Is it possible to plant winter garlic in the spring? How to properly plant spring garlic in the spring. Caring for Garlic

Do you know which type of garlic is one of the sweetest, thanks to its 10-12% sugar content? Yes, this is an amazing and wonderful spring garlic. It is, of course, less popular than the winter one, but it has an unforgettable spicy aroma of young greens, a not too spicy taste of the cloves, and is perfectly stored (up to 2 years). About the differences between these two varieties, as well as the intricacies of planting spring garlic in open ground in the spring, you will learn about care after planting and harvesting from this article.

Spring and winter garlic: differences

Beginning summer residents may accidentally confuse winter garlic with spring To avoid this, you need to know the main differences:

  • Externally, spring garlic contains a larger number of small cloves (which are arranged as if in a spiral: the closer to the center, the smaller they are). The winter one consists of larger ones with a central rod (hard arrow).
  • Winter garlic is planted in the fall before winter, while spring garlic is planted in the spring.
  • Spring garlic is propagated only by cloves; winter garlic can also be propagated by bulbs.
  • The yield of winter garlic is significantly higher than that of spring garlic.
  • Spring is stored better and longer (at home from 1 to 2 years). Winter varieties are mainly suitable for early autumn canning ( average term storage about 3-4 months).
  • Winter garlic, as a rule, shoots, while spring varieties are non-shooting (with the exception of varieties such as “Gulliver”),
  • The taste of spring garlic is more attractive (it is simply sweeter). It is great to use in salads and when making soups.

Video: how to distinguish winter garlic from spring garlic

Planting winter garlic in spring

If for some reason you decide to plant winter garlic in the spring, then plant it! Everything should work out for you. The following videos prove this.

Video: is it possible to plant winter garlic in spring?

When and how to plant spring garlic in open ground in spring

In general, the agricultural technology for planting spring garlic in the spring is similar to autumn planting winter, but has several important nuances and differences.

Planting dates: depending on the climate of the region, according to the lunar calendar in 2019

Optimal time Planting garlic in the spring directly depends on the climatic characteristics of the region. You should start planting cloves when the soil temperature warms up to +3-5 degrees; they are not afraid of light return frosts. As a rule, in the conditions of central Russia (Moscow region) this occurs approximately in the second half of April - early May. In the south - already at the end of March-beginning of April. But in Siberia and the Urals, garlic is most often planted in the last spring month (May).

According to the lunar calendar in 2019

If you want to choose a specific date for planting garlic, then the lunar calendar will always come to your aid.

So, most favorable days for planting garlic according to the lunar calendar in 2019 are:

  • in March – 10-12, 15-17, 23-25, 27-30;
  • in April – 2-9, 11-15, 24-27, 29, 30;
  • in May - 1-4, 12-14, 21-23;
  • in June - 9-11, 18-20;
  • in July - 25-31.

If we turn to the lunar calendar, then it is worth knowing that it is even more important not to plant a vegetable in unfavorable days, and this is in 2019:

  • in March - 6, 7, 21;
  • in April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 5, 19;
  • in June - 3, 4, 17;
  • in July - 2, 3, 17.

According to lunar calendar from the magazine “1000 tips for a summer resident.”

Preparing the bed and site

The bed for spring garlic should be prepared in advance, preferably in the fall. The vegetable loves to grow on fertile soil. It is good if it is medium and light loamy soils.

As for the location of the garlic bed, you should choose sunny places where water does not stagnate. Therefore, it is optimal to plant the cloves on raised beds, in this case, you will reduce the risk of fungal diseases due to excessive moisture to a minimum.

As for crop rotation, good predecessors for garlic are green manure (for example, mustard or oats), legumes (peas), pumpkin and zucchini, as well as strawberries ( garden strawberries) and cucumbers. You should not plant it in beds where root crops (potatoes, radishes, beets, carrots, onions) and nightshade crops (eggplant, pepper, tomato) previously grew.

Preparation of planting material

The activities for preparing garlic cloves for planting in open ground include the following: selection and calibration planting material, its stratification, soaking to disinfect it and stimulate growth.

Carefully review all your planting material in advance. Select all specimens with signs of disease and place them separately. However, you should not immediately separate the cloves from the heads; it is recommended to do this only the day before planting during the procedure of disinfection and soaking in growth stimulants.

Important! If there are only a few cloves in the head or they are fused (as if double), then most likely, by planting such cloves, you are unlikely to get a decent harvest, because this typical signs degeneration.

Further processing of spring garlic before spring planting includes all subsequent actions.

About a month before planting garlic in open ground in the spring, it should be placed in a refrigerator or basement (cellar) for stratification, where the air temperature fluctuates around +1-3 degrees.

Advice! For planting, it is advisable to choose the outer cloves of the first row (they are the largest). The middle part, as a rule, is not used, since it produces too small onions and cloves. Although you can successfully use them for planting greens (or just leave them for food). Therefore, be sure to separate such cloves and plant them in a separate bed.

About a day before planting, spring garlic should be taken out and allowed to sit for a while. room temperature. Then separate the heads into cloves and examine them again for diseases.

If the quality of the cloves leaves much to be desired, then already on the day of planting you need to soak them in warm water with the addition of fungicides such as “Fundazol”, “Maxim”. If the quality is good, then it is better to simply hold them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate (for 20-30 minutes). This procedure is done for the purpose of disinfection seed material so as not to bring diseases to your summer cottage.

There are other ways to disinfect garlic before planting. For example, in ash solution.

A drug that has long proven its effectiveness and indispensability (according to the instructions) is also suitable.

After the disinfection procedure, you can additionally treat the garlic heads in one of the growth stimulants. For example, in “Epin” or “Zircon” (all according to the instructions).

Another option is to soak them in a saline solution (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water) for 1-2 minutes (this will help protect the plant from wireworms). Such preparation of garlic before planting will significantly increase its germination and increase the rate of its development.

Video: preparing spring garlic for spring planting

Head seating

Key points when planting garlic in spring (or some sort of step by step instructions):

Video: planting spring garlic

Caring for spring garlic after planting

Spring garlic is grown in almost the same way as winter garlic - it requires quite a bit of care, which should include loosening, weeding, watering and fertilizing.

Naturally, the garden bed should not become overgrown and should always be kept clean, so it is worthwhile to carry out regular weeding to remove weeds.

Abundant and frequent watering spring garlic needs only at the beginning of its formation so that it, so to speak, puts out good green foliage. In other words, in May-June, watering the garlic beds should be frequent. When the plant begins to form a bulb, usually when 5-6 leaves are formed, watering should be reduced and, closer to August, stopped altogether.

Spring garlic should be fed during its growing season. Organic is best for this. However, do not overdo it, otherwise overwatering with organic fertilizers can cause yellowing of the foliage and other diseases. You can also use urea.

It is good to feed the garlic directly to the root in mid-summer (July) with Aquarin (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water), adding 1 liter of infusion to this solution horse manure. This feeding will help to enlarge the bulb and provide nutrition for faster ripening. Not only that, you can use wood ash, which is rich in potassium. It is enough for her to lightly powder the plantings.

And 3 weeks before the expected harvest date, it is appropriate to water the garlic beds with fertilizing from a solution of potassium monophosphate.

Harvesting for storage

In most cases, harvesting spring garlic from the beds begins from the second half of August until the end of September. It is very simple to determine the time when it is worth getting a vegetable by the following signs of its ripening: the leaves begin to lie on the ground, the tips turn yellow, and the lower leaves dry out a little.

Video: harvesting spring garlic

Whatever one may say, spring garlic can easily save any housewife: when there is a lack of taste and vitamins, it is, without a doubt, suitable for all dishes except compote. But this capricious crop can only be grown with knowledge of the peculiarities of planting and caring for it in the spring. So, take into account our tips and recommendations, and your efforts to grow garlic will be crowned with success.

Video: briefly about growing spring garlic - from planting to harvest

Garlic is one of the few crops that does not require any attention after planting. This especially applies to winter plantings, since seedlings appear when there is a lot of moisture in the soil and they have time to grow and form a crop before the peak of summer drought and heat.

Winter garlic is harvested in August (for the Moscow region), so it does not have a high shelf life. But due to its high yield and unpretentiousness, winter garlic is often grown.

But if the autumn turned out to be inclement and planting was not possible, is it possible to plant garlic in the spring? Of course, you can, you just need to purchase the spring variety of garlic.

Some gardeners mistakenly believe that the same variety can be planted both in autumn and spring. In winters with little snow or when planting is not deep enough, garlic may freeze. In such cases, gardeners plant in the spring, using leftover garlic stored for food. Shoots, of course, will appear, but the harvest will be meager and the bulbs will be small.

We purchase and prepare garlic planting material

Garlic reproduces only vegetatively: cloves and bulbs (only in bolting varieties). The teeth are buds with a growing point and leaf primordia. Bulbs can also be used for planting, but during the growing season they will produce a whole bulb, unsuitable for further propagation. For spring varieties, reproduction is possible only by cloves.

Before you buy garlic for planting, you need to study the list of zoned varieties. Buy at garden stores or you can order anything via the Internet by mail, but no one can guarantee high yields and good ripening in a particular region.

A clear difference between spring (above) and winter garlic: the cloves are smaller and arranged in several rows, there is no flower arrow in the center (the only exception is the Gulliver variety)

Of the spring varieties of garlic in Russia, Abrek, Victorio, Gulliver, Aleysky, etc. are zoned. They can be safely grown in the Moscow region and Middle lane Russia, for the Urals, Siberia and the Far East, it is necessary to select varieties of local selection.

There are a lot of advertisements for planting material of varieties of foreign selection with quite good characteristics. They can also be grown, you just need to study them carefully biological features. It is better to purchase planting material from specialized seed farms.

Before planting, garlic bulbs are divided into cloves. This must be done carefully so as not to damage their skin. After this, the teeth are wrapped in a dampened towel and placed in the refrigerator for several days. You can also soak them the day before planting in slightly warm water for 12 hours. To speed up germination, teeth can be treated with a growth stimulator.

Seed garlic own production needs to be sorted. Large cloves can be used in the main planting for further storage, and small cloves (if it’s a pity to throw them away) can rarely be planted in carrot rows to repel carrot flies or among early potato bushes to reduce infestation Colorado potato beetle. This garlic is good for preservation and summer consumption.

Planting dates and soil preparation

Garlic is cold-resistant; it begins to germinate as soon as the average daily temperature rises above zero. Spring garlic is planted when the soil warms up to 5 - 10 ºC. In the Moscow region, such conditions are created closer to mid-April. When to plant garlic Far East depends on spring temperatures, according to long-term observations optimal conditions for garlic they are formed by the beginning of May. It is not recommended to delay planting, as it may not have time to ripen. If agricultural practices are followed, spring garlic is ready for harvesting in the central zone at the end of August - beginning of September.

Garlic forms a weak root system, so it needs good hydration and high fertility. The reaction of the soil solution should be close to neutral; on slightly acidic soils, ash is added. Two weeks before planting, add humus or compost.

If the area was dug up in the fall, then in the spring it is enough to harrow it with a rake with long teeth or use a flat cutter. You should not cover up the humus by digging it onto the bayonet of a shovel. Otherwise low power root system garlic will not be able to take advantage of the nutrients.

When planning a landing site, it is necessary. Garlic can be returned to its original place or to an area occupied by other onions no earlier than after 4 years. Good predecessors will be melons, legumes and cabbage.

Planting garlic in spring

In order to get a rich harvest of large bulbs with good shelf life in the fall, you need to plant garlic correctly in the spring. All agrotechnical planting measures should be aimed at accelerating the germination of cloves, since the growing season of spring garlic is longer than that of winter garlic.

Garlic is planted in rows, making grooves 4 cm deep. Planting the cloves deeper, like winter garlic, is not recommended. If the soil is not loose enough, a mixture of ash and sand can be poured into the bottom of the furrow. The teeth are placed at a distance of 5 - 6 cm, but for large-fruited varieties the step can be increased. To make it convenient to carry out weeding and loosening, the row spacing is about 40 cm.

With another planting method, the area is carefully leveled and rows are marked, and instead of grooves, shallow holes for the cloves are made using a tube with a sealed end. When all the holes are filled, the area is leveled again, thus filling in the cloves.

It is not recommended to press the cloves into the soil when planting, as is sometimes practiced with winter garlic. Under the influence of measures to stimulate germination, by the time of planting, root rudiments may already appear, which can be easily damaged.

Planting garlic in spring should be done in moist soil. If the weather is dry, artificial irrigation is carried out. Shoots appear in the 2nd week.

Caring for spring garlic seedlings

As noted above, spring garlic needs more attention. In addition to mandatory watering before emergence and 4 weeks after, it is necessary to fertilize. Spring garlic shoots respond well to nitrogen fertilizers and potassium chloride. Mineral fertilizer can be replaced with compost or mullein infusion.

The second feeding is carried out during the formation of bulbs with complex fertilizers. To form good harvest plants need phosphorus and potassium.

Throughout the entire growing season, garlic beds must be loosened and freed from weeds. Watering in the second half of the growing season is carried out only during prolonged dry weather.

The spring form of garlic, as a rule, does not produce shoots, so the degree of maturity is determined only by the leaves. Harvesting can be done when the leaves turn yellow and begin to dry out. The bulbs are very painful to bear mechanical stress, bruises reduce their shelf life.

It is advisable not to pull them out of the soil, but to dig them up. Earthen clods should not be beaten off; it is better to carefully clean them with a glove. The selected bulbs are left in the garden for a while to dry. Then they are transferred under a canopy for ripening. After a few days, the stems are cut off at a distance of 5 cm from the bulb.

Properly harvested spring garlic is less capricious during storage and is successfully preserved until the next harvest.

Garlic is not without reason one of the most beloved crops grown in the region. garden plots. Without its taste and aroma it is impossible to prepare many dishes; not a single preparation for the winter, which gardeners love to make, can do without its spiciness. In addition, garlic has unique properties that allow it to fight harmful viruses, which is why it is so popular during the cold season.

When asked whether it is possible to plant garlic in the spring, we say “Yes!” The crop is planted both in autumn and spring - in both cases you can get a good, rich harvest. But due to the fact that autumn harvest is not stored very well, or simply dies; gardeners are often interested in how to plant garlic in the spring and many prefer the spring method of planting garlic.

Preparing garlic for planting in spring

So, having decided whether garlic can be planted in the spring, we begin to prepare for planting. Garlic planted in spring is called spring garlic. It differs from winter (that is, planted in the fall into winter, read) not only in its shelf life (winter will last only a couple of months, while spring for more than a year), but also in the type of head - its cloves are pressed more tightly together. At the same time, its yield is less than that of winter crops.

The easiest way to buy spring garlic seeds is from grandmother gardeners at the market; in this case, you will grow a guaranteed local variety.

Winter garlic has large heads, with a small number of cloves, easy to store until spring/summer.

Spring garlic It has small heads, the cloves themselves are small, it can only be stored for autumn. That is, this garlic is only for summer-autumn consumption.

The best varieties of non-shooting spring garlic:

  • Abrek;
  • Aleysky;
  • Victorio;
  • Elenovsky;
  • Ershovsky;
  • Kalininsky local;
  • Moscow;
  • Sochi.

Gives the arrow:

  • Gulliver;

Unusual spring varieties:

  • Kledor and Flavor are spring varieties of French selection, have cream cloves, planted early spring.

The heads of spring varieties are medium-sized; 15–20 cloves ripen in them, which are arranged in a spiral.

Varieties of spring garlic for the Moscow region, proven Aleysky, Moscow, Kalininsky local.

For cultivation in Siberia You can use any spring variety, since they were originally bred for cultivation in northern regions, where winter varieties die in winter.

If you choose to plant garlic in the spring, then you should prepare for this in the fall. Typically, planting material is placed in bags and buried approximately 50 centimeters into the ground. The top of the soil can be insulated with film, leaves, or compost from your own. This will protect the contents of the bag from severe frosts. If the amount of planting material is small, it is better to store it at home in the refrigerator. Before planting, a couple of days, garlic can be wrapped in damp cloth to speed up root formation.

When to plant garlic in spring?

Spring garlic is planted on April 20 - 25, shortly after the snow melts. These varieties do not tolerate lack of moisture.

Prepared tines should be planted at the beginning of spring; pay attention to the temperature - the soil can only be warmed up to 5 degrees.

If you plan to plant garlic in the spring in the Moscow region, then this temperature will be established around April; in warmer regions this can be done as early as the end of March. This crop is frost-resistant, therefore low temperatures will not interfere with growth. First, the root system will form, and when the soil warms up to 8-10 degrees, the above-ground part of the future crop will begin to develop. However, you should not delay planting, otherwise the bulbs will not have time to form before the onset of cold weather. At the same time, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of frost, which will prevent the head from developing.

There are times when you need to plant winter garlic in the spring. True, such planting may not produce a high-quality harvest if it is not carefully looked after. If you know general principles planting garlic, then how to plant winter garlic in the spring will not raise any questions. The main thing is to carefully sort the cloves and remove all infected or spoiled ones. Winter garlic is often planted in the spring to produce green feathers, which are consumed fresh during the season.

Choosing a place to plant garlic

When the weather permits and spring planting of garlic begins, you will need to think about the location of the bed and the quality of the soil. Chernozem, light, medium loamy soils are best suited for the plant. You should not plant garlic where potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes or onions grew last season (they are bad predecessors and neighbors, do not plant garlic next to them). Since garlic is classified as an onion, this means that it is better to move its bed to a new place every year. But zucchini or cucumbers, cabbage or legumes are the best predecessors. Choose places that are exposed to the sun or lightly shaded, as the plant needs light and warmth. Dig up the selected bed, loosen it, remove all weeds and water it quite generously with a salt solution (3 tablespoons of regular salt should be dissolved in a bucket of water). Garlic can be planted in two days - the soil will be ready.

Which garlic to plant in spring

Before planting, the material must be sorted out, very small bulbs and those infected with diseases must be removed. The teeth need to be calibrated and planted in the same row of the same size. Depending on the size of the planted material, the finished crop will also ripen, then it can be dug up systematically, as it is ready. Having prepared everything you need, you can plant garlic in the spring.

At what depth should I plant garlic?

Spring garlic is planted to a depth of 2 - 3 cm. Planting pattern: distance between rows is 20-30 cm, between cloves in a row 6-8 cm.

It is planted bottom down, about 2 centimeters deep. A larger layer of soil will not allow small sprouts to hatch. Remember how to plant garlic correctly in spring and try to keep a distance of 6-8 centimeters.

When everything is planted, feed the bed with ammonium sulfate. You can repeat this feeding again in July; this will not give pests a chance to spoil the plantings. You can also feed the soil with phosphorus and potassium at the moment when the bulbs begin to form. Garlic needs to be watered well, as the crop loves moisture. But do not let the beds flood, as high humidity may destroy the root system.

Now you know how to plant garlic in the spring. All that remains is to wait for the harvest and harvest it correctly. When the leaves turn yellow, the crop can be harvested. The heads are pulled out of the soil and left in the garden bed, allowing the leaves to dry out and the beneficial substances to return to the bulb. You can also gather garlic into bunches and hang them to dry. When the leaves have finally given up all their benefits, they will dry out and be easily removed.

There are winter and spring varieties. They differ in appearance, taste and planting period. Neither one nor the other should be planted in the same place every year. These plants consume large amounts nutrients, the soil should have time to “rest” after harvesting the garlic. Planting a plant after nightshades (tomatoes, peppers, potatoes and others) is also undesirable.

It is worth paying attention to the size and location of the cloves of each variety.

When are winter varieties of garlic planted?

Winter garlic has uniform large cloves that are evenly distributed around the stem. The number of cloves is even, six or eight, sometimes more. The central trunk is the inedible part, coming out of the ground in the form of a tall arrow containing seeds. The stump is the base, very dense and thick, the root system is well developed, so it is not easy to separate. Winter plants can be spicy or semi-sharp to taste.

The described type of garlic is planted before winter. The most favorable time is considered to be the second half of September or October. In this case, each clove will have time to take root before frost, which means you are guaranteed a good harvest in the summer. Winter crops are most often used in cooking in summer and autumn. Such varieties do not survive wintering well. Therefore, housewives annually plant a second subspecies of the plant - spring.

A variety of garlic that produces arrows during ripening requires special treatment after germination. Arrows with bulbs take up a lot of nutrients. If the housewife plans to plant next year using the formed aerial seeds, there is no need to disturb the plant - let everything take its course. It is important to remember that in this case the head of garlic will be smaller in size and less nutritious. Therefore, to obtain a rich harvest, such arrows must be removed before they fully ripen.

At home, when the garden bed is small, this will not be difficult to do. When planting on an industrial scale, it is not possible to remove the bulblets.

When are spring varieties of garlic planted?

Spring garlic consists of large quantity cloves - from 10 to 20 pieces or more. In the outer circle they are large, towards the middle they become smaller. The absence of a central trunk that turns into a frog is the main external difference from its winter counterpart. The root is not very developed.

Planting takes place immediately after the end of winter frosts. By the end of summer, you can get the long-awaited harvest, which can be stored for a long period of time, right up to new shoots next year.

How to plant garlic in the fall

Before planting garlic for the winter, you should prepare the soil. Winter varieties need loose and fertile soil, so you should add fertilizer a couple of weeks before planting, or better yet 1.5 months - immediately after harvesting the previous harvest.

Bulbous plants consume a lot of nutrients, so you don’t have to skimp on fertilizing the soil, for every square meter soil requires up to one bucket of humus or compost

To prevent the cloves from freezing in harsh winter conditions, they should be placed at a depth of up to 10 centimeters. Typically, winter varieties are planted in the second half of September or in October, before frost. Some farmers adhere to a number of traditions. So, according to one of them, garlic should be planted in Orthodox holiday Intercession of the Holy Mother of God - October 14. Other gardeners believe that best time for work on earth occurs during the period when the moon is in its waning phase.

In fact great value has the average daily temperature in the region. If the garden is located in the southern parts of the country and winters come much later, there is a risk that the plant will take root and sprout ahead of schedule. This will have a detrimental effect on the future harvest.

Therefore, in areas where winters are mild and frosts do not come in autumn, but in deep winter, cloves can be planted at the end of October or even after the first snow. You should not cover the bed with planted garlic for the winter. If all actions were carried out correctly and at the right time, the harvest will be rich even after a long, harsh winter.

What to do when the garlic still sprouted before the onset of cold weather? If the winter is not too cold, with prolonged frosts of 30 degrees, the plant will survive and bear fruit. Although the harvest in this case will not be as expected.

If possible, you should take unfrozen loose soil and sprinkle the emerging sprouts. Also, an excellent way to preserve future harvests would be mulch made from crushed tops of last year's harvest or tree bark. In winter, it is recommended to additionally cover the area with winter snow.

The formed “coat” will protect premature shoots from the cold

If you didn’t have time to plant the garlic before the first frost, and the top layer of soil is already frozen, you shouldn’t plant it later. The cloves or seeds will not have time to carry out the necessary processes for rooting, and the harvest will be poor. In this case, it is better to plan to plant a spring variety in the spring.

How to plant garlic in spring

Spring varieties of garlic are planted in early spring. Before this, the heads intended for planting should be disassembled into teeth, then put the resulting material in a bag and sprinkle with water. The cloves should remain in this form for several days. During this period, they will wake up and maybe even take root.

There is no need to treat the soil in a special way before planting, provided that it has received the necessary set of fertilizers since the fall. To protect the future harvest from pests, you can pre-treat the soil with a solution of vitriol in the proportion of one tablespoon per bucket of water. In spring, it is not correct to plant garlic deeply - the soil height should be no more than three centimeters. Frosts are already behind us, which means no additional thermal protection is required. After the top layer of soil warms up to a temperature of +5 degrees, you can begin planting work.

Most often this period occurs in April. Each clove is spaced approximately three or four fingers apart.

It is better to adhere to the rule - distribute tines of the same size on the beds

The harvest time will depend on the size of the planting material, so they should be divided at the initial stage.

Many housewives, in order to save money, plant different cultures next to each other. It should be remembered that garlic does not tolerate proximity to onions and cucumbers. It cannot be planted in the same place every year.

It is advisable to have small sides on each side of the bed, so that moisture after watering or rain will be retained longer for the necessary nutrition of the plant. Some housewives treat the ground with a saline solution before starting work - three tablespoons of salt per 10 liters of water.

After planting spring garlic, abundant watering is necessary. It is cut back only after the first shoots appear.

Methods for planting garlic

There are several ways to plant garlic. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Correct fit in individual slices

The most popular, traditional method is planting in separate slices. Regardless of whether it is winter or spring garlic, the following steps should be followed to get a good harvest:

  1. Place all cloves in a weak solution of manganese for 2–3 hours to control pests. Another way is a solution copper sulfate- 1 teaspoon for 2 liters of water. You need to hold the cloves for no more than 3-4 minutes. You should not carry out all these activities at once. You should select one of the proposed options.
    To enhance the effect, you can then dip the cloves in a saline solution - for 1 liter of water you will need a tablespoon of coarse table salt. It is recommended to keep the garlic in the second solution for no more than five minutes.
  2. Disassemble the heads of garlic into cloves. They should be smooth and dense, well dried. Each clove must be peeled.
  3. For spring crops that are planted in early spring, it is recommended to pre-soak the cloves. To do this, the dried and treated material is moistened with water and placed in a cool place for several days. Must have access to air. If the moistened cloves are in a bag, do not tie it, as they may rot. After a few days, the planting material will “wake up” and produce roots or green stems - which means you can transfer them to the ground.

    The cloves are planted at a certain distance from each other

  4. It must be remembered that garlic loves well-fertilized soil, but not too acidic. It is optimal if it is black soil. Garlic will not produce a good harvest if onions or potatoes grew in this area of ​​the garden in the previous season. Preference should be given to sunny placement. The previously prepared area is well dug up.
  5. The cloves are planted with the root down and the narrowed side up (from where the stem will begin to grow). For winter crops, the depth should be 6–10 cm so that the plant does not die during frost. Spring varieties, which are planted in the spring, are placed at a depth of about 3 cm. The distance between the beds should be 20–25 cm; in the row, teeth are placed every 5–10 cm, depending on the size of the planting material. Mulch is a good help. It allows air to pass through perfectly, while warming the earth. It is especially good to use for winter species. After germination and in warm weather, it can be removed.

    The soil should be loose and well breathable

  6. At first, garlic planted in spring needs abundant watering. Winter varieties fed and took root all winter, snow layers provided them with water, but spring varieties must be moistened on their own.

Another common method of planting winter garlic, sometimes called “lazy”. There is no need to separate and clean the cloves. A whole head is buried in the ground, pre-treated by one of the methods described above. For winter varieties, it is necessary to bury the plant to a greater depth - up to 15 cm. Each hole must first be filled with nutrients. Garlic always needs to be fed with fertilizers, and when planted with whole heads, the need increases several times.

This landing is preferable for those housewives who have limited space for the garden. In this case, it is not necessary to allocate a separate place for growing garlic. Lush bush will be noticeable anywhere: in the beds among strawberries, near the trunks of apple trees, around currant or raspberry bushes. At the same time, garlic heads treated with special means will protect neighboring plants from pests.

The most beautiful, large and dense heads are selected for planting. The top husk must be removed until the cloves are visible. It is imperative to cut off the root bottom so that in the future there are no obstacles to the germination of new roots. It is important not to injure the teeth themselves. IN loose soil, an approved compost and natural soil improver, place the head of garlic, stem side up, and press down lightly. Then the hole is buried and watered abundantly. The distance between the holes should be at least 25–30 cm.

The result of such a landing will pleasantly surprise you. Several heads of garlic will form in the formed bush. Each of them will be slightly smaller in size than when growing a similar variety in individual cloves. On taste qualities it won't affect.

Formed heads will sprout from one bush

Video: the “lazy” way of planting whole heads

Planting garlic using a pipe

Experienced gardeners are looking for options to make their annual work easier. So, one of the landing methods is metal pipe. Its diameter should be several times greater than the size of the planting material. A device is inserted into the loosened soft soil, and the soil is retained in the pipe. As a result, a hole is formed into which they pour required quantity nutrients. The head or clove of garlic is also located there. After these steps, the bulb is covered with previously removed soil. This method can also be used for planting onions, as well as any bulbous flowers and plants.

Today in specialized stores you can find a ready-made metal device in the form of a pipe.

On outside notches may be placed indicating in centimeters the depth to which planting must be carried out

Planting garlic from airy bulbs

Winter varieties of garlic produce characteristic arrows in which airy bulbs are formed. They can also be used for planting next season.

This method seems inconvenient and too time-consuming, but it allows you to save on the source material

To obtain seed, such stems are not cut off, but are given the opportunity to fully form. After the inflorescence begins to crack, it must be cut off at a distance of 30–35 cm from the bag of seeds. Next, the air cloves are dried and the same steps are performed as in the case of traditional landing. Winter crops planted in this way form a one-toed plant the following spring, which is sown again a year later. Only in the third year of the plant’s life can you get a full head of garlic.

Single cloves are brand new, young garlic. When a gardener sows exclusively the cloves of the previous harvest year after year, his harvest is in fact not young at all, but produced from old perennial materials, it has fewer useful substances and may have chronic diseases. In the case of sowing air seeds, such problems will not arise.

For convenience, such bulbs are not disassembled into components, but are placed in whole inflorescences to a depth of 3–5 centimeters. The holes are placed at a distance of 15 cm from each other. Grown bunches of green garlic will not get lost in the garden and are easier to care for. There is no need to dig up the first-year one-toothed trees next summer. They will sprout on their own next season.

In the second year of life, they will need to be taken out, and then dried and planted again to obtain full-fledged fruit in the third year. young garlic. The product grown in this way and its descendants over the next five years are guaranteed not to suffer from any diseases inherent in such plants.

Video: Growing garlic from airy bulbs

Planting garlic in two tiers

To save space, garlic is often planted in two tiers. In this case, both plants do not interfere with each other’s development. Each of them will be provided with sufficient quantities of useful substances. The lower tier is located at a depth of about 20 cm. The hole is pre-enriched with fertilizers.

The next seed is placed above the first at a distance of 5–10 cm, that is, it will be at a depth of 10–15 cm. During the growth process, the heads do not interfere with each other, but their outer part will grow in one bush. The result will be pleasantly surprising. The harvest from both tiers is the same size with a full range of nutrients and the same taste characteristics.

Video: Two-tier landing

This article discussed the types of garlic and methods for growing them. Winter varieties are planted before winter frosts, spring varieties - immediately after them. Appearance plants can be easily distinguished. Winter bulbs have large, even cloves, but they do not last long. Spring crops are divided into smaller components, and you can use them all winter without fear that they may go to waste. Most often, gardeners plant both types of amaryllis - after all, each of them has its own undeniable advantages. Growing garlic is not at all difficult. Enough to stick simple rules described above. In this case, your harvest will become the pride of the season and will delight your family all year round.

Many summer residents know that garlic can and should be planted before winter. Winter garlic ripens by August and is considered frost-resistant; moreover, winter garlic is well stored and does not dry out. However, this does not mean that you cannot plant garlic in the spring.

Durum varieties Garlic is planted only in autumn soil(winter plantings), planted in the spring, hard garlic simply does not have time to ripen. But the soft narrow-leaved plant will not survive the winter, so it is planted only in early spring in soil that has not yet dried out. Soft varieties of garlic are being chosen by an increasing number of gardeners. The fact is that such garlic is distinguished by a shorter growing season and greater resistance to bulb diseases. In addition, spring garlic is well stored all winter, maintaining its taste. It is juicy and moderately loose.

Preparation of seed material

The place for planting garlic in the spring is chosen to be sunny or slightly shaded and leeward. It is wrong to place garlic in the place where previously grew: - onions, - potatoes, - carrots.

But a bed of tomatoes or melons is perfect. The best time to work with the soil is the beginning of April, in the southern regions - mid-March. The difficulty of planting garlic in the spring is not in some technology, but in short term for work. You need to catch the moment when the soil is still quite moist, but no longer “watery”.

Winter garlic differs from spring garlic by one row of teeth; spring garlic always has two.

Remember that the spring soil is still quite cold, and frosts are also common, so before planting, the seed cloves of garlic can be placed in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks.


Immediately before planting, garlic cloves must be treated with an antibacterial agent. Typically, potassium permanganate or the drug “Maxim” is used, which is diluted in a basin according to the instructions for the drug (be sure to look at the concentration of the purchased medication). The garlic needs to be soaked in liquid for a couple of hours, then drained in a colander and allowed to drain.

You need to add it to the soil before planting. organic fertilizers(compost or peat). This is very convenient to do when digging up the ground. Simply sprinkle the fertilizer over the surface and dig up the soil with a pitchfork. It is desirable that the soil contains sand.

Sand introduced into the soil creates microdrainage around the developing head of garlic. Water does not stagnate and does not lead to putrefactive diseases

Contrary to popular belief that garlic can simply be “stuck” into prepared holes, experienced gardeners They say: the ground needs to be dug up. Moreover, the bed for garlic needs to be cleared, breaking up large pieces of earth.

On the dug up soil, make a narrow groove up to 5 centimeters deep. Do not compact the soil, otherwise the heads of autumn-ripened garlic will be small. Place the garlic cloves ready for planting with the arrow pointing up every 12–15 centimeters. If necessary, sprinkle each clove with a tablespoon of dry sand. Sprinkle the planting with soil and humus on top; it will prevent the soil from drying out and cracking under the active spring sun.

Watering the ridge is usually not required; in the spring the soil still retains a sufficient amount of moisture. However, if you delay planting until mid-April, then water the ridge so that the water saturates 5–7 centimeters of the soil.

Caring for garlic plantings

It is good to add ammonium sulfate to the soil after planting, which will protect the plants from diseases and pests. This treatment must be carried out twice during the growing season: - during planting; - when the first arrow exits; - when burst heads appear on the hands.

Most often shallow spring planting garlic suffer from bulb fly, so if you do not trust sulfates, purchase drugs against this pest in specialized stores.

A week after planting, the soil will need to be loosened; after a couple of weeks, if the weather is warm enough, the first shoots should appear. Now all that remains is to water the plants and also make sure that the garlic does not get sick. Most often it is affected by rot, which can be combated with the help of “Fitosporin” or “Oxychom” dissolved in water for irrigation. In principle, it is not necessary to feed spring garlic, especially if you added the necessary substances mentioned above to the soil when planting.