How to charge the Pentacle of Solomon. Seal or Pentacle: options for the name of the symbol. Use in modern magic

Figure 77. Magic circle and infinity

The circle in this case symbolizes the protection of existing savings, the arrow - determination, optimism, activity, undertakings, the number 8 - endless material prosperity. The place of origin is considered to be the Ancient East; it is difficult to more precisely establish the date and time of the appearance of this symbol.

The symbol is used at any time to preserve and increase wealth, positive energy and self-confidence.

You can apply and enhance the energy of the symbol using affirmations:

1. I am rich, my life is a continuous holiday.

2. I know the secrets of getting rich.

3. I enjoy prosperity and abundance. Exercise to release the energy of a symbol. Starting position – lying down, body relaxed, eyes closed, you can turn on calm music for meditation, but it’s better to do without it. You are calm. You listen to the sounds of music. Everything around you gradually loses its importance and means less and less to you. All days are alike. Your heart opens towards the positive, like a flower towards the rays of the Sun. Your soul is open to what is to come. Music penetrates your heart and leaves smoothly, gently. Each new breath fills you, you become larger and turn into a Holy Grail, ready to be received. All tension goes away, all its causes disappear, you have thrown them out of yourself. Everything unnecessary falls off of you like a mask. Negative energy flows out of you with every exhalation. Your breathing is becoming softer and calmer. You feel comfortable and cozy. Every breath brings light freshness. The body merges into one with the music.

You feel its sounds with every cell of your body. You turn into sound, your feelings sound. All thoughts turn into music. You enjoy harmony. A few more inhalations and exhalations, and you part with this melody. Move your fingers, arm joints and toes slightly. Smoothly return to reality. Open your eyes.

Yin-Yang Magic Circle

The symbol depicts a burning circle in which the signs of the Zodiac and the symbol of the feminine and masculine principles are placed (Fig. 78). The origin of the symbol can be attributed to Ancient China or Tibet.

Figure 78. Yin-Yang magic circle

The described image represents material savings. Feminine at the same time, it symbolizes the possibility of the emergence of something new (ideas, new accumulations), the masculine principle is the strength to embody this new. Zodiac signs mean cosmic processes that affect a person.

The symbol is relevant when you need to replenish your savings, if your debt payment is delayed or wages, and also when there is a desire to open your own business. When working with a symbol, pay attention to the surrounding circumstances, be attentive to what is happening around you. The magic circle provides support and protection in achieving financial well-being.

You can apply and enhance the energy of the symbol using the same affirmations as for the magic circle with infinity.

Pentacle of Solomon "Wealth"

There is a legend that King Solomon, one of the wisest and richest kings of antiquity, was given a certain revelation by an angel who descended from Heaven. It is this revelation that is contained in the mysterious pentacle, a double-sided amulet resembling a seal (Fig. 79).

This amulet is traditionally made only from metal or clay. It is possible that it may be written on leather or paper, but in this case it will no longer be possible to call it an amulet. In fact, this sign is international in our time, since it is used in purifying human energy (in one form or another) in a number of religious traditions. Despite the fact that Solomon is a biblical character, this amulet is in no way related to Christianity.

Figure 79. Solomon's Pentacle "Wealth"

The Pentacle of Solomon brings success in business, helps improve one’s financial situation, increase wealth, and protects against unjustified risks and unpromising investments. The amulet can be activated periodically by washing off running water negative energy accumulated on it and fumigating it with incense.

Pentacle of Mercury

The round sign with the image of two squares in a circle with additional outlines is based on the symbol of the octagonal star (Fig. 80).

Figure 80. Pentacle of Mercury

This sign can be called a composite product of pagan, alchemical and Kabbalistic traditions. Mercury, the god of trade, travel and wealth, in alchemy became a symbol of transformation, and the pentacle itself was built according to Kabbalistic rules. The talisman brings good luck in business, helps to acquire wealth, and improve one’s financial situation. It is suitable for people who often enter into trade deals, negotiate and travel for their business. You can place this talisman in your home or office, mentally setting it up to attract material well-being.

Wheel of Veles

Veles is one of the most revered gods among the pagan Slavs. His main merit is that he set the world created by other gods in motion. Therefore, the symbol of Veles is the wheel.

The swastika is an ancient symbol that initially has only positive interpretations: movement, life, light, prosperity, the Sun. These meanings are in many ways similar to the symbol of the wheel as the personification of continuous movement.

The amulet of Veles (Veles amulet) can be a wheel with ornaments reminiscent of a solar sign (Fig. 81, a), or a round talisman with the image of three-part swastikas (Fig. 81, b). Both versions of the amulet symbolize movement, continuity of life and help in any business and endeavor. You can turn to him with requests for the fertility of the earth, for material wealth.

Figure 81. Amulets of Veles:

a) Veles wheel; b) an amulet with a swastika

The Veles amulet is worn in the form of a pendant, pendant or keychain.

Wheel of Fortune

Another name for this amulet is the pentacle of Agla (Fig. 82). It brings good luck in risky activities, gambling and other life situations in which much depends on luck (for example, receiving an inheritance, maintaining wealth). This is a double-sided round amulet, on one side (in the upper part) there is a symbol of Jupiter (the planet of wealth, prosperity and optimism in astrology), and on the other there is a complex cross of several double “tau” crosses connected in a circle. Such a cross is called a crutch; it symbolizes the unity of the four cardinal directions, as well as the earthly and heavenly worlds.

Figure 82. Wheel of fortune

The amulet is considered Kabbalistic, although this is not entirely true: it was transformed with the participation of the alchemical tradition.

Jehovah's Pentacle

A classic pentacle with sacred images and an inscription on the outer circle helps to make the right decisions regarding life situations associated with financial status, brings good luck in trade and entrepreneurship. Among other symbols on the pentacle there is a symbol of Jupiter, the planet of wealth (Fig. 83).

Figure 83. Pentacle of Jehovah

This amulet owes its origin to the Kabbalistic tradition. Jehovah is the traditional pronunciation of the name of god in the Hebrew Old Testament. In a number of religious denominations, this word also means “personal”, “sacred”, which corresponds to the purpose of the pentacle.

The Seal of Solomon increases the magical power of various witchcraft items. It was painted on shields and on tombstones, and King Solomon, with the help of this star, had a direct connection with otherworldly forces and even created his own army of demons who served him.

The amulet of Solomon's seal can enhance magical powers sorcerers

Now the amulet of Solomon's pentacle means wealth, how to wear it, you need to know so that this talisman brings you what you want.

The word “pentacle” itself comes from the Latin word “pentaclium”, which means “small drawing”. All this is because in ancient times our ancestors applied this sign to all objects that were in any way related to magic. This was done to enhance the magical properties of these items. good and a clear example there will be a call to otherworldly spirits. Usually, for such a ritual, the pentacle of Solomon is drawn.

This symbol has several other names:

  • pentacle;
  • seal;
  • star.

The talisman is named after the ruler Solomon because, according to legend, Solomon wore a ring with the image of a hexagonal star, which helped him contact dark forces and subjugate them to himself. They told the ruler all the secrets they owned and learned, and also helped him make important decisions.

What does it look like

In appearance, the pentacle does not represent anything special. Essentially this is a circle in which a hexagonal star is depicted. This amulet is made from gold, silver, metal, tin, iron, and such a sign can be easily carved from wood or even stone.

Magic properties

A person who carries an amulet with him gains good financial situation, will be able to pay off all debts

A magical talisman has many different meanings. Magicians and sorcerers use it in their magical rituals In order to recognize the past and future, they also put it on their objects so that other witches cannot use them.

It has long been known that the pentacle of Solomon increases the magical abilities of sorcerers, but besides this, new period Over time, this sign acquired several new meanings.

It protects those who wear the amulet on themselves or with them as a talisman from damage, evil eyes, love spells and other witchcraft. The talisman serves as a kind of shield through which the energy of witchcraft cannot penetrate. This also protects a person from other types of influence at the energy level.

A pentacle would be an excellent gift or just a talisman option for those who struggle with alcohol, drug or any other addiction, because it helps fight bad habits.

Solomon was a rich ruler. They say that a person who carries his seal with him finds a good financial position. He will be able to pay off all debts and receive a salary increase. A person not only improves his financial situation, but has a chance to become truly rich.

Such an amulet also has a beneficial effect on the fate of its owner, it does not allow one to deviate from the right path, helps to make the right decisions, and instills self-confidence. It also improves health, memory and stamina, and also gives vitality, helps to build trusting relationships with friends and colleagues.

Who and how to wear it

The amulet helps people with alcohol addiction cope with bad habits

In order for an amulet to bring good luck, wealth and serve as protection, you need to know how to wear it correctly and who can wear it. To bring wealth into your life, wear talismans made of gold or silver; they attract material values.

This amulet is worn as a talisman by people with dangerous professions. These include firefighters, miners, police officers, stuntmen and construction workers. This amulet protects their life and health.

You can apply the mark to household items. In the house it will protect against thieves, fires and natural disasters. And in the house around him, he will cleanse the space and create a favorable aura.

Tattoos depicting the Pentacle of Solomon are popular. In this capacity, it will accompany a person throughout his life and bring him success in all his endeavors. They consider a seal in the form of a tattoo to be the most strong amulet.

But there is one nuance in wearing such a talisman. It is suitable only for strong and stress-resistant people. If a person is weak and susceptible nervous breakdowns, it will not withstand the energy of the talisman. It can even lead to mental disorders and mental confusion.

How to activate

In order for the amulet to work, it must be cleansed and activated, because without these rituals the pentacle will simply be a decoration. You need to set aside several days for the cleansing ritual. First, the amulet is held straight sun rays, and at night - under the moonlight. The talisman must lie there for a whole day and be saturated with the energies of the heavenly bodies. In the morning, you need to immerse the amulet in running river water for 3-4 minutes. If you do not have this opportunity, put the amulet in the sink and just turn on the tap water.

The amulet of Solomon's seal protects against damage, evil eye, love spells and other witchcraft

Next, you need to immerse the amulet in salt or saline solution, because this substance is good at removing unnecessary energy and drawing it onto itself. Leave the star there for 4 hours, wash the star and pour the salt away from the house.

Now the shield needs to be buried near fruitful trees for several hours; in the evening, fumigate it with any aromatic candle. Leave the penctacle in the freezer overnight and that’s it, the cleansing ritual is complete.

To customize the amulet for yourself, you need to activate it. Take the shield in your hands so that warmth flows from you to it. All thoughts should be cleared, and you should concentrate on internal sensations.

In your own words, ask the seal for protection, turn to it and express everything you want.

Mentally immediately visualize everything that the amulet should help you with.

But you cannot ask him for evil and help in harming another person. Then the power of the talisman turns against its owner.


The amulet of Solomon's pentacle is a very powerful amulet. It brings wealth and protects its owner from harm and magic. It is important to use it correctly and understand that it is very powerful, so it is not suitable for everyone. But even for strong and self-confident people, the Seal of Solomon will be an excellent gift in the form of jewelry.

Sterling Silver
Weight: 7 grams
Diameter: 23mm
Gilding (your choice of red or yellow gold)
Made in Russia.

Amulet "Solomon's Pentacle of Wealth" will bring financial well-being in a short time.

Magic online store amulet 24 offers to the attention of buyers a silver amulet with gilding “Solomon’s Pentacle of Wealth”. The talisman will bring material benefits to its owner and guide him along the golden road, which will lead to an inexhaustible source of finance.

The power of the amulet is in the Divine Spirits and Angels. The legendary King Solomon left as a legacy a grimoire in which he kept exact description pentacles for all occasions. According to his magic book, each pentagram is a magical symbol that is of Divine origin.

If life does not please you with well-being, then it’s time to turn to magic and sorcery. The world has followed a technological path of development, and almost all magical knowledge has been lost. The paradox is that exact sciences cannot explain the origin of the Universe and man.

But the ancient manuscripts contain great secrets that make sense to take advantage of. The silver talisman with gilding “Solomon's Pentacle of Wealth” will help in all aspects of life that contribute to receiving money. This could be a professional sphere, a business, inheritance of property, profitable investments, expensive gifts, and even unexpected winnings.

The amulet does not require activation or special spells, but compliance with the rules prescribed by King Solomon himself should be taken into account. The pentacle cannot be used for evil, having acquired benefits, they should be distributed fairly among loved ones, the ignorant should not be allowed to mock the amulet, and one should treat the pentacle as a living substance.

Below are the days of the week and planetary influences. All this data is indicated in Solomon's grimoire. The amulet will help you gain material wealth, get a favorable discount, conclude a lucrative contract, get a job with a higher salary, take the boss’s chair, etc. If you want to gain wealth, turn to the amulet for help and plan your actions taking into account the data provided.

Saturday (Saturn) – construction, gardening, career issues.

Sunday (Sun) – introducing innovative ideas, conducting experiments, working in collaboration.

Monday (Moon) – travel and business trips, information exchange, any activity related to water.

Tuesday (Mars) – taking active steps to crush competitors.

Wednesday (Mercury) – acquiring knowledge and skills, concluding business contracts, diplomatic mission, social communication.

Thursday (Jupiter) – activities to gain fame and popularity.

Friday (Venus) – travel and business trips, gaining patrons and the favor of superiors, attracting sponsors and investors.

150 rituals to attract money Romanova Olga Nikolaevna

Pentacle of Solomon "Wealth"

Pentacle of Solomon "Wealth"

There is a legend that King Solomon, one of the wisest and richest kings of antiquity, was given a certain revelation by an angel who descended from Heaven. It is this revelation that is contained in the mysterious pentacle, a double-sided amulet resembling a seal (Fig. 79).

This amulet is traditionally made only from metal or clay. It is possible that it may be written on leather or paper, but in this case it will no longer be possible to call it an amulet. In fact, this sign is international in our time, since it is used in purifying human energy (in one form or another) in a number of religious traditions. Despite the fact that Solomon is a biblical character, this amulet is in no way related to Christianity.

Figure 79. Pentacle of Solomon “Wealth”

The Pentacle of Solomon brings success in business, helps improve one’s financial situation, increase wealth, and protects against unjustified risks and unpromising investments. The amulet can be periodically activated by washing away the negative energy accumulated on it with running water and fumigating it with incense.

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2. Aphorisms of Solomon 1. Even his brothers hate the poor.2. A poor person is better than a deceitful one.3. Lawlessness is an enemy even for kings, because righteousness strengthens the throne.4. A whip is for a horse, a bridle for a donkey, and a stick for a fool.5. Prudence makes a person incapable of

The pentacle or pentagram of Solomon is a very ancient symbol. It is an image of a five-pointed star and is found back in 7 thousand BC. e. Since ancient times, the pentacle has been endowed magical properties. It was believed that it bestows power and wealth on its owner and fulfills any desires. It was often used in rituals to protect against evil forces.
The first person to acquire this sign was the legendary Jewish king David, Solomon's father. He felt that the talisman was protecting him, but he never learned to use it. David later gave the pentacle to his son Solomon. According to legend, Solomon learned about all the possibilities of the pentacle from an angel who descended from heaven. He managed to use the five-pointed star for his benefit and made it a symbol of state power.
The talisman helped Solomon unravel the plot of his brother Adonij, who wanted to take the throne from him, and defeat him. From the moment the pentacle was in the king's hands, Israel began to flourish.
By the way, subsequently the talisman somehow mysteriously disappeared. Mention of it occurs again when it ended up in the hands of Alexander the Great. It was thanks to the powerful power of the pentacle that the commander managed to create a world power.
For many successful businessmen, a talisman with the image of the Pentacle of Solomon allowed them not only to get rich, but also to achieve power.
The energy power of the talisman
The Pentacle of Solomon symbolizes the five elements of life – Water, Air, Fire, Earth, Ether. They fill it with enormous energy power. That is why a lot of opportunities open up for the owner of such a talisman. He gains fame, power, and with them wealth.
So, the Pentacle of Solomon helps to occupy leadership positions, demonstrate one’s charismatic qualities, brings awards and honors, allows one to achieve recognition and glory, and increase one’s income many times over.
How to make a talisman correctly
Of course, you can cut out the image of Solomon's Pentacle from the book. But the talisman made with my own hands, will have much greater power. In addition, it will be charged with the power of your desire.
It is best to make a pentacle on the waxing moon on Thursday. This day is believed to be associated with the energy of wealth.
The ritual should begin at midnight. Therefore, prepare a piece of cardboard in advance golden color, a green gel pen, a church candle and a green candle, a pinch of cinnamon.
At midnight, light a candle and sprinkle a little cinnamon on top. This will fill the room with the smell of money. On the cardboard with a gel pen, draw a pentacle sign, trying to maintain all proportions (See Fig. 3). When you draw a five-pointed star, imagine all your money problems, difficulties at work that you want to get rid of. Look at the pentacle and say: “You will bring me strength and wealth, you will help me climb the ladder of success and resolve this and that...”.
When the star is ready, circle it. Take scissors and cut out your talisman. Then melt a green candle corresponding to wealth over low heat and dip a cardboard circle into the wax. Hold the talisman by the edge until it dries.
After this, hold the pentacle between your palms and press it to your chest. Mentally put all the strength of your desire into it. Say with love three times: “I put all my strength into you, my talisman!”
How to charge the talisman
Wait until the full moon and perform a ritual to charge the talisman with energy. Take a large bowl and fill it with water. Place it so that the moonlight is reflected in its center. Place your talisman nearby. Connect big and index fingers together to form a triangle. Bring it to the reflection of the Moon in the bowl. Look at the reflection through the triangle of your fingers and say: “Oh, Moon, patroness of the night. Fill the magic triangle with your power!” This needs to be done for 15 minutes.
Then imagine that the Moon began to be reflected not on the surface of the water, but in your triangle. Mentally transfer it between your fingers to the talisman. The pentacle should fit exactly into your triangle. Now close your eyes, take a deep breath and exhale forcefully. Imagine that you mentally transferred the power and energy of the Moon to your talisman. Repeat this action 15 times. Now your talisman can work to attract success and wealth.
How to handle a talisman
The pentacle talisman does not have to be carried with you. It needs to be hidden in the house, preferably in your bedroom, so that no one can see it. You should also not brag and say that you have a magical amulet.
Don't let anyone touch the talisman. It is charged with your energy and belongs to you. Therefore, if someone touches it, the talisman will lose its power.
And one more thing. Periodically take out your pentacle, stroke it and ask for help. This will recharge it and remind you that it is needed.