Where to plant tall marigolds. Planting and caring for wonderful marigolds in open ground can be done by everyone. Why should marigolds be planted in the garden and vegetable garden?

Hi all! Today in our article we will talk about how to grow marigolds from seeds at home, we will learn a lot of useful and valuable information: where to get marigold seeds, when to sow, how to grow seedlings, how to care for them and much more.

Useful properties

First useful property marigold is their nice appearance . Bright dense flowers can serve as decoration in any flower bed and garden plot.

The second advantage is their unpretentiousness. They are able to tolerate various weather conditions, frosts, grow well in northern latitudes.

The third useful property is their help in controlling garden pests. For example, they perfectly protect potato plantings from Colorado potato beetle, cabbage from the cabbage butterfly, onions from onion fly etc.

Marigolds are used in home medicine. They have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, diuretic and choleretic properties. Sometimes a squeeze of these flowers is used in the early stages diabetes mellitus to lower blood sugar levels. Plants have a beneficial effect on metabolism. A tincture of these flowers helps prevent colds.

Marigold seeds

Where can I get it?

Marigold seeds are easy to find in the store.

In addition, as marigolds fade, they produce a large number of seeds that can be used the following year.

The problem is that, having collected seeds of one variety, you cannot be sure that you will get flowers of the same type the next year, since varieties are often hybrids and in the next generation they do not give the same result as you expect.

Marigolds produce seeds, on average, 40 days after the start of flowering. Warm, dry weather is required to collect seeds.

The flowers on the plants must dry completely, after which the seed pods are collected, dried and stored until the next season.

When to sow?

The time you sow your marigolds depends on when you want them to bloom. For early flowering, marigolds are sown as seedlings at home in early spring.

Seeds can be planted in open ground only after the threat of frost has passed, i.e. in the second half of May or early June. If you live in northern latitudes, you are better off using seedlings.

If you want to have marigolds as house plant, then you can try planting their seeds in pots in the fall. Given enough light they will produce flowers in the spring.


Growing from seeds

At home, marigold seedlings can be grown in plastic containers.

Containers must have a hole to drain excess water. Line the bottom of the containers with paper and pour a three-centimeter layer of crushed stone or coarse sand. The depth of the furrow for sowing should be 1 cm. The distance between seeds is 1.5 cm.

The seeds are sprinkled with a very thin (0.5 cm) layer of soil and watered. The containers are covered with film and placed in a warm place until germination.

Marigold seeds can be germinated before planting. Place a damp cloth or gauze at the bottom of a small container, then the seeds, cover the top of the container with polyethylene and place in a warm place. After the sprouts appear, they can be sown in the soil.

Seedling care

4 - 8 days after sowing the seeds, marigold sprouts appear. Plants should be moved to a windowsill where they will have enough light and coolness.

For successful germination, a room temperature of 22 to 25 degrees is required. After the sprouts appear, the optimal temperature is from 18 to 22 degrees.

For marigolds to germinate, regular moistening of the soil in containers is required. Flower sprouts are watered at the root, not too much. Every next watering must be done after the soil has dried thoroughly.

After the first pair of true leaves appear, the marigolds need to be planted less densely. Take a young plant and transplant it into a separate glass.


Preparing the land for planting

Marigolds can be planted in well-moistened sandy soils. Before planting, you can add a little peat and humus to the soil.

In stores you can buy a mixture for growing these flowers. It is recommended to disinfect the land in which marigolds are planted. In winter, for example, the earthen mixture can be kept in the cold for 2 weeks to destroy pest larvae. You can also treat the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Landing in the ground

If you want to plant marigolds in open ground, choose a place where the flowers will be sufficiently protected from cold winds.

The optimal daytime temperature for plants is from 18 to 22 degrees.

The place should not be heavily shaded if you want abundant flowering. Also, do not plant plants in areas that are too exposed to the sun.

Marigold seedlings do not survive frosts. Depending on the climatic conditions in the place where you are, it is necessary to calculate the time of planting flowers so that the threat of frost is minimal. Usually this is the end of May - beginning of June.

Greenhouse films or plastic cups, which can be used to cover the flowers at night, help protect young seedlings and seeds from hypothermia.

Before planting marigold seedlings, let them stand for a week in containers outdoors, for example, on a balcony, so that the flowers have time to get used to the new conditions.

If you sow seeds directly into the ground, make sure that the ambient temperature is sufficient for their germination (22 - 25 degrees). You can cover the ground with greenhouse film to create the right conditions and prevent the soil from drying out in the open sun.

Holes are prepared in the ground with the following dimensions:

  1. 20 by 20 cm for low-growing varieties;
  2. 30 by 30 cm for medium-sized children;
  3. 40 by 40 cm for tall ones.

The soil is moistened, the plant is strengthened in the ground and left to take root.

Caring for marigolds

The main care is regular loosening of the soil and thinning. In addition, it is necessary to trim flower bushes to get beautiful plants.

Old dried flowers need to be removed to make room for new ones.


Marigolds do well without water, so they do not require a special watering regime.

At insufficient quantities moisture and drying out of the soil should not expect abundant flowering. Marigolds require more thorough moisture until they take root well in the soil and begin to bloom.


They respond well to fertilizing and delight gardeners with abundant flowers. However, large amounts of fertilizer can delay the appearance of flowers on plants.

It is considered optimal to feed once when their height is 10 cm, a second time when the buds begin to form, and a third time during flowering.

The soil mixture in which marigolds are planted may already contain nutritious fertilizer (peat, humus).


Despite the fact that these flowers protect well garden plants from pests and microorganisms, they themselves can also suffer from fungi or spider mites.

Fungi multiply on marigolds with excess moisture and lack of sufficient lighting. To cure plants, they must be moved to a dry and well-lit place.

To combat spider mites, which appear on flowers if they are planted in a too dry place, spraying with infusions of red pepper, yarrow or onion is suitable.

Marigolds do not tolerate treatment with pesticides well, so to combat diseases of these plants chemicals use is not recommended. Flowers affected by persistent fungal or bacterial infections should be destroyed.

When do they bloom?

The flowering time of marigolds depends on the time their seeds are planted in the ground, the amount of sun and fertilizer, air temperature and the type of flowers. The sooner you plant, the sooner they will begin to delight you with their bright colors.

Improper care can prevent flowering. Overwatering and abundant feeding in the first half of the growing season can lead to abundant growth of the green part and a delay in the appearance of flowers.

Rejected marigolds produce flowers 30 - 40 days after sowing. Thin-leaved ones begin to bloom on 40 - 50 days, and erect ones - on 50 - 70 days after sowing the seeds.

Flowering continues for a long time, usually until mid-autumn.

This is how you learned how to grow marigolds from seeds!

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Be sure to watch this very useful video!

Marigolds, or, in other words, tagetes, are spectacular flowers that are liked by many. Note that the flowerbed in which these fiery red flowers grow is not only stunningly decorative and pleasing to the eye, but can also be considered a kind of pharmacy - since Tagetes flowers have a lot of beneficial and medicinal properties. At the same time, marigolds are not particularly difficult to care for, and even a novice gardener can grow them. Today we will look in detail at how these flowers are grown from seeds: how marigolds are planted, when to plant, what is necessary for this.

Marigolds are considered the first foreign decorative flowers, brought to the Russian state. The flowers of marigolds received the Latin name “Tagetes” in honor of a relative of Jupites, a demigod predictor who had the power to know the future, and besides, Tagetes was distinguished by his extraordinary beauty. Marigolds are native to the southern and central lands of America, and they have long been known as flowers that Indian tribes used in their rituals and healing traditions.

Today, marigolds, or, as they are popularly called, “black-browtsy,” are known to flower growers all over the world, and there are about forty varieties of these beautiful flowers. However, even an inexperienced person will recognize a popular flowerbed flower in any of the species, since the varieties are visually similar to each other.

Typically, marigolds are a small bush (height varies from twenty centimeters and above), the stems of the flowers are straight, persistent, and branched. Marigold leaves can have a color from light light green to deep emerald, shades of petals - from bright yellow and orange to carmine brown, red burgundy, brick.

The aroma of tagetes is strong, spicy and specific, and it comes not so much from the flowers themselves, but from the leaves and stems of the plant. Marigolds bloom very elegantly, amicably and abundantly, pleasing the eye from June until the first snow. At the same time, Tagetes produces a lot of seeds that remain viable for three to four years. These qualities make the flower extremely attractive to those who wish to have bright flowerbed for a long time, and also does not want to bother with capricious flowers.

In the form of a table we present the most popular types and varieties of Tagetes in Russia, which take root well in open ground and have excellent decorative qualities.

Table 1. Varieties and types of marigolds

ErectAmber lace, Lemon Queen, Golden light, Uncle Styopa, Vanilla, Golden domes, Hussars, White Moon, Lemon miracle, Alaska, Velvet season, Cosmonauts, Cupid, Lady, Taishan, Smile (Smile), Fantastic, Prima gold, Glitter, Golden Fluff, Dune, Golden Prince, Crackjack, Inka, Hawaii, Eskimo.
Thin-leavedUrsula, Lulu, Ornament, Starfire, Starlight, Gnome, Paprika, Red Gem, Starlight, Karina, Starshine, Mimimix, Golden Gem, Fire Star, Golden Ring.
RejectedCoin, Hero, Fireball, Petite Gold, Bolero, Lumia, Harmony, Mercedes, Little Guy, Orange Flame, Safari, Chica, Bonanza, Red Cherry, Rusty Red, Mandarin, Jolly Jester, Gabi, Cresta, Capricious Marietta, Petite Harmony, Petite Gold, Pascal, Durango, Gullebrand, Brocade Yellow, Tiger's Eye.

Properties and characteristics of marigolds

Lush bright marigold flowers are not only a decoration for a garden or a separate flower bed. This plant can repel insect pests, inhibit pathogenic fungi that interfere with growth, and can also be used in home medicine cabinet. Let's talk about the wonderful properties of marigolds in more detail.

The flowers, stems and leaves of Tagetes contain phytoncides that can destroy the growth of fungi living in the soil and repel unwanted pests (nematodes, fusarium, weevil, whiteweed and the like). Therefore, marigolds are often planted next to other, more defenseless and delicate plants, flowers and even vegetable crops(tagetes is able to protect asters, phlox and clematis, cabbage, strawberries).

In addition, marigolds have healing properties for humans. Thus, a tincture of dried flowers and leaves is used to treat pancreatic problems, diabetes, and ophthalmic ailments. It is believed that dried petals and poured boiling water can relieve a person from stomatitis, colds, asthma, and blood diseases. The most common recipe for making a tincture: pour a tablespoon of dried crushed flowers into a liter of boiling water, leave for three hours, then filter. The resulting infusion is drunk once a day, a glass before meals, the course duration is a month.

Interesting: powder of crushed marigold petals is a popular seasoning. It is added to marinades, sauces, soups and baked goods. In Asian countries, dried marigolds are called “Imereti saffron” and are actively added to many national dishes, for example, in pilaf.

Prices for marigold seeds

marigold seeds

How to grow marigolds from seeds?

Marigolds are extremely unpretentious, and, having excellent decorative properties, they are drought- and frost-resistant, unpretentious to soil, watering and sunlight. That is why city flower beds are often planted with marigolds. Actually, on the streets of their city, every person who has fallen in love with these flowers can collect seeds in order to grow Tagetes themselves in the future. We tell you how to do this in step-by-step instructions.

Seed collection

Marigold seeds are collected before the first frost, when the buds have already dried out, but are still located on the stems. Inside the flower, a so-called capsule is formed, inside which the seeds are located. They need to be stored in a dry place until spring (it is best to plant fresh seeds that can be stored for no more than two years).

Planting seeds in open ground

Typically, marigold seeds are introduced into open ground in May, when the air temperature is stable and no longer drops below five degrees. Planting tagetes is easy:

  1. A groove four to five centimeters deep is dug in the ground.
  2. Dry seeds are poured into the soil.
  3. The seeds are sprinkled with water on top.
  4. Add soil on top and lightly water again.

After ten to fourteen days, sprouts will be visible. If necessary, the marigolds are planted at this stage (you can leave them as they are).

Planting seeds at home

It is also possible to grow marigolds at home, so that at the beginning of summer you can already have a beautiful flowering flower bed. In this case, planting should be planned for March or early April, so that the flowers have time to form and bloom in the garden, vegetable garden or flowerbed in early June.

The first step is to prepare the seeds themselves, as well as the earthen substrate and containers for seedlings. A mixture of humus, washed sand and peat (1:½:2) is suitable as a substrate. It is more convenient to use low and wide plastic containers for planting, on the bottom of which a three-centimeter layer of expanded clay is laid for drainage.

Next, a substrate is poured into the container, which can be watered in advance with a solution of dark pink potassium permanganate (so that the marigolds are not affected by the “black leg” - a disease common among these flowers). Afterwards, furrows are made in the soil (no deeper than two to three centimeters), and the rows are also spaced two to three centimeters apart.

The next step is planting seeds. They are carefully poured into the prepared furrows; you can sprinkle the seeds from a sheet of paper folded in half, or place them individually with tweezers if there are few seeds.

Sprinkle the sown marigolds on top with soil (the layer should be about a centimeter thick), and then carefully water it with water. room temperature so that the layer of substrate covering the seeds is not washed away.

When the marigolds are planted, the container with them should be covered with a transparent lid (a sheet of plexiglass or plastic will do) and left in a bright place where the temperature is between fifteen and twenty degrees (a window sill is perfect). It is important to ensure that the soil is always slightly moist - you need to check this daily and, if necessary, carefully water the seedlings. In six to seven days the first shoots will hatch.

When the sprouts emerge from the substrate, you need to ventilate the container daily by removing the lid. Otherwise, the marigolds will rot or get sick.

Important point! If mold or rot is found in the planting, you need to quickly remove the affected sprouts and also replace the soil in the top layer of the container.

After the sprouts have sprouted a couple of centimeters, the lid can be removed from the container. From this time on, seedlings are watered only when the soil substrate is completely dry. Once a week you can apply any liquid fertilizer to flower seedlings(for example, "Solution").

Another important step is picking (separation, planting) of seedlings. Marigolds peak when each sprout has acquired two or three full leaves.

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Picking marigolds

Before planting seedlings, you need to prepare appropriate containers. You can use separate cups, you can also pick marigolds into flat ones plastic boxes for seedlings. The soil mixture used is exactly the same as for planting seeds: peat, sand and humus. For enhanced growth, you can add fertilizer to the soil containing wood ash, potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen.

The marigold sprouts are carefully removed and replanted, deepening them by one to one and a half centimeters. If the root system of the seedling is highly developed, the roots can be shortened - the flower tolerates this procedure well.

After picking, the marigolds are watered lightly. If the soil is slightly washed away, you need to add more soil. Next, the seedlings are watered as the substrate dries.

Important point! No need to be overzealous with watering. In the case of marigolds, it is better to underwater a little and dry the sprouts rather than overwater.

Transferring marigold seedlings into the ground

A couple of weeks before planting (late May - early June, depending on the weather), you need to “accustom” the seedlings to the air. To do this, boxes with marigolds are taken outside when the temperature remains confidently at no lower than fifteen degrees. Containers should be placed in a sunny place or where the shadow does not last long.

When the flowers adapt, you can start planting. The land where the marigolds will grow is carefully dug up. The only requirement of Tagetes for the soil is its breathability. Afterwards, holes are prepared, digging them at a distance of fifteen to twenty centimeters from each other.

The depth of the hole should correspond to the size of the root system of the seedling, taking into account the fact that the stem also needs to be buried a couple of centimeters.

When all the flowers are planted, you need to carefully water them from a watering can. Even if the seedlings have already bloomed, they are not afraid of watering the buds and leaves, just like rain. All that needs to be done further for care is to water the flowerbed when the soil dries out, and also regularly loosen the soil.

Summing up

As we already mentioned, marigolds will bloom all summer, delighting with lush bright flowers. Accordingly, by the end of August you need to prepare for the new season and collect seeds in advance if sowing marigolds is planned for next year. If you need to collect flowers to prepare a medicinal tincture or spice, you need to pick them while they are still fresh in order to carefully dry them.

Video - Growing marigolds

Marigold flowers are quite often found in dachas, flower beds, and squares.

Openwork leaves, velvety inflorescences, basket-shaped (double or simple), bright yellow, orange, red, golden, burgundy shades attract attention and give a sunny, warm mood for almost the entire gardening season, since they bloom until the onset of frost.

Even a beginner can grow this ornamental crop. We invite you to learn how to plant and care for perennial marigolds.

Marigolds (Latin name tagetes patula) are an unpretentious plant belonging to the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family, they can be annual or perennial, erect or branched.

There are large-flowered marigolds, low-growing, spreading ones (tagetes, patula). The plant has a special aroma that not everyone likes, but it is this feature that helps it and nearby crops protect themselves from pests.

Flowers are propagated by seeds, cuttings, and division of the bush.

For propagation by seeds, you can collect them yourself. It should be remembered that not all parental characteristics of a certain variety of perennial marigold will be preserved. Collection planting material produced in dry weather.

Completely dried inflorescences are torn off, and the seeds, which have a thin needle-like shape, are easily extracted from them. Store seeds in dry paper packaging in a well-ventilated area.

For propagation by cuttings stem cuttings root in water or directly in the ground.

Perennial marigolds (varieties) reproduce well by dividing the bush: after digging up the bush, divide it into several parts and plant it in the ground.

Sowing marigolds for seedlings

Such sowing is carried out in March - early April. Before this, you need to prepare a suitable container, fill it with drainage, then with loose soil. The soil should consist of peat, turf land and sand.

Ready-made substrate can also be purchased in the store. Before planting, seeds and soil are usually disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate. Seeds can be sown immediately.

But it’s best to germinate them in advance damp cloth or gauze in a warm place.

After making shallow furrows and moistening the soil, the seeds are planted, leaving a small distance between them. You can sow directly on the surface of the soil and sprinkle soil on top. Covering with film is not necessary.

The main condition is

which is necessary for flowers to grow is the air temperature, it must be at least 22 degrees.

Caring for seedlings consists of regular watering, which is done as the soil dries, but you should not moisten it too much.

Shoots appear within two weeks. At this time, marigold seedlings need more light, and the temperature should be between 15 - 18 degrees. It is recommended to water seedlings only at the root. If necessary, thin out the sprouts.

In the middle or end of May, when the threat of frost has passed, seedlings can be planted in open ground, with nutritious, mineral-rich soil. Water young plants regularly, but in moderation.

Sowing seeds in open ground

Marigold seeds can be planted immediately in open ground. The best time for this is mid-May. This is when the soil will have time to warm up to the desired temperature.

Sowing in open ground is done as follows: to grow marigolds from seeds, shallow grooves are prepared in advance. The soil is moistened, then the seeds are sown and covered with soil.

Before emergence, watering should be moderate. If necessary, seedlings are thinned out, removing weak shoots. Healthy plants can be transplanted to another location.

Low-growing marigolds are planted according to the scheme - 20x20 centimeters, the distance between other varieties on the site is left 30-40 centimeters.

Rules for preparing marigolds before planting

Like any ornamental plant, marigold flowers require the necessary attention. In order for marigolds to bloom long and profusely, certain preparation rules should be taken into account.

Whatever method you choose – sowing seeds in open ground or through seedlings – you need to approach it responsibly.


Before planting, it is good to fertilize the soil with mineral fertilizers.

It is good to include compost in the soil composition.

Choosing the time and place of landing

Planting marigolds through seedlings will help speed up the flowering period. But for this period the sprouts must be prepared in advance.

It is necessary to plant marigolds for seedlings early spring. The most the right time- March-April. Marigold seedlings are grown in boxes and cassettes.

The soil for seedlings is chosen similar to open ground. You can add mineral fertilizers and wood ash.

Before sowing, it is recommended to germinate the seed material of the selected variety. This will speed up the growth of flowers.

To do this, keep the seeds in a damp cloth or piece of gauze in a warm room. They should hatch soon.

Seeds are planted at a short distance from each other. For sprouts to appear, warmth is necessary; the temperature should be between 22 - 25 degrees.

But after the emergence of seedlings, the temperature must be reduced to 18 - 20 degrees. Seedlings dive when 2 - 3 leaves appear on them. In this case, the seedlings are deepened by 1 centimeter.

During active growth, seedlings need regular watering, but water should not accumulate in the pan.

It is also very important to ventilate, otherwise there is a risk of blackleg disease. Once a week, seedlings are fed with fertilizer.


Although Chernobrivtsy tolerate transplantation well, Tagetes seedlings must be prepared for planting several weeks in advance. TO fresh air The plant needs to be acclimated gradually.

It will be possible to plant it in a permanent place once the threat of frost has passed and the soil has warmed up sufficiently.

This time usually falls at the beginning of June. It is better to choose a sunny place for planting. The soil should be loose. Heavy soil will be improved by peat or sand.

After digging the ground, apply mineral fertilizer. Plant seedlings in holes, leaving a distance between them, as indicated in the label of this variety. By placing root system into the hole, compact it with earth and water.

At favorable conditions, correct landing and care, marigolds will soon delight you with their lush, bright blooms and special aroma.

To propagate and plant your favorite Tagetes variety, it is not necessary to buy seeds every year. You can collect them yourself.

Features of growing marigolds and caring for them

Planting and care open ground caring for marigolds is not particularly difficult even for novice gardeners, since this plant is unpretentious. With all this, one should not forget about simple rules which should be followed throughout the season.

For many types of marigolds they are the same. Special attention should be given watering.

During active growth, marigolds need regular and abundant watering, and during the period of bud formation and flowering it should be more moderate.

Don't forget about timely weeding. Chernobryvtsev flowers respond well to timely loosening and fertilizing of the soil. For these purposes, it is good to use complex fertilizers.

How to collect marigold seeds

Flowers reproduce well from their own seeds. They are formed in seed baskets after the end of flowering of the Chernobryvts.

To obtain seeds, they must be picked in the fall before frost, dried and stored until the next season.

After flowering, marigolds are usually removed by tearing out the dead plants along with the roots. But faded buds are used both in medicinal and for cosmetic purposes.

Pests and diseases of marigolds

Thanks to their specific smell, marigolds are rarely susceptible to disease. But prolonged rainy, damp weather can become good condition for breeding slugs and snails.

They begin to eat the leaves and stems of the marigolds. To combat them, traps are set.

Among the diseases of marigolds, the most common are:

Humidity is favorable environment for the development of blackleg. To prevent this from happening, it is important to monitor the condition of the soil. It should not become waterlogged.

The next disease that results from excess moisture is gray mold.

In dry summers the plant may attack spider mite. Onion infusion will help fight it.

Marigolds in garden design

Perennial marigolds look great in landscape design. They will decorate any corner. Velvet flowers in garden design look good both in beds and in flowerbeds, individual pots, flowerpots, and containers.

They also stand out interestingly in the garden among vegetables, even potatoes, giving a joyful mood until late autumn.

There are about 60 varieties of decorative marigolds. The most common among gardeners:

  • popsicle marigolds,
  • Taishan marigolds,
  • antigua,
  • vanilla,
  • bolero,
  • mimimix.

White flowers can be the pride of any gardener, since they were recently bred by breeders.

Seeds of these varieties are difficult to find, and those collected from your own plants cannot retain the parental characteristics. A flowerbed of marigolds of this color will look great in combination with other flowers.

Low-growing, dwarf varieties of tagetes patula are mainly climbing. Among them are often found: Carmen, Petit, Lunasi, Antigua and others. Among perennial species There are also bush marigolds.

The most popular varieties for growing: Tagetes erectus or African. It belongs to the tall marigolds.

Bushes up to 1 meters high. The flowers are double, up to 15 cm in diameter, and are orange, yellow, cream, and golden. A good decoration would be varieties of marigolds with bright flowers, planted along garden paths.

There are three main types of marigolds:

  1. Thin-leaved,
  2. Rejected,
  3. Erect.

Tagetes rejected- a low-growing, small-flowered plant, no more than 60 cm high. The bushes are compact, spreading.

Inflorescences up to 8 cm in diameter. Petals can be yellow, orange, golden, and can also be two-colored. It is unpretentious and cold-resistant.

TO rejected varieties include:

  • Carmen,
  • Gold Ball,
  • Lemon marigolds.

Fine-leaved, Mexican marigolds– have openwork foliage and small flowers. There are many hybrids of this species. Bushes 20-40 cm high. Small-flowered varieties will add color to any flower garden or flower bed.

Tagetes erecta is a tall, large-flowered plant up to 120 cm. The diameter of the inflorescences reaches 15 cm. The flowers are single-colored, double.

Beneficial properties of marigolds
Tagetes inflorescences have a variety of sizes and shapes from small “carnations” to luxurious “chrysanthemums”, and colors from lemon yellow to red-brown. Marigolds are planted on, in, they are convenient to use to cover areas exposed after flowering. Tagetes is suitable not only for decorating the garden. All parts of the plant contain, which repel pests and inhibit pathogenic fungi, including those living in the soil. Marigolds are planted next to strawberries to repel white grass, next to asters to prevent fusarium, and near phlox and clematis to prevent nematodes. Tagetes is used as medicinal plant and as a spice.

When to sow marigolds for seedlings?
Tagetes propagates by seeds. They can be sown in the ground after the end of the frost, and then thinned out or the seedlings planted more freely, but you can plant Tagetes with flowering seedlings immediately after the end of the frost.
From germination to flowering of tagetes it takes from 40 to 50 days, depending on the variety, so it is necessary to sow marigolds for seedlings in the first ten days of April. The soil for sowing tagetes must be sufficiently fertile and loose. The following soil mixture is suitable: humus (or), washed sand (2:1:0.5).

Sowing tagetes for seedlings
Tagetes seedlings often die from. To prevent this from happening, a container filled with soil mixture must be spilled with a fungicide solution in advance ( Maxim, Vitaros, Fitosporin) or a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate. The best results are obtained by steaming the sifted soil mixture in a double boiler for an hour. In addition to spores of pathogenic fungi, this will also destroy weed seeds. After lightly compacting the steamed soil mixture, make shallow grooves on the surface. The soil should be slightly moist.

Spread the marigold seeds evenly into the grooves. The easiest way to do this is with a small piece of white paper. If there are too few seeds, you can spread them out with tweezers. Place labels with the names of the varieties.

Sprinkle the same soil mixture on top of the crops with a layer of about 1 cm. With smaller sowings, the seed shell remains on the cotyledon leaves upon germination; marigold seedlings cannot shed the peel, which interferes with their further development.

Moisten the crops. Try to do this carefully, without eroding the top layer of soil so that the seeds do not end up on its surface.

Cover your crops to keep the soil moist at all times. To do this, it is convenient to use a suitable-sized lid from a food container. You can simply place the container with the crops in a clean plastic bag and put it in a bright place. At a temperature of +15...+20°C, marigold shoots appear in 5-7 days. Temperature is important because at temperatures below +15°C the seeds germinate poorly, and if it rises above +25°C they do not germinate at all.

After the first shoots appear, daily ventilation is necessary: ​​at this time the risk of black leg appearing on seedlings is highest. If you notice the first signs of the disease, immediately remove the lodging seedlings along with lumps of soil, sprinkle the holes with fresh soil mixture and re-treat the crops with a fungicide solution.

When friendly shoots appear, the shelter must be removed completely. Water after the soil in the container is completely dry, making sure that water does not accumulate in the tray. Feed the seedlings once every two weeks ( Fertika Lux, Agricola, Mortar).

After 2-3 true leaves appear, the seedlings are ready for picking.

Tagetes pick
Tagetes are picked at the stage of two true leaves. The seedling can be buried almost to the cotyledons (lower oblong leaves), but so that they do not touch the soil.

You can pick up marigold seedlings simply in seedling box. Tagetes seedlings tolerate transplantation well even in in bloom- it is not necessary to preserve the root ball. But it is most convenient to grow marigold seedlings in cassettes. The soil can be used with the same composition as for sowing, but without sifting. Add to it 1 tablespoon containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and 0.5 cups for every 5 liters of the mixture. In order for fertilizers to be evenly distributed in the soil, you need to mix it thoroughly.
Fill the cassettes with the mixture, compact it a little, make recesses of such a size that the roots can be placed in it freely. If the roots are too long, they can be shortened a little. When picking, seedlings need to be buried 1 cm.

Water carefully. If the soil has settled too much after watering, add soil mixture on top. Water regularly after the soil dries out. The golden rule for tagetes is: it’s better not to add a little than to pour too much.

Planting tagetes in the ground
Two weeks before planting, begin to gradually accustom the seedlings to fresh air. Marigolds cannot tolerate even minor frosts, so seedlings can be planted only when their threat has passed. IN middle lane this is usually the end of the first ten days of June. Choose a sunny place. Although Tagetes can grow in partial shade, it will bloom much worse there.

Tagetes does not require fertile soil, the main thing is that it is loose and air- and water-permeable, without stagnant water. Peat and sand will help improve heavy ones.
Dig up the soil using the bayonet of a shovel, apply complete mineral fertilizer (nitroamophoska, amophoska) at the rate of 30 g per 1 sq. m. m, embed it into the soil by secondary digging.

Prepare holes at a distance of 15-30 cm from each other, depending on the future size of the plants. Usually the seed manufacturer indicates on the packets the recommended distance for each variety. Therefore, it is important to save seed packets and label the seedlings with the names of the varieties. This way you will know exactly at what distance to plant each variety of marigold. Make the depth of the hole so that when planting, the stems can be deepened by 1-2 centimeters. Place the root system in the hole.

Carefully fill the voids around the roots and compact slightly.

Water the planted seedlings. Tagetes is not afraid of watering on the leaves and rain. Further care consists of weeding and maintaining the soil in a loose state. If you have fertilized the soil with mineral fertilizers, then it is enough to feed the Tagetes 1-2 times with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers per season. These elements contribute to more lush flowering. With an excess of nitrogen, tagetes grows greatly to the detriment of the formation of new buds.

Marigolds are well-known bright flowers with an unusual smell. Their second name is tagetes. This is the name that the botanist Carl Linnaeus awarded them in honor of the mythical demi-deity, famous for his beautiful appearance, article and the gift of divination. Today there are a huge number of varieties of this plant. Gardeners grow marigolds all over the world. To get more early flowering, Tagetes are grown seedling method, and here it is important to follow certain rules.

The seedlings depend on when you want to get a flowering flower bed. Some sow seeds as early as February. In this case, the seedlings will be ready for transplanting into the ground in mid-April. This is suitable for southern areas. Marigolds are good because they form buds at home and after planting in the ground you will already have blooming flower bed. Flowers can easily be transplanted; they do not lose their inflorescences and take root well in their new location.

In the middle zone, marigolds are sown a little later - in mid-March. In this case, flowering tagetes will appear in your flowerbed in June. In any case, when sowing seeds, you need to remember that 1.5-2.5 months will pass from this moment until the start of flowering. The duration of this period largely depends on the growing conditions and the type of flowers. The main thing is that at the time of planting the seedlings, the threat of return frosts has passed. Therefore, in the Urals and Siberia, marigolds are planted as seedlings in the second half of April.

Preparation for sowing always begins with the selection of seeds. The most adapted for Russia and popular varieties are:

  • Naughty Marietta;
  • Petite orange;
  • Red gem;
  • Jolly Joster;
  • Foxtrot Rio;
  • Mary Helen;
  • Rejected;
  • Hawaiian;
  • Mandarin;
  • Fighter.

You will only have to buy seed material of the variety you like once. In the future, you can obtain seeds from your own marigolds and use them for sowing. Where should you start when growing Tagetes seedlings?

It is not necessary to take fertile soil for sowing seeds. This figure may well be average. When making your own mixture, use equal amounts of peat, humus and turf. After thoroughly mixing the components, pour the soil with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate. For disinfection, you can also calcine the soil in the oven. This treatment will help kill fungal spores and pathogenic bacteria that can harm the seedlings.

It is better to prepare the soil in advance, about a week before planting the seeds. During the remaining time, beneficial soil microorganisms will have time to multiply in it. You can buy ready substrate for growing seedlings. In this case, it is advisable to choose a well-known manufacturer that produces quality products.

Ready-made mixtures usually have a balanced composition, including all nutritional elements, necessary for plants. In production, such land passes pre-sowing treatment, but for reliability it can also be shed with potassium permanganate.

They are poured onto a saucer, then a little is added warm water. Cover the seeds with a napkin on top. After this, the saucer is put away in a warm, shaded place. If the technology has been followed, by the end of the second day you will see sprouts appearing. With this method of seed preparation, seedlings germinate quickly and amicably.


Marigolds easily tolerate transplantation, so they do not need to be planted in separate pots to avoid picking. It is convenient to rearrange and water seedlings in a common container. A box for growing flowers can be made of wood or plastic.

Plastic containers are more convenient to wash and treat before planting - this is their advantage. The height of the container should be 7 cm. Before filling it with soil, it is necessary to make drainage holes in the bottom if they are missing. Then they proceed according to the following scheme:

  1. A layer of drainage is poured onto the bottom, for which you can use clay shards or small expanded clay.
  2. The soil is poured to 3/4 of the height and lightly compacted, after which grooves 1 cm deep are cut at intervals of 3-4 cm.
  3. The seeds are laid out at a distance of 2 cm from each other and lightly sprinkled with soil.
  4. After this it is necessary abundant watering settled warm water. You can add a little to the water mineral fertilizers for flowering crops.
  5. After sowing, the container is covered with glass or film and placed in a warm place until germination. The shelter is removed briefly every day for ventilation.

When sowing in individual containers, place two seeds in each pot. In the future, the stronger plant is left and the weaker one is thrown away. The emergence of seedlings can be expected in 4-7 days.

At an early stage of cultivation, marigolds may be threatened by a black leg, so before all shoots appear, condensation is carefully removed from the shelter so that it does not fall on the tender seedlings. The container is placed on a bright window and kept warm and at high humidity. Direct sunlight should be avoided, as it can burn young leaves.

It is necessary to fertilize seedlings every two weeks, using Agricola, Kemira and other fertilizers for ornamental plants. Let us dwell in more detail on the parameters that are favorable for growing marigolds:

  • Temperature . Before emergence, temperature indicators are recommended to be maintained within 24-26 degrees. When the sprouts appear on the surface, it is necessary to reduce the temperature to 18-20 degrees. Initially, a box with sown seeds can be placed near heating device, And when the seedlings sprout, place it closer to the window glass, it is usually cooler there.
  • Lighting. Marigolds are considered a light-loving crop. Flowerbeds for them are usually divided into sunny places. At home, seedlings of these flowers need additional lighting. Install a phytolamp, or fluorescent lamp, next to the plants, which will provide 13 hours of daylight. At night, marigolds do not need to be illuminated; they should rest.
  • Watering. These flowers do not require large quantity moisture. In the ground they can do without watering at all, just rare rains. At home, seedlings are watered once a week, after the top layer of soil has dried. The amount of water should be moderate. First you need to let it sit and warm it to room temperature.
  • Topping. If this technique is not applied, the marigolds will become too tall and this may lead to them falling. After 3-4 leaves have formed on the plant, pinch the top of the shoot. This will force the bush to branch and make it more compact. Today, hybrids have been bred that are capable of forming a lush small bush on their own. These varieties include low-growing and large-flowered varieties.
  • Picking. After 2-3 true leaves appear, picking can be done. It is not necessary to plant marigolds in separate containers; you can simply plant them so that the plants have more space, leaving them in the same container. The last time the seedlings are watered is 2 days before picking. After another month, the seedlings need to be planted again; if they feel crowded, when warm weather sets in, they can be immediately planted in the ground.

You can grow marigold seedlings not only traditional way. Recently, new sowing methods have gained popularity.

Growing options

Convenient primarily for flower growers themselves. This design does not take up much space on the windowsill, and very little soil is used, which saves money. Marigolds are considered an unpretentious crop; this method of planting is quite suitable for them. To sow a snail you will need:

  • a roll of construction backing for laminate 10 cm wide;
  • light nutrient substrate;
  • plastic transparent container;
  • spray bottle with water;
  • tweezers;
  • seeds.

Part of the backing for the laminate is unrolled on the table. Spread the soil on it in an even layer and lightly moisten it with water from a spray bottle. After this, the seeds are laid out with tweezers closer to the upper edge of the substrate with an interval of 2 cm. Then the tape begins to be carefully rolled into a roll, and the unfilled part, on the contrary, is unrolled for a new portion of seeds. In this way, fill the entire substrate and fasten it with a pharmaceutical rubber band.

After this, the snail is placed vertically in plastic container so that the seeds are on top and place the seedlings on the windowsill. The seed germination temperature using this method should be maintained at 20 degrees.

A plastic bag is placed on top of the snail to create greenhouse conditions. Watering is carried out by spraying every 2 days, the bag is removed briefly every day for ventilation. After the emergence of seedlings, the shelter is removed and the seedlings are cared for before picking in the usual way.

This is another one unconventional way planting in which no soil is used at all. He will replace him for us toilet paper. You need to proceed in the same way as in the previous case, only instead of soil, toilet paper is placed on top of the substrate. This planting method is even more simple, quick and economical.

Note! It must be taken into account that when planting without soil, the plants are deprived nutrients, so they need to be watered not with plain water, but with a weakly concentrated fertilizer solution. The moment of diving into the ground cannot be delayed, otherwise the marigolds will not be able to develop fully.

Transplantation to a permanent place

Due to the fact that marigolds cannot tolerate even light frost, there is no need to rush to plant them in open ground. When the weather is such that you are sure that there will be no frost, then plant the seedlings in the flowerbed. Tagetes love the sun, but can also grow in partial shade.

Low varieties are planted with a gap of 20 cm between plants, for medium-sized varieties this distance is increased to 30 cm, and for tall varieties - up to 40 cm. In this case, the flowers will not shade each other, which is important for full flowering.

Care in the summer comes down to regular weeding and loosening; the roots of marigolds must breathe. If the bushes grow too much, prune them. Try to pick off faded inflorescences immediately. Marigolds do not need fertilizing, as they are grown for one season. Plant these flowers near your vegetable beds and they will help preserve your harvest by repelling harmful insects.

Sowing marigold seedlings: video

We sow marigolds in the “snail”. Simple and effective: video

Marigolds are often compared to suns, their color is so bright and cheerful. They will require attention only at the stage of growing seedlings. But then they will delight the eye until frost, and decorate your area.