Jasmine bush rose. Description of the variety “Rose Jasmine. Preparing for winter

Climbing rose Jasmine (Jasmina) is a bright representative of its subspecies. The plant blooms profusely. The inflorescences are double, bright pink, closer to lilac or lavender. Reverse side petals dark pink. The buds are dense, with 75 petals each. The shape of the inflorescences itself is cup-shaped. Their diameter is approximately 10-15cm.

The leaves have a rich green, medium size, thick, glossy surface. A powerful bush with strong, prickly shoots. The lashes are thin, they have clusters of flowers of 7-10 pieces, which elegantly sag under their own weight. The height of the bush is 2.5-3 meters and the width is 1 meter. Jasmine rose blooms abundantly, long-lasting, and in stages. The variety is resistant to diseases, rain, and heat. Frost resistance zone 6.


History of origin

The breeding production of W. Kordes Sohne is considered a family business, the founder of which is Wilhelm Kordes. A former sailor founded a company in 1887 that was engaged in growing and selling roses. However, after the end of the First World War, he reconsidered his views, re-reading many books on rose breeding, and began to breed his own varieties.

The hybrid, obtained at random, had super hardy characteristics, was resistant to diseases. This variety became the ancestor of a large class of climbing roses and was named Kordesii. Years later, Wilhelm's son continued his work and became the author of hundreds of varieties. The climbing rose Jasmine (Jasmina) was also bred by a German breeding company in 2005.

Distinctive features of the variety

Feature or characteristic feature Rose Jasmine (Jasmina) is its incredible fragrance. The smell emitted by the flower has a rich aroma of jasmine, which is felt from a distance, but not much. Light, pleasant jasmine note combined with beautiful flowering- that’s why flower growers love her.


The budding period of this beauty begins at the end of May., early June. The first flowering lasts about a month and a half. There are many inflorescences, all open fully. On sunlight The color fades a little and fades. Throughout the entire growing season, new shoots grow and buds immediately appear on them. At the end of August, closer to autumn, the time for the second flowering comes. It's not as lush as the first one. Individual brushes open. Lasts about two weeks.

Care before and after

Caring for a climbing rose before flowering involves systematically loosening the soil, removing weeds, fertilizing, and pruning. Feed in spring nitrogen fertilizers to enhance growth, and closer to the time of budding, potassium fertilizers are used.

After flowering, the climbing rose must be properly pruned. Remove dry inflorescences, dead, damaged vines, if there is a need to thin out an overgrown bush. Afterwards, feed the plant with potassium-phosphorus mineral fertilizer.

After autumn bloom One or two flowers are left on each lash so that fruits are formed. Thus, the shoots will survive the winter better, gain strength, and bloom profusely next year.

What to do if it doesn't bloom?

There are many reasons for the lack of flowering, for example as a result of:

  • improper pruning;
  • poor soil quality;
  • excess nitrogen fertilizers;
  • unsuitable landing site;
  • bad wintering.

To restore flowering, you need to determine the cause and take appropriate measures.

Step-by-step care instructions

Rose Jasmine (Jasmina) requires certain cultivation measures, which subsequently affect growth and flowering.


The most central place in the garden is suitable for the queen, so that she can be seen from everywhere. Roses love light, but if they are exposed to the sun all day long, they will quickly fade. Therefore, it is advisable to choose places where the flower will be in the shade for half a day. It is not recommended to plant roses in lowlands, as there can be stagnation of water and air, which can provoke the development of diseases.

What should the soil be like?

Flowers grow well in fertile, loose, light soil. Heavy, clay soil is not suitable. Sandy lands are also not suitable for growing climbing flowers, due to their infertility and lightness. To obtain the desired result, the planting soil should be diluted with peat, sand, and compost. The optimal soil pH is 5.5-6.5. Root system roses Jasmine (Jasmina) is well developed, it goes deep underground. Therefore it is very important to know the level groundwater on the site.

Important. The permissible depth is at least 1 meter.


Most The most suitable period for bare root planting is spring or autumn.. Flowers in containers can be planted at any time convenient time when the outside temperature outside the window is positive.

The cuttings are planted correctly so that the neck is 3 cm below the ground level, which protects against drying out or freezing. Place the bushes at a distance so that they do not interfere with each other. The transplantation procedure must be carried out in calm, cool weather, preferably in the evening. Afterwards, the new plant should be watered, a sufficient volume of 20-30 liters.


Rose Jasmine – frost-resistant variety, so can withstand minimum temperature down to -23°C. In summer, the maximum parameters are +35-40°C, but they adversely affect the condition of the plant. Flowers look depressed, leaves curl. The optimal temperature range is considered to be +20-25°C.


In dry moments, be sure to water with non-cold water. approximately 15-20 liters per bush. If there is no rain for a long time, it is worth moisturizing the rose twice a week. With the onset of autumn, watering should be minimized and completely removed by the end of September.


For Jasmine, spring pruning is recommended, which involves removing dry, damaged or fattening vines, as well as thinning or shaping the crown. In addition, pruning helps to obtain uniform coverage of the object next to which the rose is planted. First of all, this process is aimed at the development of new vegetative shoots, because inflorescences appear on last year's shoots.

How to tie up plants?

Another important point regarding climbing roses is tying. However, this is impossible without special support. It is important to build a structure for climbing flowers, thanks to which they will develop correctly. Supports can be in the form of: arches, mesh, cone-shaped structure. Climbing shoots are attached to them using small ropes.


An adult plant needs to be replanted if the previous location is not suitable for some reason. It is recommended to perform it in early autumn, before the roots begin to adapt to the cold., or early spring before the buds appear. For this you should:

  1. Carefully dig a hole and carefully remove the flower.
  2. Inspect the root system and leave healthy, dense shoots; remove excess shoots with pruning shears.
  3. When planting a plant, it is necessary to straighten the roots in the new hole so that they do not stick up.
  4. Then cover with soil and water.

Preparing for winter

Climbing rose Jasmine (Jasmina) requires obligatory shelter for the winter. However, no action needs to be taken until stable cold weather arrives. The flower can withstand air temperatures down to -7°C. In addition, slight frosts only help the bush adapt and harden.

  1. They put boards and foam plastic on the ground, and then bend the bush down, pinning it with pegs.
  2. Flowers are usually covered with spruce branches or pine needles.
  3. At the beginning of spring, the side doors are opened slightly for ventilation.

Just a note. Between the shelter itself and the rose there must be airspace, otherwise drying out is possible.

Step-by-step instructions: how to propagate?

Rose Jasmine (Jasmina) reproduces vegetatively. This is the only way to achieve preservation of all varietal qualities.

  1. After the first flowering in the summer, cuttings are prepared.
  2. You need a young, thick shoot with 2 internodes.
  3. Using a sharp knife, make the lower cut at 45°, and the upper one straight above the kidney.
  4. Deepen the cuttings 1 cm in wet sand, cover the top with a jar or polyethylene.
  5. Leave it like this until the roots appear.

Diseases and pests

Based on observations experienced flower growers, we can say that rose Jasmine (Jasmina) is practically not susceptible to disease, it withstands frosts and other unfavorable weather conditions. The only thing that can provoke a painful condition is aphids. These are small sucking insects that can be dealt with within means. soap solution or any insecticide preparation.

Climbing rose Jasmine (Jasmina) is a variety of so-called “nostalgic roses”, created in the style of popular English subspecies. The luxurious rose bush surprises not only with its appearance, but also incredible aroma jasmine At proper care And good place Once planted, the plant can live for decades.

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Description of Jasmine rose

Jasmine - variety climbing rose, bred by German breeders in 2005. Just 3 years after appearing at international competitions delicate flower with a delicious aroma won the first awards, including a gold medal.

Description of climbing rose

Climbing Jasmine bushes are distinguished by a luxurious cascade of fragrant inflorescences, which are not inferior in beauty hybrid tea varieties. In partial shade, the plant blooms even better, invariably attracting attention with lush and fragrant buds.

Source: Depositphotos

Rose Jasmine: delicate flowers with a fruity jasmine scent

Botanical characteristics of the plant:

  • The bush is branched, the height reaches 200–300 cm, and the width - 100 cm.
  • The root part is developed and goes deep into the soil.
  • The stem is straight and strong.
  • The branches are thin, hard, covered with sharp thorns.
  • The leaves are medium-sized, with a slightly shiny olive green surface.
  • The flowers are cup-shaped, densely double, up to 6–7 cm in diameter. The petals are painted in a delicate lilac-pink color. Up to 10–15 flowers are formed on one brush, each of which consists of 30–40 petals. Roses exude a rich apple-jasmine-lilac aroma.
  • The variety belongs to the remontant species: the first wave of flowering begins in June and lasts for 30–35 days, and the second occurs at the end of August and ends in late autumn.

Bushes of climbing Jasmine, strewn with lilac-pink caps of lush flowers, look advantageous next to simple clematis.

Characteristics of the variety

Rose Jasmine is a non-capricious plant that can grow even on poor soils. But still bushes are better develop on slightly acidic fertile soil.

Characteristics of the variety:

  • The freshness of cut flowers remains for 2 weeks.
  • Easy to care for.
  • It is not afraid of floods, after which it blooms even more profusely than before.
  • Grows equally in sun and partial shade.
  • Average frost resistance - up to -23 ⁰С.
  • Weakly affected by aphids.
  • Average resistance to disease powdery mildew and black spotting.

The disadvantages of the plant include:

  • Weak resistance to prolonged rains: flowers are severely damaged.
  • The bushes need to be bent down for the winter.

The Jasmine variety is often used for vertical gardening. Climbing rose bushes are used to decorate gazebos and arches, and to decorate imperfections on walls and fences. Thanks to the lush flowering plant and modest personal plot, and the palace square are transformed beyond recognition.

Jasmine is a porcelain flower.

Climbing rose, height 2-3 meters or more.
Originator: Kordes, 2005.

She is climbing, she is terry!..

No matter how trite, but it is very beautiful rose. It has such delicate pink petals, and the flower looks very interesting - the light pink bud gradually opens more and more petals over the course of a couple of days. the first petals are still the same light, but gradually a richer pink center opens, and brighter petals appear, and so on until the entire double-double flower opens, emitting the most beautiful fruity aroma!

Although the flowers are not very large, from 5 to 7 cm, they bloom not one at a time, but in decent clusters, 5-10 pieces per shoot! Considering that there can be many such flowering shoots on an adult bush, the flowering is impressive, especially the first wave. The first flowering lasts a month or even longer. The second wave of flowers overtakes us closer to autumn, and is less impressive in temperate latitudes, but in the south it is not inferior to the first!

In terms of the size of the bush, this rose belongs to the climbing “climber”, that is, depending on the growing conditions and climate, it can be from 1.5 meters in the North-West and Siberia, to 3 meters or more in the south of Russia. The shoots are very prickly and tough, they bend reluctantly, so styling Jasmine for the winter will require some effort on your part, but such beauty is worth a little effort.

Jasmine’s health is good, she rarely gets sick, but after the rains the flowers don’t look very good - annoying pink dots and crumpled caps of spoiled buds - probably her main drawback. Of course, there is no need to be afraid that any summer rain can ruin our holiday, but after prolonged rains the bush looks untidy for some time!

In terms of the “porcelain” appearance of the flowers, we have a very similar rose in our collection - which belongs to the scrubs, its growth is smaller and the shape of the flowers is different. You can come up with compositions from these roses, but most likely you will need to supplement the plantings with some more or less saturated pink or, possibly, white roses.


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