Installing a window air conditioner instead of a double-glazed window yourself. Installing a window air conditioner with your own hands: stages and features. Cleaning is the main type of care

Window air conditioner - it is a monoblock, which means it is much easier to install than traditional split systems: you do not have to check the tightness of pipelines and lay freon routes, high-altitude work is excluded, and the installation itself by a specialist, if necessary, will cost less.

Features and rules for installing a window air conditioner

Installing a window air conditioner involves mounting the equipment in window opening or a wall structure that is not too thick. The most common option for installing a window air conditioner is that the device is mounted during the process of replacing window frames or in a wall partition, provided that the wall thickness does not exceed 250 mm, otherwise the wall will block air access to special intake grilles designed for cooling the condenser, which may lead to rapid failure of the air conditioner.

Installing household window air conditioners with your own hands is a rather labor-intensive job that requires a responsible approach, care and precision of the performer, skills and professionalism: the first thing the master must do is compare the dimensions of the air conditioner with the dimensions of the window opening, and also try to avoid distortions relative to their plane. Negligence in work will certainly lead to damage to the air conditioner or window frame, which will entail significant additional costs.

Normal, uninterrupted operation of the air conditioner is ensured by following the exact sequence of installation steps. In this case, it is necessary to focus on the following important points:

  • Any air conditioner, regardless of power and other technical parameters, requires the installation of separate electrical wiring and the installation of a “machine” in the distribution panel;
  • Gaps between the planes of the opening for mounting equipment and its body itself are not allowed;
  • Stained glass or metal-plastic windows in aluminum or PVC frames make it difficult to install a window air conditioner.

Basic rules for installing a window air conditioner:

  1. The air conditioner must be mounted firmly enough, otherwise its operation will be accompanied by loud noise.
  2. The installed equipment should not be exposed to direct sunlight.
  3. The outer side of the window air conditioner should protrude onto the street at a distance of at least 25-30 cm.
  4. Avoid using extension cords. Regardless of the location of the equipment, it assumes and even requires direct access to areas where electricity is located. Install the air conditioner so that it is close to the electrical outlet. The use of household extension cords or carriers is strictly prohibited! If there is a need to extend the cord, use a special electrical extension cable, which differs from household cables in that there are no voltage drops.
  5. The external panel of the air conditioner should be located at a distance of 50 cm from a wall or other obstacle, otherwise normal air circulation will be hampered and the cooling performance of the air conditioner will be reduced.
  6. Ventilation openings located on the sides of the device must not be obstructed.
  7. In order to achieve normal condensate drainage, the air conditioner should be installed with a slight downward slope from the outside. The inside of the air conditioner should be 1-2 cm higher than the outside.
  8. The window air conditioner should be located at a height of 75-100 cm from the floor surface.
  9. Don't forget about safety. Placing an air conditioner in a window opening should not affect the safety of the room. To secure the room in which the window air conditioner is installed, insert a small peg into window profile so that it does not open from the outside. Otherwise, an attacker without special effort can enter the house by barely opening a window and pushing out the window air conditioner.

Window air conditioner device

So how do you install a window air conditioner?

To do this, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

1. Choosing a location for installing the air conditioner

The installation location of a window air conditioner is influenced by many factors: for example, the geometry of the room and the location of the furniture. To make the right decision, you should be guided by the following tips:

1. First, visually inspect window frame or wall surface - this will help ensure their strength for installing a window air conditioner. Materials and finishing of the external and internal surfaces of the frame and wall that differ in texture and strength require the use of various methods securing the device. Often used as fasteners anchor bolts, mounting brackets and corners of sufficient strength.

If after inspection you come to the disappointing conclusion that the wall is not strong enough or that the edges of the holes will begin to collapse over time, then you will have to strengthen the wall, because inaction in this case can lead to the fall and damage of the window air conditioner, condensation leakage or the appearance of strong noise and vibration during his working time.

If you are convinced of the strength of the wall, then feel free to tighten the bolts and secure the air conditioner.

Will the edges of the window opening be or are they already starting to crumble? You have no choice but to strengthen the edges with a metal corner.

If the wall on which the equipment will be mounted is not strong enough, then the metal support should be expanded, thereby reducing the load on the wall.

2. Carefully consider the mechanism for removing condensate that forms as a result of prolonged operation of the device. In order for the water to flow freely, it is necessary to install the air conditioner so that the back part is slightly (0.5-1 cm) tilted down. In this case, a strict balance must be maintained between the right and left sides of the air conditioner, otherwise condensation may drain from the body of the device.

3. The air flow coming from the rear of the air conditioner is different high temperature, so it should not come into contact with plants, animals and people.

4. Installed air conditioner needs maintenance. For the convenience of which, experts recommend leaving 10 cm of free space to the right or left of the device. For normal circulation of cooled air in the room, it is recommended to place the window air conditioner in the center.

5. The space and environment around the air conditioner should not create obstacles to continuous air circulation, otherwise this may result in a sharp decrease in its performance.

6. Protect the installed air conditioner from direct sun rays using a canopy on the sides and top of the equipment. It is important that this canopy does not interfere with normal air circulation.

Installation kit for air conditioner

Today on the market you can choose various installation kits for installing window air conditioners, for example:

Window air conditioner installation tool

For high-quality installation of a window air conditioner you will need:

  1. perforator;
  2. cartridges for various drills (depending on the material you will have to work with - concrete, wood, metal);
  3. electric jigsaw;
  4. hacksaw for wood and metal;
  5. chisel for working with window frames;
  6. roller glass cutter (1 roller per 10 meters);
  7. building level;
  8. cutting machine of the “grinder” type;
  9. furniture corners of 2 types (internal and flat);
  10. silicone sealant, opaque, white;
  11. water-based paint and brush

Installation of a domestic window air conditioner: sequence of actions

Correct installation of air conditioners window type with your own hands involves the following steps and actions:

1. The most time-consuming and difficult stage is the careful preparation of the window opening for the air conditioner. Almost any window opening contains the optimal place for durable installation of the device. According to experts, it is preferable to install in those places where the sides of the air conditioner (length and height) or at least one of them would fit in the window opening with the smallest gaps. To do this, the master will have to:

  • remove the glass unit;
  • insert the “jumper”;
  • cut the glass according to the required dimensions.

If you have chosen a wall as the ideal place to mount the air conditioner, then you should drill small holes in the wall, mark the mounting areas for the device and its dimensions. Then draw lines, as if to outline the outline of future equipment, and drill holes using a drill at approximately a distance of 5 cm from such lines.


a) when installing the air conditioner in a wall, its thickness should be no more than 250 mm (one brick). Large thickness can block the access of air to the intake grilles designed to cool the condenser, which will lead to damage to the air conditioner.

b) when installing an air conditioner in a window opening, the distance between the frames must be 250 mm and the window must be equipped with a window.

2. Installing the bracket and housing of the window air conditioner

All models of window air conditioners manufactured according to the latest technologies, allow them to be attached even regardless of whether the windows open or not, whether there is access to the outside or not. This happens thanks to a special mechanism that can be removed from the case and attached to a bracket or wall. Attention! Unimpeded drainage of condensate is ensured by a slight downward tilt of the rear part of the air conditioner. In this case, you should carefully check the sealing and strength of the walls, otherwise wind or precipitation may penetrate into the room, and the fragility of the wall may lead to an increase in the load of the brackets on the floor surface.

Install the window air conditioner into the prepared housing.

If the compressor or fan was equipped with shock-absorbing pads during transportation, they should be removed before installing the device, otherwise they will cause noise and vibration during operation. After installing the air conditioner into the housing, you must ensure that the rear of the air conditioner is angled to ensure proper drainage. If, as a result of a visual inspection, you find small gaps and cracks between the housing, the air conditioner and the wall, then it is necessary to seal it to prevent drafts. Often the air conditioner is equipped with a standard foam rubber seal. Large cracks can be sealed with foam rubber, and small, barely noticeable ones - silicone sealant. If necessary, paint damaged areas of the frame.

3.Connect the drainage hose

The result of the operation of a window air conditioner is cooled air, and moisture is formed, which, in the absence of a drainage hose, will flow out through the drain holes of the air conditioner, and this process, as we know, is undesirable. If you notice a bend or bend in the drainage tube, check it for missing air jams interfering with the outflow of water. Remember: the tube should not come into contact with the surface of the earth and the water in the container.

4.Electrical power supply for window type air conditioner

The window air conditioner operates under mains voltage conditions ranging from 90-110% of the nominal value.

Uninterrupted power supply of the air conditioner can be carried out using a separate line equipped with circuit breaker, which is also independent of the main fuse.

Electrical equipment used during the installation process (electrical installation products, cable products, wires for various purposes) must comply with quality and safety standards and the recommendations contained in the instructions for a particular model or user manual.

5. We ground the air conditioner

When performing grounding work, secure all terminals and wires with extreme care. Incorrectly powered equipment often leads to unexpected breakdowns.

6. We carry out acceptance testing of the installed window air conditioner

So, after completing the installation, make sure once again that all work was performed correctly. Only after this is it allowed to turn on the air conditioner to check its functionality and power. All problems detected during the operation of the window air conditioner must be corrected in a timely manner. If you cannot fix all the problems yourself, you can use the services of specialists.

Video on YouTube

You can familiarize yourself with the installation process of a window air conditioner by watching the video.

Many people think about how to install a window air conditioner on their own. Of course, if it is possible to do this on your own, you should take advantage of it. It is known that the services of professional installers are quite expensive, which not everyone can afford. At the same time, it is undesirable to take on this work without the slightest experience and without understanding the essence of the device’s operation. A damaged air conditioner can cost much more than hiring labor.

Window air conditioners are the earliest representatives of the family of household climate control equipment. The first such models appeared in the early 30s of the last century in the USA. Decades passed, and those monoblocks, periodically changing, remained the main popular product in this category. Their continued popularity is explained by the fact that the quality of the devices has been tested by time, and their durability and serious warranty period add to their attractiveness in the eyes of consumers.

Installing a window air conditioner yourself is much easier than, for example, installing a complex modern split system.

Every amateur home craftsman can install a window unit. To do this, it is enough to have at least a chisel, a saw and a glass cutter on hand. At the same time, when installing a split system, it is necessary to have special tools that are unlikely to end up in the apartment or house of a person who does not specialize in this type of installation.

The advantages of window or vent air conditioners include the following:

The disadvantages of vent air conditioners include:

  • high noise during operation (for most models);
  • the difficulty of installation in some modern window frames if they do not have the required opening;
  • access to the room from cold air flows from the street in winter.

Window air conditioner and wooden windows

Vent air conditioner models are simple equipment, in the main body of which all the components are located. Installation of such a device is carried out both in the surface of the wall and in the window. Many of these units have a compressor that operates on a cyclic basis. Controlled by a temperature sensor, it can turn on and off independently. Thermal sensors come in both electronic and bellows types.

In order to increase heat transfer by the condenser, the condensate appearing on the evaporator may not drain into the street, but completely accumulate in a special compartment in the lower zone of the device. From here it is captured by the ventilation blades and distributed by splashing throughout the condenser. However, despite the simplicity of the device, in some cases the installation of such an air conditioner creates certain difficulties.

Install a window air conditioner in wooden window much easier than some plastic ones. Being a single device, that is, a monoblock, it still copes perfectly with all the functions assigned to it. In addition, modern models can be equipped additional functions such as heating and humidification. In wooden window systems It is not difficult to install a monoblock air conditioning unit. This work does not require special tools, nor does it require experience in this field.

The main thing is to choose a suitable place to install the device. This must be the area on external wall, where the block will be maximally protected from snow, rain and dirt. As a last resort, if such a niche is not available, you can build a decorative canopy to protect the air conditioner.

It must be remembered that it is strictly forbidden to embed an air conditioner into a wall, as well as to cover it on all sides with a protective box. The monoblock must be blown with air from all sides. Having made a metal frame from a profile with a thickness corresponding to the weight and massiveness of the model, it is installed in the window opening. After measuring the air conditioner, you should cut an opening in the window slightly larger than the dimensions of the device. After the device is installed, all remaining cracks should be carefully sealed with foam.

Window monoblock and plastic windows

Install a window air conditioner in plastic window much more difficult than wooden window structures. However, given that such a monoblock does not need to lay a route for freon, work at heights or control the tightness of pipes, it is still possible to do this yourself. With strict adherence to all stages of installation and recommendations of specialists, everything can be done significantly easily and quickly.

So, first you need to make sure that the air conditioner has its own electrical wiring and its own “automatic” in the electrical distribution panel. When choosing a device, you need to give preference to the option whose width is necessarily smaller than the width of the window itself. Pay attention to architectural features room and how the furniture is installed in it, you need to decide on the most suitable place to install the unit.

To install a window air conditioner in a plastic window, follow these steps:

The device requires mandatory grounding. After installation is completed, it is necessary to check the work done. After making sure that the entire installation procedure has been fully followed, you can turn on the installed device to the network. Remember that when installing your purchase by a company specialist, he is obliged to provide you with a certificate of installation. This certificate should be checked for the signature of the installer. It indicates exact data about the work performed and the correct date is entered. After this, you can sign the acceptance certificate.

Some nuances of installing a monoblock air conditioner

You can install a window air conditioner with your own hands quite efficiently if you seriously prepare for solving this issue. First of all, you should prepare the necessary tools: a hammer drill, a hacksaw, a level, silicone-based sealant, corners, a glass cutter, a jigsaw, etc.

When thinking about how to install a window air conditioner yourself, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules that are mandatory for all types of installation. These include requirements for firmly securing the device. Only a strong installation of the device will save you from intrusive noise in its subsequent use. Remember that it is not allowed to mount the air conditioner in an area exposed to sunlight (direct) rays. WITH outside The monoblock must have a protrusion equal to 30 cm.

It is important to ensure that the openings of the device are completely open and free from obstructions, such as side walls. Right installed block has a slight slope towards the street, which ensures unhindered drainage of condensate. Thus, the inner edge of the device is located 3 cm higher than the outer edge. Minimum distance from the floor level to the bottom of the device should be 80cm, and the maximum – 150cm.

Depending on the power of the vent air conditioner, it also depends on what area it can fully cool. This indicator also affects the amount of electricity consumed. If the device is very powerful, then it must have a thermostat. In this case, rapid cooling of the room and subsequent automatic maintenance of the set air temperature are cheaper than Full time job less powerful devices. Since the devices differ in size and appearance, before going to the store, it is necessary to take accurate measurements of the window opening.

Among the budget options for household climate control equipment, the window monoblock has distinctive advantages: affordable cost, easy operation, rare service maintenance, mobility if desired, etc. Installing a window air conditioner is also easier compared to a split system, and you can do it yourself if you follow certain rules.

Features monoblock A

This monoblock is inferior to split devices in the following parameters:

  • noise level;
  • productive capacity;
  • functional;
  • design;
  • overall dimensions, etc.

Under certain conditions it may become alternative option split, floor-standing monoblock:

  • you cannot install an external split block on the facade of a building that is of historical and cultural value;
  • the decorative covering of the facade is dilapidated and crumbling;
  • limited budget;
  • impossibility of carrying out installation work inside the walls;
  • relative mobility when moving or installing in another room.

Inside the common building there are necessary elements: heat exchangers, fans for them, compressor, thermostatic valve, freon circuit, drainage tank, block automatic control, air distributors.

The noise level of 50 dB is due to the placement of a compressor and heat exchange fans in a single housing, creating a noise flow. At correct installation This effect can be reduced by high-quality noise insulation and reliable fastening.

Mounting options

The placement of the window block is possible in three options:

  1. The lower part of the window, on the windowsill. The simplest one affordable option installation, which is chosen by the owners of the monoblock. A special opening is prepared inside the window into which the block will be inserted. It is best to do this when the windows are changed and the air conditioner parameters are known in advance.
  2. The upper part of the window, the window. Placement will require additional fastening to firmly fix the device. A less popular option, used when there are small children and animals in the house. Suitable for compact devices.
  3. Inside the wall. The main condition is an external wall, width no more than 250 mm, so that ventilation holes the housings remained accessible to the air flow. Before installation, the opening is reinforced with a metal casing for strength.

Do-it-yourself installation of a window air conditioner is carried out in accordance with the following recommendations:

  • it is necessary to supply a separate electrical cable, install a “machine” in the distribution panel;
  • the use of household extension cords is prohibited;
  • the location of the outer part of the monoblock from the window opening is at a distance of 25-30 cm;
  • when installed at the bottom of the window, the distance from the floor is at least 75 cm;
  • a minimum of 10 cm must be left on the sides of the block for access when maintenance, for ventilation of the mechanism;
  • from the outside to the nearest wall, structure, etc. not less than 50 cm;
  • the ventilation openings of the case must not be closed, this will lead to rapid equipment failure;
  • it is necessary to maintain a slope towards the outer part (0.5-1 cm) for natural drainage of condensate. The location of the right and left sides is at the same level;
  • structural elements must be securely fastened to avoid excessive vibration during operation, which can loosen the mounting base and damage the window.

Mounting kit

Some monoblock models are equipped with a mounting structure. The kit includes fastenings, metal corners, using which you can install the unit yourself. If the kit is not supplied with the air conditioner, it must be purchased separately or made manually.

List of tools that may be needed when installing the unit:

  • hammer drill, chucks, drills;
  • hacksaw for wood, metal;
  • jigsaw;
  • chisel for woodworking;
  • construction level;
  • glass cutter;
  • Bulgarian;
  • silicone sealant, polyurethane foam;
  • paint, brush.

Installation in a wooden window

It is the least expensive and easiest to install the block in a wooden window. Installing a window air conditioner in a wooden window opening, sequence of actions:

  • Prepare a place for placement in advance before installation. Take the external dimensions of the device, make the necessary marks on the window frame;
  • carefully remove the glass from the sash;
  • mount a wooden lintel at the marked level so that the outer body of the monoblock can be placed inside the resulting opening without excessively wide gaps;
  • the remaining space on the sides of the air conditioner housing must be closed suitable material(plastic, wood, etc.), or purchase a special insert for window blocks and install it inside the opening;
  • the frame from the installation kit is securely fixed at a pre-marked distance, taking into account the downward slope of the outer part;
  • install the block body inside the opening;
  • insert the air conditioner inside the frame, fix the front panel;
  • Cut the removed glass using a glass cutter to the measurements taken and install it inside the reduced opening;
  • joints must be sealed;
  • if a drainage hose is needed, install it;
  • connect to the electrical network;
  • test the device by doing a trial run.

Installation in a plastic window

Installing a window air conditioner in a plastic window is a labor-intensive process related to the design of the opening. It is best to mount the block inside a pre-prepared opening, which is made before the window is installed. If there is no such opening, installation of a window air conditioner in a plastic window is carried out as follows:

  • the reliability of the window opening is checked and strengthened if necessary;
  • the chosen location should be such that after placing the air conditioner there are as few gaps as possible;
  • carefully remove the glass unit from the window using the necessary tool(the glazing beads are dismantled first, starting with the longest);
  • insert the jumper at the required height;
  • secure the mounting kit at the required distance;
  • Close the remaining gaps tightly with plastic, or install a purchased plastic opening for window blocks;
  • install the monoblock housing inside the frame;
  • insert into housing inner part, reinstall the front panel;
  • carefully cut the double-glazed window to length and the side metal frames inside the chambers;
  • insert the frames at the bottom at the cut site, treat the remaining gaps with sealant (you must ensure that dust does not get inside the chambers, if necessary, clean it before installing the metal frames;
  • install a double-glazed window into the sash;
  • cut long glazing beads to length and install in place;
  • connect the device to the electrical network;
  • carry out a test check of operating modes.

Installation of a window air conditioner in a plastic window must be done very carefully, observing the accuracy of the technical aspects of trimming the glass unit.

Temporary installation

Monoblock installation can be done temporarily. When the cold season sets in, the device can be removed by tightly closing the opening with a material that matches the composition of the window frame, or you can install a prepared double-glazed window. In addition, the unit can be taken to the dacha and installed there for the duration of your stay.

Recently, compact monoblock devices have been produced that are easy to install, transport and store, without causing any inconvenience to the owner.

The noise of the working process is compensated simple installation, the ability to move, the absence of complex construction manipulations with the freon route.

It is quite possible to install a monoblock window yourself, avoiding financial expenses (as in the case of purchasing a split system). At the same time, the price for installation by a professional installer will be significantly lower than similar work with a split. And the performance capacity and refrigeration function of some models exceeds these indicators of split and floor-standing options.

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Window air conditioner models are monoblock air cooling devices that are mounted in the window frame. As a rule, they are used in the summer and turned off or dismantled for the winter.

With the advent plastic double glazed windows and split systems, monoblocks have lost their popularity. The fact is that installing a window air conditioner in a plastic window is more difficult than in a wooden frame. At the same time, it is very important not to damage the glass unit or reduce its tightness.

In this material we will try to rehabilitate monoblock climate systems and tell you how to install them in modern frames with your own hands.

Monoblock air conditioners

To begin with, you should understand the design and operating principle of window air conditioners. For the most part, such coolers are monoblock devices. This means that all the main structural parts are located in a single block. This is exactly what it consists of main feature window coolers and their main difference from split systems.

Window air conditioner models are installed in a special hole in the window frame made of wood or PVC. They bring in air from the street, purify and cool it, and supply it into the room. Such models are quite effective for small apartments, have low noise levels and are aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Small mobile air conditioners

Monoblock devices also include mobile mini-coolers, which can be installed in rooms where there is access to a window. The air flow into the device is carried out through a special hose, which is discharged into the open sash of the window. As a rule, small window air conditioners for home are installed for the summer season in an apartment or country house. The disadvantages of such models include their bulky appearance and high noise levels.

Installation of a window monoblock

Proper installation of a window air conditioner with your own hands is quite difficult, but possible. It is best to install a monoblock during repair of an opening or when replacing a double-glazed window. In this section we have listed the basic rules for installing such climate control equipment.

Installation tool kit

Installing a monoblock in a plastic window is a rather labor-intensive process that will require an impressive set of tools. Many of them can be found in every home, but some parts will have to be purchased specially. We list the minimum set of tools for installing a cooler:

  • Hammer or impact drill.
  • A set of drills and chucks for various materials.
  • Jigsaw.
  • Metal file.
  • Set of chisels.
  • Level.
  • A grinder or a special attachment for a drill with a cutting wheel.
  • Internal and flat corners for furniture.
  • Silicone based sealant.
  • Paint and brush.

The location of the device is an important factor that directly affects the efficiency of the window air conditioner. Therefore, before installing the monoblock, you must carefully select a place to place it. In this case, you should be guided by the following rules:

  • To begin with, it is worth visually inspecting the frames of the window opening, since they will become the basis for mounting the device. Bolts, mounting brackets and angles of sufficient strength are used as fasteners. If you are not sure of the strength of the frames, you need to strengthen them in possible ways.
  • When choosing a location for an air conditioner, you need to think about the condensate drainage mechanism. To ensure that condensation does not linger inside the housing, it must be placed with a slight slope towards the street - 1–2.5 cm.
  • The inside of the monoblock should not be blocked by furniture - this will interfere with proper air circulation and may affect the performance of the device. And also you should not place the cooler close to people’s resting places - above the sofa, bed or table.
  • On the sides of the monoblock it is necessary to leave free place for unobstructed access when servicing the device.

Installation algorithm

The process of installing a window air conditioner yourself consists of several important steps. They must be followed both for self-installation and for professional installation.

First stage: preparing the window opening and frame

If the air conditioner is installed directly into a double-glazed window, you should choose such an arrangement of the device to avoid gaps between the housing and the frame. Modern monoblocks are made according to the standard dimensions of plastic window sashes, so this requirement is easy to fulfill if the frame has standard dimensions.

Stage two: Housing fastening

To install a monoblock window, due to its significant weight, a bracket is required. The bracket is attached to the wall and takes the entire load from the weight of the device.

The monoblock should be positioned in such a way that the “street part” protrudes outward at a distance of at least 25–30 cm. Care should be taken to securely fasten the device and ensure its precise alignment with the frame. Otherwise, the cooler will make noise during operation and may break.

When installing the housing, do not forget about the slight angle of inclination towards the street. It is also necessary to ensure the serviceability of the drainage pipe through which the condensate will be discharged outside. If there is a kink or bend in the tube, you need to straighten it to avoid air pockets.

It is important to provide protection from sunlight and rain to the outside of the cooler. This can be done using special visors that will cover the device body at an angle.

So, to install the monoblock, you need to take the following steps:

  • Remove the glass from the frame or the entire frame.
  • Install the bracket.
  • Install a monoblock.
  • Seal the gaps between the frame and the device.

Stage Three: Connecting to Power

The window air conditioner can be connected to the power supply using a separate wire and switch. The power of the device should be selected depending on the capabilities of a particular room. And it is also necessary to ensure that the wiring meets the operating requirements specified in the instructions for the device.

When the summer heat sets in, anyone, even a budget option air conditioner becomes the most desirable purchase for the home. A simple window air conditioner will provide a favorable climate in the room of an apartment or private house. But installing a window air conditioner has its own nuances, which we will consider in this article.

When installing the product in a window unit, fastening is carried out directly in the structure of the latter. In this case, it is necessary to take into account that the air intake grilles do not overlap - otherwise the electric motor of the air conditioner will quickly overheat due to the lack of normal air flow.

Install by yourself Appliances This class of work is very labor-intensive; it requires certain technical knowledge, skills, and careful and precise actions. The slightest distortion of the plane of the window and the product is fraught with negative consequences, and any negligence can lead to damage to expensive equipment. If you decide to install the air conditioner yourself, you need to familiarize yourself with the following important points.

  1. For any design of such a product, a gasket is required separate electrical wiring line, mandatory installation of an RCD (residual current device) in apartment panel. The window-type air conditioner must be connected to a separate outlet; the use of carriers is strictly prohibited.
  2. There should be no gaps between the air conditioner housing and the window unit to avoid drafts and other negative impacts on efficient work products.

Only clear implementation of sequential actions during installation of equipment can ensure normal operation and stable operation of the product.

How to position the air conditioner correctly

Before installing a window type air conditioner with your own hands, you need to study following rules to the location of the device.

Don’t forget about the security of your apartment - insert a wedge into the window so that it cannot be opened from the outside, otherwise a burglar will be able to enter the room by opening the window opening and pushing the product out of its designated place.

By thoroughly following all the listed rules, you ensure long and trouble-free operation of your air conditioner.

Minimum set of tools

Installation of a window air conditioner begins with preparing the necessary tools:

  • impact type drill or hammer drill;
  • set of drills;
  • metal file for cutting out the required sizes in metal-plastic;
  • set of chisels;
  • glass cutter;
  • ordinary level;
  • grinder or special attachment for a drill with a cutting wheel;
  • internal and flat corners for furniture;
  • silicone based sealant;
  • paint and brush.

Before installing a window air conditioner, you need to draw up a work plan, take careful measurements and order special frame made of similar material with a hole in the middle for the product. The last point is especially important for metal-plastic windows, because such an installation is significantly different from installing an air conditioner in a wooden frame. The algorithm is almost identical, but there is much more work with metal-plastic due to its specific properties and standard sizes glass block In simple wooden frame All you have to do is remove part of the glass, insert a bulkhead and that's it. Installing a window air conditioner in a plastic window is more difficult: it requires special calculations, otherwise it simply will not withstand the load.

Installation algorithm

Installation of a window air conditioner in a wooden or plastic window is carried out according to a practice-proven technique provided by experienced craftsmen. It is considered the most difficult and time-consuming preparatory stage: if you did not order a separate frame with a prepared compartment to accommodate the device, you will have to cut out the excess glass and insert a jumper made of a similar material. In the case of metal-plastic, you cannot do without a specialist, because an incorrectly calculated partition during operation can bend and negate all your efforts.

Modern models of air conditioners are made in such a way that fixing them in any window unit or frame design is not so difficult, regardless of whether they open. This is possible thanks to a special mechanism that is removed and attached to the bracket.

Before installing the product at the place of future work, it is necessary to unblock the compressor and fan of the device from the transport gaskets.

During installation, check tilt angle towards the street to effectively remove condensation. There should not be even small gaps during installation - they are removed using sealant. When all operations are completed, you need to touch up the damaged coating.

The air conditioner is designed to pump into interior spaces cooled air, while constant formation of condensate occurs due to the temperature difference, which is removed through a special hole, to which it is necessary to connect liquid drain hose out. The hose must be checked for air pockets that impede the removal of moisture and kinks; the lower end of the tube or outlet structure should not touch the surface of the earth or the surface of the water in the container into which the resulting liquid flows, if you live on the ground floor.

Each air conditioner must be grounded after installation - the terminals must be secured firmly to prevent unexpected breakdowns.

After completing all the work, it is necessary to visually check the correctness of the execution, only after this can you do a test run to check the functionality of the air conditioner and make sure of its power. If you invited specialists, then you need to draw up an acceptance certificate to certify that all work was completed correctly.

To help home crafters, there is a video on how to install an air conditioner yourself:

Advantages and disadvantages

Such Appliances, like a window air conditioner, does not require separate laying of freon lines between the outer and inner parts, which greatly simplifies installation and increases reliability.


  • easy installation and maintenance;
  • high efficiency with small dimensions;
  • models with built-in cleaning filters provide the supply of clean air, free of impurities.


  • increased noise up to 59 dB;
  • violation of the tightness of the window frame;
  • separate costs for making an opening for the device.

It is worth mentioning separately about noise: if you look at the table of various noises, then the operation of a window air conditioner at minimum speed produces the least noise impact, and at maximum it makes no more noise than an ordinary conversation.