Plastering a plasterboard ceiling with your own hands. Plastering a plasterboard ceiling. Choosing plasterboard plaster

If you are thinking about the question of how to plaster ceilings made of plasterboard, then you probably want to get a high-quality result. This process does not require any special skills, but still must be carried out using a certain technology.

Preparatory work

Although drywall has a smooth surface, its base requires some preparation. At this stage, it is important to analyze how correctly the screws are installed. This process involves checking whether the fastener is fully tightened. Sometimes it happens that the master only grabs the sheet, forgetting to firmly install the screw in its place. As a result, after plastering, the plasterboard sheets shrink and peel off slightly from the base. The composition applied to drywall eventually begins to change the original linear dimensions and becomes covered with cracks.

Before plastering the ceilings, it is necessary to clean all existing seams from dust, cover them with primer and putty, which, as a rule, uses a special adhesive composition. In addition, the seams must be additionally strengthened, for which it is recommended to use this. This will eliminate the possibility of cracks on the surface. After applying all the compounds, each layer of which requires time to dry, it is necessary to process the seams, which involves the use of a tungsten-based grout mesh. You can replace it with a spatula. Both of these tools should allow you to get rid of excess amounts of previously applied compounds from the plane of the seams. On final stage surface preparation, the floor must be well primed. Now we can consider that the foundation preparation work has been completed.

Choosing a work method

Before plastering ceilings made of gypsum plasterboard, you should choose a technology for carrying out the work. Some craftsmen apply a finishing mixture, which is sold dry in bags. You can also purchase a ready-made composition, which will not need to be mixed before application, since it is offered for sale in buckets. In this case, you will have to use acrylic material. The second option requires the initial application of the starting mixture. And only after it has completely dried - finishing. If you still haven’t decided how to plaster ceilings, then it’s worth considering the advantage of the first option described; this procedure makes it possible to complete the work in much less time. short terms. However, there is also a disadvantage here, which is that almost any finishing mixture cannot be applied in a layer whose thickness exceeds 3 mm. With a ceiling that does not have a perfectly flat surface, it will not be possible to hide errors, and in the end it will not look as desired. If you do not want to waste time and effort, then you should first analyze the evenness of the ceiling surface and only then choose the technology for carrying out the work.

Features of plaster application technology

Before you do, it’s worth considering that the second option will undoubtedly take a more impressive amount of time, but the quality of processing the base will be excellent. This is due to the fact that the starting mixture of a significant fraction will hide all plane errors. And only when the ceiling is perfectly flat can the finishing mixture be applied to its surface.

The need for alignment

Before plastering the ceiling, many home craftsmen think about the question of whether it is worth carrying out such work at all. It should be taken into account that a base with uneven surfaces will look bad in any lighting. Shadow areas will appear, and the relief will be clearly visible. In addition, a layer of mortar will protect the surface of the drywall from negative impacts high humidity or temperature changes. Such phenomena, it is worth recognizing, are typical for premises of any purpose. If you still cannot decide whether to plaster the ceiling, then it is worth considering that after such repairs it will look attractive for a long period of time until you decide to update it again.

Tools and materials

Don't forget about additional equipment, which will be needed when carrying out work, because if you do not prepare thoroughly, the work will proceed slowly and will be accompanied by large labor costs. Thus, the first thing you need to take care of is a stepladder. Professionals advise using compact scaffolding. This recommendation is due to the fact that the mixture will have to be poured onto the instrument every now and then, so the container with the composition is unlikely to fit on a stepladder.

From small tools and consumables It will be necessary to prepare a spacious bucket made of plastic or a special container. You will also need spatulas, the width of one of which is 10 cm, the other - 30 cm. In order to stir the mixture more quickly, you need a drill, which has a special attachment in the form of a mixer. For safety reasons, it is recommended to use goggles, as well as a respirator and gloves.

Additional equipment

When deciding whether to plaster the ceiling or tension option choose, it is worth considering that the first one will cost much less, and for its implementation you will have to prepare:

  • primer;
  • putty;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • wide brush;
  • tungsten mesh for grouting work.

Preparing the starting mixture

If you are interested in the question of how to properly plaster a ceiling, then you should know how to apply the starting composition. Initially it must be diluted. To do this, the container must be 1/3 filled with liquid into which the plaster is to be poured. Next comes the drill, which has a mixer attachment. Using this tool will allow you to mix the mixture well. If the need arises, water should be added to the mixture; this will allow the thick composition to make it more liquid and plastic. In order to check whether the composition is ready, it should be scooped onto a spatula: it should not flow from the tool, but, on the contrary, should hold well on its steel surface.

If you are faced with the question of how to properly plaster the ceiling, then you should know that after preparation the composition must sit well, for this it is left after mixing for 5-10 minutes, after which the mass must be thoroughly mixed again. With this approach, small particles will be able to absorb moisture and gain plasticity.

Applying plaster

When applying the composition to an instrument, it is necessary to take as a basis the movement that is characteristic of a person spreading butter on a piece of bread. When applying plaster to the base of the ceiling, you should not try to rid the surface of all stains, since such a skill can only be achieved by a professional. Don’t think that the errors will remain on the surface; they can be removed after the ceiling has dried. This can be done using a grout mesh.

It is important to remember that it is initially recommended to eliminate obvious errors, while after that the master should begin processing the entire remaining area of ​​the ceiling. As soon as the entire surface of the ceiling has been processed, we can assume that you have completed this stage of the work; you can leave the base until it dries completely.

Final works

If you are thinking about how to plaster a ceiling with your own hands, then you should definitely know what work needs to be done after applying the first leveling layer. A spatula comes into play, with the edge work surface With this tool, it is necessary to rid the surface of quite impressive stains and excess amounts of composition. If you notice less significant defects, and there definitely will be, they can be treated using a grout mesh. If there are significant depressions after carrying out the described work problem areas must be coated with primer. Afterwards, these areas are again treated with starting plaster and sanded again, but, of course, after the complete drying process has been completed. Once the base is completely dry, you can re-grind and apply primer.

Applying finishing plaster

If you choose to apply only one layer of plaster, then you will be faced with the question of how to plaster the ceiling with your own hands using the finishing composition. It, as described above, can also be applied to the first plaster layer. This must be done after the soil has dried. This stage should begin with kneading finishing mixture, it is necessary to use the same proportion as in the case of the starting lineup. After the finishing layer has been applied and dried, it must also be rubbed down, all errors, if any, should be eliminated, only then the surface should be treated with a primer again.

Before plastering a plasterboard ceiling, you need to consider what finish decorative coating will be used, since this is what will be applied after the primer has dried. This could be, for example, paint or wallpaper. The ceiling treated in the manner described above will have excellent adhesion qualities, this indicates that all materials will adhere well to its base. In order to get the expected result, you should maintain a period between applying each subsequent layer.

Before plastering the ceiling for painting, it is necessary to complete all work that could cause vibrations of the surfaces. Otherwise, the procedures performed will be in vain. If the work is supposed to be carried out in a room that is characterized by high humidity, then you should choose drywall with moisture-resistant characteristics. During operation, such a ceiling can be vacuumed and subjected to wet cleaning, such exposure to the surface will not cause harm.

If you are thinking about the question of what to plaster with, then you need to choose a composition made not on gypsum, but on cement based. By following all the rules of work, you will get an excellent result.

Completed, it cannot be considered that all work is completed. Although this building material itself is intended for leveling surfaces, nevertheless, in order to bring the structure into proper form, you will still need to plaster it, because at this stage the visible various defects, especially in those places where screws were screwed in.

Smooth and high-quality puttying of a plasterboard ceiling with your own hands largely depends on the condition of the screws with which the sheets are screwed when installing a plasterboard box on the ceiling, since the screw head protruding beyond the plane by at least a fraction of a millimeter will not allow you to pull an even layer with a spatula.

What you need to know before plastering a plasterboard ceiling

Usually the primer is applied in 2-3 layers in a certain way. The first layer is applied perpendicular to the direction sun rays, and the second layer, on the contrary, is parallel.

Before you begin, you first need to check if the screws are recessed enough. This can be determined by running a spatula across the ceiling. If it catches, this will mean that the fastener is not screwed in well enough and, accordingly, it is necessary to eliminate this deficiency using a screwdriver.

Then you need to sand down all the small irregularities. In addition, the room where they were produced installation work, should be cleared of debris and construction dust. This is done so that the putty can be collected from the floor, since even with experienced craftsmen it still falls off. If you do not plan to replace the floor, then it must be covered with a protective film.

There is one more important rule, which, by the way, is not observed even by some specialists, and the final result of all the work done will actually depend on it.

The fact is that after installing plasterboard on the ceiling, the material must, as it were, adapt to the conditions of the room and “settle down”.

This usually takes approximately 10 days. If you ignore this, cracks may subsequently form on the surface, so before you start applying plaster to the ceiling, you should wait this period.

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Step-by-step process of plastering a plasterboard ceiling

So, in order to do it yourself quickly and efficiently, you will need to stock up on tools. During the work you will need:

The seams are glued with serpyanka - a fiberglass mesh that will protect against cracks. It is puttied on top until the surface is as smooth as possible.

  • a container in which the putty will be mixed;
  • painting knife;
  • perforator with nozzle;
  • spatulas of various sizes;
  • grinding grater;
  • sandpaper;
  • screwdriver;
  • roller;
  • brush;
  • respirator;
  • ladder.

In addition, you will need to purchase such material as:

  • serpyanka;
  • primer;
  • plaster;
  • finishing plaster.

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Plasterboard ceiling primer

Applying a primer layer to drywall is done to avoid its exposure to temperature and humidity changes in the room, as well as to ensure better adhesion of plasterboard and plaster. It should be applied to the entire drywall surface, including the places where the joints and seams are located. This is done in two layers. After the initial primer, you must wait until this layer dries. Then a second thin layer is applied. Large surfaces can be primed with a roller, and for corners use a brush. The primer mixture can be different types and in this case the best option there will be one that is designed for protruding surfaces.

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Primary plaster of plasterboard ceiling

Using a wide spatula, apply the final putty with significant force, removing the slightest waves and irregularities. There is no need for pauses between applying layers: a thin layer of putty will dry faster than you apply it.

When the primer has dried, you need to dilute a small amount of plaster and use it, using a narrow spatula, to fill the holes that were formed when screwing in the screws. Plastering such defects is not a difficult task at all and there should be no problems with it. Next, you need to process the seams, since it is too early to plaster the entire plasterboard surface.

To do this, take plaster and apply it to the seams with a spatula so that all joints are filled with it as much as possible. As a result, a thin, even strip should form. After this, a serpyanka (or reinforcing mesh) is glued onto it, which should be located exactly in the middle of this seam. This must be done quickly, as the solution dries quickly, so skill will be required here. Serpyanka should not just be applied to the solution, but with light pressure, it should be drowned into it.

There is now a huge selection of mixtures on the market for processing plasterboard coatings, but in the best possible way The fugenfüller has proven itself for sealing seams on plasterboard surfaces. It should be noted that there is no need to dilute a lot of solution at once, since in about 30 minutes it begins to harden. After sealing the seams with reinforcing mesh, they must be allowed to dry thoroughly. This usually takes one day. All seams should be plastered in this way.

The surface of the ceiling is always the first to come into view and often forms our idea of ​​the entire room. Potholes, cracks and chips, somehow disguised, can spoil the impression of even the most expensive repairs, so leveling this surface must be approached with all responsibility. Here, first of all, you need to focus on the condition of the entire coating: these could be unevenness that can be corrected by plastering the ceiling with your own hands, or such serious defects that the use of slabs that can hide them will be required.

Builders divide leveling methods into wet (which includes processing all types of mixtures, including plaster and putty) and dry, which means, for example, hanging plasterboard sheets or PVC. Attempts to plaster surfaces with differences of more than 5 centimeters only lead to peeling heavy material after some time, so the choice must be made not only based on your preferences, but also based on the real state of affairs.

Ceiling plasterboard

Having chosen the first option, you must definitely find out how to properly plaster a plasterboard ceiling, at least those general rules and methods that have been developed by specialists over many years of practice, because in fact, each ceiling is unique and requires a special approach. And the first thing to do is to familiarize yourself with everything that you will need during the renovation process.

Required tools and materials

Let's consider first main material- the plaster itself. It can be made on the basis of:

  • Gypsum is lighter and less dusty, more often used for interior decoration;
  • Cement - takes longer to dry, but costs less, and is more used for external finishing work.

It is necessary to distinguish between concepts such as “plaster” and “putty,” although these words are often used as synonyms. Putty is a fine mixture, usually made of gypsum, which is used just before the last stage more work to make minor corrections. Leveling the ceiling with plaster is carried out in order to fill and eliminate all unevenness, and then putty.

As for the tools for plastering the ceiling, you will need approximately the following set:

  • large container for solution;
  • drill with mixer for building materials;
  • spatulas of different sizes;
  • building code;
  • grater with sandpaper;
  • brush;
  • roller

Additionally, some mixtures or tools may be needed to clean the surface during preparation for finishing.

Leveling the ceiling with plaster along the beacons

This is one of the ways to make the ceiling even using building mixtures, which we will look at and general principles carrying out such work. First, the surface is cleaned: old plaster and paint are removed (if necessary, washes are applied, trowels are used, or, to remove mold, treatment is performed copper sulfate or a burner). Don't forget to work on the seams separately, chipping off the old putty with a spatula or hammer.

Once the surface is clean, it can be primed. For this purpose, primer mixtures based on acrylic base, since they penetrate deeply into the coating structure. They must be applied only with a brush so as not to bypass any potholes.

The next step is to prepare the mixture for directly plastering the plasterboard ceiling. Everything is simple here: just follow the instructions that the manufacturer writes on the packaging. Usually you need to mix water with the mixture in a certain proportion, beat it with a drill and a whisk or construction mixer, then let it brew a little and stir again.

To better understand exactly how to plaster a ceiling, you can watch a video that clearly shows the technique of applying the material. The mixture is poured onto the surface using a plastic spatula and then leveled with a metal one. The thickness of the plaster layer is determined by the situation: the solution should be enough to fill all the holes and hide the bumps. If this requires more than 10 mm of plaster, the entire surface is covered with serpyanka, which performs a reinforcing function. It is fixed before applying the mixture.

What is meant by the concept of ceiling plaster on beacons? This means that special indicators are installed on the surface to monitor the mixture level. You need to focus on them when shooting building rule all excess plaster. They are usually used when we are talking about a completely uneven surface.

Ceiling plaster from plasterboard

If you chose the second leveling method and used gypsum board, this does not mean that the surface immediately turned out to be perfectly flat: it also needs processing. The principles of how to putty a plasterboard ceiling remain approximately the same as for other coatings, but, most likely, you will not plaster, but putty - after all, this is a fairly smooth surface, and it will only be enough to hide seams and small flaws .

The joints are worked out first: the screws must be recessed into the gypsum board by 1 mm, and the seams themselves must be sealed with sickle tape and puttied with fugenfüller. Only after this the entire ceiling (previously primed) is covered with the mixture. There are starting and finishing putty, which are applied one after another. After the last layer has dried, the surface is sanded with a grater and fine-grained sandpaper.

What is decorative plaster?

We looked at the process of leveling and preparing the surface for painting or wallpapering. However, building mixtures are not always used for these purposes. There is such a thing as decorative plaster on the ceiling, that is, the mixture from which stucco molding is created, structures of several levels, large-scale drawings and other objects that will become an integral part of the interior. Because of special purpose The process of working with such material will be slightly different from the usual procedure.

In general, to understand how to plaster a ceiling with your own hands, you don’t need to have a lot of experience. construction work: Just follow the instructions and use expert advice. If you have already leveled surfaces in this way and know how to make it easier and more convenient, leave your recommendations in the comments.

Finishing a plasterboard ceiling with plaster is, in general, a simple process, but, nevertheless, there are certain tricks, nuances and secrets here. At a minimum, everything should be done using technology, and at a maximum...

However, let’s not get ahead of ourselves, but rather understand the sequence of stages and the features of each action.

So let's begin...

Surface preparation

It only seems at first glance that if the ceiling is made of plasterboard and its surface is smooth and even, then no preparation is needed. In fact, if you follow this principle, then the putty and paint on the ceiling will not last long, because preparatory work need to spend enough.

  • It is important to carefully check whether there are enough screws screwed in around the perimeter of each sheet. It often happens that installers “grab” a sheet with a dozen screws, and then forget to tighten the rest. This may not be noticeable right away, but when the house shrinks or undergoes slight vibration, the edges of the sheets will begin to move away. As a result, the plaster plasterboard ceiling will be done in vain, since in this case cracks will certainly appear on the finished plane.

  • All seams around the perimeter of the sheets must be cleaned of dust, primed and puttied. special glue(as a rule, the Fugenfüller mixture from the knauf plant is used for this). At the same time, one cannot neglect the requirements of technology and not use reinforcing mesh for seams. Only with its use is the risk of cracks appearing on the finished surface truly minimal.

  • After the glue on all the seams has dried, you need to remove excess protrusions from the plane of the seams with a spatula or tungsten grout mesh, and then very carefully prime the entire ceiling.

At this point, the surface preparation is completed, but it is still too early to start work. After all, you first need to choose and buy the material.

How to choose plaster

In fact, there are few options here.

  • You can immediately use finishing putty - standard putty in bags, or ready-made acrylic putty diluted in buckets.

  • Do everything according to the technology - first apply a layer of starting putty, and then, after it has completely dried, apply the finishing mixture.

Which path should I take?

The advantage of the first option is that plastering a plasterboard ceiling is very quick compared to the classical method. Because only one layer is applied, not several, and there is no need to wait for the previous one to dry.

But there is a significant drawback...

The fact is that the layer of almost any finishing putty should not exceed 2-3 mm. This means that if the ceiling is not perfectly flat (and in 99% of cases this is exactly what happens), then the depressions or protrusions simply cannot be processed efficiently with finishing putty.

And as a result, you will most likely simply waste your time and effort, since a thick layer of finish will take a very long time to dry, and it is not a fact that it will stick to the drywall at all.

Well, the second option, of course, takes more time, but the result is worth it.

  • Firstly, with the starting putty you can level out all the unevenness on the ceiling plane, and only then apply a thin finishing layer.

Why do you need alignment at all?

And everything is very simple: all the protrusions and depressions on the finished ceiling will form shadow areas, and in any light the uneven relief of the ceiling will be clearly visible.

Agree that such a ceiling will not look very nice.

  • AND, secondly, due to the fact that the optimal requirements for the thickness of the layers will be met, after painting the ceiling the plaster will not crack or fall off for many years.

So is it worth wasting time and doing things that are obviously not according to technology?

After all, as experience shows, it’s easier to do it normally right away, observing correct sequence process, as well as all existing norms and requirements, than to redo the ceiling later.

And we’ll figure out how to plaster a plasterboard ceiling with starting and finishing putty so as to get a high-quality result.

Ceiling finishing

Let's assume that you will seal the seams, we have decided on the optimal technology, but what else, besides putties, will be needed to complete the work?

Necessary tools and equipment

Tools for plastering the ceiling

Naturally, you still need to reach the ceiling. And here, of course, you can’t do without a stepladder. Better yet, use compact scaffolding. After all, the putty needs to be constantly scooped onto a spatula, and it’s unlikely that you can place a bucket with the mixture on a stepladder.

The following tools and small consumables will be needed:

  • wide construction bucket made of plastic;
  • spatula 10 and 30 centimeters wide;
  • drill and mixer attachment;
  • tungsten grout mesh with large and small cells, as well as a mesh holder;
  • respirator, gloves and goggles;
  • acrylic primer, a container for it and a wide brush.

With this “gentleman’s set” you can start working.

Surface putty “Start”

  • We dilute the starting putty. To do this, fill the bucket a third with water and pour the plaster into it. Using a drill and a mixer, thoroughly mix everything and, if necessary, add putty to the water - you need to achieve such a density that the mass turns out to be as plastic as possible and, when put on a spatula, does not flow off it, but sticks well to the metal.

  • After everything is mixed, you need to let the mixture stand for about 5 minutes - then you will have to stir the mass again. Such a break and repeated mixing are necessary so that the grains of the mixture fully absorb water and become plastic.
  • We put the putty on a spatula and, using movements that can be compared to spreading butter on bread, apply the mixture to the surface of the ceiling.

Advice! Do not try to remove absolutely all stains and marks from the spatula - at this stage it is either impossible or will require a lot of experience. All scars, stains and excess growths after the putty has dried can be easily removed with a grout mesh. Important! If there are obvious holes, defects or depressions on the ceiling plane, then they should be treated first, and total area Putty after all problem areas have dried.

In principle, the global work with the starting mixture is completed, now you can take the next step.

Finishing work

You have already learned how to properly putty a plasterboard ceiling “starting”, now let’s look at what to do with the ceiling after the first layer has dried.

  • Use the edge of a spatula to remove large stains and growths from the surface.
  • More minor defects and polish the scratches with a trowel mesh.
  • If after sanding there are large depressions or chips left, then such areas need to be primed, and then dilute a little more “start” and fill the defects.
  • When absolutely all (and newly applied) plaster has dried, we again rub down the previously treated fragments of the ceiling and sand, and then prime the entire surface.

  • When the soil has dried, you can dilute the finishing putty in the same proportion as the starting one, and then apply the last layer of plaster.
  • After the finishing layer has dried, we rub it, remove all defects (if any) and apply a primer.

When the soil is dry, you can paint the ceiling or glue wallpaper on it - everything will stick firmly and firmly on its base.

Of course, provided that the time required for drying of the materials was actually maintained.

And let’s look at one more point from a series of tips on how to properly plaster a plasterboard ceiling.

Ceiling care

To ensure that the gypsum plaster does not crack and does not move away from the surface of the plasterboard sheets, you need to take care normal level humidity in the room and that all installation work, due to which the ceiling structure may vibrate, was carried out BEFORE plastering, and not after.

Pay attention! If the ceiling repair takes place in the bathroom or kitchen, then do not forget that only moisture-resistant plasterboard should be used for finishing these rooms! Otherwise, reliable adhesion of the plaster to the base cannot be guaranteed.

As for ordinary cleaning, the plastered ceiling can be easily vacuumed and even washed if necessary - there will be no harm to it.


So we looked at the process of plastering the ceiling. We hope that the information was useful to you. Well, if you haven’t fully understood how to putty a plasterboard ceiling, the video at the end of the article will probably tell you about it better.

Enjoy your viewing and good luck with your renovation!

The ceiling leveling method is chosen after assessing its condition, the volume of defects and the deviation of the plane from the horizontal. Small and plastered, impressive hidden behind frame structure with plasterboard covering.

Small roughnesses of a flat ceiling surface can be leveled out only in one or two layers (base and finishing). The maximum layer thickness for cement and gypsum compositions is 1–1.5 mm, and for polymer ones - 2 mm. The total thickness of the layers is 3–8 mm.

For more significant deviations, it is more advisable to use a sheathing structure consisting of metal frame And . However, it is also possible combined options: functional and decorative. The first ones are implemented when the task is to hide serious ceiling defects, hide communications or improve the sound insulation of a room by placing soundproofing material in the space between the load-bearing and sheathed ceilings.

At the same time, drywall has no equal in creating original decorative structures. It makes it easy to create multi-level ceilings from rectangular and radius elements, use built-in lamps or hidden lighting that is beneficial for the eyes. However, the price to pay for beauty will be a reduction in the height of the room, which is not always acceptable. Plaster is more appropriate in cases where it is intended to place on the walls of the room decorative elements impressive shapes and sizes.

When calculating the estimated cost of leveling the ceiling, it is important to take into account that the cost of materials and work on installing sheathing structures is a constant value. While the costs of “wet” leveling largely depend on the scale of the defects to be eliminated, the layer thickness required for this and, accordingly, the amount of plaster, putty and other consumables (primer, etc.).

Features of work in dry and wet areas

An important criterion for choosing a specific material and leveling method is the humidity conditions in the room. In dry ones, gypsum plasters and putties are usually used, in wet ones - cement ones. As for rooms with normal humidity, ordinary sheets with facing cardboard of a gray-beige color are intended, for humid rooms - moisture-resistant, the color of the cardboard is gray-green.

Sequence of work

Ceiling finishing begins at the final stage of all “wet” processes. First they arrange it. In the case of cement, which, as is known, gains strength within 28 days, this time is used to treat walls and ceilings. But the plasterboard structure is formed after finishing the plastering and puttying of the walls.