Cleaning old wells. How to clean a well and disinfect water with your own hands. Causes of clogging of tube wells

Today, water supply to private houses, cottages and summer cottages is carried out using water pumping stations, and an ordinary well is often used as an alternative source of water. Unlike the same pump, it will not fail and does not depend on electricity. However, like any economic structure, a well requires attention and care. In a neglected well, water loses freshness over time and is only suitable for technical needs, and the well itself silts up and eventually fails. Therefore, timely cleaning of wells is not a whim, but a necessity.

Country well

It is considered correct to sanitize the well once a season; the mine is thoroughly cleaned at least once every three years. If the water becomes dirty and the interval between cleaning the well is reduced, then you should look for the reasons. This will allow you to focus on problem areas.

The following types of problematic dirty water are distinguished:

  • The water is cloudy and opaque. Most likely, the well shaft lost its tightness, and the upper groundwater containing clay and earth. Impurities are deposited at the bottom of the shaft, and the bottom filter cannot ensure proper water purification. Sometimes the reason lies in the quality of the filter.
  • Fallen leaves from trees, street garbage, etc. float in the well. The reason is simple: the mine does not close at all or does not close completely. In an open well, the water quality will inevitably deteriorate over time.
  • Water has dark shade. This sign indicates that the well is not used often, as a result of which the water stagnates and microorganisms appear in it.

Dirty water in a well

  • The water is green. This shade indicates that there are algae in the water. The fault in this case also lies with the owners who do not close the well lid. Sun rays penetrating into the shaft contribute to the appearance of greenery inside the well.
  • The water is colored yellow or red. In this case, there is an excessive amount of iron in the water. Cleaning will not help in this case because the reason lies in the aquifer. If the water is used for cooking, you will have to install a purification system.
  • Well water tastes like sewage and has a disgusting smell, then the reason lies in the sealing of the mine. Most likely the well is being penetrated sewage water. Although a similar effect occurs when an animal drowns in a well.

Having determined the cause of the contamination, you can begin cleaning the well shaft. The work will require some preparation. So do your research beforehand. available materials on the topic: “how to clean a well with your own hands.”

Determine the cause of water pollution


People, when starting to clean a well, often ignore all safety requirements, but this can lead to dire consequences.

So, before you start cleaning your well shaft, make sure you meet the following requirements:

  • A safety rope must be present, and the depth of the well does not matter.
  • It is forbidden to work alone. By working with a partner, you will complete the planned amount of work much faster and most likely with better quality. In addition, there will be a person nearby at all times who will provide assistance if necessary.
  • Before descending into a well shaft, you must make sure that there is a sufficient amount of oxygen in it. This is checked with the help of a lit candle, which is lowered into the well. If the candle does not go out, it means that the air in the well is breathable.

When starting to clean the well, check the attachment of ropes and ladders.

Important! At a depth of more than three meters, the amount of oxygen decreases, so for a person with diseases of the respiratory or cardiovascular systems, it is better to entrust cleaning to a partner or seek help from specialists.

To clean the well, contact a specialist

Well shaft cleaning technology

There are several methods for cleaning a well shaft. Which one should be used in a particular case depends on the nature and degree of contamination and the tools used. In difficult cases, cleaning methods will have to be combined.

Cleaning of wells is carried out in two cases: preventive or major. The second option means in-depth drainage or manual cleaning of the well shaft.

Preventative cleaning

Well owners begin the summer season with their sanitary treatment. The well shaft is always disinfected, even if the water seems crystal clear. For cleaning wells at the dacha potassium permanganate, better known as potassium permanganate, is used. The solution is prepared in the following proportions: a tablespoon of potassium permanganate per bucket of water. The resulting mixture is poured into a well shaft. After two hours, all water must be pumped out of the well. Sanitary treatment of wells located on personal plots is carried out immediately after the snow cover melts. Water from cleaned wells is poured onto future beds. A slight disinfection of the soil will not entail any negative consequences.

Cleaning the well manually

So, how to clean a well at your dacha yourself? It is obvious that buying specialized equipment is irrational. Fortunately, in most cases, to clean a well in a country house, you can use the tools that are available in the arsenal of every summer resident.

You can clean the well yourself

For convenience, the process of cleaning a well with your own hands at the dacha is divided into several steps:

  1. Preliminary work.
  2. Pumping water from a well.
  3. Cleaning the well shaft itself mechanically.
  4. Replacement or repair of the bottom filter.
  5. Repair work. For example, sometimes it becomes necessary to seal the seams of a shaft.
  6. Well sanitization.
  • Preliminary stage

Well cleaning begins with preparation necessary tools. For manual cleaning to build a well in the country with our own hands, we will need the following tools and equipment:

  1. rubber high boots ( best option- fishing "swampers");
  2. work uniform (the work is very dirty, so it’s better to choose things that you won’t mind throwing away);
  3. buckets;
  4. safety rope and ropes;
  5. ladder. Sometimes the depth and design of the shaft does not allow the use of a ladder. In this case, it is recommended to assemble a kind of swing from ropes and boards;
  6. scrapers, metal brushes and big lips.

Well cleaning begins with preparing the necessary tools

After checking that you have the necessary tools, clear access to the well shaft. If there is a canopy, it will have to be dismantled. Debris accumulated on the surface of the water is removed using buckets or by hand.

Important! Do not work in deep water alone. This is dangerous to life and health. Cleaning work is carried out by at least two people, so take care of finding a partner in advance.

  • Pumping out water

You can empty a well shaft using buckets, but with the help of a pump, cleaning work can be completed much faster. A low-power Rodnichok type pump and its analogues can handle pumping water out of the mine. The price of such devices rarely exceeds 2,000 rubles. However, such a pump may well be found among friends or neighbors.

By the way, it will not be possible to completely drain the well; there will always be some water at the bottom.

  • Manual well cleaning

The walls of the shaft are cleaned with previously prepared tools (brushes, scrapers, etc.). The dirt removed from the walls will fall down the well shaft. It’s not scary; when you remove bottom debris, you will also throw out these remnants. After cleaning, the walls of the shaft must be washed several times. When cleaning the shaft, check its integrity. It is possible that it needs repairs.

Manual well cleaning

  • Sealing the walls of the well

The integrity of the mine walls is compromised as a result of displacement and the appearance of vegetation. For repair work used building mixture, the only difference is the increased cement content. However, recently special mixtures have appeared on store shelves. For better adhesion, it is recommended to clean the surface to be treated.

  • Bottom filter

You can clean the bottom of the well using ordinary buckets or using a special grab bucket. Such a bucket consists of two interlocking halves; it is used to lift sludge. It is lowered to the bottom using a cable or winch. After lifting the bottom filter, assess its condition and, if necessary, wash or replace it. When forming a filter, large stones are placed on a loose clay bottom or bottom shield. If the bottom is sandy, it is advisable to use fine stones.

  • Well sanitization

When disinfecting a well shaft, it is recommended to use a solution based on bleach or similar substances. The solution is diluted based on the following parameters: 20 mg of lime per 1 liter of water. In order to find out required amount solution, you will need to multiply the diameter of the well shaft by its depth. That is, the usual formula is used, with which you can calculate the volume of any cylinder.

Special cleaning of a country well

After adding the solution to the well, close it for 5-6 hours. Water from a well treated in this way will have to be pumped out at least twice and then boiled for a week. Such disinfection is recommended if traces of organic matter or bacteria were found in the well.

Important! After completing all cleaning activities, it is recommended to submit a sample of water from the well for analysis.

Brief summary

Cleaning a well shaft is hard physical work, but its implementation does not require special training or skills. You can make your work easier by regularly performing preventive work to clean the well. A cleaned well is a guarantee of stability high yield and a comfortable country holiday.

Recently, wells have ceased to be considered as the main sources of water supply in summer cottages and villages.

But, be that as it may, the owners country houses They are in no hurry to give them up.

Water is always needed in large quantities. In the summer, in a village or country house you cannot do without watering; it uses a lot of life-giving moisture.

A simple solution from time immemorial

If you water your garden by connecting a hose to the central water supply, then your electricity and water bills are unlikely to add to your good mood.

What is the way out of this?

Of course - a well or a well (), where there is always water, moreover, in unlimited quantities.

If the spring is used irregularly, over time this leads to the fact that the quality of the liquid becomes unsuitable for drinking.

There are two ways out of this situation:

  • do nothing, accept what you have and use water only for household needs.

Is it possible to carry out a general cleaning the source of life-giving moisture.

If you turn to professionals for help, they will do everything very quickly and efficiently, but they will charge a lot of money for their work.

The high cost for such work is completely justified. Many ordinary people think that this activity is not worth such an investment.

And they are right. Why pay your cash, earned through back-breaking labor, if you can try and clean the source of dirt without outside help.

Others do not want to realize the importance of this procedure and put off this activity “for later.”

This indicates that the aquifer of the spring is of poor quality, and it is not advisable to use life-giving moisture from it.

In this case, there is one effective way out of this situation - install a filter system at the entrance of the pipeline to the house or use household home filters.

Unpleasant taste and odor of hydrogen sulfide

If you can smell a nasty smell from the well, and when drinking you feel a strange taste in the liquid, then the problem most likely lies in the depressurization of the mine.

For this reason, sewage drains penetrate inside(about the best septic tanks for country house written in the article).

By the way, the same symptoms will appear if a small animal fell into a well and began to decompose there, and you didn’t even suspect it.

After spring floods, it would be a good idea to sanitize the source.

To do this, take a teaspoon of potassium permanganate and dissolve it in a bucket of water, which we pour into the well.

After an hour and a half, you need to pump out all the water from the mine.

Method one - manual cleaning

First, let's get acquainted with the intricacies of this method. The whole process consists of the following steps.

Progressive pumping of liquid. What does this mean?

After 40–50 cm of water has been pumped out, you need to thoroughly clean the walls of the well.

For these purposes, a soft metal brush or a large sponge will be useful.

It is important not to damage the structure of the rings. The use of detergents or other chemicals is strictly prohibited.

After the walls have been completely cleaned and have reached the bottom, the liquid must be completely pumped out and begin cleaning the bottom itself.

This procedure requires special attention.

A mandatory procedure is to wash the bottom filter, which consists of stone and gravel.

For more thorough cleaning, we lift the stones up.

Cleaning complete.

After this, we seal the seams with cement mortar with the addition of liquid glass.

This will improve waterproofing and surface water will not penetrate into the mine.

The next stage is disinfection. Carefully coat the cleaned walls with bleach (10 percent solution).

The bottom also needs to be treated with the same composition. Then we close the well lid and wrap it with thick cloth so that the chlorine does not evaporate.

In this form, the structure stands for at least 2 days, after which the water must be completely pumped out 2 times.

The method described above is not the only one. You can also use an automated method of cleaning the well.

In this case, the person will not descend to the bottom of the spring.

For this purpose, you will need two pumps - deep and drainage (read which one to buy for wells and wells) and several large-capacity tanks.

These simple devices improve the fluid circulation - a submersible pump pumps water out of the well, and a drainage pump supplies it back.

In order for the process to proceed without incident, it is very important to correctly distribute all the elements:

  • a pumping unit should be located at a height of half a meter from the bottom of the pit.

And, close to the bottom, we place the supply pump hose.

The strong pressure of water from this hose will agitate the liquid, which, together with silt and dirt, will rise to the top and pass through the filtration system.

This procedure () must be continued until clean water flows from the pump.

The main thing is to select a pump of appropriate power (it must be consistent with the depth of the shaft).

Periodically, the unit is lifted up and the filter is cleaned. In order to be sure of high-quality purification, the water must be taken to the laboratory for analysis.

A grab is used to clean small wells.. This equipment is a bucket with two blades that close as soon as they touch the ground.

With its help you can lift garbage weighing 1.5 - 2 tons.

To reliably lower the device, it is better to use several strong cables.

To make your work easier, you can use a winch for diving.

This way you will save your energy.

Equipment needed for a cleaner

If someone doesn’t know, the procedure for cleaning a well from dirt is an unsafe and labor-intensive task.

Only a desperate person can afford to scoop up water with buckets while standing on slimy stairs in a narrow and musty tunnel.

It is best to work during the day; in this case, darkness is a bad help. It will be nice if two more people come to your aid.

Climbing gear you will need:

  • Belay rope and strong cable.
  • A ladder on which you can stand comfortably.
  • Support bars.
  • Wooden swing with a hook.
  • Platforms attached to cables.
  • High rubber boots.
  • Protective helmet.

Having dressed in a rubber suit, boots and a helmet, and having secured a safety rope to your belt, you can slowly lower yourself into the well shaft.

When descending or ascending, you must be sure that there is someone at the top as an insurer.

Before descending to the bottom of the well, make sure that no harmful gases have accumulated there.

This can be done with a lit candle. It is placed in a bucket, which is immersed at the very bottom.

If the candle continues to burn, then there is no danger. When working in a mine, a tool may fall on you from above; to avoid injury, you should try to press yourself against the wall.

After you go all the way down and visually inspect everything around, it will become clear to you how much work needs to be done and what exactly needs to be repaired.

Which of the following actions may you need to take:

  • strengthen and make control sealing of all seams, this is necessary to prevent leaks groundwater inside the well. For this purpose, use a special waterproof sealant;
  • clean the bottom filtration system;
  • repair wooden structures;
  • if necessary, restore the concrete surface with cement mortar.

On this moment, modern market offers a wide range of cleaning products, in the form of ready-made solutions, for wells.

These compositions contain substances of a stabilizing and disinfecting nature.

Have you met everyone? possible ways cleaning the well with your own hands and you know what tools and equipment are needed for this.

If you regularly clean the well that is located on your property, you can be sure that your family will be provided with clean and fresh water.

Watch the video that was filmed while cleaning a well from concrete rings.

Very often, over time, the well becomes clogged, the flow of water becomes difficult, and the taste and smell can become unpleasant. To correct the situation, it is necessary to clean the well. About the causes of water pollution, how to clean a well and treat it properly mechanical damage wells, what tools are needed and the basic algorithm of work, you will learn in the article.

How to clean water in a well with your own hands

Over time, any well with the cleanest and most pleasant-tasting water becomes clogged with silt, quicksand or sand. To correct this situation, you need to know how to purify water in a well with your own hands. It is not difficult to understand that this procedure needs to be performed. The following indicators indicate the need to clean the well shaft:

  • the water becomes cloudy and changes taste qualities, becoming unpleasant;
  • a repulsive odor appears from a well or from a filled container of water;
  • a film is visible on the surface of the water;
  • The water level drops and becomes normal after rain.

If you notice several options or all at once, you need to clean the well without delay! Contaminated water is a direct threat to health. It is not always possible to find a specialist; in this case, you should clean the well yourself. How to clean a well in a country house or personal plot a lot has been said.

Well water purification

There are three types of pollution that you can deal with yourself:

  • mechanical contamination;
  • biological contaminants;
  • the presence of microorganisms and algae in the water.

Mechanical contamination occurs due to violation of the integrity of the well walls, depressurization of seams, and contamination entering through the well hatch. You can understand that water is mechanically contaminated visually.

Signs of biological contamination are bad smell, similar to a sewer.

Cloudiness of the water and coating of the walls with a slippery coating indicate the presence of microorganisms in the water.

In order to start cleaning the well, you should approach the preparation process responsibly and carefully. There are a number of rules that must be followed strictly:

  • a safety rope is required, regardless of the depth of the well;
  • it is forbidden to work without a partner;
  • it is necessary to check the absence of harmful gases in the well shaft (with a lit match);
  • check the quality of ladders, ropes, cables.

To carry out cleaning, you need to prepare tools and think through a work plan. For the procedure you need:

  • rope-ladder;
  • "swing" - durable board with rope;
  • buckets;
  • metal brush and sponges (for cleaning walls);
  • slings;
  • mechanisms for locking and releasing;
  • winch;
  • disinfectant;
  • solution for repairing mechanical damage to walls.

Well cleaning can be done in the following ways:

  • mechanical;
  • biological;
  • prophylactic.

Methods for cleaning water in a well

Automatic cleaning is carried out in early spring or at the end of summer, during the minimum groundwater level. Before starting the procedure, you should remove water from the well; drainage pumps will handle this. Garbage and sludge must be removed manually. To do this, one worker collects sludge in buckets, and the second, using a special device, removes excess components from the top. If there is mechanical damage to the well body, the cracks should be covered with a pre-prepared solution of a mixture of cement and sand.

If there are springs at the bottom of the well with no clean water, the intervention of a swimmer is expected. To solve the problem, a special shield and a bottom filter are prepared.

Biological treatment follows the end of the stage mechanical cleaning. Concrete rings are disinfected with a chlorine solution using a sprayer or special washcloths, wait about three hours and rinse thoroughly with water. A well filled with water is not yet suitable for use. Following the first stage, the next stage of biological treatment begins. To disinfect water, pour a liter of specially prepared bleach.

A day later, the water is pumped out again. They wait for it to fill naturally and conduct a water analysis. If there is a smell of chlorine, pumping out the water is repeated several times. Usually, biological treatment effective and kills harmful organisms. It is strictly prohibited to use detergents, powder, aggressive chemicals.

Even though the water appears very clean on the outside, it can be dangerous to drink. In order to verify the quality of water, you should take the liquid for analysis to the sanitary epidemiological service.

Preventive well cleaning is necessary for any well, even if there are no visible problems. Potassium permanganate will help maintain the “health” of the well. Twenty grams of the substance are dissolved in a bucket of water and poured into a well. After a few hours, the disinfected water is pumped out. Once the well is filled, the water is ready for use. It is recommended to carry out preventive maintenance twice a year - after a flood and before the winter season.

Well water quality

The water level in the well depends on groundwater inflows. In soils where sandstone predominates, the influx of water is quite large, and in soils where clay predominates or on loamy areas- small. Water flow is very important. The quality of water in wells is determined by two parameters:

  • content of E. coli per liter of water;
  • concentration of grown colonies in undiluted water.

The quality of drinking water used is established by official quality standards and is determined by the following indicators:

  • turbidity;
  • color;
  • smell;
  • taste qualities;
  • reaction after lightening;
  • general hardness;
  • sulfates;
  • chlorides;
  • dry residue;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • fluorine;
  • residual aluminum;
  • hexamethophosphate;
  • tripolyphosphate;
  • polyacrylamide;
  • beryllium;
  • molybdenum;
  • arsenic;
  • lead;
  • radium;
  • nitrates;
  • total number of bacteria.

There are no specific unified standards for industrial water; quality requirements are individual.

Physical properties of water that pay close attention to:

  • color - depends on the mechanical impurities of the soil;
  • taste - assessed in points according to the table, depending on the dominant chemical element;
  • smell - ideally there is no smell;
  • density - depends on the ratio of the mass of water to its volume;
  • viscosity;
  • transparency - depends on the amount of organic substances, impurities, minerals dissolved in water;
  • temperature - depends on tectonic and lithological features;
  • compressibility;
  • electrical conductivity;
  • radioactivity - depends on the presence and amount of radon and radium in it.

For analysis, use a container of at least two liters; the bottle must be clean, from mineral water. Drink containers may change the readings. The basic rules are as follows:

  • The bottle for collecting water should be filled to the brim, no air should remain;
  • Water should be given for analysis within a short time, no more than two hours;
  • water should be delivered in a dark bag.

Well water filters

Installing a filter at the bottom of a well is quite difficult. The apparent ease of the device actually requires knowledge and consistency in installation. There are two filter options:

  • natural;
  • artificial.

A filter is necessary to improve water quality or at the initial stage when digging a new well. To decide whether to install filters, you need to analyze some points:

  • if the bottom of the future well is hard, has gushing springs, water flows quickly and of good quality, then installing a bottom filter is impractical;
  • if the bottom is loose, the water comes in cloudy, there is a danger of floating water - a water filter is necessary.

There are many artificial water filters, they differ in design, functions and appearance. Taking into account the results of water tests, you should decide which filter is appropriate to purchase and install. Based on how water is purified, the following water filters are distinguished:

  • filters for mechanical cleaning of silt, sand, rust;
  • filters for antibacterial cleaning;
  • filters for softening hard water thanks to ion exchange technology;
  • filters to reduce the amount of iron in water;
  • complex filters for a comprehensive effect on water quality.

When choosing a filter, you need to analyze many factors and listen to the advice of a specialist. Key points when choosing and purchasing a filter:

  • water analysis results;
  • filter quality;
  • reputation of the manufacturer;
  • service period.

Lately it has become very popular flow filter. It effectively purifies water from bacteria, chemical compounds, unpleasant odors, but for quality work this filter is required submersible pump With high power pressure.

You can abandon filters in favor of a water purification system. This system more reliable than filters and allows for a comprehensive effect on water. System reverse osmosis allows you to purify drinking water from metals, impurities, unpleasant odors, and salts efficiently. After such filtration, the water is completely safe for consumption.

The following stages of filtration of cleaning systems are distinguished:

  • the first is mechanical purification from silt and clay through mesh filters;
  • the second - purification by oxidation - iron, manganese, impurities;
  • third - clarification under the influence of catalysts;
  • fourth (final) - cleaning with carbon-based filters - getting rid of unpleasant odors, tastes, turbidity.

You can watch a video on how to properly purify water at the end of the article. It is dedicated to the problem of cleaning drinking water in wells.

Methods for assessing water quality at home

While it is not possible to analyze water from a well, you can assess the condition of the liquid using folk recipes:

  • assessment using tea - brew tea from unfiltered well water and bottled water, if there is a difference in color, taste, smell - purification is necessary;
  • letting the water sit in a dark place for two days - if a sediment or film appears on the surface of the liquid, cleaning is necessary;
  • testing with a mirror - drop a drop on the mirror and let it dry; if the dried spots are cloudy, white or brown - cleaning the well is necessary;
  • quality assessment using a manganese solution - if the pink solution quickly turns brown, water purification is required.

Old methods will help determine water contamination:

  • the smell of rotten eggs indicates an excess of hydrogen sulfide;
  • the presence of sludge is the result of the activity of sulfur bacteria in water;
  • the presence of turbidity in the water indicates the content of clay and sand in the liquid;
  • metallic taste - iron oversaturation;
  • bright color - oversaturation with organic substances.

Disinfection of water in a well

Methods for disinfecting water in a well are varied and depend on various factors. Preparation for disinfection requires preparatory work:

  • pump out water;
  • restore the integrity of concrete rings and seams;
  • clean the walls.

To disinfect wells, special preparations should be used that have disinfecting and antibacterial properties. They must be able to:

  • destroy pathogenic organisms;
  • not be toxic;
  • do not harm the well materials;
  • easy to clean;
  • be safe for health.

The most popular disinfectants:

  • bleaching powder;
  • white;
  • manganese solution;
  • iodine solution;
  • Aquatabs tablets;
  • Ecobreeze tablets;
  • Septolite tablets.

Ultrasonic and ultraviolet cleaning are currently gaining popularity. They are effective, safe, but require expensive equipment. Recommendations for purifying water in a well are aimed at following a specific algorithm when carrying out disinfection.

Preventative maintenance of well cleanliness

  • clay castle - will help prevent getting Wastewater into the well;
  • cover, canopy over the well - will protect from debris, precipitation, direct sunlight;
  • carry out preventive cleaning of the well with a manganese solution;
  • in case of severe contamination, an ion filter will help;
  • clean the bottom of silt and plants;
  • install complex filters.

Water is a necessary component for human life; the state of health depends on the quality of water. Clean water is something that should always be available. It is necessary to carefully monitor the purity of the water used, clean the well on time and not skimp on filters.

Sometimes I hear bewilderment from our clients - “Why clean the well? We’ve been using it for many years now, and the water is still just as clean.”

The Kopanka company provides a full range of services for the repair and restoration of wells. We have been working in this area for more than 10 years, during which the company’s specialists have managed to achieve a high level of professionalism and gain experience in solving any problems with individual water supply sources.

In this material I will tell you why you need to clean wells, how often to do it, what methods exist, pitfalls, how to avoid problems and preserve a hydraulic structure for decades.

Useful tips

  • - do not try to clean the well yourself, or at least do not do it alone
  • - use the well often. Don't let the water stagnate. Share water with a neighbor. Then you won’t need cleaning for about 10 years.
  • - check the filters - if they become clogged quickly, it means the water contains impurities.
  • - check the water for smell, taste and color
  • - always close the well cover
  • - never arrange a place for washing cars, clothes, sewerage or septic tanks near the well
  • - do not wait for the well to become dirty, carry out routine cleaning of the structure

Why is well cleaning necessary?

The reasons for siltation of a well are different:

  • High content of mechanical impurities in the water - springs carry a lot of sand and wash away loam
  • Destruction of the bottom bulk filter or its incorrect initial arrangement
  • The appearance of quicksand - sand supersaturated with water with increased fluidity
  • Ground movements are a rare phenomenon for the Moscow region, more often associated with construction work carried out near the well
  • Depressurization of the shaft, ring joints
  • Depressurization clay castle, blind area
  • Salvo water pumping

All this leads to the fact that dirt begins to accumulate at the bottom of the well - sand, clay, black soil.

Consequences of siltation

Among the most negative consequences of siltation are a decrease in flow rate, up to the complete filling of the water column in rings with sand, and deterioration in water quality. If you use a pump, it is likely to fail or become buried under a thick layer of sediment. The water may develop an unpleasant odor; as a result of stagnation, it will turn into a favorable environment for the development of bacteria and become cloudy. It will not be possible to use it for domestic purposes.


To avoid such negative consequences, I, based on extensive experience in the Moscow region and knowing the rate of siltation firsthand, recommend that you carry out preventive cleaning of the well at least once every two times for intensive, constant use, and once a year for seasonal use. .

Methods for cleaning wells

The main methods of cleaning wells in the Moscow region:

  • Vibration and drainage pumps. Two vibration pumps are sunk to the bottom of the well. A hose is connected to one of them, which pumps water to the surface, while the second pump simply stirs it up at the bottom, lifting sand from the stone. I do not recommend carrying out such cleaning yourself, as you can damage the pumping equipment, and such cleaning will only be effective if there is a small layer of sand at the bottom - clay or silt cannot be lifted this way. The drainage pump is somewhat more powerful, but it will not cope with serious contamination.

  • Mechanical method - using a grab or manual labor(shovels, buckets). We completely pump out the water from the well and manually scoop out the sludge from the bottom

  • Application of devices high pressure for cleaning rings - powerful jets of water knock off dirt and overgrown vegetation from the inner surface of the shaft

As a rule, we use a combined method, depending on the degree of contamination of the well.

You ask, we answer

Below I will give answers to the most FAQ, which we have to deal with in the process of drilling, constructing and cleaning wells and boreholes in the Moscow region.

How often do you need to clean a well in Moscow Region?

The following factors influence the frequency of scheduled or preventative cleaning:

  • Soil type – predominance of sand, clay, loam, degree of natural filtration
  • Depth – as our experience shows, the deeper the well, the cleaner it is
  • Type of sources - I mainly mean the difference in chemical composition
  • Intensity of use of the hydraulic structure – permanent/seasonal
  • Type of pump and correct installation - vibration models can contribute to the destruction of rings and depressurization of seams

To maintain water quality high level, I recommend cleaning your well at least once a year.

Our Well Repair Services

  • Mine leveling;
  • arrangement of a clay castle;
  • replacing rings;
  • recess;
  • repair of seams and joints;
  • eliminating cracks, etc.

Cleaning a new well - is it necessary?

If we carry out the drilling/digging and installation, then you will not need to clean the new well, since we deliver the result on a turnkey basis. In rare cases, cleaning may be required soon after the well begins operation if the aquifer for some reason becomes oversaturated with water (abundance of precipitation, for example) or a natural disaster occurs (flooding as a result of floods). Also, cleaning may be required if the work was carried out by non-professionals and the bottom of the well was not arranged correctly.

Cleaning the well after inactivity - is it necessary?

If you use the well seasonally (spring-autumn), or leave for a while (from three to four weeks), then after each such downtime I recommend cleaning the well, even if it is completely closed and there is no access to the water surface from the outside. During this time, the water in it stagnates, the bottom silts up, and harmful microorganisms can begin to develop in the well.

In the spring there was a smell from well water - what to do?

We often encounter this problem in the Moscow region. Source unpleasant odor in 80% of cases it is the vital activity of microorganisms - harmful bacteria. The remaining 20% ​​comes from changes in chemical composition water - increased levels of hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, iron and other components. We solve the problem by completely cleaning the well followed by water disinfection, and if the problem lies in a chemical change in the sources, we recommend effective system filtration. But more often than not, cleaning is enough, since during the winter the water in the well manages to stagnate.

What to do if there is swamp water in the well?

Swamp water in a well causes real panic for many, but I want to reassure you. If it contains fragments of vegetation (algae) or even small amphibians (newts, frogs), this indicates the chemical purity of the water. The problem is solved by thorough cleaning of the well, shaft and filling with a good bottom filter. I can advise you to use the well more intensively and not let the water stagnate in it. Then it will not have a swampy smell or change color.

Cleaning an abandoned well - justified or not?

An abandoned well almost completely silts up within 2-3 years. If it has not been used for longer, then there is a possibility that the underground springs have completely disappeared or become clogged. Here I recommend that you clean the well if there are signs of water remaining in it. If the bottom is completely dry, then dredging will be necessary. This is justified only if its mine is well preserved. I often came across abandoned wooden wells in the Moscow region, which made no sense to restore. If we are talking about a hydraulic structure with a shaft made of concrete rings, then the game is worth the candle - you will spend much less than on the construction of a new well.

Cleaning a well from silt - can you cope with this task yourself?

I would like to immediately dissuade you from the idea of ​​cleaning the well from silt yourself. The point is not only that without experience and special tools you will spend a lot of effort without achieving the desired result, but also high risks. A well cleaning service in the Moscow region costs about 6,000-10,000 rubles. Agree - it’s quite inexpensive, considering how complex such work is. Unlike sand, silt creates a very dense, viscous layer at the bottom, which can only be removed by going down and first pumping out the water. We will do this work faster, better, and safer.

Is it possible to pump sand out of a well?

The answer is yes, but not all. Keep in mind that you will have to pump out all the water, which is from 1.5 to 3.5-4 tons. Only a very powerful drainage pump can handle pumping out sand, and the water can be well agitated only with the help of special vibration equipment. An ordinary “fontanel” will not give the expected effect.


Do not under any circumstances try to use centrifugal household deep-well pumps for pumping! They are extremely vulnerable to any tiny sand impurities in the water, and quickly fail because of it.

Below I provide a table showing the average maximum dimensions solid fractions for various types pumps

How do you know when it’s time to clean your well?

Everything is very simple here - pay attention to the following factors:

  • The flow rate and storage capacity of the well have decreased
  • Water quality has decreased - odor, turbidity, sand have appeared
  • It's time for scheduled maintenance
  • There was a long (from 4 weeks) downtime
  • Filters in the water purification system began to clog faster

Bacteria in a well - how to kill it?

Firstly, the presence of bacteria in a well can only be determined by laboratory analysis. If it shows their presence in the well, then the most common method is fresh (not slaked) bleach, which is added to it in the proportion of 300-400 grams per 1 bucket per 1 ton of water in the well. After this, the hydraulic structure cannot be used for 6-12 hours. Moreover, the water in the well needs to be “shaken” periodically. Then it is completely pumped out. I do not advise you to carry out these manipulations yourself, since there is a high risk of incorrect calculations, incomplete pumping, and it is important to eliminate the very cause of bacteria by cleaning the bottom of the well.

When is well disinfection necessary?

The need to disinfect a well is determined by the results of a laboratory analysis if harmful microorganisms are detected in the water. Do not be mistaken about the variety of chemical reagents for disinfection - the basis of any solution is sodium hydrochloride or simply bleach. Therefore, I recommend disinfection only when absolutely necessary, since even after completely pumping out the chlorinated water, some percentage of it still remains in the well and ends up on your table.

Additional work when cleaning wells

  • Deepening the well to increase storage capacity and increase flow rate
  • Installing an aspen shield when quicksand is detected
  • Sealing joints of rings, cracks
  • Laying a clay castle, blind area
  • Conducting laboratory water analysis

Deepening a well on the site

There are several reasons that require increasing the existing well depth. The deepening method is effective and economical, which makes it popular.

It is carried out in the following cases:

  • drying out (partially or completely) of the old well;
  • decrease in water inflow per day.

In both cases, the site owner is faced with the problem of not having enough water. “Revitalizing” an old well will make it possible to use natural water for various needs. However, you cannot carry out deepening on your own or trust this matter to amateurs. There are several reasons for this.

Reasons why you should not carry out deepening yourself

There are several explanations why you should not deepen wells yourself. Of course, you can entrust this task to novice well diggers, but in this case it is impossible to guarantee the success of deepening. Deepening is carried out once. This time-consuming and expensive process is only possible once. Because of this, deepening is carried out immediately to the maximum possible depth. Usually a well is deepened into 3 rings at once. The need for insurance and special knowledge.

A well is a complex hydraulic device. There is a certain set of operations that prevent the destruction of the well due to soil movement. These include reinforcing the well column, removing water-lifting equipment, etc. Without such special works the risks increase, which is undesirable. In addition, the specialist knowledge of the craftsmen allows us to find out the potential of the soil layers. For different types soils require a different approach. So, for example, in dense soils, deepening can be done open method. There is no need for casing with well rings. Quicksand soils require special technology. Calculation of optimal depths. Deepening a well requires taking into account all factors. Only an experienced specialist can calculate the ability of soils to hold the walls of a well without settlement, the depth of the aquifer, and the daily water flow into the well.

Ordering well deepening from our professionals is profitable, since specialists can restore even severely neglected wells.

Deepenings carried out according to the rules can ensure the flow of water into the well for more than half a century. Trusting professionals in this matter is a manifestation of forethought. After all, it’s better to order high-quality and worthwhile work once, rather than resorting to the services of amateurs several times.

Well deepening technology

After specialists arrive at your site, a conclusion is made about the advisability of deepening a particular well, since there are cases when it is more rational to dig a new source than to try to revive the old one. It makes sense to deepen a well if the following conditions are met:

  • no displacement of the rings or severe curvature of the shaft;
  • satisfactory quality of water from the source;
  • there is not enough space on the site for the construction of a new well;
  • the depth of the well shaft is 10 rings or more.
The well is deepened using special repair rings, the diameter of which is smaller than the diameter of the main part of the shaft.

Initially, water is pumped out of the well using drainage pumps, after which a worker is lowered into the shaft of the mine, who removes the silt from there, then the ring is moved into the shaft using a winch mechanism.

The ring located at the bottom of the well is dug from the inside until the reinforced concrete structure sinks under its own weight to the required depth. The remaining rings are installed in the same way; the process is completed only after the shaft is deepened 2 meters below the beginning of the aquifer.

Safety precautions when cleaning a well

How can cleaning a well be dangerous? There are certain risks, including:

  • The likelihood of a mine collapse or misalignment - we carefully study the rings, their condition, and, if necessary, carry out strengthening
  • The likelihood of suffocation due to the accumulation of carbon dioxide at the bottom of the well during a long stay there - that’s why we use special equipment for feeding into the mine fresh air from the surface
  • Risk of getting stuck in quicksand in the absence of special climbing equipment, which we have

Possible consequences of unprofessional well cleaning

Among the consequences of unprofessional cleaning of wells are the following problems that we encountered in the Moscow region:

  • Decrease in flow rate - improper filling of the filter blocks the springs
  • Deterioration of water quality - increased sand accumulation
  • Reduced storage capacity due to improper arrangement of the filter - the distance between it and the water surface decreases
  • Depressurization of joints between shaft rings
  • Damage to pumping equipment

Do-it-yourself well cleaning

If you decide to carry out this rather labor-intensive procedure with your own hands, then this article will be useful for you. First, you need to pump out all the water from the well, which will require a pump. Next, make sure that there are no gas accumulations at the bottom of your well, which can cause harm even in the smallest quantities. to the human body. To check for the presence of gases, lower a lit candle into the well on a rope. If it fades, going down into the well is considered dangerous. Among other things, we advise you to think about a way to get out of the well in case you feel unwell. And of course, you shouldn’t clean the well alone.

As you can see, cleaning a well in Solnechnogorsk is not only a labor-intensive process, but also dangerous. Especially for an inexperienced person. In addition, a lack of experience and knowledge will inevitably lead to the fact that the cleaning will be carried out poorly and internal defects will be missed. As a result, you will be using water from an untreated well, which can have a detrimental effect on your health. Trust the experts - here it is, perfect option to clean the well. After all, they are able to perform all the necessary manipulations quickly, competently and efficiently. And all you have to do is enjoy the delicious and clean drinking water.

Professional well cleaning services

Under my leadership as lead engineer, a team of professional and experienced craftsmen provides a full range of well cleaning services. We guarantee the quality of the result, carry out work promptly and accept wells for service maintenance. To find out the cost of well cleaning specifically in your case, contact us using one of the methods suggested in the “Contacts” section.

Prices - Cleaning and repair of wells

Type of work Price
Well cleaning: pumping out water, cleaning the bottom of debris and other contaminants up to 10 rings 8000 rub.
from 10 to 15 rings 10,000 rub.
from 15 to 20 rings 12,000 rub.
from 20 rings negotiable
Clay castle 6000 rub.
Sealing inter-ring joints with cement mixture 0 rub.
Sealing the current seam with a hydraulic seal, in one seam 1500 rub.
Aspen shield at the bottom of the well 3,000 rub.
Drainage (washed river pebbles with a diameter of up to 10 mm) in bags of 50 kg, per bag 2,000 rub.
Quartz sand in bags of 25 kg, per bag 700 rub.
Extra charge for a stationary pump, the hose of which runs through the middle of the well (If it complicates the work) 500 rub.
Extra charge for a non-removable house/cover, narrow rings, hatch on the well (If it complicates the work) 500 rub.
Dismantling and installation of the pump (if all components and fasteners are present) 1000 rub.
Removal of soil more than 10 m from the well 500-1500 rub.
Using a generator (in the absence or power outage) 500 rub.

Cleaning a well with your own hands is not an easy and unsafe job. As for the regularity of its implementation, everything depends on the inviolability of the structure, on the quality of the materials that were used in the construction of the well. And what manifestations indicate that it is time for cleansing? For example, urgent “resuscitation” is needed if a strange taste, smell appears, or a rainbow film appears on the surface of the water. In addition, blockages formed at the bottom and a decrease in the useful volume of water are a clear sign that it is time for cleaning. But let's talk about everything in order...

How do you know when it’s time to clean your well?

All owners of country houses and summer cottages should understand that periodic cleaning is a mandatory process, since the operation of the well depends on it, as well as qualitative indicators water. If the well is relatively shallow, you can do everything yourself, but if it is deep, it is better to seek help from professionals.

Some people do not realize the importance of cleaning and put off this process until better times. But this is the wrong position, because a person will not see fresh, crystal clear and very tasty water then.

How, exactly, do you know that a well needs cleaning? This question interests many, so we will give an extended answer to it. The following signs are meant:

  • level decrease;
  • the appearance of clay deposits due to penetration of surface water into the well;
  • the appearance of foreign objects in the mine - for example, it could be a bird that accidentally fell into the water, garbage thrown by ill-wishers (alas, this also happens);
  • cloudy water - the reasons for this phenomenon are considered to be insufficient operation of the bottom filter or depressurization of the seams;
  • stagnation of water due to infrequent use of the well for its intended purpose;
  • sewage gets into the well - as a result, the water acquires an unpleasant taste and smell.

After the snow has melted, it is advisable to carry out sanitary treatment using a special solution. A teaspoon of potassium permanganate is dissolved in a bucket of water and poured into the well, and after an hour the water is pumped out of the mine.

Safety precautions when cleaning a well

If you decide to clean a well at your dacha, but have never encountered this before, take note useful recommendations, thanks to which you can protect yourself from various troubles. In particular, we are talking about the following points:

  • cleaning the well must be carried out by at least three people, because in case of danger one person will not be able to pull the other out of the shaft;
  • a safety rope must be tied to the belt;
  • Before starting work, you should make sure that there are no harmful gases in the well. To do this, you need to lower a bucket with a lit candle into the shaft: if it burns at the bottom, it means there are no harmful gases there;
  • if tools fall from above, you need to press yourself against the walls of the well;
  • the use of waders and a construction helmet will not be superfluous;
  • At the bottom of the well, you cannot stand in one place for too long - your legs may get sucked in.

If the well is deep (more than three meters) and the person suffers from heart disease, it is better to entrust the cleaning to someone else, because at such a depth there is little oxygen.

What tools and equipment for cleaning wells should you purchase?

  • Firstly, you need a rope or regular ladder and a safety belt.
  • Secondly, if the depth of the well is large and one ladder is not enough, you can use a strong rope to which a piece of board is tied (you get a kind of swing).
  • Thirdly, we must not forget about a bucket and a tool for cleaning the walls of the well.
  • Plus, in a specialized store you can buy holding slings, a device for lowering and blocking, a drum for lifting water, a block, and a winch.

Method 1 – manual cleaning

When considering the question of how to clean a well with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of this method. This process consists of several stages:

  • Gradual pumping of water - 30-50 cm of water volume is pumped out of the well and at the same time the walls of the rings are cleaned. To do this, you need to take a soft metal brush or a large sponge so that the structure of the rings is not damaged. The use of detergents or any other chemically hazardous compounds is unacceptable.
  • When the walls are completely cleaned and the bottom can already be felt, the water is completely pumped out and major cleaning of the bottom begins;
  • After cleaning, the seams are sealed with cement mortar with liquid glass in order to isolate the well from surface water.

At a further stage, disinfection takes place - the cleaned walls of the well are coated with a 10% solution of bleach. The remaining solution is poured to the bottom, the well lid is sealed, and wrapped with tarpaulin so that the chlorine does not evaporate. The well is left in this state for 48 hours, and after this period of time is over, the water is pumped out twice.

When cleaning a well, much attention should be paid to the rings

Well cleaning should be carried out not only in case of emergency, but also for preventive purposes.

You should also definitely mention the timing of this event, namely 2-3 times a year.

Method 2 - drainage pump to help

Everyone knows that the bottom of the well is covered with layers of coarse gravel, sand, and crushed stone, which act as a natural filter. Over time, the space between the fractions fills with silt, that is, the water becomes less transparent. Then you need to think about holding appropriate events. So, how is a well cleaned with a drainage pump?

First of all, it should be noted that the main task is to clean the filter and seal the joints and cracks of the shaft. But in order to perform the work competently and efficiently, you need to have on hand materials and tools for lowering/ascending.

Of course, you first need to choose the right pump. What requirements must it meet? In order for all work to be done well, the pump must have sufficient power corresponding to the depth of the shaft.

The use of a low-power pump is fraught with negative consequences, because low-quality water will not be completely pumped out, the well will become even more clogged, and the time spent on this process will be wasted. Another unpleasant situation is also possible: a low-power pump will not withstand the load and will break, which means that money will be thrown away.

The essence of cleaning a well using the equipment in question is that the pump is lowered to a depth of 0.5-1 m from the bottom, then it turns on and the process of cleaning dirt begins. Under strong pressure, the water is thrown back into the well, raising silt deposits from the very bottom.

From time to time the pump must be raised to clean the filters. This procedure must be carried out until deposits form on the filter. To be on the safe side, the water can be submitted for analysis and, if necessary, disinfected.

In a word, you can clean the well manually or using a drainage pump, whichever is more profitable and convenient for you. But one thing is for sure: it is necessary to clean the well, because only then will it serve for a long time, delighting people with tasty, crystal clear water.