Technical requirements for baling equipment. Organization of the equipment repair service, structure of the equipment repair area. The measuring line block includes


SIKN (SIKNS) are designed for automatic measurement of oil mass (volume); quality indicators oil (density, viscosity,

to a computer and its subsequent display on an automated operator workstation (operator workstation).

SIKN (SIKNS) are manufactured on the basis of volumetric,

mass or ultrasonic flow transducers.

In general, the functional SICN (SICN) consists of the following elements:

Filter block (BF);

Measuring line block (BIL) or (BIL with filters on the measuring lines);

Unit for measuring oil quality indicators (BIK);

Verification unit unit (CPU);

Information processing system (IPS).

Example of SIKN layout

Figure 4. Block module of SIKN layout. LLC "NPP NGI"

Figure 5. Measuring line block B-B. LLC "NPP NGI"


Figure 6. Block for measuring oil quality parameters. (a,b).


BILs are designed to measure flow

and control of oil parameters with subsequent

transfer to the information processing system

Number and diameter of measuring lines

determined by calculation, depending

from the maximum flow rate through the SIKN and type

used flow converters.

The measuring line block includes:

Mass or volume flow converters;

Output and inlet manifolds, piping with shut-off valves;

Pressure and temperature sensor;

Pressure gauges and thermometers;

Flow regulators;

Laboratory (site) of instrumentation and automation.

The instrumentation and control laboratory is designed for testing various measuring transducers in automatic mode, reproducing active resistance signals DC, smooth changes in reproduced electrical signals.

Working in the laboratory contributes to the development of research and experimental work skills.

The speed and ease of working with laboratory instruments makes them indispensable not only for verification, but also for operational diagnostics and monitoring of instrumentation and automation equipment.

Laboratory modules allow you to study system parameters and

regulation of motor speed, regulation of motors by current and torque, voltage regulation, operation of systems with servo control and positioning.

Autonomous modules allow you to conduct experiments and solve technical problems in control and regulation various systems, including the use of ultrasonic, fiber-optic, analog sensors

2.1. Section of control cabinets and automated process control systems and instrumentation.

One of the company's activities is the assembly of control cabinets, supply of equipment and instruments for automation and dispatch of complex technological systems.

NPP NefteGazEngineering LLC assembles electrical control cabinets of any complexity.

APCS of well clusters (cluster telemechanics) is an automation system designed to transmit information necessary for remote monitoring and management of distributed and remote objects (well clusters).

Automatic analysis, collection and transmission to a higher management system of information about the state of the technological process, equipment, emergency events and results;

Visualization of the technological process and process results;
-emergency protection, operational diagnostics, timely transmission of information to the operator about emergency events;
- automated control of the technological process at all levels;
-formation of reports and graphs upon request, generation

The proposed system provides:

Adaptation of the system to well clusters of any complexity;

The ability to use various types of communications for data transmission, using modern technologies such as fiber optics, radio communications, cellular and satellite communication channels, etc.;

Reducing operating and maintenance costs, reducing the number of personnel;

High reliability and noise immunity ensured modern technologies, constant automatic monitoring of the condition of equipment and processes;

Automatic registration of emergency events in the technological process, indicating the causes and location of incidents;
-optimal ratio price/quality + opportunities.

Topic: Analysis of the measurement status of the instrumentation and control laboratory at the Ulan-Ude CHPP-2 Executor: Denis Nikolaevich Bondarev Head: Darima Nimbuevna Khamkhanova

Comments on the ND regarding the reflection in the Proposal for the revision or revision of means and methods of control for an additional increase (measurements) of the quality parameters of the requirements of individual product items, metrological rules and ND norms No. (code) of the document Name of the ND 1 2 3 4 GOST R 543162011 National standard Russian Federation. Natural drinking mineral water. General technical conditions - Not required

Name of the methodology and scope of application Code and name of the ND regulating the methodology Comments on the current methodology Suggestions for improving the methodology or conducting semetrological studies 1 2 3 4 5 Methodology for determining gross emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from boiler plants of CHPP RD 34. 02. 305 -98 RD- 153 -34. 1 -27. 301 -2001 No comments - Testing laboratory of the PTO modes group Methodology for measuring the mass fraction of petroleum products in soil samples using the fluorimetric method using the Fluorat 02 analyzer MU 2293 -81; PNDF 16. 1: 2. 21 -98 No comments - FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Belarus" Methodology for performing measurements of river. H in waters by the potentiometric method; methodology for measuring the mass concentration of sulfate ions in samples of natural and waste water; methodology for measuring the mass concentration of chloride ions in drinking, surface and waste waters; methodology for measuring the content of suspended solids and total impurities in samples of natural and treated wastewater. PNDF 14. 1: 2: 3: 4. 121 -97 PNDF 14. 1: 2. 159 -2000 PNDF 14. 1: 2. 4. 111 -97 PNDF 14. 1: 2. 96 -97 PNDF 14. 1 : 2. 110 -97 PNDF 14. 1: 2: 4. 168 -2000 PNDF 14. 1: 2: 4. 50 -96 PNDF 14. 1: 2: 3: 4. 179 -2002 RD 52. 24. 496 -2005 GOST R 51592 -2000 - Laboratory for analyzing wastewater from the chemical workshop of the Ulan-Ude Thermal Power Plant -2 No comments Proposed performer of the work

Parameters of parts, assemblies, Names of products, technological production area, (process, processes, finished product, product technologies (with their names), equipment) controlled by measurements 1 Requirements for measurements Measurement range Add. Uncertainty of measurement requirements for performance (accuracy class) of measurements Characteristics, according to RD, Actual. The names of the SI Need that determine the position of the SI do not correspond to the SI, which with measurements meet the specified requirements, the requirements in column 10 for the accuracy of parameters, columns 4, 5, 6, measurement requirements for measurements (testing, control) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Steam temperature behind the boiler (0 -300) °C 0.5 Every 2 hours - 24 hours KSP-2 4 Steam temperature behind the gas processing plant (0 -300) °C 0.5 Every 2 hours - 24 hours KPP-1 KSP-2 4 0.5 Every 2 hours - 24 hours RP-160 4 - 24 hours KSU-2 RP-160 4 Water temperature in drain pipes Boiler No. 1 Boiler No. 2 Boiler No. 3 Boiler No. 4 Steam consumption behind the boiler (0 -300) °C (0 -220) t/h Feed water consumption (0 -200) t/h 0.5 Every 2 hours Continuous blowdown consumption (0 -8) t/h h 0.5 Every 2 hours - 24 hours RP-160 4 0.5 Every 2 hours - 24 hours KSU-2 RP-160 4 Steam pressure in the drum (0 -4) m. Pa

Technical characteristics of products subject to testing ND, regulating the test methodology (code, name) Requirements for testing equipment in ND (range of reproduction modes and test conditions). Accuracy characteristics 1 2 3 Water temperature 91°C 0 -100°C - (-50)-180°C ± 0.5°C Type and technical characteristics of the testing equipment used. Availability pcs. Test equipment that meets ND requirements (name, type) Need for retrofitting testing equipment 4 5 6 TCM resistance thermometer TCM resistance required 50 M additionally 50 M meets 2 pcs 0 -180°C ND requirements 2 pcs available

Emission characteristics Actual situation with measurements Name of technological process or production measurement range Methodology Name of content Emission rate of the site, (means) harmful substance workshops Measuring point. Type of substance by or by whom the substance of selection is approved. applied SI technical document Component data composition of the sample 1 Pool of clarified water (waste water) 2 Chlorides Sulfates Iron 3 4 300 100 0, 1 weighed background +0. 25 fluorine 0.05 5 spectrophotometer laboratory scales. electron. , Measurement range State of content certification harmful Error Periodicity of the methodology (yes, no). Code and substances Duration of measurement is the name of the ND, according to certification. content of the implementation of the defining methodology. Established harmful measurements requirements for the Limit value of a substance according to (according to the measurements and the error method plan) the content of measurements of components 6 PNDF 14. 1: 2. 11097; PNDF 14. 1: 2. 1592000; PNDF 14. 1: 2: 4. 1682000; 7 8 178.19 9 10 ± 0.5% 98.67 0.045 PNDF 14. 1: 2. 96 -97; 3, 08 PNDF 14. 1: 2. 50 -96; 0, 049 drying cabinet Laboratory for analysis of chemical wastewater once in the workshop monthly certification certificate No. 97 -12 dated 07/03/2012, valid until 07/03/2015

Number of MS, people, including engineers Name of specialized divisions of MS Date of approval of the Regulations on MS Verifiers of Workers Total number of SI at the enterprise Types of work performed by other services Available 1 Generation of Buryatia UUTETS-2 2 January 27, 2011 d Additional required Available Additional required 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 161 Master Engineer One metrologist verifier 1 2 1 -

No. Type of measurements 1 2 1 Information on the presence of a license from the State Standard of the Russian Federation for the right Organization carrying out repairs, verification (calibration) of measuring instruments Enterprise, verification (calibration) of measuring instruments (MS) Number and date Number of enterprises, organization carrying out repairs of certificates of verified Nomenclature of measuring instruments of Gosstandart, base organization MS SI accreditation, by whom (calibrated) or etc.) issued, period of repaired SI validity 3 4 5 6 7 Pressure and vacuum measurements 2 Pressure and vacuum measurements 22 Model pressure gauge MO 1227 1 Deadweight piston pressure gauge MP-60 104 Federal State Institution "Buryat Center for Standardization" , metrology and certification" 9 Pressure measurements RP-160, KSU-2, KPU 140 41 Level measurements RP-160, KPU 140, KP 140 Ulan-Ude CHPP-2 instrumentation and automation laboratory Pressure and vacuum measurements Ulan-Ude CHPP-2 Laboratory of instrumentation and automation 23 Measurements, flow, capacity, level, flow parameters No. 34 -3. 69/2 -07 Ulan-Ude CHPP-2 From January 27, 2011 Instrumentation and Control Laboratory Valid until January 27, 2016

Suggestions for the main complaints regarding the elimination of the Plant. Year of manufacturing quality and SI for shortcomings and the manufacturer of the release of a technical enterprise to improve the quality of SI characteristics No. pp. SI name, type, factory designation Accuracy class Measurement range ND on SI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 KSP-2 0, 5 0 -300°С 0 -600°С GOST 8, 280 -78 1992 36 Obsolete Replacement with new generation devices GOST 8, 280 -78 1992 80 Outdated Replacement with new generation devices 2 KSM-2 0. 5 0 -100°С 0 -180°С 0 -200°С (-50)-100°С 3 KSU-2 0.5 0 -5 m. A GOST 8, 280 -78 1991 54 Outdated Replacement with new generation devices 4 RP-160 0. 5 0 -5 m. A 0 -200°C 0 -300°C GOST 8, 280 -78 1994 63 Outdated Replacement with new generation devices 6 KPU-140 0.5 0 -5 m. A 0 -200°C 21 B-TO. E 1989 82 Outdated Replacement with new generation devices 7 KP-140 0.5 0 -5 m. A 21 B-TO. E 1993 10 Outdated Replacement with new generation devices

No. Name of measuring instrument, type, factory designation GOST, specifications for measuring instrument Manufacturer Available in stock Additional required. , pcs. at the enterprise for a period up to __ year 1 1 2 2 3 4 40 - PMT 59 6 - PMT 59 M 5 40 - 40 TU 4226 -063 -13282997 -05 plant JSC "Teplokontrol" GOST R 50746 -2000 3 4 PMT 69 L

Manufacturer No. SI name Type, model 1 2 Calibrator 3 Fluke 725 Brief technical specifications Cost Country Company 4 5 6 7 Fluke 725 allows you to simulate, generate and measure a number of parameters, including voltage, current, resistance, frequency, and from RUR 136,000. any of Fluke's 29 precision pressure and pressure modules, and test and calibrate thermistors and thermocouples. USA Requirement Justification of the need to purchase measuring instruments of this type 8 9 1 No analogues domestic production

No. Name of the standard Type, factory designation 1 2 3 Pressure standards and standard pressure measuring instruments - pressure setters of the Air series; - pressure calibrators of the Metran series, etc.; - deadweight piston pressure gauges; Metrological stand - pressure controllers Reference measuring instruments for verification, calibration, repair of output signal sensors: - pressure calibrators of the Metran series of pressure and secondary instruments; - multimeter Agilent 34401 A, - electrical resistance measure MS 3007 or MS 3006 Set of functional devices Table, rack and chair. Name of measuring instruments (indicating types) for the manufacturer's verification (calibration) standards for which standards are required 4 5 Metran - The enterprise's need for purchase or rental, pcs. 6 Purchase 1 piece

Technical activities carried out by enterprises, in addition to work related to the implementation of new and replacement of obsolete instrumentation and automation equipment, are divided into unscheduled and planned preventive work.

Unscheduled work mainly comes down to operational repairs or replacement of failed measuring and automation equipment.

Planned maintenance work consists of:

— current repair (TR);

— verification/calibration of measuring instruments.

Maintenance of instrumentation and automation

Maintenance includes the following types works:

1. Technical inspection (external inspection, cleaning of dust and residues of technological products, inspection, cleaning and tightening of terminals, inspection of kinematics and its lubrication, checking the tightness of the connection of pipe lines and the serviceability of remote data transmission devices, the safety of pipes);

2. Functionality check, checking by control points (set to “zero”), identification and elimination minor defects arising during operation;

3. Replacing diagrams, cleaning recorders and refilling them with ink, lubricating movement mechanisms, filling or replacing special fluids, eliminating their leaks;

4.Checking the operation of automation equipment in the event that a discrepancy is detected during the process mode and the readings of measuring instruments;

5. Washing measuring chambers, correcting seals and fasteners, checking select pressure and flow devices, drying elements of measuring and automation equipment and cleaning contacts;

6. Removal of measuring and automation equipment for repairs and timely submission of them for inspection;

7.Checking power supplies, indicating and recording units of measuring instruments to analyze the composition and properties of substances and materials;

8. Cleaning, lubrication and testing of relays, sensors, actuators, regulators of all systems and purposes, checking for tightness and tightness of impulse and connecting lines, replacing faulty individual elements and assemblies, testing them in operation;

9.Checking the availability of power (electrical, pneumatic, etc.), its quality parameters in control, alarm, blocking and protection circuits, testing sound and light alarms;

10.Checking the operation of circuits and the correctness of settings for their operation and other checks related to the features of specific circuits;

11. Inspection of automation panels, interlocking devices, alarm and protection equipment.

Maintenance work is carried out by the personnel of the enterprise and contractors. Individual operations can be carried out by operational (technical) personnel. Maintenance work on automation equipment is carried out by personnel together with the mechanical and power engineering services.

Current repair of instrumentation and automation equipment

Current repairs may include part of the maintenance work and additional work, namely:

1. Replacement of elements of measuring and automation equipment that have expired, elimination of minor breakdowns;

2. Partial disassembly and adjustment of moving systems, correction or replacement of damaged parts (springs, tubes, screws, fasteners), cleaning and lubrication of components;

3.Checking the quality of insulation and condition of measurement and power supply circuits of measuring and automation equipment;

4. Partial disassembly and reassembly of measuring systems with the replacement of individual unsuitable parts (rings, screws, arrows);

5. Correction of seals, elimination of backlash in individual mechanisms, packing of oil seals, replacement of glass and scales;

6. Troubleshooting the articulation of moving parts, checking the operation of vibration transducers, amplifiers, electric motors, moving contacts and mercury switches, setting up the regulatory part of measuring and automation equipment.

At current repairs The measuring part of the measuring instruments is subject to verification.

Overhaul of instrumentation and automation

Overhaul of measuring and automation equipment may include part of the work provided for during the current repair and additional work:

1. Installation and adjustment of scales or dials; repair of housings with straightening of mounting surfaces; complete disassembly and reassembly of the measuring part and individual units and measuring instruments, washing, repair and replacement of parts (thrust bearings, springs, suspensions, weights, corrector, etc.), significant repairs of units of measuring and automation equipment or their complete replacement;

2.Checking the measuring circuit of measuring instruments, adjusting and adjusting the instrument readings at control points, preparing measuring instruments for delivery to the verifier;

3. Disassembly and assembly of recording mechanisms of measuring instruments, their inspection, cleaning and replacement,

4. Repair of relays, sensors, actuators, regulators of electrical and electronic equipment or replacement of them with more advanced ones; rewiring of circuits, replacement of failed impulse lines and electrical wiring in control, alarm, interlocking and protection circuits.

Repair of measuring and automation equipment is carried out, as a rule, during shutdown and repair of process equipment.

Stopping of technological equipment can be emergency or planned.

At emergency stop perform work that cannot be performed while operating the equipment. Maintenance and those components of automation equipment, the serviceability of which was in doubt during the operation of the process equipment, are subject to repair.

During a planned shutdown after a shutdown, those measuring and automation equipment, cable and pipe lines that are located near the process equipment and may be damaged during its repair are dismantled.

Repairs are carried out by specialized units of the enterprise or organizations that have: a registration certificate for the right to repair measuring instruments, issued by Gosstandart authorities; verification means (model and auxiliary measuring instruments, fixtures, devices, etc.); personnel trained and authorized to carry out repairs and verification; necessary regulatory and technical documentation, verification diagrams; premises providing according to regulatory requirements correct execution repair and verification.

When repairing, first of all, work is carried out that cannot be performed on operating equipment. For example, repair of selective devices, regulators, restriction devices, etc. Secondly, they carry out work, the implementation of which on existing equipment is associated with significant difficulties or danger. In the third place, they carry out repairs of systems and measuring and automation equipment that lack operational reserve and the rest.

Verification of instrumentation and automation equipment

Verification is understood as a set of operations carried out to establish compliance of the metrological characteristics of measuring instruments with GOSTs or technical specifications manufacturer.

Verification of measuring instruments, like other forms of metrological supervision, is regulated by state standards.

Metrological supervision in our country is carried out by the state metrological service of Gosstandart and departmental metrological services through verification of measuring instruments, metrological audit and metrological examination.

Verification, depending on the purpose of the measuring instruments being verified, can be state and departmental.

Measuring instruments used by departmental metrological service bodies as exemplary ones are subject to state verification at enterprises; owned by the enterprise and used as a model by the state metrological service; measuring instruments used after repairs performed for third parties; used for measurements related to accounting for material assets, mutual settlements, protecting workers' health and ensuring labor safety and harmlessness.

Measuring instruments that are not subject to state verification are subject to departmental verification.

Verification is carried out only by metrological service bodies or organizations that have a registration certificate for the right to verify specific measuring instruments.

A registration certificate for the right of verification and for the right of repair is issued to the territorial bodies of Gosstandart based on an application from the enterprise. The application is accompanied by: a copy of the regulations on the metrological service of the enterprise, approved and agreed upon in the prescribed manner; a copy of the order appointing the chief metrologist of the enterprise; a certificate from the enterprise about the presence of qualified personnel who have the right to carry out repairs and verification, about the availability of premises, exemplary measuring instruments, documentation, diagrams.

After checking the certificate, the territorial body draws up an act and issues a certificate for the right to repair and verify the measuring instruments specified in the certificate for a period of 5 years. The certificate indicates the right to carry out repairs and verification only for yourself or for yourself and third parties.

A change in the certificate of nomenclature of measuring instruments for the right to repair and verification is issued on the basis of a newly submitted application in the same manner.

Persons who have undergone special training and passed exams are allowed to carry out verification of measuring instruments. educational institutions Gosstandart, who have passed external exams in the bodies of the state metrological service, which are entrusted by Gosstandart with conducting certification of verifiers; who have passed the exams of the commission formed by the head of the enterprise with the participation of a representative of the state metrological service body, according to programs agreed upon with this body.

An enterprise that does not have a registration certificate is served by the basic metrological body of its industry, or submits measuring instruments for verification to the state metrological service. When sending measuring instruments to these authorities, a passport for them, a description, and the latest verification certificate are presented.

When the metrological service carries out verification at an enterprise, the latter provides the premises, equipment and support personnel necessary for verification. The presented equipment (verification installations, standard measuring instruments, etc.) must be stored by the enterprise under the seal of the metrological service authorities and used only with their permission.

Measuring instruments must be subject to primary periodic, extraordinary and inspection verifications.

Primary verification is carried out when measuring instruments are released into circulation from production and repair.

Periodic verification is carried out during the operation of measuring instruments and storage at certain verification intervals.

The frequency of verification is established: for measuring instruments subject to state verification, by Gosstandart or the state metrological service body; for measuring instruments subject to departmental verification by the chief metrologist or the head of the departmental metrological service.

When establishing frequency, the stability of readings, operating conditions, and the degree of load on measuring instruments are taken into account. For example, in enterprises food industry Measuring instruments in operation are verified, as a rule, once a year. Potentiometers, bridges, electrical measuring instruments are checked every 6 months.

The timing of verifications is displayed in annual calendar schedules separately for measuring instruments submitted to departmental bodies of the metrological service, separately to state ones. Schedules are coordinated with the heads of these bodies.

Calibration intervals for measuring instruments in storage are:

a) for measuring instruments received for storage after release from production, no more than the warranty period;

b) for measuring instruments that have been in operation, no more than double the verification intervals established for similar measuring instruments in operation.

Measuring instruments located on long-term storage, may not be subject to periodic verification. In this case, verification is carried out before installation.

Extraordinary verification is carried out:

1. During operation or storage, regardless of the timing of periodic verification, if necessary, ensure the serviceability of the measuring instruments;

2. When commissioning imported measuring instruments;

3. When adjusting calibration intervals;

4.When installing measuring instruments as components after half the warranty period;

5. If the verification mark, seal is damaged, or the document with the registration of the last verification is lost;

6.When commissioning directly from the warehouse after storage or after transportation.

Inspection verification is carried out to establish the serviceability of measuring instruments during metrological audits at enterprises, warehouses, and bases.

A metrological audit is carried out by the state metrological service to determine the compliance of measuring instruments and measurement techniques used at the enterprise with modern requirements.

Enterprises carrying out repairs, storage, and operation of measuring instruments are subject to audits. At the same time, at enterprises carrying out operation, the following must be checked: the availability of technical documentation, which stipulates the requirements for measuring instruments; availability of measurement tools and methods technological processes, quality control of products, accounting of material assets, etc.; correct installation of measuring instruments, their installation, use; compliance with operating conditions; serviceability; organization of the metrological service (structure, availability of personnel, their training, availability of equipment, premises, compliance of the work performed with the registration certificate); availability and correctness of documentation, its coverage of all measuring instruments “in operation; availability of exemplary measuring instruments, their condition and use in accordance with the requirements regulatory documents; implementation of proposals given during a previously conducted audit.

performed independently from start to finish, and collectively, when a team of specialists is engaged in repairs and adjustments of equipment.

The main tasks of the instrumentation and automation service:

Routine maintenance Instrumentation and automation and periodic checking of their serviceability;

Preparation of requests for replacement of worn-out devices,

Processing of cartograms,

Accounting and certification of automation equipment;

Carrying out installation and commissioning work.

Structure of the Instrumentation and Control Service

Depends on the equipment of the enterprise with instrumentation and automation. At large enterprises with a large number of devices, the operation service and the metrological supervision service are separated into independent divisions subordinate to the chief engineer.

At enterprises with average automation equipment, an instrumentation and automation workshop is organized, subordinate to the chief engineer of the enterprise. In addition, in production workshops automation groups can be created, technical manual which are carried out by the instrumentation and automation workshop. At enterprises with a low degree of automation, an instrumentation and automation group is created in the department of the chief power engineer, workshop operation groups service the devices, and metrological supervision is carried out by specialized third-party organizations.

The instrumentation and automation service must be equipped with:

Control devices and portable installations for checking and adjusting instrumentation and automation;

Stands equipped control devices for checking working devices and setting up automation equipment;

Materials and instructions for planned preventative and

overhaul of instruments and equipment of automation systems.

Document no.
PP06 AT131.X1014 OS
1.3 Main tasks and structure of the site, laboratories and internship sites.

The main tasks of the instrumentation and control laboratories at NeFaz OJSC are to carry out a major overhaul of factory measuring instruments and then submit them for inspection or calibration.

Instrumentation and automation laboratories are part of the Central Laboratory of Central Laboratory of OJSC NeFaz, headed by the chief metrologist - the head of Central Laboratory. Structurally, TsLM is part of the Quality Management System

The instrumentation and automation laboratories include:

Laboratory for repair and calibration of measuring instruments for thermotechnical quantities, pressure gauges, thermometers, thermostat TsRT-532, temperature measuring controller TRM-201,

Laboratory for repair and calibration of SI electrical quantities: ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters, varmeters

Laboratory for repair and calibration of flow and level measuring instruments, gas and water meters, flow meters, level meters, diftonometers.

Gas pressure measuring instruments

Requirements for installation of gas burner devices

Distance from protruding parts gas burners to walls, other parts of the building or equipment must be at least 1 m horizontally.

To ignite the burners and monitor their operation, inspection holes with covers are provided.

Gas burner devices should be connected to the gas pipeline with a rigid connection.

Pressure is measured using pressure gauges different types and designs.

1. U-shaped liquid pressure gauge - used to measure excess pressure, vacuum (thrust) and pressure difference.

Consists of a glass tube into which liquid is poured. Pressure or vacuum is determined using a ruler scale.

2. Pressure gauges that use the deformation of sensitive elements are used to measure excess pressure and vacuum (thrust). Such pressure gauges are divided into:

a) spring - a spring is used as a working body, the measured pressure is supplied to the fixed end of which, and the second, sealed end is connected to an arrow or pen using a lever mechanism. Pressure or vacuum is determined on a scale;

b) membrane and bellows - they differ from spring ones only in the working body.

– accuracy class must be at least 1.5;

– at operating pressure the needle should be at 2/3 of the scale;

– the case, glass, scale and pointer must be without damage;

– the scale should be well illuminated, the readings should be clearly visible;

– a seal or stamp indicating metrological verification is required;

– a red line must be marked on the body or scale opposite the maximum operating pressure;

– a three-way valve is installed in front of the pressure gauge to check, purge and turn off the pressure gauge.

Defects with which instrumentation is not allowed for operation:

– there is no seal or stamp on metrological verification;

– the metrological verification period has expired;

– devices with mechanical damage;

– when switched off, the arrow does not return to the zero scale mark.


- by maintenance personnel using a three-way valve and setting the pressure gauge to zero - when starting a shift;

- by the owner of the enterprise - with a control pressure gauge at least once every 6 months. The results are recorded in a journal.

Verification – by a calibration laboratory:

– pressure gauges and pressure gauges – at least once every 12 months with sealing or branding;

– gas analyzers – once every 6 months, unless the manufacturer has established other deadlines.

For liquid pressure gauges, you should clean the tubes and add fluid at least once every 3 months. The integrity of the glass tube, connecting hose, the presence of liquid in the pressure gauge, and the condition of the scale are checked.

Checking the tightness of impulse lines and shut-off valves is carried out during inspections and technical inspections.

Operation of equipment with disconnected instrumentation is prohibited. Devices removed for repair or verification are replaced.