Peony "Shirley Temple" Milky-flowered peony Description of appearance and features

Peony milky-flowered - unique plant, which is famous not only for its decorative, but also for its medicinal qualities.

This species was introduced to England in the 1700s and quickly became famous throughout the world. In nature, it is widespread in China, Japan, Mongolia, Korea and Russia.

It is in China and Japan that it is used mainly in medicinal purposes. Active ingredient plant is pionoflorin. With its help you can reduce the temperature, relieve pain and even stop bleeding. Decoctions of the rhizome of this plant also help with bronchitis, tuberculosis and pneumonia.

Appearance Features

Peony is a perennial herbaceous plant height from 60 to 100 cm. The stem of the plant is bare and has 1 or several flowers. Peony leaves are double-triple, elliptical or lanceolate in shape. Mostly there is a white or red tint of the flower, the length of the petals reaches approximately 8 cm.

What are peonies?

Each plant has from 3 to 6 fruits, which are distinguished by their oval shape and black color. The peony blooms in May, and its seeds ripen in October.

Variety of peony varieties

This culture is simply replete with a variety of varieties. The most popular among them are:

  • Peony Kansas is famous for its large flowers, the diameter of which reaches about 20 cm. The color of the flower is rich red with a raspberry-lilac tint. It has a delicate and pleasant aroma. Height Peony Kansas reaches 90 cm. Its advantage is that it stands in water for a long time when cut.
  • The Miss America peony has semi-double flowers, the diameter of which reaches 25 cm. The color of the flower is initially white, and when it blooms, it becomes pink tint. Miss America has a very light aroma. In 1956 and 1971, this variety received a Gold Medal from the American Peony Society.
  • Peony Red Charm has won the hearts of many gardeners thanks to its lush flowers and dense foliage. Translated from English, Red Charm means “red charm”. The height of the bush reaches 75 cm, and the diameter of the flower reaches 20 cm. Flowering in its 3rd year of life is especially admirable.
  • Peony Duchess de Nemours is one of the oldest varieties that have a white tint. It is this species that for many years remains the standard by which other varieties are evaluated. Peony received an award from the English Royal Horticultural Society.
  • Peony Raspberry Sunday saw the world thanks to Dutch scientists. What is most striking is the color of the flowers of this plant: it harmoniously combines white, yellow and pink shades. This variety also has a strong and pleasant aroma.
  • Peony Sarah Bernhardt Red received its name thanks to Pierre Lemoine. The breeder named the flower in honor of the then famous actress Sarah Bernhardt, who, in his opinion, was as elegant and sophisticated as this peony. A characteristic feature of this variety is its high frost resistance and diversity. color range. The milky peony Red Sarah Bernardt has not only a red tint: there are also plants of this variety that have white, yellow and cream colors. Another peculiarity of Bernard is that it begins to turn green in April and retains its decorative effect until autumn.
  • Peony Sylvia Sanders cannot boast of a distinguished aroma, since it is very weak and vague. But Silvia has a pure pink delicate color, from which it is simply impossible to take your eyes off.

Sylvia Sanders

Peony Shirley Temple: description

Peony is quite interesting from a decorative point of view. Shirley Temple. This plant began to be used very widely in the landscape back in the 16th century. White or pale pink shades of this variety look harmonious with many plants. However, although the flower tolerates proximity, it does not like too close plantings. The advantage of Shirley is that it can have more than 3 flowers on 1 stem.

The variety is not afraid of frost and drought, and is also very resistant to gray rot.

Pay attention! Shirley Temple is widely used to treat colds.

Features of planting and caring for crops

In order for a peony to develop well and delight with its excellent flowers, it is necessary to properly care for it.

It all starts with landing. The plant is planted in autumn. To do this, a month before planting, a place is selected and the soil is prepared.

A planting hole is dug with dimensions of 60×60×60 cm. Its 2/3 parts are filled in equal quantities with a mixture of sand, humus and garden soil. Add to them 500 g of bone meal, 1 tbsp. l. iron sulfate and a liter of wood ash. To fill the remaining space, you need to add regular soil.

Planting peonies (diagram)

In the first year after planting, the peony will not bloom and will only have 1 or 2 stems. Do not be alarmed if the plant does not bloom in the second year. The main thing is that it is more developed than in the first year of life. At this point, the peony should have 3 to 6 stems.

Young plants need foliar feeding, which begins from the second week of May. Repeat it once a month. Well suited for this mineral fertilizers. For example, you can use the Ideal tool. To ensure that the peony absorbs the fertilizer well, you can add a little soap to it.

Important! It is necessary to fertilize the flower in the evening or in cloudy weather.

If the plant is already mature, then it needs feeding at the beginning of the growing season. They are introduced starting from the 2nd week of May with an interval of 3 weeks. Each stage differs in the type of fertilizer:

  1. 50 g of urea are diluted in 10 liters of water.
  2. Add 1 tablet of microfertilizer to 10 liters of urea solution.
  3. Dissolve 2 microfertilizer tablets in 10 liters of water.

Plants need to be watered infrequently, but well - about 2-3 buckets per bush, so that the water reaches the roots well. Peonies especially need moisture in the spring and during the flowering period.

Important! After each watering, the soil must be loosened. This helps improve air circulation and prevent the development of certain diseases.

Varieties of milky peony can remain profusely flowering for about 30 years, and individual species can live 100 years.

In the fall, before frost sets in, the plant is cut down to the soil level and sprinkled with ash.

Peonies are usually propagated by division and seeds.

You can divide a plant that has lived for at least 4 years. It should already have at least 7 stems and a well-developed root system.

As for the seeds, they are sown in moist soil in August. It is better to use freshly collected seeds, then they will germinate in the first year.

Important! Peonies that are planted with seeds will bloom no earlier than the 3rd year of their life.

Main diseases and pests of crops

Most often, milk-flowering peonies are affected by viral and fungal infections. The causes of such diseases are mainly weather conditions. For example, in spring and summer, in damp and rainy weather, it develops rapidly gray rot. If it is warm and humid outside, rust may appear. However, the cause of the disease is not only weather conditions. Thus, fungal diseases can also arise due to soil oversaturated with nitrogen or due to excessive shading of the area.


  • The most dangerous is gray rot, since it affects all parts of the plant. The disease can be detected at an early stage in the spring, when the peony begins to fade. Over time, the crop will become covered with gray areas, and a brown color will appear around the root collar. If the plant is not treated, it may rot and die. To prevent the appearance of gray rot, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil, avoid dense plantings and not overuse excessive watering soil. If infection has already occurred, then you can use a remedy such as Photosporin-M.
  • Rust appears on the plant in the form brown spots. This disease causes the leaves to die, and if left untreated, other parts of the plant may also suffer. Over time, the peony may even die, since photosynthesis and metabolism are disrupted in the infected flower, and it also quickly loses moisture. This disease can be overcome with the help of products that contain sulfur. Good helpers in this matter are Abiga-Pik, Cumulus, Polyram, Strobi.
  • The cause of spotting is microscopic fungi, or viral particles. But most often the appearance of this disease is caused by small worms called nematodes. In the early stages, the disease is difficult to identify, and when it has already progressed, it is difficult to treat and often leads to the death of the plant. To combat the disease, Gamair or Photosporin-M are used.

Peonies can also be attacked by a variety of ants, beetles and caterpillars. To get rid of them, you should treat the plant with a preparation such as Iskra.

If you care for these flowers correctly, they will serve as an excellent decoration for your yard or summer cottage more than one year. Peonies will add delicate and original notes to the landscape.


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Peony Shirley Temple - belongs to the herbaceous class with dense, semi-double flowers, incredibly beautiful inflorescences up to 20 cm in diameter, soft pink color, later they become pure white. The flower is composed of regularly arranged concave petals, like scales. Peony flower stalks are very stable and do not require support with a height of 70-80 cm, thanks to which the bush retains its shape and does not collapse under the weight of large flowers. The openwork lush dissected foliage persists until late autumn, turning from dark green to crimson. Shirley Temple peonies grow well in any soil, especially nutrient-rich soil. They require almost no maintenance and are very frost-resistant. Peonies planted in well-fertilized soil do not need to be fertilized in the first year and several subsequent years. After transplantation, varietal qualities appear in 2-3 years! The most common method of propagating peonies is by dividing the rhizomes, which should be done in August or early September. In autumn, with the onset of stable frosts, around mid-October, the stems of peonies are cut off, leaving stumps 1-2 cm high above the buds. For the winter, peonies are covered with a layer of peat or unripe compost. There is no need to cover adult plants. When the soil thaws in the spring, remove the insulating cover, as the buds quickly begin to grow. To send a Shirley Temple peony, a standard cutting with 2-3 buds in the amount of 1 piece is used; delivery is carried out by Russian Post, transport companies PEC, SDEK or the one that is convenient for you. You can order and buy Shirley Temple peony seedlings by clicking the button to the basket.

Type of packaging: a bag of peat, a label indicating the variety, a standard section with 2-3 buds.

Delivery terms: Orders with peony seedlings are sent in the autumn, from September 1, and spring, from March 1, seasons (shipping restrictions in accordance with the customer’s climate zone).

Who is not familiar with this flower with large spherical inflorescences and lush petals, exuding a delicate, bewitching aroma? The name of the peony "Shirley Temple" was given by the American actress - the smallest Oscar winner with a height of 157 cm.

Description of the Shirley Temple peony

A double, spherical peony called Shirley Temple has incredibly beautiful inflorescences up to 20 cm in diameter, which when blooming are soft pink in color, and later become pure white, although they may also include crimson “strokes”. The bush reaches a height of 80–90 cm, and blooms in late May-early June. Milky-flowered peony"Shirley Temple" retains its openwork lush foliage until autumn.

This variety begins to be planted from the second half of August until the beginning of October, choosing for planting sunny and windless places with moderately dry, fresh, rich nutrients soil. There are two types of peonies - and herbaceous, which differ in the method of planting. herbaceous peony"Shirley Temple" is planted close to the surface, and tree-like ones are planted deep, which ensures the full development of the root system of the cutting. These flowers require virtually no care, but the soil must be drained. In well-fertilized soil, these flowers thrive for several years.

The Shirley Temple peony variety is propagated by dividing the rhizomes, which is done in August or early September. With the onset of stable frosts, the stems are cut off, leaving low stumps of 1–2 cm above the buds. For the winter, the flowers should be covered with a layer of peat or immature compost, but adult plants are left to overwinter just like that. With the arrival of the first warm days, the insulating covering is removed, and the buds quickly begin to grow. The peony blooms profusely and for quite a long time, delighting with its beauty and grace.

Inexperienced flower growers, as a rule, are afraid to start with growing varietal crops that are unusually attractive appearance. They associate the effectiveness of the plant with the need for careful and complex care behind him. In fact, there are now many varieties that have both unsurpassed beauty, endurance and unpretentiousness. The Shirley Temple peony falls into this category.

History of creation

This flower is the result of American selection from the middle of the last century. It was obtained by crossing varieties and M-Edward Doria. The culture appeared in 1948 in the USA. The variety was developed by breeder Louis Smirnov. The hybrid is named after the Hollywood actress, the youngest Oscar winner, Shirley Temple.

Description of appearance and features

The variety belongs to the class of herbaceous peonies and the type of milky-flowered peonies. Its large (up to 20 cm in girth) double flowers at the beginning of the dissolution phase are colored pink, and later become snow-white. Thanks to them decorative perennial looks simply gorgeous. Features of the buds are their density, pink or spherical shape; the presence of a weak subtle aroma. The inflorescences are formed by straight, notched petals.

Shirley Temple - variety early date flowering. The first buds appear on it in May or early June. Shirley Temple blooms abundantly and long-lasting. Luxurious inflorescences are formed on strong peduncles one at a time. The shoots of the plant are highly durable, do not bend under the weight of ash-white flowers, and therefore do not need support or tying up. The foliage of the perennial is openwork, dissected, dark green, medium in size. In autumn, it changes its usual color to a crimson hue and remains on the bush until late autumn. The culture itself is very powerful, although not tall (its maximum height is 90 cm).

This peony with an angelic appearance is extremely frost-resistant. It tolerates temperature drops down to -40ºС. Given this fact, adult plants do not require shelter. In addition, the crop is avoided by diseases, and even insects rarely damage it. The overseas beauty is distinguished by its durability. It grows in one place for several decades without experiencing the need for replanting.

Growing and care

The herbaceous perennial Shirley Temple is a light-loving creature. Therefore, it is better to plant it on sunny side area, but protected from direct rays by light shading in the summer, at midday. When placing the crop in the shade, you will not wait for the delicious buds to appear on it.

Choose breathable soil for the shrub, rich in humus with a slightly acidic reaction. When planting the plant, make sure that the buds are at least 3 cm from the soil level. At the bottom of the peony planting hole is required good drainage: a mixture of sand and gravel, for example. Along with the substrate ideal option which is loam, fertilizers are also added to the hole - superphosphate, ash. Plant the crop so that there is a distance of about a meter around it. This is necessary to ensure normal air circulation, which is a protective measure against the appearance of diseases and pests.

The plant does not tolerate overconsolidation and flooding of soils. Drought is not to Shirley Temple's taste either. So the beautiful perennial will have to be watered regularly (in moderate mode), and a day after this procedure, the soil under the crop will have to be loosened. At the same time, weeds should also be removed so that they do not draw moisture and nutrients from the bush.

Caring for Shirley Temple involves fertilizing. They are indicated for the peony in the spring (organic matter is added under the bush), during the budding stage and in the fall, at the end of flowering (mineral complexes are used). It is recommended to feed the snow-white beauty three times in total during the season. Before the onset of persistent autumn frosts, the perennial shoots should be cut short, leaving a small stump. It is better to cover young specimens with peat or compost - this way they are guaranteed to survive the winter.

Use Cases

The American hybrid is magnificent when planted alone, including on the lawn, and in group garden compositions. In the first case, it will look most advantageous, since no other plant will outshine our hero with its beauty. When used in group plantings, the emphasis should be on flower beds, mixborders and borders. Plants of this variety are good in rock gardens, near gazebos, and in large landscapes. Shirley Temple - great solution both for classic and more modern styles garden design.

What does this lovely plant go with? With other varieties of peonies, with carnations, heuchera, irises, bells, daylilies, poppies, honeysuckle, barberry bushes. The main thing is that the neighbors of the noble culture have flowers in shades that are harmonious or contrasting with the white tone: blood red, burgundy, cherry, lilac, violet, scarlet, pink. Sage, thuja, hellebore, pelargonium, astilbe, petunias, and zinnias also make good company for the shrub. Shirley Temple can be used for cutting. Its flowers last a long time in water, remaining as attractive as the moment you cut them. The snow-white buds make delightful bouquets.