Grow peppers on a windowsill in winter. Features of growing pepper. How to grow hot peppers on a windowsill: necessary care

Add some spice to your life... literally! There is no need to run to the vegetable store: let's find out how to get pepper fruits at home.

What type of pepper can be grown in a pot on a windowsill?

Pepper cultivation on the windowsill can be carried out in order to obtain fruits and for decorative effect. Both tasks can be combined, since its fruits look very aesthetically pleasing in the interior due to their interesting shape and bright color.

The species division includes two subgroups:

  1. Piper- aka peppercorns. The plant has racemose inflorescences similar to a bunch of grapes. The fruit is a drupe. Each cluster produces up to 50 berries with pericarp;
  2. Capsicumvegetable crops, which have a fleshy, juicy fruit and a variety of colors (green, red, yellow, purple, etc.).

What pepper crops can be grown in a pot at home?

Popular varieties of hot chili peppers:

  • Chipotle;
  • Piri-piri;
  • Jalapeño.

Sweet peppers are the most delicious varieties:

  • Pimento;
  • Padron;
  • Apricot favorite;
  • California miracle.

How to grow hot red peppers at home?

Growing hot peppers in room conditions is not only a cultivation, but also a decorative process. For planting, a special variety of vegetable is used, called " Little miracle" The “wonderful” pepper comes from Holland, but it has been bred in our country for a long time. Gardeners love this variety for its abundant fruiting and original decorative appearance. The fruits of the “Little Miracle” are quite miniature, but on its taste qualities This doesn't affect it at all.

Tiny red peppers are hot and piquant; they can be rolled into jars, pickled, or added to salads, soups, and stir-fries. The bush itself looks unusually picturesque and attracts the eye. The plant is very compact in size, so it is grown even on small kitchen in cramped conditions.

The grown bush is covered with thick-walled fruits small size with a blunt cone shape. Their length is only 3 cm and their weight is five grams. From just one bush you can collect over 50 fruits. At different stages of ripening, peppercorns change color, the colors of which have many variations: green, beige, yellowish, orange, red and purple. The “Little Miracle” variety lives up to 5 years in greenhouse conditions. When growing at home, you can achieve almost the same results if you care for the plant with the utmost care.

There is a way to speed up the ripening period by the end of spring. To do this, various manipulations with lighting and thermal conditions are carried out. A vegetable planted in autumn is deliberately not placed in the most favorable conditions so that it does not waste energy on flowering and growth on cold days. As daylight hours increase, the pot is placed in a bright window: for this, the most adventurous gardeners “watch out” for sunny weather, moving the pot closer to warmth and light whenever possible. This method can speed up the appearance of ovaries, which grow into pods by May.

Planting seeds

Seeds of hot mini peppers are sown in February. A container with a volume of at least two liters, which is first doused with boiling water for disinfection, is suitable as a pot. A drainage layer consisting of expanded clay or crushed stone is poured onto the bottom of the pot. charcoal. The composition of the soil laid over the drainage should include rotted leaves, leaf soil and river sand. The proportions of the mixture are 5:3:2. A little trick: before planting, pour boiling water over the soil and let it cool for 15 to 20 minutes.

Holes are filled in the cooled soil layer; their diameter is 1 - 1.5 centimeters. Seeds, previously soaked and swollen in water, are planted in a hole, two to three grains per hole. A thin layer of film, food grade or polyethylene, is stretched over the top of the pot or container. If at the potty rectangular shape, instead of film you can use glass or plastic cover, however, each gardener himself determines what is more convenient for him to work with. The finished container with seedlings is removed to a warm place. The light source must be present, but not burn the soil.

After just five or seven days, the first shoots begin to break through the soil. The time has come to move the seedlings to the kitchen window sill or balcony, where they will receive enough sunlight, heat and fresh air. When leaves appear on the plants, you can pick and plant the strongest specimens in separate pots. Weak leaves are not needed; they should be removed so that they do not interfere with the development of the root system, taking resources from it.

In the near future, the planted bush will grow to 18 - 20 centimeters in height. During this period, the top of his head is pinched. The pinched specimen will be branched and lush, which also contributes better fruiting. Watering is carried out with warm (not hot) water as needed, approximately once every two days.


Conditions for keeping miniature hot peppers determined based on basic rules agricultural technology:

  1. The “Little Miracle” variety requires a lighting regime of at least 18 hours every day. If natural light not enough, additionally purchased for seedlings ultraviolet lamp. A bush that lacks light loses its ovaries and stretches upward;
  2. Window pepper does not tolerate constant drafts, temperature changes and temperature increases above 25° C;
  3. The bush can be sprayed with warm, settled water (see above for soil moisture regime) 1 – 2 times a week;
  4. If ovaries have formed on the plant, the volume of watering needs to be increased;
  5. Before the ovaries appear, the shoots are fed with mineral or organic fertilizers every two to three weeks;
  6. Plants planted in February should bloom in June. Gardeners recommend shaking the bush occasionally during this period to stimulate pollination;
  7. Small hot peppers growing in a pot are transplanted into a container every year. larger size. Transplantation is carried out using the transshipment method: the bush with the root system is pulled out of the old pot, shaken off, placed in a new container and soil is added.

At proper care the bush will quickly begin to bear fruit and will live for at least two to three seasons. The maximum lifespan under window sill conditions is about five years. To prevent the plant from developing fungal diseases and pests, spray it with difocol or malathion for preventive purposes. If traces of gray rot, aphids or spider mites appear on the leaves, the pepper, unfortunately, will have to be destroyed.

When will the pepper harvest be?

Pepper of the “Little Miracle” variety is considered ready to eat when it acquires a yellowish color. Plants planted in February bear fruit in early July and continue to produce until early November. Fully ripe peppercorns have a red or orange hue. Ripening of the vegetable, if necessary, is carried out at a temperature of 20° C. You can give the pepper an even more pronounced burning taste by drying it, stringing the stalks onto a harsh branch.

What is different about growing sweet peppers at home?

Chili peppers aren't for everyone, and it's not just about growing conditions and opportunities. The Capsicum annuum variety is considered the most pungent spice, not suitable for use if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, you can try cultivating bell peppers on the windowsill.

Suitable varieties

  • Sturdy;
  • Sweet-chocolit;
  • Triton;
  • Western;
  • Carat;
  • Yova;
  • Red bell.

Bell peppers are not only tasty, but also healthy. It contains one of highest concentrations vitamin C, so doctors consider it an excellent product with dietary properties, as well as a beneficial effect on the immune system.

What is sweet pepper famous for?

  • The free radicals contained in its fruit are essential for maintaining cellular metabolism in the body;
  • Heat treatment has little effect on beneficial properties pepper;
  • Eating pepper lowers blood cholesterol levels and prevents ischemia;
  • This pepper contains lycopene, a carotenoid pigment and antioxidant, characterized by antitumor and immunostimulating effects.

Planting seeds

The agricultural technique for growing sweet peppers at home is not much different from the greenhouse technique or the method of cultivating hot peppers. The process of sowing seeds and picking is carried out in a similar way.

When the pepper seedlings have about six leaves, they need to be carefully transplanted into pots filled with fertile soil. Take a pot with a volume of at least 1.5 liters, its bottom is covered with gravel, expanded clay or small crushed stone.

For the growth of bell pepper, the moisture regime of the soil coma and air humidity are important.

Drying out and overflowing should not be allowed. The soil is irrigated warm water, which stood for several days. Tap water will destroy the shoots.

Sprout care

Fertilizing is done every two weeks with fertilizer based on microelements. Once every 30 days, pepper is watered with an extract of wood ash, prepared in a proportion of 20 grams per liter of water. To stimulate the ovary, you can “help” the plant: to do this, walk over the flower with a cotton swab, transferring pollen from one inflorescence to another.

During the cold season, you want to create a special coziness in your home, and edible and ornamental plants, grown on a windowsill at home. Potted pepper is no exception; it not only adds originality to the interior, but also gives lovers of spicy food the opportunity to spice up their dishes.

Features of growing hot peppers in an apartment on the windowsill

Growing peppers on a windowsill is quite a fun activity. As for the purpose of such an unusual landing, he o can be a big plus forinterior decoration of the room, villageKolka plant, densely strewn with bright ripe fruits, looks very decorative.

And, of course, it will not be superfluous when eaten.

Advice! You can use hot pepper for salting, pickling and canning, as well as as a spicy addition to first (soups) and second courses (especially meat).

To successfully grow peppers on a windowsill, you need to create optimal conditions for its growth and development, because this culture is quite capricious. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself in advance with the characteristics and preferences of the plant, as well as the rules for planting and further care.

By the way! With proper care and regular feeding indoor pepper is able to fully grow and produce a stable harvest for 5-10 years, because This perennial.

To grow hot peppers at home, you need to consider the following factors:

  • seeds suitable variety from a trusted manufacturer or freshly cut cuttings;
  • choosing the optimal place for plant growth, its lighting, the need for additional lighting;
  • selection of planting containers and suitable substrate;
  • features of watering and fertilizing;
  • knowledge of pepper diseases and pests.

Important! By following all the rules of care, you can get 10-20 or more fruits from one plant at the same time.

Choosing a bitter variety for planting in an apartment

The following varieties decorative pepper ideal for growing on a windowsill in an apartment:

  1. Ogonyok. This variety has long been popular due to its compact bush, which reaches a height of 40 cm. It was developed by crossing chili and cayenne pepper. Forms fruits up to 5 cm, which at the base have a diameter of 1-1.2 cm. As they grow, they change their color: green, yellow, red. The fruits ripen within 120 days.
  2. Aladdin. Ultra early compact variety, the height of the bush reaches 35-40 cm at home. Forms cone-shaped multi-colored fruits, the length of which does not exceed 3 cm. During the growth process, the shade of the fruit changes: green, purple, red. Fruit ripening occurs within 105 days.
  3. Garda Firewall. One of the new indoor varieties. Forms compact bushes 30 cm high. The length of the pods is 5 cm. A peculiarity of pepper is that the fruits stick out with their tips up. As they ripen, they change color, so the plant can simultaneously have green, lilac, orange and red fruits. The pods ripen within 115 days.
  4. Explosion Amber. The unusualness of the variety is that the foliage of the plant has a dark purple color. Forms cone-shaped small fruits 2.5 cm long. As they grow, the shade of the fruit changes: purple, pink, scarlet. The bush forms compact, 30 cm high. The variety is considered early ripening, fruit ripening occurs after 115 days.

Also suitable for growing at home are such varieties of hot pepper as Black Prince, Five-Colored, Medusa, Ornament, Orange Round, Phoenix, Fakir, Falcon's Beak, Queen of Spades, Salute.

Depending on individual preferences, you can select one or several varieties at the same time.

As a rule, the most popular varieties peppers for growing on a windowsill Ogonyok and Chili.

Important! You cannot use seeds from a pod purchased in a store to grow pepper on a windowsill, since it is an industrial variety and requires completely different conditions.

Video: decorative indoor hot pepper - review different varieties

Features of planting hot pepper at home - step-by-step instructions

To grow Ogonyok pepper on a windowsill, you need to prepare for the procedure by studying the preferences and features of growing this crop indoors. Only by following all stages of planting can you ultimately achieve the desired result.

Sowing dates: when to sow seeds

It is worth understanding that hot peppers grow for a very long time, like any pepper, for example,

In the case of growing indoor hot peppers, you can start sowing them at any time, that is all year round. Let’s say if you sow in winter, in December-January, you can get the harvest in summer – in June-July.

Choosing a suitable location and creating optimal growing conditions

Hot peppers are very demanding of light and heat, so for its full growth and development it is necessary to choose southern or southeastern (or western) window sill. During the period of active sun in spring, the plant needs light shading. In summer, the plant should be placed on a balcony or loggia, but it is recommended to avoid drafts.

Important! Pepper does not tolerate cold drafts, so when ventilating the room it is best to keep it away from an open window. You should also seal (seal) any holes if you have old window frames.

For full growth and development, the plant needs 12-16 - hourly duration of daylight hours. During the period of short days from early October to March, bitter pepper especially needs in additional lighting with phytolamps or full-spectrum LED lamps in the morning and evening, as well as on cloudy days.

Important! Lack of light is manifested by a light shade of foliage, which can ultimately lead to leaf fall. In this case, the duration of artificial additional illumination must be increased.

For normal plant growth in winter time air temperature should not fall below +18 degrees, and starting in spring the optimal temperature is +20-24 degrees.

Don't forget! In summer, pots of indoor peppers can, and even should, be taken outside.

Planting container

Hot pepper forms a relatively compact root system, which is located closer to the ground surface. It is recommended to select pots for growing indoor peppers volume of at least 3 liters, and preferably 4-5 liters.

Important! Peppers are grown, as a rule, with picking, so for the initial sowing, very shallow, wide (rectangular) containers (4-5 centimeters in height) are first prepared. From these, the grown plants are subsequently transplanted into larger individual containers, and then to a permanent place (in large pots).

A prerequisite is presence of drainage holes in the bottom of the pot, which helps remove excess moisture. Before planting, it is necessary to pour a 2-3 cm layer of drainage onto the bottom, which will prevent water from stagnating in the pot.

Suitable substrate

For sowing hot pepper seeds, you can purchase seedling substrate in a specialized store. But you can prepare a nutrient mixture for planting yourself. To do this you will need the following components:

  • 2 parts peat;
  • 1 part river sand, perlite or vermiculite.

Immediately before planting hot pepper seeds, it is necessary to disinfect the soil by sprinkling it with a biofungicide or potassium permanganate, which will prevent the development of fungal diseases. You can also disinfect the soil in advance by heating it in the oven.

Pre-sowing seed preparation

Pepper seeds before planting are recommended germinate in a humid environment. To do this, you need to spread the seeds in damp gauze (or use cotton pads) and carefully wrap the fabric. And then put them in some container and close the lid so that the moisture is retained longer.

For germination, place in a dark and warm place (+25-27 degrees) for several days(1-2 days will be enough), periodically opening, moistening and examining for the presence of sprouts. As soon as most of the seeds hatch, they will need to be planted in the prepared soil.

Important! Seeds should not be allowed to dry out during germination, otherwise they will die.

Although, in principle, you can sow dry seeds.

Growing hot peppers from cuttings indoors

In some cases, to preserve all species properties It is recommended to carry out cuttings of pepper. Cuttings must be cut from green young shoots without fruits, 7-8 cm long. Each of them should preferably have at least a leaf, but not necessarily.

Before planting in the ground, they must be pre-soaked in a zircon solution (3 drops per 100 ml of water) for 12-24 hours or the lower cut must be powdered with root powder.

For more information on growing indoor hot peppers from cuttings, see the video below.

Video: growing hot peppers on a windowsill from cuttings - pruning and propagation

Step-by-step instructions for sowing seeds and planting (rooting) cuttings

To grow peppers on a windowsill, you must initially plant them correctly. Only if you comply with all necessary conditions procedures can achieve the desired result in the end.

Step by step instructions sowing pepper seeds at home:

  • Prepare the seeds.
  • Fill the containers (pots) with the required substrate and level the surface.
  • Moisten the soil generously with water and allow it to be completely absorbed.
  • Make small grooves (rows) up to 1 centimeter deep.
  • Place the seeds at a distance of 0.5-1 cm from each other.
  • Sprinkle with soil.
  • Moisten the top layer with a spray bottle.
  • Cover containers with glass or film to preserve high humidity air inside the planting container (to create greenhouse conditions).
  • Place the containers in a dark and warm place (22-26 degrees) until shoots appear.

Video: how to grow indoor hot peppers - proper sowing and further care

Features of further care of hot peppers in the apartment

After the pepper sprouts appear, it is recommended to move the container with the seeds to the windowsill and lower the temperature to +20-22 degrees. The glass or film should be removed completely and be sure to begin illuminating it up to 12-16 hours of daylight with the help of lamps.

To exclude warm air from heating devices, pepper sprouts should be covered with a layer of foam or a blanket.

Pepper cuttings take root within 2-3 weeks.


When 2-3 true sheets appear it is necessary to plant (pick) the peppers in separate containers.

The first planting should be done in pots (it’s best to take cups) with a diameter of no more than 5 cm and a height of up to 10 cm.


  • Before diving, water the container with the seedlings so that you can transfer the seedlings with a clod of earth.
  • The new soil should be even more airy and fertile, so prepare a substrate based on peat, humus and river sand (perlite), taking the components in approximately equal parts.
  • After picking, water the transplanted seedlings with water (preferably with the addition of root for better rooting).

In the future Young seedlings need to be replanted as they grow. As soon as the roots begin to crowd into the pot, it is recommended to replant the plant, increasing the diameter of the pot. A container for an adult plant should be about 10-15 cm high and about 20-30 cm in diameter.

Video: how to plant indoor peppers


Hot peppers are very demanding on soil moisture and does not tolerate watering with cold water. It is necessary to water the plant moderately, with water room temperature, as the top layer in the pot dries, but giving the opportunity to absorb moisture from the pan. If there is still water in the pan 30 minutes after watering, it should be completely poured out.

Important! The higher the air temperature, the more often the soil should be moistened.

In conditions of low air humidity worth pursuing additional spraying foliage using a spray bottle.

Top dressing

For the full growth of hot peppers on the windowsill, you need carry out regular feeding. During the period of active growing season (gain of green mass), preference should be given to mineral fertilizers with a high nitrogen content or organic fertilizers. And when forming buds and fruits, it is worth using fertilizers with a large amount of potassium. It's even better if you use complex mineral supplements, which also contain phosphorus. The plant needs to be fed once every 7-14 days.

Shaping (stepping) and pinching

As a rule, indoor hot peppers grown on a windowsill are not planted.

To make the bush branch better, you can pinch its top.

Main diseases and pests

Peppers, including indoor ones, are susceptible to fungal diseases and various pests. Therefore, you should know in advance what problems may arise and how to deal with them.

  • Aphid. This pest loves to feast on young shoots of pepper, so it is on them that a large accumulation of pests forms. To combat them, it is necessary to treat the plant with the biological preparation Fitoverm or bitoxybacillin.

By the way! A folk remedy for combating aphids is ammonia. You need to prepare a solution (dissolve 5-10 ml of ammonia in 1 liter of water) and simply pour it under the root.

  • Spider mite. It is characterized by stunting of plant growth and curling of young leaves, on which a small cobweb later appears. To combat the pest, it is necessary to spray with Actellik, although at home it is still better to use biological products (Fitoverm, bitoxibacillin).

Advice! One more the folk way pest control is tobacco. You just need to sprinkle the tobacco from the cigarette on top of the soil in the pot.

  • Blackleg. It affects pepper seedlings during the initial period of germination. The stem at the base of the seedlings becomes thin and turns black. Appears as a result of overwatering a plant, which leads to its death. It will no longer be possible to save the plant. To prevent the disease, it is recommended to water the soil and spray the sprouts with previkur fungicide.

Important! After treatment with the preparations, it is necessary to adhere to the waiting period indicated on the packaging of each product; it is not allowed to use pepper for cooking during this period.

Video: how to get rid of aphids on indoor hot peppers

Timing of emergence and first harvest of homemade hot pepper

Hot pepper seeds take a long time to germinate, which is why this feature must be taken into account when planting. Shoots appear within 14-21 days if all recommendations for sowing are followed.

The first harvest of pepper on the windowsill ripens 105-150 days from the moment the first sprouts appear, depending on the selected variety.

As soon as the pepper turns red (ripe), you should promptly remove the fruits. from the bush along with the stalk. Then at the same place after some time will appear flower, in other words, the plant will continue to bear fruit - set new fruits.

What to do with indoor hot peppers after harvesting in the fall, when the leaves begin to fall

Since indoor hot pepper is a perennial plant, when its leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off, and as a rule, this happens in late autumn and early winter (November-December), you will need to trim the pepper, leaving only 8-10 centimeters .

Interesting! New shoots will begin to develop from dormant axillary buds and branches that are in the dormant stage. The cycle will repeat, by March the plant will bloom, and in May you will receive the first fruits.

If you follow all the recommendations, growing hot peppers on a windowsill will not be particularly difficult. But it is necessary to understand that further care care for the plant must meet all its needs, since the pepper will grow and bear fruit only taking into account all the required conditions.

Video: detailed instructions(master class) on growing extra hot peppers on a windowsill in 2 parts

To grow sweet peppers in a pot, on the windowsill in an apartment you need to have a high-quality earthen substrate, a sunny window sill (the presence of sun for at least 3-4 hours a day), self-pollinating seeds and a fluorescent lamp (phytolamp) for additional illumination in the winter.

First harvest in sweet peppers it appears 5-6 months after germination.

During flowering, the bush needs to be shaken a little ( once a day) for better pollination (this applies to all hybrid crops).

growing peppers on the windowsill

Sweet peppers are not planted on the windowsill. The bush will be thick and lush due to the side shoots.

development of side shoots

adult piece of pepper on the windowsill with developed side shoots

It is better to harvest as the fruits ripen (do not leave ripe fruits on the bush), so as not to draw excess juices from the plant and deplete the bush as a whole.

pepper harvest on the windowsill

Pepper fruits are large, they take a long time to ripen, and at the same time they take a lot of energy from the bush. Therefore, it is recommended to leave no more than 5-6 fruits on the bush for ripening at a time, and remove excess ovaries.

In order for the sweet pepper bush to last as long as possible, it must be fed. Crops that bear fruit very quickly deplete the soil. Without feeding, the bush becomes depleted, quickly ages and disappears. Therefore, once every 2-3 weeks, sweet pepper bushes in pots on the windowsill need to be fed (a teaspoon of Agrolife in the top layer of soil, or watered with Rostom - 1 cap per 2 liters of water).

Pepper is a perennial plant. Therefore, if you periodically (every 2 months) add fresh vermicompost (if the pot allows), or transplant it into larger pots (once a year), then the sweet pepper bush will produce a harvest for several years. In this case, every year, in the spring, a small pruning of the branches is done in order to rejuvenate the bush.

sweet pepper on the windowsill

Seed selection. Sweet pepper seeds for growing on a windowsill must be self-pollinating hybrids. Among self-pollinating hybrids, preference is given to early-ripening varieties.

A high-quality substrate is prepared from coconut fiber and vermicompost. To do this, mix 1 part vermicompost with 2 parts coconut fiber.


coco fiber

coco fiber (left) and vermicompost (right)

As containers for growing sweet peppers On the windowsill, take ordinary flower pots of three or four liters.

You can plant sweet peppers immediately in large (permanent) containers, or you can plant them through picking - first in small 100-gram cups, and then transplant them into large pots.

peat tablets and cups, plastic cups for planting pepper seeds

The second method is more troublesome, but it makes it possible to select and plant the most powerful and strong pepper seedlings from the grown pepper seedlings in large pots.

sweet pepper seedlings in small containers (for picking)

seedlings planted immediately in large containers (without picking)

It is good to prepare the seeds for planting. They are dipped in a warm solution of potassium permanganate (not pink or dark red) for 2-3 hours. Then they are taken out (if there is a sufficient number of seeds, then only those seeds that have sunk to the bottom during this time are removed, and those that float up are thrown away, since the germination rate of such seeds is very low), on cotton pad(or a piece of cotton fabric), let it drain.

preparing seeds for planting

Plant sweet pepper seeds in small cups with a volume of 100 ml (when planting with a pick). The cups are filled with an earthen mixture, lightly tamped down, without adding 2 cm to the edges. The seeds are laid out on top and covered with substrate, pressing down so that the height of the earthen layer above the seeds is 1-1.5 cm, and watered.

Cover the planted seeds with film until germination

Place 4-5 seeds in each glass.

1-2 weeks after germination, the seedlings are thinned out, leaving 2 of the most powerful and beautiful ones in each glass. After another week, a second thinning is carried out, leaving one of the strongest.

When planting immediately in large pots (with a capacity of 3-4 liters), without picking, pour the earth mixture, lightly tamping it down, adding 4-5 cm to the edges. Seeds are also laid out (4-5 pieces each) and sprinkled with a 1-1/2-inch layer of soil. 1.5 cm. The remaining depth is added after about a month. This procedure will replace picking. Seedlings also break through in several stages, until out of 4-5 pieces only one remains - the most powerful one.

seedlings ready for picking

Approximately 3-4 weeks after germination, small seedlings are transplanted (picked) into large pots. Take a seedling in a glass, turn it upside down (the top of the glass will be on your palm, and pass the seedling itself between your fingers), carefully pull the glass up.

we dive the seedlings

A seedling of sweet pepper with a cup-shaped lump of soil is carefully inserted into a prepared large pot with pre-filled soil mixture and the soil mixture is added to the remaining empty space along the perimeter big pot. Sprinkle the seedling with soil up to the cotyledon leaves.

When planting seeds directly into large pots, the picking procedure is replaced by adding earthen substrate into the pot to a height of 2-3 cm.

add soil to a pot of pepper planted without picking

Picked sweet pepper seedlings are watered abundantly already in large pots. Sweet peppers are watered in different ways throughout the year. In the first month of life, seedlings should be watered regularly, but moderately. At this stage, it is important not to overwater the seedlings, as there will be a threat of various diseases (such as blackleg).

pepper on the windowsill

In winter, you won’t have to water the peppers often, since there is little sun and heat. In winter, they adhere to the rule “it is better not to top up than to overfill.”

pepper blossom on the windowsill

From the end of March, moisture consumption will increase, the sun and warmth will do their job. In the summer, especially if by this time the bushes have started to bear fruit, it is important not to let the soil in the pots dry out. Since the ovary and fruits on the bushes sharply increase moisture consumption, in the hot summer they adhere to the rule “it is better to overfill than not to overfill.” Lack of moisture will cause the ovary to shed.

pepper on the windowsill

For sweet peppers, it is important that the water for irrigation is always warm (temperature about 30°C). This promotes very rapid development, flowering and fruiting. On warm and sunny days, the bushes are systematically sprayed with ordinary water; it is better to do this every evening.

support for sweet pepper bush

Support for an adult sweet pepper bush is not as necessary as for a tomato, but it is desirable, since ripe fruits can pull and bend the bush in different directions. The support must be stable and strong.

adult sweet pepper bush on the windowsill

Seedlings and adult sweet pepper bushes on the windowsill must be rotated 180 degrees around their axis once a day. Plants that receive light only from a window tend to bend toward the light. Therefore, they need to be rotated so that the plants are not crooked, asymmetrical and ugly.

Propagation of peppers by cuttings

Pepper propagates well by cuttings (every second cutting usually takes root).

pepper propagation by cuttings

In a year or two, when the sweet pepper bush on the windowsill has become old, ugly and bulky, this procedure will make it possible to easily update your bush.

rooted cuttings

Cut off 2-3 branches (to ensure the rooting of 1-2 cuttings), place them in water and after 3-4 weeks, young seedlings with a normally developed root system are transplanted into new pot with fresh earthen substrate.

planting rooted sweet pepper cuttings

The new bush (obtained as a result of such cuttings) quickly gains strength and begins to bloom 1-1.5 months after planting.

rooted pepper cuttings after two weeks

Vegetable garden on the windowsill. How to plant and grow hot peppers at home. How to choose soil, sow seeds, care. Personal practical experience (10+)

Growing hot peppers on a windowsill

General characteristics of hot pepper

Growing hot peppers in a pot is not particularly difficult. The main condition for this is the presence of a windowsill well illuminated by the sun, a high-quality soil base supplied with fertilizers, self-pollinating seeds and a fluorescent lamp that will provide the required length of daylight for the plant. The first harvest can be obtained within 2-3 months from the moment the seeds are planted.

The plant does not need support. Abundant pollination of the plant has a positive effect on the quality of the harvest, so bitter pepper must be shaken at least once a day, ensuring artificial pollination. A large number of peppercorns ripen on one bush. They are quite small and light, so the plant can easily feed a large number of peppercorns. Hot pepper bushes use large quantities nutrients, so the soil is depleted in short terms. Because of this, there is a need for frequent use of fertilizers, otherwise the bush will not receive proper nutrition, and the peppercorns will be deprived of the necessary source of energy for growth. To avoid this, it is necessary to feed the bush once every 2-3 weeks.

Suitable varieties

Hybrids of self-pollinating varieties are preferably grown on windowsills. Of these, early-ripening species are more common due to their productivity. These include: Hotway, Yanka, Thunder, Campai, Lopez, Impala and Huero. The substrate for growing hot peppers can be bought ready-made in the store. If necessary, you can prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to mix the necessary ingredients. Experienced summer residents It is recommended to prepare a substrate based on soil, humus and peat 2:1:1. If you decide to prepare the soil yourself, do not take the soil from the area where nightshades were grown the previous year and water it thoroughly with a solution of potassium permanganate. Also, a good option would be coconut substrate, which can be purchased at any specialty store. In addition, peat tablets, which are a very convenient option for sowing seeds, would be a good option. When transplanting and picking, the plant along with the tablet is simply transferred to a large container. The container where the hot pepper bush will be located is usually an ordinary flower pot volume of 1-2 liters.

Sowing seeds

First, the seeds are planted in small plastic cups to germinate, and then transplanted into a larger container when the plant has taken root and leaves appear. Before planting, the seeds are dipped in a container with a warm solution of potassium permanganate. The seeds are kept for at least 30 minutes in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate. A slightly pink solution is not suitable for these purposes. For proper preparation 1% solution usually take 2.5 g. potassium permanganate and dissolve in 250 ml. water at room temperature. After soaking the seeds in this solution, they are washed well in clean water. Good harvest Only those seeds that have sunk to the bottom will produce. The germination of seeds that have floated to the surface is very poor, so they are practically not used. The finished soaked seeds should be completely dry. Immediately after this, they are ready for planting in the prepared substrate. After planting, the cup with seeds is covered with cellophane and left in this form until shoots appear.

Each cup should contain no more than 4-5 seeds. After 1-2 weeks, the seedlings should be thinned out. In each container you need to leave only the 2 most powerful shoots. After another week, the seedlings are thinned out again, so only the most beautiful and strong shoot remains. When planting seeds directly into a flower pot, a similar thinning procedure is performed. And so on until the most powerful shoot remains.

Transplanting seedlings

When transplanting a hot pepper bush from a glass into a pot, you must ensure that the roots are preserved. The seedling is transplanted along with the soil, maintaining the shape of a cup, into a flower pot, then the soil is compacted. The seedling should be sprinkled with soil up to the cotyledon leaves. In this form, the bush is watered for a month, but in moderation. Pepper is a short-day plant, i.e. with less than 12 hours of daylight, it begins to bear fruit earlier and produces higher yields.

It is important not to overwater the hot pepper, otherwise there is a chance that the plant will get blackleg and other diseases. In winter the plant does not need large quantities moisture, so at this time of year it is better to underfill than overfill. By summer, the plant's need for water will increase, so it is important to provide all bushes with liquid. Especially if peppercorns have already appeared on them.

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Growing sweet bell peppers on a windowsill is a pleasure. The southern vegetable is easily “domesticated” and pleases our family with juicy fruits. Plus, it's useful. What can we say about the fact that multi-colored peppercorns have become a real decoration of the kitchen.

The first vegetables were already tasted five months after the plants sprouted. For a long time? I don’t think so, but there was so much joy and true pleasure. He extended his hand, and the fragrant miracle was already in the salad.

Bell peppers on the windowsill - real

Growing bell peppers at home is a fascinating and, to some extent, profitable activity. It’s tempting to cook dishes with your own vegetables without leaving your apartment. Isn't it true?

The plant is perennial, so the bushes feel great on the windowsill for at least 2-3 years.

Add sweet peppers to your windowsill with green onions, cucumbers and herbs. You won't regret it. Let your home garden be replenished with another vegetable crop.

We are happy to share the secrets of growing sweet bell peppers at home.

Which varieties of bell pepper to choose

In order for peppers to grow and bear fruit, you need to choose the right varieties for your home garden. These hybrids are self-pollinating and early ripening.

From home crops a great option There will be varieties for universal use. They are also in open ground feel good, and in containers on the windowsill (protected ground).

The choice of varieties of sweet bell peppers is large, but we offer the following:

  • “Patio-Ivo” - indoor pepper with bright yellow fruits all year round (also suitable for growing on the balcony);
  • “California miracle” - the bush grows up to 75 centimeters, the fruits are thick-walled, have a ribbed surface and a bright red color (improved selection);
  • “Jupiter F1” is a high-yielding mid-early hybrid with fleshy large fruits that are first green and later red (Dutch selection);
  • “Oda” is short-growing (up to 50 centimeters) and productive, and the fruits purple fragrant and very sweet.

If you come across mid-season varieties“Bulgarian-79”, “Gift of Moldova”, “Winnie the Pooh”, “Swallow” or “New Balls”, grow them with confidence. They all received good reviews.

Conditions for growing bell peppers

Sweet pepper is not whimsical, so it is not very capricious. But certain conditions must be observed to obtain a good harvest.

  1. It is better if you place a southern plant on the windowsill of the sunniest room. Otherwise, additional light will be needed.
  2. Make sure that the pepper is not disturbed by drafts. He doesn't like them.
  3. It will grow and develop well at an optimal air temperature of +20–26°C during the day, and at night not lower than +18°C.
  4. The soil must be loosened regularly.
  5. Pests of bell peppers at home can be spider mite or aphids, so be vigilant and look at your green pets.
  6. When the bushes begin to bear fruit, tie them to a trellis.
  7. Both in the open ground and on the windowsill, do not place containers with hot and sweet peppers in the same room. Only in different ones! As a result of cross-pollination, the fruits will become bitter.

Video on growing bell peppers at home

How to grow bell peppers at home from seeds

Before planting, be sure to soak the seeds for 30 minutes in weak potassium permanganate. Then you need to give them time to dry a little. Transfer to damp gauze for pecking.

Transplant the seeds ready for planting into a pot with store-bought (a mixture for growing vegetables at home) or prepared soil. In equal proportions a mixture is made of:

  • peat;
  • leaf soil;
  • turf land;
  • sand.

When the seedlings have grown stronger and are ready for transplanting into separate containers, you need to pinch off the main tap root. The first shoots appear after 3 weeks.

The soil must be constantly moist. For irrigation, only warm, settled water is used.

To feed, once a month the plants are watered with a solution of wood ash (6 tablespoons per 3 liters of water).

Growing and caring for at home bell pepper will give you pleasure. Feel like a gardener today.

Irina Velichko for Pro100garden.