Types of Cucumbers – What You Need to Know About Cucumbers! The best varieties of cucumbers: description and photo We choose together the best varieties of cucumbers for pickling, eating raw, salads

All varieties of cucumbers, depending on the time of ripening, are divided into early ripening, late ripening and mid-ripening. Depending on the climate, growing conditions, watering and fertilizing, the harvest time may increase or decrease. According to the method of using the fruits, pickling, salad and universal varieties are distinguished.

Among the early ripening varieties, the most popular are Universal, Shchedry 118, Zozulya (TSHA-77), Konkurent, Vyaznikovsky 37, Muromsky, Cascade.

- a common salad variety, which, with proper care, has good yield. The first collection of greens is carried out 5-6 weeks after the appearance of young plants above the surface of the substrate. Cucumbers are resistant to early short-term frosts and are immune to most viral diseases. The fruits are elongated ovoid, with small tubercles, pale green in color, with light pubescence, about 8 cm long.
Vyaznikovsky 37- mid-season variety, adapted for cultivation in open beds. The growing season is about 1.5 months. If you follow the rules of care, the yield can be up to 2.5 kg per 1 m2 of garden area. The fruits are elongated, with small tubercles, black spines and whitish pubescence, colored in a light green shade. The length of the ripe fruit is about 13 cm, weight - up to 130 g.

- a popular mid-season variety intended for salting and pickling. Immune to olive spot and some others infectious diseases. The growing season ranges from 1.5 to 2 months. When grown indoors on a nutrient substrate, the yield of this variety of cucumber can reach 19-20 kg per 1 m2 of area. The fruits are cylindrical, elongated, with sparse fascicle-shaped spines and large tubercles. Resistant to yellowing. The length of ripe greens is from 18 to 23 cm, weight no more than 300 g.

Cascade- a common early-ripening cucumber variety that requires additional soil moisture. Lack of water leads to the formation of defective fruits irregular shape. The growing season lasts about 6 weeks. Young greens are very tasty, with juicy, crispy flesh and large tubercles on the outer skin.
Competitor- a high-yielding pickling variety with elongated stems and very tasty fruits. Used only for cultivation in open ground. Is immune to powdery mildew, resistant to bacterial spot. The growing season is about 1.5 months, the yield reaches 2.5 kg per 1 m2 of usable area. The fruits are cylindrical or elongated oval, with large tubercles, sparse pubescence and black small spines. The length of ripe greens is about 12 cm, weight - up to 95 g.
Muromsky- an early variety of cucumber intended for pickling. Is immune to olive spot. The growing season lasts approximately 4 weeks. The fruits are ovoid, pale green, quickly becoming yellowish. The length of the greens is about 10 cm.
Universal- a popular early ripening variety that, with proper care, gives bountiful harvest. The fruits are elongated or almost oval, with large tubercles and dark pubescence. The length of the greens does not exceed 16 cm.

Generous 118- a common pickling variety with high yield. The fruits are medium-sized, cylindrical in shape, resistant to early yellowing.

Mid-season varieties are distinguished by good yield and pleasant taste of the greens pulp. The most popular varieties are Kustovoy 98, Neroshimy 40, Rodnichok, Harvest 86, Farmer.

Kustovaya 98- a pickling variety with shortened stems. Cultivated only in open ground. The growing season is about 1.5 months, the yield reaches 2.5-2.7 kg per 1 m2 of garden area. The fruits are elongated or ovoid, triangular in cut, with rounded corners, coarsely tuberculate, with black spines. The length of the greens is about 12 cm, weight up to 130 g.

Neroshimy 40- a widespread salad variety of cucumber with a growing season of about 2 months. Is immune to olive spot. The fruits are ovoid, slightly elongated, with well-developed tubercles. The length of ready-to-harvest greens is 18-20 cm.

fontanel- a hybrid variety with elongated stems, used for salting, pickling and canning. The fruits are very tasty, with dense juicy pulp, without bitterness. This variety is intended for cultivation in greenhouses and permanent greenhouses. The growing season does not exceed 2 months. Productivity at good care reaches 20-23 kg per 1 m2 of usable area. The fruits are cylindrical, with small tubercles and sparse dark small spines. The length of ripe greens is about 12 cm, weight - no more than 100 g.

Harvest 86- a common variety with stems middle length, cultivated mainly in open ground and intended for salting and pickling. Undemanding to abundant watering, is drought resistant. Young greens are very tasty, with juicy crispy flesh. The growing season does not exceed 2 months, the yield reaches 2.3-2.5 kg per 1 m2 of garden area. The fruits are elliptical in shape, the cut has a triangular outline, the peel is covered with black sparse small spines. The length of the fruit, ready for harvest, reaches 12 cm, weight - 175 g.

Farmer- a popular variety with good yield. Designed for cultivation in open ground, as well as in permanent greenhouses and greenhouses. Is immune to olive spot.

Late ripening, pickling and canning. IN middle lane The most popular varieties in Russia are Nezhinsky local, Aquarius, Droplet, Surprise 66.

Aquarius- a widespread variety, which, if the rules of caring for cucumbers are followed, has good yield. It is immune to peronospora, anthracnose and bacteriosis. Sensitive to drought.

droplet - productive variety, the fruits are used for cooking fresh salads and canning. Resistant to most common bacterial and viral diseases. The fruits are medium in size, with large tubercles and black bristles.

A moisture-loving pickling variety, the fruits are very tasty, with juicy, strong pulp. Ripe greens are elongated or ovoid in shape, with well-developed tubercles, the skin is colored emerald green. The length of the fruit does not exceed 12 cm.

Surprise 66- a salad variety of cucumbers with long climbing stems. Cultivated indoors from early spring. The growing season is about 2 months, the yield, subject to all recommended care conditions, reaches 19-20 kg per 1 m2 of substrate area. The fruits are elongated, cylindrical in shape, with large tubercles and small white spines, the color of the skin is dark green, the pulp is very juicy and tasty. The length of the greens, ready for harvest, reaches 18-20 cm, weight - about 170 g.

We love cucumber different peoples, breeders are developing more and more new varieties. Knowing what types of cucumbers there are and how the varieties differ, it is easy to choose the one suitable for your region and get a rich harvest. Varieties differ in several respects.

Pollination method

Common cucumbers are dioecious plants with male and female flowers. In order for the ovary to form, bees, bumblebees and other insects transfer pollen from flower to flower. These cucumbers are bee pollinated.

Self-pollinating cucumbers are characterized by the presence of stamens and a pistil on each flower, so pollination occurs without much hassle. They can be grown both in open ground and in a greenhouse.

Parthenocarpic cucumbers were bred specifically for greenhouses; a greenhouse icon is painted on the bag with such seeds. If you plant them in open ground and bees pollinate them by mistake, the cucumbers may grow hooked or pear-shaped.

Pollination of cucumber flowers

Note! Most parthenocarpic varieties are hybrids.

The F1 icon marks bags of hybrid seeds for open ground. These seeds are obtained by crossing different varieties. The number “1” indicates that these are hybrids in the first generation and they do not form cucumber seeds, that is, it is impossible to obtain seeds for planting from them.

However, hybrids also have undeniable advantages: they are more resistant to diseases and temperature changes, and are more productive.

A striking representative of parthenocarpic cucumbers is the famous Baku cucumber, reminiscent of a cartridge, no larger in size index finger. It has a slightly astringent taste. You can find it in stores at any time of the year.

Baku cucumbers

Method of use

Cucumbers eaten only in fresh, are called salad cucumbers, these cucumbers are mostly smooth.

Pickling cucumbers are pimply, usually small size. Sometimes they are also called gherkins.

Universal cucumbers are the most widespread; they are consumed both fresh and salted, pickled, and canned.

"Shirts" of cucumbers

This is what gardeners called the appearance of the skin; it’s worth taking a closer look at it.

The “German shirt” has longitudinal stripes, frequent tubercles and spines not only on the tubercles, but also between them; they even make the cucumber seem fluffy. The size of such a cucumber is no more than 12 cm.

The “Dutch shirt” is covered with frequent tubercles with spines at their ends. Dutch cucumbers are larger than German ones and often have bouquet ovaries characteristic of gherkins.

“Russian (Slavic, Eastern) shirt” - with rather sparse, randomly scattered tubercles, which are covered with black or brown spines.

Cucumbers have an “Asian shirt” without thorns, smooth, and quite large.

Cucumbers without thorns

If the fruits still have rare tubercles, then we are talking about a “Korean-Japanese shirt”.

Special mention should be made about white-thorn and black-thorn cucumbers. White-thorn cucumbers are classified as salad cucumbers; it would be a mistake to pickle them, since the salt solution does not penetrate through the thick skin. Blackthorns have thin skin and thrive in pickles.

Ripening period

Early-ripening cucumbers bear fruit on the 40th day after planting, mid-ripening cucumbers bear fruit on the 45th day, and on late-ripening cucumbers the first fruit appears only after 50 days.

Usually, the ovaries formed 9-14 days after pollination are removed, but in some cases, cucumbers are removed earlier for pickling. Gherkins are 7-9 day old ovaries measuring 5-7 cm, and very tiny pickles are 3-5 day old ovaries

White cucumbers

Work on breeding cucumbers white were carried out back in the mid-60s of the last century, today it has been possible to obtain many varieties. Their advantage over ordinary ones is a sweeter taste and cold resistance, allowing them to bear fruit until the first frost. Otherwise they are the same as their green counterparts.

White cucumbers

Varieties of white cucumbers:

  • Salt and Pepper, selected by a scientist from the USA, is a rounded white cucumber with black spots reminiscent of ground black pepper.
  • Crystal Lemon was bred by Australian breeders. Shaped like a white lemon, it seems to be filled with life-giving moisture.
  • Dragon eggs have a round shape, flattened at the ends, snow-white flesh and a greenish jelly-like core with seeds.
  • The angel is distinguished by longitudinal stripes of white and green.

Long-fruited cucumbers

Among the cucumbers there are real heroes up to 1.5 m long and weighing up to 5 kg. When growing them, you cannot do without support in the form of a trellis, since the length of the lash reaches 4 meters. Some gardeners place them near the fence. Let's look at the features of these cucumbers.

Armenian cucumber

It has good seed germination and is resistant to temperature changes. Its fruit has longitudinal grooves, is slightly ribbed, covered with light fluff and has a melon aroma, for which it received the name Silver or Serpentine Melon. Can reach 50 cm in length. It stores quite well and is subject to any type of salting.

Armenian cucumber

Chinese cucumber

The length of the fruit reaches 80 cm, in most cases it has a smooth Asian shirt; pickling it is contraindicated. It should be consumed on the same day that it is picked, as the fruit dries quickly. In China, it is used in the preparation of traditional spicy vegetable salads.

It has a low seed germination rate, only up to 25%. It produces few side shoots, so it can be planted more densely.

Trichosanth serpentine

Its homeland is the subtropics and tropics of South and Southeast Asia, where it is very popular. Even the stems, leaves and tendrils of the plant are eaten there. Ripe yellow, orange fruits with red flesh are eaten raw, stewed and boiled.

Its fruit is a cross between a cucumber and a pumpkin, but more tender and sweet than a cucumber, reaches a length of up to 1 m and up to 10 cm in diameter, and weighs 1-5 kg.

Trichosanth serpentine

Interesting! To prevent the fruit from bending, a stone is tied to its end.

The snow-white flowers of this Japanese cucumber are very beautiful, looking like snowflakes.


Its homeland is the tropics of Africa, but it also grows in Vietnam, for which it received the name Vietnamese cucumber - a cross between zucchini, cucumber and pumpkin. The vines reach 15 m and are used to make all kinds of wickerwork. Unripe fruits have a bitter, spicy taste and are used as food.

The hard peel of dried overripe fruits is used to make smoking pipes, utensils, musical instruments. Depending on the shape of the fruit, Lagenaria is distinguished as serpentine, bottle-shaped, and log-shaped. Lagenaria African Teapot is interesting with a long thin neck and roundness at the bottom, the length of the fruit reaches 1 m. Large beautiful flowers lagenaria bloom after sunset. The plant cannot withstand even slight frost and dies at sub-zero temperatures.

Exotic varieties of cucumbers

On a note. All exotic types of cucumbers have unusual names, but they can be grown on a windowsill, loggia or balcony, like ordinary local crops, and even get a small harvest. In addition, they are very decorative. It is only important not to allow the soil to dry out when growing.

Momordica charantia

Has beautiful bright yellow flowers with subtle aroma jasmine, momordica are often used in landscape design for decorating gazebos. Fruits are 10-20 cm long, covered with projections different sizes, like crocodile skin, and are shaped like a spindle, pointed at both ends.

The green fruits of momordica are used for food like ordinary cucumbers. The skin of the momordica is a little bitter, but it makes up for it beneficial properties: it cleanses blood vessels and improves visual acuity. Ripe momordica is a yellow cucumber with a beautiful pattern and dark ruby ​​flesh, reminiscent of a persimmon. An overripe fruit cracks into 3 parts and looks like a crocodile with red-brown seeds in its “mouth.” Momordica is propagated with these seeds seedling method. It is enough to wash them in a solution of potassium permanganate; they should not be soaked, otherwise they may rot. They are planted edgewise.

Young shoots and leaves of momordica are also used for food, but it should be remembered that before fruiting begins, the stems of momordica sting like nettles.

Momordica charantia


Originally from Africa. Its fruit has a round, slightly elongated shape with sparse tubercles on the skin, at first green with beautiful stains, and as it ripens, orange with green, sweet and sour jelly-like pulp, which is scooped out with a spoon. There is not enough daylight for kiwano to ripen in the northern regions, but breeders have developed the first variety, Green Dragon, specifically for our climate.

The pulp of the fruit is healing for cardiovascular diseases, promotes the healing of wounds and bleeding, and is used in cosmetics in the form of masks. Green kiwano fruits can be pickled or pickled, and jam can be made from ripe ones.

The hard peel of ripe kiwano fruits allows them to be stored at room temperature almost until spring.


Its scientific name translates as “watermelon cucumber.”

Antillean Anguria was cultivated by the Indians. Anguria Syrian, or Syrian cucumber, has smaller fruits than the Antillean one.

The beautiful leaves of anguria look like watermelon, and the green fruits on long thick stalks with numerous soft green spines look like the fruits of a mad cucumber. Unripe fruits are juicy and elastic, like a regular cucumber, they can be eaten fresh, pickled and pickled. As the fruits ripen, they become orange or red and taste unpalatable.

Melotria rough

These marbled white-green mini watermelons, measuring just 1.5-2.5 cm in size, are native to equatorial Africa. In addition to being edible, melotria has a decorative value - it has beautiful smooth cucumber leaves, yellow single female or male flowers collected in inflorescences. With the help of melotria, landscaping of gazebos and rotundas is achieved in a short time. Melotria's roots are also edible; their taste and shape resemble an elongated radish or sweet potato; they are collected after the cucumber harvest is completed.

Melotria rough

The skin of the melotria fruit is sour, for which it is nicknamed “sour gherkin.”

Note! Its fruits and roots are contraindicated for gastritis and increased acidity gastric juice.

Only one variety has been obtained for planting in the middle zone - Melotria Kolibri. To grow seedlings, the seeds are not sprinkled, but covered with glass.

The same growing techniques apply to all exotic varieties of cucumbers as to ordinary ones. More often they are grown through seedlings. All of them are bee-pollinated, so they can be planted in open ground, but they also grow well in greenhouses.

Squirting cucumber

Known for its fruits, which throw seeds over a distance of more than 6 meters. The peak of its popularity came in the 60s of the last century, when it grew near the fences of many dachas and houses. Very decorative, its fragrant flowers attract bees. Its fruits are inedible; moreover, the entire plant is poisonous and in some cases, if consumed uncontrollably, can be fatal. However, the dried herb and roots of the plant are medicinal and are used in folk medicine.

Squirting cucumber

Features of growing cucumbers

Light sandy loam soils, plenty of light, and absence of drafts are the main conditions for a good harvest.

The best predecessors of cucumbers are legumes, tomatoes, potatoes and cabbage, but it is better not to plant cucumbers in the place where pumpkin plants grew last year.

It is good to plant the bed north of the cucumbers with tall crops such as corn - it will protect them from the winds.

Cucumbers should be watered as needed with warm, settled water, and before fruiting begins, water in the morning, and then in the evening, after sunset.

It is better to pick cucumbers in the morning, when they are hard and have not softened in the sun.

Important! The more often cucumbers are harvested, the more harvest they produce.

The fact that cucumbers are loved in every part of the world is evidenced by International Cucumber Day, celebrated annually on July 27.

Such a simple and well-known plant as a cucumber, it turns out, has several varieties. Knowing the types of cucumbers will help you better plan your plantings and reap a rich harvest.

When choosing suitable variety It is important to know and understand the designations that are present on the label, since the yield and successful cultivation of a particular variety of cucumbers will depend on this.

It's not always possible to get good harvest in the first year of growing new varieties. Sometimes it takes several years to figure out which types are best for your site and climate. What are the main types of cucumbers?

Types of cucumbers are distinguished by one main criterion - they are able to bear fruit with or without pollination. Varieties that do not require pollination are called parthenocarpic. They are suitable for growing in a greenhouse or in areas where there are few bees and other pollinating insects. Sometimes the packaging with such varieties has a greenhouse icon. The fruits of parthenocarpic cucumbers do not have seeds.

A variety of parthenocarpic varieties are the gynoecious species. They only form female flowers(from which the fruits are then obtained). Common cucumbers are dioecious plants and have male and female flowers. The ratio is usually 10-20 male flowers per 1 female. Therefore, they sometimes say that cucumbers bloom as barren flowers - with an overwhelming number of male flowers, the growth and pollination of female flowers does not occur and, as a result, the harvest is scanty.

It is necessary to distinguish between parthenocarpic and self-pollinating varieties of cucumbers. Self-pollinating varieties have both a pistil and a stamen in one flower, so they pollinate themselves. The fruits of such varieties, unlike parthenocarpic varieties, always have well-developed seeds.

A fairly common option is bee-pollinated varieties of cucumbers. This classic look, which implies that pollination is carried out only by bees or bumblebees. Without them, ovaries and, as a result, fruits will not appear. Both hybrids and ordinary varieties of cucumbers can be bee-pollinated.

By the way, about hybrids. This is the name given to plants obtained by crossing two varieties with a certain set of useful characteristics. When purchasing, hybrid cucumber seeds can be easily identified by the F1 marking on the bag. The plants obtained from them are characterized by increased vitality, resistance to diseases and pests, and high yield.

Types of cucumbers depending on their purpose

Other types of cucumbers are also quite common and serve specific purposes. related, for example, to procurement or other processing.

- Pickling cucumbers Ideal for pickling, canning or pickling. Their sizes, as a rule, do not exceed 10-15 cm. They are also suitable for fresh consumption, as they have a thin peel and juicy pulp.

- Gherkins. Small cucumbers measuring 5-8 cm, having a pleasant taste and crispy texture. Their size and thin skin have earned them the nickname "snack cucumbers." Gherkins usually have an elongated cylindrical shape and are often grown in a greenhouse.

- Salad cucumbers. Cucumbers of this type cannot be confused with any others. They are elongated and long, with a dense, smooth skin. Salad cucumbers are consumed fresh or added to salads. But they are not suitable for canning or pickling - the thick skin does not absorb brine well. It is these cucumbers that are most often sold on the market than others, since they last longer than their “brothers”.

Cucumbers can also differ in the color of their spines:

White-thorned - suitable only for salads;

Black-thorned - consumed fresh, used for salting and pickling.

Types of cucumbers depending on region:

Since cucumber is one of the most common plants in the world, there are a great many types of it. They are often named after the region in which they were grown.

Dutch. Narrow and elongated cucumbers, almost 30 cm long, are usually grown in a greenhouse. Fruits with thin skins get the most nutrients, but quickly lose moisture. Therefore for long-term storage they are packaged in moisture-proof cellophane bags.

Beit Alpha. This species was bred specifically for hot climates and high temperatures. They are smaller in size than Dutch cucumbers, reaching a length of 10-15 cm. And the taste and crispy structure of these cucumbers will not leave anyone indifferent. They need enhanced protection from dehydration and pests.

Asian cucumbers. The most exotic of the types of cucumbers we considered. Usually the fruits of this species are thin and prickly with a specific taste.

What kind of shirts do cucumbers have?

Cucumbers differ from each other not only in their purpose, type of pollination and other parameters, but also in the “pattern” of the peel.

We are talking about the number and size of tubercles and spines, which make it possible to classify a cucumber as one or another type. There are several basic "shirts" or designs known.

- German shirt. Cucumbers of this type have small tubercles that are located close to each other. Thorns dot not only the tubercles, but also the space between them, so the greens appear fluffy and even “prickly.” The fruits are no more than 12 cm long and have short longitudinal stripes. This type is considered ideal for pickling - through the microholes, the brine penetrates into the fruit quickly and evenly.

- Dutch shirt. Fruits “born in a Dutch shirt” are cylindrical in shape and larger than “German” ones. The tubercles on them are rounded and slightly smaller than those of the previous species. The spines are located only on the tubercles. Also, the “Dutch” are distinguished by bouquet fruiting (up to 10 ovaries or more are formed in the leaf axil). These cucumbers are great for pickling, especially if they are collected small, 5-7 cm long.

- Russian (Slavic, Eastern) shirt. Zelentsy are small, with large and sparse tubercles, dense flesh and small black or brown spines located only on the tubercles. Their length is 9-13 cm. Slavic cucumbers are ideal for pickling, canning, pickling, and also for salads. The brine slowly penetrates inside the fruit, so the cucumbers turn out crispy and tasty.

- Asian shirt. Smooth, elongated cucumbers with no tubercles or thorns. The color of the fruit is dark green, length 11-15 cm. Cucumbers of this type are consumed fresh and added to salads. They are very delicate in taste, but can sometimes taste bitter.

- Sometimes cucumbers in a “Korean-Japanese” shirt stand out. Cucumbers 15-20 cm long have an unusual pale green or white color, sparse tubercles or no tubercles at all. The greens are crispy and juicy, suitable for fresh consumption and salads. They are also resistant to fungal and bacterial diseases.

Now you know everything about the types of cucumbers and it will not be difficult for you to choose a variety that meets certain requirements(for example, a self-pollinating variety for pickling).

When choosing a cucumber variety, you should focus on several important indicators: the type of pollination, the method of growing the crop, and the purpose of the finished fruit. The classification of cucumber varieties is quite extensive and it makes sense to dwell on it in more detail.

We will provide a description of the main groups of this crop so that every farm owner can decide which type of cucumber is best to grow.

Cucumbers by pollination type

As is known, for the formation of ovaries and fruits, crops require pollination by bees or other insects. However, thanks to the efforts of modern breeders, it was possible to develop varieties of cucumbers that do not require the participation of insects for successful fruiting.

In general, according to the type of pollination, cucumbers are:

  • Parthenocarpic- varieties and hybrids that absolutely do not require pollination to produce fruits. Feature- absence of seeds in ripe cucumbers. These varieties are suitable for growing in greenhouses and cold climates.

Parthenocarpic cucumbers are often confused with self-pollinating ones, but this is incorrect. In fact, parthenocarpic varieties do not need pollination at all. These hybrids were selected specifically for closed greenhouses and areas where bees do not fly. All the flowers on the parthenocarpic bush are female; there are no male inflorescences at all. The female flower is considered to be initially pollinated (fertilized); it itself can produce a cucumber.

This structure of parthenocarpic varieties reduces the care of plants; the gardener does not have to monitor the balance of male and female inflorescences, attract bees to the site and worry about too cloudy weather in which bees do not fly.

All parthenocarpic cucumbers are hybrids, Moreover, the fruits of these varieties do not contain seeds; there are simply no seeds inside the cucumber. Therefore, in order to plant the same variety next year, you will have to purchase seeds again; they cannot be collected with your own hands from your own harvest (which is quite possible for bee-pollinated cucumbers).

Parthenocarpic varieties are an easier way to get about the same yield. The bushes have only female inflorescences, they do not need bees, hybrids are characterized by increased resistance to diseases and temperature changes. Why parthenocarpic cucumbers are loved:

  1. Easier care.
  2. Versatility- you can plant cucumbers in the ground, in a closed greenhouse, or on a balcony.
  3. Less “capriciousness” of varieties in relation to the shade. Parthenocarpic cucumbers do not need to be thinned out too much; they are less susceptible to disease and rot due to poor ventilation and low light.
  4. No need for bees.
  5. There is no need to replant seeds from male plants. All seeds are only female, they are completely self-sufficient.
  6. Equated to bee pollinated varieties yield, there are many hybrids that produce up to 20-21 kg per square meter.
  7. Good taste characteristics and lack of bitterness. Selection allows us to eliminate the substance that gives cucumbers a bitter taste. Parthenocarpic varieties can be eaten fresh and canned.

The versatility of parthenocarpic varieties puts them on a par with bee-pollinated ones. When growing this crop, do not forget that unpollinated cucumbers do not have seeds. The owner will not be able to independently breed new varieties and save on seeds.

  • Self-pollinating capable of forming ovaries without insects. One flower contains both stamens and pistils, so pollination occurs without the participation of external factors.

Parthenocarpic and self-pollinating varieties - what is the difference?

In fact, there are quite significant differences between parthenocarpics and self-pollinating cucumbers. Here are the main ones:

  • parthenocarpic (self-fertile) varieties They bear fruit without pollination at all. The price for such “independence” is the absence of seeds in the fruits;
  • self-pollinating cucumbers contain both pistil and stamens in one flower. In this case, pollination occurs independently within one plant and the fruits are obtained with the seeds.

Both parthenocarpic and self-pollinating cucumber varieties are ideal for growing in a greenhouse. In addition, they have obvious similarities in agricultural technology, which misleads gardeners. Nevertheless, today we will talk about self-pollinating varieties, including the highest yielding ones, and learn about the features of caring for them.

  • Bee pollinated- the most capricious varieties and hybrids. Pollination by bees is required to produce a harvest. If there are no insects, ovaries and, accordingly, fruits are not formed.

It would seem that if everything is so good with parthenocarpic hybrids, why do we need bee-pollinated cucumbers at all, and who continues to select and grow them? But there are some nuances here - these varieties have unique properties that are not inherent in unpollinated hybrids. Among them:

  1. Unique taste qualities . Almost any bee-pollinated variety is tasty both fresh and salted, pickled, or pickled. This is an excellent quality for home grown, when the owner will use the same cucumbers for different needs.
  2. High yield. With sufficient pollination and proper care, bee-pollinated hybrid varieties give the highest yields.
  3. Environmental friendliness. The same bees will help check the level of environmental friendliness of a particular variety - the insect will not pollinate bushes treated with dangerous pesticides.
  4. Availability of seeds. Firstly, seeds are free seeding material for the following seasons. And, secondly, (and most importantly), it is the seeds that contain the most healthy vitamins and microelements that cucumbers are so rich in.
  5. Bee-pollinated varieties - best material for breeding. It was from these cucumbers that the best hybrids emerged.

Important! Bee-pollinated varieties are also excellent for film greenhouses. These greenhouses are temporary; when flowers appear on the bushes, the film will already be removed, nothing will stop the bees from doing their work.

Today, there are a lot of bee-pollinated cucumbers; their demand has hardly decreased after the appearance of parthenocarpic species.

Classification by ripening time

Majority vegetable crops, including cucumbers, are usually divided into types according to the speed of fruit formation. Eg, early ones form the first ovaries and fruits within 30-40 days after planting in the ground. However, it should be borne in mind that such hybrids do not bear fruit for a long time.

Harvest the first harvest mid-season varieties it will be possible 40-50 days after sowing, but, unlike early varieties, these species are distinguished by fairly long fruiting.

Late-ripening varieties do not sprout for a long time and grow green mass, so the first fruits will appear no earlier than 50 days after planting. At the same time, the duration of fruiting is very long, and the crops themselves are resistant to diseases.

Classification according to fruit characteristics

Perhaps this is the most extensive classification, as it covers all the main characteristics of cucumbers: their size, color and purpose.

For example, according to their purpose, cucumbers are:

  • Salad- They are distinguished by juicy and tasty pulp, so they are excellent for fresh consumption or making salads. At the same time, these cucumbers have a thick skin that practically does not absorb brine, so these varieties are not suitable for canning and pickling.

  • Pickling cucumbers were specially bred for canning. They have thin skin, and all fruits are approximately the same size. However, these varieties have one significant drawback - unlike salad varieties, they are poorly stored, quickly wither and turn yellow.

  • Universal varieties are suitable for both fresh consumption and pickling. As a rule, these are hybrid mid-season varieties.

The type of fetus can be determined by its appearance.For example, salad varieties have white thorns, while pickling and all-purpose cucumbers have black thorns.

There is also a certain classification of cucumbers by size. Salad-type fruits can reach 25 cm in length, while gherkins are very small and rarely exceed 8 cm. In addition, there is separate species miniature cucumbers - pickles. In fact, these are fruits collected immediately after formation, so their length does not exceed a few centimeters. As a rule, large salad cucumbers are early, and they are grown in greenhouses for fresh sale.

When choosing a cucumber variety, you should also focus on the location of the stems. Most varieties are climbing, so they are attached to vertical nets or left free space in the bed for shoots. However, there are also compact bush hybrids that form shoots no more than 50 cm long, and the adult plant has the appearance of a small bush.

Such a simple and well-known plant as a cucumber, it turns out, has several varieties. Knowing the types of cucumbers will help you better plan your plantings and reap a rich harvest.

In descriptions of cucumber seeds you can often find words such as “gynoecious”, “Beit Alpha”, TREATMENT, etc. When choosing a suitable variety, it is important to know and understand the designations that are present on the label, since the yield and successful cultivation of a particular variety of cucumbers will depend on this.

It is not always possible to get a good harvest in the first year of growing new varieties. Sometimes it takes several years to figure out which types are best for your site and climate.

What are the main types of cucumbers?

Types of cucumbers are distinguished by one main criterion - they are able to bear fruit with or without pollination. Varieties that do not require pollination are called parthenocarpic. They are suitable for growing in a greenhouse or in areas where there are few bees and other pollinating insects. Sometimes the packaging with such varieties has a greenhouse icon.

The fruits of parthenocarpic cucumbers do not have seeds.

A variety of parthenocarpic varieties are the species gynoecious. They produce only female flowers (which later produce fruits). Common cucumbers are dioecious plants and have male and female flowers. The ratio is usually 10-20 male flowers per 1 female. That's why they sometimes say that cucumbers bloom barren flower– with an overwhelming number of male flowers, the growth and pollination of female flowers does not occur and, as a result, the harvest is scanty.

It is necessary to distinguish between parthenocarpic and self-pollinating cucumber varieties. Self-pollinating varieties have both a pistil and a stamen in one flower, so they pollinate themselves. The fruits of such varieties, unlike parthenocarpic varieties, always have well-developed seeds.

Bushes of bee-pollinated cucumber varieties are compact, so they are planted more densely than others

A fairly common option is bee-pollinated cucumber varieties. This is a classic species, which implies that pollination is carried out only by bees or bumblebees. Without them, ovaries and, as a result, fruits will not appear. Both hybrids and ordinary varieties of cucumbers can be bee-pollinated.

By the way, about hybrids. This is the name given to plants obtained by crossing two varieties that have a certain set of useful characteristics. When purchasing, hybrid cucumber seeds can be easily identified by the F1 marking on the bag. The plants obtained from them are characterized by increased vitality, resistance to diseases and pests, and high yield.

Types of cucumbers depending on their purpose

Other types of cucumbers are also quite common and serve specific purposes. related, for example, to procurement or other processing.

  • Pickling cucumbers Ideal for pickling, canning or pickling. Their sizes, as a rule, do not exceed 10-15 cm. They are also suitable for fresh consumption, as they have a thin peel and juicy pulp.

For pickling, select cucumbers of approximately the same size

  • Gherkins. Small cucumbers measuring 5-8 cm, having a pleasant taste and crispy texture. Their size and thin skin have earned them the nickname "snack cucumbers." Gherkins usually have an elongated cylindrical shape and are often grown in a greenhouse.

A French chef received 12,000 francs from the government for discovering the secret of canning gherkins.

  • Salad cucumbers. Cucumbers of this type cannot be confused with any others. They are elongated and long, with a dense, smooth skin. Salad cucumbers are consumed fresh or added to salads. But they are not suitable for canning or pickling - the thick skin does not absorb brine well. It is these cucumbers that are most often sold on the market than others, since they last longer than their “brothers”.

The peel of cucumbers contains a large number of fiber, but it also actively absorbs harmful substances

Cucumbers can also differ in the color of their spines:

  • white-thorned– suitable only for salads;
  • black-thorned– consumed fresh, used for salting and pickling.

Types of cucumbers depending on region

Since cucumber is one of the most common plants in the world, there are a great many types of it. They are often named after the region in which they were grown.

  • Dutch. Narrow and elongated cucumbers, almost 30 cm long, are usually grown in a greenhouse. Fruits with thin skins receive maximum nutrients, but quickly lose moisture. Therefore, for long-term storage they are packaged in moisture-proof cellophane bags.
  • Beit Alpha. This species was bred specifically for hot climates and high temperatures. They are smaller in size than Dutch cucumbers, reaching a length of 10-15 cm. And the taste and crispy structure of these cucumbers will not leave anyone indifferent. They require enhanced protection from dehydration and pests.
  • Asian cucumbers. The most exotic of the types of cucumbers we considered. Usually the fruits of this species are thin and prickly with a specific taste.

Asian cucumbers have an unusual appearance

What shirt was your cucumber “born” in?

Cucumbers differ from each other not only in their purpose, type of pollination and other parameters, but also in the “pattern” of the peel.

We are talking about the number and size of tubercles and spines, which make it possible to classify a cucumber as one or another type. There are several basic "shirts" or designs known.

  • German shirt. Cucumbers of this type have small tubercles that are located close to each other. Thorns dot not only the tubercles, but also the space between them, so the greens appear fluffy and even “prickly.” The fruits are no more than 12 cm long and have short longitudinal stripes. This type is considered ideal for pickling - through the microholes, the brine penetrates into the fruit quickly and evenly.

Cucumbers in a “German shirt” are best suited for pickling

The most popular varieties cucumbers in a “German” shirt: Lukhovitsky F1 , Harmonist F1 , Gerasim F1 , Baby Anyutka F1 , Uncle Fedor F1 , Mademoiselle F1 , Highlight F1 , Libella F1 .

  • Dutch shirt. Fruits “born in a Dutch shirt” are cylindrical in shape and larger than “German” ones. The tubercles on them are rounded and slightly smaller than those of the previous species. The spines are located only on the tubercles. Also, the “Dutch” are distinguished by bouquet fruiting (up to 10 ovaries or more are formed in the leaf axil). These cucumbers are great for pickling, especially if they are collected small, 5-7 cm long.

The Dutch collect many fruits from one bush

The most popular varieties of cucumbers in the “Dutch” shirt: Lilliputian F1 , Shchedrik F1 , red mullet F1 , Bobrik F1 .

  • Russian (Slavic , eastern) shirt. Zelentsy are small, with large and sparse tubercles, dense flesh and small black or brown spines located only on the tubercles. Their length is 9-13 cm. Slavic cucumbers are ideal for pickling, canning, pickling, and also for salads. The brine slowly penetrates inside the fruit, so the cucumbers turn out crispy and tasty.

Cucumbers in the “Russian shirt” usually grow in greenhouses and greenhouses

The most popular varieties of cucumbers in the “Russian” shirt: Murashka F1 , Staff F1 , Khutorok F1 , Cellar F1 , Elegant F1 , Competitor F1 , Alyonushka F1, Princess F1, Jean F1, Polina F1 .

  • . Smooth, elongated cucumbers with no tubercles or thorns. The color of the fruit is dark green, length is 11-15 cm. Cucumbers of this type are consumed fresh and added to salads. They are very delicate in taste, but can sometimes taste bitter.

Asian shirt is a very popular variety of cucumber in Europe.

Popular varieties: Blik F1 , Fruity F1 .

  • Sometimes cucumbers are isolated "Korean-Japanese"shirt. The fruits are pale green in color with sparse tubercles. Their length does not exceed 20 cm. The greens are crispy and juicy, suitable for fresh consumption and making salads. They are also resistant to fungal and bacterial diseases.

The fruits of Korean-Japanese cucumbers are strong and healthy

Examples of varieties: Bride F1 And Blonde F1

Are the markings on the seed packets a sign of a new variety?

It is often indicated on the bags Additional information that the seeds have undergone one or another type of processing. This does not mean that as a result of the "modification" the result was new variety. Manufacturers simply subjected such seeds to special treatment, which significantly increased their germination rate. The following inscriptions are usually found:

  • PROCESSING. Cucumber seeds may have an uncharacteristic color: blue, green, etc. This is a sign that they have been treated with a disinfectant. The abbreviation for “processed” must indicate the name of the substance that was used.

Treated seeds should not be soaked before sowing.

  • WARMING UP. Heat treatment or impact on seeds high temperature, is needed in order to destroy the infection, which often remains on their shell. “Warmed” seeds do not need disinfection, but any kind of disinfection can be carried out on them. pre-sowing treatment: soaking, stratification, etc.

What types of cucumbers are suitable for open and closed ground?

Before you start sowing, carefully study the tables below. They indicate which types of cucumbers can be grown in a greenhouse, which are suitable for open ground, and which are suitable for temporary shelters.

Depending on the type of use, cucumbers can also be planted in open ground, a greenhouse or under temporary film cover.

Now you know everything about the types of cucumbers and it will not be difficult for you to choose a variety that meets certain requirements (for example, a self-pollinating variety for pickling).