Solution for caulking chimneys. How to coat a stove so it doesn't crack from the heat. How to coat a stove with clay

It still remains a very popular method of heating private homes. Accordingly, all issues related to this process are very relevant today. Most often, the furnace fails due to the presence of a large number of cracks, which make its operation unsafe, since through them carbon monoxide enters the room.

Faced with such troubles, owners of private houses ask the question: “how and how to cover the stove so that it does not crack?” It is this problem that we will pay attention to in this article.

Reasons for furnace failure

Before looking for the best way to fix the problem, it is necessary to determine the causes of cracks. It could be:

Low quality of the solution used;

Violation of finishing technology;

Shrinkage of a brick structure;

Uneven heating;

Failure to comply with the rules for operating the stove.

If the stove sank due to an improperly poured foundation, smoke will pour out of all the cracks during the fire, the doors will no longer close tightly, and the brick will gradually begin to collapse. If such problems are discovered, the entire structure should be immediately disassembled, manufactured and re-laid. However, in some cases you can do without radical measures.

The fact is that a slight shrinkage of the stove in the first couple of years is considered quite normal, and if we are talking about small cracks, they can simply be repaired correctly.

All other reasons can be easily eliminated; it is only important to figure out how to cover the stove so that it does not crack.

Determining the extent of damage

Before getting started, you should consider the damage and determine the scope of work. If small cracks appear on the surface of the oven (even if large quantities), to eliminate them you will need to remove the cladding and clean the brick from the plaster.

Once all the finishing has been removed, you can start caulking the cracks. At this stage, everyone is wondering what solution to cover the stove to prevent it from cracking.

For these purposes, you can use one of the following mixtures:

Made of clay and sand;

From special grouts for ovens;

From fireclay clay;

From oven glue.

Can’t decide what to cover the stove with to prevent it from cracking? Consider each option individually.

A mixture of clay and sand

Sealing cracks with clay mortar- the simplest and most economical way to restore a stove. At the same time, the quality of repairs will be no worse than using newfangled and expensive materials.

For these purposes, you can take absolutely any clay, the main thing is that it contains as few impurities as possible. After soaking, high-quality raw materials should become oily, homogeneous and plastic. Before covering the stove with clay (to prevent the surface of the fireplace from cracking in the future), pay attention to the specifics of preparing this solution.

How to make your own clay putty

Mixing the mixture is carried out in several stages.

1. Before mixing clay with sand, it should be soaked in warm water for at least 12 hours.

2. Wet solution Mix thoroughly and break up any lumps that have formed. In this state, the clay combines with sand much better.

4. If you do not plan to whiten the stove, add lime to it at the stage of mixing the solution. All components are mixed until the consistency of sour cream. Ready mixture cover with plastic wrap and leave for 12 hours.

5. The settled solution is kneaded again. To check if there is enough water in it, take the putty in your palm and roll it into a ball. If it starts to crack when squeezing, add more water.

6. The oven should be lightly heated, water should be poured over the cracks, after which you can begin sealing.

7. To prevent the appearance of new cracks in the clay, you can add straw, but a more reliable way is to use a plaster mesh. If you apply a clay solution to a stove lined with such material, you can forget about the cracks for a long time.

Fireclay clay

Very often, this material is used for the restoration of old stoves. This material is characterized by fire resistance, so stoves finished with its help are reliable and durable.

You can purchase this type of clay at any construction market. It is sold in 20 kg bags and is not at all expensive. The working solution is prepared strictly following the instructions on the packaging.


To seal a brick oven, you can purchase a special grout. In stores there are various formulations that are produced specifically for these purposes. It’s worth noting right away that this option will cost you quite a lot, however, it is optimal for fireplaces.

If you cannot afford to purchase a specialized composition, prepare it at home. To do this you will need the following components:

The clay needs to be thoroughly kneaded, filled with water and set aside for 12 hours. After the specified time, add to the mixture required quantity sand. In the process of kneading the two components, finely chopped straw and salt are gradually added to them. Clay and sand are taken in a ratio of 4:1, with about 50 kg of straw and a pack of salt added for every 4 buckets of clay.

The resulting composition can withstand temperatures of more than 1000 degrees.

Oven glue

To prevent the stove from cracking in the future, you can use it to repair it. It belongs to the category of ready-made materials for finishing fireplaces, which are sold on construction sites. Its main qualities include resistance to exposure high temperatures and durability.

This adhesive mixture contains fireclay powder and fire-resistant types of cement. Today, there are two types of glue - plastic and hard.

The first option is used for sealing cracks, and the second is intended for plastering the entire surface of the stove.

The main advantage of oven glue is its very fast drying, so you should not mix the solution in large quantities.

Work technology

When the material for the restoration of the heating structure has already been selected, it’s time to figure out how to properly seal the stove (so that the lining and the brick itself do not crack).

The method of applying putty is selected depending on the type of solution.

So, if you decide to eliminate cracks using a homemade mixture of clay and sand, the process will not cause you any particular difficulties.

1. First, the brick is cleared of old finishing material and plaster.

3. Now you can start sealing the holes. First, the solution must be firmly pushed into the cracks, and the residue must be spread over the surface in an even layer. Work can be done bare hands, since this composition is absolutely harmless.

4. The final stage will be plastering the external surfaces.

Please note that you can light the stove only after the solution has completely dried!

Now let's look at how to cover the oven (to prevent it from cracking) with heat-resistant glue. This process is almost identical to the previous one, but differs in that after sealing the cracks with a plastic composition, the entire surface of the furnace is treated with solid varieties of adhesive fire-resistant mixtures.

Since the glue dries in less than 30 minutes, you can start painting on the same day. decorative finishing ovens.

In this article, we looked at what and how to cover the stove so that neither the structure itself nor the lining cracks. In conclusion, I would like to note that even the best and most expensive refractory compounds are not able to protect your stove from cracks. Here main role It is not the quality of the material that matters, but strict adherence to the technology of construction and repair of the heating structure. Carry out the work thoughtfully and slowly, and then your stove will serve you for many years.

In private homes, the stove has been and remains a popular heating method for many. Therefore, stove care, operation and many other issues are still of interest to users of this ancient method of home heating. The most common question you hear is “how to cover the stove so it doesn’t crack?” It is really important to do this correctly, since the safety of not only the home, but also the people living in the house depends on the result.

Careful owners conduct regular inspections for cracks on the walls of the stove and chimney. If the plaster begins to crack, then seal it. In this article we will tell you: in what cases the plaster on the walls cracks and what is the best way to cover the stove so that it does not crack anymore.

To find the best way to eliminate the constant appearance of cracks, it is necessary to establish the exact cause of their origin. There are several options, defects occur due to:

  • poor quality solution;
  • improper finishing;
  • foundation shrinkage, brickwork;
  • improper operation of the oven.

Due to all of the above options, a through crack may form, through which carbon monoxide will enter the room. Shrinkage of the foundation is a normal phenomenon only in the first year or two, but if problems continue to occur, for example, with the door closing, pieces of clay falling out, then you need to start reworking the entire structure, starting with strengthening the foundation. Almost all other options do not require radical measures; they usually get by with caulking; it is enough to coat problem areas with clay mortar. It is important to know how and from what to prepare the solution and how the oven is sealed.

We inspect and select material


Before you begin, determine the extent of the damage. Even if small cracks appear, all old mortar in this place up to the brickwork. The cleaned area should be covered with a solution, but what should you use to cover the stove so that it does not crack? This question interests many, and there are the following options for building mixtures that are most suitable for brick kilns:

  • clay and sand;
  • construction grout for stoves;
  • fireclay clay;
  • oven glue.

The simplest and economical option This is a clay-sand mortar that our ancestors still used. The quality of clay coating is not inferior to modern ones mortars, while being much cheaper. Any clay is suitable for oven mortar; it is desirable that it contains no foreign impurities. The clay is placed in water for 12 hours, after which it becomes plastic and homogeneous.

You can buy fireclay clay at the construction market. This material is specially designed for creating fire-resistant elements, bricks, blocks, and is also used for laying stoves. The material, as well as products made from fireclay clay, differs high quality, fire resistance and durability. Fireclay clay is inexpensive in hardware stores and is sold in 20 kg bags, with instructions for use included.

How to prepare a clay solution

How to cover a stove with clay so it doesn't crack? Below are instructions on how to prepare a solution from ordinary clay. If you use fireclay heat-resistant clay, then focus more on the included annotation from the manufacturer. The clay-sand composition is mixed in several steps:

  1. The clay is soaked for 12 hours. After this, so that there are no dry lumps left, you should thoroughly grind and mix the wet clay.
  2. Sifted sand is added to the soaked clay. The proportions should be one part sand to two parts clay.
  3. If whitewashing is planned, it is advisable to add lime to the mixture.
  4. The composition is mixed until the consistency of sour cream, then covered with film for 10-12 hours.
  5. Check the solution for readiness like this: roll a small ball and squeeze it, but it should not crack; if the composition cracks, then add water.
  6. The stove must be heated to warm the walls, then the places where the solution will be applied are moistened with water.
  7. Smearing.

To avoid cracks, straw is added to the mixture the old fashioned way. The straw is cut into small fragments; it will also need time to soak in the solution. Nowadays, a special plaster mesh is sold that prevents cracking and drying out of the surface. The mesh is attached to the surface, onto which a clay solution is applied on top.


What else can I put on the stove to prevent it from cracking? Stores sell a variety of construction grouts, including those for stove finishing. For finishing works with fireplaces and stoves it is good option, but the cost of the material is much more expensive than a self-prepared composition. If you want to save money, there are alternative option preparing the mixture at home. To do this, stock up on the following materials: sand, clay, straw and salt. Four parts of clay are mixed with one part of sand, and one part of straw is added to the resulting mixture. You should get 1 bucket of straw for 5 buckets of the mixture; add 1 kg of salt to this mixture. As written above, the clay must soak well, without leaving dry, hard lumps inside and in order to acquire plasticity.

Oven glue

Stove glue

Special glue is another option for covering the stove to prevent it from cracking. This is a specially developed composition intended for finishing fireplaces and stoves. It is made using fireclay clay and heat-resistant cements. The high cost of the material will be compensated by its quality and ease of use, especially since it can be purchased in two forms: hard and plastic. First, the cracks are filled with a solid compound, and the surface is plastered with a plastic one. Before use, you should carefully study the instructions to find out the setting time of the mixture. Since this material dries quickly, it is not prepared in large quantities.

Caring for your stove

Now you know what you can use to coat the stove to prevent it from cracking. You should take care of your stove in a timely manner to prevent the formation of large cracks. Firstly, it is easier to cover up small defects, and secondly, this will help prevent the formation major defects and will ensure the safe operation of your oven.

Like any renovation work, repairing cracks in the stove will require time and investment. But anyone can handle this task, because it does not require special qualifications, special tools and materials. The experience gained in sealing cracks on your stove may well be useful in its further operation. And clay for work and a little sand can be found at any time of the year, as a last resort, in a store in your area. And if you are planning to get your own fireplace, then the knowledge gained will be even more useful, because stoves and fireplaces have a lot in common.

To prevent the stove in the house from cracking, it is necessary to responsibly carry out the work during the construction of the building. The main causes of the malfunction are laid down at this stage. But if the problem has already arisen, it is important to resolve it promptly. How and how to do this, you will learn about this in the article.


First you need to understand why cracks are spreading along the wall of the stove.

Reasons for appearance

Before properly and reliably caulking the stove, in order to prevent repeated malfunctions, you need to know what can affect the integrity of the stove coating:

  • during a long break in heating the house and sudden temperature changes;
  • the furnace was laid using low-quality mortar;
  • Perhaps the reason is the settlement of the building or foundation. In this case, you will need to perform major renovation foundation, increasing its size and strength;
  • after laying the stove, the process of normal drying of surfaces was disrupted;
  • when plastering the stove, a low-quality solution was used or a thick or very thin layer was applied;
  • Perhaps the reason is faulty ventilation and condensation deposited on the walls of the furnace.

Is it possible to use a stove with cracks?

The answer to this question is unequivocal - you will need to cover up a faulty, smoking stove immediately; it is not recommended to use it. Such requirements are not explained by a violation appearance walls, namely cracks that allow carbon monoxide to enter the room. Poisoning from combustion waste can lead to dire consequences.

Firefighter statistics show that most people die in a fire because of the gas, not the fire.

Damage diagnostics

Therefore, at the first sign of smoke in the house, you will need to do the following:

  • diagnose the furnace surfaces and find the fault;
  • after this, immediately prepare the solution or buy ready material for filling gaps;
  • cover the walls and plaster them again.

But first of all, diagnostics will help determine the size of damaged surfaces and the approximate amount of materials to be repaired. If the mortar has simply cracked due to high temperatures, you simply need to remove the layer of plaster and apply a new layer of high-quality materials.

It’s worse if the cracks are through and continue to expand after the work has been done. In this case, it may be necessary to call specialists to identify the causes and lay a new stove. Stone ovens are complex design, so there’s no point in trying to lay it out from a book; it’s better to entrust this work to an experienced stove maker.

Such cracks can no longer be simply covered up

In this example, you shouldn’t cover it up either. The brick was badly cracked.

If the cracks are small and their size does not increase, you can proceed to self-elimination malfunctions. To do this, it is important to prepare a high-quality solution and apply it correctly to the wall. How to cover up cracks in a stove so that it does not crack from the heat - knowledge of the basic materials for making the mortar will help in this matter.

Examples of small cracks:

How to cover up cracks?

For these purposes, you can use several options that will reliably seal cracks in the walls and prevent gas from escaping into the room. Let's look at each method in more detail.

Fireclay clay

Before you cover cracks in the stove with fireclay clay, you need to know its advantages:

  • the material is resistant to temperature during fuel combustion;
  • high level of vapor permeability;
  • resistant to moisture when heated;
  • environmentally friendly material, safe for humans and animals, therefore can be used in residential premises.

To make the solution you will need to mix several ingredients:

  • 1 part cement grade 500;
  • 2 parts fireclay clay"
  • 7 parts river sand.

The solution is mixed well and water is added. The consistency depends on the skill and type of work, but you should not make it very liquid or thick. To get rid of stones and lumps, the clay can first be soaked in water for several hours and the lumps of material can be crushed, and the cement and sand can be sifted. Such a solution will be plastic and laid on the surface in an even layer.

Plastering walls is easy if you have a certain skill. To do this, it is important to install beacons and, distributing the solution, level the layer on the wall. You will need to prepare a trowel and spatula, the size of which depends on the surface area.

Clay and sand

This is the most affordable, inexpensive solution for plastering surfaces. Such a solution for the oven has sufficient plasticity and is not subject to destruction under the influence of high temperatures.

It’s easy to prepare the solution for use; for this you will need:

  • prepare a large trough in advance, add the required amount of clay and completely fill the layer with water. For 1 bucket of clay, pour 3 buckets of water. The clay should soak for 24 hours;
  • then mix the solution and add more water to it. We pass the slurry through a sieve, get rid of lumps and let the solution settle;
  • drain the excess water, making the solution as thick as homemade sour cream;
  • add river sand in a 1 to 1 ratio and mix the solution.

Expert opinion

Pavel Kruglov

Stove maker with 25 years of experience

Important! At this time, you can determine the quality of the solution. Having lowered the shovel holder into it, and seeing the adhering clay, in this case you will need to add a little sand. Only after seeing small clumps of sand and clay solution on the holder can you start plastering the walls of the stove.

With this solution it is necessary to repair all cracks that appear, after wetting the surfaces and then plastering the stove in several layers. In villages they still use old way, adding horse manure to the prepared solution. This solution is obtained with increased thermal insulation properties. Hay plays the role of air layers that prevent the free passage of heat.


This oven putty is sold ready-made, but it’s easy to make yourself. The main advantage of this material is the ability to retain its properties even when heated to 10,000. Industrial materials are used for arranging and repairing stoves and fireplaces, but the price of such grout is high, so home craftsmen do it with their own hands.

The mixture for coating the oven is made in several stages:

  • knead large lumps of clay and pour it into a trough;
  • fill it with water and leave for 10-12 hours;
  • pour part of the sand into the soaked clay, maintaining a ratio of 1 to 4, mix the solution well, adding 5 parts of chopped straw in small portions;
  • Add 1 kg of coarse table salt to the finished putty and finally mix the solution.

The finished grout can be used to fill gaps between bricks, crevices, cracks and complete the first rough layer of plaster.

Furnace glue

In order to repair a cracked stove, you can buy heat-resistant special glue at a hardware store. Due to its properties, it is not exposed to high temperatures for a long time. It consists of the addition of fireclay clay and cements with high fire-resistant properties.

A plastic and hard adhesive mixture is produced. Using hard materials, the surfaces of the stoves are plastered. Plastic glue is used to fill cracks and seams between bricks.

When using this material, you must follow the instructions for dilution and use. heat-resistant substance. You should not make it in large portions; it dries out quickly and becomes unsuitable for work.

How to properly coat a stove?

In order to reliably cover the cracks in brick oven, the work is carried out in several stages:

How long does it take to dry?

It is not recommended to use the oven until the solution is completely dry. When using various materials this period may vary. Using heat-resistant glue as a putty, the layer of solution will dry within a few hours.

It will take more time for the solution of clay and sand to dry and form. In this case, you will be able to use the stove only after a day. Then the brick oven, protected from cracks with mortar, will remain crack-free for a long time.

Therefore, we do not advise you to rush, immediately flooding your Russian stove with a stove bench. Repairing cracks in a furnace is a simple but important job. The choice of material for the solution is a purely individual matter. The main thing is to do the work carefully and responsibly. Then your house will always be light and clean, without the smell of burning and smoke penetrating through the cracks in the walls of the stove.

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The heart of the house is the stove and it needs constant care. The stove (or - rough) can be stone, brick or metal.

Like a house, it is built to last, every detail is thought through. It bears the main temperature loads and periodically needs repairs. A thrifty owner will take care of preventative measures so as not to end up without a fire in the house. But troubles still happen, and the hearth cracks.

Causes of cracks

There are more serious reasons. A crack may appear if the physical characteristics of the material from which it is made are not taken into account. Red, refractory, refractory brick and stone expand differently when fired.

Without reserve in thermal seams, the masonry on cast iron appliances will begin to tear. In other cases, the foundation does not match the dimensions of the furnace or has shrinked unevenly. Then the oven will have to be moved over time.


Stove lined with tiles For cladding, you can use porcelain stoneware, clinker tiles, terracotta, majolica or tiles.

If all the nuances and subtleties are observed, such decor will not require cosmetic repairs for a long time.

Most budget option finishing – plaster.

To plaster without cracks, you need to follow a certain sequence of actions, which are the same for both initial application and repair:

  1. After installing the furnace, time must pass before final shrinkage and drying (from six months or more).
  2. To coat, the oven must be heated strongly. The masonry will warm up and expand in volume, which will prevent cracks from appearing immediately after coating.
  3. All surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned: remove the layer of old coating, clear out cracks in depth and widen them, clean off deposits from the masonry.
  4. Cover with a thin layer of liquid putty and let it dry.
  5. It is better to lay burlap or fine mesh metal mesh on top of the first layer. This will increase the strength of the plaster. The burlap is soaked in the same solution that is supposed to cover the entire surface. Then it is glued overlapping, starting from the top. Metal mesh They are secured to the surface with nails that are driven into the seams between the bricks.
  6. If the repair is spot-on, then the cracks are covered very tightly with mortar and also lined with burlap.
  7. the actual plaster. It is laid in two layers of 5 mm. Large thickness will lead to uneven and unstable coating.
  8. The dried surface is rubbed to level it.
  9. The plastered surface, after complete drying, is covered with lime or chalk whitewash. Heat-resistant pigments can be added to the whitewash solution.

How to cover it up

If brick (stone) and cast iron are held together by clay mortar, then it is advisable to prepare putty for cracks or plaster from it.

Clay solution. Prepared on water from clay and sand. There is no universal recipe.

The approximate ratio: the same amount of sand for one part of clay does not always justify itself. Required proportions can only be calculated experimentally due to the heterogeneous composition of clays.

It is recommended to mix several solutions with different ratios. Make several rounds and cakes from each. When they have dried well (without sun and wind), you need to see what solution the cakes are made from cracking.

Continue the experiment with it: take the round pieces and drop them from a meter height. The solution from which the figures did not crack or crumble when dropped is the most suitable.

The solution will give minimal shrinkage if there is a lot of sand, but the strength will be greatly reduced. Water in the solution plays an important role: the more there is, the greater the risk of repeated cracking.

A high-quality solution must have a homogeneous structure. The sand must be sifted, and the pre-soaked clay must be strained. Water from such clay is drained after settling.

Most often, fireclay powder, lime, gypsum or cement are used as additives to increase strength. Rich folk experience suggests mixing clay mortar with wood ash and salt to give it greater strength.

Ready-made mixtures. If the rough structure was built using factory mixtures, then cracks must be repaired and plastered with mortar. Prepare it according to the manufacturer's instructions and use it in the same way as clay.

Metal Furnace Processing

The elimination of cracks in metal furnaces. Usually welding is used for this.

However, if welding is unavailable for some reason, there are many recommendations for making heat-resistant putty for metal furnaces.

You can make solutions with water from the following components:

  • clay, metal filings, manganese dioxide, salt, borax in a ratio of 30:4:2:1:1;
  • magnesite and liquid glass take 10 to 3;
  • metal filings, ammonium chloride, colloidal sulfur – 96:2.5:1.5.

On natural drying oil:

  • graphite, lead, manganese oxide in a ratio of 5:1:1;
  • clay, zinc white, manganese oxide – 4:2:1;
  • graphite, lead, chalk – 12:4:3.

On liquid glass– from manganese oxide, zinc white and borax with a specific gravity of each component of 2:1:1. Glass is added to the required consistency. Using dehydrated glycerin or ethylene glycol, the putty is prepared with lead litharge in a ratio of 1:9. Clay and white for heat-resistant putty must be used in dry form, lead - in the form of calcined oxide.

To ensure that the stove does not cause unnecessary trouble, everything needs to be taken into account even at the planning stage. design features and choose materials that guarantee warmth, peace and security in the home.

Watch the video in which an experienced user explains in detail the process of preparing a clay solution that can be used to cover the stove so that it does not crack:

The simplest oven in village house Serves as both heating and cooking area. But even the highest quality stove can begin to deteriorate over time due to the appearance of cracks in the mortar between the bricks or on the plaster coating.

Over time, cracks appear on a brick stove, which must be covered with a special solution.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to coat the brick oven with special products.

This can be done either immediately after construction or already when the first problems appear. The composition of the coating agent will not depend on this in any way.

But, nevertheless, all coating compositions are usually divided into 2 types: for sealing exclusively cracks and cracks and for completely plastering the surface. And to make it easier for you to figure out which composition to choose and what to use to coat the oven with your own hands, we will consider the most effective of them.

Ideal solutions for sealing gaps and cracks

So, first, let's figure out what solutions are used to seal cracks. Typically, the need to seal cracks arises when there is decorative masonry. Not wanting to spoil general view, the owners prefer to seal up the inter-brick voids unnoticed, while maintaining the main design.

A solution based on refractory clay is prepared using water and glue mixed in equal proportions.

  1. The first option for sealing cracks is a solution based on refractory clay. You need to purchase refractory clay in the form of fine powder and PVA glue ( big bottle) and prepare the water room temperature. First, calculate approximately how much solution you will need. Next, the mixture is prepared on the basis that 5 liters of clay powder mixed with water to obtain a thick homogeneous mass, add about 150 g of glue. All this is thoroughly mixed, after which the places to be sealed are cleaned of dust, slightly moistened with a spray bottle and sealed with the prepared mixture.
  2. The second mixture, which is also ideal for sealing cracks, is based on clay and cement. It is more durable, but also requires a little more materials in its composition. This mixture is especially good for filling small cracks in plastered surfaces.

So, to prepare the specified solution, you need to take friable refractory clay, asbestos, cement and sand. The ratios of these elements are 1:0,1:1:2, respectively. Everything needs to be mixed well, gradually adding water. As a result, you will get a solution that is very convenient for coating the oven. At proper preparation It goes on quite smoothly, so after it's completely dry, all you have to do is lightly sand the surface with sandpaper.

These are the 2 best and most reliable mixtures for coating cracks and crevices on the stove. It is better to use them almost immediately after preparation, so that they do not have time to lose their original properties. When coating, you should also not forget about moistening the areas being repaired for better adhesion to the material.

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The best solutions for coating all surfaces

Now it’s time to get acquainted with 2 other compositions, which are simply ideal for completely coating the surface. Due to their strength and reliability, they will not crack or crumble for a long time. And the surface after facing with these solutions will be such that, if desired, it can be further decorated or painted.

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Based on sand and clay

A solution of clay and sand is made in a ratio of 2:1.

Take the required amount of refractory loose clay and sand in approximately a 2:1 ratio. Now, using a fine sieve, sift these materials one by one to avoid the appearance of lumps. At the exit of the sieve you should be left with an airy fine powder.

Now mix these powders thoroughly, adding water gradually. When you get a thick, homogeneous consistency, it is necessary to add a little table salt (150 g per 5 liters of solution) for greater binding ability. Stir everything well again.

If you do not plan to seriously decorate the stove, then you can add a little dry straw to the prepared solution. In this case, you need to chop it so that the length of an individual straw is no more than 3 cm. The straw will give additional strength to the solution.

Now leave the solution to infuse for about 10 hours. During this time it will acquire the consistency necessary for work. Meanwhile, prepare the oven surface for coating. After this, moisten the surface of the oven with a spray bottle or a sponge, while simultaneously coating it with a spatula or trowel. After final drying (about 3 days), the oven can be used.