Necessary in construction: we make a convenient trough for mortar with our own hands -. How to make a concrete bucket with your own hands? How to make an iron trough for mixing concrete

When I was just starting to put up a fence and needed concrete fence posts, there was a need to mix concrete somehow. I would be happy to purchase a concrete mixer, since I will definitely need it in the further construction of the house, but due to the lack of electricity and the fence itself, another solution is needed.

Selection of materials and assembly of a trough for mixing concrete.

For making do-it-yourself concrete mixing trough I needed to purchase the following materials:

  • Thin millimeter galvanized steel sheet one meter by two meters. Cost 300 rubles.
  • Boards are 20-30 millimeters thick. We saw to get two two-meter boards and two one-meter boards.
  • Well, nails plus self-tapping screws (bugs).

First, I cut two-meter boards, as in the picture below. Shown with a red broken line.

Then I reinforced the entire structure with self-tapping screws, since unbent nails tend to come out over time.

Due to the fact that the cuts on two-meter boards have a slightly rounded shape, the meter boards nailed to them tightly press the steel sheet on top, and slightly move away from the steel sheet from below, forming unique handles by which you can carry the trough.

The trough for mixing concrete turned out to be very airtight, especially after the first mixing and filling of the cracks with concrete. Water does not flow out.

It is much more difficult to mix concrete in a trough than in a concrete mixer, but you can mix much more in one batch. Our “friends” from Tajikistan love this technology; they mix a whole bunch of concrete at a time. More precisely, all at once :)

The quality of concrete is higher in a concrete mixer!

When constructing small objects: a garage, cellar or gazebo, it is not advisable to buy ready-made mortar. You don’t use it all at once, since pouring the foundation, erecting walls and other types of work must be done at a certain interval. Therefore, it is advisable to mix concrete with your own hands as needed, in small portions that can be put into use immediately. To make the material especially durable, do not forget to moisturize it for 7-10 days after installation.

Required components and accessories

If we are not talking about special grades of concrete, it will only require a few components and a minimum of cooking tools:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone or gravel;
  • water;
  • trough or similar container;
  • shovel.

The quality of the solution depends on the accuracy of the proportions, the purity of the materials and the thoroughness of their mixing. Sand and crushed stone should not contain clay, which impairs the characteristics of the finished fill and its resistance to moisture and cold. If these fillers are left under for some time open air, they need to be covered with something from falling leaves and other debris. Avoid getting particles of synthetic materials and dust into the solution.

Water for mixing the solution can be used both drinking and technical, collected from a tap, in a well or in a river. But water that is salty or contains foreign inclusions can significantly affect the quality of concrete. In addition, if it is reinforced, excess salt in the water will lead to corrosion of the metal. Particles of clay, silt, algae, fuel oil or an excessive concentration of any chemical compounds also significantly affect the quality of the final product.

The permissible size of crushed stone pieces ranges from 5 to 150 mm. It is best to use fine filler, no more than 20 mm. The size of a larger stone should not exceed one third of the thickness of the concrete layer. When making concrete, other types of filler can be used instead of crushed stone or gravel. These are coal slags, expanded clay, artificial crushed stone. But their use will reduce the durability of the structure. To create decorative species concrete, small particles of glass or marble chips are added to the solution, and colored cement is added.

To prepare a good solution, it is advisable to purchase cement grade M400 or M500. For small buildings, the M300 brand is sufficient. But this material “ages” quite quickly, losing its declared properties, so there is no need to buy it for future use. When pouring a foundation for a heavy object, only coarse sand is added to the solution. But it is quite expensive, so for small buildings it is permissible to use a mixture of coarse and fine sand.

Composition and procedure for preparing concrete mixture

To prepare about 100 liters of concrete, you need to mix 30 kg of cement (3 buckets), 70 kg of sand (5 buckets), 100 kg of crushed stone (about 8 buckets). It will take from 16 to 23 liters of water, depending on the humidity of the fillers used. For mixing, you can take an old galvanized trough or prepare a wooden board about 3 m long and 1.4 m wide, upholstered roofing iron. Sand is first poured into the container, then cement, after which these ingredients are thoroughly mixed. If you don't have it at hand construction mixer, you can use a regular shovel. Water is gradually added to the mixture, and each time after that it is mixed again. Excess moisture can reduce the strength of future concrete. The procedure is repeated until a plastic mass of homogeneous consistency is obtained.

Crushed stone is poured into the prepared mass and everything is mixed again. By density concrete mortar should resemble good homemade sour cream. If it turns out to be too liquid, you should add a little cement, but not filler. To quickly prepare concrete with your own hands, it is better to mix from both sides simultaneously, and for large volumes, carry out it with four people.

If you have your own concrete mixer or can borrow one from somewhere, the mixing process will be much easier. The components are used in the same proportions. The order in which they are loaded into the device is great value. First you need to make sure that the concrete mixer is empty, and then pour water into it. Next, half of the prepared cement, all the crushed stone, the remains of cement are added, and then sand is gradually poured in. It is advisable to place the concrete mixer container at a slight angle to horizontal surface. To obtain a mixture without lumps, rotate the solution for 2 to 3 minutes. You should not get carried away with the process, since when rotating for more than 3 minutes, delamination of the concrete may begin.

At the initial stage construction work during the construction of a domestic premises, installation of a temporary fence or repair existing building there is a need to mix a small portion of concrete solution in a special container. The concrete trough will allow you to prepare up to five buckets of concrete using a regular shovel for mixing.

To mix a small volume of concrete solution, you need a container, which can be purchased if you have free space. cash. However, is it worth spending financial resources for such purposes if it is necessary to purchase expensive building materials and pay the costs of their delivery. After all, you can easily make a trough for concrete with your own hands, using available materials.

Let's consider simple options for containers for preparing concrete composition, necessary materials And technological features manufacturing.

Trough for manual mixing of concrete

Design features and purpose

A container for concrete is a special trough-shaped construction container in which the ingredients for preparing concrete are mixed. And if there are lifting devices, it is possible to supply the prepared concrete mixture to the mason’s place of work.

Design features are small overall dimensions, allowing for the preparation of concrete in the required quantities. Dimensions may vary and depend on the need for concrete composition. Basic dimensions are:

  • length 1-1.8 m;
  • width 0.5-0.8 m;
  • height 0.2-0.3 m.

The use of a mixing trough is especially important if the entire volume of the solution from the concrete mixer has been used, and several buckets of concrete are required to complete the work.

A concrete container or tub is used to perform various tasks. With its help the following is carried out:

  • Sealing joints in the foundation of a building.
  • Plastering works.
  • Carrying out masonry.
  • Minor repairs.
  • Construction utility rooms with small overall dimensions.
  • Installation of enclosing structures.

Mixing concrete in small quantities can be done manually using a shovel, trough, dry cement mixture, gravel and water

Products for preparing concrete have a long service life, provided that the internal surface is cleaned of residues cement mortar, which must be removed before it hardens. Shape and volume may vary. When thinking about the design of the trough, pay attention to the height of the sides, when small size which are easier to mix concrete.

To carry out work on mixing the concrete composition, unnecessary steel or cast iron bath. But what to do if it is not at hand? You can make a trough yourself.


The process of preparing the mortar is a labor-intensive construction operation. That is why the trough for preparing the batch must be highly durable and easy to use.

A small volume container allows you to evenly mix a limited amount of the composition using a regular tool as a tool. shovel. For a solution volume of more than one cubic meter You will definitely need a concrete mixer, the finished solution from which can be fed into the trough.

Let's consider one of possible options designs.

  • metal sheet. It is advisable to use sheet steel measuring 1000x2000 mm, with a thickness of at least 1 mm, and having a zinc coating. The dimensions of the steel sheet may vary. The main thing is that the volume of the container corresponds to the assigned tasks;

Making a container for preparing a solution from sheet metal

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Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


  • coniferous wood in the form of boards with a thickness of 30 to 50 millimeters. Prepare one board about 6 meters long, which will allow you to make a trough with dimensions of 1x2 m;
  • nails for making wooden frame or self-tapping screws for fixing the steel sheet to the boards.

When making a trough for concrete with your own hands, perform the work in the following sequence:

  • Cut a solid six-meter board into 4 pieces: two pieces 2 meters long and two 1 meter long.
  • Round the edges along the radius on two-meter workpieces, sawing off the corner fragments.
  • Nail galvanized steel sheet to the straight parts of the prepared planks using nails.
  • Bend the edges of the sheet at the level of the radius part and, using self-tapping screws, fix the meter-long boards.
  • Additionally, secure the structural elements with self-tapping screws, which will increase the service life and ensure tightness.

Considering the small overall dimensions and weight, transporting such a container for concrete is not difficult. The radius shape of the sheet at the ends makes it easier to remove the finished solution and clean it. The tightness of the structure is achieved after the initial mixing, when the cement mortar seals small cracks. After the concrete mass hardens, water will not be able to flow out.

After the first batch, the trough will become almost airtight due to the filling of the cracks with concrete mortar

This design option is simple and allows the use of available building materials. Such a trough is a completely complete device for preparing concrete.

Container from a barrel

If the considered design option made of boards and steel sheets does not seem strong enough for kneading, you can make a steel version of the tank entirely from metal. A special feature of the design is the semicircular shape of the container, the basis of which is metal barrel from under fuels and lubricants, volume 200 liters.

When searching for a barrel, pay attention to the thickness of the metal, which should be at least one and a half millimeters. Using a thick-walled barrel will extend the life of the tank even with intensive use. A thin-walled tin barrel will not be able to be fully used even for one season.

Available alternative option. If it is difficult to find or buy a barrel made of thick material, you can make a trough yourself using sheet metal, bending it to the required radius.

This tub will serve you for many years, even if you use it every day

For manufacturing you will need the following materials:

  • pipe, the diameter of which is from 1/2 to 3/4 inches. Two pieces of this pipe will be needed for the manufacture of horizontal jumpers located at the end of the sections of the container made from a barrel;
  • steel reinforcement for four supports with a diameter of more than 16 millimeters, the length of which is 0.4-0.5 m. You can use 4 corners with shelves 3.5 cm wide for the legs;
  • reinforcement rods in the amount of 4 pieces, 0.4-0.6 m long, 10 mm in diameter for the manufacture of spacers that fix the supports;
  • thrust bearings made of thick steel of any shape for the manufacture of supports for racks that make it difficult to sink the container into the ground along with concrete;
  • thick-walled steel barrel with a volume of 200 liters.

Make a trough from a steel barrel, observing the sequence of work stages:

  • Inspect the barrel and cut it lengthwise so that there is a weld seam at a distance of 5-10 cm from the edge of the cut and the filler neck does not fall into the cut. This will prevent metal from getting into the overlapping layer and reduce the labor intensity of the work.
  • Cut off the strip of steel located in the second layer.
  • Remove uneven surfaces and sand the surface using a grinder or sander.
  • Weld along the ends of the cut 1/2 or 3/4 inch pipe, ensuring they are aligned with outside trough
  • Attach using welding, support legs, spacers, as well as thrust bearings.
  • Remove burrs and grind weld seams.

These are the simple steps of making a container for preparing concrete. The volume of the trough, made from a barrel, allows you to conveniently prepare a batch with a volume of about 5 standard buckets. It is convenient to remove concrete mortar from a semicircular trough. Cutting one 200 liter barrel, you can make two tanks, which will not be superfluous when performing construction work.

I will give you a couple of excellent tips on how to quickly and easily select a container for mixing cement mortar, or easily assemble a convenient trough for the mortar yourself. One of the most time-consuming jobs in construction is preparing mortar. Therefore, the container for the solution should be convenient and durable.

For kneading furnace solution An old cast iron bathtub or construction tub works great. You can use a large galvanized trough. But if you don’t have anything suitable at hand, I advise you to make a trough for

You can use a large galvanized trough

DIY solution.
For this you will need edged boards 40 mm thick, approximately 200 mm wide and a sheet of galvanized iron measuring 1x2 m. From the boards, knock down a box 2 meters long, 1 meter wide and about 40-50 cm high. Cover the bottom of the box with a sheet of iron. Then use a partition to separate 1/3 of the length. For the most part, soak, mix and strain the clay, and for a lesser part, prepare a solution by adding sand to the treated clay.
If the solution trough leaks the first time you use it, don't worry. After some time, the clay will reliably seal all the cracks, and the trough will never leak again. And it will serve you for a long time - and for mixing not only clay, but also cement.

2016-02-11T10:00:06+00:00 admin Workshop

I will give you a couple of excellent tips on how to quickly and easily select a container for mixing cement mortar, or easily assemble a convenient trough for the mortar yourself. One of the most time-consuming jobs in construction is preparing mortar. Therefore, the container for the solution should be convenient and durable. An old cast iron bathtub or construction tub is perfect for mixing stove mortar. You can use a large galvanized trough. But...

[email protected] Administrator Seven-flowered flower

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None construction site cannot do without concrete or mortar mixture. Even when using wood as the main material, creating a foundation requires the use of artificial stone, ensuring the durability and reliability of the entire structure.

In addition to the task of transporting required quantity concrete or mortar mixture, the question arises of its unloading and supply directly to the place of use. A concrete bucket helps solve this particular problem.

Features of the device

Such devices are used to supply concrete to the formwork or mortar to the masonry site in small portions. Their design, volume and weight may vary.


Concrete buckets are available in two types:

  1. A glass that is shaped like a truncated cone with an additional cylindrical top.
  2. A shoe, which is a rectangular tray with a transition into a truncated prismatic pyramid.

Both options involve the use of unloading equipment. Most often, concrete buckets are produced in small volumes: from 0.5 to 3 m3, so they can be moved using any mobile crane or manipulator.

Scope of application

Such devices help to implement the following types works:

  • unloading the mixture from any type of transport, including a concrete mixer truck;
  • pouring hard to reach places designs;
  • ensuring the supply of the mixture when access is difficult.

Of course, there remains the option of manually unloading the mixture and pouring it into those parts of the formwork that cannot be directly supplied from transport. But at the same time, the workload on workers increases, which increases unloading time and increases the cost of delivering materials, as well as carrying out all work. It turns out that a concrete bucket helps to further reduce costs during the construction of a structure.

On average volume similar devices is at least 1 m3, therefore, if unexpected difficulties arise and it is impossible to accept the mixture, the container can be used as a temporary storage bin.

Cone-shaped container design

A shot glass-shaped concrete bucket is a universal device for working with a mixture of any mobility. Builders often call this device a “bell.”

The tub is positioned only vertically and is not intended for tilting or turning (type BN), therefore the outlet funnel of the container is often equipped with special trays or a sleeve to facilitate the supply of concrete or mortar mixture.


The body of the container in the form of a glass is a receiving cylindrical hopper, turning into a truncated cone. The narrowed lower part creates a funnel effect, which greatly facilitates the passage of concrete or mortar mixture under its own weight.

The cylindrical part is usually reinforced with special channels encircling it at the top and lower parts. Thanks to these elements, the concrete tub perfectly tolerates the loading of slow-moving mixtures that exert great pressure on the walls of the container. It is to the channels that the metal loops for working with the crane are attached.


The support of the container is made in the form of a circle, due to which the tub of the glass is highly stable on any surface. The tray is made in the form of a round gutter, the fastening of which is carried out at an angle. The tilt ensures that the container is unloaded when the mixture moves independently under the influence of gravity.

Volume and price

Most often, such a tub is made with a volume of 1 – 3 m3. The cost of the device on average ranges from 15 to 65 thousand rubles, so in low-rise construction it is best to rent a tub, which will cost 500 - 800 rubles per day.

Features of the rotary tank

Bucket for concrete with horizontal loading is called a slipper (type BP). Distinctive feature its is to change the position of the fill concrete mixture. Reception from transport is carried out in a horizontal plane, and movement and supply of the mixture into the formwork is carried out vertically or at any convenient angle. Due to the design features of such a container, its weight can be higher than that of a fixed tub of the same volume.

The body of the shoe is divided into three parts:

  1. Rectangular receiver for concrete or mortar mixture.
  2. Bunker in the form of a truncated pyramid.
  3. Two-section valve that regulates the angle and intensity of the solution supply.

Receiver and hopper

The receiver for the mixture and the shoe hopper are most often made of rolled metal. Part of the body, made in the form of a truncated pyramid, is additionally strengthened by a longitudinal frame made of channels, which prevents deformation of the structure when fully loaded.

Hinges for working with lifting equipment are mounted on a frame made of channels. The reinforcing frame is supplemented with special elements - drives, which ensure the tilting of the container during concreting or unloading the solution.


The shoe is equipped with a special shutter, both doors of which have their own control handle. Thanks to this design, it is possible to regulate the supply of the mixture. To prevent accidental opening of the shutter, the handles are equipped with special safety rings.

Taking into account the structural features, the mixture cannot always be unloaded without additional impact. Therefore, a shoe-shaped concrete bucket suggests the possibility of using a mounted vibrator.


Taking into account the weight of the structure itself and the volume of the container up to 3 m3, such devices are most often used to supply a mortar mixture. The cost of a tub of this type varies from 30 to 90 thousand rubles, depending on the maximum volume.

Making your own tub

If desired, you can make such containers for supplying mixtures with your own hands. The easiest to make are concrete buckets in the shape of a shot glass. For production you will only need rolled products of sufficient thickness and quality, guides, welding machine and any cutting tool.

Preparation of the drawing

At self-production And home use It is better to choose a small container volume, about 0.5 m3. That is why there is no need to make the upper cylindrical part of the body, which increases the loading speed of the tub.

The truncated cone, when the figure is opened, actually represents correct prism, which is based on the upper and lower diameters. By calculating the parameters of the cone for a given volume, you can obtain the characteristics of the prism. The resulting part must be transferred to rolled metal.

Cutting the workpiece and welding the structure

When making a tub with your own hands, you need to remember that the metal for the container must withstand the aggressive effects of the building mixture and constant moisture. Therefore, you should choose stainless steel rolled products.

After transferring the drawing to the material, the resulting workpiece is cut out and welded. An ordinary grinder can handle cutting metal, but welding is best done at high temperatures or choose rolled products that lend themselves well to regular welding.

Frame making

The resulting container must be placed in a frame that will strengthen the entire structure. To create it, you can use reinforcement with a rod diameter of 10 or 12 mm. A cube is brewed with bases in the form of squares, the side of which is equal to the upper diameter of the container. The length of the guides corresponds to the height of the tub. In the lower plane of the cube, a square is made, the sides of which are equal to the lower diameter of the cone.

To strengthen the container, guides are welded from the corners of the upper base to the corners of the lower small square on which the cone will rest. After all the elements have been manufactured, the container is welded to the frame, and additional hinges are made for working with the tap.