Husband of Anastasia Myskina. Sergey Mamedov, Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the Samara region: biography, personal life Sergey Valerievich Mamedov criminal cases

Sergey Mamedov is a young politician who has formed his career at a very fast pace. There is still debate about this among other figures and journalists. The businessman abruptly changed his career orientation and plunged headlong into politics.

Mamedov Sergey Valerievich: biography

The chosen path does not surprise Sergei’s parents at all. He grew up in the family of a diplomat and an employee of the USSR Ministry. The politician was born in 1972 in the Russian capital. His family was from the category of intellectuals for several generations.

One grandfather was a university professor, and the other was a participant in the formation of television in the USSR. Mamedov Sr. worked as ambassador to Canada, and his wife worked at the Ministry of Foreign Trade.

It’s no wonder that Mamedov Jr. knew very clearly from childhood that he would not work as a simple worker at the plant. His education was arranged even when he was an infant. Life young man proceeded according to the clear plan of his parents.

In 1994, Sergey Mamedov graduated from the Institute of Transport Engineers and began to persistently build his career. The first place of work was CB "Russian Credit". Here he delved into the essence of economic activity and felt the strength to build his own business.

Career success

In 1997, the young man actively began to build his own business. He engaged in commercial activities that were related to investments. In 2003, Sergei Mamedov became an assistant to a State Duma deputy. Kovalev N.D. worked with a young man for 8 years. During this time, Mamedov delved into all the intricacies political activity and decided to build my own career in this area.

In 2011, Sergei became a deputy of the rural settlement of Dva Klyuchi. This district is located in the Samara region. In December Mamedov found new status- Member of the Federation Council.

A successful politician knows how to develop himself and work hard. Sergei Valerievich has accumulated his experience over the years. He is not afraid of new difficulties and loves to expand his knowledge.

Successful businessman

Back in 1998, Sergei, together with his bank colleagues, acquired a controlling stake in a granite production enterprise. It took 10 years to get production up and running. During this time, the company with its product reached the global level.

Mamedov sells shares of this enterprise and invests money in another business. The company in Samara "VBM-Group" became the next stage in business development. Sergei had to move to this district. Having developed to high level and this enterprise, Mamedov sells shares and goes into politics.

Leaving the business was Sergei’s conscious decision. He decides to completely go into political activity. He did not want to be torn between two spheres. He needed to justify the trust of the people who elected him, and maximum quantity devote time to the problems of voters.

Political activity

On his way to the Senate, the young politician had to face many difficulties. He belonged to the United Russia party, and the communists voted against him. The Social Revolutionaries also joined them. Colleagues from the opposition gave instructions to their local deputies to “curtail” any decisions and plans that were proposed by United Russia.

Sergei Valerievich Mamedov was not afraid to talk about this at meetings of the provincial Duma. But still, in 2011, the politician received the status of a member of the Federation Council. He decided that the priority in his work would be to resolve all pressing issues in the region. Despite different political views with other deputies, he holds numerous meetings with each and listens to all the pressing issues.

The senator has good experience in industry and transport. For this reason, he decides to deal with economic issues in the committee. The politician foresaw a new crisis and developed an action plan according to which the industry of the Samara Territory would remain “afloat” and even develop.

The deputies made a proposal that he report on the work done once a year. Mamedov accepted the offer and replied that he could do this more often. Experience in doing business in this area helps politicians solve economic issues in the development of industry in the Samara region.

Sergey Mamedov: personal life

The famous tennis player Anastasia Myskina became the politician's wife. She was able to win many awards and cups. Due to a serious injury, the girl left her career in sports at the age of 26.

The couple met through mutual friends. Their romance developed very quickly. Already in 2008, Anastasia became pregnant and gave birth to Mamedov’s first son, Evgeniy. Then, with a difference of 2 years, Georgiy was born. In 2012, the couple rejoiced at the birth of another son, Pavel.

Sergei Valerievich loves his sons very much and is already taking care of their education. Zhenya attends many developmental classes. Younger children are already starting to study foreign languages and play sports. Mamedov is sure that successful person must have comprehensive knowledge and conduct active image life.

Sergei and Anastasia lived in a civil marriage and only after the birth of their third son they decided to get married. The couple dreams of a daughter and hopes for her soon. For now, Myskina is raising her sons and actively teaching them about sports. The eldest Evgeniy plays tennis, like his mother.

The married couple does not advertise the details of their personal life. Anastasia previously had relationships with athletes, and their lives were actively discussed by journalists. Now she has drawn conclusions and is trying to ensure that children grow up outside of television and newspapers.

Anastasia is building a career as a TV presenter and has returned to active sports. The couple devotes all their free time to children. They travel and walk a lot.

Some interesting facts from life

After the rapid growth of his political career, journalists became interested in Mamedov’s person. They managed to find out that $5 million was paid to the regional governor for supporting the politician in the elections.

Sergei is also often seen in the company of Alexander Kharkovsky. This famous person in the criminal world. These facts have not been proven, but have a right to exist. Moreover, the senator travels around the country in an armored car, accompanied by large quantity security guards. This suggests that he fears for his life, and the journalists’ speculations have some truth.

It is very possible that these are all rumors and attempts to attract the attention of journalists.

Income politician

In 2011, Mamedov declared 23,502,938 rubles, and in 2013 - 15,990,657 rubles. These numbers speak for themselves. His property in the form of apartments, houses and land plots is increasing every year.

Has several investments in the form of shares in Samara enterprises. Sergey Mamedov also has a residence permit and real estate in Estonia. Business and politics apparently bring him good income.

Sergei’s wife takes care of all the property in Estonia. She chose to buy real estate there and handles all household and financial matters.


In 1994, Sergey Mamedov graduated from the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers (MIIT).

Professional activities

Sergei Mamedov’s father went from attaché to the USSR Embassy in the USA to Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Since 2003 - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Russian Federation in Canada. Mother worked at the USSR Ministry of Foreign Trade. Grandfather was one of the founders of the radio and television industry in the USSR, and led the foreign broadcasting system. My maternal grandfather was a professor at the Moscow Physics and Technology Institute.

From 1994 to 1997 he worked at the Russian Credit Commercial Bank.

Since 1997, he established and managed a number of commercial structures engaged in investment activities. The core areas were: mining industry, road construction organizations, railway transport, mechanical engineering.

From 2003 to 2011 he was an assistant to a deputy of the State Duma Federal Assembly Russian Federation, Army General N.D. Kovalev

In 2011 he was elected to the Assembly of Representatives rural settlement Two Keys municipal district Isaklinsky, Samara region.

On December 23, 2011, by Resolution of the Samara Provincial Duma of the fifth convocation, he was elected a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the Samara Provincial Duma.

The head of the Duma committee for monitoring the income of deputies, Nikolai Kovalev, strongly denied reports that he allegedly agreed with American Senator Ben Cardin to create a joint commission to combat corruption. The search for property and accounts of Russian officials abroad has been going on for a long time, but the only success of the Duma anti-corruption fighters so far can only be called the departure of United Russia Vladimir Pekhtin, who was found to have property in Miami. Meanwhile, direct violations of Russian legislation, occurring nearby, literally under the nose of the same Kovalev, are of practically no interest to anyone.

Thus, Kovalev’s former assistant and friend, and now a member of the Federation Council from the Samara region, Sergei Mamedov, has long and with impunity owned everything that Mr. Kovalev is going to look for in company with his American colleagues. But neither connections with criminals, nor the presence of foreign assets, nor even the presence of a Russian senator with a residence permit in Estonia created absolutely no problems for him. Even the all-knowing opposition blogosphere ignores the antics of the prominent “United Russia”, without raising a fuss, as was the case with "Czech spy" Bastrykin or with Israeli citizen Senator Vitaly Malkin.

Meanwhile, according to the declaration of Sergei Mamedov, in Estonia he owns an apartment with an area of ​​88.9 square meters. m. According to the Estonian land register, this is a two-story apartment on Town Hall Square, in the very center of Tallinn, in the so-called Egorov’s house. In addition to real estate, Mamedov was also found to have an Estonian personal code in the register. This was discovered by journalists from the Tallinn publication Eesti Ekspress, who, unlike their Russian colleagues, suspected a corruption component in the senator’s story.

Police Department spokeswoman Helin Vaher confirmed the discovery of journalists: “Sergei Mamedov has a residence permit in Estonia.” But she diplomatically does not go into details, since the recent scandal with residence permits that broke out in the republic forces the police to treat this topic very carefully. Therefore, it has not yet been possible to find out from official police sources when Mamedov arrived in Estonia, what he did here, and on what basis he received a residence permit.

However, Eesti Ekspress journalists conducted their own investigation and fully confirmed the information according to which the senator from the Samara province in the Federation Council of the State Assembly of the Russian Federation and former assistant to the State Duma deputy Nikolai Kovalev, 40-year-old Sergei Mamedov, has real estate, an enterprise, a yacht and perennial species for residence.

It turned out that the senator has been associated with Estonia since 2005, when he... By the way, the 22.6 m long Fidelity yacht belonging to Mamedov, which belongs to the luxury class, is registered to this company. Despite her Estonian registration, the yacht is hanging out off the coast of France. Judging by the business register, Mamedov received his Estonian personal code and residence permit in 2008.

Most of the issues related to Mamedov’s Estonian real estate are resolved by his wife, a famous former Russian tennis player Anastasia Myskina, in relation to whom and similar Russians are now being investigated by the Department of Citizenship and Migration of Estonia regarding the circumstances of obtaining residence permits after the so-called “Stelmakh scandal”.

As previously reported by the media, Estonian firms Advisory Partners and Integer Invest offered rich Russians paid services for the provision of a residence permit in Estonia and, accordingly, permission to obtain a Schengen visa. The companies were led by Estonian Parliament member Indrek Raudne and Tallinn City Council member Nikolai Stelmakh. Both belonged to the union of right-wing parties "Fatherland - Republic" IRL, which, together with the Reform Party, is part of the Estonian government. A representative of this particular party heads the Estonian Ministry of Internal Affairs, which issues residence permits.

It is alleged that with the help of such a service, about 147 citizens of Russia and the CIS countries received permanent Schengen visas from Estonia, including Mamedov’s wife Anastasia Myskina and her mother, as well as a number of thieving bankers and crime bosses. The list of these persons was previously published in Estonian and Russian media.

After the scandal became known to the media, Estonian authorities announced that, most likely, all 147 residence permits would be revoked. But there is no official data on the implementation of these threats yet. As for the Estonian politicians involved in the scandal, criminal prosecution against them was dropped at the end of last year.

In any case, Russian Senator Mamedov is not threatened with possible sanctions from the Estonian authorities. He received his residence permit long before the scandal and is not included in the “list of 147”. Meanwhile, against the background of the scandal with Estonian residence permits, the FSB of Russia in the Pskov region previously issued a statement that “The presence of real estate and business in Estonia is one of the ways for foreign intelligence services to put pressure on Russians in order to obtain the necessary information or recruitment from them. Such cases in recent years is being recorded more and more". Obviously, recruiting not just an entrepreneur, but also a senator is a real godsend for foreign intelligence services, but Russian counterintelligence officers, like Mr. Kovalev, strangely “do not notice” Mamedov.

Meanwhile, Sergei Mamedov is also seen in close ties with the criminal world. His friendship with crime boss Alexander Kharkovsky (criminal nickname - Rower) is not a sealed secret. In the 90s, Grebet was close to the crime boss Baul, after whose death he moved to the group of his heir Karp, which was at war with the breakaway group "Winnie the Pooh". Then, in the 90s, the Rower killed two small children: after getting drunk, he rushed somewhere on a jet ski - and even flew out of the saddle. A motorcycle without a rider rushed towards the beach and crashed at full speed into a cabin where children were changing clothes. The children died on the spot. Kharkovsky reached the shore and tried to escape, but he was caught and taken to the police. However, he “excused himself” by feigning madness.

It is interesting that Kharkovsky, declared insane, in 2001 became an adviser to the governor of the Primorsky Territory Sergei Darkin(known among local bandits under the influence of Darych and Seryoga Shepelyavy). In addition to “political” activities, Grebets was also involved in “business” - in particular, he laundered money through Baltic banks, including, as the media previously suggested, in the interests of Mamedov’s business. It is possible that it was he who helped Mamedov obtain a residence permit.

Rower was later “accepted” entering the United States with someone else’s passport. Since no extradition treaty has been signed between the United States and Russia, and the crime for which Grebets was detained was committed on US territory.

Taking all this into account, the initiatives of Russian deputies to search for traces of Russian corrupt officials abroad are more reminiscent of “market research”, in which there is always the opportunity to travel around the world, ask the price, study the experience of the most successful bribe-takers and even be happy for them.

Perhaps this is why deputies are not eager to look for corruption at home and, even when directly confronted with it, they still continue to look somewhere into the distance, overseas...

U ex-husband Anastasia Myskina Sergei Mamedov has an affair with the owner of a beauty salon.

The captain of the Russian women's tennis team, Anastasia Myskina, told reporters why she broke up with her common-law husband, Federation Council member Sergei Mamedov, and also commented on her ex-husband’s new relationship.

Let us remember that the famous tennis player has been with the businessman and politician since the mid-2000s. Anastasia and Sergei have three children together - 9-year-old Evgeniy, 7-year-old Georgy and 5-year-old Pavel. The couple never registered their relationship. Mamedov and Myskina lived in a luxurious house in the village of Zhukovka near Moscow.

Ex-husband of Anastasia Myskina Sergei Mamedov

Recently, details of Myskina’s separation from her husband appeared in the media. It is argued that the man is truly happy in his new relationship. According to journalists, Mamedov’s chosen one was businesswoman Suzanna Karpova, who is a co-owner of a fashionable chain of premium beauty salons. Women's establishments are visited not only by show business stars - Elka, Alsou, Elena Temnikova - but also by many society ladies.

Sergei Mamedov's alleged lover Suzanna Karpova

In mid-December, Anastasia Myskina and Sergey Mamedov presented an official statement about their separation. The couple wrote that they had been coming to this decision for several years, trying to maintain the relationship. But all the couple's attempts were in vain.

“Our life priorities and principles diverged more and more in different directions. As a result, we both came to the conclusion that there would be a separation the best way out from the current situation - an open and honest act for both of us. We remain close people to each other, parents of three wonderful sons, which, of course, will allow us to continue to maintain good relations and continue to raise our children together,” the ex-spouses’ statement said.

According to Myskina, when she found out about her husband’s affair on the side, she initially tolerated adultery for the sake of the children. And then my patience ran out. In fact, the tennis player found herself in the same situation as Yulia Baranovskaya, who was abandoned by football player Andrei Arshavin with her three children.

Karpov’s supposed chosen one refrains from interviews with journalists, and the businessman himself does not comment on his personal life.

The former common-law husband of the famous tennis player has a yacht and an armored Mercedes.

Captain of the Russian women's tennis team, former second racket of the world Anastasia MYSKINA She is celebrating the New Year with disheveled feelings: she broke up with her common-law husband, Federation Council member Sergei MAMEDOV, with whom she gave birth to three children.

Myskina She explained her decision this way:

We lived together for 11 years. But in recent years our life principles and priorities increasingly began to mismatch. We tried to maintain the same relationship, but it didn’t work out.

Officially marry Sergei Mamedov Myskina didn’t succeed either. Anastasia waited a long time for the proposal. Especially after she gave birth to her beloved first son, Evgeniy. When the tennis player became pregnant again, familiar couples already openly hinted to Mamedov that it was time to get married. It didn't help. The birth of the third son did not change anything. Perhaps even then Myskina regretted that she had linked her fate with this man.

Before meeting businessman Mamedov, Nastya experienced two stormy romances with hockey players - Alexander Stepanov And Konstantin Korneev. Kostya, who was playing for CSKA at that time, even bought her a platinum ring with three diamonds - then rumors immediately spread that things were heading towards a wedding. But Korneev showed indecisiveness. Perhaps the hockey player was embarrassed by the fact that he was three years younger than Myskina. Be that as it may, they broke up, and Nastya threw herself into the whirlpool of a new relationship - with the impressive Sergei Mamedov.

Flew out of the saddle

The mother of the new lover once worked in the USSR Ministry of Foreign Trade. And stepfather, Georgy Mamedov, until 2003 he was Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, after which he left as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Canada. Since childhood, Sergei has been accustomed to living on wide leg. And as soon as he grew up, he began to make money. In 2008, he became the owner of a large Samara company, Volgaburmash, and bought a fishery on Sakhalin. A year later he was already driving around Moscow in an armored Mercedes, accompanied by security.

Myskina and Mamedov settled in a luxurious house in the elite village of Zhukovka near Moscow. According to the income statement, Sergei Valerievich earned 23.5 million rubles in 2011 alone. Not life, but a fairy tale!

Outwardly, the beautiful Suzanna somehow subtly resembles Anastasia MYSKINA

Over the years of her sports career, Anastasia herself has earned more than enough - $5.6 million. (And this is not counting advertising revenue.) But Nastya values ​​human relationships and feelings much more than money. Myskina didn’t meddle much in her husband’s affairs, but she heard rumors that Mamedov was allegedly connected with a crime boss Alexander Kharkovsky named Rower. In the “dashing 90s” Kharkovsky became the culprit of a terrible tragedy. Having drunk until a pig squealed, he sat down on jet ski and flew out of the saddle at high speed. The motorcycle, by inertia, reached the beach and at full speed crashed into the cabin where the children were changing clothes. As a result, two died. The rower was caught by the police, but with the help of cunning lawyers he managed to remain free - Kharkovsky was declared insane.

It is strange that this “insane” person turned out to be an adviser to the governor of the Primorsky Territory in 2001 Sergei Darkin. And Kharkovsky, as competent sources assure, laundered money through Baltic banks - including in the interests of Mamedov’s business. Let us add that Sergei Valerievich has a residence permit in Estonia. And, according to our data, he received it not yesterday, but nine years ago!

You may ask: what does Estonia have to do with it? Yes at that. The two-story apartment in the center of Tallinn also belongs to Mamedov. And another luxury yacht Fidelity is registered to one of the Estonian companies of the 45-year-old Russian senator. Sergey and Anastasia loved to relax on this yacht off the coast of France.

But all this is now in the past. Three children - Zhenya, Georgy and Pasha - remained with their mother. The father promises to help them in everything, but, apparently, he will rarely see them. Like all Sunday dads.

They say that Sergei Valerievich has long had a new passion. Rumor has it that this is a businesswoman Suzanna Karpova, founder of a beauty salon. When the common-law wife found out about this, she initially endured it - for the sake of the children. And then my patience ran out. Myskina found herself in the same situation as Yulia Baranovskaya, who was abandoned by a football player with three children Arshavin. Julia didn't break. Nastya is also a strong person, she will cope.

By the way

  • Russian women's team, where is the captain Anastasia Myskina, flew out of the elite eight of the Fed Cup.