Types of harmonious color combinations. Color combinations Relatedly contrasting colors

From ancient times to the present day, color has been an integral part of human life. Turning to the art of past centuries, we see that man was in constant search for sophisticated color solutions. Color has always been a way of artistic self-expression of a particular people. Color can control our attention, attracting the eye to the main thing, distracting from the secondary, or vice versa.

The first harmonious color system was created by Leonardo da Vinci. He not only established that the variety of colors can be limited: “There are six simple colors: white, yellow, green, blue, red and black,” but also identified two possible aspects of colors: artistic and physical.

The famous German poet Johann Wolfgang Goethe created a huge (1400 pages) “Work on the Nature of Color” and he himself valued it above all his poetic works. Goethe considered color comprehensively, taking into account the psychological and physiological aspects.

Coloristics (from Latin color - color, paint) is the science of color, including knowledge about the nature of color, primary, composite and complementary colors, color characteristics, color contrasts, color mixing, coloring, color harmony, color culture and the language of color.


One of the most important means of emotional and artistic expression is color.

Color is a system of color relationships that forms a certain unity and is an aesthetic expression of the colorful diversity of reality.

By the nature of color combinations, the color can be calm or tense, cold or warm, light or dark, and by the degree of saturation and color strength - bright, restrained, faded, etc. In any work of art (such as a costume), color is formed by a complex and unique interaction of colors.

Color characterizes not only the aesthetic meaning of clothing, but also its symbolic meaning that unites people. Our eyes are capable of distinguishing a huge number of colors. But all this diversity is divided into only two groups: achromatic (i.e. uncolored) - black, white and their mixture - gray; chromatic (i.e. colored) are all other colors and shades. In order to correctly and harmoniously combine colors in a suit, the designer must know their main characteristics.

Characteristics of chromatic colors

1. Color tone is the presence of impurities of another in one color. Tone describes the difference between one color and another.

Crimson has blue in it, while red-orange has yellow in it. Thus, these colors are obtained by mixing two colors: in the first case, red and blue, in the second, red and yellow. This means that the tone of these two colors is different.

2. Saturation is the presence of pure pigment in a color (for example, deep blue, deep green, etc.).

3. Lightness is the presence of white or black pigment in a color. The lightest color is white, the darkest color is black.

The same color tones, taken in different lightness ratios, produce different emotional impressions. Adding black to a color creates a feeling of heaviness, while the same color with the addition of white seems light, joyful and gentle.

The more colors differ from one another in lightness, saturation and hue, the less they are in harmony with each other.

Theory of color separation by W. Ostwald

The whole variety of basic characteristics of color was presented by the German scientist W. Ostwald in his theory of color separation. He presented all colors in the form of a closed color body, consisting of two cones united by a common base. The single axis of the cones is the achromatic row: the top point is white, the bottom is black.

Along the circumference of the base are the most saturated spectral colors (colors of the rainbow), which are arranged in a certain sequence: red - orange - yellow - green - cyan - indigo - violet. (You probably remember the humorous tongue twister in which the first letter of each word is the first letter of the name of the color: “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits.”)

Color circle

Based on this figure, a color wheel was developed - one of the color harmonies. The color wheel is built on contrasting pairs (red - green, yellow - blue), or on four primary colors located at the ends of the diameters of the circle. Between the primary colors there are stretches of intermediate colors (from yellow to red, from red to blue, from blue to green, from green to yellow).

If we divide the color wheel into four quarters based on primary colors, then each will have its own harmony of related colors. Let's turn to each of them.

Upper right quarter (I). In it, the yellow color gradually turns into red.

Lower right quarter (II). In it, the red color turns into blue.

Lower left quarter (III). Blue turns to green.

Upper left quarter (IV). Green turns to yellow.

If we pay attention to each quarter, we will see that within each quarter there are related colors. And if you take the right and left halves of the circle separately, then the color combinations will be related and contrasting.

Combination of related colors

Combination of related and contrasting colors

Combinations of related colors - This is a restrained and balanced color scheme; there are no sharp contrasts in it.

Combinations of related-contrasting colors are combinations of related colors and contrasting pairs. They are brighter and provide greater opportunities for creativity.

But when combining related and contrasting colors, you need to be careful. Ideal combinations are considered to be combinations of two colors in which the number of unifying main colors and the number of contrasting main colors are the same.

Particularly harmonious are the combinations of two colors, which in a circle are located at the ends of vertical and horizontal chords.

Now let's conditionally divide the circle into upper and lower halves. In the upper half there is all the warm range, in the lower half - all the cold.

Harmonious color combinations

As mentioned earlier, the color wheel is built on two contrasting pairs located opposite each other (red - green, yellow - blue).

There are harmonies of contrasting colors. If we draw the diameters through the center of the circle and continue from red to green, we will see that each shade of red corresponds to a certain shade of green. But in design, combinations of two colors are quite rare. Combinations of three colors are considered the most expressive.

1. Harmony of an equilateral triangle

2. Rectangle triangle harmony

Let's consider several options for a harmonious combination of three colors.

1. Harmony is formed by a combination of colors located at the vertices of an equilateral triangle inscribed in a circle, in which one vertex is the main color, and the opposite side is a vertical or horizontal chord.

2. Harmony is made up of colors located at the vertices of right triangles, in which the hypotenuses are the diameters of the circle, and the legs are vertical or horizontal chords.

3. Harmony is made up of colors located at the vertices of obtuse triangles, in which the vertex of the obtuse angle is one of the main colors, and the opposite side is a vertical or horizontal chord.

4. In addition, there are also combinations of four related and contrasting colors. You can get such harmonies by inscribing a rectangle in a circle. The colors located at the ends of the diagonals of the rectangle are contrasting, the other pairs are related and contrasting.

Exposure to flowers

We have already said that color has a symbolic meaning and serves as a means of self-expression. In addition, color also has a strong psychological effect. Goethe also noted that different colors evoke a certain state of mind: yellow evokes joy, blue evokes sadness, green calms.

Already in ancient times, colors had symbolic meaning. Thus, white was reserved for the aristocracy, and green, gray and brown were the common colors of rural residents. Black, purple, dark green and gray expressed sadness.

When designing a suit, the designer must always remember that a suit is the most “close” household item to a person. By putting on clothes, we often unconsciously create a certain mood in ourselves.

Of course, color is an integral element of the suit's shape. With the help of color, we are able to obtain additional aesthetic information about the function of the costume, its intended use for a particular social or age group, etc.

In addition, color is a signal of our personality, reflecting our attitude, lifestyle and temperament.

People who prefer bright colors are sensitive and emotional. If preference is given to neutral colors, then such a person is characterized by strict self-control, pedantry and a low-emotional attitude towards the world.

The mental impact of color was formed and developed along with human evolution. Over the course of thousands of years, certain relationships between colors and living conditions have formed in people's minds.

Colors were symbols of life and death, joy and sorrow. But among different peoples, the same color served as an expression of different emotions.

For Europeans, white represents purity and innocence, while in Japan, white clothing is a symbol of mourning.

Color perception

Emotional perception is just as complex and multifaceted. Thus, we perceive the colors of fire and the sun (red and orange) as warm, and the colors of water and ice (blue and indigo) as cold. All light colors seem light and airy to us, while dark colors seem heavy and solid.

When choosing the color of a suit for a party, remember that colors change their characteristics under artificial lighting. So, in low light, orange and red colors fade, “fade out,” and blue and blue-green become more active and bright; in poor twilight lighting, red and orange become deeper and seem to fade into the background, while green and blue, on the contrary, brighten and come to the fore.

Warm, fresh, pure colors evoke a feeling of joy, cheerfulness and well-being (these are golden, yellow, orange, and pink), cold and low-saturated colors seem sad, sad and dull.

It has long been known that people’s reactions to color are very similar and that colors have completely objective properties, knowledge of which will help you correctly select and harmoniously combine colors with each other, achieving the desired image using clothing.

Color Meanings

The red color in clothing reflects readiness for action, impulsiveness, and authority. It has a positive effect if it makes up no more than 50% of the entire appearance. Blue color gives solidity, confidence, spirituality and adherence to traditions. Yellow brings sociability and inconstancy to the suit. In large quantities it tires. In combination with gray and blue, it creates the effect of intelligence. Dark green color is stability, creditworthiness, conservatism. Clothes in brown tones evoke a feeling of trust, stability, predictability. A light gray suit is restraint and intelligence. Gray combined with pink is elegance. White creates distance, so it should be used carefully in a business suit.

Of course, a person has a huge number of shades of mood, and the number of color shades is just as large. Many artists addressed the problem of the impact of color on the psyche and even tried to build theories on how to create certain emotional states using color solutions.


If you are creating an ensemble of two or more light shades, make sure that one of them is dominant, otherwise your image will be blurry. White is considered a chameleon color: it easily combines with all other colors. It should be remembered that pink is a fattening color. It is better to use it for decoration, and choose a darker one as the main tone. Do not allow boundaries between the color, texture or pattern of the fabric in the place that you would like to hide.

Concluding the lesson, we note that modern fashion is very democratic and does not give preference to any color. A huge number of new colors appear: the color of metal, silver, gold, old bronze, soap bubbles, shiny surfaces and luminous “acid” colors. Each designer prefers one color or another and has his own color strategy.

Japanese designer I. Miyake uses only “joyful” colors. He believes that clothes should evoke positive emotions and joy. French couturier C. Lacroix has a rare gift for color. In his models, he uses unexpected combinations of fabrics, patterns and textures.

By choosing individual colors, shades and combinations, the designer gives the costume a certain emotional connotation: festive, businesslike, sad or tragic. As we have said many times, modern fashion does not dictate, but recommends. Therefore, when choosing a color scheme, consult with the fashion trend, but give preference to the color scheme that appeals to you most.

Lesson #6.

Taking into account the color system to create a harmonious composition. Contrast and nuance.

Color harmony- this is the consistency of colors among themselves as a result of the found proportionality of their areas and shapes, balance and consonance, based on finding a unique shade of each color. This harmony should evoke certain positive feelings and sensations in a person.

Harmonic combinations, according to the nature of psychophysiological perception, they are usually divided into five color groups: monochromatic harmonious combinations of colors, harmonious combinations of related colors, harmonious combinations of contrasting colors, harmonious combinations of related-contrasting colors and harmonic combinations “Triad”.

The first thing we have to get acquainted with is the classification of colors. What colors can we name right away? Basically, these are the basic colors that children draw in the rainbow, and so that it would not be so difficult for us, let’s work on these rules specifically for them. EVERY HUNTER WANTS TO KNOW WHERE THE PHEASANT SITS – sound familiar? Certainly! This is the rule for which color follows which on the color wheel. And it looks like this:

There are more complex color wheels, for example:

The first group of harmonious colors is:

Monochrome (one-color) harmonic combinations built on the basis of one color. On a more complex circle, the scale will be one color and will be a monochrome harmonious combination. They are created by combining a chosen color with its light and dark shades, obtained by adding white and black. As a result, you can achieve, on the one hand, a strong tonal contrast, and on the other, subtle color relationships. The overall color tone gives monochromatic combinations a calm, balanced character.

For example, color palettes used by designers:

The second harmonious combination is related (analogous) harmonic colors, the name already makes it clear that the colors are “relatives”, these are those colors that are located next to each other in the color wheel, for example:

In designer palettes it looks like this:

Due to their proximity, these colors are easy to combine. This harmony can have a lot of depth, it is characterized by rich originality and an elegant appearance. The harmony of related colors is based on the similarity of color tones and evokes a feeling of balance and calm. Even with a slight tonal contrast, the color unity of paints always maintains internal stability and nobility.

Third group: harmony of contrasting (complementary, opposite) colors are created by using two colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel.

This technique is usually used to create accents, since combinations of these pairs of colors have the greatest color contrast, causing an active sound, tension and dynamism of the composition. This allows one color to complement another in such a way that one is the focal point while the other is the background. When using such a combination, it is very important to maintain proportions when there is much more background color and its sound is less significant than the dominant color accent on its background.

Let's look at examples of such a combination

One color is leading, the remaining colors surround it and their number by mass is much greater.

There is a more complex combination of harmonious contrasting colors according to the principle "Triad". This is a type of harmonious combination of contrasting colors of four colors, in which there are two pairs of colors located opposite each other. There are also various harmonious color combinations based on a rectangle (four harmonious colors) and a pentagon (five harmonious colors), however, such combinations are only possible for experienced designers.

When working with such a combination, you need to understand that this is the strongest sound of almost all colors, and you can balance such a gamut by immersing them in an environment where they would not interfere with each other, but remain full (equal in sound), such combinations look good against a very light background or in a dark environment.

The concept is often used "Triad". This harmonious combination is based on three colors of the color wheel that are equidistant from each other. These colors exhibit very distinct and strong color combinations, but are the most difficult to create correctly. To achieve harmony in a triad, one color is taken as the main color, and the other two are used for accents.

This scheme is popular among artists because it offers strong visual contrast while maintaining balance and color saturation. This composition looks quite lively even when using pale and desaturated colors. But in fact, these principles are very complex, they need to be approached carefully so that you don’t end up with a “psychedelic vinaigrette” in which a person will feel uncomfortable.

The fourth group is harmonious combination of related and contrasting colors. The most common type of color harmonies, forming an isosceles triangle on the color wheel. Here harmony is achieved through the use of a color and colors adjacent to its complement. These colors are softer than simply combining two complementary colors. A characteristic feature of the compilation harmonious combinations of related and contrasting colors is the priority of related colors, where the additional (opposite in the circle) color is present in the composition by no more than 10-20%. This combination is one of the most expressive, complex and deep. You can admire them endlessly.

All colors are divided into two categories: warm and cold. Cold ones are based on blue-blue shades, and warm ones, in turn, are yellow-red.


They can be called in general related flowers, and create harmonious combinations according to the four principles listed above.


Cool colors can also be designated as related.

And one more point: colors, or rather their shades, can be classified as a group of completely opposite colors. Thus, pink, which initially can be classified as a warm color, can be a cool color in a certain shade, for example:

And there are a lot of such examples, even the warmest color yellow can be cold in a certain shade, such miracles are found in the world of color!

The main thing is to know that any harmonious composition is built either on the principles of contrast (contrast of colors, tones) or on the principles of nuance (monochrome or uniform color combinations).


Contrast- this is a strongly pronounced difference in properties, both the color of the material and the spatial forms, given in their comparison. For example, light - dark, high - low, large - small. Nuance means a subtle transition and characterizes slight differences in the properties of colors that have similarities. In landscape art, it is especially interesting to use the color nuances of plants, selected for summer, autumn effects or for a given color scheme.

In the landscape, when working with color, it is important to consider:

That in order to visually enlarge a small area, it is necessary to abandon a wide variety of color combinations and bright contrasts;

That the blue tones of plants placed in the background will visually increase the size of the area;

That a large proportion of green in the garden allows you to use a variety of tones and colors when creating compositions;

That bright, contrasting compositions should be balanced by a calm background and make up 10-15% of the total selected color tone.

When starting to create any composition, be it a composition of trees and shrubs or herbaceous plants (perennials, annuals), you need to decide on the color, look at the color wheel again and do not forget about the shape of the plant material and its texture. As Tatyana Koisman, an expert on creating flower beds, advises, we repeat “... like a spell: color, shape, texture; color, shape, texture..."

Related colors - harmonious flower garden

Related colors - flower garden on nuances

Related colors - bright flower garden

Opposite colors - contrasting composition

Monochrome composition of one color

Monochrome composition based on one tone.

Color theory

Chromatic colors

If for achromatic colors the main and only property is the ability to change in lightness, then for chromatic colors the main property is the ability to change in color tone. Their other two properties, such as saturation and lightness, are controlled using achromatic colors.

Color saturation
decreases with a change in color lightness (darker - lighter).

One of the key concepts in color science. We have a constant need to lighten or darken a color. In both cases, the color loses its brightness (saturation). It is either whitened or “blackened”. The object is extinguished, removed from our attention. All attention remains on the brightest color! In addition to controlling our attention, the level of saturation can create the overall color scheme, the flavor of the work (in muted tones, in bright colors, in silver, etc.).

Primary colors

All the diversity of the white light spectrum is based on the interaction - red, yellow, blue and green. These are the primary colors for paints and do not contain any extraneous shades of color.

Optical mixing allows you to create any other color using only three primary colors - red, yellow and blue.

A two-color spinning top (the colors at the ends of the diagonal of the color wheel) turns white when rotated.

Additional colors

Each pair of four primary colors adds up to white, which is why they are called complementary. In a circle they are located opposite each other, red opposite green, and yellow opposite blue. Primary colors do not contain admixtures of other colors.

Any other color in between is also complementary to the color located on the opposite side of the circle.

Why know this? If you like extremely bright, ringing works, create a color contrast in each piece, that is, next to the color you have chosen, place a color complementary to it. These pairs are easy to find in the color wheel (they are at the ends of any of its diagonals).
Contrasting colors , these are the same pairs of colors that complement each other.

Related colors

All combinations of colors chosen within one quarter of the color wheel represent a group of related colors.

Blood kinship here is replaced by kinship by color. The orange range in its mixtures contains two primary colors in different proportions - red and yellow, the light green range contains yellow and green, etc.

Let's see how the pattern in the circles changes, depending on the choice of one or another group of related colors. Whichever group you choose, the color scheme will be soft and friendly. For children, this is the most understandable type of color combination.

Related-contrasting color combinations

This principle of color harmonization is very often found in the practice of artists. It resembles the action of a colored filter (or light source), which, with its color, unites everything that is visible through it.

Those colors that are in two adjacent quarters of the color wheel are related by family-contrast relationships.
If you take any basic color, then its neighboring quarters can be used to obtain related and contrasting combinations. Primary colors (red, yellow, green, blue) are not included in these combinations. Why? They are all pure, without any admixture of other shades.

The groups are related, since they contain one basic color common to all, the one that separates the neighboring quarters. But the groups are also contrasting, since one of them contains an impurity that is contrasting in color to the impurity of another group of intermediate colors.

These color combinations are attractive because of their cheerful, but not flashy, contrast.

So, related combinations belong to one quarter of the color wheel, and related-contrasting, two adjacent quarters.

Cool color combinations

Blue colour and its shades evoke feelings of cold.

How to choose a combination of cool colors without knowing where they are! Everyone knows about the existence of warm and cold colors. What's the use of that? The artist constantly tells himself, this needs to be made warmer, and this needs to be made colder, and he often repeats the same thing to the children, or asks them about it. They also talk about warm and cold colors (color combinations).

Warm color combinations

Half of the color wheel that contains yellow color and its shades evoke sensations of the warmth of sunlight.

Usually, such an explanation is enough for children. Warm and cold, related, these are the combinations that do not raise questions.

Achromatic colors

If we exclude the color component from the colors of the white spectrum, then in their place only colorless gray tones will remain, belonging to “achromatic colors”. Black and white tones form an intermediate gradation of gray shades.

Achromatic colors can only vary in lightness. This is their only property that plays a key role in changing the properties of chromatic colors (saturation and lightness of color tone).

Tone Contrast

The phenomenon of contrast is characterized by the mutual strengthening of two opposing opposites. Good and evil, light and darkness, life and death, all these and many other extremes cannot do without each other. But these are precisely extremes. Their place is at the extreme boundaries of any phenomenon. And the closer they happen to come into contact with each other, the more noticeable to us is their confrontation. The desire for mutual rejection is similar to the interaction of magnetic poles with opposite signs. As they get closer, the repulsive forces increase.

The contrast can be weakened or enhanced.
The greatest contrast occurs along the line of contact of tones. He is called regional .

Blurring the boundaries of a spot or reducing its tonal difference with the background weakens contrast .


In art everything is relative. What looks white on a black background turns out to be gray on a white background.

It takes sufficient experience to confidently say which of the presented row of gray squares is on a black background.

The corrective influence of the brain on visual perception is most clearly manifested in the way we perceive contrasting color and light combinations.

You need to enhance something that cannot be enhanced, such as white. Place it on a black background and the goal is achieved, white will appear even whiter.

Rules for combining colors in clothes

When choosing a dress, you can make a mistake not only with the style, but also with the color. Each of us has our favorite colors, but the problem is that the colors and paints that we like do not always coincide with those that really suit us and make us more attractive.

So, in order for the effect to meet our expectations, it is necessary to follow the laws of color, take into account the compatibility of colors with each other and with the elements of the environment, our type, with the aromas that we use. In skillful hands, color becomes an effective tool for the conscious formation of an individual image.

First, let's look at the main characteristics of color, as this is the basis for its correct use.

All colors are divided into chromatic containing red, blue or other colors, and achromatic—shades of gray ranging from white to black.

Changes in brightness and saturation cause shades of color to appear. For example, if you add white to saturated red, you get pale pink, and if you add black to reflected light, you get brown—all these are changes in the brightness and saturation of color. Shades are very important for harmony in color combinations.

3 color characteristics:

Brightness- indicates whether the color is light or dark. The color with the highest turnout is white, which is the lightest color. The color with the lowest brightness is black, which is the darkest color. Among the chromatic colors, the color with the highest brightness is yellow.

Saturation- indicates saturation or pallor. Two shades of the same tone may differ in the degree of fade. For example, as the saturation decreases, the blue color moves closer to gray.

Color tone- indicates differences in shades of red, blue, yellow.
Indicates shades of spectral colors. Shades that smoothly pass into each other from red to violet, like in a rainbow, and are closed in a ring are called color wheel. This circle shows all the colors that we can see in everyday life, excluding achromatic ones—white and black.

Color wheel are called red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet colors (colors of the rainbow), closed in a ring. The colors of the spectrum, smoothly transitioning into each other, form a huge number of other colors. Thanks to ideas about the color wheel, it will be easier for us to select color combinations.

Related colors- these are colors located on the color wheel within 30 degrees of a particular color, which becomes the basis for selecting colors (key color). When selecting colors, changes in brightness and saturation are used. If you take yellow as a key color in a color wheel of 12 colors, the related color will, in fact, be yellow.

Contrasting colors- these are the colors that are within 90 degrees of the color opposite the color that is the basis for the color selection (key color). Emphasized differences in tones give the effect of supporting each other. If you take yellow as the key color, the contrasting colors will be blue, blue-violet and violet. The color opposite the key color is also called a complementary color; for yellow, the complementary color is blue.

Related-contrasting colors- these are colors located on the color wheel within 90 degrees, including the color that becomes the basis for color selection (key color). Combining similar colors gives harmony. If we take yellow as the key color, related contrasting colors would be yellow-green, green, yellow-orange and red-orange.

1. Related-contrasting colors 2. Additional color

Warm colors: red, orange, yellow. They give a boost of energy and evoke positive emotions.

Cool colors: green-blue, blue, purple. They evoke melancholy, a quiet, thoughtful mood.

When choosing our color, we, consciously or not, take into account our type of appearance. As you know, there are four types - Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn. It is recommended to use a maximum of three colors. One of them will dominate the image, the second will emphasize and shade it, and the third will place accents, depending on what we want to emphasize. However, other color combinations are also very useful.

1. Monochromatic combination

Only one color is used, but with all the variety of tones, from the lightest to the darkest.

The so-called consonance of shades is very important. They must be in the same color range.

2. Achromatic. We use black, gray and white. And we place bright color accents with the help of accessories - brooches, bracelets, scarves. The best part is that these colors go with absolutely any color. For the classic version, white and black are enough.

3. Complimentary

Creative people especially like this combination, because it allows you to combine contrasting colors.
Creative people, as practice and surveys show, prefer three main pairs of colors in clothes: orange and blue, purple and yellow, red and green. By combining such contrasting colors, you add dynamics to the image and attract attention to yourself. However, many people think that the combination of red and green in clothes looks too tasteless. But in this case it is important to choose the right shades.

4. Harmonious. This combination of colors is always strictly consistent and pleasing to the eye. The colors complement each other appropriately, creating balance and harmony in the image.

6 laws of color combinations in clothing that should not be violated

Law 1: Combination of no more than 4 colors
The image should use from 2 to 4 colors. If you use only 1 color, it creates a feeling of dullness and paleness. Using more than 4 colors, you can look like a parrot. When they see such an image, people's eyes jump from one color to another, not knowing where to stop. Unconsciously, this increases people's anxiety and causes them to call your clothes "sloppy."

2nd law: The color ratio is not equal: 1 or 2 primary colors + additional colors.
Clothes must have a main color, which is larger in area, and some additional colors, which are smaller.
For example, a blue knee-length dress, a blue scarf and black shoes (blue is the main one).
Keep in mind that not only the color of clothing plays a big role, but also the color of tights, hair, bags, even the packages we hold in our hands. Those. everything that is currently with us or on us.

3rd law: Black, white, gray go with all colors.
Universal colors that can complement any other color are gray, black, white. Keep in mind that visually white color expands, black narrows.
These colors are best used for basic items, which will then be complemented by bright accessories or colored items. When choosing between red, blue and black shoes, it is better to choose black ones. They will go with everything in your wardrobe.

Law 4: All pastel colors go together regardless of shade.
Pastel colors are beige, peach, pink, light blue, etc. Those. all colors that add a lot of white. These colors can be combined with each other in any order. Be careful with pink - the only color that looks fat.

Law 5: The bottom should be 1-3 shades darker than the top (white is an exception).
An important rule is one that allows you to visually make your figure lighter and slimmer. The base (bottom) should be stronger, more stable, and therefore darker. The top should be lighter, more transparent, lighter. Like, for example, in nature: a tree that has a brown trunk and light green leaves. By breaking this rule, you look like an inverted triangle with broad, heavy shoulders and a narrow pelvis.

Law 6: Related or contrasting colors are combined.
You can combine either related or contrasting colors with each other. All other options are inharmonious.

Related- these are colors that differ from each other in shade (red, pink, dark red)

Beige shades of different lightness, cream, shades of cocoa and coffee, rich shades of brown (chocolate, chestnut) go well together.

It will help you choose your color, print, texture and combine colors correctly color combination table.


Dull yellow

Probably everyone, when creating clothes or choosing a wardrobe, thought about color combinations of fabrics. This is very important, since the right colors of clothing create harmony with your own color.
To select the correct color, designers and stylists use Itten’s color theory. This theory is useful for everyone to know so as not to limit their choice of clothing. Itten’s theory is also used by interior designers, artists, and photographers.
So, before you is the Itten circle. It consists of three groups of colors:
Group 1: primary colors (red, yellow, blue) - these colors exist independently in nature, all other colors are derived from them;
Group 2: secondary colors are a mixture of two primary colors (orange, green, purple);
Group 3: tertiary colors are a mixture of primary and secondary colors.

Exists four groups of color combinations:

1. Related colors(analog) – any three colors located side by side in a ¼ circle.

2. Contrasting colors- diametrically opposite colors on the color wheel. These are bright combinations, dynamic, moody, cheerful.

3. Related-contrasting combinations– located in two adjacent quarters of the color wheel. For example, blue-green and yellow-green are related because they are connected by one of the main colors (pure green), and at the same time they are contrasting: they contain admixtures of additional ones - blue and yellow.
There are 4 groups of related-contrasting colors:
1) yellow-red and red-blue;
2) red-blue and blue-green;
3) blue-green and green-yellow;
4) green-yellow and yellow-red.
An example from the interior, but the same can be done in clothes:

4. Monochrome colors- This is one color of different lightness.

Types of colors.
1. Chromatic (colored).
2. Achromatic (white, black, gray).

Color perception.
The black background makes the color pop.
A white background makes the color darker.
Orange makes red look dull.

Characteristics of color.

There are 3 color characteristics:

2) saturation;
3) lightness.

Color background- the main characteristic of color. Divided into warm and cold tones. Warm colors are reminiscent of summer, sun, fire. Cold - winter, ice, water.

In this figure, they are divided into warm and cold colors on the Itten circle, but each of their colors can be made warm or cold: if we add black to the main color, the color will become warmer, and if white, it will become colder. You can also add yellow to the main color - you get a warm color, or blue - you get a cool color.

Or the brightness of a color is determined by two characteristics:
- bright color;
- muted color.
Gray color creates muted shades:

- This is the depth of color, as opposed to white or black.
White – brightens the color, gives softness, pastel.
Black color makes the color dark, heavy, and takes away the brightness.

Features of color.

Reduce, distance - cold, dark, matte.
They enlarge, bring closer - warm, light, shiny, pearlescent.

Based on this, we can write about the properties of the fabric:
- shiny fabrics (satin, satin) – reflect light (plump);
- matte fabrics (wool) – absorb light (make them thin).

Harmonious color combination:

Red – green, gray, blue.
Bordeaux – black, blue, beige.
Orange – purple, pale blue, bright blue.
Yellow – purple, blue, green, brown.
Dark green – brown, beige.
Pale green – dark green, gray, purple.
Purple – light and dark shades of green, yellow.
Brown – orange, red, beige, gray.
Blue – red, gray, burgundy, orange yellow.
Pink - blue, burgundy, brown, gray.
Blue – red, brown, blue, orange, light purple.

To be continued...