer the trailer, the more cross pipes should be welded).

After this, you can weld the frame to the suspension (through pre-made “ears”) and then from the front, weld an L-shaped jumper to the rectangular frame of the future car trailer, which is indicated by yellow arrows in photo 2 above), onto the top of which the ball joint of the towing device will subsequently be welded - tow bar. I recommend reading about how to make a tow bar for your car.

Well, now all that remains is to make a body with a hinged tailgate and attach it to the trailer frame. There are also several options for making the body. You can weld a frame from an angle (in the shape of a parallelogram) and then weld it to the frame (or bolt it).

Next, the frame from the corner (floor and sides) is sheathed with chipboard, plywood, textolite, metal sheet etc., depending on the cargo being transported.

But you can use not a corner for the body frame, but the same profile pipe(as in photo 3 on the left) only smaller in width (40x40x3 mm, or even 40x20x3 mm).

The floor of the trailer body can be made of metal sheet (as in photo 3, if you plan to transport something heavy), but you can also use chipboard, textolite, thick 20 mm plywood. If we use plywood or chipboard, they should be coated before painting. natural drying oil to prevent future exposure to moisture.

If you plan to transport large cargo, then it is better to immediately increase the sides, as shown in photo 4 on the left. To increase the height of the sides, we again use a profile pipe, but smaller transverse size(30x30x3, or 30x20x3).

Next, all that remains is to weld the hitch for the ball joint (they are already on sale in car markets now) to the top of the L-shaped jumper, previously welded to the trailer frame. To the same jumper, in the area of ​​the ball joint, but from below, an “ear” should be welded into which the axis of the folding stop will be inserted.

The support will be needed so that the trailer, after uncoupling it from the car, stands strictly horizontally on the ground. However, the presence of a stop is not necessary; you can do without it.

Then you should sheathe the sides of the trailer with metal sheets, plywood or textolite and then prime and paint the car trailer (photo 5).

It is advisable to hang the tailgate on door canopies (you can make the canopies yourself, as in photo 6) in order to be able to open the tailgate during loading or unloading.

Locks and hinges (door hinges) for the tailgate can be purchased at markets or hardware stores.

Well, don’t forget that on the rear side, or just below, you should definitely attach and connect the brake lights, parking lights and turn signals. All this can be found from some car at a salvage yard for pennies. Attaching and connecting standard (factory) brake lights, turn signals and side lights to the trailer will allow you to easily register your homemade car trailer with the local MREO and then undergo technical inspection without any problems.

And lastly, if the trailer will be used somewhere in the village, then fenders are optional (as in the photo above), since the absence of fenders (mud flaps) increases the trailer's cross-country ability in mud. Well, if the trailer is made for the city, then installing fenders is very desirable, otherwise the trailer and the car will always be dirty. Making flat fenders for trailer wheels is very simple, from thin sheet metal, and therefore this process has not been described.

By the way, if the sides of your trailer are wider than in the photographs above (that is, the sides will overlap the wheels when viewed from above), then you can not make fenders, but simply hang rubber mud flaps under each side, in front and behind each wheel.

A DIY trailer is the second option with independent spring suspension.

This option is more difficult to make than the option described above with dependent leaf spring suspension. Since you will have to buy or make independent A-shaped arms (pendulums), and hang them on the trailer frame through machined lathe bronze bushings. You can use rubber silent blocks instead of bronze bushings, but bushings are still much more reliable and durable.

Zhiguli lever made of sheet steel.

This version of independent trailer suspension allows you to use a homemade trailer on any off-road terrain and is more suitable for SUV owners. This option with soft independent suspension is also perfect for a boat trailer.

You can look at a motorcycle disassembly site for ready-made levers from the Ant scooter suspension, or common sheet steel levers from classic Zhiguli cars (shown in the photo).

Or look for levers from the rear suspension of some foreign passenger car (as in the photo on the right - by the way, this photo shows the rear suspension lever of a car along with a fixed factory hub, shock absorber and brake drum (with a brake cable), which means you won’t need to bother with securing the hub on the lever.

In addition, it will be possible to use the brakes on the trailer (by connecting a cable to or to the brakes of the car), if you plan to transport something very heavy). Such a lever will need to be secured to the trailer frame rotated 90º, unlike the front suspension arms of Zhiguli and other cars.

In general, there are a lot of options for making a spring suspension for a trailer, just like there are designs for spring suspensions for passenger cars, there are as many options for making a suspension for a homemade trailer.

You can search and purchase on websites or in car dealerships, ready-made new levers with already welded support cups for the springs, as in the photo on the left. If you can’t find ready-made A-shaped levers, then you’ll have to make the levers yourself, there’s nothing complicated about it.

Springs can be found at disassembly, and their thickness and, accordingly, rigidity depend on what kind of cargo you are going to transport in the future. If you plan to transport a boat or a small light boat, then springs from an Ant scooter, or some kind of ATV, motorcycle, etc. will be quite sufficient.

When making A-shaped suspension arms yourself, you will need a steel sheet for reinforcing gussets, a round thick-walled pipe with a diameter of approximately 25 - 30 mm, a slightly thicker pipe for bushings for silent blocks (or for bronze bushings).

Homemade A-arm made from straight pipes. All that remains is to weld an adapter to the top of the lever to secure the hub axis.

The design of the levers is clear from the photo above. It shows levers with curved pipes, but if you don’t have one, you can make levers with absolutely straight pipes, in the shape of an even letter A, as in the photo on the right.

When the levers are purchased or ready, all that remains is to attach the wheel hub axles to the ends of the levers and put them on the axles themselves.

In order to secure the hub axles and the hubs themselves with bolts to the end of the A-arm, or to the end of the spring suspension pipe, you will need to cut square (see photo below) or round adapters with holes from thick sheet metal (thickness 18 - 20 mm) (round adapters - flanges can be cut on a lathe from thick sheet metal), into which the hub axle flange will be bolted (as in the photo).

Having cut adapters from thick sheet metal and drilled holes in them (at the same distance as on the flange of the hub axle), all that remains is to weld them to the A-shaped arm, or to the transverse pipe of the spring suspension (the photo on the left shows exactly the option with a pipe for spring suspension).

If the square adapter for the hub axle will be welded not to the spring suspension pipe, but to the end of the A-shaped spring suspension arm, then the adapter during welding should also be reinforced with gussets welded across the adapter (square) (as in the drawing on the right), cut from dozens of sheet metal (thickness 8 - 10 mm).

It is advisable to install shock absorbers inside the spring (or nearby), which will add comfort. However, this makes the design heavier and more complicated. It is much more convenient to attach shock absorbers from some kind of motorcycle, which themselves have general design(shock absorber and spring as one unit).

By the way, when using shock absorbers from motorcycles (together with springs), it will not be necessary to make from sheet metal and weld support cups for automobile springs. It is enough to weld lugs to the suspension arms for mounting bolts for silent blocks of motorcycle shock absorbers.

There are many options for choosing parts and making an independent soft suspension for a car trailer with your own hands, and everyone chooses what is more convenient, and sometimes based on what comes to hand at a car or motorcycle disassembly. And of course, it is impossible to describe absolutely all options for manufacturing a suspension for a car trailer in one article. However, the main and most simple options The manufacture of trailer suspensions have been described.

Having made the suspension, all that remains is to weld the trailer frame and sides, then sheathe the floor and sides, as described above, in the first option (with a beam and springs). And then all that remains is to fasten the independent spring suspension to the frame (by the way, it is more convenient to make the suspension removable rather than welded). Of course, the places where the suspension of the right and left wheels are attached to the frame of a homemade car trailer must be absolutely symmetrical, which can be checked using a regular tape measure.

It should also be remembered that when attaching the upper spring and shock absorber support, you need to ensure that the wheels of the empty trailer are suspended with some negative camber. Otherwise, when fully loaded trailer, the tire tread will wear unevenly (more on the inside than on the outside).

Well, don’t forget about the feet, dimensions and turn signals (described above).

In conclusion (below), you can watch a video about making a trailer with your own hands, the simplest non-suspension version. And although it shows how to make a trailer with your own hands for a walk-behind tractor (the principle of constructing a car trailer is the same) and does not show how to attach the hubs to the transverse pipe, all this was described above, good luck to everyone.