What is the yield of beans from one bush. Growing legumes as a business. Bean care

It is interesting that, along with villagers and summer residents, beans were willingly grown by melon growers until recently - when there was a poor harvest for watermelons, a good harvest of beans saved the situation.

Common beans are used as a final product in two forms - ripe or unripe seeds, and how green pods, which are eaten lightly boiled in salted water.

Growing beans

The best for growing beans predecessors- pumpkin, cabbage, root vegetables and potatoes. Beans should not be planted in the same place for two years in a row, or after legumes, otherwise they will be more damaged by diseases. You can re-sow beans, or after legumes, no earlier than after five years.

The beans themselves are a good precursor for non-legume crops - they saturate the soil with nitrogen and leave behind loose, weed-free soil.

The soil

Beans love light, loose and well-fertilized soil. If the soil is too acidic and its pH is less than 5.5, it should be limed in the fall.

In autumn, 2-4 kilograms of humus, 30-40 grams of superphosphate and 10-15 grams of potassium salt are added per square meter of land. In the spring, before planting, add 10-15 grams of ammonium nitrate.


As a rule, beans are planted by seeds, although sometimes they are also used seedling method. Seeds before sowing, treat 1-2 percentage solution potassium permanganate for 45 minutes, and then placed in a solution of complex microfertilizers for up to 24 hours, as a result of which the yield often increases almost 2 times.

Sowing produced in May-June, after the soil has warmed up by 10 degrees at a depth of 10 centimeters, and there is no threat of night frosts. Beans can be planted throughout the summer - if there is a need to distribute the harvest over time.

Landing is in progress in rows, between plants in a row 10-12 centimeters, between rows a distance of 25 centimeters for compact bushes, and 40−45 centimeters for spreading bushes. Planting depth seeds on heavy soils 3-4 centimeters, on light soils - 4-5 centimeters.

At seedling method When sowing, bean seedlings begin to be grown a month before transplanting into open ground. The cups are filled with a nutritious mixture consisting of 50 percent compost and 50 percent turf land. If there is no compost, then use 70 percent garden soil and 30 percent turf soil. Add 2 cups of wood ash per bucket to the mixture. Then the mixture is moistened, 1-2 seeds are placed per glass to a depth of 4-5 centimeters, and mulched on top. The optimal temperature for growing seedlings is 20−24 degrees.


Beans love warmth - they are more thermophilic than. Seeds begin to grow at a temperature of 10 degrees, but the optimal temperature for beans is 20-24 degrees. Zamorozkov beans cannot tolerate it - at minus 1-2 degrees the plants die, and even at a positive temperature of 2-3 degrees the leaves begin to turn yellow.


Beans are a moisture-loving plant, although they tolerate drought well. In any case, it is advisable that the soil in the area with beans is constantly moist. The best soil moisture is 60-80 percent of the maximum. Beans need moisture most during flowering and seed ripening.

But beans also don’t like excess moisture, especially in combination with low temperature. Rain during flowering is also harmful to beans - they can cause flowers to fall off.

After filling the fruits for semi-climbing beans, watering is stopped, otherwise the humid air can cause an outbreak of diseases. For bush beans, do one last watering.


The harvest is harvested, depending on the variety and purpose of the beans, or when it is ripe. or in unripe form, like green pea seeds. Bean yield reaches 60−150 kilograms per hundred square meters.

Bean pods, unlike seeds, should not be eaten raw as they contain toxic substances destroyed by heat treatment. Therefore, dishes made from bean pods are cooked for 7 minutes until cooked.

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*Calculations use average data for Russia

It would be more accurate to call this crop leguminous vegetables. The fact is that the nutritional value The value of mature bean seeds turns out to be slightly less than the value of cereal seeds. Many agricultural enterprises are engaged in the cultivation of legumes, among which the most common in our country are beans, soybeans, peas, lentils and peanuts.

The popularity of these crops is explained by several factors. Firstly, there is a huge variety of species in the legume family. Secondly, legumes are simply a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and vegetable protein. By protein content leguminous plants almost as good as meat. At the same time, according to nutritionists and vegetarians, the protein contained in crops such as soy, peas or beans is absorbed by the human body much easier than the protein found in meat. Even when using conventional cooking methods (boiling, frying, stewing), the digestibility of bean protein reaches 80%, which is a very high figure. At the same time, leguminous vegetables contain a minimal amount of fat, which makes them indispensable products in the diet and vegetarian diet. However, legumes are valuable not only for their proteins, but also for their unique set of organic acids, vitamins, fats and mineral salts. Legumes are also used in medicinal practice. They are rich in folic acid and potassium, contain B vitamins and manganese, a large number of fiber and dietary fiber. As nutritionists say, after just a month of daily consumption of 100-150 g of beans, a noticeable decrease in cholesterol levels is observed in the blood. Minimum rate consumption of legume vegetables, according to the Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences, is about 15-20 kg per person per year!

But that's not all. Let's continue our list of advantages of legumes over other plants. This time from an “agronomic” point of view. Leguminous plants enrich the soil with nitrogen. At the same time, they are not very demanding on the composition of the soil, the frequency of watering, or care, and can withstand frosts down to –4°C. They are very disease resistant, easy to treat, and pests can be prevented without large investments in special preparations and treatments.

Specifics of growing legumes

However, although there are indeed a lot of varieties of legumes, they all have their own characteristics, which must be taken into account when choosing the plants that you will grow. The main difference lies, first of all, in the timing of planting. You need to choose crops based not only on the demand for them and your personal preferences, but also optimal conditions for their cultivation. So there are species that are distinguished by good resistance to cold and early ripening. They germinate already at a temperature of 3-5°C and are relatively undemanding to temperature conditions. Their growing season ranges from 65 days. These legumes can be grown in any climatic zone, since with a short vegetative period they manage to produce a harvest in a short time - before the onset of cold weather (in the northern regions).

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There are also certain leguminous crops that are heat-loving and do not tolerate sudden temperature changes. Among them there are also early ripening species (for example, certain varieties of beans), which can be grown in middle lane Russia. However, in this case, the seeds are planted later than usual - not earlier than the middle, or even the end of May, when there is no longer frost. However, you can also use the seedling method, and then you can plant the legumes a couple of weeks earlier.

There are also types of legumes that, unfortunately, are not suitable for growing in regions with a cool climate. These include, for example, chickpeas, mung beans and a number of others. But you must also take into account that most plants of this species love moisture (beans, peas, mung beans, soybeans). Although there are other, more drought-resistant representatives of the legume family (beans, chickpeas).

If you plan to grow legumes on a large scale, then you need to consider soil requirements. Ideally, it should be heavy clay. Without good fertilizer However, you still can’t do it (most often “classic” manure is used). Lighter soils are also suitable, but in this case the main requirement is high humidity. Legumes do not grow very well in acidic soils. It is best to use neutral soil with a pH level of no more than 7. If you plan to use peaty-boggy soils for sowing, you must first add copper-containing fertilizers to the soil, otherwise the plants will “go” to the stem, but will produce few seeds. It is best to allocate fields for legumes where beets, turnips and cabbage were previously grown. Moreover, after leguminous vegetables, the field can be planted with any vegetable crops, especially tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes and cucumbers. But 3-4 years should pass between bean harvests.

The soil for sowing legumes is dug up in the fall and at least 25 cm deep. In the spring, before planting, organic and mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil. As we mentioned above, it is mainly manure, to which double superphosphate, lime and potassium chloride are added. Per square meter of soil requires 0.5-1 bucket of manure, 30-50 g of superphosphate, 300 g of lime and 10-20 g of potassium chloride. Phosphate rock (60 g per 1 square meter) is also widely used when planting legumes. One ton of manure requires about 20 kg of phosphate rock during composting. Instead of manure, you can use 4-5 kg ​​of humus or compost. Immediately before sowing, 15 g of urea is added to the loosened soil.

Planting legume seeds

Legume seeds are resistant to low temperatures. Unlike many other plants, they germinate at temperatures from +6°C. However, it must be taken into account that bean sprouts appear quite quickly - within one to a week and a half after sowing, and if there is frost at this time, the plants may die. For this reason, it is recommended to adhere to optimal timing landings. IN southern regions this may be the second half of April, but in the central regions - no earlier than the second half of May (best of all - in the twenties of May).

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Before planting, seeds are inspected and damaged by pests and diseases are removed. The shelf life of seeds is quite long - 10-12 years, but it is better, of course, to use seeds with a shorter shelf life. Sometimes seeds are heated for three hours before sowing at a temperature of +40°C or at hot water temperature +50°C for five minutes followed by rapid cooling at cold water. Before heating, the seeds are soaked in water for 4-5 hours room temperature. It is extremely important not to overexpose the seeds in water to avoid rotting. These simple manipulations can significantly increase their germination. Before planting, the seeds are also dipped for five minutes in a warm solution of 2 g of molybdenum ammonium and 2 g boric acid, diluted in 10 liters of water at a temperature of +40°C, which helps prevent damage to plants by the nodule weevil. In addition, seeds are often treated with bacterial fertilizer (nitrogin or rhizotrophin in a proportion of 1 g per 1 kg of seeds).

Legumes are sown earlier than other crops (starting in mid-April, depending on the region). Although the optimal time for sowing is considered to be mid-May, when the soil is sufficiently moist and the seeds germinate quickly. They are sown in rows with a distance between rows of 50-60 cm. In each row, the distance between seeds is 12-15 cm. Planting density is 20-30 viable seeds per square meters with a planting depth of 6-8 cm. In order to save space, beans can be sown in rows of potatoes or cucumbers. This not only increases profitability, but also has a beneficial effect on the yield of both crops. In good warm weather, the first shoots can be expected by the middle to the end of the second week after sowing. If the air temperature is low enough and there is too much rain, then the period from sowing to germination may be slightly longer.

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When choosing a sowing method, the variety of legume crop is taken into account. For example, legume varieties come in both climbing and bush varieties. For first grade plants, support trellises up to two meters high are required. In principle, large expenses for creating trellises are not required - stakes are dug in on both sides of the row, onto which wire or rope is then pulled at a distance of 15 cm from each other, or a nylon mesh. Seeds are sown on both sides of the trellis. However, for large sown areas, it is more advisable to give preference to bush varieties of legumes that do not require additional supports.

When choosing varieties, take into account the fact that beans are prone to cross-pollination. At the same time, they begin to bloom from the lower nodes. The earlier the variety, the lower the node. A lower nodes bring more flowers than those located higher. For this reason, if you grow legumes different varieties on one site, then the area of ​​the latter must be large enough to ensure spatial isolation between crops of different varieties. If the area of ​​the plot is limited, then it is advisable to sow it with legumes of one variety.

Before the emergence of seedlings, it is recommended to loosen the soil, and then carry out inter-row cultivation to a depth of 8-12 cm. The main guarantee good harvest legumes – loose soil and the absence of weeds on the field. After the seedlings have grown a little, the plants are hilled until they reach a height of 50-60 cm to strengthen the root system and increase the plants’ resistance to winds.

Although, in general, legumes are not as demanding of excess moisture as many plants, they still need good watering during flowering and fruiting. At the same time, it is recommended to feed them mineral fertilizers. Legumes are sensitive to air drought. This means that in dry areas they do not survive, burning out in the sun and dry air before they produce seeds. In regions with short daylight hours, beans bloom and bear fruit much worse than in areas with long daylight hours.

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Cleaning time various types beans depend on several factors. The most important of them are the duration of the growing season and the ripeness phase in which the fruits of a particular plant species are used.

If green pods are eaten (asparagus beans, sugar peas, snake beans, etc.), the harvest is carried out at several times as the beans grow, while untimely harvesting not only worsens the quality of the product, but also reduces the overall productivity. If mature grain is eaten, it is harvested once after the fruits have fully ripened.

For example, the period of technical maturity early species for beans it occurs in 44-47 days, and for mid-season varieties - in 50-55 days after the appearance of the first shoots. By this time, the beans become long, up to 10-15 cm in length, and their grains reach the size wheat grain. Harvesting is carried out selectively over two to three weeks.

In any case, the beans are removed when the seeds in them are almost completely developed, but have not yet become sufficiently coarse. If the fruits are intended for consumption as a whole (that is, grains with their shell), then they are collected when the pods are still juicy and the grains have already reached their optimal size (usually about 1 cm). If grown grains are eaten raw, then the beans are harvested when the seeds are still in milky ripeness, but have already reached their maximum size. The beans located at the bottom of the stem are harvested first. They are torn off, freed from the sashes and packed into bags for subsequent packaging or sale by weight. This work is done manually. Most often, the harvest is harvested in three to four stages, with intervals between harvests of 1-1.5 weeks.

The beans are harvested along with the tops. Sheaves are knitted from it and then left to ripen. Threshing is subsequently also done manually. An average of 40 g of seeds can be collected from one plant. Tops are an excellent food for cattle and other animals.

After harvesting, the above-ground part of the plants is cut off, and the roots are buried in the ground for further processing of the site. The fact is that the nodules on the roots of beans contain nitrogen-fixing bacteria, as a result of whose vital activity nitrogen accumulates in the soil during the growing season of plants. Legume roots are also used to make compost.

Equipment and business prospects

Let's take a closer look at what an entrepreneur will need to organize his own business. For processing small area with an area of ​​30 acres (personal subsidiary plot), you will need a mini-tractor (or walk-behind tractor), a plow for it, a hiller for the mini-tractor, a body for transporting goods using a mini-tractor. This equipment will cost approximately 80-100 thousand rubles.

Is it worth saving on equipment? You can also purchase long-outdated equipment from Soviet times, but the savings in this case will be questionable. Old technology constantly breaks down. In addition, its use leads to loss and damage to the crop. New Russian-made equipment is cheaper than imported equipment, while not much inferior to the latter in terms of quality and performance. Therefore, it is better to purchase it rather than used and obsolete equipment.

Additional costs are associated with harvesting, cleaning it from husks and contaminants, sorting it, packaging and transporting it. Let us remind you that the collection of legumes is carried out manually, which reduces the profitability of the entire production, unless, of course, you plan to hire workers and not harvest the crop yourself.

In the future, it is advisable to expand your farm by renting or purchasing new land for sowing, because, as mentioned above, it will be possible to re-sow legumes on your plot only 3-4 years after the previous harvest.

Legal and accounting issues of running an agricultural business

If the land where you plan to grow legumes for personal use or for sale in small quantities is your property and belongs to the category of private plots (personal subsidiary plots), you do not have to register as an entrepreneur and simply sell your products (or rather its surplus) on the retail market. However, you should not count on big profits in this case. If you want to have not just additional income, but a profitable business, then you will have to register as an individual entrepreneur. When registering, you will need to select an OKVED code. In our case, the encoding 01.11.1 is suitable. Growing grains and leguminous crops

This group includes the cultivation of durum and soft wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, rice and other grain crops; growing and drying leguminous crops (peas, beans, beans); growing seeds, including elite and reproductive seeds intended for sale. Please note (if you are planning to expand your farm in the future), this grouping does not include growing sweet corn (see 01.12.1).

Which taxation system should you prefer? The Unified Agricultural Tax (USAT), which is 6% of net profit, is one of the most profitable. As the name implies, only agricultural producers, that is, enterprises or individual entrepreneurs who themselves produce these products and sell them, can pay the Unified Agricultural Tax. If you already have an operating enterprise and want to switch to the Unified Agricultural Tax, then the amount of income from the sale of agricultural products should be at least 70% of your total income. For producers of agricultural products, there are two taxation regimes - general and special. There are certain differences between them. Enterprises paying taxes according to the general tax regime must pay VAT, unified social tax, property tax (for property that is used for the production and storage of finished agricultural products, a benefit is provided), transport tax (for trucks and agricultural machinery there are also benefits ), transport tax (a benefit is provided for trucks and agricultural machinery), profit tax (preferential tax rate on profits from the sale of agricultural products), land tax, mineral extraction tax, tax for the use of water bodies and environmental pollution.

Individual entrepreneurs who switch to a single agricultural tax are exempt from paying personal income tax, VAT (except for imports), property tax, and enterprises and organizations that have chosen this taxation system are exempt from paying VAT (except for imports), property tax and tax on profit. All other fees are paid as under other taxation systems, but the benefits for agricultural enterprises are obvious.

If you are an agricultural producer and fall under the above requirements, you can switch to the Unified Agricultural Tax either in the general manner by submitting an appropriate application to the Federal Tax Service in the period from October 20 to December 31 of the current year, or individually - within thirty days after registering as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. In the first case, your enterprise will switch to the Unified Agricultural Tax from the new calendar year, and in the second, when registering with the Federal Tax Service. Keep in mind that you will not be able to opt out of your chosen tax system during the year. But there is also the possibility of forced abolition of the unified agricultural tax if your enterprise begins to conduct activities that are not related to agriculture, or the share of sales of agricultural products becomes less than 70%.

It is also worth considering the fact that the expenses of an individual entrepreneur or an enterprise that conducts agricultural activities are limited to expenses for the purchase of fixed assets, wages employees and advertising with the obligatory maintenance of a book of income and expenses. Only those funds that go to your current account or to the company’s cash desk are considered income.

Sales of legumes

It is not enough to grow and harvest vegetables. We also need to sell them. The distribution channels for legumes depend on several factors: the scale of your production and the crops you grow on your plot.

If you operate as a private household plot (and we will consider exactly this format within the framework of a small business), then you can sell the surplus of your household plot either independently (in the markets) or through intermediaries. Your volumes will most likely not be large enough to work with wholesalers, and they will not be able to offer you favorable prices for your products. Although one of the most profitable areas of work now is the sale of legumes for freezing. Previously, this segment was dominated by foreign-made products (mainly Poland). Now, after the introduction of sanctions by EU countries, the amount of imported products has decreased significantly. At the same time, domestic manufacturers are just beginning to develop the vacated niche, which, one might say, is practically empty today.

But in any case, no matter what sales option you choose, a number of documents will be required to sell vegetables grown on private plots and peasant farms. In particular, it is mandatory to have a certificate for your land plot(whether it is owned or leased). Then you need to get Required documents for retail sale of vegetables ( The federal law“On the quality and safety of food products” dated January 2, 2000 No. 29-FZ). You should receive several documents in the area where your site is located - this is the State Quarantine Phytosanitary Surveillance Act and the Certificate of Quarantine Expertise (“Rules for organizing work on the issuance of veterinary accompanying documents”, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on November 24, 2006 No. 8524). A number of documents are issued directly at the agricultural market, which has the State Laboratory of Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise (GLVSE): trade permit (Federal Law “On Retail Markets and on Amendments to the Labor Code Russian Federation" dated December 30, 2006 No. 271-FZ, Article 12, paragraph 4) and the result of a laboratory examination for the sale of vegetables (Article 21 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Veterinary Medicine” dated May 14, 1993 No. 4979).

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Annual, heat-loving herbaceous plant, self-pollinator. Weight of 1000 grains is 120-600 g. Germinates at a temperature of 11-12 degrees. optimal pH 6-7.5. Sowing is done when the soil warms up at a depth of 10 cm to 10-12 degrees, in the third ten days of May, to a depth of 3-6 cm. The optimal density is 500 thousand plants per 1 hectare. Beans are responsive to the application of manure and especially to the application of potassium fertilizers. To avoid severe infection of plants with diseases, it is recommended to plant beans in their original place no earlier than after 4-5 years.

There is more protein in bean grains than in meat, and the quality of the protein is equal to protein chicken eggs. The calorie content of grain is 3 times higher than the calorie content of meat.

Beans are useful for diseases of the liver and gall bladder. Increases resistance to infectious diseases and even to cancer.

There are varieties:

  • Hulling - to obtain grain, leaves with a parchment layer, to speed up the ripening of seeds, reduce the number of beans on the plant and pinch the growth points. Harvesting is carried out before the onset of frost when 75% of the beans are ripe, the plants are tied into sheaves and ripened under a canopy;
  • Sugar (asparagus) - to obtain beans that do not contain a parchment layer and veins, unripe whole beans are used for food when the grain ovary reaches the size of a wheat seed, or 8-10 day old bean ovaries.
  • Semi-sugar - the beans do not contain a parchment layer, but there are veins that are removed before use.

Existing varieties are also divided according to growth vigor - bush varieties with a plant height of up to 50 cm and climbing varieties with a plant height of 2.5 meters or more.

According to early ripening, varieties are divided into: early ripening up to 65 days, mid-early 65-75 days, average 75-85 days. Mid-season 85-100 and late more than 100 days.

Varieties and hybrids of beans

  • Gait- a variety of bush beans with green beans. The beans are narrow, 12-13 cm long. The variety is resistant to disease. SeDeK.
  • Amalthea. An early ripe variety of vegetable beans for canning and consumption in fresh, bush form. The variety is resistant to bacterial and viral mosaics. Productivity up to 12 t/ha. Selection of Krasnodar Research Institute of Chemical and Chemical Chemistry.
  • Bona- bush, vegetable variety of beans with a period until the first harvest of 48-75 days. Plant height 30-40 cm. The beans are light to dark green in color, without a parchment layer and fibers, 13.5 cm long. The seeds are greenish-white. The variety was bred in Poland. Zoned in 1998 in the Central region. For use in home cooking, canning and freezing. The harvest is 10-13.6 t/ha, ripens together.
  • Bürk Pinto- a variety of vegetable climbing beans, 2 beans in an inflorescence, flat green beans 11-12 cm long.
  • climbing vegetable- an early ripening variety of beans with curly stems requires a mandatory garter. Bob in the phase of technical ripeness yellow color, length 12-13 cm, smooth, round in cut. 8-9 beans are formed on the plant. Growing season 67-72 days.
  • Harmony Mid-season variety climbing beans. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 65-85 days. The plant, 3-3.5 m long, requires support for growth. The beans are 20-25 cm long, round, slightly curved, without a parchment layer, yellow. Mature seeds are elongated, kidney-shaped, white. Universal use.
  • Gribovskaya 92- mid-early grain bean variety, period from germination to biological ripeness 90-110 days. The plant is medium-branched, 20-45 cm high. The beans are xiphoid with the presence of a parchment layer, 12-15 cm long. At technical ripeness, green, the seeds are white.
  • Crane 9906061. Originator Voronezh vegetable experimental station. The variety is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for garden plots, household plots and small farms. Recommended for use in home cooking and in the canning industry. Early ripening. Bush plant, 40-52 cm high. Green leaves. Medium size flower, white. The beans are slightly curved, elliptical to ovoid in cross section, without a parchment layer and fiber, green at technical ripeness, 11.7-12.8 cm long, 0.9-1.1 cm wide, smooth, pointed apex with a medium, slightly curved beak. The height of attachment of the lower beans is 19-21 cm. The taste of canned products is excellent. Bean yield 0.9-1.3 kg/m. Seeds are elliptical, white, white scar, weight of 1000 seeds is 290-320 g. The variety is resistant to bacteriosis.
  • Riddle 9906819. Originator GNU Crimean experimental selection station VNIIR station. The variety is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for garden plots, household plots and small farms. Recommended for use in home cooking and in the canning industry. Mid-season. Bush plant, height 40-47 cm. Leaves are dark green. Medium size flower, white. The beans are straight, slightly curved, round in cross section, without a parchment layer and fiber. At technical ripeness, green, 11-14 cm long, 0.9-1.1 cm wide, smooth, pointed apex with a medium, slightly curved beak. The height of attachment of the lower beans is 14.5 cm. The taste of canned products is good and excellent. Bean yield 0.7 kg/m. The seeds are elliptical, white with veins, weight of 1000 seeds is 305 g.
  • Golden saxa- Early ripening variety of beans (45-50 days). Fruiting is extended, from the first to the last harvest 60 days. The plant is a bush plant, 30-40 cm high. The beans are light green, juicy, fleshy without a parchment layer. The seeds are greenish-yellow. The yield of green beans is up to 1.6 kg/m.
  • Golden nectar. A productive variety of climbing beans. The period from germination to the beginning of fruiting is 67 days. Pod length 23 cm. Seeds white.
  • Golden neck- early ripening, productive variety curly, green beans. Plants are 2-2.5 m high. Yellow beans are 20-22 cm long and 12-14 mm in diameter. The grain is white, oblong. The beans are suitable for canning and freezing. SeDeK.
  • Zoryushka - early variety asparagus beans selection of the Pridnestrovian Research Institute of Agriculture. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 44-47 days. The bush is compact, compressed, 27-33 cm high. The flowers are pale lilac. The bean is slightly curved, pointed, light green, 10-11 cm long, 0.8-0.9 wide, 0.7-0.9 cm thick, the distance from the tip of the lower bean to the soil is 1.3 cm. Bean weight 5, 5-*6 g. Beans contain 8.5-10% dry matter, 1.7-2% sugars, 18-21 mg% vitamin C, the taste of canned beans is 4.3-4.6 points. Seeds in the phase of biological ripeness are light yellow, oval. Weight 1000 fam. 300-320 g. Bean yield 6-7 t/ha. Resistant to bacteriosis, as well as low positive temperatures. Zoned in Moldova.
  • Inga- early high-yielding variety grain bush beans with white barrel-shaped grains. SeDeCa.
  • Contender- early (45-50 days) variety of vegetable beans, bush plant up to 50 cm high, green beans with purple streaks, up to 20 cm long, light brown seeds.
  • Kentucky Belle- Medium late (55-60 days), climbing bean variety, 1.8-2 m high. Yellow beans without a parchment layer. The seeds are brown.
  • Nomad- a variety of climbing beans obtained by selection in the Kaluga and Moscow regions from the Sukhumi sample. Medium early variety, short bean of medium width, ovoid in cross section, in technical ripeness light green with weak purple pattern, which becomes brighter as it matures. There is no parchment layer and fibers in the bean. The main color of the grain is ocher, the pattern is mottled pale purple. The plant is slightly affected by anthracnose in open ground and medium gray rot when grown in a greenhouse. In greenhouses of the Moscow region. bears fruit until the end of October.
  • Laura- an early ripening, high-yielding variety of green beans. Beautiful fruits taste qualities, yellow pods. Bushes 40 cm high. Collection period 15-20 days. An excellent variety for cooking and canning. SeDeK.
  • Mauritanian- a variety of climbing bean. The bean is straight green, round, 12 cm long.
  • Butter King- a variety of green beans with yellow beans.
  • Oily earliest 273- an early ripening bean variety (75-90 days). The bush is medium-branched, compact, erect, 25-30 cm high. The flowers are light purple, the beans are straight, flat-rounded, small. Seeds are round-elliptical, black. Relatively resistant to anthracnose and bacteriosis.
  • Moscow white green bean 556. Mid-season bean variety. Beans with a thin parchment layer. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 100 days. Bush 25 cm high.
  • Nerine- a hybrid of asparagus beans of Dutch selection. Green pods without a parchment layer and veins, 12-15 cm long, good taste, suitable for canning and cooking. The hybrid is resistant to diseases, adverse weather conditions and high yield. Bush 40-50 cm high.
  • Nina -318- mid-season variety of asparagus beans selected by the Transnistrian Research Institute of Agriculture. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 53-56 days. Until the seeds ripen 75-82 days. The bush is compact, compressed, 28-36 cm high. The flowers are white. The bean is slightly curved or straight, light yellow, 8-11 cm long, 0.8-1 cm wide and thick, without a parchment layer and fiber. The distance from the tip of the lower bean to the soil is 2.2-5.1 cm. Bean weight is 5.1-5.5 g. Beans contain 8-10% dry matter, 2.1-2.5% sugars, 18-32 mg% vitamin C ,2-2.2% protein, 08-1% fiber, taste of boiled beans 4.5-4.8 points. Seeds in the phase of biological ripeness are white, elongated with a white scar. Weight of 1000 seeds 200-260 g. Bean yield 7-9 t/ha. Resistant to bacteriosis, as well as low positive temperatures. Zoned in Moldova.
  • Nodak Pinto- a variety of vegetable climbing beans, in an inflorescence from 2 to 4 beans, green flat beans, 11-14 cm long.
  • Note- a variety of bush asparagus beans. The bean is round and green.
  • Fiery red (winner). High-yielding fiberless bean variety. The beans are ready for harvest 90 days after sowing. The beans are dark green, flat, up to 30 cm long. The seeds are colored.
  • Olaze Pinto
  • Oran. Early ripening (79-90 days) variety of grain beans. Productivity up to 200 g per 1 sq. meters. Bush-shaped plants with a height of 35-54 cm. The grain boils evenly, the taste is excellent.
  • Orbel yellow- an early variety of asparagus and bush beans. The bob is 15 cm long and yellow.
  • Option. A mid-early variety of bush vegetable beans. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 78-81 days. The beans are dark green, round, 13-15 cm long. The recommended sowing pattern is 30 * 40 cm at a depth of 3-5 cm.
  • Panther- mid-early, bush variety asparagus, with bright yellow beans.
  • Flat long High-yielding early-ripening variety of climbing beans. The period from germination to the first harvest of the blade is 45-50 days, seed ripening is 70-75 days. The plant is climbing and requires support for growth. The beans are dark green, sword-shaped, flat, 24-25 cm long, without a parchment layer and fibers. Mature seeds are white. Universal use.
  • Welt- a sugar bean variety bred by VNIISSOK, zoned in 1997 for the Central Chernobyl region. Forms a bush with 15-27 sugar beans, the period from germination to the first harvest is 42-58 days, the yield is 12 t/ha, resistant to anthracnose and ascochyta. Green beans without a parchment layer and fibers, 11-13 cm long, cylindrical in shape with 5-6 grains. The seeds are pink with lilac streaking. Beans are used in cooking and canning.
  • Rebus 99004000. Ekaterininsky Experimental Station VNIIR. The variety is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for garden plots, household plots and small farms. Recommended for use in home cooking. Early ripening. The plant is bushy, slightly leafy, 35-40 cm high. The leaves are green. Medium size flower, pink. The beans are straight to slightly curved, xiphoid in cross section, elliptical to ovoid, without a parchment layer and fiber. At technical ripeness, green, 8-9 cm long, 1.1 cm wide, smooth, pointed apex with a medium, slightly curved beak. The height of attachment of the lower beans is 7-12 cm. The taste of canned products is good. Bean yield 1.8 kg/m. The seeds are elliptical, brown with weak venation, white scar, weight of 1000 seeds is 305 g.
  • Pink High-yielding mid-season variety of climbing beans. The period from germination to the first harvest of the blade is 65-85 days. The plant is climbing, 3-3.5 m long, requires support for growth. The beans are long, marbled pink, sword-shaped, without a parchment layer and fibers, each with 6-10 grains. Mature seeds are elongated, kidney-shaped, pink with purple streaks and streaks. Universal use.
  • Rosinka 9803262. Crimean experimental station VNIIR. The variety is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for garden plots, household plots and small farms. Recommended for use in home cooking and the canning industry. Mid-season. Bush plant, 35-40 cm high. Green leaves. Medium size flower, white. The beans are straight to slightly curved, cylindrical in cross section, rounded, without a parchment layer and fiber. At technical ripeness, yellow, 11.5 cm long, 0.9-1 cm wide, smooth, pointed apex with a medium, slightly curved beak. The height of attachment of the lower beans is 11.4 cm. The taste of canned products is good. Bean yield 1.2 kg/m. Seeds are elliptical, white with weak veining, white scar, weight of 1000 seeds is 300 g.
  • Gardener- Mid-late bush bean variety for grain. The plant is 40-45 cm high. The seeds are chestnut with red spots. The variety is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and stable yield. SeDeK.
  • Sachs- early ripening (50-60 days) variety of green beans. Beans without a parchment layer are distinguished by their delicate taste and meatiness.
  • Saxa without fiber 615. An early ripening bush bean variety. The height of the bush is 40 cm, the period from germination to technical ripeness is 50 days. A variety with soft sugar beans of excellent taste and a long fruiting period. The seeds are greenish-yellow.
  • North Star- mid-season variety of grain beans.
  • Second- an early ripening variety of sugar beans bred by VNIISSOK. The plant is bushy, compact. The stem is green, 30-39 cm long. Unripe beans are cylindrical, without a parchment layer and fibers, green, 10-12 cm long. There are 5-6 yellow-brown seeds in a bean. Weight 1000 pcs. 280-320 g. Intended for use as green beans after heat treatment.
  • Siesta- an early ripening variety of bush asparagus beans. The beans are yellow in color with white grains.
  • Sisal Mid-early variety. The period from germination to technical ripeness of beans is 60 days. The plant is a bush type, tall, spherical in shape. The beans are green, straight, round in cross section, fleshy, without fiber, 11-12 cm long, up to 8 mm wide. Harmonious ripening of beans. The variety is highly resistant to anthracnose and bacteriosis.
  • Scuba- an early ripening variety of bush asparagus beans. The beans are green in color with white grains.
  • Tara- bush, vegetable variety of beans with a period until the first harvest of 60–72 days. Plant height 30-40 cm. Beans, without parchment layer and fibers. The variety was bred in Poland. Zoned in 1998 in the Central region. For use in home cooking, canning and freezing. The yield is 8.1-10.6 t/ha, ripens together. Resistant to major
  • Tiraspolskaya- mid-season variety of asparagus beans selected by the Pridnestrovian Research Institute of Agriculture. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 49-54 days. Bush 30-35 cm high. White flowers. The bean is green, 11-13 cm long, 0.9-1 wide, round, without a parchment layer and fibers, straight or slightly curved. the distance from the tip of the lower bean to the soil is 1-2 cm. The mass of the bean is 6-6.5 g. The beans contain 8.5-10% dry matter, 2.2-2.5% sugars, 18-40 mg% vitamin C, the taste of the beans is 3. 9-4.2 points. Bean yield 7-8 t/ha. Resistant to bacteriosis. Zoned in Moldova.
  • Triumph sugar 764- early ripening bean variety (85-90 days). The bush is compact, erect, medium-branched, 30-40 cm high. Pink flowers. The fruits are flat-cylindrical, straight, 12-16 cm long. The seeds are yellow. Relatively resistant to fungal diseases.
  • Generous. An early ripening bean variety (85-95 days). The bush is erect, medium-branched, 25-45 cm high. Pink flowers. The seeds are grayish-yellow. Moderately resistant to anthracnose and bacteriosis.
  • Jubilee 287. Mid-season asparagus bean variety selected by UkrNIIOB. The plant is bushy, compact, 30-35 cm high. The bean is straight, straw-yellow, juicy, fleshy. There is no parchment layer or fiber in the beans. There are 9-12 beans on the plant, 9-13 cm long. The taste is excellent. Productivity up to 2 kg/m. The seeds are white with pink streaks.
  • Eureka- grain beans with white grains.
  • Esperanto- mid-season variety of asparagus beans selected by the Transnistrian Research Institute of Agriculture. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 50-55 days, until seed ripening is 76-81. Bush 31-44 cm high. White flowers, 2-4 pairs in a raceme. The bean is slightly curved or straight, rounded in diameter, green, 8-12 cm long, 0.9-1 wide, without a parchment layer and fibers, the distance from the tip of the lower bean to the soil is 4-5 cm. Bean weight is 6.5 g. 9- 13 beans. Beans contain 8-11% dry matter, 2-2.6% sugars, 19-31 mg% vitamin C, protein 2.1-2.7%, fiber 0.8-1, taste of canned beans 4.1-4.6 points . The seeds in the phase of biological ripeness are white, rounded-oblong with a white scar. Weight of 1000 seeds 380-334 g. Bean yield 7-9 t/ha. Resistant to bacteriosis, as well as low positive temperatures. Zoned in Moldova.
  • Kharkov white-seeded D −45- Early ripening variety of beans (70-75 days). Bush plants, 25-30 cm high. The buds are yellow, flat-round, 12-15 cm long, without fibers, but the parchment layer is formed early. The seeds are white. It is weakly affected by bacteriosis and common mosaic.
  • Brittle wax 509- a mid-season sugar bean variety, very suitable for freezing.
  • Hetton Pinto- a variety of vegetable climbing beans, light green beans, 10-12 cm long.
  • Fantasy- a variety of asparagus bush beans with green pods, 13 cm long. SeDeK.
  • Fatima- a variety of climbing beans. The bean is flattened, up to 50 cm long.
  • Purple Mid-season climbing bean variety. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 65-85 days. The plant, 3-3.5 m long, requires support for growth. The beans are long, without a parchment layer, rounded-flat, slightly curved, purple, each with 6-10 grains. Mature seeds are elongated, kidney-shaped, light brown. Universal use.

Delicious and healthy beans has been known to people for a long time. Its homeland is the countries of South and Central America, as well as India. The first mention was made in the middle of the 16th century in the book “General History of the Affairs of New Spain”: based on the stories of the inhabitants of the Aztec tribe, the author described the species of the plant. However, some historians believe that the ancient Greeks knew about beans: they used their fruits as a raw material for the production of flour, which in turn served as powder for local beauties.

Today, beans are especially valued by vegetarians: per 100 grams of product there are 8.4 grams of protein, which is so lacking for those who have given up meat and dairy products. In addition, beans contain only 93 calories and 0.3 grams of fat, which allows them to be considered a dietary product. It contains such important microelements as vitamins B, C, PP, copper, iron, zinc and potassium. It is useful for diseases of the liver, stomach, cardiac system, kidneys and bladder.

Bean growth

Growing beans is a fairly simple process that anyone can do. In our latitudes, mainly grain or shelling varieties are grown, from which a dry product is obtained. You can also grow sugar or green beans, which uses unripe shoulder beans.

It is best to grow legumes on neutral soil with a pH level of no more than 7. At the same time, at least 2-3 years should pass from the moment of applying organic fertilizers. It is necessary to protect the area from cold and wind. You can use the row spacing of a non-fruit-bearing garden. There should be 3-4 years between bean harvests. At this time, the plot can be used for sowing tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers and potatoes.

Before sowing, it is recommended to fertilize the soil with mineral fertilizers, and soak the seeds themselves in a solution of potassium permanganate, then rinse and dry. Caring for crops is quite simple: just regularly weed the soil, water it, feed it with fertilizers and get rid of pests. If necessary, the rows can be thinned by carefully replanting the seedlings.

What's worth knowing

When planning to start a business on beans, remember that they are a heat-loving plant and do not tolerate low temperatures. If the air temperature is low, the plant may not germinate and will die. At the same time, she doesn’t like too hot days. When choosing soil, choose chernozem, loam or sandy loam options. Wetlands and low-lying areas should not be chosen.

According to ripening periods, beans are divided into:

  • very early ripening: 60-75 days;
  • early ripening (75-90 days);
  • mid-season (85-105 days);
  • late ripening (100-115 days);
  • very late ripening (more than 115 days).

Ukrainian crops are mostly mid-season.

Instead of output

Growing beans as a business can bring good profits: the average bean yield is up to 1 kg per 1 sq.m. It is worth considering that beans will not grow every year: by dividing the plot into 3 or 4 parts, you can get a harvest every year by using the land as beds for other crops. The unpretentiousness of beans makes them competitive with other vegetables, and the ability to harvest several times a season attracts more and more gardeners. When choosing a variety, pay attention Special attention on its characteristics and the available soil: right choice guarantees you an excellent harvest and trouble-free growth.

Attachments: from 2.3 million rubles

Payback: from 1 year

Agriculture is actively supported by government policy. Therefore, business in this area can be a good source of income. One of the directions is growing beans. Let's explore this business idea in this article.

Business concept

Beans are one of the most popular products due to beneficial properties and protein content. It’s not for nothing that they call it “meat from the garden.” In addition, beans are not difficult to care for.

Suitable for growing it mineral soils with neutral acidity. The technology for growing beans involves the following manipulations:

  • fertilizing the soil with minerals;
  • soaking seeds in a special solution;
  • washing and drying;
  • landing;
  • crop care - watering, weeding, pest control;
  • cleaning and processing.

You can sell bean products to shops and catering establishments.

What will be required for implementation?

Can't get by here minimal investment, since the goal is to organize a successful business that will generate profit for many years. To implement a commercial project you will need:

  • land plot;
  • seeds for planting - 500 kilograms per 100 hectares;
  • fertilizers and pest control products;
  • transport;
  • hired workers.

Step-by-step launch instructions

Since sowing of beans occurs in the spring, preparation must be carried out several months in advance, even better in the fall.

  1. Register an LLC. Working officially in the field of agriculture, you can count on subsidies and benefits, and receiving land.
  2. Buy equipment necessary for large farms . In other cases, you can use a rented one: a tractor for plowing the land, a combine for harvesting.
  3. Purchase seeds, fertilizers and pest poisons.
  4. Hire workers.
  5. Find a sales market.

Financial calculations

Start-up capital

How much will you need to spend:

  • 20,000-25,000 – LLC registration;
  • 500,000 – land rent;
  • 50,000 – seeds 500 kilograms;
  • 100,000 – fertilizers and poisons;
  • 200,000 – plowing;
  • 500,000 – rent of a warehouse for storage;
  • 500,000 – wages for hired workers;
  • 500,000 – transportation and other expenses.

In general, 100 hectares of land will require an investment of 2 million 400 thousand rubles. The larger the land plantation, the greater the investment, but also the higher the profit.

Monthly expenses

There are no special expenses expected each month. If fertilizers and poisons are purchased, then you will have to spend only on hired workers and unforeseen needs. This is approximately 200-300 thousand rubles.

How much can you earn?

Using simple arithmetic, we calculate the profit. From one hectare of land you can get 5-10 tons of beans, depending on the yield. In turn, productivity depends on several factors: proper care for the crop, seed quality, weather conditions. On average, a kilogram of beans can be sold for 60 rubles. From 10 tons of harvest, the net profit will average 600 thousand. From a plot of 100 hectares, the average profit will be 40-60 million rubles, excluding all expenses and investments for next year. If you grow beans in the southern regions using seeds of early ripening varieties, you can sow the legume crop twice a year.

Payback period

All expenses will be paid off after harvesting and selling the crop, that is, in two to three months.

Risks and disadvantages of business

Agricultural business is always associated with certain risks. Profit depends on yield, which may be reduced due to weather conditions. Beans - heat-loving plant, so cold summers and rains can be detrimental to it. Timely work on fertilization and treatment with pest control agents is also important. Be a little late and you may be left without a harvest.


Labor in agriculture requires not so much financial resources as a great physical return. If you approach the matter responsibly, you can make good money by growing tasty and healthy beans.