How and when can you replant indoor flowers? Monthly lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants Recommendations on how to replant indoor plants

There are several opinions regarding whether or not to replant houseplants, as in many issues of floriculture. Some believe that this is necessary, while others are confident that excessive interference in the life of a “green pet” negatively affects its well-being. But no matter what point of view you adhere to, sooner or later there comes a time when it is necessary to replant indoor flowers - otherwise their roots will break through the plastic pot, and if they do not have enough strength for this, then the crop will simply wither from cramped conditions. When young plants are still growing, the size of not only their above-ground parts increases, but also their roots. After some time, the roots rest against the walls of the pot, grow together and become tangled. Therefore, once a year, vegetating indoor flowers are transplanted into a larger pot, unless we are talking about such rapid growth that the pot becomes small after a couple of months. Someday, any plant reaches its final size and no longer needs a larger pot. Despite this, many flower growers insist that replanting flowers at home should be done at least every 3-4 years. Simply because during this time the earth is completely leached and accumulates various harmful substances(from water and fertilizers).

When to replant indoor flowers: a good time to replant plants

First of all, with regard to indoor plants that no longer need to be replanted every year, the question often arises: “This year? Or is the next one better? If the pot is small, then there is no doubt about the need for replanting if the roots are visible from the hole in the bottom of the pot. Under no circumstances should you simply cut off protruding roots. A spacious pot is also required when plants, such as chlorophytum, decorative asparagus and others, are pushed up by their roots from the pot. It is necessary to transplant into another pot as quickly as possible even in the case when a plant, such as Sansevieria, simply tears the pot with its powerful rhizomes. There are other ways to determine when to repot indoor plants. This agricultural technique is necessary under the following circumstances:
  • When the pot is clearly small compared to the plant (often happens when purchasing)
  • When the walls of a clay pot appear on the outside calcareous deposits(hard water) or even a gray-green coating (overwatering)
  • When moss is already growing on the ground (also overwatering)
  • When the leaves turn yellow and fall off
  • When a plant no longer wants to grow and bloom normally
  • When new leaves remain small
If nothing is noticeable from the shoots and leaves, then you should remove the plant from the pot and inspect the roots. If only roots are visible and almost no soil is visible, and even more so if the roots grow in rings below the clod of earth, then the time has come - you need to urgently replant new pot with fresh soil. If the soil is well rooted but not yet completely used, and the tips of the roots that are visible are white and strong, carefully return the plant to old pot and leave it there for another year. The best time to replant indoor flowers is considered to be the end of February / beginning of March, when most plants begin to sprout new shoots. This, of course, does not apply to species for which this is the period of the most intense flowering, such as alpine violet (Cyclamen perskum), (Hippeastrum), camellia. good time for replanting such indoor flowers - after flowering, and also better in summer or in the fall when they begin their new growing season. Emergency cases are exceptions. If the plant has been watered too much or roots are growing from a hole in the bottom of the pot, you should immediately get a new pot and soil, regardless of the time of year.

Pots for replanting home flowers (with photo)

Before you transplant flowers at home, you need to understand one more thing: important question: Which pot is better, clay or plastic? Both have their advantages and disadvantages that affect plant care. Clay pots look more natural, allow air and water to pass through, are stable and neutral in color. But a plant in a clay pot needs to be watered more often than in a plastic one, since moisture evaporates through the clay walls. Plastic pots are lightweight, do not break, are easy to clean, and their walls are waterproof. Plants in these pots do not need to be watered as often as in clay pots. True, they are not so stable.
To replant heavy house flowers that easily topple, you will need solid clay pots. Plants that consume a lot of water do better in plastic pots. Form is more important than material.
Most pots are the same width as they are tall; they have a conical shape. For plants with very flat root systems or very long roots, you can purchase low (for azaleas) or tall and narrow (for palm trees) pots. To replant indoor plants correct, as I advise experienced flower growers, the size of the pot is determined by its top diameter. The new pot for replanting should be no more than 2 cm larger than the previous one. Recommendation: if you want to save your labor, you should be interested in pots with automatic watering. They have a double bottom - a reservoir for water, which lasts the plant for about 2 weeks. This system should not be confused with hydroponics. Here plants develop in the ground. The best pots for replanting home flowers are shown in these photos:

How to properly transplant flowers into another pot at home and video of plant transplantation

Replanting house plants is always a lot of dirt. Prepare not only pots and soil, expanded clay and shards, a shovel and a jug, but also newspapers for bedding. Before replanting flowers at home, it is most correct and logical to start by freeing the culture from the old “shackles”. Removing a plant from a plastic pot is usually very easy. In clay pots, roots often cling to the walls. It's better to do this:
  • A few hours before transplanting, water the plants well, which will make removal easier.
  • If the plant is sitting firmly, turn the pot upside down (hold the soil) and lightly tap it on the edge of the table.
  • If the roots are attached, you will have to carefully break the pot with a hammer and cut the plastic pot. This must also be done when the roots have grown through the hole in the bottom and are going back into the pot. Do not trim the roots.
  • The lump of earth with roots should be left intact if possible. Only the top layer of soil is carefully removed by hand.
There is one exception to this rule for replanting indoor plants: if you notice black-brown or even already rotting roots, you need to shake off as much of the old soil as possible and rinse the rest running water and trim off any diseased roots. Only after this the plant is placed in a pot. Sometimes a smaller pot will suffice for a root-cut plant. Usually, when replanting, you should never damage the roots of the plant. But there are exceptions here too:
  • Sick and rotting roots must be cut off.
  • If there are a lot of tangled exposed roots under a lump of earth, then this has a bad effect on the formation of new roots. In this case, you should take scissors and cut off a thick layer of roots.
  • Palm roots can be pruned when replanting to curb plant growth.
When trimming thick roots, it is best to sprinkle the sections with powder. charcoal which will prevent rotting. It goes without saying that after such an operation the plants need to be cared for with special attention. Of course, before replanting indoor flowers, it is important to buy the “right” new pot. Usually it should be no more than 2 cm larger than the old one. If you plant the plant in too big pot, all his energy will be directed towards growing roots to the detriment of everything else. Clay pots should be soaked in water for several hours before planting. Otherwise, they pull a lot of moisture out of the ground.
According to correct technology When replanting indoor plants, you need to prepare a good drainage layer. First, clay shards are poured into the bottom of the pot to prevent the drainage hole from clogging.
A layer of expanded clay or fine gravel 2-3 cm thick and a drainage layer are poured onto them. It is necessary so that excess water quickly drains from the pot and does not stagnate in the ground. When you next replant, pay attention to pebbles of gravel or expanded clay that are overgrown with roots. They must be carefully released.

Pour enough soil onto the drainage layer so that the plant in the new pot is at the same level as in the old one. Then fill the empty space near the walls with fresh soil. Tap the pot on the table to compact the soil somewhat. Then the top layer of soil is poured in and lightly compacted with your fingers about 1 cm below the edge of the pot.

The transplanted plants are watered until water flows out of the drainage hole. After half an hour, do not forget to drain the water from the pan again. At first, you need to water with enough water so that the soil does not dry out.
Only when the tips of new shoots and leaves appear, which is a sign of normal root function, can you water again as usual. Until then, you should keep plants, especially sun-loving ones, in a shaded place. If there is a lot of sun, then the root system may not cope with its task of providing the plant with water. Fertilizers are applied 6 weeks after transplantation, since there is a sufficient supply of nutrients in fresh soil. How to properly replant house flowers that have reached enormous sizes? For large plants in large pots and for all species that are not replanted every year, the top layer of soil should be changed in the spring. First of all, harmful substances from fertilizers and water accumulate in it. Proceed as follows:
  • Gently loosen the soil with a fork or stick so as not to damage the upper roots.
  • Use a spoon to remove the old soil substrate 4-5 cm thick from above.
  • Add fresh substrate.
  • These plants do not need to change the watering regime as much as transplanted ones. Water them as usual.
  • After about 2 weeks, mineral fertilizers are applied.
Watch the video on how to replant home flowers to better understand the technology of the process:

Soil mixtures for replanting indoor plants (with photo)

Two components are important when replanting plants: a suitable pot and suitable soil. Be especially careful when purchasing land. If the offer is very profitable, it is better to leave the bag where it is. Too often there is a mixture of dust and dirt inside, which falls through your fingers like sand or bakes into a waterproof crust in a pot. So, before properly replanting house plants, you need to take care of good soil. Standard soil mixture. A good option is the so-called standard soil mixture, which is produced by various companies. Most indoor crops like this mixture. You can be sure that the composition of the soil in each bag is the same; In addition, the soil is hygienically impeccable and free of pathogens and pests. There are two types of such soil:
  • Type R. Contains very little fertilizer. This soil is best used for propagation and for plants that need very little fertilizer, such as Yucca.
  • Type T. Contains 2 times more fertilizer and is well suited for most indoor crops.
What soil mixtures for replanting indoor plants look like is shown in these photos:

Substrate for plants with special needs. There are some species that grow and bloom normally in a standard soil mixture. But they feel even better when some additives are mixed in. Some examples:

  • Sansevieria and Milkweed (Euphorbia milii) like a very loose substrate, so mix in a little sand.
  • Bulky plants, such as some types of palms, stand better in heavy soil; add sterilized clay to the standard soil mixture.
  • Lime-sensitive plants, such as azaleas (Rhododendron), should never be planted in standard soil mixture; they will soon begin to wither. A special soil is sold for them, which can be used for all lime-sensitive plants.
  • Lovers of cacti, orchids and bromeliads can also buy a specially prepared mixture for their pets.
Since we have less and less peat bogs left and soon the peat reserves will completely dry up, we can replace peat with bark substrates. Check out this option. Own mixtures. Of course, before replanting indoor flowers at home, you can prepare soil yourself, but some components are difficult to find. Who has it in the garden compost heap, and there is also the possibility of storing greenhouse soil and leaf humus (necessary components), then there will be a lot of trouble in controlling pests and unwanted microorganisms and removing garbage. Preparing soil mixtures is a matter for specialists. This video shows how to prepare a mixture for replanting indoor plants:

Over time, the plant, being in one pot, not only grows, but also exhausts all the useful substances found in the ground. Therefore, if you begin to notice that the plant has stopped growing, the soil quickly dries out, although you regularly feed your green pet - this is a signal that it is time to replant the plant. Also, one of the signs indicating that a plant requires 100% replanting is the roots of the plant that have grown through the drainage hole.
When do you need to replant flowers and when can you replant indoor flowers?
Is it possible to replant flowers in winter? Definitely not! It is best to do this in the spring, so that before the onset of the dormant period, the roots of the plant have time to develop well. And also, the plant transplanted at this time will receive sufficient light and heat.
IMPORTANT: Plants fall under the exception during flowering - since when transplanted, flowers and buds may completely fall off.

How to determine that a houseplant needs replanting?

1) When to replant a flower after purchase? Firstly, a plant newly purchased from a store requires mandatory replanting.
Often, flowers are sold in stores in shipping pots, which are mainly filled with a soil substitute. Of course, if you want your plant to grow for a long time, then it needs to be replanted within 2 weeks. Don’t rush to replant the flower on this day; give it a couple of days of acclimatization in your apartment.
2) When is the best time to replant indoor flowers? Secondly, perennials They need a transplant at least once every two years. These include: fuchsias, begonias, pelargonium, primrose, cineraria and many acanthus, lily. After all, for some slowly growing plants, it is enough to replant once every 3 years, but for cacti, only once every 5 years.

3) When to replant home flowers? Thirdly, replanting is necessary when the size of the plant's root system does not correspond to the size of the pot. To do this, carefully remove the plant from the pot and look at the earthen lump; if the earth is almost invisible and everything is densely entwined with roots, then an unconditional replanting of the plant is needed!

How to buy pots for indoor plants?

For replanting, you should buy pots for indoor plants, so that their diameter is 3 cm larger than the previous one.
Today, the market offers us 2 types, namely:
- Plastic pots for flowers;
- Inexpensive ceramic pots for flowers;

So in turn , ceramic pots, heavier than plastic ones - this makes them stable, but complicates carrying and replanting the plant. Although clay is porous, it retains harmful minerals and allows air to pass through, but it also absorbs moisture. As a result, plants require abundant watering. More distinctive feature- this is the price for such pots, often several times more!
And here, plastic pots, are low cost and very light. At the same time, the range of choice of pots, with various forms, colors and sizes, in comparison with ceramic ones, are much larger. However, plastic pots will not protect you from inept handling of the plant, namely: if abundant watering and excessive application of fertilizers, the soil may become waterlogged and harmful minerals may accumulate in it.

How to properly replant indoor flowers bought in a store?

When replanting, there must be several holes at the bottom of the pot to drain excess water. If the pot you purchased does not have a hole, then you will have to make one. It's good if the pot is made of plastic. To do this you will need to take a nail, use pliers and heat it over gas stove. Then do 3-4 holes at the bottom of the pot. Do everything extremely carefully so as not to get hurt or damage the pot.
Before planting the plant in a new clay pot, the pot needs to be kept in water for several hours. This is done so that the pot does not take away moisture from the plant. And we must not forget about the soil that is well selected for the flower.
Before replanting a purchased flower, you first need to know how to replant correctly indoor flower. After all, before replanting, you need to put several small pebbles or clay shards or pieces of broken brick on the bottom of the pot. This is done to ensure that the holes for draining water do not become clogged with earth. Sprinkle some sand on top and then sprinkle some earth on top.
level 2-3 cm.

How to remove a flower from a pot for replanting?To do this, turn the pot with the plant upside down and holding the plant with your hands, tap the edges of the pot on the table. If nothing works and the plant does not want to leave the pot, then carefully use a knife to separate the roots from the wall of the pot. The most important thing is not to rush, so as not to harm the plant. Damaged and rotten roots - cut off.

Indoor plants transfer This is done to improve nutrition (over time, the soil in the pot becomes depleted), as well as for better aeration of the soil in the pot.

But before replanting a plant, you need to make sure that it needs replanting, and also pre-purchase or create an earthen mixture that meets the requirements of the replanted plant. How can you determine from the external signs of a plant whether it needs replanting?

A transplant is absolutely necessary:

1. The first sign of replanting may be a cessation or slowdown in plant growth. Some plants show signs of frailty, the tips of the leaves begin to dry out, the leaves turn pale and fall off. The reason for this may be not only a small pot or depleted soil, but also pests, for example, enchytraeus, centipedes, earthworms, and mower larvae.

2. The plant has grown greatly and the pot has become unstable; the above-ground part outweighs the root part.

3. The earthen lump is so permeated and entwined with roots that it has turned into solid felt. The roots began to crawl out of the pot through the top or drainage hole.

4. During irrigation, water is very poorly absorbed into the soil. This may mean that the plant's root system has completely occupied the volume of the pot.

5. The plant began to disappear - the leaves wither and turn black. In this case, replanting is an ambulance for a dying plant. This most likely means that the roots have already begun to rot and die.

6. If you water too much, when the soil in the pot does not have time to dry out, it will turn sour. To improve the health of the soil, as well as to save the plant from the development of root rot, you need to replant.

9. In variegated forms of indoor plants, green leaves or very pale leaves appear on all shoots. The reason for this may be not only a lack of light, but also depleted soil.

Young, fast growing plants, for example, blue passionflower, dracaena, chlorophytum, tradescantia, arrowroot, alocasia, schefflera, calathea are replanted annually, large tub plants need replanting once every four to five years, palm trees require replanting once every five to ten years. If the plant is already mature, then replanting can be done once every two to four years, based on the conditions of maintenance and the requirements of the plant, being content with partially replacing the top layer of soil in the intervals between replantings.

When is the best time to repot indoor plants?

Transplantation is best tolerated by plants in the spring, when all parts of the plant emerge from the dormant period and begin to grow. It is at this time that the transplanted plant quickly adapts, the root system will quickly recover and will absorb moisture and nutrients from the fresh soil. During transplantation, add a few hydrogel granules to the soil mixture.

Transplantation is done in March-April, sometimes in May, based on when the plant begins to grow from dormancy. Tender plants are replanted later. It is recommended to replant poinsettia in May so that it blooms in December. However, a plant that has already begun to grow will be less able to tolerate late replanting due to damage to the roots. Plants, blooming in spring, for example, clerodendrum, are replanted after flowering.

IN warm rooms Replanting indoor plants begins earlier than in cold weather.

In summer, plants tolerate transplantation worse., A in autumn, and even more so in winter, transplant is betterdon't do healthy plants, however, fast-growing indoor plants such as asparagus, tradescantia, chlorophytum can be replanted throughout the year, avoiding damage to the roots. This kind of transplant is called transshipment, since it is done without damaging the earthen coma.

Starting from September, you should avoid replanting plants that enter a dormant period in winter.

In the summer, after spring growth, conifers are replanted. In June-July, after the end of the first growth, camellias are transplanted. Bulbs are replanted after flowering.

The exception is plants that were planted in the garden for the summer. Still, let me give you some advice: indoor plants planted for the summer in open ground preferably replant in August when the temperature outside and in the room are the same. This makes it easier for plants to adapt, and the root system is still capable of sufficiently absorbing moisture, so the risk of flooding the plant is much less.

You can replant indoor plants throughout the year. plants just purchased from the store. This is, so to speak, a forced measure. If the transplant is done correctly, the plants will be practically undamaged and after a while they will feel much better. You can also replant sick and dying plants throughout the year. If they are not transplanted, they may simply disappear.

It is better to wait with replanting if your plant has buds or is already blooming. You should not replant, even if the indoor plant is very cramped in the pot, just try to compensate for the lack of soil with nutritious fertilizers. If you take a chance and transplant flowering plant, then it will receive severe stress, all the buds and flowers will wither and fall off, after such stress the plant takes a long time to recover.

Therefore, wait until the plant has finished flowering, the plant will have a dormant period between flowering. During this period, replanting will not harm the plant; on the contrary, expect new flowers soon.

How to repot indoor plants

Complete transplant- this is moving a plant from one flower pot to another, larger in size, or the same one, if it is suitable in size, with a complete replacement of the earthen mixture. During a complete replanting, all the old soil is removed due to the complete unsuitability of the soil.

Incomplete transplant- when part of the earthen coma remains on the roots of the transplanted plant.

Sometimes, if a transplant is not possible, you can do partial replacement top soil in a pot or tub.

To avoid damage root system When replanting plants, first thoroughly wet the soil in the pot. After a few minutes, once the water has flowed, carefully turn the pot upside down and, holding the plant with one hand, gently tap the bottom of the pot. This is usually enough to remove the plant from the pot.

But sometimes there are difficulties: if the pot is clay, then the roots can stick to the walls of the pot. In such cases, you will have to break the clay pot. If the pot is plastic, you can cut the bottom with pruning shears or use a knife. Carefully, trying to damage the roots as little as possible, use a knife to separate the earthen lump from the walls; only in this case, damage to the roots, alas, cannot be avoided.

For large plants growing in tubs, the hoops are first knocked down, and then the wooden parts of the tub are carefully separated.

Now carefully inspect the root system: you only need to trim damaged, dry, limp roots, roots with dark brown spots. These are diseased roots and need to be trimmed back to healthy white or yellowish tissue. It is advisable to treat all sections of large roots with crushed coal to prevent them from rotting.

Try to untangle the tangle of roots that has formed at the bottom of the pot. A network of tiny roots or felts that cannot be untangled must be cut off sharp knife. You can slightly trim the roots that have crawled out into the drainage hole and do not fit in the new pot; trimming small roots provokes their growth, and as you know, it is these small roots that absorb nutrients from the soil and nourish the entire plant.

If the plant has a fibrous root system, then when transplanted into new soil thin roots will quickly recover, and the plant will quickly recover after transplantation. The roots are also pruned when transplanting bonsai, in order to maintain the balance of the root system with the deciduous crown.

When replanting plants with thick or underdeveloped roots, extreme care must be taken, since such roots not only do not tolerate root pruning, but even the slightest damage.

Orchids, acacias, palm trees, bulbous trees, some conifers, cyclamen, hedichium, chlorophytum, cacti, succulents require very careful handling during transplantation.

Once the roots are in order, take a new pot. If the plant is young, then you need to take a slightly larger pot for it, but not much, since most indoor plants grow better when they are cramped.

Sick plants, on the contrary, are transplanted into smaller pots. In this case, all the soil in the roots is cleaned off, the roots are washed with water, the diseased roots are cut to healthy tissue, sprinkled with coal powder and planted in a light, permeable earth mixture. A flower pot from a diseased plant must be disinfected before you use it.

Do not forget about a drainage layer of 3 to 5 cm. Fill the pot with fresh earthen mixture to one quarter of the pot. The composition of the soil mixture must meet the requirements of the plant being transplanted. If you are replanting a large plant - a tree or shrub, then you need to take care of the stability of the pot.

Add more river sand to the earthen mixture: this is the most heavy material, which can be used without fear of harming the plant. Since the plant is large, the next replanting will be in 4-6 years, and the sand will not allow the soil to cake, it will remain permeable and will protect the roots of the plant from waterlogging and rotting. Ideally, you can focus on next rule: the mass of the plant should be one third of the mass of the pot with the earthen mixture, only in this case the pot will be stable.

Then place the plant so that it is centered in the pot. The transplant will be correct if the upper part of the old earthen clod is 1-2 cm underground. Carefully pour the soil mixture between the roots into the pot. Compact the soil with your fingers, do not leave any voids around the roots.

By the way, a less dense fit helps better growth plants, compacting the soil more tightly in the pot helps better flowering. But in practice, the result is usually a rather loose fit. Palm trees require dense planting.

There is no need to fill the pot to the top with soil, leave the sides free, otherwise water will pour out of the pot when watering, and it is more convenient to take the pot. After this, water the plant with boiled, settled water.

If you start replanting plants, then bring the job to the end, otherwise the dug up plant begins to dry out under the influence of dry air and quickly withers, which has a bad effect on the survival rate of the plants.

After transplantation, if possible, create greenhouse effect plant: place it in a greenhouse or simply cover it with a plastic bag to create gentle conditions for the transplanted plant. From direct sun rays transplanted plants are shaded, it is advisable to observe high humidity air in the room.

Start applying the first fertilizing no earlier than two months after transplantation. The fresh earthen mixture contains enough nutrients, and if you add additional fertilizer, you risk burning the tender young roots that have just begun to grow.

For very large plants growing in large tubs, it is difficult to replant or replant every year, and sometimes replanting seems impossible at all. In such situations, you can partially replace the top layer of the earthen mixture.

To do this, remove the top layer of soil from the container as much as possible and replace it with a new earthen mixture enriched nutrients. This operation can be done twice a year - in spring and autumn. Without this large plants they might just die.

Planting and caring for flower crops should be done at the allotted time and days, which are scheduled in the gardener’s (lunar) calendars. On what day is it better to replant indoor flowers, loosen them or fertilize them - answers will be given lunar calendar. It is believed that on such days the plant adapts well to a new place and conditions, and quickly takes root.

At first, the fact that the moon affects the growth and development of flowers was just a guess. Later, scientists proved that there is a relationship between plants and the moon. After this, lunar calendars appeared, based on which gardeners know exactly when it is better to replant indoor flowers and when to cut them.

Those who follow the calendar know which moon is best to replant indoor flowers:

  • Plants with tall stems and wide leaves are recommended to be replanted during until the full moon. During this period, the sap of the plant is directed upward from the root, so minor damage to the root during the transplantation process will not affect general condition plants;
  • It is better to trim flower buds at waning moon;
  • According to the lunar calendar, the time when it is best to replant indoor flowers falls on waxing moon or full moon.

Important! You should never make a transplant on a waning moon. This can lead to the fact that the plant will take a long time to adapt to a new place or even die.

Beans, onions, potatoes, gladioli and other bulbous plants are best sown on waning moon. Then they sprout quickly and take root well.

What time of day is best to replant indoor plants?

In order for indoor flowers to grow and bloom well, you need to remember a few subtleties, when it is better to replant indoor flowers, and at what time.

When is the best time to replant indoor flowers?

  • The most favorable time is the period from 4 pm to 8 pm;
  • The best for days The first or second day after the formation of the new moon is considered for transplantation;
  • You should not replant flowers in the morning (when the plants are still sleeping) or at midday.
  • Most favorable seasons The best time to replant flowers is in early spring and autumn.

Flower transplant calendar 2016

The summer resident and gardener (lunar) calendar of 2016 shows exactly the dates in which month it is better to replant indoor plants, on which days to sow vegetable crops when they need to be trimmed and loosened.

I focus on the calendar and, following it, I can achieve good germination and high yields.

Lunar calendar for replanting indoor flowers

Unfavorable days for planting and replanting indoor plants (flowers) in 2016

When caring for any seedlings or flowers, it is worth taking into account not only the best days for replanting, but also unfavorable ones.

We figured out what day it is better to replant indoor flowers, now a little about unfavorable days. Unfavorable days It happens from five to ten per month.

Unfavorable days for replanting indoor plants

Whether or not to focus on the moon when planting and replanting plants is everyone’s business. But the fact that the moon affects the growth and development of plants is a proven fact that you cannot argue with. It was not for nothing that our ancestors revered and respected lunar predictions.

True lovers of indoor flowers are well aware of the role of annual plant replanting. This means fresh nutrition, room for roots, disease prevention. Beginners often underestimate the importance of this procedure. Or they do it incorrectly, which does harm instead of good.

How to transplant a flower into another pot? Now we'll tell you.

The flower is replanted when the lump of earth is as dry as possible. Some sources recommend watering the plant generously before changing locations. Well, yes, pour it. And then you will long and persistently pick out an earthen lump swollen with moisture from an old pot. Moreover, with the help of a knife, a hammer and the well-known mother.

Do not torture yourself and the plant, do not water it before planting. After all, in dry soil it is much easier to see all the old and diseased roots. And when wet, they will merge with the overall healthy mass in color. And you will spread so much dirt that you will refuse to replant later.

Choosing a pot. If the flower has slightly risen above the soil surface. If roots are visible from the drainage hole or on the surface of the ground. If your pet has stopped growing. Then be sure to transplant it into a pot whose diameter is 1.5-3 cm larger than the old one.

We try to choose the material of the vessel the same as it was before the transplant. Pour boiling water over new pots. Wash the old ones thoroughly with a stiff brush in a solution of potassium permanganate or phytosporin.

Should I leave the old soil?

It depends on the condition of the flower and the soil itself. The flower shows signs of disease, flaccid, flimsy. The substrate smells unpleasantly of old age or mold, there is white coating. These are signs that the soil needs to be replaced completely.

The flower feels great, but does not grow further. The soil has a pleasant smell of fresh earth and a characteristic color. This means we don’t change the soil, but simply add it.


Almost every flower requires drainage. The exception is plants planted in very loose soil or with holes in the walls of the pot.

The following are well suited for arranging drainage:

  • broken shards
  • expanded clay
  • gravel
  • sand
  • granite or marble chips
  • eggshells
  • limestone
  • moss, peat

These materials are highly compressed and do not perform their intended function.

Step-by-step transplant

So. Prepare a new pot, a knife or fork, drainage, some sand, water, gloves, a wooden stick, scissors. Pour drainage material about 1-1.5 cm thick into the container. In some, more, see the recommendations for certain colors. Be sure to make sure that the pebbles cover the hole at the bottom of the pot, but do not plug it tightly. Leave it open - the substrate will spill out. If you shut it up, there will be nowhere for excess liquid to drain.

Pour clean calcined sand on top. About 0.5-0.8 cm. This is also part of the normal drainage system. Then we apply primer. No more than 3 cm. Its composition must correspond certain requirements. Find out which one depending on what plant you are planning to replant.

Now we need to get the flower from old container. Never pull on the plant! Try to pry up the earthen lump with a fork. By placing the pot on its side, after prying it up, it is easy to pull out the entire flower along with the soil. If you still managed to water the flower before transplanting, congratulations! You've earned yourself moral hemorrhoids. Take a knife and poke it along the walls of the container. It is quite possible that the magical mention of some words of the great and mighty will help you.

If that doesn’t work, then take the flower with one hand so that the central stem lies between the middle and ring finger. Second, hold the pot by the bottom. Turn the structure upside down and shake lightly. Doesn't work? Gently tap the container on the edge of the table. The entire earthen lump should fall into your hand. No way? So not today. Dry the soil until next time.

Now do not shake the soil lump so as not to damage the roots. We arm ourselves with a fork again and remove old shards and sand with it. Use scissors to cut off old or diseased roots. If you need to completely replace the substrate, then again carefully use a fork to pick out as much of it as possible. And carefully wash the roots or tuber in a solution of phytosporin or potassium permanganate.

Then we put the flower in the prepared new pot. Using a wooden stick, spread the roots over the entire surface, evenly and gently. If the growth point is much lower than the level of the sides of the pot, then pull out the flower. Add a little more soil and try on the plant again. The growth point is at the level of the sides? Amazing.

After a sufficient amount of soil has been poured, you can water the flower. After 2 hours, see if you may need to add a little more soil. If it sagged a lot.

Now we place the flower in partial shade for a week for good survival. During this time, you can water it with any root formation stimulator or spray it with any anti-stress drug (epin, zircon).

How to replant a flower if it is huge

It happens that a large plant or a pot that is already gigantic requires replanting. Where else? Nowhere. Such flowers cannot be replanted. If you drag such a colossus, there is a high probability of breaking the stems or tearing off the foliage.

With peace of mind, carefully remove the top 6-8 cm of the substrate. Gently loosen with a wooden stick to the maximum possible depth of the container. Add 4 cm of fresh soil. Mix with what was previously loosened. Be careful, try not to tear the root system.

Now you can add fresh soil to the top, as before. We water it with settled water and don’t drag it anywhere. Let it stand still, you didn’t touch the flower itself. Just replaced the top layer.

Advice. Before watering again, check the soil level. You may need to sprinkle it a little more.

  1. Be sure to replant a flower you just bought in a store. The soil in which it grew there is transportable. It is not intended for long-term nutrition and normal growth.
  2. Some plants begin to bloom only when the pot becomes too small for them. Take this into account. Otherwise, along with transplanting into a larger container, you will deprive yourself of flowers. But such a plant cannot be deprived of new sensations. What to do? Simply transplant the flower into a pot of the same size, but completely replace the substrate.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to add fertilizers to new soil! This can completely burn the root system. Let the flower first take root and get used to it. And only then can you begin to fertilize as usual. It is advisable to slightly reduce the dose at first, because fresh soil contains a certain amount of nutrients.

How to transplant a flower into another pot? As you can see, everything is very simple. A little caution and a little more accuracy. And a whole sea of ​​love. Then the transplant will go perfectly and painlessly. And don’t worry, you will succeed!

Video: how to properly replant a houseplant