Roses that do not require shelter for the winter. Canadian roses - the best varieties Hybrid varieties of Canadian roses

Before writing the article, I looked on the Internet at all the sites and forums where they discuss "roses of Canadian selection". They have written a lot about them, listing varieties and using translated materials. Several misconceptions have arisen regarding " Canadian roses" or " Canadians"as they are called by amateur rose growers. I have been observing these roses in my experimental plot for about 6 years. There are many experiments associated with them, from shelters to landscapes. I will give all descriptions based on my personal experience.

In 2000, I learned that work was underway in Canada to create frost-resistant roses. It was a government order. The Canadian government sponsored the work of scientists to satisfy the great desire for beauty among its compatriots. By the way, this work is now ongoing, and in this article I will describe 2 new varieties that were introduced in Canada in 2007 and appeared in nurseries last year.

"Canadian Roses"- this is no longer a new product on the rose market. Many of the lovers planted them on their plots, believing in advance that now there are roses that will be as beautiful as hybrid tea roses, have curvaceous, like many of David Austin's roses and does not freeze out like wild rose hips. And the dream of covering a gazebo with roses and not removing them from the supports for the winter will now become a reality.

All of the above will indeed become a reality, but only if you choose the right “Canadian roses” for the garden. But I want to add that planting roses of Canadian selection, as well as any frost-resistant roses, does not replace typical agricultural practices:

Deep hole, up to 70 cm deep, fertile light soil, sun, watering and mulching.

Canadian roses underwent special selection for survival at low winter temperatures from -30 to -40. And they really do not require winter shelter in the form of spruce branches, spunbond, etc. They only need hilling (preferably sprinkled with garden soil at the rate of 1 bucket per bush measuring 1m x 1m) and snow cover. Their shoots usually freeze out along the snow line. According to my observations, this happens if the winter temperature drops below -35 degrees.

But do not forget the rule common to all roses - cut out all young shoots immediately before the shelter.

I will remind readers that the shoot from which it is very difficult to separate the thorns is considered young. Due to the unformed bark, the young shoot will die due to the action low temperatures and will be a source of infection of the whole plant. This is often the reason why roses die. In “Canadian roses” this happens very rarely, but still there is no need to stress the plant, let it devote all its strength to the formation of flowers and inflorescences, and not to fighting diseases.

In the spring, before the buds open, sanitary pruning of frozen shoots is required. During sanitary pruning, weak internal shoots and dry stumps remaining from old pruning are removed. At the same time, old and unattractively located shoots are cut out, and rejuvenating pruning is done.

Anti-aging pruning - cutting out old shoots to the base of the bush.

Classification of Canadian roses

The genetic pedigree of Canadian roses allowed me to divide them into 3 groups.

Hybrids of rose rugosa

Morden Ruby (1977)

Marie Victorin (1998). Another tall (up to 1.5 m) rose, with excellent recommendations. A classic pink flower with a yellow center. By the way, it's great for cutting. The bush is compact, with beautiful glossy foliage.

Marie Victorin (1998)

Morden Centennial (1980). Reaches 1.2 m. The bush resembles hybrid tea roses. It is spreading, but with targeted pruning you can achieve harmony. Stunningly beautiful pink flowers– classic hybrid tea form, collected in small inflorescences. Blooms all summer. Can be used in a parterre flowerbed if you are not afraid to prune the plant.

Morden Centennial (1980)

Morden Sunrise (2000). Beautiful rose yellow, a rare color for “Canadian roses”. Reaches 0.8m. Glossy dark green foliage favorably sets off the yellow color of the flower with an ocher note. Flowering continues all summer.

Modern Sunrise (2000)

Morden Amorette (1977). A very small bush (up to 0.5 m), similar to a low-growing floribunda or Patio roses. Good for vases, low borders.

Morden Amorette (1977)
Morden Fireglow (1989). Also a low (up to 0.6 cm) rose. Beautiful scarlet-red flowers are collected in small inflorescences. Blooms constantly, all season. Sometimes in rainy weather the flowers do not open completely. Remove them - the bush will always look beautiful.
Modern Fireglow (1989)

Champlain (l982). A rose that is beautiful in its characteristics. If you like there to be more flowers on the bush than foliage, this rose is for you. Bright red flowers are collected in 20-30 flowers in inflorescences. Blooms constantly, until frost. Looks beautiful when cut. The literature indicates that in particularly harsh winters the shoots freeze out. But this rose can withstand frosts of -40, although it freezes along the line of the earthen shelter.

Champlain (1983)

By the way, “Canadian roses” restore their “biomass” very quickly. This distinguishing feature ALL frost-resistant roses. It is inherent in the genotype of the plant.

Climbing “Canadian roses”, bred with the participation of the Cordes rose

In general, to form a truly columnar plant shape, you will need some persistence. Firstly, the annual spring removal of old (more than 3 years old) shoots. And secondly, more thorough cover. You will need the densest spunbond to wrap the shoots with this material without removing them from the support. I can’t say for sure whether it will be possible to preserve the shoots on metal supports, but it will definitely be possible to preserve them on wooden ones. If you don't cut it " Canadian climbing roses", then you will get a spreading bush with long (up to 2 m) shoots.

Quadra (1995). In my opinion, Quadra is the same climbing rose that should appear in the garden of a person who is inexperienced in pruning but wants to plant a climbing rose in his garden. Firstly, he will be successful, even if there are mistakes with pruning or covering for the winter. Secondly, because this climbing rose is easy to care for. Its shoots reach 1.5-1.8 m in height; during growth they are flexible and can be tied to a support. Inflorescences of dark red roses appear throughout the season. For the winter, the base of the bush should be sprinkled with 2 buckets of garden soil and carefully wrapped in spandbond or bent to the ground, secured with arcs. Even if all the shoots are not preserved, after low pruning in spring, the rose will produce 2-4 new basal shoots and form a beautiful climbing shape of the bush.


Characterized by versatility, supported by frost-resistant properties, which provides gardeners and hobbyists with incredible beauty throughout the season.

There are two groups of varieties called Parkland and Explorer. The first type has beautiful and varied shades and shapes of flowers, and the second is presented in the form of climbing and fragrant roses.

Among the park crops it should be noted:

John Davis

The variety attracts with the beauty of its flowers, painted in a delicate pink color, with a pronounced aroma. Bush up to 2.5 m high, strewn with lush green foliage.

Inflorescences are collected in brushes of 10-15 pieces. It pleases with its flowering from the beginning of June and throughout the summer until the onset of frost.

John Franklin

An unusual feature is the bright red double flowers with pointed petals. Erect bushes up to 1.5 m high, the crown of which is approximately 1 m in diameter.

The plant is decorated with dark shiny round leaves. Flowers are formed in clusters of 3-7 pieces. With sufficient sunlight, the rose blooms almost all summer.

Climbing roses are characterized by flexible branches that allow you to create fairy hedges with the help of supports, as well as original flower beds and stylish lawns near the house or in the park. The best varieties of this series include:

Martin Frobisher

The culture has a gentle, with subtle aroma, a pale pink flower with a purple tint.

An elegant shrub up to 8 m high. The leaves are colored in rich green, oval in shape with pronounced veins. The shoots are without thorns, and the flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences. Long and abundant flowering is noted.


The bush is spreading, 1.8 m high, 1.0 m wide. The flower has a bright red color and a light fruity aroma.

A plant with shiny foliage, erect, slightly curved shoots. Form in brushes of 1-4 pieces. Everything is blooming warm time year.

Canadian rose is exactly that option among the variety of varieties that will decorate local area and will delight you with gorgeous flowers throughout the season.

Because it is well adapted to harsh, cold climates, high humidity and is resistant to diseases and pest attacks.

Biological characteristics and characteristics of the plant

Roses arose thanks to selection and the Canadian government, which commissioned local breeders to develop resistant roses that do not require shelter. blooming roses to decorate city parks.

As a result, the Ottawa and Morden Research Stations have developed a group of hardy, hardy and winter-hardy plants that can live and bloom in harsh, cold weather conditions.

The main advantages of Canadian women include:

  • beautiful appearance, thanks to the thick lush foliage and large inflorescences with a varied palette of colors;
  • duration and abundance of flowering throughout the season, even with minimal care;
  • good resistance to frost, as they can withstand a maximum temperature of -40 degrees;
  • quick adaptation to sudden temperature changes;
  • the ability to actively recover after freezing of above-ground buds;
  • high immunity of roses to various diseases of fungal and infectious origin;
  • easy tolerance of shaded places and absence of diseases from lack of lighting;
  • good survival rate in any climatic zones;
  • ease of care.

Therefore, the Canadian rose is interesting because it can be grown in regions with colder climates, where temperatures drop to -40 degrees Celsius.

Planting technology and basic care measures

Autumn is considered a favorable time for planting, because over the winter the roots of the plant will get stronger and in the spring they will delight you with strong branches.

When choosing a place for planting, you should give preference to sufficiently ventilated, illuminated areas. Bushes should not be placed under the burning rays of the sun.

Planting material to speed up the rooting process before planting place for several hours in a solution that stimulates root growth.

Stages of planting seedlings:

  1. Pre-prepare a hole that you dig, measuring 70x70.
  2. Pour loose, non-acidic soil, fertilized with a complex of mineral and organic substances, into the planting hole.
  3. For normal development of the root system, deepen the seedling 5-10 cm above the grafting and first remove the leaves from the shoots, leaving the top couple.
  4. After the process is completed, the young bushes should be watered well.
  5. In the first winter, it is necessary to hill up at the base of the bush to a height of 20 cm, using a mixture of earth and sand in equal proportions.

Further care for Canadian roses consists of carrying out the following activities:

  1. Compliance with soil moisture conditions.
  2. Fertilizing with a special complex of mineral fertilizers.
  3. Pruning and shaping the bush.
  4. Removing weeds and mulching with peat, humus or crushed tree bark.
  5. Sheltering bushes for the winter, depending on the age of the rose and climatic conditions.

Basic rules for growing Canadian park roses

The plant is very unpretentious and adapts quite easily to unfavorable weather conditions, but even to plant it, a number of requirements must be met:

  • the terrain of the site should be characterized by flat terrain without stagnant water, which can lead to the death of the seedling;
  • It is not recommended to choose a planting site near the southern wall of buildings, since winter period this area may thaw and freeze several times, which will have a detrimental effect on the roses;
  • You should avoid fertilizing roses at the end of summer, otherwise the tops of the plants may freeze;
  • in the first year after planting, insulate the plant for the winter, helping to adapt to extreme climatic conditions;
  • When pruning, remove weak internal, old and frozen branches, and for continuous flowering Regularly remove wilted inflorescences.

Do not feed roses at the end of summer, insulate them for the winter after planting, cut off weak and dead branches

It is no coincidence that Canadian climbing roses have gained wide recognition among gardeners. The abundance of shapes and colors in the variety of varieties is combined with increased endurance to various unfavorable factors, and even the most inexperienced amateur gardener can grow and care for them. The Quadra variety is very popular from this group.

Characteristics and features of the variety

The history of selection of Canadian roses is a continuation of the wave that began more than 100 years ago with the suggestion of the German scientist R. Geschwind. Since 1950, the best breeders of the country have been breeding them with financial support from the Canadian government itself. The task was not an easy one - to develop new varieties that would combine resistance to severe frosts and many diseases. And the scientists succeeded.

Rose Quadro is a climbing bush that feels great on any support and can reach a height of up to 1.5-1.8 m. Thanks to the good growth of side shoots, it can occupy an area of ​​up to 1 m². The stems are weakly thorny and covered with dense shiny foliage. They bend well and wrap around the support.

Pay attention! It blooms from July-August until late autumn with rich crimson-red buds. The flowers are collected in clusters of 1-4 per stem, densely double, peony-shaped, up to 8 cm in diameter. Gradually open until the core is exposed.

The Quadro variety has high frost resistance and rapid recovery after winter. Thanks to its powerful root system, it can tolerate short-term drought.

Agricultural technology

The Canadian rose Quadro is easy to grow, following a long-existing scheme:

  • The best time for planting is autumn. To do this, use a ready-made seedling or cuttings, from which all leaves are first removed, with the exception of the top 2;
  • Loamy or neutral soils are suitable for cultivation. The place should be moderately lit, but not open;
  • The hole is dug spacious (0.7 m²) and deep (up to 25 cm). The bottom is loosened to facilitate root growth and mineral and organic fertilizers are applied;
  • for reliable rooting, the stem is deepened by 4-5 cm, the covered soil is trampled down and watered abundantly;
  • It is recommended to cover the seedling before frost (trimmed plastic bottle) and sprinkle with mulch.

Rosa Quadra

Important! Before flowering, fertilizers must be applied in the form of solutions. The description says that it is better to fertilize in the root recesses in several passes in order to cover the roots to the full depth.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Rosa Quadra, like most Canadian climbing roses, has a number of advantages compared to other varieties growing in the Middle Zone:

  • excellent frost resistance - down to -40 ° C without covering in snowy winters;
  • high resistance to many diseases, in particular to powdery mildew and black spotting;
  • well-developed branching, which allows this variety to be widely used in landscape gardening;
  • abundant flowering until late autumn.

As for the shortcomings, this rose has practically none. The only peculiarity is that in regions with little snow, it is recommended to cover the bush with lutrasil or spruce branches for the winter.

Quadra - a rose that will decorate with its lush flowering any garden, park and even an ordinary hedge. Its numerous positive qualities and external parameters make it possible to distinguish this variety from other climbing roses and grow a new favorite on the site.

All three-year-old seedlings (by root) are grafted onto the winter-hardy rootstock "Rosa Canina", which produces few shoots. Grown in our difficult Ural climate and they are distinguished by high endurance and relative resistance to adverse weather conditions.

You can place an order from any corner of Russia online.

Rose seedlings can be ordered through the shopping cart on the website:

Choose the varieties you like, determine the quantity and add to the cart. Go to the order basket and place your order. Fill out the proposed contact information with your address and full name - where and to whom to send the parcel. It is important to indicate the postal code correctly; you can find out and check your postal code on the Russian Post website. Carefully write your email address; you don’t have to write it manually, but simply copy and paste your email into the required address field. Select your preferred shipping and payment method. The cost of postage is calculated individually depending on the weight of the parcel and the distance (when sent by Russian Post, when ordering up to 10 roses, 400 rubles)

Within a short time after we receive your order, an automatic order confirmation should be sent to the email address you provided with a request to check all its parameters. This letter is confirmation that we have received your order.

After we process the order and check all items, we send you a confirmation letter accepting the order. And we provide the payment details.

If you encounter any difficulties when ordering through the website, you can place an order in any form by listing the selected varieties and your contact information by writing to email Email: [email protected]

Or call one of the phone numbers: +7-906-893-0503; +7-912-083-0677

You can place an order on our website with or without registration.

After registration, a separate personal account is created for you. IN personal account You can view the history of your orders and track the status of your order at any time.

The deadline for accepting orders is while seedlings are in stock.

Minimum order: for the amount of 1500 rub. (excluding postage)

You can make any changes to pre-orders (remove products, add products, change delivery method and address, or payment method)

Changes can be made to the order before the start of the mailing by writing by email. by mail or by calling one of the telephone numbers.

Order for an amount less than 1500 rubles.(just keep in mind that postage costs are added to the order amount) – we can also accept. You can place an order through the “quick order” function, by writing an email or calling one of the phones

Pickup– order from one rose. The site will not allow such an order, you can use the “quick order” function, write in the comments - pickup

Deadline for accepting orders- while seedlings are in stock.

Discount system:

When purchasing for more than 10,000 rubles. - 10%;

When purchasing for more than 20,000 rubles. - 15%.

Discounts for regular customers

To wholesale buyersindividual approach.

Periodically Promotions - holiday and seasonal discounts

We send rose seedlings to all regions of Russia. Seedlings with an open root system, three years old (by root), for shipping, the roots are packaged in a damp substrate, moss and in a sealed dense plastic bag - to preserve the moisture of the roots

We send seedlings throughout Russia, including to the most distant regions of Sakhalin and Kamchatka.

Each seedling is equipped with a tag with the name of the variety.

Rose seedlings are sent only upon prepayment, this is necessary to exclude the case when the buyer for some reason does not pick up the parcel with roses,

An unreceived parcel is stored at the post office for a month, then it is returned.

There are two payment options:

100% prepayment: you make 100% prepayment for the goods.

Partial prepayment: make at least 30% of the order amount, pay the rest upon receipt of the parcel. It should be taken into account that when sending a parcel by cash on delivery, 4% is added to the estimated amount of the parcel - an insurance postal fee for the value, and upon receipt of the parcel you pay a transfer fee, according to postal rates.

Sending orders with transport companies only with full prepayment of the order.

The prepayment period is 20 days from the date of placing the order. To extend the deadline, write a message to the email address or notify by phone.

If the delivery method is Self-pickup, payment is possible on site upon receipt of the order.

The cost of postage is calculated individually and depends on the weight of the parcel and the distance.

When sending with a transport company, delivery costs are paid according to the tariffs of the shopping center upon receipt.

Prepayment can be made:

By postal transfer

To the SBERBANK card, the card number is sent along with confirmation of acceptance of the order to your email address.

We send seedlings:

Russian Post

Shipping an order within Russia takes 1-2 weeks in central Russia and up to 15-25 days for the Far East

Russian Post by 1st class, estimated delivery times for Far East 5-10 days (there are parcel weight restrictions - up to 2.5 kg)

More detailed information about the terms and conditions of delivery of parcels can be found on the Russian Post website.

EMS – by mail

More expensive, but faster delivery throughout Russia (to the Far East - 5-7 days)

Transport company"gtd" - TK SPERM WHALOT, “Energy”

Pickup. You can come and collect the seedlings yourself. It is advisable to place an order in advance, having previously reserved the varieties you like.

Be sure to inform us in advance (two working days) about the planned pickup time.

Delivery times:

Parcels are sent according to climate zones and distance.

In spring, the first parcels sent to southern regions, middle lane Russia is the month of April.

AUTUMNThe mailing starts from the last days of August. Parcels are sent according to climate zones. First of all, parcels are sent to the northern regions and the Far East, to the southern regions - in the last days of September - October

In the comments to the order, or in a letter, you can write preferred for you shipping times.

After sending the order to your email (or SMS to your phone), we send the postal identifier of the parcel or the number of the forwarding invoice when sending with a transport company; using these numbers you can track the movement of the parcel on the websites of Russian Post, GTD (TK KASHALOT) or Energy

You also receive an SMS notification from the Russian Post or from Transport Companies on your phone.

Cancellation of an order

If you cancel a paid order (while the order has not yet been completed and shipped), the money will be returned within 10 business days after we receive the return application cash. Applications for refunds, indicating the return method (bank transfer, bank card...) and details for the return, are accepted by email or on paper.

Refusal to receive a parcel

In case of refusal to receive the parcel or failure to appear for the parcel, the delivery service to your address is considered completed.

Postal workers do not always deliver notifications of parcel arrival in a timely manner. Please monitor the location of your parcel using the identifier provided to you.

Post office. The order is stored at the post office for 30 days. Storing a parcel for more than 5 working days is paid additionally in accordance with the tariffs established by Russian Post. After the expiration of the storage period (a month), the unclaimed order is returned to the sender.

EMS Russian Post" Orders are delivered from 9:00 to 18:00 on weekdays. The shipment is delivered personally to the addressee. The shelf life of the shipment at the post office is 14 days.

Transport companies Storage of parcels for more than 3 working days is paid additionally in accordance with the tariffs of this TC

Please note, which, according to the law Russian Federation"On the protection of consumer rights", namely paragraph 13 of the "List of non-food products of good quality that are not subject to return or exchange", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998. No. 55, plants (seedlings) cannot be returned or exchanged. Check the variety name (tag) and quality planting material upon receipt. Thank you for your understanding.

Quality complaints

If upon receipt of the parcel you find that in your opinion the seedlings poor quality, You can make a claim by writing to us by email: E-mail: [email protected] with a photograph attached. Claims regarding the quality of planting material are accepted within a week from the date of receipt of the parcel.

After reviewing the claim, we will resend the plants at our own expense or refund the money.

And, of course, we will make every effort to avoid such situations in the future.

In any case, you are guaranteed an individual approach to resolving the current situation.

Completeness claims.

If a shortage is detected, within a week from the date of receipt of the parcel, send an email to: [email protected] in which describe the essence of the complaint. Please attach a copy of the invoice included in the parcel to your letter. After considering the claim, we will resend the plants at our own expense or return the money spent to your account.

We are not responsible for:

For the survival rate and growth of purchased quality seedlings, as this is often associated with external factors circumstances independent of us and beyond our control.

We cannot be responsible for the work of postal and transport companies.

Roses are very popular among gardeners. Today, several hundred varieties of these plants have been bred. Each of them blooms with beautiful, fragrant flowers. But in order for the flower bushes to please you with their beauty, it is important to carry out proper care for seedlings. And to do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of each variety that is planted on the site.

Canadian varieties

All roses belonging to Canadian varieties are considered the most unpretentious and easy to grow. Thanks to these qualities Canadian varieties received widespread in parks, gardens, suburban areas. These species were obtained by crossing the Rugosa and Cordes varieties.

A distinctive feature of these flowers is frost resistance. They can easily bear severe frosts up to -45 0 C. Flower beds do not require shelter for the winter.

The best varieties of Canadian roses are distinguished by:

  • highly branched bushes that can be dotted with three dozen small roses;
  • a peculiar aroma from strong to weakly expressed;
  • flower shape;
  • rapid restoration of the bush after hibernation.

All varieties of northern flowers bloom from early summer to late autumn.

The best representatives of the variety

The most the best varieties roses that are easily tolerated cold winter, today can be found on different continents of the world. So, in the parks of different cities, you can see alleys lined with the following varieties:

Henry Hudson

The variety was bred in 1976. The bush is small, it will grow one meter high. Blooms with white flowers pink tint. Each flower, 7-8 cm in diameter, has one row of petals. Pleases with color from the first days of summer to mid-autumn. The Henry Hudson variety feels great in shady areas. Thanks to this feature, roses are used in the process landscape decoration shady soils.

Bunye Tires

It was developed in the middle of the last century. The bush has tall shoots, the height of which reaches 2 meters and the width of one meter. The rose flower of this variety is 8 cm in diameter, painted in a bright crimson color. Bunye Tires shown in the photo is excellent choice for planting in areas with significant temperature changes throughout the year. The flower exhibits high resistance to frost. The rose delights with flowering from the first days of May until the end of November.

Martin Frobisher

This is a striking representative of the rose family, which is often found in city parks. The delicate creamy shade of the petals attracts the attention of vacationers. The plant blooms from mid-spring until the first frost. In winter, it does not require shelter, as it tolerates frosty weather well.

Charles Albanel

This is a neat bush, small sizes, covered pink flowers with a rich aroma. This type used to strengthen soils, since the plant has a dense and strong root system.

Which variety of roses is best for regions with warm climates? In this case, it is recommended to plant the variety Canadian rose Morden Amoret. This is a low-growing plant, reaching a height of 45 -50 cm.

Climbing varieties

The best varieties of climbing roses are presented different types. For example, the Quadra rose is very easy to care for. Even if the grower has done the wrong pruning, the bush will still sprout. The vine of the plant is long, reaching 2 meters. Clings well to arches, fences and other types of supports.

Summer residents and gardeners highly value all varieties of climbing roses belonging to the Cordes species. The description of these plants indicates the length of the shoots not exceeding 2.5 meters. Small inflorescences of small buds are formed on the stems, which densely cover the branches. The advantage of Cordes roses is frost resistance and a long flowering period.

TO the best views Kordes varieties include the following:

  • Flammentanz.
  • Love it.
  • Dormunt.
  • Ils Kron Superior.
  • Phoenix Hamburger.

Austin Roses

This variety of tea roses was bred in the mid-20th century in England. The young florist David Austin used Floribunda, tea, climbing, and large-flowered varieties for crossing. As a result of crossing, we got delicate flower, called ConstanceSpry, which we see in the photo. Then the florist brought out another row various roses. But the first variety is still popular.

The best varieties of Austin roses include flowers with this name:

  • TheMayflower is a rose that is resistant to frost and disease.
  • Evelyn.
  • Iglantin.
  • Pet Austin.
  • Golden Slebration.
  • Charlotte.

Today, there is a company founded once by David Austin. The company breeds more than 200 varieties of roses, including Floribunda, an assortment of Austin roses, Canadian roses, climbing roses and many other types. A special feature of Austin flower beds is their placement under open air. The nursery is open to visitors who can always come and enjoy the luxurious aroma of roses.

An experienced florist talks about the best varieties of roses that are preferred by gardeners all over the world in a video.

In conclusion

Today there are several hundred roses in the world. Flower growers highly value varieties of Canadian, climbing, and Austin roses. These flowers are easy to care for, easily tolerate cold winters, and quickly recover from hibernation. Which variety is better needs to be decided individually. For selection suitable variety It is important to take into account the requirements for soil, care and watering of plants. If all the nuances are followed, the garden will delight you for a long time flowering bushes fragrant roses.