Canadian rose "Lambert Closse" Lambert Kloss (Canadian, park) pink Canadian roses of the Explorer series

Varietal features of roses of Canadian selection

Canadian roses genetically adapted to survive in harsh climates. The main advantages of these varieties:

  • excellent winter hardiness - most varieties can withstand frosts down to -40°C with minimal or no shelter;
  • ability to adapt to sudden temperature changes;
  • fast regeneration in case of freezing;
  • high immunity to diseases typical of roses;
  • undemanding to soil composition;
  • aesthetic appearance bush;
  • abundant, long-lasting flowering;
  • tolerance to shaded areas;
  • drought resistance;
  • ease of care.
Evaluation parameter Robusta Lambert Closse Prairie Joy Alexander MacKenzie Nevada
Color Scarlet Deep pink Deep pink Bright red White
Number of flowers in a brush 5-10 1-3 3-5 5-10 1-3
Bud diameter, cm 7-8 7-8 6-7 5-7 8-10
Number of petals in a bud To 10 Up to 50 30-40 More than 40 6-10
Height/width of the bush, cm 200/150 100/80 150/125 200/150 200/200
Disease resistance Above average Average Above average Above average Average
Resistance of flowers to precipitation High Low Below average High Below average
Winter hardiness High Above average High High Above average

To the disadvantages of many Canadian varieties The presence of sharp thorns and insufficient resistance of the buds to prolonged rains can be attributed.

Review of popular varieties

The varieties of park roses presented below are deservedly popular among Russian gardeners.

Variety Short description Advantages
Robusta Continuously flowering; bush is vigorous, erect; foliage is dark, leathery; shoots are thick, very prickly; the flowers are large, non-double with a bunch of stamens in the center, collected in dense inflorescences; the aroma is weak; flowering begins in May and ends in late autumn Immune to diseases, blooms for a long time, unpretentious to weather conditions, undemanding to soil, tolerates shade
Lambert Closse Re-blooming; shoots are strong, erect, foliage is bright green, glossy; buds of a classic shape with pointed petals, flowers fade in the sun over time Winters well, does not get sick, blooms for a long time
Prairie Joy Continuously flowering; branched bush, densely leafy; shoots are vigorous, erect, and can bend in an arched manner during flowering; flowers are densely double, single and grouped in racemes; old style bud shape Frost-resistant, tolerates poor soils and partial shade, does not get sick, grows quickly, slightly thorny, suitable for hedges
Alexander MacKenzie Re-blooming; The bush is erect, shoots with gracefully drooping tops; the foliage is large and shiny; elongated buds reminiscent of tulips open into terry roses of a classic shape; smells like fresh strawberries; the petals fade slightly in the sun; blooms in large clusters Winters well, does not get sick, does not react to precipitation; not afraid of weather changes, flowering lasts in both heat and rain
Nevada Re-blooming; the bush is vigorous, reaches the declared height in 4-5 years; arcuate shoots; foliage is bright green; the buds are not double, the loosely arranged petals in the center are complemented by bright yellow stamens, the flowers collected in clusters cover the entire bush Decorative appearance, early flowering, high resistance to frost and disease

Nuances of agricultural technology

Cultivation of unpretentious and frost-resistant varieties does not cancel general principles agricultural technology. Like representatives of other species, these roses need sanitary treatment, periodic fertilizing with organic matter and mineral fertilizers, weeding, mulching, formative and rejuvenating pruning. It is also necessary to monitor soil moisture. In winter, it is advisable to bend the bushes of Canadian roses so that the shoots are completely covered with snow.

Tip #1 : Even the seedling winter-hardy variety in the first winter it is worth insulating to help adapt to frost and sudden temperature changes.

  • Purchase seedlings only from trusted, trustworthy sellers.
  • Try to plant roses exclusively in spring.
  • Keep planting material in a cool place close to 0°C.
  • Fill the planting hole with humus.
  • Choose an open, sunny, ventilated, but draft-free place for roses.”

Reviews from gardeners about Canadian park roses

Tatiana: “Robusta” is a rose for the laziest gardeners. Perhaps, it’s the only one that doesn’t require doing anything for the winter: neither picking off the foliage, nor trimming it, nor preparing a shelter. Winters well under snow. Grows well even in poor soils. It is practically not affected by diseases typical of roses, although aphids love it very much. Blooms all summer. Due to the abundance of sharp thorns, the bush is very prickly, but this is even a plus - it turns out to be an almost impenetrable hedge.

Olga: “Lambert Kloss” has been wintering well with me for 12 years. One of the first to bloom in the garden. Blooms profusely in clusters until the end of June, then single buds appear. The shape of the flowers is more like a hybrid tea rose. The petals are initially dark pink, but over time they lighten to a pale pink along the periphery, which creates a curious effect when the flower fully opens. Easily rooted by cuttings. Although get

cuttings are difficult - on shoots more flowers than leaves.

Catherine: I consider “Prairie Joy” to be the most problem-free rose – you just plant it and forget it.

It blooms brightly, continuously and very profusely. In the north Leningrad region winters under light cover. Grows in partial shade without problems. The bush is lush, symmetrical, and during the flowering period it is a fabulous sight. The aroma is apple, light and pleasant. A small minus is that once the buds open, they immediately fall off. True, new ones immediately form to replace them, but the ground under the bush is constantly strewn with petals. Another drawback is that it does not tolerate prolonged rains.

Hope: My favorite rose “Alexander Mackenzie” blooms all summer until frost. Is it true,

after the first wave it is less abundant, but it never stands without flowers. Unlike other “Canadian” varieties, this variety tolerates the rainy season without any problems. Overwinters under a common shelter with other roses (a single layer of lutrasil cloth thrown over top). In the spring I cut out single dry branches and slightly adjust the shape of the bush.

Egor: The main surprise of the Nevada variety is the color change as it blooms. Pink or apricot buds gradually open into pearly white flowers. At the beginning of June, the entire bush is already covered with weather-resistant roses. It blooms until late autumn, sometimes it goes into bloom under the snow. It overwinters without shelter - everything that freezes is quickly restored. In wet weather, prevention against black spot is needed.

Answers to flower growers' questions

Question #1: Can Canadian roses be planted in the shade?

Most Canadian varieties develop and bloom in the shade without damage, but only if certain conditions are met.

  • For normal life, roses require at least 5 sundial during the day.
  • There should be no competition with the root system of trees.
  • It is necessary to remember about the prevention of fungal diseases.

In addition, the cool, damp shade creates ideal conditions for the breeding of slugs and snails, which will also have to be destroyed.

Question No. 2: Is it true that Canadian roses endure winter without any shelter?

Indeed, in the southern regions, where the minimum winter temperature is just below -20°C, flower growers are freed from the annual hassle of constructing shelters. But in the northern regions (Komi Republic, Leningrad, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, regions) preparatory work will not be superfluous. A rose, frozen to the very base, will recover only by mid-summer, therefore, we can’t expect abundant flowering this season (Read also article ⇒). In order for the park Canadian to emerge from wintering with minimal losses, it is enough to:

  • Hill up or sprinkle the base of the bush with light compost soil (from 1 to 3 buckets, depending on the size of the bush);
  • bend to the height of the expected snow cover and secure the stems with wood slingshots;
  • throw covering material over the bush, securing it with a weight from below;
  • in winters with little snow, throw more loose snow on the bushes.

To prevent the shoots from being stifled, you should not delay leaving the shelter in the spring. The bushes should be opened no later than March.

The main task of flower growers and summer residents from the northern regions is right choice varieties of flowers, including roses. They must be resistant to adverse weather conditions. In Canada, they approached solving this problem with special care. As a result of the painstaking work of breeders, it was possible to develop frost-resistant varieties of roses that are suitable for cultivation even in the harsh conditions of Siberia and the northern regions. These flowers are called Canadian roses. They have characteristic characteristics and are the most durable.

If you delve into the history of the creation of Canadian roses (see photo), you can trace the entire process of the formation of these beautiful flowers as a separate subtype. At the end of the 19th century, breeder William Sanders, by crossing interspecific varieties of the hardiest roses, obtained hybrid variety, which, as a result of tests, was able to survive 30-degree frost. But some properties had minor disadvantages.

Work on the creation of Canadian frost-resistant roses was continued at the beginning of the 21st century by Isabella Preston, a friend of William Sanders. She managed to create the most picky and cold-resistant rose. It is Isabella Preston who is the author of more than 20 varieties of Canadian roses. She took specimens growing wildly in local prairies and desert fields as the basis for her breeding developments. They could survive harsh, dry winters and survive under a ball of snow. The developed varieties received the appropriate names: Prairie Dawn, Prairie Maiden, Prairie Spirit. Isabella decided to start their commercial promotion. Since then, Canadian roses have begun their journey to all corners of the world.

In the 50s of the last century, a program for developing frost-resistant varieties of roses received financial support from the Canadian government. Two scientific research laboratories (Mordenovskaya, Ottawa) received funds for the development and breeding of new varieties of frost-resistant perennials. The result of their work was the development of two large groups of roses of Canadian selection:

For a long time (after the 80s), only enthusiasts were involved in maintaining roses of Canadian selection, since it was during this period that government funding was curtailed.

If we talk about the varieties of Canadian roses (see photo, description), we can say that they come in very different varieties: with simple and double flowers, with a different number of petals (from 5 to 20 - sparsely petaled and densely petaled - from 20 to 40). Diversity also applies to colors. Light, rich tones predominate, as well as dark burgundy shades. There are also two or three-color buds (golden, cream, pink).

Canadian roses, the description of which indicates a combination of elegance and unique endurance, bloom from early spring to late autumn.

It should be noted that almost all varieties of Canadian roses (reviews fully confirm this) can withstand 35 0-40 0 C below zero. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to cover them. Even if the top shoots freeze, then root system is able to quickly restore its functionality and new shoots sprout from it.

Summer residents note that if you protect flowers from frost, they form more lush bush and have abundant flowering. Also, Canadian roses are very easy to propagate. It is best to do this using cuttings.

Canadian roses Explorer series

Without exception, all the best varieties of Canadian roses from the Explorer group are hybrids based on Cordes flowers. All of them bear the names of famous explorers who conquered the north of the planet.

The most frost-resistant and fragrant varieties that can bloom even without shelter for the winter are:

  • Henry Hudson. The Canadian park rose Henry Hudson has white flowers with a red coating. The height of the bushes reaches a little more than half a meter, and in diameter - no more than 1 meter. It is resistant to many diseases. The variety was developed in 1966. Its peculiarity lies in the ease of propagation by cuttings - they take root very easily in the soil.
  • David Thompson. The variety was created in 1971. Fragrant crimson flowers rise on shoots, about 1.3 m long. Lush buds (about 25 petals) look very beautiful. They bloom for a long time, all summer and autumn.
  • Jens Munk. The description of the Canadian rose variety says that Jens Munk has the strongest root-stem system. Thus, a powerful bush is formed, up to two meters high. Pink flowers, the diameter of which does not exceed 7 cm, have a persistent aroma and a beautiful shape.
  • Charles Albanel. As summer residents note, these flowers are very beautiful and in demand. It is very easy to buy seedlings of Canadian roses Charles Albanel. This can even be done via the Internet. Charles Albanel is one of the shortest frost-resistant varieties. Their height reaches a little more than half a meter; in appearance, the bush resembles the ground cover species of this plant. The period of active flowering occurs at the beginning of summer and continues until the first frost. The flowers on the bush do not grow densely, but have a very attractive appearance and shape.
  • Martin Frobisher. Rose Martin Frobisher (Canadian park) looks good in the original landscape solutions. It is often planted in city flower beds because it is not whimsical and does not require care. In some parks, these flowers are used to create hedges to highlight the lines of the seating area. The height of the bushes reaches 2 m. The light red flowers of the Canadian rose Martin Frobisher are very fragrant and lush, each bud has about 40 petals. It should be noted that the Martin Frobisher rose variety is the first breeding development in the Explorer group.

Among all the roses in the Explorer series, there are also three main subgroups:

  1. Park bush.
  • Champlain .
  • J.P.Connell (J.P. Connell) .
  • Royal Edward .
  • Alexander MacKenzie (Alexander McKinzie) .
  • Frontenac .
  • Simon Fraser .
  • George Vancouver .
  • Lambert Closse .
  • Louis Jolliet (Lewis Joliet) .
  1. Climbers.
  1. Rogusa.

Generally speaking, most of the flowers in this group are complex hybrids. Their breeding is closely related to the flowers of Cordes (Rosa kordesii). According to reviews, roses of Canadian selection (frost-resistant varieties) do not need to be covered for the winter. But it has been noticed that after sheltering, they bloom more profusely and longer.

Canadian roses from the Parkland series

A notable property of this group of flowers is their independence from careful human care. These roses do well in parks and gardens. You can use almost any soil to grow them. They are not at all afraid of both long rainless periods and heavy rains. The only requirement is regular feeding. Then the plants will have a very attractive appearance of abundantly flowering bushes.

It should be noted that in the case of the formation of a hedge, pruning of shoots is necessary. But if the flowers grow in single bushes to decorate a country courtyard, pruning may not be necessary.

This broad group includes many beautiful flowers. The best varieties Canadian park roses:

  • Adelaide Hoodless (Adelaide Hoodless). Very beautiful variety Canadian park roses. At the beginning of flowering, the double buds acquire a dark pink color and then turn red. Meter height neat, compact bush allows you to create very beautiful flower beds.
  • Prairie Joy (Prairie Joy). An excellent variety that is used to form hedges. This is facilitated by the length of the shoots (1.5-1.8 m). As a result of regular pruning, you can create a bush shape. It is recommended to tie them on a specially made frame, which will further highlight the beauty of these roses. Light red flowers bloom all summer.
  • Winnipeg Parks (Winnipeg Parks). These park roses of Canadian selection are distinguished by their unusual frost resistance. main feature- the height of the bush, which does not exceed 50 cm, as well as green leaves with a reddish tint. The semi-double flowers themselves have a slightly crimson, dark red tint. The aroma of the Winnipeg Parks variety of Canadian roses has a light sweet vanilla note.
  • Prairie Celebration. Beautiful single flowers have a bright pink tint. Canadian Prairie Celebration rose flowers have good immunity to many diseases. They are planted even in partial shade or even shade. They feel the same in any growing conditions.
  • Hope for Humanity. Among Canadian park roses, these are among the most frost-resistant. It can tolerate up to 35-40 0 below zero. Even without shelters, they easily recover in the spring. The low-growing bush forms a compact, slightly spreading bouquet. Dark red double flowers have a faint aroma and are neatly collected in inflorescences of 5 units each. Flowering lasts all season.
  • Cuthbert Grant (Cuthbert Grant). Rose Canadian Cuthbert Grant is one of the best of this series. It has an upright bush with strong shoots. The flowers are semi-double, dark red with a velvet tint. They have a very persistent pleasant aroma. The height of the bushes does not exceed one meter. Canadian park rose Cuthbert Grant is in great demand among flower growers and gardeners and is recommended for creating.

The Parkland series also includes a number of Morden group varieties: Ruby, Cardinette, Amorett, Centennial, Blush, Fireglow, Snowbeauty, Sunrise, Belle.

Another series of Canadian roses called Canadian Artists has recently appeared. Flowers were introduced in 2007. Varieties in this group include:

New varieties for 2013:

Nurseries of Canadian roses offer summer residents and flower growers many other beautiful varieties. This versatility, coupled with frost-resistant properties, provides gardeners and hobbyists with incredible beauty all season long.

    Group of roses:

    Canadian - as a result of complex interspecific hybridization in Canada, a group of roses was obtained that have uniquely high winter hardiness. They tolerate frosts of 35 - 40 degrees. Celsius without shelter, have increased resistance to disease, bloom long and profusely.
    Miniature - the flowers are small, single and in inflorescences, varied in color, often fragrant, very beautifully built. They bloom profusely, almost continuously. The bushes are low (15-20 cm).
    Park (or scrubs, Modern Shrub) - in good conditions these roses form large bushes with lush flowering and fruiting. Shrub translated from English means shrub, and all roses are shrub plants. Now the Modern Shrub group has become a haven for all new varieties that, due to their qualities, cannot be classified in other groups.
    Climbing - called roses that form long, whip-like shoots. There are no real climbing vines among them. But there are many species and forms that, clinging to supports with their thorns, rise upward.
    Groundcovers constitute a relatively young garden group; it was identified about 20 years ago. The main characteristics of roses belonging to this group are: rapid growth of shoots and their dense branching, abundant and long flowering.

    Floribundas are hybrids of polyanthus and hybrid tea varieties. They are characterized by a variety of colors, the brightness of which sometimes exceeds even hybrid tea varieties. Their flowers are smaller than those of hybrid teas, but each shoot ends not in one flower, but in a whole bouquet, and their flowering is more abundant and longer. They are distinguished by winter hardiness and disease resistance.

    Hybrid tea - varieties of this group combine highest quality flower - shape, size, doubleness, smell, variety of colors (there are even green ones), with really continuous flowering. They are truly considered the queens of roses, and it is the varieties of this group (and there are thousands of them!) that occupy the most honorable place in our flower beds.



    According to the height of the bush, roses are divided into high, medium and low.
    Tall - (over 100 cm) includes all park roses, as well as some varieties of hybrid tea and remontant groups.
    Medium ones are one of the most numerous groups of roses (from 50 to 100 centimeters). It includes the majority hybrid tea roses, some remontant ones, as well as Grandiflora roses.
    Low - (from 20 to 50 cm) include polyanthus, miniature and some varieties of Floribunda roses. These roses are most often used for border and group plantings.

    from 80.0 cm to 100.0 cm.

    Bud size:

    from 7.0 cm to 8.0 cm.

    Bud color:

    Based on the nature of their color, the following types of flowers are distinguished:
    - single-color specimens, in which all petals are painted the same color;
    - two-color roses, among which there are: flowers in which the upper and lower sides of the petals are painted in different colors; flowers, the main part of the petals of which is painted in one color, and the edges - in another; flowers, the main part of the petals of which is painted in one color, and the base of the petals in another; striped flowers;
    - multicolor roses, which are easily distinguished by flowers of different colors decorating one bush.
    The shade of flowers in some varieties of roses directly depends on weather conditions. Many varieties literally come to life under the rays of the sun: they become brighter and can even change shade.

    Light pink

    Flowering time:

    Once-flowering - they bloom once during the summer, but for a long time of 20-30 days.
    Repeat flowering - they bloom on the shoots of this year and when correct pruning several times over the summer.
    Continuously flowering - this is what they say about repeat flowering, but they have short breaks in flowering.


    Frost resistance:

    Frost resistance is the ability of plants to tolerate low temperatures(i.e. below 0 Celsius).
    Frost resistance is distinguished as absolute, determined by establishing minimum negative temperatures, tolerated by plants without damage; and relative, assessing the ability of plants to withstand frost in the conditions of a particular area.
    Frost resistance zones (absolute frost resistance) are climatic regions that are determined on the basis of the average temperature value of minimum temperatures.
    There are thirteen main frost resistance zones from 0 to 12, and as the zone number increases, the average annual minimum temperature rises (zone 0 is the coldest).
    Relative frost resistance scales:
    - very frost-resistant, tolerating low temperatures (down to -35-50 °C and below);
    - frost-resistant, tolerating temperatures down to -25-35 °C;
    - moderate frost resistance, tolerating temperatures of -15-25 °C;
    - not frost-resistant, withstanding temperatures down to -10-15 ° C for a long time;
    - the least frost-resistant, withstanding only short-term drops in temperature not lower than -10 ° C.

    Zone 4 (frost resistant)

Features of the variety: Lambert Closse flowers are much more similar to real roses than most Canadian roses. Lambert Closs is most similar to a hybrid tea rose. The flowers have elongated petals and are an elegant deep pink color that fades over time to a very pale pink color starting from the outer petals, creating an extraordinary contrast when the flower opens. Flowers usually appear one at a time on strong, erect shoots. The foliage is pale, shiny, and usually disease resistant, although black spot may occur in mild climates. The bush is erect, the rose blooms more or less long until the first frost.

The Vyatka roses we sell can grow without problems in any zone of the country under different climatic conditions. Our task is to grow seedlings that will delight you with pleasant flowering and excellent growth, while requiring you to spend a minimum of time and effort when growing them.

When you contact us, you will always receive professional care assistance and proper cultivation all our seedlings from a garden specialist (16 years of experience in growing roses). All rose planting material can be purchased in the online store and received in your locality at any post office. The rose seedlings you purchased will be sent to you by mail.

We have been growing and propagating seedlings of roses and other plants for a long time. During this time we have grown a large number of different varieties roses, each unique and beautiful in its own way. In the conditions of harsh northern winters it is very difficult to preserve rose seedlings, so only those rose seedlings that can withstand such conditions grow and reproduce. unfavourable conditions nature.

Each of our plants survived at least one winter in such conditions, despite the fact that not every small seedling remains alive when spring arrives. Therefore, our next advantage is the very high survival rate and hardiness of roses. You get Vyatka roses that can survive in natural habitats. Every year our assortment increases and changes, because the task is to offer you those roses that can please beautiful color and excellent endurance.

Every year our assortment increases and changes, because the task is to offer you those roses that can please you with their beautiful color and excellent hardiness. Today, with joy and love, we grow over 100 types of roses different types- hybrid tea, park, ground cover, climbing (climbing), English, sprays.

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