The White Moon of Japan for your garden! Peony Moon of Nippon (Moon of Nippon) Herbaceous peony moon of nippon

Photo of herbaceous peony varieties Moon of Nippon

Description of herbaceous peony varieties Moon of Nippon

Herbaceous peony variety Moon of Nippon is a perennial with powerful fleshy root tubers. Plant height up to 100 cm. Medium-sized flowers (up to 17 cm), semi-double, white with a yellow core. The leaves are large, dissected, shiny. Very fragrant. Flowering period is mid-late, lasting up to 4 weeks. They are unpretentious to soil, but grow better in fertilized soils.

Agricultural technology of peonies.

Features of planting and growing.

Choosing a place for herbaceous peonies.

Peonies require a well-lit place. They can tolerate light shade. In the shade, plants either will not bloom or will do so weakly.

Peonies do not like proximity to fruit plantings, with which they begin to struggle for nutrients.

It is not recommended to plant peonies next to buildings - in the summer the bushes will overheat, and the flowers will be damaged by drops from the roofs.

Peonies do not tolerate stagnant water. If there is a possibility of flooding on the site, shrubs should be drained if possible or planted on a hill. This should protect it from rotting of the root system. Otherwise, the plant will have poor development or may even die.

Peonies prefer moisture-absorbing and sufficiently breathable soil. Loamy soils are best suited for its development. The reaction of the soil environment should be neutral or slightly acidic, pH 6.0 - 7.0.

Planting herbaceous peonies and care.

The size of the planting hole should be 50*50*50 cm.

A peony seedling should be planted in such a way that the rhizome is covered by 4-5 cm. If you bury the plant, it will grow, but will not bloom. If you plant the plant too high, the plant's winter hardiness will decrease.

The feeding area of ​​one bush is 1 - 1.5 m.

Peonies should be fed in the spring. When landing you should add organic fertilizer(horse humus or humus) at the rate of 5-15 kg/m2, from mineral nutrition you can take urea (50-100 g) or ammonium nitrate with nitroammofic acid (15-20 g each). In autumn, it is also possible to fertilize with various complex fertilizers, WITHOUT nitrogen content. On rich lands, fertilizing should often not be carried out, but on poor lands, sandy soils Fertilizers must be applied annually.

Young plants can also be fed by foliar feeding. From the second half of May, spray with complex mineral soluble fertilizer. Like watering, this operation should be carried out either in the morning or in the evening to avoid sunburn of the foliage.

In the first year after planting, it is recommended to cut off the buds. In the future, to obtain buds larger sizes One bud should be left on one shoot. Removal of buds should be carried out at a time when they are embedded in steel about 1 cm in diameter.

Peonies should be watered immediately after planting for the first 3-4 weeks several times a week. Subsequently, the plant is watered as needed. An adult bush requires 15-25 liters of water. It is better to water less often, but more thoroughly, than more often, but superficially. After watering, the soil in the tree trunk circle is loosened. It is very important that the soil is well moistened before flowering, that is, at the end of spring and in August, during the formation of flower buds.

A tree trunk circle is required when growing peonies. No plants should be planted in it; it must be kept free of weeds; constantly loosen. If desired, you can separate the tree trunk area from the lawn with a border strip (iron sheets or concrete products cannot be used for this purpose).

In autumn, the entire above-ground part is cut off and disposed of ( compost pit or bonfire)

Where to buy white-yellow peony in Moscow inexpensively?
Which type of peonies is the most winter-hardy??
TO Which type of peonies is the most beautiful??

We will help you find the answer to these and other questions!

What is such an exquisite and delicate decoration for any garden as the Moon Of Nippon peony? What is hidden under such an original name? You will learn about all this from this article.

How did the Moon Of Nippon peony appear?

So where did it all start? At the end of the 19th century, they were brought to Europe from the Country rising sun very unusual flowers. Milky-flowered peonies themselves are non-standard, their beautiful and large buds are distinguished by their endurance, thanks to which they have become very popular ornamental plant. The Japanese miracle looked like this: the outer petals formed 1-2 rows, and in the middle of the flower there were staminodes of the sun. yellow color. Externally, the border could be red, white or pink. This original plant instantly they began to simply call it “Japanese peony”. However better name and you can’t think of anything, because what, if not a flower with the sun in the middle, should be called accordingly to the Land of the Rising Sun!

One of the most beautiful is the Moon Of Nippon peony. It was given such an allegorical name because the outer row of petals has a lunar milky-white color - like a combination of two celestial bodies at once. The growing interest in oriental culture, as well as the originality of these flowers, have ensured their place in almost all gardens.

Features of the peony Moon Of Nippon

In addition to their beautiful appearance, these flowers have excellent endurance, and their aroma can conquer any heart. To decorate your area with this moon flower, it is worth knowing the nuances regarding its cultivation.

So, it’s worth planting peonies in a place that is not deprived sunlight- slight shading is acceptable. However, there should be little shade, otherwise your peonies will not delight you with flowering. For better air circulation, you should ensure that there is some space between the bushes and nearby buildings. If GWL high, it is better not to plant peonies in this place - their roots are in close proximity groundwater rot.

As for the soil, slightly acidic loamy soil is best suited for the Moon Of Nippon peony. However, the situation can be corrected, for example, too acidic soil can be made suitable by adding 300-400 g of lime. If the soil is sandy, then add the required amount of clay; if it is clayey, then vice versa, the situation is corrected with a portion of sand.

As for planting, it can only be done in the fall. Peonies are usually planted with the expectation that they will grow in one place for many years. To provide them great place for life, so to speak, and to be sure that they will delight you with colorful flowering every year, you should take care in advance to prepare the planting site - about a month in advance.

As for compositions with Moon Of Nippon peonies, remember that it is better to cut only abundantly flowering peonies that have beautiful shape. On the site, groups of flowering bushes look best.

Undoubtedly, the Moon Of Nippon peony will be the lunar pearl of your garden!


Plant height: 70 cm

Flower diameter: 18 cm

Flowering: mid-late


Peony milky flower Moon River Paeonia lactiflora Moon River luxurious delicate flower, will attract the attention of all guests and neighbors.

The flower shape is pink, the petals are a soft cream color. When opened, they acquire a pinkish tint. The smell is delicate.

The peony looks beautiful even after flowering; the compact bush with carved foliage attracts attention. If you choose the right varieties (with different terms flowering), then you can admire the gorgeous flowers for a long time.

Paeonia lactiflora Moon River is planted on sunny place, in well-fertilized, drained soil. Peony is drought- and frost-resistant.

Propagated by division of rhizomes, which is best done in the fall, in August - September.

Peony milky-flowered Moon River is used to decorate flower beds and borders, both in single and group plantings. Used to create bouquets. cream with a pink tint when dissolving gradually becomes white

Do you love peonies as much as I love them? I'm just crazy about these gorgeous flowers.

But how to grow this flower so that it shows all its splendor?

So, let's begin.

Peonies are either tree-like or herbaceous. The first is a shrub, the second is a perennial herb. There are also hybrids obtained from crossing herbaceous and tree-like species. But despite this, herbaceous peonies are most often found in our areas.


PEONIES SIMPLE (non-double) - a corolla of five or more petals with a large number of stamens.

JAPANESE PEONIES - the flowers are similar to simple peonies, but instead of stamens there are staminodes (modified stamens).

ANEMONE PEONY - a corolla of five or more large petals, turning into staminodes, outwardly resembling narrow petals.

SEMI-DOUBLE PEONIES - The corolla consists of several rows of petals, between which or in the center of the flower there are numerous stamens.

TWO PEONIES. Has 3 subgroups:

1. Crowned - the petals are crowned along the edge, wide, arranged in one row, in the middle part - numerous narrow, in the center - again wide, raised in the form of a crown.

2. Hemispherical (spherical, bomb-shaped)- the petals along the edge are large, wide, arranged in one row, in the center they are narrow, sometimes jagged along the edge, collected in the form of a hemisphere.

3. Rose-shaped - the petals are numerous, large, and compactly collected.

Some varieties of peonies.

Sarah Bernhardt - the flower shape is pink, resembling an open rose. The petals of an almost 20-centimeter flower are pink-lilac in color. In the sun, they most often fade and get a silvery edge effect. Bush height 90-100cm.

Festiva Maxima - large dark green leaves, strong aroma and unusual flowers(during flowering, among the white-cream petals you can see crimson streaks, which are actually split carpels). Flower diameter 18-20cm. Height is about 110cm. Medium grade early date flowering.

Princess Margaret. Large flowers reaching 25 cm in diameter, pink-shaped. Petals of equal size intensively Pink colour. Is different abundant flowering. The plant is compact, up to 85cm.

White sail. Large petals at the beginning of flowering are white-cream in color, later they fade to white; the staminodes, arranged in a circle, are yellow. Flower diameter - 18cm, plant height 80-100cm. The shoots are strong, light green in color, the leaves are dark green. The variety has a strong pleasant aroma, vaguely reminiscent of the aroma of lily of the valley.

In memory of academician Kurchatov. Flowers up to 18cm, intense pink, with lilac shade and silver edges. The plant is compact, up to 70cm. They have strong shoots with light green leaves, folded in the shape of a boat. Medium flowering variety.

It is important that the flower shoots are strong and do not fall apart under the weight of the flowers. Peonies with Japanese flower shapes meet these requirements.

Moon of Nippon (moon of Japan)- flowers reach 20cm in diameter. The large outer petals are white-cream in color and have a slight pinkish tint at the beginning of flowering. In the center of the flower there are numerous yellow staminodes. Height more than 100cm. The shoots are strong, but bend under the weight of the flowers. Mid-late flowering period.

Cora Stubs. Flowers with pink-lilac petals, 17 cm in diameter, in the center of the flower there are cream staminodes. The shoots are strong, up to 100 cm. Medium flowering period.

The Ray Peyton variety has a very interesting flowers- dark red, velvety, up to 18 cm in diameter. The shoots are strong, up to 100 cm high. Medium flowering period.

The Midnight Sun variety is distinguished by large outer petals of a dark red color. Staminode with matching petals and golden edges. The height of strong shoots is 80cm. Wide lobes of the leaf have a metallic sheen. Blooms profusely.

IN last years have become popular with non-double and semi-double flower forms.

The Early Daybrek variety is an interspecific hybrid of early flowering. The petals of the flower are of a very rare color - ivory with a pinkish tint, and there are numerous stamens in the center. The bush has strong shoots up to 100cm high, which end in a flower with a diameter of 15cm. The leaves are also unique - light green, very large, with pubescent veins.

Variety Sable - distinguished by the unusual color of the flower - dark red-brown, almost black in the bud. The corolla of the flower is two-row, reaching 18 cm. During flowering, against the background of dark petals, numerous anthers on red staminate filaments look contrasting. The plant is powerful, up to 120cm high, with strong shoots. The leaves are green, large, with an anthocyanin sheen. Medium early flowering variety.

Variety Eaglet - flowers no more than 10 cm are painted in an unusual bright scarlet-carmine-red color, which fades to carmine-red in the sun. Shoot height 60cm. The leaves are heavily dissected. Early flowering period.

Hello Altai - the petals are wavy, very large, pale lilac-pink. Flower diameter 15cm. The height of the bush is 110-120cm. The shoots are strong, straight, leaves with elongated lobes. The variety has a pleasant delicate aroma. Mid-early flowering period.

Coral Sunset is an interspecific hybrid with several rows of coral pink petals with subtle pink-peach tones. In hot weather they change color, fading to yellow-orange. Flowers with a diameter of more than 20cm. Shoots up to 80cm high need support. Early flowering variety.

Peonies are great for garden decoration. Varietal peonies are planted in open sunny areas, and wild species grow well among trees and shrubs.
Peonies look most advantageous in single plantings. They look especially beautiful against the backdrop of silver spruce trees. When choosing, you need to take into account the height of the plant, its shape and the strength of the shoots.
For distant species, it is preferable to choose varieties with bright colors so that they are more noticeable. Peonies with simple and Japanese flower shapes are suitable for foregrounds. They look elegant throughout the growing season.

A suitable place for peonies is the back and medium shot flower garden They can be perfectly combined with perennials such as geranium irises and other low-growing forms.
In the second half of summer, when peonies fade, they will look great with phlox, asters, and astilbes. An excellent background for peonies are ornamental shrubs- Arguta spirea, Japanese crimson quince, pink almond, lilac and barberry.
Peonies 35-40cm high can be planted in single-row and double-row borders along paths, alpine slides. These peonies also look good in small gardens. Large peonies (60-120cm) are placed in arrays on lawns. Don't mix different varieties and colors. One large and bright spot looks better than a variegated one.

The best location for peonies is in the corners of the lawn. It looks great when plants of the same height are located, but with a sharp contrast. For example 2 raspberry and 2 white.
Peonies can also be grown in containers, decorating high steps or terraces with them.

Herbaceous peonies can also be grown on the balcony. Plants with simple and Japanese flower shapes are suitable for this. To grow on a balcony, you need to take not cuttings, but rooted cuttings, which have a more compact root system.

Containers for plants can be made of any material. Ideal size 100x50x60cm (length, height, width). These sizes will ideally allow the root system to develop.
When planting, it is necessary to maintain a distance between plants of 35-40cm. For the winter they are covered and, if possible, covered with snow.


Choose a site that is sunny, open, but at the same time protected from strong winds. In strong shade, peonies may not bloom at all, although they will grow beautifully.
Best time for planting - from mid-August to mid-September. The planting hole must be prepared in advance (ideally a month in advance) so that the soil in it settles well. The depth of the pit is 50-60cm, diameter 70cm. Such dimensions allow the root system to develop well and go to the required depth. Carefully remove the top layer of turf and set it aside. Dig the bottom of the hole with a pitchfork or shovel. If the area is wet, then drainage should be provided; it can be made of brick, stone or expanded clay. If the site is located on peaty soil, then peonies should be planted in high beds.
During normal planting, the hole is filled with a mixture of humus (2 buckets), lowland peat (2 buckets) and topsoil. It is also necessary to add 500g of bone meal or 250g of superphosphate to this mixture.
When planting, maintain 100-120cm between plants. Renewal buds are sprinkled with soil no more than 3-5 cm. If the soil is heavy - 3cm, if light - 5cm. If you deepen the bud too much, the peonies will not bloom.

Cover the roots up to the root collar with soil and compact it so that there are no voids. After that, the peonies are well watered and the hole is completely filled with soil and the soil is compacted well again. Planted plants must take root before frost. After establishing a low temperature (up to -5), sand is poured under the plants in a layer of 1-3 cm.
Late-planted peonies, as well as interspecific hybrids, require shelter for the winter. Peat, fallen leaves and old grass are used as shelter.


Typically, peonies begin to be fed from the second year of planting. The first feeding is carried out in early spring complex fertilizers, for example nitrophoska, nitroammofoska or kemira (dry) at the rate of 20-25 g per bush. The second - during budding, also with complex fertilizers 25 g per bush in dry form or 30 g per 10 liters of water. The third is at the beginning of flowering, the same as the second. The fourth - phosphorus-potassium is carried out a month after flowering at the rate of 25 g per bush (dry).
Fertilizers are applied to well-watered soil or after rain, being sure to be embedded in the ground. The frequency of fertilizing should not be earlier than 10-15 days after the previous one. It is also possible to carry out organic fertilizers. It is advisable to apply them in liquid form. Rotted manure in a ratio of 1:10 (for 1 part of manure 10 liters of water), bird droppings 1:20. In the first 3 feedings, use manure or bird droppings, and in the fourth, add wood ash from deciduous trees to the manure.


The second important condition for care. Peonies especially need water in the spring, as well as at the beginning and second half of summer (late July - mid-August), when renewal buds form. Flowering the following year depends on sufficient moisture during this period. However, water should not be allowed to stagnate around the plant. After watering, the soil is loosened. Frequent loosening is important agrotechnical technique, which helps remove excess moisture from the soil, improve aeration and control weeds, which cause great harm to peonies: they absorb water and fertilizers, create thickening, interfere with air circulation, thereby promoting the proliferation of diseases and pests.


By winter, peony shoots are cut to a distance of 5-10 cm from the surface of the earth. This is done at the end of October, beginning of November after the first severe frosts. The signal is the lodging of shoots. After pruning, look to see if the buds at the base of the shoots are exposed? If this happens, hill up the plant by 7-10cm.


The main and most affordable way propagation of herbaceous peonies. It should be divided from 7-10 years of age. This operation is carried out in late summer - early autumn.
Before digging, shoots are cut to a distance of 10-15cm. from the soil surface. After this, they carefully dig in from all sides (at a distance of at least 15 cm from the rhizome) and carefully remove it with a garden fork along with a lump of earth. Carefully remove excess soil with a wooden peg, trying not to touch the renewal buds.
Then they place it on a flat surface, wash the rhizomes with a hose and remove rotten and diseased roots, and the remaining ones with inside cut at an angle of 45-60 degrees by 10-20cm.

The rhizomes are divided into parts. Each should have 3-5 buds of regrowth and
3-4 roots. Then they are placed for several hours in a 0.1% manganese solution or any other ready-made preparation for disinfection against fungal diseases. Then the rhizome sections are sprinkled with crushed activated carbon and dried for several days to form a cork layer on the sections.
When dividing, you may end up with non-standard divisions with 1 bud. At proper care after 3-4 years they will become full-fledged plants.

WHY DO NOT PEONIES BLOW? 6 main reasons.

1. Unsuitable location - too much shade, poor drainage, stagnant water.
2. Too deep during planting, more than 5-6cm. At the end of summer, it is necessary to dig up the plant and replant it according to all the rules.
3. An old weakened plant was transplanted, which was also not divided.
4. Dry weather and insufficient watering during the period of kidney formation.
5. Lack of nutrition during the growing season.
6. Or, on the contrary, the peonies are overfed.



It affects shoots, leaves, flowers and rhizomes of the plant. Most often found in spring.
In diseased plants, a gray coating appears at the base of the shoots. Then they turn brown-black above the ground, rot, break and fall. Large brown spreading spots form at the tips of the leaves. The leaves become deformed and dry out. Small buds turn black and also dry out. Larger ones open only on one side, the edges of the petals turn brown and dry out.
Cold weather contributes to the development of the disease rainy weather, with a sharp change in temperature. Gray rot most often affects peonies growing in heavy clay, moist, and especially acidic soil. There is a high risk of occurrence in dense, neglected and poorly ventilated areas.
To prevent the disease from affecting peonies, it is first necessary to carry out prevention - provide drainage, deoxidize the soil.
Don't plant peonies too close. 100-120cm is the ideal distance between bushes.
Faded flowers must be removed. If you find diseased parts of the plant, cut them out. Be sure to prune the plant for the winter; do not leave the cut shoots on the site.
To avoid gray rot, spray the plant three times. The first time is at the beginning of plant growth and the appearance of leaves, the second time is during budding and the third time is after flowering. Spraying solution - 60-70g of copper oxychloride per 10 liters of water, or 100-200g of Bordeaux mixture, or 20-30g of baseazole.

BROWN SPOT (SEPTORIASIS) The disease manifests itself in June - July in the form of bilateral brownish-brown rounded or elongated spots with a dark rim. At first, single spots appear, then they merge. The lower old leaves are the first to be affected. Then the disease develops up the shoot and all the leaves may dry out. The disease weakens the plant, affecting winter hardiness and flowering next year. The fight against the disease is the same as against gray rot.


Large ones appear on the leaves brown spots. As they grow, they merge and cover the entire leaf, which looks like it has been burned. Elongated red-brown spots form on young shoots.
Although spotting does not destroy peonies, it weakens and spoils appearance. The same preventive measures that are recommended against gray rot can save you from this disease.
Spraying after flowering and re-treatment after 10 days with a solution of Bordeaux mixture (150g per 10l of water) or foundationol (30g per 10l of water) will help cope with it.


In mid-summer, brown spots with a purple tint appear on the leaves. Small yellowish-brown fungal spores form on them on the underside of the leaves. In humid, warm weather, they spread quickly, causing the leaves to dry out already in July, weakening the plant and having a bad effect on flowering next year.
The intermediate host of this disease is Scots pine, so peonies should not be planted next to it. At the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to remove damaged leaves. Then treat the plant at intervals of 10-14 days with a solution of Bordeaux mixture (100g per 10l of water), then with copper oxychloride (50g per 10l of water).


Initially, small brown spots with a dark purple rim. Then they enlarge, become rounded and oblong, lighten in the center and become covered with convex dark dots. When severe, the disease causes premature drying of the leaves.
The main measure to combat phyllosticosis is prevention, which includes the same measures that are recommended against cladosporiosis.


The most dangerous insect for peonies is the one that eats flower petals, stamens and carpels. It may also damage young leaves at the edges. This is a beetle 15-20mm long, golden-green above, copper-red below, covered with small hairs. It is most dangerous during the flowering period of peonies in May - June. It overwinters in the soil and lays larvae there.
The way to fight the beetle is to collect it by hand. You need to collect it in the morning, when it sits motionless on the plant. Destroy in the same way as the Colorado potato beetle.

Peonies look great both on the lawn and in a bouquet. In order for flowers to last a long time in a bouquet, cutting should be done in the morning before the heat sets in. Flowers should be cut at the half-blooming stage. Only the densely double ones should be cut off when they bloom completely, since they do not bloom in water. To make the flowers last longer, add 0.5 teaspoon of vinegar essence or ¼ teaspoon to the water citric acid for 1 liter of water.
Peonies lend themselves well to drying, after which they can be used in winter bouquets.


1. Herbaceous peonies look great on the lawn or against the backdrop of conifers. When cut, it is good to combine with gypsophila, which favorably highlights the splendor of peony.

2. Peonies with double flowers require support. This will protect the shoots from fractures and also prevent the bush from falling apart.

3. A bush that has lost its decorative effect, is sick and old, can be renewed. To do this, dig up the bush, wash it carefully with a hose and carefully divide the root into small parts so that each one contains 1-2 buds of renewed growth. Remove old large and damaged roots. Plant the separated roots onto the prepared bed. Fertilize and water them. And after 1-2 years you will receive young plants that can be transplanted to a permanent place.

4. In the first 2 years, the buds of newly planted peonies must be removed. The main task of this period is the formation of the root system, which will enable the plant to develop well in the future.

5. Loosen the soil around the peonies very carefully so as not to damage the renewal buds, which are located at a depth of 3-5 cm. In the fall, check to make sure they are not on the surface. If this happens, be sure to cover them with soil.

6. Many beginning amateur gardeners make a mistake when they plant large parts of rhizomes with a large number of buds. Damaged roots will not be able to provide them with nutrition. In addition, the plant’s resistance to disease decreases and it blooms worse. During the period of active growth, peonies absorb mainly nitrogen; during budding and flowering - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium; during the formation of flower buds - phosphorus and potassium. Taking this into account, apply fertilizers.

7. If during a drought it is not possible to water the peonies abundantly, loosen the soil around them. This method called "dry watering"

8. During planting, fresh manure cannot be applied to avoid burns to the roots. It is better to do this a year before planting, planting it to a depth of 60-70 cm in the soil. When the roots reach this depth, there will already be ready-made humus.

9. The color of a peony flower is a feature of the variety, but the shade may depend on the quantity and quality of fertilizers applied, soil, and weather. For example, when there is an excess of nitrogen in the soil, the color fades. As potassium increases, the color becomes brighter. If the peony is planted on clay soil, the color becomes brighter and clearer. In cold rainy summers, white peonies become yellow tint, when hot, dry - a slightly pinkish tint. Red and pink shades They turn pale from cold and humidity, and in dry weather they acquire a rich hue.

Moonlight will illuminate your garden peony Moon of Nippon (Moon Of Nippon), filling it with calm and serenity. Peony variety Moon Of Nippon as beautiful as the name of the flower itself in translation - Moon in Japan.

Stunning white and cream petals with a green tint look great with a lush bright yellow center consisting of staminodes. Bud peony Moon of Nippon when fully expanded, it reaches 17 cm in diameter. Has a delicate fresh aroma.

The bush is tall, multi-stemmed and reaches 100 cm in length, but nevertheless the stems are dense and stable, slightly bending under the weight of the flower. Peonies Moon of Nippon refer to mid-late varieties and bloom mainly in June. Like all peonies Japanese type, the Peony variety Moon of Nippon Tolerates windy and rainy weather well.

Peonies planted in well-fertilized soil do not need to be fertilized in the first year and several subsequent years. After transplantation, varietal qualities appear in 2-3 years! In autumn, with the onset of stable frosts, around mid-October, the stems of peonies are cut off, leaving stumps 1-2 cm high above the buds. For the winter, peonies are covered with a layer of peat or unripe compost. There is no need to cover adult plants.

To send peony Moon of Nippon (Moon Of Nippon) a standard division with 2-3 buds is used in the amount of 1 piece.

Delivery is carried out by Russian Post, transport companies PEK, SDEK or others as agreed with you.

Order and buy peony seedlings Moon of Nippon (Moon Of Nippon) You can click the "Add to Cart" button and place your order.

Type of packaging: a bag of peat, a label indicating the variety, a standard section with 2-3 buds.

Delivery terms: Orders with peony seedlings are sent in the autumn, from September 1, and spring, from March 1, seasons (shipping restrictions in accordance with the customer’s climate zone).