Algorithm for emergency care for fainting. Providing first aid for fainting. First aid for fainting

Syncope is a short-term, unexpected loss of consciousness that occurs as a result of impaired blood circulation in the brain. This state can last from a few seconds to 2 minutes. Emergency assistance for fainting must be provided promptly and correctly; incorrect actions can cause unpleasant consequences.

Fainting - effective protective agent, taking care of the “gray matter” in critical situations. The human brain, sensing that it is not possible to preserve neurons due to lack of oxygen, independently restores blood circulation.

For these purposes, the patient must take a horizontal position, for the full functioning of the heart - blood begins to flow freely to the “gray matter”, the condition gradually improves. As soon as the brain receives the amount of oxygen it needs, the victim will regain full consciousness.

The duration of a fainting state is 2-3 seconds, but this does not mean that provision of first aid to the patient is not required. It is necessary for the victim to come to his senses faster.


In what situations can syncope occur?

To provide first aid when fainting occurs, you need to know what caused it. So the reasons for such conditions may be as follows:

  1. Severe stress.
  2. Fasting, strict diet.
  3. Unbearable physical and mental stress.
  4. Prolonged stay in open space in the heat.
  5. A sharp jump in atmospheric pressure.
  6. Pressure changes.
  7. The period of bearing a child.
  8. Prolonged stay in a small, stuffy room.
  9. Large blood loss.
  10. Pathologies of blood vessels, heart, which can provoke plasma outflow, sharp decline pressure, resulting in oxygen starvation.
  11. The presence of a chronic, severe organ disease.
  12. Traumatic brain injuries.

If the victim’s condition is not associated with any disease, first aid for fainting consists of performing general actions. With syncope, which is a symptom of pathology, urgent hospitalization and a comprehensive examination are needed.

Signs of loss of consciousness

The patient himself can feel the main symptoms preceding the attack, but certain signs are observed after fainting. The victim often complains of the following unpleasant sensations:

  • dizziness;
  • extraneous noise in the ears;
  • blurred vision;
  • sudden feeling of weakness;
  • lack of oxygen, nausea.

At the first symptoms of syncope, you should lie down. A standing or sitting person can lose consciousness or fall, but not a lying person.

If fainting has already occurred, then the victim has the following symptoms:

  1. Pallor of the skin.
  2. In such conditions, cold sweat appears.
  3. Shallow, intermittent breathing.
  4. Poorly audible pulse.
  5. Low pressure.

If the patient faints, then emergency care must be provided correctly. He should not be seated, leaned against the surface of the wall, shaken, shaken, or moved if the loss of consciousness is the result of an injury.

How to prevent loss of consciousness

Once you feel the first symptoms of approaching syncope, you need to take appropriate measures. Self help in case of impending fainting, the following algorithm of actions is suggested:

  • lie on your back and raise your legs a little to increase blood flow;
  • on the street, sit on a bench or bus stop, put your head on your knees;
  • unfasten the top buttons, loosen the belt, tie;
  • how it will become easier to drink water, a sweet tea drink.

To provide first aid you do not need to have special equipment medical education, the main thing is to follow the basic sequence of actions and not panic. Taking any medications before the arrival of the EMS team is prohibited.

First aid for syncope

If fainting has occurred, the first aid for fainting depends on the location and climate conditions. The procedure for loss of consciousness involves:

  1. Place the victim on horizontal surface. If the attack occurred outside in hot weather, the person should be placed in the shade. Loosen your clothes and belt. Check your pulse rate. Place a towel under your head and turn it to the side.
  2. Providing first aid - lift the person’s lower limbs, support him vertical surface. The legs should be at right angles to the body (but not higher than the head); you can place something like a bolster under them.
  3. For emergency measures, ammonia is often used. Just be careful so that when the patient wakes up from the sharp “aroma” he does not hit his head. You can rub your temples a little with them.
  4. Light clothing should be thoroughly moistened with cool water. Wipe your face with a wet handkerchief and fruit. Watermelon pulp is perfect.
  5. Drink cool sweet tea.

When rendering 1 emergency care wet long hair You can’t - moisture forms around the head, which is fertile ground for heat or sunstroke.

First aid for fainting caused by exposure to the sun should be carried out as an emergency. The victim feels very tired, becomes lethargic, dizzy, and then loses consciousness.

Help you need for syncope

Providing assistance outdoors in winter

If the attack occurs during the cold season, it is necessary to take all measures to prevent the victim from becoming hypothermic. What to do if you faint in this situation:

  • put a person on the ground;
  • loosen your belt, unfasten buttons under warm clothes;
  • raise the lower limbs, place a scarf under them, for example;
  • rub your face with snow;
  • if there is a bench, then it is better to place the patient on it;
  • the victim must be protected from hypothermia and wind.

The victim should be provided with primary care correctly, because the cause of the attack may be a serious illness that requires appropriate examination and emergency treatment.

Fainting indoors in summer

During the hot season, a person may faint from unbearable stuffiness at work or at home. First aid for fainting includes the following sequence of actions:

  1. Place the victim on a sofa or bed.
  2. Lift and elevate your lower limbs.
  3. Unfasten the collar, belt on clothes.
  4. Spray your face with cool water.
  5. Ventilate the room well.
  6. Let the person breathe ammonia.

First aid for fainting and loss of consciousness should be provided in a timely manner, but before proceeding with it, you should call an ambulance. Only doctors can determine the exact causes of the critical condition.

If you lose consciousness, call an ambulance

What to do after an attack?

The crisis is over and the victim comes to his senses. You need to sit him down or help him get up. The person's consciousness must be fully restored. To normalize blood pressure, the patient needs to lie down for 2-3 minutes.

The basic rules after fainting are to avoid physical activity and not make sudden movements. After restoring the body and all functions, you need to visit a doctor.

The cause of the crisis must be determined. The loss of consciousness itself should alert the victim, and knowing the origin of this condition is extremely necessary.

Fainting may occur as a result of:

A comprehensive diagnosis will identify the symptoms of collapse. A short-term loss of consciousness does not cause cardiac or respiratory arrest. Muscle activity is preserved, as are all reflexes.

If first aid for loss of consciousness was provided in a timely and correct manner, the patient’s “gray matter” functionality is fully restored and he does not lose his sense of reality. Freely navigates time and space.

The actions of people during the provision of first pre-hospital emergency aid for a person who has fainted should be quick and coordinated. It is necessary to instill the ability to help people in critical situations from childhood.

We exclude physical activity and do not make sudden movements

Methods for preventing syncope

If a person constantly faints, it is necessary to urgently visit a doctor. Especially when a similar condition is observed in a child. After determining the cause of the pathological condition, you should adhere to all recommendations that will make it possible to prevent the risk of developing provoking internal or external factors.

When a person knows how to provide first aid in case of fainting, he should understand what to do after it. Namely, follow simple recommendations:

  1. Full, healthy eating: liver, pomegranate, meat, dried fruits (glucose, carbohydrates).
  2. Moderate physical exercise, exercise, but systematically: walks in the air, trips to nature, fishing - normalizes blood pressure, saturates the brain with oxygen.
  3. Eliminate bad habits: give up alcoholic drinks, cigarettes.

People suffering from constant fainting are advised to avoid overheating and avoid closed and small rooms, this way the risk of a crisis can be minimized. You should consult your doctor about the use of nootropics that restore brain nutrition.

Providing emergency care for fainting must be urgent and complete, otherwise the person may suffer as a result of incorrect actions. Especially if the crisis occurred as a result of a complication of a disease. Taking medications after an attack is prohibited until the emergency medical team arrives. Only doctors can correctly diagnose the cause of fainting and prescribe treatment.

First aid for loss of consciousness is quite simple. If a person faints, then it is necessary:

  1. Lay him on a flat surface, preferably with his legs higher than his head, this will ensure blood flow to the brain.
  2. Provide fresh air flow (if the room is stuffy, open the window).
  3. Unfasten the victim's tight clothing (tie, collar, belt).
  4. Spray your face with water or wipe with a damp towel.
  5. If you have ammonia, let the vapor inhale (moisten a cotton swab and hold it a couple of centimeters from your nose).
  6. If fainting was the result of overheating, you need to move the person to a cool room and wipe off cold water, drink iced tea or slightly salted water.

119 Collapse is an acute vascular insufficiency in which the mass of blood circulating in the body decreases significantly and the overall vascular tone drops. Cardiac collapse can often lead to death, which is why it is so important to provide first aid during its attacks. Such dire consequences are due to the fact that the brain ceases to receive sufficient amounts of oxygen, which are delivered to it through the blood circulation.


The causes of collapse can be very different - from past illnesses to age-related characteristics. Cardiovascular collapse may be caused for the following reasons:

1. Large loss of blood, which may be a consequence of rupture of some internal organ or serious external injuries to the body.

2. A sharp change in body position in a bedridden patient.

3. Puberty in girls.

4. Various transferred infectious diseases(eg, typhus, dysentery, anthrax, toxic influenza, viral hepatitis, or pneumonia).

5. Intoxication of the body (for example, an overdose of various drugs or food poisoning).

6. Heart rhythm disturbances: myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, myocarditis, hemopericardium.

7. Dehydration of the body.

8. Severe electric shock.

9. Heat environment: heat stroke, for example.

10. Strong doses of ionizing radiation.

When providing medical care, it is necessary to correctly determine the cause that caused the collapse and direct all efforts to eliminate this factor.


The signs of collapse are quite pronounced and cannot be confused with the symptoms of any other cardiovascular disease. These include:

1. Your health deteriorates very suddenly.

2. Sharp headache.

3. Darkening in the eyes - the patient’s pupils dilate, tinnitus.

4. Unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the heart.

5. Weakness.

6. Sharp decline blood pressure.

7. The skin immediately turns pale, becomes cold and moist, and then cyanosis (blue discoloration of the skin) is observed.

8. Facial features become sharper.

9. Respiratory rhythm disturbance: breathing becomes frequent and shallow.

10. It is almost impossible to feel the pulse.

11. Low temperature bodies.

12. Possible loss of consciousness.

13. The patient becomes covered in sticky sweat.

Vascular collapse is not as life-threatening as cardiac collapse, but nevertheless also requires emergency medical care and treatment.


Providing emergency assistance during collapse is not difficult, but very necessary. These are exactly the basic medical points that every person should know in order to avoid death. loved one. Emergency assistance for collapse may include the following actions.

1. Position the patient as follows:

· he should lie in a horizontal position on his back,

· the surface on which it lies must be hard and level;

· the head should be slightly bent,

· Legs should be slightly elevated - this will ensure blood flow to the brain.

2. Free the patient from tight, constricting clothing - unfasten all cuffs, buttons, collar, belt.

3. Call a doctor or ambulance as soon as possible.

4. Provide the patient with a flow of fresh air through open window or balcony. If possible, inhale oxygen.

5. Warm the patient by covering him on all sides with hot water bottles.

6. Give the patient a sniff ammonia. If you don’t have it at hand, massage your earlobes, dimples of your upper lip and temples.

7. If collapse is caused by large blood loss, you need to stop the bleeding as quickly as possible.

8. Provide the patient with complete rest.

Remember that in case of collapse, before the doctor arrives, under no circumstances should you:

1. Give the patient Corvalol, Valocordin, no-shpa, validol or nitroglycerin, which will only worsen the situation by further dilating the blood vessels.

2. Give water and medicine if the patient is unconscious.

3. Bring the patient to his senses with sharp slaps.

The doctor prescribes drug treatment, which is aimed primarily at restoring normal blood circulation in the body:

1. Intravenous infusion of certain solutions (sodium chloride or Ringer), the volume of which is determined the following factors:

general condition of the patient;

· the color of his skin;

presence of diuresis;

· blood pressure;

· heart rate.

2. Glucocorticoids: metipred, triamcinolone or prednisolone.

3. Vasopressor agents, which are administered intravenously. These include mesaton and norepinephrine.

4. Medicines that relieve spasms: either an intravenous solution of novocaine or an intramuscular solution of chlorpromazine.

First aid for collapse plays a very important role in preserving the life of the patient. It is in this case that delaying death is similar. An ambulance, even when called on time, may be late. Every person should know how to help a patient so as not to get confused in difficult times and save a person’s life.


Anaphylactic shock is the most dangerous manifestation allergic reaction Type I Most often, medications are allergens. The reaction occurs with any method of administration, but the most dangerous is IV. A common cause of shock is insect poisons that enter the body when stung. A sting to the head and neck is especially dangerous.

The clinic has 3 periods:

1. prodrome: feeling of heat, skin flushing, agitation, anxiety, fear of death, headache, noise or ringing in the ears, compressive pain behind the sternum, itching, urticaria, Quincke's edema, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis. There may be swelling of the larynx. Phenomena of bronchospasm are observed - expiratory shortness of breath and suffocation. Muscle spasm of the gastrointestinal tract is accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and dysphagia. Uterine spasm leads to pain in the lower abdomen and bleeding from the vagina. In the urinary tract, swelling is accompanied by clinical symptoms of cystitis. There are eosinophils in the urine. Sometimes there is damage to the meninges with the appearance of meningeal symptoms: stiff neck, headache, vomiting without previous nausea, convulsions. With swelling of the labyrinth (the organ of balance located in the cavity of the inner ear), Minière's syndrome develops: dizziness, nausea, vomiting, unsteady gait. ECG - rhythm disturbances,

2. shock itself: pallor, cold sweat, apathy, rapid thready pulse, drop in blood pressure. There may be involuntary defecation and urination,

3. reverse development. Blood pressure returns to normal, but chills appear, the temperature rises, the patient is worried about weakness, shortness of breath, and pain in the heart area.

Course: And lightning fast (extremely severe) - there is no prodrome, stage 2 of shock develops 3-10 minutes after the introduction of the allergen. Blood pressure sometimes drops to 0 - collapse. The pulse is frequent, thread-like;

B severe - shock develops after 15-60 minutes with a pronounced prodrome, but blood pressure drops to a lesser extent, there is no collapse;

In moderate severity - it proceeds like a severe one, but can be self-limiting.

Complications: 1. collapse, 2. myocarditis, 3. glomerulonephritis, 4. hepatitis, 5. encephalitis, 6. myelitis, 7. polyneuritis, 8. Lyell’s syndrome.



On prehospital stage:

Call a doctor through a third party

Lay your head on its side with your legs raised, with an oilcloth, diaper, tray under your head.

Cover with heating pads, cover warmly

Constantly monitor the position of your tongue

Above the subcutaneous injection site, apply a tourniquet for 30 minutes, loosening every 10 minutes, or apply ice to the intramuscular injection site

Inject the injection site with a 0.1% solution of adrenaline (0.3-0.5 ml diluted with 3-5 ml saline solution)

Give warm and moist oxygen 20-30%, in severe cases 100%

IV bolus and then saline drip up to 1 liter

Adrenaline IM 0.5 ml in 4 different parts of the body every 10-15 minutes until consciousness is restored

60-150 mg of prednisolone subcutaneously, in severe cases intravenous bolus with 10-20 ml 40% glucose

1-2ml 2% suprastin IM

Salbutamol via nebulizer – 2 puffs

0.3-0.5 ml 0.1% atropine sulfate s.c.

to provide first aid

to improve brain oxygenation

prevention of aspiration of vomit

reduce heat transfer

prevention of tongue retraction

narrowing of blood vessels and stopping the entry of allergen into the blood

improved oxygenation

increase in blood volume, increase in blood pressure

increased blood pressure

increased blood pressure

for the prevention of skin manifestations

to relieve bronchospasm

relief of bradycardia

Efficacy assessment: health improved, hemodynamic parameters returned to normal.

Hospitalization in the intensive care unit in a lying position on a gurney to prevent relapse (shock can recur within 2-24 hours) and complications.

Losing consciousness is a phenomenon that absolutely anyone can experience. In some cases, it does not pose a significant threat to human life and health, in others it indicates the presence of a serious disease. Thus, a clear algorithm of first aid actions for fainting is very important knowledge which will help in a difficult situation.

Fainting (syncope) is a sudden loss of consciousness as a result of a temporary decrease in blood circulation to the brain. This condition is not an independent disease, but only a manifestation of the influence of certain external conditions on the body, or one of the symptoms of an underlying disease.

Almost every second person in the world has fainted. Syncope states serve common cause visiting doctors, conducting additional tests and hospitalizations. They significantly affect the quality of life of patients and lead to adverse consequences. In view of this, assistance for fainting must be timely and effective.

Loss of consciousness is caused by a wide variety of reasons. The main ones are presented below.

Reflex (neurogenic) origin:

  • emotional stress (feelings of pain, fear, anxiety, the sight of blood, laughter, etc.);
  • severe cough, sneezing;
  • the act of swallowing, defecating, urinating;

Hypotensive origin:

  • disorders of the autonomic nervous system (neurocirculatory dystonia);
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • Lev's disease;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • amyloidosis;
  • taking medications that lower blood pressure;
  • spinal cord injury;
  • massive bleeding;
  • profuse vomiting, diarrhea.

Cardiac origin:

  • slow heartbeat;
  • sick sinus syndrome;
  • complete atrioventricular block;
  • pacemaker dysfunction;
  • tachycardia from the atria and ventricles;
  • acute coronary syndrome, pulmonary embolism, dissection of aortic aneurysm;
  • space-occupying formation in one of the chambers of the heart (tumor, thrombus).

During pregnancy, fainting occurs due to the so-called “inferior vena cava syndrome,” when an enlarged uterus compresses the vessel of the same name, thereby reducing the return of blood to the heart.

The risk group susceptible to frequent fainting is considered to be persons with arterial hypotension, labile nervous system, various types arrhythmias.

The most important data for detecting the cause and based on this providing first aid for loss of consciousness are the data from the anamnesis, examination and electrocardiogram. Taking an anamnesis involves a detailed questioning about the situation and environment that preceded the syncope, what diseases the patient suffered from.

The examination includes an assessment of breathing (shallow, frequent), the nature of the heartbeat (rhythmic, arrhythmic, clear or dull tones), measurement of blood pressure (normal, low), analysis of the reaction to the environment (weakness, lethargy, drowsiness), the presence or absence of traumatic injuries. An electrocardiogram allows you to preliminary assess the work of the heart and exclude rhythm and conduction disturbances.

Can you feel fainting coming on?

As a rule, fainting has a sudden onset. However, sometimes you can feel it coming. The sudden appearance of dizziness, weakness, numbness of the extremities, nausea, flashing “spots”, darkness before the eyes, stuffy ears, cold sweat indicate the possibility imminent arrival syncope. From the onset of such symptoms to fainting, 2-10 seconds pass. At this time, you need to try to make an effort to attract the attention of others and call for help.

How to provide first aid for fainting?

First aid for fainting includes next events that need to be started as early as possible:

  1. provide a horizontal position for the patient (on his back);
  2. place something under the lower limbs (at an angle of 30-45°) so that the head is below the knees;
  3. take care of fresh air if syncope occurs indoors;
  4. check the patient’s breathing and eliminate factors that impede this (loose the collar, belt, unfasten the tie, etc.);
  5. splash your face with cool water;
  6. bring ammonia to your nostrils (the pungent smell of which usually helps restore consciousness);
  7. ask about your health, if you need to call an ambulance.

The scope of emergency care for fainting in children does not differ from adults, except for mandatory hospitalization.

What to do after recovering from a fainting state?

Further tactics are determined by the presence of complaints and severity general condition. The criteria for the effectiveness of first aid for fainting are the return of consciousness and normalization of hemodynamics. If the cause is obvious (stuffy, cramped room, overwork, heavy physical labor), further treatment may not be required. If the origin of syncope is unclear, it is recommended to seek advice from specialists: a neurologist, cardiologist, therapist, endocrinologist.

In severe condition, presence pain syndrome, rare breathing, palpitations, lack of positive dynamics, immediate assistance and hospitalization with a thorough examination are recommended.


In order to avoid the need for help with fainting, it is rational to think about its prevention. Preventive measures are developed depending on the underlying cause. Among general recommendations often found:

  • increased fluid and salt intake;
  • adequate rest and work regime;
  • sleep at least 7-8 hours at night;
  • refusal bad habits(especially excessive alcohol consumption);
  • avoid long stays in stuffy rooms, periodically ensure their ventilation by opening windows;
  • in the summer, use sun protection (using an umbrella, hat);
  • do not overheat in solariums and saunas.

Persons with persistent arterial hypotension need to engage in special training (tilt training), yoga and other strengthening exercises.

If signs of loss of consciousness appear, it is recommended to immediately take a lying position, drink cool water, raise your legs, and clench your hands into fists. All this contributes to increased blood pressure. Close relatives should also be taught what to do if fainting occurs suddenly.

For various reasons, people sometimes lose consciousness. In this case, fainting can be evidence of both general weakness due to exhaustion, and a symptom of serious diseases, for example, a heart attack. It is possible that a person who has lost consciousness is in a state of collapse, shock, or hypoglycemic coma resulting from diabetes mellitus. For this reason, it is extremely important to know what emergency treatment for fainting is.

Concept and causes of fainting

Fainting should be understood as a short-term loss of consciousness, which was caused by oxygen starvation of the brain.

Indications for hospitalization

In order for emergency medical care for fainting to be provided at the most effective level, you need to call an ambulance in a timely manner. In order not to get confused and know for sure when medical help is really important, you need to know the indications for hospitalization in case of fainting. Such indications can be divided into two groups: relative and absolute.


  • sudden loss of consciousness that occurs during physical exertion;
  • severe or moderate orthostatic hypotension;
  • constant fainting;
  • possible development of arrhythmia or coronary heart disease;
  • age exceeding 70 years.

Absolute readings:

  • ECG changes characteristic of ischemia (acute conduction disturbances, severe tachycardia or bradycardia);
  • clinical signs of congestive heart failure, valvular heart disease, developing into cerebral circulatory disorders or stroke.
  • chest pain.

Emergency care for fainting in children

In the event that a child has lost consciousness, assistance will include standard actions:

  • lay it horizontally without using a pillow;
  • raise your legs a little;
  • open a window or window;
  • unbutton clothes;
  • Spray your face with water;
  • bring cotton wool with ammonia to your nose.

It would not be amiss to pay attention to the pulse, establishing its rhythm. If possible, blood pressure should also be measured. After the child wakes up, you should not pick him up right away - let him lie down until he fully comes to his senses. Afterwards, you can give him sweet coffee or tea, but not earlier than after 5-10 minutes.

In the event that fainting occurs periodically and after physical activity, you need to consult a doctor, since such symptoms may indicate heart disease.

Emergency care for fainting resulting from sunstroke is supplemented by the following actions:

  • the child should be placed in the shade, away from direct sunlight;
  • You need to put a cold compress on your head;
  • provide free access to fresh air;
  • the body must be wiped with cold water;
  • when consciousness has returned, it is important to give cold water to drink;
  • if the condition does not return to normal, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Fainting in diabetes

This disease can lead to such a result as hypoglycemic coma. Outwardly, it may resemble a normal loss of consciousness. This condition occurs due to a sharp decrease in blood sugar levels, which is a consequence of exceeding the dose of insulin and other factors.

Before the onset of hypoglycemic coma, the skin begins to turn pale and moist, and a strong feeling of hunger appears. The main thing in this situation is to make every effort to prevent loss of consciousness. To do this, the person needs to be given something sweet (jam, honey, sugar). But if fainting does occur, then it is necessary to call an ambulance.

Convulsive fainting

This type of fainting condition may initially occur as usual, but then a tonic spasm appears against the background of low muscle tone. Such manifestations can be triggered by a lack of oxygen that lasts more than 30 seconds.

Emergency care for fainting in this case comes down to standard actions (unfasten clothes, provide air access, bring ammonia to the nose). But if a person does not come to his senses, you need to administer 1 ml of cordiamine or 2 ml of camphor.

What to do in case of collapse and shock

Initially, it is worth defining the terms in question. Collapse should be understood as a sharp vascular insufficiency accompanied by a disorder of peripheral circulation. The very mechanism of development of such a condition as collapse is associated with an important factor - a drop in vascular tone. In this case, a noticeable loss of circulating blood volume occurs. The result is a sharp decrease in pressure, both venous and arterial. In this regard, a redistribution of blood occurs in the body: there is a lot of it in the vessels of the abdominal cavity, but in the vessels of the brain and important organs its deficiency is recorded.

Shock is a circulatory disorder that was triggered by a sudden factor, such as injury.

Emergency care for fainting (collapse, shock) looks the same as for normal loss of consciousness: the patient is placed in a horizontal position without a pillow, ammonia is used to irritate the nasal mucosa. You can also apply heating pads to your limbs. You definitely need to call a doctor.

Already on the recommendation of a doctor, emergency care for fainting and collapse may include blood transfusions, therapy aimed at stopping bleeding, as well as the administration of analgesics and cardiac glycosides (for myocardial infarction).

Obviously, fainting can sometimes be a consequence of quite dangerous processes that can harm a person’s health and even threaten his life. Therefore, if someone has lost consciousness, emergency treatment for fainting is extremely important as it can save the victim from serious complications and even death. And it is important to remember that if all the measures taken do not bring the person to his senses within five minutes, you should without a doubt call an ambulance.

Fainting is considered a short loss of consciousness, which is of an epileptic nature. This reaction appears unexpectedly with a diffuse decrease in metabolism in the brain.

Metabolic disorder occurs due to the appearance of a short-term decrease in blood circulation in the brain.

Important! If you lose consciousness, you need to lay the person down and check for a pulse.

It is imperative to carefully examine and evaluate the patient’s condition. Usually, when he faints, he breathes, his pulse is rare and weak, and his blood pressure is reduced.

First aid for fainting is provided according to the following scheme:

It is important to follow the algorithm of actions, rules, this will help eliminate possible complications. A sequence of therapeutic measures can quickly eliminate all signs of fainting at home.

Symptoms and signs of fainting in women, men and children

Fainting collapses often appear suddenly, but this condition is accompanied by some characteristic precursors.

Knowing these symptoms will help sense the approach of loss of consciousness in advance and take the necessary actions.

In order to provide the necessary assistance, it is necessary to take into account the symptoms of fainting in women, men, and children:

  1. Dizziness.
  2. Reduced blood pressure.
  3. Manifestation of sudden weakness.
  4. The patient may experience cold sweat.
  5. The appearance of noise and ringing in the ears.
  6. A veil or darkening appears before the eyes.
  7. Nausea.
  8. Rare breathing.
  9. Sometimes numbness of the limbs occurs.
  10. Poor blood circulation.

If signs appear, then we can definitely say that the person has a fainting condition. But it can easily be confused with an epileptic seizure.

In both cases, loss of consciousness occurs; the difference is that with ordinary fainting, loss of consciousness does not last long (2-3 minutes).

But with epileptic seizures, fainting occurs for a long time, and salivation may occur from the mouth.

Signs of cramps, involuntary urination. In this case, emergency medical care and a full diagnosis are required.

Causes of fainting

Loss of consciousness is caused by various reasons. In order to provide the correct first aid, it is imperative to carefully study the main factors that can provoke fainting.

It’s worth looking at them briefly to have at least a little idea:

Type of reason Description
Starvation Fainting often occurs when blood sugar drops. This can occur during prolonged fasting, for example, while following a strict diet or when performing increased physical activity.
Reduced hemoglobin level Fainting can occur with anemia and increased blood loss. A decrease in the number of red blood cells causes a decrease in blood supply to the brain.

If suddenly, during sudden rises from bed, your head begins to feel very dizzy, then you definitely need to test your blood for hemoglobin.

Insufficient air level When you are in a room with a large number of people, an excess of carbon dioxide occurs, which ultimately provokes oxygen starvation.

In these cases, the person must be immediately brought to Fresh air and apply cold snow to your face or sprinkle with water

Overheating Exposure to the sun for long periods of time can cause heat stroke. During heat syncope, rapid heartbeat, redness of the skin, and evaporation on the body appear.

The patient needs to be taken to a cool room and cold water poured over his face

Problems in the activity of the heart During many heart ailments and low blood pressure, the patient often experiences oxygen starvation and, as a result, loss of consciousness
Fatigue, overwork When a person works for a long time without rest, he may experience various unpleasant symptoms.

Increased fatigue, pale skin, red eyes, dizziness, decreased blood pressure, hand tremors. If you do not react in time, loss of consciousness may occur

Increased emotionality Some people take even frivolous events too seriously. At the same time, they may experience feelings of fear, fright, pain, joy. When shocked by unexpected events, fainting may occur

note! Some women experience fainting during the first trimester of pregnancy.

At this time, severe toxicosis reduces appetite, and for some it disappears completely. Against the background of all these conditions, the expectant mother’s hemoglobin level decreases, severe weakness and fainting occur.

Tablets and drugs

Manifestations of fainting are treated not only with medications, it all depends on the cause that provoked this condition.

Medicines are required only then when loss of consciousness was caused by certain diseases.

But if it manifests itself during fasting, overwork, shock, then the patient is provided with proper rest or he is taken to fresh air.

For fainting, the following types of drugs can be prescribed:

  • Nootropics. Medicines, which improve brain nutrition.
  • Adaptogens. Medicines that improve the body’s adaptation to environmental conditions.
  • Venotonics. With the help of tablets and injections of this type, you can improve the tone of the veins.
  • Vitamins of group B, A, C.

If you faint at first, you may need help from a nurse at home. The specialist provides the necessary medical treatment and eliminates all unpleasant symptoms.

What if the first symptoms of fainting appear at home?, then timely first aid is required. If you strictly follow the algorithm of actions when providing it, the patient will be able to quickly come to his senses.

After this, an ambulance should be called for further examination and treatment.

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