What flowers can be planted in a large pot. How to plant indoor flowers correctly. Features of planting flowers in outdoor flowerpots

Each flower requires its own soil and temperature conditions, which must be taken into account when planting or replanting crops. Planting indoor plants, done correctly, will not only help provide flowers optimal conditions for growth, but also protects them from diseases.

From today's article you will learn how to properly plant indoor flowers in a pot. In addition, we will talk about the features of planting and caring for some popular types of indoor plants.

Features and rules for planting indoor plants

Every novice gardener is interested in how to plant indoor flowers correctly. And this is not surprising, because the intensity of growth and flowering depends on this process.

Despite the fact that planting flowers for the home is considered simple, some features and rules still need to be taken into account.

Technology of sowing and planting indoor plants

When planning to plant a flower, first of all you need to decide on the shape and size of the pot. To do this, the size of the crop and the degree of development of its root system are taken into account: the longer and wider it is, the more spacious the pot should be.

You also need to consider where you are going to place the flower. Pots are suitable for an open terrace or balcony, but for an ordinary city apartment, traditional pots or containers are most often chosen.

Note: Regardless of the type of pot you plan to plant, there should be drainage holes in the bottom of the pot to drain excess moisture. Place a tray under the pot into which excess water will drain. Without this condition, water will begin to accumulate near the roots of the flower, and the crop may die.

Planting technology includes selection suitable soil(Figure 1). Each type of flower requires its own special soil, which will reflect natural soil conditions. The easiest way is to buy a ready-made soil mixture in a special store, but it is much more fun to prepare it yourself.

Classic soil for indoor crops consists of clay-turf soil with the addition of a small amount of compost, peat and high-quality sand. It is also advisable to add large number charcoal, which will play a role organic fertilizer. To simplify the task of planting flowers for the home, here is step by step instructions this process.

Figure 1. Correct fit flowers in containers

Sowing or planting indoor plants is carried out as follows:

  • Preparing the pot includes the manufacture of a drainage layer (Figure 2). To do this, lay a layer of expanded clay, broken brick, moss or polystyrene on the bottom of the container. This layer will ensure air flow to the roots and prevent stagnation of moisture in the soil.
  • Pour into the pot part of the prepared soil. The second part is left to cover the roots of the flower.
  • The seedling is placed vertically in a pot, evenly distributing its roots inside the container. The roots should not protrude to the surface or be too crowded. If this does happen, you need to take a larger container.
  • The pot is filled to the top the remaining soil mixture and lightly compact it. After this, the flower needs to be watered and fed (if necessary), and placed in a permanent place.

It is important that both the soil itself and root system must be wet. This will help the earthen coma to attach more tightly to the roots, and will make the acclimatization process in a new place faster.

Figure 2. Types of drainage for indoor plants

If you are planting seeds rather than seedlings, the technology will be similar. First, a layer of drainage is placed in the pot, then soil is poured in (about 2/3 of the container’s volume), seeds are scattered and sprinkled with a small layer of nutritious grain mixture. The seeds must be watered, covered with glass and placed in a well-lit place.

From the video you will learn which drainage is best to use for indoor flowers.

How to properly plant indoor flowers in a pot

Proper planting of flowers in pots is much easier than planting crops in open ground. But, despite all the simplicity, there are certain planting rules.

To make your flowers comfortable, you need not only to choose a suitable container, but also to prepare high-quality soil for the flowers. If you already have a pot, check that there are drainage holes in the bottom through which excess moisture will drain from the soil. If there are no such holes, you will have to make them yourself.

The further stages of planting in pots will be as follows(Figure 3):

  1. Laying a drainage layer to the bottom of the container, and it is not necessary to buy drainage. You can make it yourself from broken bricks, small stones or moss collected from the forest.
  2. Filling the pot with soil mixture: It is advisable to add a layer of soil that will only fill the pot halfway. In this case, you can freely place a seedling in it.
  3. Planting a seedling It is carried out like this: a flower with wet roots is placed in a pot strictly vertically, its root system is distributed so that it is free in the pot and the roots are sprinkled with the remaining soil. After this, the soil needs to be lightly compacted and watered.

Figure 3. Stages of planting indoor plants in pots

This is where planting or replanting an indoor flower ends. Successful cultivation will require periodic watering (frequency depends on the variety), fertilizing, as well as ensuring optimal temperature and humidity conditions. Some species tolerate the moderate humidity of an ordinary city apartment well, while others require additional moisture, which can be provided by regular spraying of the leaves.

The technology for planting indoor plants in pots is shown in the video.

Choosing a pot

It is important not only to know how to plant correctly indoor plants, but also what containers should be used for this. Modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of pots in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and styles, so you can easily choose the right container (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Types flower pots

Experienced flower growers recommend being guided not so much by taste preferences as by the practical side. Firstly, the pot must be spacious enough for a particular variety so that the root system of the flower can be freely placed inside. Secondly, there should be drainage holes in the bottom of the container through which excess moisture will drain from the soil. In addition, the potty should be durable and comfortable.


Since on modern market presents a wide variety of pots from various materials, we present the features of clay, plastic and other containers for indoor flowers.

The best, from an environmental point of view, are considered clay pots. They do not emit toxic substances, therefore they are absolutely safe for human and plant health. However, such containers are easily broken and may crack after prolonged use. In addition, they are heavy, so it will be difficult to move pots freely, especially large ones.

Plastic pots are very light, beautiful and elegant. They are easy to wash and rearrange if necessary. But when buying such a pot, be sure to take into account that the plastic that was used to make it releases into the soil and air harmful substances, which can harm not only plants, but also people.

Rules for planting and caring for indoor flowers in a pot

In previous sections, we have already looked at the rules for planting crops in pots. Therefore, let us dwell in more detail on caring for flowers for the home (Figure 5). In this matter, you should be guided by the characteristics of each variety. For example, exotic tropical flowers require intensive watering and moisture, while cacti, on the contrary, do not tolerate excess moisture well.

Figure 5. Basic stages of caring for indoor crops

In addition, home flowerpots require periodic feeding, which is applied by watering at the root or spraying the leaves. In winter, it is necessary to provide additional lighting to the flowers, and during cultivation it is necessary to periodically inspect for the presence of pests or symptoms of diseases in order, if necessary, to carry out preventive spraying.

Indoor gloxinia flower: planting and care

Gloxinia belongs to one of the most beautiful and unusual indoor flowers. IN natural conditions this crop is found in Brazil, but if you plant gloxinia tubers correctly and provide them with proper care, you can grow it at home (Figure 6).

Generally, indoor flower Gloxinia is easy to plant and care for, but some features of growing this exotic crop still need to be taken into account.

The basic rules for caring for gloxinia are:

  1. Good lighting without exposure to direct sunlight, from which the delicate leaves and petals of gloxinia can get burned. Best place for flower - rack with artificial lighting or diffuse sunlight.
  2. No drafts is also an important condition for successful cultivation. In this case, gloxinia will bloom profusely, forming neat rosettes.
  3. During flowering moderate but regular watering should be provided. The flowering period lasts from March to October. After this, the leaves of gloxinia begin to gradually turn yellow and fall off, and a dormant period begins. At this time, watering is reduced.

Figure 6. Features of caring for gloxinia

When gloxinia has bloomed, you don’t have to dig up the bulb, but leave it in moist soil. But to maintain viability, the pot with the bulb must be moved to a dark, cool room and stored at a temperature no higher than +10 degrees until next spring.

Indoor flowers balsam: planting, care and photos

Impatiens can be called a universal plant, because it blooms successfully both in a city apartment and in open ground(Figure 7).

Let us dwell in more detail on the conditions for planting and caring for indoor balsam:

  • Penumbra - best condition for growing balsam. Despite the fact that the flower tolerates intense light well, it will grow much better on shaded eastern and southeastern windowsills.
  • Watering plays the most important role in caring for balsams, since these flowers are very responsive to intensive watering. Don't wait for the earthen ball to dry. In summer, balsams are watered every other day, and in winter - once every two to three days.
  • Under a pot of balsam be sure to install a tray. But you don’t have to drain the rest of the water from it. During the day, the roots will absorb this moisture.
  • Priming It’s better to take a light one, which is usually used for indoor flower crops. If the soil is too dense and oversaturated with nutrients, the balsam bush will have many leaves, but few flowers.

Figure 7. External features indoor balsam

If you want to save money and plan to plant balsam directly in a large pot, you should immediately clarify that this is not recommended. In such conditions, all the plant’s forces will be directed towards growing and forming a large bush, and the flowering period will be delayed. Therefore, it is better to choose a compact container suitable in size to the volume of the root system.

Indoor hydrangea flowers: planting seeds and care

Indoor hydrangea is a compact perennial shrub, which is covered with numerous ball-shaped inflorescences (Figure 8). If suitable growing conditions have been created for the hydrangea, it will bloom profusely and for a long time every year.

Planting and caring for indoor hydrangeas includes the following important points:

  • Intense but diffuse lighting, for example, the pot can be placed a few meters from the south window.
  • Comfortable temperature for hydrangea it is +20 degrees, but it feels good even with a slight decrease or increase in indicators. The main thing is that there are no drafts or sudden temperature changes in the room.
  • After flowering is complete a period of rest begins, which lasts until about February. At this time, it is better to transfer the flower to a dark, cool place and store it until the buds awaken. After this, you can return the hydrangea to its usual conditions.

Figure 8. Growing indoor hydrangea

In addition, hydrangea requires fairly abundant and frequent watering. In summer it is carried out more often, in autumn it is gradually reduced, and in winter it will be enough to add moisture only once a week. Hydrangea also needs to be sprayed frequently to increase air humidity. Ordinary jars of water placed next to the flower pot will also help to cope with this task.

What indoor flowers should not be planted at home?

Not all indoor plants, even those that look very beautiful, are completely safe. Some of them, especially exotic ones, secrete poisonous juice, which can be dangerous to people and animals.

Note: When buying a new flower for your home, be sure to ask if it is poisonous. And, if you have small children or animals at home, it is better to avoid such a purchase.

Since many poisonous varieties are surprisingly beautiful and highly decorative, many still prefer to place them at home. But when caring for such flowers, you must wear gloves, wash your hands thoroughly after all manipulations, and avoid getting the juice on your skin and mucous membranes.

To prevent you from accidentally buying a poisonous flower, we present a list of plants that should not be kept at home(Figure 9):

  1. Dieffenbachia- culture with high decorative value, which is often used to decorate the interior. But the juice that is released when the leaves or stems are cut is poisonous and can cause poisoning or burns to the skin.
  2. Mimosa bashful characterized by the fact that its thin leaves curl into a tube at the slightest touch. But you can’t keep it at home, as it releases substances into the air that are toxic to the human body, which can lead to hair loss and general poisoning.
  3. Monstera in itself is not dangerous. The juice of this exotic species can cause harm. If it gets on the skin or eyes, it causes burns, and if it is accidentally swallowed, it causes severe poisoning.
  4. Nightshade - evergreen shrub, which is covered with bright orange fruits. They are poisonous and can cause serious poisoning, so it is not recommended to keep such a flower at home if you have small children or animals who may accidentally eat bright berries.
  5. Azalea considered one of the most popular indoor plants due to its lush and beautiful flowers. But there is one species that should not be kept at home. This is Sims' azalea, the leaves of which, when ingested, cause colic and severe cramps.

Figure 9. Dangerous plants for the home: 1 - dieffenbachia, 2 - bashful mimosa, 3 - monstera, 4 - nightshade, 5 - Sims azalea

Among the dangerous poisonous plants there is also primrose. If there are a large number of these plants at home, during the flowering period people and animals may suffer due to toxic substances, which are released into the atmosphere precisely during the flowering period. Therefore, if you cannot resist the beauty of primroses, it is better to keep just one flower of this species at home.

If you decide to start growing indoor plants, then in addition to choosing a plant, you will immediately have to choose a flower pot and, possibly, a flowerpot. How to choose the right size flower pots and why you need flower pots will be discussed in this article.

Immediately after purchasing a new plant, you will need to transplant the plant into a new flower pot. The containers in which plants are sold are just containers for transportation.

Yes, and the soil needs to be changed, because instead of the necessary this plant The soil in the container is most likely high-moor peat. It dries out very quickly, becomes corky and does not retain water. You can often hear: there was a flower in the store, so beautiful, but for some reason it disappeared at home. Therefore, in order not to start right away with mistakes, buy a flower pot for your pet.

Almost all indoor plants feel great in small flower pots. Before you go to the store for a flower pot, decide on the choice of indoor plant.

If the plant is old enough and tall, for example, like an indoor maple, clerodendrum, or it has large massive leaves, like monstera, some types of ficus, then you will need large flower pots. And such indoor plants as peperomia, saintpaulia, pelargonium, gloxinia and many, many others small plants With lush foliage feel much better in small flower pots.

When choosing a flower pot, you need to pay attention to its height and diameter. If you choose a flower pot according to the height of the plant. It is this parameter that you need to pay attention to when choosing a pot for alocasia or zamioculcas. Your choice will be correct if the height of the flower pot is one third or a quarter of the height of the plant. If the plant is tall, about 1 meter, then the height of the pot for it should be at least one third of the height of the plant.

If when choosing a flower pot you focus on the diameter, then you should know that the wider the crown of a houseplant, the wider its pot should be. For example, a pot with a diameter of about 20 cm is suitable for plants with a height of 30 cm to one meter. The ideal flower pot maintains its proportion: the diameter of the pot is 2/3 of its height, this must be remembered when choosing a pot for Elwoodi cypress. When choosing a pot for a tall plant with a wide spreading crown, for example, a mature myrtle common, pay attention to the diameter of the base: it should be at least one third of the height of the plant.

What material should flower pots be made of?

Probably the most environmentally friendly are clay and ceramic flower pots. Plants feel very comfortable in them, especially home roses. However, they are quite fragile; with one careless movement, the pot will fall and break. Also, when reusing a clay or ceramic flower pot, disinfection is necessary, and better soaking per day - two in a disinfectant solution containing chlorine.

If the plant is very large and stands on the floor, then you should not buy a ceramic pot for it, but rather use a plastic one. After all, it is much lighter than ceramic, and therefore it will be easier for you to move it.

In addition to the decorative function, a flowerpot can also perform others: for example, if the air temperature in the room is +25 o C or higher, excess water from the flowerpot can evaporate on its own, increasing air humidity and thereby preserving decorative look plants. Therefore, flowerpots can be used to increase air humidity in winter. It is good to put moss between the walls of the pot and the flowerpot. It will immediately absorb excess water after watering, and then gradually evaporate the moisture. If you are using a pot to increase humidity, then the diameter of the pot should be 3-4 cm wider than the diameter of the pot.

If the plant is tall, with a spreading crown, then you need to choose a pot that is large enough and stable, with a wide base. For additional stability of high or climbing plants You can install a decorative support in the space between the walls of the pot and the flowerpot without the root system of the plants being affected at all.

A flowerpot can completely transform the interior of a room, set a certain tone, and also collect all indoor plants into a single ensemble.

How to choose a flower pot?

- classic strict flowerpots in neutral or pastel colors, which can not only highlight the beauty of plants, but also make you forget about all the tricks that we resort to for successful growth and flowering.

- bright original flowerpots , are able to relegate plants to the background. However, when creating compositions from decorative non-flowering plants, bright flowerpots can dilute the solid green mass.

- plain flowerpots They will bring a certain style to your interior and help avoid a cacophony of color. But you also need to remember that strictly selecting flowerpots based on one color can be monotonous and boring.

Which pot should I plant my ficus in? It doesn’t really matter what material the plant pot is made of.

It is important to pay more attention to the sizes. Do not forget about the correct placement of the ficus pot. Caring for it and timely replanting will help keep the plant in proper condition.

Household ficus trees come in a wide variety of types and sizes. Therefore, the question often arises of which ficus pot to choose. To do this correctly, you need to:

  • Calculate size
  • Select form
  • Select material

The size of the pot directly depends on the state of development of the plant roots. The optimal size will be in which they will not reach the walls of the selected container by about two centimeters. You need to purchase a vessel that is not too large, with a good drainage system.

There is no ideal form of container for growing ficus plants. In most cases, ordinary classic-shaped products sold in stores are suitable.

However, for those who like to grow plants using bonsai technology, flat models with sides of 10 cm or more are needed.

What is the container in which the “tree” will grow made? of great importance does not have.

It can be plastic, clay or ceramics, and for particularly large specimens, wooden tubs are suitable. The main thing when choosing a material is the absence chemical influence on a flower.

From the above we can conclude that when choosing a pot, you need to remember the condition of the roots, the size of the ficus and the method of growing it. The vessel must not be processed chemical compounds and fit into the interior.

It is easy to determine which pot to plant a young ficus in. For such a plant you will need a standard small pot with good drainage. If you need to replant a grown plant or a specimen recently purchased in a store, you need to know how to choose a container.

You need to ask yourself what pot to plant a ficus in that you bought in a store 3-4 weeks after the new pet appears in the house. The plant is already experiencing stress from a change in microclimate, but if you add a transplant to this, the flower may weaken or become sick.

It's important to hold new copy away from other house plants. In flower shops, greenhouses and conservatories, pests sometimes appear or plants become infected.

It is important to leave the new pet in the quarantine area for about a month to make sure that it is healthy and will not infect other flowers. After all, there are insects that attack almost all crops and are difficult to remove. An example is spider mites.

When thinking about what kind of pot is needed for a ficus, we recommend choosing a container that has the following proportions - the height is equal to its diameter. This recommendation applies to the selection of containers for Ficus Benjamin and Rubber crops.

You should not try to delay the next transplant by choosing a “house” that is too large for the described plant. This can have several negative consequences. So, the flower will begin to spend a lot of energy on building up the root system, which can negatively affect its decorative effect.

Also, when watering in a container that is too large, water may begin to accumulate, which the roots cannot reach. This will cause stagnation of moisture, and, as a result, rotting of the roots and disease of the flower.

For decoration purposes, you can use ficus pots. They are made with your own hands or purchased in specialized stores. In the first case, you can use vines for weaving, decoupage and other techniques.

How to replant a ficus

If the plant grows well and does not get sick, there is still a need to replant the ficus. Typically, the following terms of “moving” can be determined for a ficus:

  • 3 year olds – once a year
  • five years - no more than once every three years
  • More adults - once every six years

The new “apartment” is selected to be approximately a couple of centimeters in volume, larger than the previous one.

To ensure a successful transplant, you need to adhere to the following simple rules:

Your flower will not experience much stress if everything is done carefully and competently.


Although it is not a very picky plant, caring for ficus requires certain knowledge:

  • It should be located in a well-lit room without direct light.
  • The temperature should not exceed 30º in summer and not fall below 16º in winter.
  • The room should be well ventilated.

Ficus does not require frequent watering. In summer it will be sufficient to water as the soil dries out. However, this must be done generously. In winter, do not allow excess moisture, as this has a bad effect on the root system.

The soil for adult plants should have a fairly dense consistency. Organic fertilizers and mineral mixtures are used for bait.

The settling dust is washed away warm shower a couple of times a month, and you can wipe the leaves with a wet sponge every day.

Timely care of the plant will give it the opportunity to develop harmoniously.

Ficus propagation

Ficus, like all plants in nature, has seeds. But at home, this process is easier and more effective to carry out vegetatively. There are three main possibilities on how to implement it:

Using cuttings. The shoot (14-17 cm) is cut off and the leaves are removed. The cut area should be washed and dried.

The prepared cutting is placed in the ground or in an aqueous solution. At the initial stage, the shoot must be kept in the dark and under a film, creating a greenhouse effect.

Using a cutting with a leaf. The shoot with the leaf is cut off. The main thing is that the cut is made at an angle along the barrel assembly.

After the shoot is installed in the pot, the leaf is twisted and fixed. Then it is also covered with film.

By creating air layering. An incision is made around the shoot and the crust is removed. Moss is attached to the damaged area and wrapped in film.

The top and bottom parts are tied. Moss must be kept constantly moist. Soon roots will appear in this place. Next comes the transplantation of the shoot with layering into the ground.

Young shoots need to be transplanted into pots without glaze, as it is less permeable to air and moisture.

You need to grow plants at home in the spring, having good soil for landing.

Conditions for the plant

Ficus is rightfully one of the most beautiful and spectacular types of home flora.

Correctly chosen pot and care, timely replanting, competently performed reproduction are the key to a prosperous and long life for your pet.

Attention, super FLIGHT!

Plants always create a pleasant atmosphere, and there are many who want to decorate the outer walls of their home and improve summer cottage plot. Flowers in pots outdoors look very elegant and are great for these purposes. There are many ornamental plants who are suitable different conditions for growth and development, so you need to choose which flowers to plant in pots and flowerpots wisely.

Pros of using flowers in pots

A hanging pot can be purchased at the store or made with your own hands from any container. There are many advantages of using flowers in pots to decorate your summer cottage.

  1. Mobility. They can be easily moved to another place, decorating different areas of the facade or recreation areas. When changing weather conditions or the onset of cold weather, the flowers can be removed and brought into the house.
  2. They take up little space. Hanging planters very compact. They leave space on the site and do not get in the way underfoot.
  3. Serve as decoration for a long time. After all, usually for this method of planting, lush, colorful plants are chosen that bloom until mid-autumn.
  4. Save space in the country house. This is the practical side of growing flowers in pots. After all, there is not always a lot of extra space on the site for creating flower beds.
  5. Less susceptible to attack by pests. There is no need to weed.

Flower arrangements for pots

Not all flowers look great at height. Therefore, it is necessary to know which plants can be planted together and made up of them. flower arrangements. For planting in pots or flowerpots in the country, hanging types of plants (ampelic) are mainly used. But you can plant not only them. In order to plant different types of flowers in a pot, it is necessary to take into account that they have the same conditions of growth and care, namely: the need for sunlight, humidity, watering. For example, you can group, celosia, sansathia. They all love partial shade. And in the sun, fuchsia and... grow beautifully together. In close proximity in flowerpots, viola and verbena get along well.

It is better to plant a flowerpot in the middle low-growing species with straight stems, and place a “waterfall” of cascading flowers around the perimeter.

Combinations look winning different types flowers in one flowerpot. You just need to choose the right height and color scheme. You can combine 2 or 3 plant varieties. You can add a bright spot to the center of the flower arrangement, for example, plant tall fuchsias, and place hanging plant species around it: ivy, chlorophytum.

With the help of flowerpots and flowerpots, you can combine different types of flowers and create bright, colorful compositions. You just have to show your creative imagination to create personal floral masterpieces.

What you need to grow flowers in pots

For planting flowers in flowerpots would be better suited land with agroperlite, which can be purchased specifically for this purpose. After all, flowers in pots outside are exposed to various weather conditions: rain or drought. Agroperlite has good absorbent properties, thanks to which the soil will not become waterlogged or, conversely, dry out. In addition, it will reduce the possibility of weed formation and root rot.

A small layer of drainage should be added to the bottom of the pot. The planting distance depends on the type of flowers chosen. When placing the pots in the shady side, the seeds can be planted closer to each other, leaving 2 centimeters to the edge. After planting flowers in flowerpots, the top layer can be mulched with pebbles, peat or pine bark. Plants need to be watered every day, and even more often on hot days. Spraying with water won't hurt either. Since flowers are drawn towards the sun during their development, it is necessary to change the position of the pot from time to time.

Shortage nutrients V limited space has a detrimental effect on the development of plants, so you need to fertilize the soil regularly. Various flower fertilizers are suitable for this. And also do not forget to remove dried leaves, giving space to young shoots.

Choosing colors for flowerpots

What flowers look best in flower pots and flowerpots? Here are some of them.

  1. Fuchsia– very beautiful bright flowers. Quite unpretentious and goes well with other species.
  2. Petunia is a very popular plant for use in pots. It has a huge variety of shades and a lush cloud of inflorescences. Lilac, violet and pink varieties less capricious.
  3. Ivy is one of the favorite plants of designers and florists. Its leaves and shoots add spectacular volume to the flower arrangement. To create greater pomp, you need to break off its tops.
  4. Verbena is a beauty with a small root system, perfect for planters.
  5. Viola - its flowers are so reminiscent of flying butterflies. In the center of the inflorescence there is a yellow eye with dark cilia around it. For this, people nicknamed her Pansy.
  6. Marigolds - their low-growing varieties are excellent for planting in flowerpots. A light-loving, drought-resistant plant that does not require frequent watering and has bactericidal properties. Its smell repels pests.
  7. Nasturtium, like no other plant, is suitable for decorating walls, as its shoots reach 2 meters. Just like marigolds, it has the ability to repel pests.
  8. Begonia – its hybrids and hanging varieties Great for planting in pots and flowerpots. Begonia inflorescences are similar to peonies or roses. Buds with luxurious red, orange, yellow and delicate white and pink shades will make a special impression. Prefers partial shade and moderate temperature and humidity.
  9. Lobelia - charming small buds of cornflower blue, white, and purple flowers. both separately and to create a beautiful frame for the entire flower arrangement. Usually, when it grows, the tops are pinched at a distance of 2 centimeters.
  10. Alyssum is a light-loving fragrant plant curvaceous. Has small flowers. Not afraid of temperature changes. If you periodically prune, this will increase its flowering time.

Strawberries will also get along well in the pots, but they need frequent and abundant watering.

Planting flowers in pots and flowerpots at your dacha is an activity for the hardworking. But all the effort pays off pleasant view and colorful composition. And the beauty of carefully grown flowers brings aesthetic pleasure. Whatever hanging plants whatever you choose, they will help revive the walls or facades of any home.

Unique flower arrangements blend so harmoniously with nature. Using outdoor pots and vases, you can create a variety of landscape design at his dacha. For people who love the creative process, this is a good opportunity to realize their ideas.

There are many varieties of flower pots in the market and it’s time to figure out which one is best. This article outlines the pros and cons various types modern pots, talks about which pots are best suited for certain types of plants. Indoor flowers are a wonderful addition to the interior. They delight the eye with a variety of colors and enrich the air in the room with oxygen. What kind of pot should the plant be planted in so that it feels like it is in natural conditions? Let's figure it out.

Indoor plants in pots. © Flozo Content:

What is the difference between pots and flowerpots?

Flower pots, unlike flowerpots that are used to decorate nondescript pots, have drainage holes in the bottom. Drainage holes are designed to drain water so that the water does not stagnate, and this does not lead to rotting of the roots and the formation unpleasant odors. Holes for water drainage are sometimes used for bottom watering, when the plant absorbs moisture with its roots from the tray or from the flowerpot in which it is installed.

Nowadays, due to economy and the race against time, flowerpots have lost their purpose and are more and more used as pots. That is, they retained the aesthetic purpose, but added a functional one, a vessel in which the plant grows and develops.

In the article I will dwell in detail on the most popular and versatile materials for flower pots, the use of which is possible not only functionally, but also aesthetically at the same time.

Plastic pots

Now technology makes it possible to use plastic not only as a material directly for the pot, but also to create flowerpots from them.

Thanks to technical advances and the work of designers, plastic pots have turned from ordinary, nondescript vessels into real works of art. Due to the plasticity of the material, such flowerpots come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and colors.

Plastic flower pot © 55Laney69

Advantages of plastic pots

The advantage of a plastic pot or flowerpot is its lightness. When growing large plants such as Ficus, Dracaena, Strelitzia, placed on the floor, many will choose a plastic pot that can be easily moved if necessary. And when vertical gardening You can’t do without lightweight flower pots, which can be given any size or decorated to match any material.

Another advantage of plastic is that it can be given any shape, from tall flowerpots to a flat saucer.

Now they have become popular pots with automatic watering system. At its core, it is a pot and a flowerpot included. A pot with a water-fill indicator is inserted into the planter, which has a special hole for watering. Such pots provide an opportunity to engage in floriculture even for the most forgetful, as they can reduce watering to just a few times a year.

There are also medicinal pots. The specificity of such a pot is that in the bottom of the pot, which is concave inward, in addition to holes for water drainage, holes are made for air circulation. The roots of the plant breathe and such a pot does not require an additional drainage layer.

Plastic pots are convenient; they prevent water from leaking when watering. The wealth of shapes, sizes and colors allows you to choose a pot for any interior, and the low cost of the material makes them accessible to a larger number of buyers.

Modern technologies make it possible to use plastic pots as additional lighting or make them glow brightly in the dark. Want to plant your flower in a marble vase, but avoid the hassle of moving so much weight or the expense? Pay attention to plastic pots.

Disadvantages of plastic pots

Among the few disadvantages, it is worth noting that plastic is an artificial material, and it does not breathe, which sometimes negatively affects the development of plants, and when overwatering, rotting of the roots is possible. When grown very tall plants such pots may become unstable.

Ceramic or clay pots

Clay or ceramic pots have been used by mankind to grow plants for centuries.

Advantages of ceramic pots

The undeniable advantage of this type of cookware, if it is not covered with glaze, is its naturalness. Due to the porosity of the material, excess moisture evaporates through the walls of the vessel, and the roots of the plant are also saturated with oxygen.

Unfortunately, gypsum fakes that do not have a set of useful properties. You can distinguish them by their sound. When struck lightly, a plaster pot produces a duller sound than its clay counterpart.

Ceramics, be it simple terracotta or glazed, will always add solidity and richness to the interior. Thanks to centuries-old craftsmanship, it is possible to achieve that the pot looks like an ancient flowerpot from the dynasty of some Chinese emperor and a simple cheerful vase with variegated colors.

The clay from which such pots are made is a natural material found in nature. The hydrated water contained in such pots serves as an excellent thermostat. The plant in this pot is warm in winter and cool in summer.

Plants grown in such pots feel better. Due to its weight, such dishes are more stable and more suitable for growing large plants, including trees.

Ceramic flower pot © g 3

Disadvantages of ceramic pots

Of course, there are also disadvantages to growing plants in ceramic pots. Clay dishes are quite fragile and can break if used carelessly.

Due to the same porosity of the material, during evaporation the walls of the vessel can become very cold, which will lead to serious injury or death of the plant.

When transplanting a plant from such a pot, the roots that are attached to the inner walls are damaged.

Salt deposits appear on the surface of clay pots, which are very difficult to get rid of, and the glaze does not allow air to pass through.

Wrought iron flowerpot in York. © Harry Mitchell

Pots made from other materials

Less common materials for plant pots are metal, natural stone, glass.

Glass pots

Glass material is very fragile and dangerous, it is very easy to break. Glass is usually used for growing orchids. You can also grow mini gardens in large glass flowerpots or aquariums, or plant plants that require special climatic conditions.

Glass is very decorative material, but is not suitable for growing most plants.

Natural stone pots

Natural stone is a rare material for a flower pot or flowerpot. A tall tree growing in such a flowerpot will look great in a spacious room with panoramic glazing or outdoor patio. Unfortunately, the high cost of such material does not allow its use in everyday life. And caring for a plant in such a pot will be difficult. Natural stone heats up quickly and cools down just as quickly, so not all plants are suitable for growing in it.

Flower pot made of natural stone with fountain © Dezidor

Metal pots

Metal is an equally brutal material for creating flowerpots. Thanks to artistic forging it can be shaped into various animals or pedestals. Unfortunately, metal also heats up and cools down quickly, and over time it corrodes.

At correct selection If placed in a pot or flowerpot, the flower will delight you with its growth and aroma for a long time.

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