How much food does a rabbit eat before slaughter? Feeding rabbits with compound feed: norms, composition, properties. Daily value for a rabbit

Breeding rabbits in your own backyard becomes a very profitable and quite profitable business. But raising an absolutely healthy and strong tribe is a rather difficult task. And in this case, almost 90% of success depends on food. It is for this reason that most experienced livestock breeders recommend introducing mixed feed into the diet of rabbits.

Such a product will help make the menu of long-eared animals complete and rich in all the useful elements that are so necessary for the normal growth of rabbits. You can make pet food yourself or purchase it in specialized stores. But we’ll figure out how to feed it, how to cook it with our own hands, and what such food will give us together below.

So, feeding rabbits with compound feed, which provides such a product for long-eared pets. To begin with, it is worth noting that regardless of what breed of rabbits you breed, the main factor should be proper organization good nutrition.

At the same time, making a choice in favor of a certain food is by no means as simple as it seems at first glance.

Of course, make your diet nutritious summer period will not be difficult, but what about in winter? After all, without normal nutrition, pestilence most often begins. Therefore, in order to avoid such a situation, you will need to introduce ready-made mixed feed into the long-eared diet.

If you prefer store-bought products, you should know that they are divided into the following categories:

  1. Feed additive: it is introduced into the diet as an addition to the main food. When mixing it, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the proportion indicated by the manufacturer.
  2. Concentrated feed: such a product is produced with an increased amount of useful elements. And they give it to rabbits as an independent product that ideally complements the green mass.
  3. Complete food: refers to products familiar to animals. It is best to feed such food, since it is very convenient and does not require the purchase of additional food.

It is worth noting that feeding rabbits with compound feed is not only convenient, but also very healthy for them, and the animal eats such food with pleasure.

The fact is that if you introduce such food into the diet of an eared pet, you can get the following benefits:

  • food is an excellent prevention of many defects;
  • with the help of this type of food, the animal gains weight much faster, since the animal eats it with pleasure;
  • The entire feeding process can be optimized and thus save time.

But at the same time, compound feed also has its certain disadvantages, which we will consider below.

Disadvantages of compound feed

Despite the fact that this product has many advantages, there are still disadvantages to such food. The disadvantages of this type of food include the following:

  1. As you know, this food is produced in dry form, but the animals really need juicy green mass. As a result, it will not be possible to completely replace the diet of rabbits with such a product.
  2. Most prepared products are not suitable for ornamental pets due to their increased nutritional content.
  3. If you purchase granulated food, it is important to know that such food melts in the mouth too quickly, as a result, the animal is not able to grind its teeth on it.
  4. Ready-made food creates a large amount of dust that is hazardous to the respiratory tract.
  5. Some types of such products contain sugar, which can be harmful to the rabbit and also cause addiction.
  6. If you feed rabbits only such food and do not diversify it, then the animal may not receive all the nutrients it needs in full.
  7. If you purchase a granular product, then keep in mind that it contains a certain percentage of vitamin of synthetic origin.
  8. And another disadvantage of such food is that it has a limited shelf life, as a result of which it will not be possible to make appropriate reserves.

However, please note that long-term storage Such a product is fraught with another problem in the form of the production of toxic components. Therefore, do not purchase long-term storage ones.

Optimal feed composition

The vast majority of experienced livestock breeders recommend feeding only specialized and complete feed for rabbits. The composition of such products is specially designed for animals.

It is worth emphasizing that many novice breeders are interested in the question of whether it is possible to feed pig feed for rabbits. In this case, the answer is categorical - it is impossible.

Moreover, all feed that is produced for poultry and cattle is not suitable in composition for these animals. Don't forget that rabbits' digestive systems are very delicate.

As for the optimal composition, the following elements must be present in it:

  • mineral complexes;
  • cellulose;
  • a whole set of amino acids.

Regardless of whether you purchase ready-made feed or plan to make it yourself, you need the following ingredients to be present in it:

  • sunflower cake;
  • soy sprat;
  • meadow grass meal and bone meal;
  • table salt and chalk;
  • tricalcium phosphate and premix;
  • yeast.

If you plan to raise livestock on compound feed, then it is very important that the rabbits are fully provided with water. The fact is that such a product greatly dries out the eared pet that eats such food, and if it was not possible to organize full access to water, you will have to face stomach problems.

We prepare our own feed

Today, the specialized market can offer a wide range of such products. And often the livestock breeder just needs to buy a suitable product.

But if you do not have extra material resources, then several recipes self-cooking such food will be interesting to you.

Today you can prepare feed in two ways. The first feed recipe is prepared for fattening young animals. And according to the second recipe, a mixture is prepared for females during the period of waiting for birth, and for nursing rabbits.

Recipe No. 1

To prepare your own compound feed according to this recipe, you will need to stock up on the following ingredients:

  • wheat, corn, barley and grain 40% of the total mass;
  • meadow grass flour 40% of the total volume;
  • meat and bone meal, sunflower cake and soy sprat 15% of the total mass;
  • yeast, salt and premix 5% of the total mass.

Prepare the food as follows: mix all the ingredients thoroughly and add a little to the resulting mass. warm water. Mix everything thoroughly again so that the final result is a moist mixture. homogeneous mass. Then, the resulting mixture is passed through a meat grinder and sent to dry in the oven.

Recipe No. 2

This food will be very useful not only for lactating and pregnant rabbits; it is recommended that they also feed the male during the mating period. You can prepare it using the following ingredients:

  • wheat and oats 40% of the total mass;
  • meadow grass flour 30% of the total mass;
  • cake obtained from sunflower 15% of the total mass;
  • yeast and salt 2% of the total mass.

Mixed feed is prepared from the ingredients described above in the same way as in recipe No. 1. At the same time, it is worth focusing on one more detail. All components, in particular grains, must be finely chopped.

For these purposes, it would be nice to have a granulator that quickly copes with this task.

Well, if you are preparing compound feed for the winter, then use more dry grass, crushed to flour. In the spring version, add freshly cut and slightly dried grass. It is worth remembering that the best food for an eared pet is grass. Therefore, always put greens in any form in such a product.

Daily norm for an animal

If you plan to transfer animals to compound feed, you need to find out what daily intake will be optimal for the animals. The fact is that the live weight gain each month will depend on how correctly you prepare the daily ration for your livestock.

So, how much feed does a rabbit eat per day:

  • for one animal the norm is 170 g;
  • during the mating period, the norm per day is about 220 g;
  • female rabbit expecting offspring, daily norm 180 g;
  • during the feeding period of rabbits, the norm is from 400 g;
  • for rabbits the norm during the day is 120 g.

It is worth noting that if you breed eared pets for meat, then give the young animals at least 100 grams per day. Well, if you want to get valuable fur, add another 40 grams to this norm.

And one more important question that absolutely all livestock breeders who are taking their first steps in raising rabbits are interested in is the amount of feeding rabbits per day. Let's start with the fact that the digestive system of these animals is quite weak.

For this reason, eared pets should be fed more often, but in small doses.

Experienced livestock breeders recommend dividing the daily feed amount into four parts and feeding them little by little often. At the same time, be sure to remember about water. The fact is that such a product causes a feeling of thirst in animals, so there should always be water.

Which feed is better

So, above we looked at how many times a day you need to feed the animal with compound feed. It remains to be seen how to choose the right product for animals. Today, granules are considered the best food for eared animals.

But preparing it yourself is quite difficult. Although it is not difficult to buy it in a specialized store, and the demand for it is very high, since it is considered the most popular.

It is worth noting that the manufacturers’ method of preparing this type of product is not much different from the recipes described above.

The only difference may be percentage components that make up this product. Another important plus in favor of this type of food: when an animal eats such food, it also grinds down its teeth, which is also very useful for the rabbit.

The only disadvantage of such a product is that it takes a lot for a month. Money to buy such food for the whole herd, and this already hits hard on one’s pocket. Therefore, if you have a large herd, the best option will purchase a granulator and prepare such food yourself.

Another type of food called mash. Rabbits eat this product with great pleasure. The only negative is that preparing it is quite a troublesome task, provided that the herd is large.

Well, in the case when there are relatively few animals in your yard, preparing mash without hay is quite possible.

Moreover, this type of feed is also very profitable, because for its preparation they take such tasty vegetable scraps from the table that every rabbit eats with pleasure.

And in conclusion, it is worth noting that it is up to you to decide which feed is best for your pets. But at the same time, most experienced livestock breeders still recommend using purchased products. In general, they will not cost much more if you correctly calculate the food for the number of days, but they are several times more useful, and such food lasts longer.

Breeding rabbits is not only useful, but also a profitable business. But raising healthy and strong livestock is not an easy task. A lot in this matter depends on the food. That is why many breeders prefer to use compound feed for rabbits, which allows them to make the animals’ diet complete, enriched with vitamins and microelements, without which the health of the livestock will be in question. You can buy compound feed, or you can make it yourself at home.

Breeding rabbits is not only useful, but also a profitable business

No matter what type of animal is raised, the owner's highest priority will be to provide them with adequate daily nutrition. And his choice is not so simple. If the summer period is a little easier with this, because there is a wide variety of herbs and vegetables in abundance, then in winter and in the first spring months, due to a lack of vitamins and nutrients, rabbits may suffer from pestilence.

To avoid this, you need to give your animals ready-made dry food. Store products are divided into 3 types:

  1. Feed additive. This is not a separate food product. It must be mixed with the main food, strictly observing certain proportions. Thanks to it, rabbits receive the necessary vitamins and microelements in the amount they need. The supplement allows you to independently control the fortification process, but there are a couple of disadvantages - high cost and the need to always buy them.
  2. Concentrated feed. This is already food, but enriched with useful substances in concentrated form. That is why it is also not given as an independent food. Usually it is added to rough and juicy basic feed. Constantly purchasing this food reduces the profitability of raising rabbits.
  3. Complete feed or regular feed. Feeding them is convenient and complete in itself. With it, animals receive all the necessary substances. Despite the fact that you also need to buy it constantly, unlike the two previous options, it is much more economical, and its price is much lower. Fluffy animals eat it completely, and absolutely all of it is absorbed, unlike, for example, whole grains. Thanks to their dense structure, rabbits wear down their teeth on them, which is very important for rodents.

Compound feed in the diet of rabbits is:

  • rapid weight gain;
  • prevention of many diseases;
  • optimization of feed supply;
  • saving time.

Composition requirements

It is strictly forbidden to use feed intended for birds to feed rabbits.

Most breeders give their rabbits not only food specialized for them, but also feed for cattle. Their composition is perfect for a complete diet.

It is strictly forbidden to use feed intended for birds to feed rabbits, since their coarse particles negatively affect digestive system animal.

The composition of feed can be very diverse, but there are substances that must be in it:

  • cellulose;
  • a number of useful amino acids;
  • vitamin and mineral complex.

It doesn’t matter whether it is a ready-made food or one that is made at home - all its ingredients must be thoroughly crushed. Their basis is grain, which is enriched with protein products:

  • sunflower cake;
  • soybean meal;
  • bone meal;
  • herbal flour - vitamin;
  • hydrolyzed yeast;
  • salt;
  • premix;
  • tricalcium phosphate.

The animal feed ration must be provided with a sufficient amount of water, otherwise it may lead to the death of the livestock.

DIY recipes

There are 2 home recipes for preparing feed for rabbits

There are 2 homemade recipes for preparing feed for rabbits, and each of them has a special purpose: fattening for meat and enhanced nutritional value.

The proportions of the fattening option are as follows:

  • Cereals 40%, where 10% wheat and corn and 20% barley.
  • Flour, where 40% is grass and 2.2% is meat and bone.
  • Sunflower cake - 10%.
  • Soybean meal - 5.5%.
  • Yeast - 2%.
  • Salt - 0.2%.

Compound feed with enhanced nutritional value used for rabbits during pregnancy and lactation should have the following composition:

  • Cereals 40%, where 20% oats and barley, as well as 12.5% ​​wheat.
  • Flour, where grass - 30%, as well as bone and fish - 2%.
  • Sunflower cake - 13%.
  • Yeast - 1%.
  • Salt - 0.5%.

All components are mixed in the specified proportions. They are passed through a granulator, dried and homemade granulated feed is obtained.

Daily value for a rabbit

Before switching animals to compound feed, you need to know how many grams should be given to a rabbit per day

Before switching animals to compound feed, you need to know how many grams should be given to a rabbit per day. The daily intake of combined feed for rabbits is influenced not only by their age, but also by gender and period of life:

  • adult rabbit - 170 g;
  • mating period - 220 g;
  • pregnant females - 180 g;
  • rabbit during lactation - 400-600 g;
  • rabbits - 120 g.

If rabbits are bred for meat, then for young animals the norm will be 100-140 g of feed per day, and for skins you need to increase this figure by 40 g.

Pros and cons of granules and mash

Granules are certainly more convenient for feeding, but making them at home is quite problematic

Granules are certainly more convenient for feeding, but making them at home is quite problematic. But store-bought versions of the product are rightfully considered the most popular foods. Each manufacturer has its own recipe, in which only the amount of content of certain products varies. But the main list of them is the same and does not differ from the one listed above. It is also good because it helps rabbits grind their teeth on it, which is incredibly important. In a month, such food for the farm will cost a considerable amount of money, but if the livestock is large, then it’s time to buy a granulator and dryer and make food for pets yourself.

A mash for large livestock is a cheap, but very troublesome feed. Therefore, it is not recommended for use on large farms. But for a small livestock this will be both useful and profitable: the rabbits will happily eat tasty leftovers from the owner’s table.

Price issue

Breeders are confident that strong livestock are possible only if the rabbits have adequate nutrition, including grains, legumes, vitamins and minerals. The price of feed directly depends on its components and their quality. The cost on the market ranges from 15-20 rubles per 1 kg, i.e. the retail price of a bag will vary from 550 to 720 rubles. But wholesale prices are much more attractive - 5-10 rubles per 1 kg of product.

Prices for complete granulated food from different manufacturers:

  1. LPH "Sheremetyevsky collective farm", compound feed for adults with 15% alfalfa flour content will cost 650 rubles per bag weighing 40 kg.
  2. Kristall Group LLC mixed feed for adults with 15% alfalfa flour content will cost 694 rubles per bag weighing 40 kg.

Making your own feed for rabbits will be a troublesome task, especially if there is no special equipment. But its purchase is impractical if the livestock is small and is not bred for sale. Purchase finished products A little more expensive than regular feed, but it will be much healthier for rabbits. Such nutrition will be complete, which means that rabbits will get sick less, which is incredibly important for these animals.

IN wildlife Rabbits mainly eat grass. They can graze up to 6-8 hours a day. Their entire digestive tract, from the teeth to the end of the gastrointestinal tract, is adapted to this diet and eating habits. Dietary fiber entering the intestines ensures its mobility and health. Disruptions in a rabbit's digestive cycle can cause gastrointestinal distress and be fatal. The grass is also essential for animal dental health.

Breeders do not always have the opportunity to provide animals with fresh food. The solution to this problem is hay, which has the same properties and nutritional value.

Rabbit diet

For full development, a rabbit needs sufficient nutrients, vitamins and minerals. The composition of the feed directly affects the fertility, growth and health of the animal. Proper feeding is, first of all, a standardized diet that takes into account the physiological state of the animal, weight and time of year.

A rabbit's diet can be divided into several groups

Green feed

This is mostly fresh grass and greens. Due to the high content of vitamins, minerals and proteins, it has a beneficial effect on the growth, reproduction of animals and the quality of rabbit fur. However, you should not use only green food. If you do not add concentrated food, the rabbits are stunted in growth, and the females stop lactating after a month.

This group includes

  • legumes and cereal plants(winter rye, sunflower, spring vetch with oats, alfalfa grass, peas, clover, early corn, etc.). Legumes can cause intestinal diseases, so they should be included in the diet in limited quantities, about 60g. per adult per day.
  • weeds (plantain, sow thistle, wormwood, nettle, burdock, yarrow, dandelion, tansy, etc.).
  • leaves of root vegetables (tops of carrots, radishes, potatoes, beets, cabbage)
  • leaves of trees and shrubs (aspen, rowan, linden, willow, etc.)

Some plants are poisonous and should not be used in animal feeding. They are especially dangerous for cubs and pregnant females. These are dope, hemlock, lily of the valley, celandine, datura, lumbago, henbane, hellebore, poisonous hemlock, datura, spurge, black root, buttercups and many others.

Juicy feed

Included in the diet mainly in the autumn - winter time(see also: ). This group includes root crops, tubers, silage, and melons. They have high milk-producing properties and dietary characteristics, contain easily digestible carbohydrates and vitamins, but not enough proteins and minerals. There is a particular lack of phosphorus and calcium. Among all groups they have the lowest total nutritional value expressed in feed units.

Carrots are considered the most useful root crop; animals also eat with appetite fodder varieties of beets, kuusika (a hybrid of fodder cabbage and rutabaga), turnips, rutabaga, boiled and raw potatoes, and turnips.

Among melons The most popular are pumpkin, forage varieties of watermelon, and zucchini.

Silage is a nutritious feed that provides animals with vitamins in winter and early spring. Most often, sunflower, pea and carrot tops, corn, oats, vetch, and forbs are used for silage. Silage is added to the food gradually, 50-100 g at a time, so that the rabbits get used to the food.


Included in the diet in the autumn-winter period due to its high fiber content .

The composition of roughage includes hay, hay meal, certain types straw and plant branches.

The main component of roughage should be hay. The most nutritious hay is considered to be hay made from legumes and cereal grasses, as well as from meadow and steppe herbs, cut before the plants flower and dried in the shade. It is especially useful for young animals and females during lactation.

Grass meal is made from dried hay. It is used as an additive to soft food.

Only certain types of straw are suitable for feeding rabbits, these include oat, millet, pea and lentil straw. Other types of straw are used only as bedding. Straw contains small amounts of proteins and other useful substances. Rabbits eat it reluctantly.

Branch feeds have a high content of benefits for rabbits nutrients. Harvested in summer and autumn. You can use raspberry, plum, apple, willow, aspen, acacia, linden, maple, willow, etc. shoots as food. In winter, spruce, pine and juniper branches can be used as vitamin supplements, gradually introducing them into the rabbits' diet.

Branches of wolfberry, elderberry, broom, wild rosemary, and sumac contain toxic substances and should not be given to animals.

Concentrated feed

They have a high energy value, contain large amounts of protein and other nutrients. Makes up at least 30-40% of the rabbits' diet. The amount of concentrated feed should be rationed depending on the composition and nutritional value of another diet, the age of the animal, as well as its physiological state.

The concentrated feed contains cereal grains and legumes, residues from grain and oilseed processing, animal feed, compound feed.

Oats are considered the most valuable among grain crops due to their dietary properties. Barley, wheat, corn, peas, beans, soybeans, lentils, oak acorns, cakes and meal are also used for feed.

The most valuable among animal feeds is meat - bone and fish meal. Due to its high calcium and phosphorus content, it is also used as a mineral additive to feed. Animal feed also includes blood meal, pupae silkworm, whole and powdered milk, whey.

Mineral and vitamin feeds

Hay - food for rabbits

Used as mineral and vitamin supplements in the diet, especially in winter and early spring.

These include fish fat(vitamin A and D, iodine), sprouted grains or young greens (vitamin E), baker's yeast (vitamin E, B), bone meal or ash (minerals calcium and phosphorus), table salt and chalk.

Animals should be given water every day in the morning and evening before feeding. On hot days, it is advisable to water rabbits three times, on cold days - once.

Young rabbits up to 2.5 months. and lactating females are fed 4 times a day, the rest - at least 3 times. Regime is very important for animals.

Which hay is best for rabbits?

Naturally dried hay from meadow and steppe herbs is considered the best. It is a rich source of calcium and vitamin D.

Among herbs, it is better to give preference to clover, burdock, dandelion, plantain, wild sorrel, shepherd's purse and yarrow. An excellent food is nettles collected before flowering.

Rabbits also eat some bitter and aromatic plants׃ dill, wormwood, wild rowan, chicory. These herbs can be added to the diet to prevent helminthic infestations.

The most nutritious hay from leguminous plants׃ sainfoin, vetch, clover, alfalfa. However, it must be mixed with other types of hay.

Moldy hay should not be used for feeding; it causes serious illness in animals and can lead to death.

Choosing good hay for a rabbit in the store

The appearance and nutritional value of hay depends on the type of grass, when it is cut, and how long the hay is stored.

  1. It is better to choose green hay - this indicates that the hay has been harvested in compliance with all the rules.
  2. There should be no repulsive odor; high-quality hay smells fresh and summery.
  3. For long storage The hay is well dried. If it is damp or has wet spots, it will not be stored.
  4. The size of the blades of grass should not be too small.
  5. There should not be any hay in the composition large quantity clover and alfalfa. These herbs have a bad effect on the animal’s genitourinary system.

How much hay does a rabbit need?

Rabbits should have access to hay throughout the day. It is necessary to control the constant flow of hay. As a rough guide, a rabbit should eat an amount of hay equal to its body size per day.

According to animal engineering standards, the daily need for hay for an adult rabbit is 300g, for a young rabbit 100-200g. A total of 17 kg is required for one adult. hay per year.

Rabbit doesn't eat hay

Despite the high nutritional value of hay, many rabbits are reluctant to eat it. This is often associated with the availability of tasty but less healthy foods that promote development bad habits in food, which will be difficult to correct over time.

Avoiding hay can lead to dental () and intestinal disease, so some effort should be made to change the animal's preferences.

Below are some tips to encourage your rabbit to eat more hay:

  1. Reduce the amount of dry food. Some foods taste better than hay, but just like humans, rabbits need to eat a balanced diet.
  2. Taste of hay. Not all hay is the same, it happens different varieties and tastes. Try it Various types hay to see which your rabbit likes best.
  3. Make sure the hay good quality and stored under optimal conditions.
  4. Rabbits tend to imitate. Give him a companion who happily eats hay.
  5. Move the hay around the cage. Experiment with bunny toys by placing hay in them.
  6. Sometimes you need to mix hay with dry food, fresh grass, and vegetables. To get to his favorite food, he will have to stir up the hay and eat it accordingly.
  7. It is also recommended to tease the rabbit with a bunch of hay, touching it to the rabbit's antennae, nose and mouth. The animal will begin to bite the “offender” in irritation. This is often enough for the rabbit to start chewing the hay.
  8. Some experts advise spraying Apple juice onto the hay and dry it thoroughly, then give it to the rabbit to try. The animal should like the sweet taste of the hay.
  9. In some situations, using a lax approach will help. hay diet.

Hay diet for rabbits

First stage of the diet(1-3 days) reduce the amount of feed to a minimum, continue to feed hay in the same amount.

Second phase(4-6 days) Minimize the amount of greens and vegetables.

Third stage(6-10 days)Introduce only hay into the diet, carefully observing the rabbit. If the animal eats little, be sure to add greens, but so that he does not get full.

Fourth stage Finally, gradually return to the previous diet to understand how much other food the rabbit will eat hay.

Hay for decorative rabbits

As a rule, hay for decorative rabbits does not differ from the choice of hay for other breeds of rabbits. The main condition still remains the quality of the hay and its composition.

How to replace hay for rabbits

Rabbits need hay; it contains special fibers, without which the normal functioning of the animal is impossible. Even greens and root vegetables cannot fully replace hay. Hay contains certain vitamins that affect the ability of animals to reproduce.

If some animal still refuses hay, you can try to compensate for it with greens, tops of radishes and carrots, leaves of cabbage, lettuce, and celery. Apple tree branches and coniferous trees are also necessary. To replenish fiber and coarse fibers, pelleted feed should be included in the diet.

Making hay for rabbits

It is better to start making hay in the summer before the flowering of meadow and steppe plants. Avoid collecting in swampy areas where acidic herbs grow.

It is better to harvest forbs in the clearings, forest edges and outskirts.

There is a way to obtain excellent food, not much different from green grass, called haylage. Collected grass dried to a moisture content of 40-45%, preserved in a crushed state in airtight storage.

Hay made from aged grass, cut after flowering or exposed to rain has fewer nutrients and is poorly digestible.

Hay is stored in a barn wooden flooring, at least 50 cm from the ground.

Watch your pets carefully. Each individual has different preferences for hay. Some people like coarse blades of grass from bitter steppe grasses, others like softer blades of meadow herbs. By studying your animal's eating habits, you can choose a highly effective, balanced food that will not only please your animal, but will also be beneficial to it.

Watch the video on how to choose hay for rabbits

Raising rabbits for meat is carried out both on large farms and in households. The breed of animals, as well as the characteristics of keeping rabbits, are the determining factor when choosing a feeding method.

Compliance with stage-by-stage feeding gives a high-quality product at the end.

It will become a profitable business only if the right choice breeds

The meat type is characterized by the following characteristics:

  • rapid growth and stable weight gain;
  • high rate of pure product;
  • excellent taste qualities meat.

Not all types of young rabbits are used for breeding and subsequent slaughter.

Suitable for fattening include:

  • New Zealand white. By 5-6 months the animal’s weight is 5 kg. During the birth, 9-11 cubs appear. Rabbits can be kept in boxes with mesh flooring.
  • New Zealand red. The female is larger than the male. Rabbits gain weight well. The yield of pure meat reaches almost 60%.
  • . Maximum weight – up to 6 kg. A female rabbit can give birth to up to 8 cubs. The breed is characterized by early maturity. The quality of the meat is good.
  • Californian breed. It is distinguished by early ripening. During the year, one female gives birth to more than 30 cubs. The taste characteristics of meat and the density and density of wool are valued by consumers.
  • Poltava silver. The breed is valued for its fluffy fur. Animal meat is pleasant and soft in taste.
  • . Weight at the time of slaughter is about 8 kg. In one litter, the female brings 7-9 pieces. Rabbit meat tastes tender and light.
  • Flanders Animals reach a length of 70 cm. Body weight is up to 10 kg. The meat is juicy and tasty. The breed is a late ripening breed; breeding requires a wide cage and constant care.

Rabbit breeders prefer the New Zealand white, gray giant and Californian breed.

Fattening rabbits for weight gain

Plant and feed impurities are introduced into the food of rabbits from 2-3 months. The composition of feed at each age stage is different.

The process of feeding rabbits involves three stages:

  • preliminary(selection of a suitable diet);
  • main(pet weight gain);
  • final(adjustment of weight and body fat).

The first period is characterized by increased nutrition of young animals.

In summer and winter, it is based on combined mixtures:

  • wheat;
  • leguminous plants;
  • oats;
  • corn.

The preparation stage is 5 days.

The main stage is aimed at the formation of the fat layer.

Animal nutrition includes foods containing fats:

  • Boiled potatoes);
  • flax seeds;
  • cake

Porridge with milk is added to the rabbits' daily diet. The fattening period lasts 7-10 days.

The final stage involves maintaining the animals' appetite.

The liquid is salted, and seasonings from:

  • dill;
  • caraway;
  • celery.

Constant monitoring is carried out to ensure that pets eat the required amount per day.

IN last days feeding excludes hay and grass.

Amount of feed for fattening

The use of exclusively compound feeding is typical for industrial fur farms. For a mature individual, consumption per day is 100-110 g of feed, in which 55% is grains, corn, oats, 45% is cake and bran.

The nutrition of rabbits becomes complete due to the inclusion in the daily diet, in addition to compound feed, of auxiliary feeds, which are divided by type:

  • green - a combined group of fresh plants (grass, tree leaves);
  • juicy – ​​represented by fruits and vegetables;
  • coarse - hay.

Attention! The need for concentrated feed depends on the time of year, gender and age of the animal.

With mixed feeding, the dosage of feed per day is half as much (40-50 g), with the exception of:

  • puppet females, who are prescribed 90 g in summer, 100 g in winter;
  • nursing rabbits - 130 g in summer, 150 g in winter.

Table 1. Annual feed requirement for combined fattening

Feeding cages for rabbits

The dimensions of the feeding cages are determined by:

  • number of young animals;
  • number of mature rodents;
  • place where animals are kept.

General principles for organizing animal housing:

  • Thoughtful location of the territory for maintenance (without drafts and strong winds).
  • Choosing wood as a material for the frame and supports, for walls - plywood or mesh.
  • Keeping males separately from and their joint offspring.
  • Typical cage parameters for an adult are 1500x700x700 mm.

Table 2. Minimum dimensions for keeping pets

During the birthing period, the cubs are kept together with the female rabbit until they become stronger. For ease of cleaning, feeding boxes are made retractable or hanging.

The finished cells are placed at a distance of 20-50 cm from the floor. This will protect young rabbits from rodents.

How long does it take to fatten rabbits?

The acceptable age of an animal for slaughter is 84-90 days

The technology of breeding rabbits for meat provides for three types of fattening from birth to slaughter:

  • long-term feeding (120 days);
  • optimal fattening (90 days);
  • early fattening (less than 70 days).

The first option is used for . A short-term approach has a bad effect on the quality of the product. Animals should be fed for 3 months.

From birth to 4 weeks, rabbits grow rapidly. Body weight increases from 40-80 g to 500-700 g. Starting from the 5th week and within 1.5-2 months, rabbits increase their weight.

After 50 days, the growth of the animals gradually slows down. The acceptable age of an animal for slaughter is 84-90 days.

Methods of raising rabbits for meat

Animal nutrition is the basis of rabbit breeding.

Two methods are used:

  • broiler;
  • ordinary.

In large and medium-sized farms containing 200 animals or more, both technologies are being introduced simultaneously. In homesteads, the usual method of feeding is used.

The peculiarity of the method is short term feeding young animals and saving on cages. One fattening cycle takes 90 days.

During feeding, the rabbits remain with their mother. After finishing fattening, the female is transferred to the male for mating. In a year, a female rabbit gives birth to up to 24 babies.

This is interesting! The skin of broiler rabbits is inexpensive, but the meat is in great demand due to its nutritional value and taste.

Advantages of the broiler method:

  • there is no need to equip group cells;
  • concentration of livestock in one place allows for quick care of rodents;
  • with constant feeding on mother's milk, the baby rabbits reach a weight of 3-4 kg by the third month;
  • raising two hundred females at the same time produces about 8 centners of pure meat per year.

The intensive breeding method depletes the immune system of females and reduces milk production. Absence sanitary standards when feeding leads to disease of the mammary glands in the rabbit.

The percentage of concentrated impurities for a nursing female is 45-50% in summer and 65% in winter. For the growth of young animals, 155 g of protein is added at each feeding. Water is included in the diet in unlimited quantities.

Common method of fattening young rabbits

The use of conventional fattening involves the removal of young animals from their mother after two months. While the cubs are on suction feeding, the female rabbit is provided with intensive 5 meals a day.

The basis of nutrition for rabbits is concentrates. In the first week, at least 500 g of food is consumed per pet, of which 450 g is a legume-cereal mixture, 50 g is grain.

By the third and fourth months, the volume of feed increases by one and a half, two times. At slaughter, the daily norm (800-950 g) remains the same.

This is interesting! Conventionally fed rabbit meat does not have a high nutritional value. The sale of fluffy animal skins brings great profit to breeders.

At five months or six months of age, the animal is sent to slaughter. By this time, body weight reaches 4-5 kg.

Increasing the weight of rabbits using additional methods

Rabbit breeders with extensive experience use auxiliary methods to activate weight gain in their pets.

Additional productive methods that ensure weight gain in animals include:

  • Rational seating of rabbits. In a herd, animals are divided into stronger and weaker ones. All pets need to receive food in equal portions. To do this, you need to group rabbits taking into account their temperament.
  • Limited space. The mobility of rabbits is limited by the small area. With minimal movement, rabbits can quickly gain weight.
  • Monitoring the filling of the feeder. After each feeding (4-5 times a day), the food container is cleaned. Empty food boxes are filled again.

Breeders successfully take advantage of another feature of rodents - activity at night. Shielding the cage from daylight increases the rabbits' need for food. But regular exposure of animals in semi-darkness is contraindicated.

Nutritional supplements for artificial weight gain

To improve appetite, breeders add vitamins to pet food. Beneficial substances of groups A and E are used together with fats, vitamin D is added to thick and porridge-like food. The drink is diluted with vitamin C.

After consultation with a veterinarian, animals are prescribed vitamin-mineral, as well as protein-vitamin-mineral supplements (PVMD).

They strengthen the animals’ bodies with useful microelements: manganese, calcium, phosphorus. Protein-containing options provide protein to the animal's muscles.

Vitamin and protein supplements have no contraindications. Correct dosage calculated taking into account the body weight and age of the pet. The use of additives above the norm worsens the taste characteristics of rabbit meat.


Broiler and conventional methods are used to raise rabbits for meat. . The duration and methods of feeding animals depend on the breed and conditions of detention.

Up to 3-5 kg ​​is carried out over 4-5 months. A complete diet for animals consists of 4 types of feed. Additionally, vitamin and protein complexes are introduced into the pets' food.