Houseplant muraya how to grow. How to care for a Muraya flower to make the plant happy? Useful and healing properties of muraya: a real home first aid kit

Muraya is represented by an incredibly beautiful decorative evergreen shrub. Its leaves stand out deep green. With the onset of the flowering period, beautiful white flowers with an amazing delicate aroma open on the plant.

Southeast Asia is considered the birthplace of muraya, but due to its magnificent appearance, the plant has spread far beyond its homeland. And now it decorates living spaces as a houseplant, as well as offices and other social places.

Besides the beautiful appearance, Muraya has a lot of useful properties. The berries of the plant contain biologically active substances that can increase a person’s vitality and have a positive effect on work cardiovascular system. Plant phytoncides have a beneficial effect on the human respiratory system, activate breathing processes and give vigor.

How to care for Muraya?

You need to know and stick to a few simple rules for growing muraya at home.
Caring for the plant will not bring any additional worries; it is considered an unpretentious plant.

Lighting and temperature conditions

The plant is heat-loving, but this does not mean that it should be placed in direct sunlight. The burning rays can harm the plant and leave burns on the leaves. It is best to provide the flower with diffused lighting.

Watering and air humidity

The warm period of the year requires abundant watering, cool season - moderate. In this case, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the soil. When it comes to air humidity, Muraya is very demanding. It needs regular spraying.

Top dressing

During the winter season, you need to apply fertilizers with organic matter and minerals no more than once every 14 days.

Soil and container

The plant is able to actively develop in a pot that is free for the root system. To implement correct landing Soil from a specialized store is perfect, or you can prepare it yourself. Be sure to place a layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot. It will help protect the plant from rotting of the root system.


Each process of transplanting muraya should be carried out as carefully as possible, only when necessary, without disturbing the earthen lump. Young specimens of the plant need to be replanted annually.


Muraya is propagated, as a rule, using seeds or cuttings. To propagate by cuttings, you need to select shoots that have reached one year of age. The sprout is placed in a glass container filled with water, and after the first roots appear, it is planted in an individual pot. The container must be covered to create a greenhouse. The cutting process should be carried out at the beginning of the autumn period.

Propagation by seeds is in no way inferior to cuttings. The seeds, after being collected, are sown in containers. After a couple of weeks, the first shoots will appear, after which you still need to wait for the formation of a beautiful bush.

Plant diseases

Their appearance, as a rule, coincides with the weakening of the plant or its disease.

The falling of muraya leaves indicates significant changes temperature regime or lack of lighting. To correct the situation, you need to protect the plant from drafts and provide required quantity lighting.

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How to grow this beauty houseplant It’s not difficult if you follow the basic rules of care.

Below you can see the Murraya in the photo along with flowers:

The Murraya flower feels great at home. Muraya needs minimal care. Paniculata including.

How to care? Even a novice gardener can do this. Afterwards you need replanting, watering, fertilizing and pruning Murrayi. It is very important to provide the plant with the correct location and good soil.


It is best to prune murray at the end of February. To do this, each branch is shortened for two knots. Only those branches that grow at least 4 leaves, as well as shoots growing inward, are trimmed. Dwarf Murraya does not need pruning.


Murraya needs watering abundant in summer(3-4 times a week), and moderate in winter (once a week). Reduce watering already in September. Can't be allowed stagnant water in a pot.

This can cause root rot and plant death. But excessive drought is also harmful. Murraya is watered only clean, filtered water, chlorine-free. Daily spraying is very important for the plant.

Important! Do not allow water to get on the flowers - they may crumble.

Fertilize Murraya monthly, and during flowering - twice a month. Use once only organic fertilizers, and the other - only mineral ones.

As the latter, you can use complex fertilizers for bonsai or citrus fruits.

Attention! Do not overfeed the plant.


Murraya is planted in a small pot with many drainage holes. There is no need to buy a spacious container. Murraya will not grow in it until the roots completely fill the pot.

You can make your own soil for Murraya. To do this, you need to take leafy, turf soil, peat and coarse sand in a ratio of 2:2:2:1.

You can take ready-made soil for citrus plants or succulents, but after adding coconut fiber or perlite to it.

For young Murraya, the soil should be light and loose, and for an adult it should be denser and heavier. Be sure to place it on the bottom of the container drainage, approximately 1/3 of the volume. The soil can be disinfected with potassium permanganate.


The young Murraya needs to be replanted annually. It is enough to replant an adult plant once every 2-3 years. The rest of the time, you can simply update the topsoil.

Important! Replant the plant without exposing the roots, together with a lump of earth.

choose a pot 1-2 cm more previous one. There is no need to deepen the root collar so that Murraya does not get sick.

Growing from seeds

Murraya seeds for planting must be fresh, because they quickly lose their germination capacity. It is best to place a pot with a plant on western or eastern window.

Murraya grows flowers within 3-5 months after planting, and blooms for a very long time, from March to October. After which large orange-red berries. It is the seeds of these berries that are the seeds.


Murrayya can be propagated cuttings and seeds. The plant does not reproduce well from cuttings, and they take a long time to take root. They are cut off from the top of the shoot and rooted in damp sand, under a film.

After a month, the roots appear, and the Murraya is transplanted into a separate pot.

The seeds of the plant are cleared of pulp, dried and planted in spacious containers filled with prepared soil. Leave them in a well-lit place, at t + 23-25C, cover with glass, and periodically spray.

Through a couple of weeks The first shoots of Murraya will appear. They are seated in small plastic cups.


Attention! Murraya does not tolerate high temperatures.

The optimal condition will be a temperature no higher than +25C in summer, and about +15-17C in winter. The plant does not like drafts or sudden temperature changes.


Attention! Lack of light, as well as excess, is harmful to Murraya.

It needs to be shaded a little from direct sunlight.

But there must be at least 14 hours of daylight. Therefore, if necessary, Murraya is illuminated with special lamps.

Benefits and harms

Muraya and beneficial properties are practically synonymous. Murraya is not considered for nothing medicinal and therapeutic plant. It is widely used in folk medicine.

Medicinal properties

If you chew fresh Murraya leaves, you can get rid of headache and toothache, cure stomatitis. They help cope well with insomnia and gastritis.

Applying the leaves to sore joints with arthritis or arthrosis relieves swelling and pain.

Gargling with a decoction of Murraya leaves is an excellent treatment for sore throat. Drinking a tincture of Murraya leaves with the addition of rosemary helps lower blood sugar levels, relieves arrhythmia and improves the functioning of the circulatory system.

Berries Murrays also have benefits. It is enough to eat 3-4 pieces a day to forget about fatigue and reduce blood pressure. Due to the high content of antioxidants, these berries can significantly prolong youth and slow down the aging process of the body.

The delicate aroma of Murraya flowers has a calming effect and reduces the risk of pulmonary and heart diseases. According to popular belief, growing Murraya at home will provide family well-being and good luck in love.

Diseases and pests

At proper care, Murraya practically not susceptible to disease, and is extremely rarely attacked by pests.

Attention! When watering with chlorinated water, an unpleasant disease develops - chlorosis.

From excessive watering, the plant may develop root rot And powdery mildew. Of the pests, the greatest danger to Murraya is spider mites, scale insects, whiteflies and aphids.

You can protect the plant from attacks by spider mites and whiteflies by spraying it with an infusion of garlic (40 grams of crushed cloves per liter of water) or onion (10 grams per liter).

Treating Murraya leaves with a soap solution or a decoction of cyclamen tubers helps a lot. You can use a decoction of tomato tops (half a kilo per liter of water). The resulting mixture is boiled for 20-30 minutes, a little laundry soap is added and the Murraya leaves are treated.

It is better to get rid of scale insects on a plant by treating the leaves with kerosene. The procedure is carried out very quickly and carefully so as not to burn the leaves.

After which the kerosene is washed off with a soap solution. A soap-oil solution helps a lot in the fight against scale insects. To prepare it you will need 10 grams of soap and 2 times more machine oil.

The solution is thoroughly beaten and the Murraya leaves are treated with it. The plant is covered with film for several hours, after which it is washed with water. After a week, the treatment is repeated.

Aphids are “afraid” of onion and tobacco infusion (40g per liter of water), a decoction of yarrow or celandine. If folk remedies can’t cope, then you can use proven drugs: Karbofos, Fitoverm, Aktara. They do not have a detrimental effect on Murraya.

When chlorosis occurs, you can treat the plant with chelated iron, and use only purified water for watering and spraying.

If Murraya sheds its leaves, what should I do? This is caused by a lack of light or temperature changes. It is necessary to move the plant to a more illuminated place or use a photo lamp, and provide protection from drafts.

Why doesn't muraya bloom? If the flower does not bloom for a long time, it will require replanting and fertilizing. Due to a lack of nutrients in the soil and strong root growth, plant growth may slow down.

In the video you can see the features of caring for a flower:

Growing Murraya is not at all difficult and does not require special skills and knowledge. This exotic beauty is unpretentious in care, undemanding to living conditions and reproduces well by seeds.

Do you want to decorate your home, fill it with a pleasant aroma and get healthy fruits? Grow Murraya at home. This exotic plant is native to Southeast Asia. Belongs to the rue family and is a close relative of citrus fruits.

IN different sources you can find different spellings of the name - murraya or muraya. The correct name is Murraya, as it comes from the name of the Swedish scientist Murray. In the Russian language, with our usual ease, we threw out one letter “r” and began to call the flower muraya. So both names refer to the same plant and have a right to exist. Flower growers call it “orange jasmine”, Indians called it kari-pata, and in Europe it was called the imperial tree, because in Japan and China this plant was grown exclusively in imperial gardens.

Externally, muraya is a tree or shrub plant, in nature reaching 6 m in height, and at home growing no more than 2 m. The most common cultivated plant species are murraya paniculata and chokeberry. In adult plants the shoots are smooth, in young plants they are pubescent. The leaves are complex, elliptical in shape, consisting of 5-7 leaflets. Flowers are small, white, collected in inflorescences. They have a strong aroma similar to jasmine. The fruits are edible, they are red or black berries. Due to its medicinal properties, Murraya is used in folk medicine.

With proper care, it blooms and bears fruit almost all year round. The peculiarity of the plant is the ability to do this at the same time.

Sowing Murraya seeds at home

The ripening period for Murraya seeds is 4 months. To plant them, you need to remove them from the bush in time, without waiting for them to fall off on their own - then they will already be overripe. The pulp can be eaten or simply removed, leaving the pit. The bones are washed with warm running water and kept in a fungicide or weak solution Bordeaux mixture 8-10 hours.

Murraya seeds

The seeds need to hatch before planting, so immediately after soaking they are placed on damp foam rubber or a soft cloth and left until tiny sprouts appear. To germinate seeds, you can organize a “greenhouse” - place a layer of foam rubber in plastic container and moisten it so that a little water appears on its surface. Cover the top with a lid. Temperature for germination is 24-28°C.

Important! This stage will allow you to select seeds with good germination. Seeds that do not produce roots can be safely thrown away.

After the seeds have sprouted, they are planted in cups with a moist substrate (you can use soil for citrus plants). Containers with seedlings are placed under the phytolamp and covered with film on top. No further watering is required because the film maintains the required humidity in the glasses.

Seedling care

The cups are not opened until the first sprout appears. After this, hardening begins - at night the film rises by about half. Then the sprouts can be opened for the whole evening. Then you can begin carefully watering the seedlings with a spray bottle. Before starting, the slightly dried soil is carefully loosened so that there are no voids in the glass.

These sprouts are a little over 1 month old.

The seedlings must be completely free of the shell. You can help them with this by carefully removing it with tweezers. After this, the seedlings are again placed under the lamp for further growth and development. After a month they already have several leaves. At the age of 3-4 months, Murraya grown from seeds may well bloom!

Growing Murraya at home and photo of the plant

It is not difficult to grow Murraya; you just need to provide it with the correct temperature, lighting and watering conditions, and it will delight you with fragrant flowering and fruiting.

The lighting should be bright but diffuse. Direct sunlight is not for Murraya. If there is no other option other than southern exposure, then a light openwork shadow should fall on the plant. Best places– eastern or western room. In winter, the duration of daylight hours should be 12-14 hours, so the plant requires additional lighting.

Temperature is an important parameter for the healthy development and growth of a plant. In summer he is kept at room temperature- preferably no more than 25°C, in winter it is permissible to reduce it to 16-18°C. Minimum temperature— +12°С.

Comfortable temperature for Murraya is 22 degrees Celsius.

Watering varies depending on the season. In spring and summer - abundant, but without overflow, from September to spring - moderate. In spring and summer it is done 3-4 times a week - in the autumn-winter period - 1 time. The water needs to be settled and filtered. Tolerates muraya and spraying well.

Humidity is not a very important condition for a plant. Constant spraying creates an acceptable level. The plant needs to wipe the leaves from dust weekly.

The soil must be fertile and conduct water and air well. Store-bought soil for citrus fruits can be combined with garden soil, having previously treated it with Baikal or simply with a solution of potassium permanganate. To make it more loose, it is diluted with perlite or coconut fiber. You can make a substrate from leaf and turf soil, peat and river sand (2: 2: 2: 1).

Important! For young and adult plants you need different soil. Young seedlings should grow in light, loose soil, while adults need heavier, denser soil.

Transplantation of young plants is done once a year in a container. larger size(by 2-3 cm). Adult plants are replanted once every 2-3 years. Between transplants they refresh the top layer of soil. Murayya is transplanted by transshipment, without disturbing the earthen ball.

Top dressing

Any citrus fertilizer is suitable for Murraya.

Young seedlings are not fed. You can start fertilizing 2-3 months after transferring it to a permanent pot, maintaining the active vegetation of the plant. Fertilizer is also applied at the beginning of fruiting and is done regularly (2 times a month) until the fruits ripen. Use fertilizers for citrus fruits and a mixture of organic and mineral fertilizers, alternating them. Golden rule gardener - it is better to underfeed the plant than to overfeed it - this is perfect for muraya.

Murraya pruning

It is produced for crown formation and for sanitary purposes. It is done at the end of February. Each branch is cut into 2 knots. If there are less than 3 leaves on a branch, there is no need to touch it. All dried branches and those that grow inward, towards the trunk, are removed.

To prevent early flowering (at the age of 5-6 months) from taking away the muraya’s strength, the first buds need to be pinched. She will immediately respond by redialing the color. It needs to be removed too. This will allow the young seedling to gain strength and grow to 25-30 cm. There is no need to remove the buds further.

Flowering and fruiting

Muraya – amazing plant. On it you can simultaneously observe fruits, their ovaries, flowers and unopened buds. She does not have a pronounced rest period. The flowers last for 2-3 days, then they are replaced by new ones. Flowering may not stop all year round.

Murraya blooms can last a whole year.

Muraya is a self-pollinating plant and its fruits are easily set. Sometimes, to stimulate fruiting, it is pollinated by transferring pollen with a soft brush from one flower to another. This is done if for some reason the fruits do not appear for a long time. Extreme heat or too dry air makes pollen unviable. If you are expecting fruit, you need to provide the plant with comfortable temperature conditions.

Reproduction of Murraya at home

Reproduction of muraya from seeds is described above. This is the most reliable way. Dwarf muraya reproduces only in this way.

Cuttings are less reliable and take longer. The cutting is taken from the top of the shoot and placed for rooting in damp sand. It is covered with film on top. The roots appear after about a month, then the sprout is transplanted into a separate pot.

Pests and diseases

Murraya is susceptible to attack by many pests.

Subject to proper growing conditions, muraya is resistant to disease. If the water is poorly settled, chlorosis may occur. It is treated by treating the bush with chelated iron. Excessive watering provokes the appearance of root rot and powdery mildew.

Of the pests, Muraya is affected by whitefly, spider mites, scale insects and aphids. Whiteflies and mites will be repelled by spraying with garlic or onion solution (40 cloves of garlic or 10 g of onion per 1 liter of water). You can get rid of scale insects by quickly treating the leaves with kerosene and then washing them with a soap solution. It is better to fight aphids with tobacco infusion or a decoction of yarrow or celandine.

Problems of growing Murraya

  • If Muraya's leaves fall off, it means there is not enough light for it, move the pot to a brighter place;
  • Muraya does not bloom in several cases: the pot is too small and requires replanting, there is not enough nutrition, you bought a Dutch muraya, which may not bloom at all;
  • By yellowing and drying of the leaves, Muraya reacts to several factors: a sharp change in temperature, high temperature in the room, low humidity, drying out of the earthen ball, too loose pot. Yellowing and falling of the lower leaves is a natural process of age.

"Our" and "Dutch"

There are no varieties “our muraya” and “Dutch”, they are one and the same species - Murraya paniculata or Murraya exotica (these are synonyms). Dutch Murraya, bought in a store (and they usually sell Dutch ones there), is not grown from seeds or cuttings, but by cell division using various stimulants; it blooms rarely and late, and may not bloom at all. It will not be possible to obtain seeds from a Dutch individual, again due to the lack of flowering.

Our Muraya and the Dutch one do not exist; they are all one species.

If you want to get flowering and fruiting muraya, it is better to get seeds from familiar gardeners or order them by mail. Such a plant will produce its first buds already at the stage of 1-2 true leaves.

Benefits and harms

All flower growers know about healing properties murayi. Its leaves have a unique taste of freshness and are very aromatic. In its homeland, the leaves of chokeberry are used to prepare the well-known spice - curry. The leaves retain their qualities both when frozen and when dried, the main thing is not to separate the leaf from the petiole. They are used in medicine as medicinal raw materials.

Murraya is used in medicine and cooking.

From its leaves it is obtained essential oil, which is the quintessence of the beneficial properties of the plant. It helps with blood diseases, insect bites, reduces blood pressure and is used to treat hemorrhoids and diseases of the excretory system. It is used in cosmetology.

The Muraya plant (from the Latin Murraya) belongs to the genus of evergreen shrubs or trees of the rue family (Rutaceae). It also goes by other names - curry leaves (English), feuille de murraya (French).
This species is in many ways similar to citrus fruits. The name was given in honor of the famous botanist, a native of Sweden - Johan Andreas Murray.
In domestic textbooks you can often find the name Muraya, although it is more correct to call this plant Murraya. However, this does not change its essence. Indians even call it neem, kari-patta or kari-phulia.
Muraya, Murraya, Neem, Kari-patta or Kari-phulia are all the names of Murraya

Murraya is a tree small size, the height of which reaches up to one and a half meters. The color of its bark is gray-white or with a yellowish tint. The color of its leaves is dark green. The use of its leaves in cooking is very common due to its citrus-lemon aroma. Murraya blooms with mesmerizing snow-white flowers and at the end the ovary appears in the form of small red berries, reminiscent of hawthorn fruits. Their taste is very spicy, with a pronounced sweetish aftertaste.

The remarkable thing about this plant is that in the same period flowers can bloom, young buds appear and berries ripen. When approaching this plant, you can hear its fragrance with light notes of jasmine aroma.

Description of Murraya and its features

For gourmets exotic plants Murraya flower is a definite find. This unpretentious tree, reaching up to 1.5 meters at home, has a lush green crown, snow-white flowers and the presence of berries, the ripening of which occurs unevenly, due to which the color scheme of this flower is constantly changing. The color of the ripe berries is blood-scarlet, which gives grace to this flower.

There are many legends about this amazing plant, which say that ancient China, during the reign of the emperors, the protection of this plant was equated to the protection of the owner himself. The main ability of this plant was that it could cure cancer, give youth and immortality. Touching the tender leaves, enjoying the wonderful smell of its flowers, tasting the infusion from its leaves, healing occurs not only of the body, but also of the soul.

Returning to our time, to breed this flower in room conditions you need to know how to properly care for it and what conditions are most favorable for its growth. Experts say that there are 8 species of Murraya in the world. Only two species of this flower can grow at home, the external differences of which are insignificant - these are exotic and paniculate murraya.

The lifespan of this flower in apartment conditions is long. The branches, stretching out, form a magnificent crown over time, but due to the fragility of the shoots, the use of additional support is inevitable. Murraya grows primarily from the root system and only after filling the entire pot with it does rapid growth of the upper part of the plant begin, increasing every day within a few centimeters.

For a long time, the acquisition of this exotic flower was unreal for floriculture lovers. But now it can be purchased at almost any flower shop. Moreover, the bush will be of Dutch selection. The unpretentiousness of growth in apartment conditions is the main advantage of homemade Murraya. Although it will take a long time to wait for this variety to bloom.

Murraya species

Murraya is a tropical plant. Its distribution area occupies the regions of South and Southeast Asia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and the Polynesian Islands. In the system of plant world order, it belongs to the Rutaceae family, where Murraya (Murraya) is classified as a separate genus. The genus has about 8 species, the most famous are Murraya Koenig and Murraya paniculata.

Murraya Koenig

Murraya Koenig is better known as black murraya, common in tropical and subtropical regions of India and Sri Lanka. The tree is 3-6 m in height with long, complex-pinnate leaves. The leaves in a compound leaf are arranged in pairs (11-20 pairs) along the stem. Murraya Koenig is characterized by elongated leaf blades compound leaves. The flowers are small, light cream or white, and have a rich but pleasant aroma. The fruit is a black berry or dark blue. The fruits are edible, but the seeds are poisonous.


  • The leaves have an aromatic aroma and form part of the spicy curry seasoning used in almost all dinner dishes to increase appetite in the hot, humid regions of its home range. IN fresh leaves are added to all dishes, giving them a specific delicate aroma.
  • By steam distillation, an oil is obtained from the leaves of Murraya nigra, which is used as a fragrance in the production of soap.
  • The hard, durable wood was previously used to make agricultural crafts and tools.
  • The leaves are widely used in Ayurvedic and traditional medicine in South Asian countries as medicinal herb, which has anti-oncological and antidiabetic properties. Decoctions are also prepared from the leaves to treat the gastrointestinal tract and some skin diseases.

Murraya paniculata

In indoor culture, Murraya paniculata (Mogra) is mainly widespread. It has many synonyms: exotic murraya, orange jasmine, orange jasmine, Japanese myrtle. Since mogra blooms almost constantly, in India it is used for decorations and offerings of living necklaces. During marriage ceremonies, women decorate their hair with Mogra flowers; it is used to decorate temples and sanctuaries, during various holidays and festivals. The sweet scent of flowers is used instead of perfume.

Murraya paniculata is a tub crop for indoor spaces up to 0.7-1.5 m in height. Formed as a bush, tree or bonsai. The trunk and perennial branches are embossed, white-marble color. The leaves are dark green, shiny, small in size, shimmering with gold in bright light and wonderfully set off the snow-white flowers, single or in apical corymbose inflorescences. It blooms almost all year round, sometimes with a 2-3 month break (November-January). The flowers have a wonderful scent. Even one flower fills the room with a lemon-jasmine (closer to jasmine) aroma that does not cause allergic headaches.

Very different early flowering, occurring 2-4 months after germination. If during this period the plant did not form a single bud, it means that a false Murraya was purchased. The fruits are bright red, 1.5-3.0 cm, with an edible pericarp, do not fall off for a long time, and have a strong tonic property.

Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great took a drink or ate several fruits before decisive battles. Genghis Khan's warriors, to raise their spirits on long campaigns, took with them the fruits of murraya, calling it foreign.

Medicinal properties of Murraya

Decoctions and infusions of leaves, flowers and fruits of Murraya are used in the treatment of diabetes, thyroid gland, impotence, coronary heart disease, hypertension and other diseases, as well as in the perfumery of East Asia. The complex aroma of flowers has a positive effect on heart function, improves sleep, and reduces the frequency of angina attacks. The fruits reduce blood pressure, improve tone and immunity.

Using Murraya in landscaping

This amazingly beautiful plant can be used in the arrangements of festive halls, in the interior decoration of apartments, official institutions, offices, winter gardens and other premises. As a result of the mutation, a dwarf form of Murraya paniculata was formed. Plant height at home growing does not exceed 0.5 m. The slow-growing shrub blooms during the first six months of life, barely reaching 4-5 cm in height.

Growing muraya from seeds

It is very easy to grow Muraya from seeds indoors. At the same time, you should know that the seed remains viable for a relatively long time. Before sowing, the seeds should be kept in lukewarm water for 2 hours, then they should be evenly distributed over the surface of a moistened soil mixture, which includes sand and peat (1:1). You can also grow seedlings in peat tablets or a soil mixture consisting of sand and leaf soil. There is no need to bury the seeds in the substrate; they should be covered on top with a thin layer (0.5–1 cm) of soil mixture. The containers need to be covered with glass or film on top, then they are transferred to a well-lit place where there is no direct rays of the sun, and the air temperature should be from 22 to 28 degrees. The first seedlings should appear 30–40 days after sowing, and after they have formed 3 true leaf blades, the plants should be planted in individual pots. Muraya, grown indoors, is distinguished by its undemanding nature.

Caring for Muraya at home


The room in which the flower is located must be systematically ventilated. Lighting should be diffused, but from 2 to 3 hours a day the bush can be under direct sun rays. In winter, you need to make sure that the muraya has enough light. Experts advise placing a flower near a window located in the eastern or western part of the room.


In spring, summer and autumn, this plant needs warmth (from 24 to 28 degrees), and in winter the temperature in the room should be reduced to 17–20 degrees, because Muraya has a weak rest period.


There is no need to trim or pinch the bush, since the plant is able to form its own crown on its own. However, in rare cases it may be necessary to shorten an overly long shoot. So that the bush has beautiful shape, it must be systematically rotated together with the container around its axis.

How to water

In spring and summer, muraya will need to be provided with abundant, but not frequent watering. In this case, you need to water the bush only after the lump of earth has dried out by 1/3. Water is used without chlorine and soft (it is mixed with a small amount citric acid). In autumn and winter time Watering should be reduced, but the rules remain unchanged, namely, the bush should be watered only after the earthen ball has dried out by 1/3.


The air humidity in a city apartment is quite suitable for of this flower, so it doesn’t need to be moistened with a spray bottle every day. But you still need to spray the plants from time to time, especially on hot days.


In spring and summer, Muraya needs systematic feeding: once every 15–20 days. IN spring time the flower needs potassium and nitrogen, which promotes more active growth of green mass. Recommended for feeding organic matter and mineral fertilizers Use alternately, but try not to overfeed the flower. In autumn and winter, fertilizers cannot be added to the soil mixture.

Transplanting muraya

Young specimens are transplanted every year. Adult plants are replanted once every 2 or 3 years, but every year in spring, experts advise replacing the top layer of soil mixture in pots. The pot should be chosen so that it is not too small or too large. The soil mixture must be loose and rich nutrients. For example, to create it you can combine turf and leaf soil, humus and sand in a ratio of 2:2:1:2. Muraya can also be transplanted into a ready-made soil mixture for citrus fruits. Don't forget to make a good thick drainage layer at the bottom of the container before planting. Transplantation is carried out using the transshipment method, while trying to ensure that the earthen lump does not collapse.


Young seedlings begin to bloom in the second year, but it is recommended to pick the first buds to allow the plant to get stronger. Murraya blooms from early spring until late autumn with small, white flowers. After flowering, small round dark red fruits develop. The berries grow and ripen in about 4 months. On a Murraya bush, buds can be formed, flowers open, ovaries appear and fruits ripen at the same time.

Muraya propagation by cuttings

Propagation can also be carried out using cuttings, but this method is rather unreliable. Cuttings are carried out in the fall. For this purpose, slightly woody material from finished stems is used. The twigs are placed in water and kept at a temperature of about 30°C, thereby creating greenhouse effect, it would also be a good idea to do bottom heating. With the formation of roots, the cuttings are planted in nutritious soil.

Diseases and pests

In terms of diseases, Muraya most often suffers from chlorosis, which manifests itself through yellow spots and slower growth of the plant. To prevent this from happening, you need to ensure that the water when watering is always free of chlorine. Dangerous pests include aphids, spider mites, and scale insects. Ticks are treated with acaricides. Aphids are driven away with a soap solution or insecticide. Also helps with scale insects soap solution or Aktara. Among other problems, it happens that muraya does not bloom. This usually happens because the flower is too young (unless you have a dwarf variety) or is cramped in the pot. If your muraya is not growing, it is probably not getting enough air. It is necessary that the room is fresh, that the soil does not cake, and that its top layer is replaced annually so that the roots can breathe. Yellowing and falling leaves indicate damage to the roots during replanting; incorrect selection of soil or lack of moisture is also possible. Drying of leaves is often caused by pests that feed on plant juices - they are described above. If the muraya drops its buds or does not open them, then perhaps it is very hot or lacks moisture, but, most likely, it is simply not yet ready for flowering and fruiting. When she grows up and gains strength, she will stop shedding buds.

Difficulties in growing

  • If there is a lack of microelements in the substrate or high alkalinity of the soil, the leaves become yellow.
  • If the light is too bright or due to sunburn, the leaves at the edges and in the center dry out.
  • If the air is too dry, the tips of the leaves dry out and the flower stalks fall off.

To summarize the above, Murraya is an absolutely unpretentious plant that can be grown at home even from a small seed or cutting, and with good care and care, will give an unforgettable experience and good mood. The flower also has medicinal properties - Murraya is used to treat many diseases.

Muraya flower belongs to the category perennial plants. This exotic crop can be grown in an apartment or house. This plant is characterized by its exotic appearance and good qualities. The flower is characterized by ease of care, which allows anyone to fully grow it.

  • When watering, the owner of the flower should not forget that it is of exotic origin.
  • In autumn and winter, this plant needs to be provided with moderate water, and in spring and summer - abundant.
  • When the soil is moistened, it is imperative to monitor its condition.
  • When watering this plant, it is strictly forbidden to allow water to stagnate.
  • This plant very demanding on soil moisture levels. To ensure this, it is necessary to regularly spray the plant. For this purpose, water at room temperature is used.
  • If the muraya is located in a room with dry air, then it would be best to place a container of water near it.
  • In the summer, the best way to irrigate a flower is to use short-term, fine-flowing rain.

To ensure full growth and development of the flower, it is necessary to apply it in a timely manner. It is best to do this in winter. Fertilizers should be applied twice a month. When applying fertilizers, organic substances are used.

Caring for muraya is quite simple, which allows it to be fully produced even by inexperienced gardeners.

Reproduction by seeds:

  • It is necessary to use large ripe seeds.
  • To plant seeds, you can use an ordinary flower pot.
  • Drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot, and then it is filled with fertile soil.
  • After planting, it is necessary to do them regularly.
  • On average, the seeds of this plant germinate within 2-3 weeks.
  • In order to speed up the germination process, it is necessary to use a film to cover the pot.

Planting the seeds of this plant must be done immediately after collecting them. This is explained by the fact that after a certain period of time, the germination of muraya seeds is lost. When growing a plant, it needs to provide a temperature within 22-25 degrees.

More in a simple way Flower propagation is by cuttings.

It is used only if the mother plant was planted at least a year ago.

Propagation using cuttings:

  • To propagate this flower, it is necessary to cut the root from the mother plant. For this purpose, ordinary scissors are used.
  • Immediately after cutting, the petiole is placed in water. It should remain there until roots appear on it.
  • After this, the root must be placed in a special pot.
  • To plant muraya, it is necessary to use loose soil. To do this, you need to mix ordinary black soil with sand.
  • In order for the plant to take root well, it is covered with a jar.
  • To ensure good survival of this plant, the cutting process must be carried out in the autumn.

Reproduction of muraya is very simple. To do this, you just need to take high-quality raw materials and provide it optimal conditions for growth.

Planning the care of this plant cannot be done without replanting. With this measure it is possible to ensure not only correct formation bush, but also lush flowering. The flower is transplanted as it grows. For this purpose, a container slightly larger than the previous pots is used.

This plant is transplanted with the utmost care and caution.

Transplanting this plant into new pot carried out together with the old land. If you took a larger container, then you need to add drainage to the bottom. In order for the soil with the flower to come out of the pot, it must first be moistened. If it is not possible to remove this plant along with the earthen lump, then you need to use a special spatula.

If the flower is a young plant, then it is replanted every year. Older flowers are transplanted more rarely. In this case, the top layer of soil is changed every year. A favorable time for this procedure is spring. After planting the plant in a new pot, it must be watered. In order for the Muraya indoor plant to receive as little stress as possible from transplantation, it needs to be provided with optimal conditions.

For replanting, special soil is used in which succulent plants are grown.

To avoid stagnation of water in the soil, it is imperative to place a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot. Transplanting muraya is simple and quick. In this case, it is imperative to follow all its rules. This will protect Muraya from stress.

Many gardeners grow muraya not only because of its attractiveness, but also because of its ease of care. This plant is characterized high level resistance to diseases. Also, this flower is extremely rarely exposed. This is observed only if the flower weakens.

That is why when growing this plant it is necessary to carefully observe its leaves.

Diseases and pests:

  1. If you see that the Muraya leaves have begun to fall off, this indicates insufficient lighting. In this case, it is necessary to add light to the room. If natural light is not enough, then for an additional one you can use a daylight lamp. This plant will also tell you about the lack of heat by the condition of its leaves. At low temperatures murayi foliage becomes yellow and begins to fade. In this case, it is necessary not only to increase the temperature in the room, but also to remove this plant from the draft.
  2. This plant is most often damaged by insects such as scale insects and spider mites. The scale insect cannot tolerate frequent spraying, so if the muraya is properly cared for, it should not exist. If this pest does appear, then it is necessary to immediately combat it. Affected flowers must be kept away from other plants.

The place where the muraya was kept must be carefully processed. For this purpose, a soap solution is most often used. The scale insect itself must be eliminated from the plant. For this purpose it is used cotton swab, which is wetted in an insecticidal solution. Instead of this solution, in some cases kerosene or alcohol may be used. It is necessary to deal with scale insects as carefully as possible. When using kerosene or alcohol, wiping the leaves is very quick. Otherwise, they can be burned.

After leaving the leaves, it is necessary to completely treat the muraya with a solution. For this purpose, you can use soap or tobacco, on the basis of which the solution is made. After two days, the flower must be washed. For this purpose it is used warm water. If a spider mite is detected on a muraya, it is isolated. Otherwise, it may damage other plants. To combat this pest, it is necessary to use special insecticides.

Treatment of plants in the presence of this pest is carried out several times.

This is explained by the fact that only 80 percent of pests can be eliminated the first time. If there are no subsequent treatments, the spider mite will begin to multiply very quickly. On average, it is necessary to carry out three treatments with an interval of 5 days.

Muraya is very beautiful plant which is characterized by ease of care and resistance to diseases and pests. This plant needs replanting, watering, lighting, and spraying. Even an inexperienced gardener can easily perform these procedures.

More information can be found in the video.