Anemone planting and care. Crown anemone (anemone, poppy flower) - bright shades of the garden. Anemones - planting in open ground

Many flower growers plant a flower such as anemone on their plots. This member of the buttercup family, which the Greeks called “daughter of the winds,” is a perennial that looks like a poppy. Most often, gardeners grow low-growing varieties, growing up to 30 cm, but there are also taller representatives (up to a meter), but, unfortunately, such specimens are almost impossible to find in mid-latitudes. In total, there are more than 150 species of anemones that bloom in different times, so you can use them to create a flower bed that will please the eye with its blooms for quite a long time.

Many gardeners say that there are anemone flowers, planting and caring for which are quite difficult, although there are also unpretentious specimens. The difference in care is explained different structure root system: some have tubers, others have rhizomes. The most unpretentious ones to care for are those with rhizomes. It is with these that it is better to begin your acquaintance with the “daughter of the winds.”

If you do not properly care for anemones that have tubers, you may not get a flower harvest.

Planting secrets

You need to remember that if you decide to grow a flower such as an anemone, growing and caring for it involves following a number of rules:

  1. Anemone is demanding when it comes to watering, especially in dry and hot weather.
  2. The flower needs feeding: in the fall, using complex mineral fertilizers, and during the flowering period and before planting, organic matter is added to the soil.
  3. Anemones are not frost-resistant flowers, so they need to be covered with dry foliage for the winter.
  4. The best time to breed anemones is spring. For this you can use either root suckers or seedlings grown from seeds.

Depending on the type of anemone, cultivation varies. Those varieties that are considered spring are ephemeroids. This means that they have a short flowering cycle: they “awaken” in April, in May they delight with flowering, and July is the beginning of the dormant period, although if you provide flowers optimal conditions growth, you can save the leaves until autumn. Spring varieties can be planted after flowering, as they grow very much.

Anemones with rhizomes are planted either in the spring, after the snow has melted, or in October. Before planting, the rhizomes need to be soaked in warm water, and they are planted to a depth of 10 centimeters.

Buttercup and oak anemone are shade-loving, so they need to be planted in the shade of trees or building walls, which will protect not only from the sun, but also the wind.

Crowned and tender anemone is best planted in a sunny area, but not in direct sunlight. They need moderate watering, never excessive, so that the soil has time to dry out. Stagnation of moisture will lead to rotting. It is better not to plant anemones near bushes.

How to prepare the soil

Before planting flowers, you need to choose the optimal place for them and properly prepare the ground. The most best place is a spacious area in the shade, protected from wind and drafts, since the flower does not like either drafts or heat. Since the anemone grows very quickly and strongly, and its roots are very fragile, you need to find a place so that they do not come into contact with anything. For the same reason, the soil should be loose and well-drained. Deciduous-peaty or loamy soil is ideal for anemones.

To make the soil structure ideal, you can add sand, and if there is excessive acidity, wood ash or dolomite flour.

How to prepare seeds

When the soil is ready, you can start preparing the seeds, which, by the way, have a rather low germination ability: if the seeds were collected in the previous year, then no more than a quarter of them will germinate. It is possible to increase germination. To do this, they must be exposed to cold for 1-2 months, i.e. subject them to stratification. This is quite simple to do: take the seeds and mix them with sand or peat, which should be 3 times more than the seeds, moisten it well and spray it every day with plain water until the seeds swell. Immediately after this, you need to add a little more substrate to the container with the seeds, mix and moisten a little. Until sprouts appear, the seeds should be kept in a ventilated area where the temperature does not exceed 5ºC. After germination, the container can be taken outside, buried in snow or soil. To prevent the sprouts from freezing, the place where the seeds were buried should be sprinkled with sawdust or covered with straw.

With the arrival of early spring, the flowers can be transplanted into boxes. There is a more carefree option: sow the seeds in boxes in the fall and bury them in the ground, thus natural stratification occurs in winter, and in the spring all you need to do is dig up a container and plant the anemones - the planting is completed.

How to prepare tubers

Before planting tubers, they need to be awakened. To do this, you need to take a container, pour into it warm water and put the tubers there for several hours. When the tubers swell, they can be planted in pots with a sand-peat mixture to a depth of about 5 centimeters. The soil must be moistened regularly.

Another way to prepare tubers for planting is to moisten a cloth with epin solution, wrap the tubers in it, put it in a plastic bag and leave it there for 5-6 hours. Now you can plant them in pots.

How to plant tubers

The most important thing in planting tubers is to correctly determine the growth point. You need to look at the tuber itself: the top should be flat and the bottom sharp. In addition, if the tubers have been pre-processed and swollen, then bud tubercles can be seen on them. If the shape is unclear, then it is better to plant the tuber sideways.

Disembarkation rules

Before planting seedlings in pots, you need to wait until at least two true leaves appear. If you plant an anemone flower ahead of time, planting and care will require additional effort. If flowers are planted in autumn, they need to be covered with fallen leaves or hay. Anemones grown from seeds will bloom only in the third or fourth year.

In order for anemones to bloom from spring to late autumn, it is necessary to select varieties that bloom at different times and plant them each at their own time.

How to properly care for anemone

So, the anemone flower has been successfully prepared, planting and care are now simple. The most important thing is to monitor the soil moisture, because if it is over-moistened, the roots will rot, and if the soil is dry, the flower will grow poorly and may not bloom at all. In order for the humidity level to be balanced, it is better to choose a place on a hill and take care of good drainage. It would also be a good idea to mulch the soil. Peat or leaves with fruit trees, which need to be laid on the soil in a layer of 5 centimeters.

In the spring, one-time watering per week is enough; in the summer, when the weather is cool, it is also enough to water once a week; when it gets very hot, you need to water every morning or evening after sunset.

During flowering, anemones need to be supported; for this you can use liquid organic matter, with the exception of fresh manure, in autumn period can be fertilized with complex mineral fertilizer. But if the soil was fertilized before sowing the seeds, then fertilizing is not necessary.

Since the root system of the anemone is very fragile, you need to make sure that the soil is loose and there are no weeds that need to be pulled out by hand rather than weeded out.

With the arrival of autumn, anemones need to be prepared for wintering. Varieties that have tubers must be dug up, all leaves cut off, the tubers dried, buried in sand or peat and lowered into a cool, dry basement. It is better to do the same with rhizomes, storing them in a well-ventilated room. If the winters are not very cold, then you don’t have to dig up the flowers, but then they need to be covered with hay, leaves or spruce. Crown anemone can be left in the ground, but during the winter it needs to be covered with manure or leaves.

The main pests of the flower are snails and slugs, from which a solution of metaldehyde, winter worm and leaf nematode can help. In case of nematode damage, it is better to get rid of the plant and replace the soil.

Now you know what secrets anemone flowers have (planting and care). Photos of these plants reliably reflect the simplicity of all manipulations.

Anemone, also called anemone, is a garden perennial flowering plant, common in temperate climate zones. The plant is frost resistant, so individual species anemones penetrate even into regions close to the Arctic. Most species are characterized by spring flowering. Flowers can reach a diameter of up to 8 cm; they are often located singly, but in some species they are collected in inflorescences. The roots are dense, sometimes there are tubers.

Common types of anemones, brief description and photographs

There are many varieties of anemone. These flowers are scattered all over the planet, and each species can be very different from the others. The elegant and simple-looking Japanese anemone, used in the field of interior design, cannot be compared with the forest anemone, so beloved by novice gardeners for its unpretentiousness. Please note that your choice of species will depend on the difficulty of growing, flowering time, size of the plant and flowers, as well as adaptability to the climate.

The most common plant species in Europe, it can often be found in deciduous forests. The size of the flowers does not exceed 4 cm in diameter. The stem reaches a height of 10-15 cm. The plant does not like light and grows better in the shade. Blooms starting in mid or late April. Most often it is white in color, but it is possible to find light pink or beige oak forest anemone. Suitable for beginner gardeners.

Almost never found in temperate latitudes due to its heat-loving nature. In terms of the shape of the flowers and the black color of the core, the crown anemone is very similar to the poppy. It blooms quickly. The flowering period occurs at the end of August.

Photo. Anemone japonica

Very unpretentious appearance anemone. It survives cold well and does not require much attention from the gardener. The plant is tall, can reach 160-170 cm. The flowers are large, at least 6 cm in diameter. The color of the flowers is pink with a gold core.

Often found in Russia. The stem is straight, covered with hard fibers. It blooms twice: in May and August. Grows well in sandy soils. Easily adapts to any lighting conditions, but it is better to keep the plant in a shady area of ​​the garden. The species is easily distinguished by its large basal leaves.

It has a low stem height (about 15 cm). Flowers small size, can reach up to 5 cm in diameter. It blooms earlier than all other types of anemone. This type distributed in mountainous areas: in the Balkans and the Alps, found in the Caucasus.

This species can be easily grown at home. The species differs from others in the presence of a tall stem; in some specimens it can reach almost a meter in height. The petals are large, like the crown anemone, which makes them look similar. Contrary to popular belief, this species is not terry.

Proper care of anemones in the open ground

Anemone is a plant that is perfect for beginner gardeners, as it does not require complex care. Weak point of these plants are their powerful, but sensitive to external stimuli and the chemical environment of the roots, so attention should be focused primarily on the soil in which your plants are located. Anemones love moisture, but if it stagnates in the upper layers of the soil, the roots begin to rot, so watering should not be done more than once a day.

The plant should be fertilized comprehensively, once every two weeks. Never use fresh manure to fertilize anemones, as this can disturb the acidic environment of the soil. Remove weeds near your plants in a timely manner; anemones do not compete well with them for minerals.

Weeds must be removed very carefully, by hand. Be aware of the sensitive roots of anemones. In order for the plant to bloom normally, it is necessary to loosen the soil at least every week.

When winter comes, it is customary to cover anemones with a layer of branches so that the plant can survive the frost. But for some types of anemone this is not suitable. If you grow anemones from tubers, they can die from the cold, even if covered with branches. This is especially true in northern latitudes. In this case, the anemone tubers are dug up for the winter, cleaned and placed in a jar of peat until the beginning of spring.

When caring for anemones, many gardeners use mulch. Mulch is a loose material that regulates the level of moisture in the soil and protects it from the growth of weeds. Compost, tree bark and dry leaves can be used as mulch for anemones. Mulching allows you to reduce the frequency of loosening the soil, keeps the soil from drying out and protects the plant from frost in winter.

All methods of propagation of anemones

Anemones reproduce in two ways: vegetative and seed. In the first case, to propagate the plant, the gardener will only need a small part of it. Over time, a whole garden can grow from one flower. In the second case, you need to germinate the anemone seeds for a long time home soil, monitor the condition of the sprouts and only get results after a few years. Vegetative method recognized as the best for propagating anemones, it is recommended to use it for the first growing experience.

Anemone seeds reproduce rather poorly due to poor germination

The hardest thing about growing anemones from scratch is getting the seeds to germinate correctly. Anemone seeds have poor germination; even under ideal growing conditions, about 2/3 of the plants die. Anemones from seeds take 2-3 years to grow; if you are not ready to wait such a long time, it is better to think about growing plants from tubers. But if you decide, then keep in mind that for better germination should only be used just now collected seeds. Most patience will be needed to germinate them into seedlings, since the seeds need to be stratified from time to time, that is, treated with cold.

Stratification is carried out once every 3 months and lasts 1-2 months. The seeds are removed from the soil and placed on a damp sponge or cloth; in a pinch, a small towel may do. After this, the seeds are put into the refrigerator. After keeping them in this state for several days, you can plant the seeds in a small container with loose soil, and then put it in the refrigerator again, for a long time. By stratifying seeds, you artificially replicate the natural conditions of their growth. This is necessary so that the plant gets sick less in the future and acquires immunity. Stratification is not necessary if you are germinating anemone from seeds, but it is recommended.

Vegetative propagation of anemones

This method of reproduction is more popular than the previous one. Under vegetative propagation in biology they understand the division of roots and root region, division of tubers, budding.

Tubers must be planted at a depth of 5 centimeters

If the anemone has a tuberous root, then it can be propagated with its help. After the end of the flowering period, the anemone is dug out of the ground, its root is washed off and division begins. How older plant, the better, but young plants are also capable of giving you a good number of divisions(this is the name given to a cut piece of tuber that has buds). Hypothetically, a cutting needs 2-3 buds for normal growth, but if there are few of them, then cuttings with only one bud can be cut. Without buds, tubers cannot reproduce at all. Plant the tubers 4-6 cm into the ground.

Reproduction of anemones by rhizomes

The easiest way for beginners to reproduce anemones is by dividing the rhizomes. It is done at the end of winter or summer, when the metabolism in the plant is slowed down and thanks to this, the cut off rhizome will have a higher chance of survival. To separate the rhizome, you need to dig the plant out of the ground, clear the soil and remove all old parts of the root with a knife. Fresh rhizomes are perfect for propagation. After this, the cut rhizomes must be treated with an antifungal agent, for example, a fungicide. Planting occurs a few days after cutting off the rhizome from the mother plant. The leaves that have managed to sprout from the rhizome need to be shortened and only 2-3 cm above the ground should be left. Within a year of planting the anemone rhizomes, you will have several new mature plants.

Reproduction of anemones by renewal buds

Renewal buds grow on the roots of the anemone, from which adventitious roots grow into the soil, which will be needed for the propagation of the plant. The mother plant is carefully dug out of the soil, after which neat cuts are made on adventitious roots. After flowering, anemones have a lot of them.

The cut roots are in turn divided into several parts, after which they are placed in a pot with a loose substrate. They should be placed near the surface of the substrate to ensure normal air exchange for the plant. Watering is done very rarely, approximately once every 3-4 months and only after the roots have sprouted the first shoots. Planting takes place one year after digging up the mother plant.

How to properly plant anemones in open ground

When planting anemones, you need to pay attention to the soil.

It is not difficult to prepare a place for these flowers. Anemones are universal for any flower bed, both due to their large palette of colors and their livability. You should only pay attention to the soil in which you are going to plant anemones. This will make up most of the worries.

Choosing a place for a flower bed

Anemones have a large and branched root system; this should be taken into account when planting them. Plants nearby should not prevent the anemone from growing, taking away all the water and minerals from them. Anemones will look good next to flowering shrubs and small trees. The most known combination Gardeners consider barberry to be an anemone. A good solution would be to plant anemones separately; thanks to the large number of flower colors, you can turn your garden into an impressionistic canvas, giving the anemone roots a wide, uncompetitive space for growth.

Preparing the soil for growing crops

Anemones need loose loamy soil that will not retain moisture. You can mix it with sand or peat for better looseness, but in moderation. Anemones do not grow well in acidic soil; their pH should be between 4-8. To imitate forest litter, mulching is carried out.

Fertilizers and plant nutrition

Fresh manure is contraindicated for the plant. The rest of the fertilizers are excellent for it, I especially want to highlight compost, rotted manure and ash.

Watering an anemone

Watering is done as the soil dries. Do not water the plant too much, otherwise the roots will begin to rot. Check the soil moisture from time to time and loosen it.


Only young anemones are replanted. Old plants cannot tolerate the procedure. Replanting must be done carefully, in appropriate soil. The plant will need a long period to regain its previous strength and begin to grow, please be patient.

Anemone after flowering

With the onset of winter, anemones need to be protected from the cold: collect dry branches, fallen leaves, peat and lay these materials in a layer of several centimeters above the plant.

You can remove the plant from the ground, but only if it is only one or two years old. After removing the anemone tubers, they are cleaned of dead tops and placed in a peat substrate for storage.

Decoration with anemones

Anemones are very fragile flowers; once cut, they do not tolerate sharp fluctuations climate. They are especially sensitive to heat. They are actively used at weddings: for decorating tables, creating boutonnieres and tattoos for clothes. Popular are double flowers, painted in pastel colors. Anemones add sophistication to the interior, create a spring mood and do not look pretentious against a strict background.

Anemones belong to the ranunculaceae family. They inspire with beautiful and abundant flowering. Thanks to the variety of species, you have the opportunity to admire these flowers in spring, summer and autumn.

They are sometimes called anemones. These are plants that have unique decorative properties, with minimal requirements and care, they bring aesthetic pleasure from lush flowering.

In Greek, anemone means wind. The term comes from the gentle fluttering of the petals even in light winds.

There are more than 100 species of anemones, many of them very popular ornamental plants, which can certainly decorate any garden.

Anemones blooming in spring

In the spring from March to May, white oak anemones (Anemone Nemorosa) bloom in a dense carpet. yellow Buttercup anemones (Anemone ranunculoides) bloom in April. In many gardens, Greek tender anemones (Anemone Blanda) bloom in March and end their flowering at the end of April. Common anemone (Anemone pulsatilla) pleases with its color in May - June, crown anemone (Anemone coronaria) begins to bloom in April and ends at the end of June .

Oak and buttercup anemone

Spring is the time when you can enjoy many types of anemones in the garden. Oak anemone with long jointed rhizomes and single flowers, reaches 15 - 20 cm in height. Buttercup anemones also have long rhizomes and grow up to 10 cm in height.

Greek or tender anemone

Greek or delicate anemone(Anemone Blanda) blooming blue flowers and reaches 10 - 15 cm in height. The roots are nodules. Tender anemones are more susceptible to winter low temperatures and require shelter. If they grow under a canopy deciduous trees, then a layer of leaves protects them from changes in winter temperatures.

Common anemone

Common anemone (Anemone pulsatilla) more tall plant, growing up to 40 cm. Large flowers (more than 5 cm) can be an ideal addition to rock gardens. The plant prefers dry and sunny places.

Narcissus anemone

The lesser known narcissiflora anemone, (Anemone narcissiflora) with white flowers, also blooming in spring, has a height of more than 50 cm. This perennial, hardy plant prefers sunny place, sometimes with partial shade, slightly acidic soil.

Crown anemone

The most commonly grown crown anemones (Anemone coronaria). They bloom in white, cream, red, blue, pink, purple. Flowers of crown anemones are double and semi-double up to 8 cm in diameter. Plants reach 30-45 cm in height and are suitable for cut flowers. However, this is a warm climate plant, so it needs to be covered for the winter if your garden is in the middle zone of the CIS. In this case, the anemone blooms in May–June, then the leaves turn yellow and die, but by autumn it blooms again. If you dig up a crown anemone for the winter, it will bloom in the summer; the second time it will not have time to bloom before frost. Therefore, it is better to grow it in pots in northern gardens. This way you can control the temperature at which the anemone blooms and overwinters. Before planting, anemone nodules must be soaked in water. The plant needs large number moisture in order to show its full beauty. The soil for it must be fertile, loose and permeable.

Anemones blooming in summer

There are also many types of anemone that bloom in summer. This is the Canada anemone (Anemone canadensis) reaches 40 cm in height, very vigorous, so it requires a lot of space, begins to bloom with white flowers in June, can extend its flowering until July. Hubei anemone (Anemone hupehensis) blooms in August and decorates the garden with its flowering in October. Felt anemone (Anemona tomentisa) is tall, reaches 100 cm, with deeply dissected leaves, blooms from August to the end of September and hybrid anemones(Anemone Hybrida), sometimes called crown flowers, bloom in the fall.

Hubei anemone

Hubei anemones bloom large flowers in white and pink color. They reach 40 cm in height and quickly overgrow.

Anemone hybrid

Anemone Hybrida begins to bloom in late summer and lasts until October. This is a tall bush, up to 120 cm in height, which is planted in a place protected from the wind, often covered for the winter if the winter is severe enough.

Blooming anemones in autumn

Autumn gardens are dominated by hybrid anemones (Anemone x Hybrida), Japanese garden anemones (Anemone hupehensis) and tomentose anemones (Anemone tomentosa). All these anemones bloom in August and bloom until the end of October.

Felt anemone

If you want to create a smooth sway of colors on your site from the slightest gust of wind, plant Anemone, a perennial herbaceous plant with charming cups of flowers. IN wildlife can be found on open areas temperate climate.

Gardeners fell in love with the flower unusual flowers and ease of movement when the wind blows. People called her the anemone. Bright colors and low-maintenance plants make it possible to revitalize the garden and give it dynamics.

How to plant anemone seedlings: preparing soil and material

Anemone crown fit for seedlings at home

A site analysis should identify a suitable location for the plant. It should be spacious, slightly shaded or shady, without drafts. Despite the fact that it is an anemone, it does not like constant airflow.

The soil is loose, loamy with a neutral alkaline balance.

  • To do this, add sand, wood ash, mulch from dry leaves and humus to the soil.
  • The root system does not tolerate dense compounds. Therefore, during the summer you need to loosen the soil several times and add mulching sawdust, pebbles, and sand. Branched roots require a large supply of oxygen.
  • Sometimes weeding is enough to ensure an influx fresh air to the roots. Use the loosening tool with care so as not to damage the fragile roots.

Anemone reproduces using tubers, rhizomes and seeds. The most common method is tuberous in spring and rhizomes in summer. Seed is rarely used, as it requires special care, and seed germination is about 25%. Despite the difficulties of seed growing, gardeners sometimes use it to grow healthy, strong bushes.

Anemone flowers planting and care at home

Seed method.

  • To increase seed germination, the stratification method is used, in other words, they are left in the cold.
  • In snowy winters this can be done naturally. In the fall, leave the seeds in boxes, covered with dry leaves and snow, and in the spring let the seeds germinate. Will enhance industrial growth activator for universal use. Soak according to instructions and leave for a day before autumn planting.

Plant the grown and strengthened sprouts in a permanent place, providing favorable conditions: warmth, dim light, sufficient moisture. “Adult” flower stalks become mature in the third season, so you need to be patient. The riot of colors and the trembling of the petals are worth it.

Tuberous varieties need to be “awakened” from hibernation by removing them from their place of winter storage

  • To speed up growth and get lush flowering, you need to germinate the tubers.
  • To do this, you can put it in water for several days.
  • When the sprouts appear, plant them in pots with nutritious soil. This is how they germinate until the snow cover retreats.
  • Then they are planted in flower beds.
  • In a month there will be a luxurious bouquet of delicate spring flowers.

Educational video on how to germinate anemone tubers:

Advice. To speed up germination, you can wrap the tubers in damp soft cloth, moistened with epin solution, place in a plastic bag for 6 hours. An airless, warm space quickly brings them out of suspended animation, and they can be immediately planted in a flowerbed.

How to plant anemone flowers

Tubers can cause difficulty, especially if you have no previous experience with tuberous plants. After swelling, the tubers will have tubercles-buds; these are the ones that should sprout from the ground. If in doubt, you can use the shape of the tuber as a guide: the top is flat, the bottom is sharp. You need to plant it with the tip down and the flat part up. If sprouts appear (white, green or reddish dots, loops or threads), then the process is simplified. They need to be placed up (they are not roots).

The tuber hole is about 30-40 cm and 15 cm deep

A large hole is needed to make the root system comfortable, so that oxygen from the air can freely flow to the roots. So the flowers will be larger, and the foliage will be brighter, more abundant and richer. Spill every hole warm water, sprinkle with humus, mulch, and ash if required. This will prepare the nutrient medium.

The readiness of seedlings for planting is determined by the number of true leaves. There should be at least 4 of them. The stem is stable, about 15 cm high, possibly less. It is better to choose a shady, windless place for sprouts. Still weakened, she needs constant monitoring and care. They will give their first flowers only after 3 years.

Advice. If you are going to plant seedlings in the autumn, then the planting should be covered from frost with coniferous spruce branches or dry leaves.

Agricultural technology anemones Caring for plants in open ground

The process of growing anemones is standard and familiar to any flower garden lover. Do not leave seedlings without water, ensure constantly moist soil, especially during the period of bud formation. Well-mulched soil does not allow water to stagnate, which is good for the root system. There is no rot, dangerous pests - slugs, moisture-loving weeds do not grow.

In spring, the soil is sufficiently moistened naturally.

  • therefore, watering once a week is sufficient for active growth and flowering.
  • In summer, water only in dry weather.
  • For middle zone It is enough to water in the morning or evening before the period of strong sun activity.
  • The water can be cold, but warm is better so as not to damage the roots. Rainwater works great.

Weeding ensures a flow of oxygen to the roots, leaving nutrients. It is better to fight weeds in damp, cool weather, when the soil easily gives up weed roots. This way there will be no harm to the flower. If the flowerbed is attacked by weeds with long roots, then you should dig up the entire area, transplanting the anemone flowers to a new temporary place.


Do not use chemicals for weed control. The root system is branched, small, fragile and weak; chemical burns can result.

Anemone needs feeding throughout the entire growing season: during planting, growth and flowering, and for winter “hibernation”. They are especially demanding on the nutrient medium during flowering. Liquid fertilizers are excellent. You can choose universal products from the garden industry assortment or prepare them yourself.

Flowers cannot withstand the action of fresh manure, so you should avoid using unrotted organic matter.

Pest Control consists of spraying with special solutions and destruction. A solution of metaldehyde helps against slugs and snails, and soap solution will help against aphids. If a nematode is noticed in the soil, it will not be possible to get rid of it without consequences. Affected plants are destroyed and the soil must be replaced.

It can be done not only by tubers and seeds, but also by dividing the rhizome. To do this, the bush must be divided so that there is at least one bud 5-7 cm long. The shoots with rhizomes are planted in a new place, following the same procedures as when planting tubers.

Caring for anemone after flowering

Anemones photo flowers

In harsh conditions cold winter tubers can freeze, so it is recommended to dig them up for storage in a cool basement or vegetable pit. Before digging, cut off all the tops, leave the tubers to dry for a day in a ventilated area, for example, a veranda or attic. To prevent the tubers from drying out and losing their shape, they are placed in a box with peat, sawdust or sand.

Summer species with rhizomes are not dug up, but covered with spruce branches or covering material. Then they are covered with snow. Tall bushes are cut to the ground to avoid freezing.

Decorate the garden, take care of it, and it will thank you with bright colors.

Features of anemone care

The varietal variety includes about 160 items, and all have their own growing characteristics. Some love warmth and bloom only in summer; others need nutritional supplements for abundant flowering. And some are unpretentious to the soil and can please the eye without any care.

There are 2 types of anemone...

with tubers and rhizomes. Depending on the type of plant, a set of care measures is used. Before choosing a type, you need to familiarize yourself with the preferences of each type. This way the flower will bring the expected splendor of flowering.

For anemone bushes with rhizomes, the growing conditions can be any. They are easy to care for and do not require frequent watering, but in drought everyone needs nutritious moisture. Endurely tolerated winter frosts in the ground, if well covered with dry leaves and snow.

Tuberous varieties of anemone require their own growing characteristics, failure to comply with which can have a detrimental effect on the plant. It will not bloom and may freeze. They do not tolerate winter cold; the tubers are stored in a cool, dry place, such as a basement or vegetable pit.

For anemone you need:

  • Mandatory feeding for lush flower stalks: mineral fertilizers in autumn, organic during planting and flowering;
  • watering in dry weather, otherwise buds will not be able to form and the leaves will begin to fall off;
  • It is better to propagate in mid-spring, when sprouts begin to appear and reach 5-7 cm.

Don't forget about pest control. If there are a lot of fruit bushes, then the appearance of ants and aphids is possible. They are destructive to flowers because they take nutrient medium, interfere with normal growth.

Species diversity of anemone flowers

There are so many wild and cultivated anemones that gardeners have lost count. Some have chosen certain varieties for themselves, but do not take on others. After all different variety and the look requires its own care, which is not always convenient.
According to flowering time, they are distinguished:

  • spring ones with a short life cycle (bloom in May, and go dormant in June until the next flowering);
  • summer (also called autumn) flowers begin to bloom at the end of summer and before the first autumn frosts, when the temperature drops below -1-5°C

Spring types of anemone

Anemone tender. Only 5-10 cm high, a herbaceous plant with a tuberous, slowly growing rhizome. In its varietal arsenal there are delicate pastel color and terry. In the spring flower bed you can often find blue, beige, snow-white, cream, lilac, and pink delicate anemone.

Oak anemone. It reaches a height of 20-30 cm. It combines well with other plants, forming a tree with annuals in the same flowerbed. The rhizome is fragile, articulated, and grows well. Therefore, it is better to protect the growth area with solid plates. Flowers are distinguished by their unpretentiousness. Despite their unprepossessing appearance, they bring a lot of joy to the spring garden.

Anemone buttercup. Small in height - 20-25 cm small flowers up to 2 cm in diameter. In the wild, more often white. The roots are branched, with numerous shoots. In cultivated varieties you can find lilac, blue and pink specimens. Main feature– can grow in any soil in any place. This is why landscape designers fell in love with it.

Summer, autumn types of anemone

Japanese anemone. An elegant bush with several. No more than half a meter in height, if you follow the right proportions fertilizing and watering. Otherwise, the anemone will not reach its varietal height. Varieties popular among gardeners are: “Prince Henry”, bright pink, and burgundy “Pamina”.

Anemone hybrid. Tall plant with a strong root system. It tolerates frosty winters well if the roots are well covered and the green part is cut off. Popular varieties: Honorene Jobert with simple white or pinkish flowers, Profusion with a bright rich dark burgundy color, Queen Charlotte with matchless bright pink semi-double flowers.

Crown anemone. It surprises with its ability to bloom twice during the warm period: at the beginning and end of summer until mid-autumn. Its stem is durable and resistant to strong gusts of wind. The crown anemone variety reaches one and a half meters in height. favorable conditions. The flowers have a rich color: red “Don Juan”, blue “Lord Jim”, “Mr. Fokin”. The bush collects up to several dozen flowers with different shades. It all depends on the location: on the north side the colors are richer and brighter, and where there is bright sun there are light shades.
To create harmoniously blooming flower bed It is better to use several varieties and types of anemones. Then you can create a composition that will bloom from until late autumn.