Etc. instrumentation and automation mechanic (3rd category). Profession switchgear mechanic Job responsibilities of a switchgear mechanic 3rd category

What do instrument and instrumentation mechanics do in production? It all depends on the specifics and size of the enterprise where they work. In small businesses, instrumentation mechanics are often charged with, among other things, servicing computer networks, fire alarm equipment or video surveillance systems, CNC machines, etc. At large enterprises with a large number of highly specialized services (electricians, automated control systems specialists, network specialists), Kipovites are mostly engaged in their original business - servicing equipment for thermal and other measurements. This type of equipment includes various sensors flow, pressure, temperature, level, instruments for measuring the physical and chemical properties of the medium, etc. Also, instrumentation and automation specialists are engaged in the installation, adjustment and maintenance of control, metering, regulation and signaling circuits built on the basis of the previously mentioned instruments and other equipment: actuators, signaling and switching equipment, etc.

If you read about the profession of an instrumentation mechanic in the Unified Tariff and Classification Reference Book (UTKS), you may get the impression that they carry out maintenance of the equipment entrusted to them exclusively with the help of a hammer and file, since increased attention is paid to the issues of mechanical processing of materials. This is naturally not the case - increasingly, to configure instrumentation devices, it is necessary to use special communication devices, for example, HART or BRAIN communicators running their own operating systems!!! Or even a laptop with specialized software installed. But a light sledgehammer, a crowbar, huge wrenches and files are also not rare guests in the hands of a mechanic, and various mechanical assembly works can take up to half of a tool mechanic’s working time. After all, an instrumentation mechanic is something between a mechanic, an electrician, a gas fitter, a plumber and an automated control system technician.

Probably no one can do without their own mechanical department. Instrumentation and control shop of a large enterprise– the volume of plumbing work is very large. This includes the installation of protective and impulse pipe lines, sections of pipelines and panels, as well as the production of various types of casings, shields, visors, transitions, bosses, protective sleeves, taps, rods, rods, brackets, etc.

What a locksmith needs to know and be able to do.

An instrumentation mechanic must have at least basic knowledge of electrical engineering, physics, radio engineering, electronics, materials science, hydraulics, heat and gas supply. Understand the operating principles of instrumentation, be able to read mechanical drawings, electrical circuit diagrams, functional automation diagrams, equipment layout plans. Be able to use measuring equipment: multimeters, oscilloscopes, generators. Knowledge of the rules of operation in consumer electrical installations is mandatory. Knowledge of the rules of working in the gas industry or with pressure vessels may also be required, depending on the specifics of the work. Computer knowledge at the level of a confident user and the ability to translate technical texts from English or German, at least with a dictionary, will definitely not be superfluous. But the most important thing is that a good instrument mechanic must thoroughly understand the technological processes in the area entrusted to him.

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (UTKS), 2019
Part No. 2 of Issue No. 2 of ETKS
The issue was approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated November 15, 1999 N 45
(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated November 13, 2008 N 645)

Instrumentation and automation mechanic

§ 92. Instrumentation and automation mechanic, 2nd category

Characteristics, works. Repair, adjustment, testing and delivery of simple, magnetoelectric, electromagnetic, optical-mechanical and thermal measuring instruments and mechanisms. Mechanical processing of parts for 12 - 14 qualifications. Determining causes and troubleshooting simple devices. Installation simple circuits connections. Winding springs from wire in a cold state, protective lubrication of parts. Appliance repair medium difficulty under the guidance of a mechanic highly qualified.

Must know: design, purpose and operating principle of repaired devices and mechanisms; diagrams of simple special adjustment settings; basic properties of conductive and insulating materials and methods for measuring resistance in various chain links; purpose and rules of use of the most common universal and special devices and instrumentation; system of admissions and landings; qualities and roughness parameters; grades and types of anti-corrosion oils and lubricants; name and marking of processed materials; basics of electrical engineering in the scope of work performed.

Work examples

1. Ammeters, voltmeters, pressure gauges, galvanometers - average repair and adjustment.

2. Carriage scales - processing of various parts.

3. Mobile and stationary commodity scales (mortise) - replacement and repair of platform flooring and weight holders.

4. Trade and conditional weights - repair and delivery for branding.

5. Simple parts for devices - metalworking with thread cutting in through holes.

6. Frames for transformers - manufacturing.

7. Gear wheels with foot - assembly.

8. Film and photographic cameras - changing eyepieces, locks, covers, repairing frame counters.

9. Magnetic contactors and starters - average repair.

10. Technical pressure gauges - assembly.

11. Millivoltmeters - medium repair, inspection and delivery after testing.

12. Relay base - assembly according to a template.

13. Instruments - setting to mechanical zero.

14. Trailers, binoculars, spotting scopes - repair and adjustment.

15. Piezoacoustic transducers, electromagnetic sensors - medium repair.

16. Copper conductors for resistance - blank.

17. Regulators, distributors and large relays - repair.

18. Copper and platinum resistance thermometers - assembly and calibration.

19. Contact thermocouples - assembly and adjustment.

20. Clamps of complex configuration - manufacturing.

21. Gears, bushings, mounting rings and other parts - pinning on rollers, drilling and reaming holes for pins.

§ 93. Instrumentation and automation mechanic of the 3rd category

Characteristics of work. Repair, assembly, inspection, adjustment, testing, adjustment, installation and delivery of heat measuring, electromagnetic, electrodynamic, counting, optical-mechanical, pyrometric, automatic, recorder and other devices of medium complexity with removal of circuits. Metalworking of parts according to 11 - 12 qualifications with fitting and finishing of parts. Drawing up and installation of connection diagrams of medium complexity. Instrument painting. Soldering with various solders (copper, silver, etc.). Heat treatment of parts followed by finishing. Determination of metal hardness with calibrated files. Repair, adjustment and adjustment of particularly complex instruments and apparatus under the guidance of a more highly qualified mechanic.

Must know: design, purpose and operating principle of repaired and adjusted instruments and apparatus; state standards for testing and passing individual instruments, mechanisms and apparatus; basic properties of metals, alloys and other materials used in repairs; electrical properties of conductive and insulating materials; methods of heat treatment of parts with subsequent finishing; influence of temperatures on measurement accuracy; symbols of shut-off and control safety valves in thermal diagrams; rules for installing restriction devices; types of impulse pipeline laying; installation of equalization and separation vessels; system of tolerances and landings, qualities and roughness parameters.

Work examples

1. Ammeters, voltmeters, galvanometers, millivoltmeters, pressure gauges, electric meters, gearboxes - major renovation and adjustment.

2. Adding machines and typewriters of all systems - current and medium repairs.

3. Barometers - aneroids - repair and adjustment.

4. Technical scales - repair.

5. Commodity and automobile scales with a rocker indicating device - current and medium repairs, checking the hardening steel parts of the scales, bending, grinding prisms, cushions and earrings.

6. Working weights - check on control scales.

7. Hydraulic sensors - crimping, repair.

8. Piezoacoustic sensors - major repairs, adjustment.

9. Simple parts for devices - cutting threads in blind holes.

10. Film and photographic cameras - complete disassembly of shutters, repair of self-timers, setting lenses to focus, correcting apertures, adjusting take-up coils.

11. Rings, ball holders - manufacturing.

12. Sorting magnets - manufacturing with installation on the machine.

13. Tubular pressure gauges - repair.

14. Micrometers with a division value of 0.01 mm - disassembly, fine-tuning of the microscrew, heel planes, nuts, as well as assembly and testing for plane-parallel gauge blocks and interference glasses.

15. Potentiometers - disassembly, cleaning, assembly of kinematic circuit.

16. Instruments of electrical, electromagnetic and electrodynamic systems - major repairs.

17. Prisms - finishing after hardening of simple guides.

18. Flow meters, time relays, mechanical float mechanisms - repair and adjustment.

19. Stereo range finders, command tubes - repair and adjustment.

20. Tachometers - repair.

21. Thermocouples - installation.

22. Rods and pressure meters - repair.

23. Electrical circuits - continuity.

§ 94. Instrumentation and automation mechanic of the 4th category

Characteristics of work. Repair, adjustment, testing, adjustment, installation and delivery of complex electromagnetic, electrodynamic, heat measuring, optical-mechanical, counting, automatic, pyrotechnic and other devices with fitting and finishing of parts and assemblies. Configuration and commissioning of relay protection devices, electrical automation, telemechanics. Determining defects in devices being repaired and eliminating them. Metalworking of parts according to 7 - 10 qualifications and assembly of gear and worm gears. Drawing up and installation of complex connection diagrams. Calculation of absolute and relative errors when checking and testing instruments. Drawing up defect reports and filling out passports and certificates for devices and machines.

Must know: design, principle of operation and methods of setting up repaired and adjusted complex devices, mechanisms, apparatus; purpose and methods of adjustment of instrumentation and control and adjustment devices; methods for adjusting and calibrating instruments and apparatus and rules for taking characteristics when testing them; rules for calculating resistance; complex connection diagrams; rules for calculating absolute and relative errors when checking and testing instruments; designations of thermal and electrical diagrams and drawings; system of admissions and landings; qualities and roughness parameters; fundamentals of mechanics and electronics in the scope of work performed.

2. Film projection equipment - replacement of individual components and parts.

3. Adding machines and typewriters of all systems - major repairs and restoration.

4. Precision analytical scales - repair, adjustment.

5. Elevator hopper scales - current, medium and major repairs, adjustment and testing.

6. Commodity and automobile scales with rocker indicating devices - major repairs.

7. Scales for goods and automobiles with a dial indicating device - major, medium and current repairs.

8. Mobile and stationary mortise commodity scales - current, medium and major repairs, installation, adjustment, testing.

9. Visirs - repair, adjustment.

10. Water meters of all systems and all diameters in wells - installation with switching to other diameters, performing average repairs.

11. Rectifiers - inspection and repair.

12. Recording galvanometers and ratiometers - disassembly and repair.

13. Film and photographic equipment - repair of synchronizers; diaphragms of deceleration mechanisms, rangefinder adjustment.

14. Gear wheels - finishing of the keyway with an attachment to the axle.

15. Magnetic contactors, marine starters - medium repair.

16. Clock mechanisms of all kinds of instruments (pressure gauges, draft gauges, etc.) - major repairs with the manufacture of parts and adjustment.

17. Microscopes - repairs with finishing of parts and adjustment.

18. Pressure gauges and indicators - disassembly, repair, assembly and adjustment.

19. Electric bridges - repair.

20. Horizontal and vertical optimeters - disassembly, repair, assembly and adjustment of quill turbines with the manufacture of caps, springs and tables.

21. Axles with tubes - final processing with finishing.

22. Periscopes - repair and adjustment.

23. Optical and radiation pyrometers - major repairs.

24. Devices electromagnetic system- repair with disassembly of the kinematics mechanism and moving system.

25. Electronic control devices - repair.

26. Polarized relay - inspection, repair and adjustment.

27. Systems of moving devices - balancing.

28. Voltage stabilizers - inspection and repair.

29. Assembly tables - current repairs.

30. Ultrasonic electromagnetic thickness gauges - medium repair.

31. Electric drives of all types - installation and adjustment.

§ 95. Instrumentation and automation mechanic of the 5th category

Characteristics of work. Repair, adjustment, testing, adjustment, installation, adjustment and delivery of complex heat-measuring, optical-mechanical, electrodynamic, counting, automatic and other devices with an automatic control installation with a summing mechanism and remote transmission of readings. Identification and elimination of defects in the operation of instruments, production of laboratory instruments. Drawing scales, grids and complex sketches. Recalculation electrical appliances to other measurement limits. Adjustment and quality testing of all types of thermal and electrical instrumentation, automatic regulators and automatic power supply units.

Must know: design features repairable complex and precision instruments and methods for their adjustment and alignment; arrangement of precision measuring instruments; causes of defects in the operation of devices and machines, measures to prevent and eliminate them; kinematic diagram of recording devices of all types; rules for repair, testing and adjustment of complex instruments and machines and rules for selecting base surfaces that guarantee the required accuracy.

Work examples

1. Automatic power supply, pressure and temperature - repair, testing and adjustment.

4. Film projection equipment - disassembly, repair, assembly, adjustment.

5. Carriage scales, automobile scales with rocker dial and indicating instruments - installation, adjustment, checking of racks, platform brackets.

6. Goniometers - repair, testing, adjustment.

7. Optical glass parts - finishing.

8. Interferometers - repair, testing, adjustment.

9. Film and photographic cameras - setting the mirror angle, correcting the aperture block and shutter.

10. Exemplary depth gauges and potentiometers - repair with scale re-calibration.

11. Recording and contact pressure gauges - repair.

12. Measuring machines for measuring lengths - repair, checking, adjustment.

13. Developing machines domestic production- assembly of units.

14. Universal microscopes - repair, testing, adjustment.

15. Instrumental microscopes - repair of microscope line head; repair, assembly and testing of the table for accuracy.

16. Electric and electronic bridges - repair.

17. Precision levels - repair, testing, adjustment.

18. Instrument needle axes - sharpening and polishing.

19. Automatic gas analysis devices, radioactive ultrasonic and radioactive pneumatic regulators, capacitive alarms, system units, etc. - repair, assembly and adjustment.

20. Oxygen and pyrometric devices - repair, testing, adjustment.

21. Complex optical-mechanical devices various systems and structures - repair, adjustment and testing.

22. Pointer measuring instruments - major repairs with replacement of main parts and assemblies - rewinding of frames, replacement of moment springs with selection of their strength, re-calibration of instruments to other measurement limits.

23. Precision instruments (optical pyrometers, analytical balances, microanalytical balances, etc.) - complete overhaul with a guarantee of service life.

24. Universal devices for checking hob cutters - checking, adjustment.

25. pH meters - repair with complete disassembly and assembly.

26. Flow meters with a secondary control device - repair.

27. Telecells of telemechanization systems, linear units and radio control - repair, assembly, testing and adjustment.

28. One-second theodolites - repair, testing, adjustment.

29. Squares and test plates, sine rulers - repair and finishing of surfaces.

30. Thermal panels - switching complex electrical circuits.

31. Eccentrics - finishing of a curved surface using a goniometer.

§ 96. Instrumentation and automation mechanic of the 6th category

Characteristics of work. Repair, adjustment, installation, testing, adjustment, adjustment and calibration of experimental, experimental and unique heat measuring, automatic and electronic equipment of projection and optical systems, radioactive devices, radio station units, direction finders, radar installations. Identification and elimination of defects in the operation of equipment. Determination of the degree of wear of parts and assemblies. Adjustment and comprehensive testing after installation diagrams of thermal control and automation of boilers, turbines and process equipment. Assembling circuits for testing thermal automation devices.

Must know: device, interaction of complex devices, technological process of their assembly and adjustment methods; electrical thermal circuits of thermal automation devices; device and methods for aligning complex control and adjustment devices; properties of optical glass, metals and auxiliary materials, conductors, semiconductors used in instrument making; basics of calculation of gears of various meshing profiles and optical systems; fundamentals of physics, mechanics, telemechanics, heat engineering, electrical engineering, metrology, radio engineering and electronics in the scope of the work performed.

Secondary vocational education required.

2. Automatic liquid and gas composition analyzers (titrometers, infrared absorption gas analyzers) - major repairs and adjustment.

3. Film projection devices - adjustment of the Maltese and grab systems.

4. Electronic equipment - adjustment.

5. Automatic portion scales - major repairs, installation, adjustment and testing.

6. Exemplary scales and weights - repair, adjustment, testing.

7. Exemplary carriage scales - repair, installation, adjustment and testing.

8. Optical-acoustic gas analyzers - major repairs, adjustment.

9. Rangefinders - repair and adjustment of the optical system.

10. Television meters - repair, testing.

11. Film and photographic cameras - adjusting shutters, repairing the slowdown mechanism, replacing the rangefinder prism, eliminating play in the rangefinder camera “Kyiv”, “Start”, “Change” and repairing the self-timer, eliminating mirror reset, correcting unevenness of the film buckle, setting lenses to focus , cleaning the viewfinder, changing the mirror, adjusting the lens charging spring.

12. Magnetic oxygen meters - installation and adjustment.

13. Oscillatory circuits of telecells of telemechanization systems - repair, adjustment.

14. Comparators - repair, adjustment.

15. Reduction magazines, Warren motors - repair and adjustment.

16. Resistance stores - repairs.

17. Oscilloscopes - repair.

18. Optical pyrometers, radiation pyrometers and potentiometers - repair and adjustment.

19. Checkweighing platforms - inspection.

20. Compression molds of complex configuration - manufacturing.

21. Salinity alarms - installation, repair, adjustment.

22. Automation schemes for blowing heating surfaces and continuous blowing of boilers - repair and adjustment.

23. Wiring and switching diagrams - drawing up according to basic electrical diagrams.

24. Resistance thermometers - winding the active part and welding the tear-off points.

25. Control testers (devices) - repair.

26. Magnetic amplifiers - repair.

27. Selected devices - selection of locations, marking and installation according to the principle diagrams of thermal control and auto-regulation.

28. Electronic level gauges - repair and adjustment after installation.

§ 97. Instrumentation and automation mechanic of the 7th category

Characteristics of work. Repair, maintenance, inspection, testing, installation, adjustment and commissioning of electronic devices based on microprocessors, mini- and micro-computers and terminal devices of the teleprocessing system. Setup, adjustment and commissioning of complex instrument systems and equipment control systems based on microprocessor technology with the implementation of restoration repair work elements of these systems, programming controllers, micro- and mini-computers and other equipment and electronic computing equipment, ensuring their output to the specified operating parameters. Diagnosis of equipment control systems using special test programs.

Must know: basic principles of constructing control systems based on microprocessor technology, functional and structural diagrams of programmable controllers, micro- and mini-computers; design of microprocessor devices; basics of programming and theory of automated electric drive; methods of introducing technological and test programs; methodology for setting up systems in order to obtain specified static and dynamic characteristics devices and instruments of converter technology; installation of basic instrumentation and diagnostic equipment created on the basis of microprocessor technology; methods and organization of “memory” construction in control systems.

Secondary vocational education required.

Work examples

1. Microprocessor "Intelligent" differential pressure gauges, pressure and level sensors - checking, testing, reconfiguring using communicators.

2. Microprocessor gas analyzers, moisture, salt content, quality meters - checking, testing, entering programs, changing ranges, identifying faults using tests.

§ 98. Instrumentation and automation mechanic of the 8th category

Characteristics of work. Comprehensive maintenance and adjustment, repair, inspection, testing, installation and commissioning of complex and unique instrument systems and equipment control systems based on microprocessor technology with restoration and repair work on these systems, programmable controllers, micro- and mini-computers and others electronic computer equipment, as well as peripheral equipment. Their diagnosis using test programs and stands using computer technology. Drawing up tests and corrections of technological programs and stands using computer technology.

Must know: methods for constructing control systems based on microprocessor technology; circuit diagrams programmable controllers, micro- and mini-computers; methods for correcting technological and test programs; organizing a set of works on setting up and troubleshooting devices and computer systems; design and diagnostics of unique measuring and control systems and complexes; theory of automatic control; the main programming “languages” used in specific technological equipment.

Secondary vocational education required.

Work examples

1. Microprocessor controllers, regulators - checking, drawing up programs, introducing programs, selecting changes in control characteristics for each specific control unit.

2. Microprocessor logic circuits - adjustment, testing, fault determination using tests.

3. Microprocessor devices with digital inputs and outputs - testing, programming.

4. Microprocessor-based intelligent pressure, temperature, level sensors - configuration, programming, testing, submission for testing using a communicator using the HART or SMART protocol.

5. Microprocessor regulators, vibration meters - adjustment, programming, repair, testing.

6. Level gauges based on microprocessors, recorders, paperless recorders (based on a microcomputer), microprocessor gas analyzers, pH meters, humidity and temperature meters - connection to a PC, setup, programming, adjustment, testing, submission for inspection.

Repair, assembly, inspection, adjustment, testing, adjustment, installation and delivery of heat measuring, electromagnetic, electrodynamic, counting, optical-mechanical, pyrometric, automatic, recorder and other devices of medium complexity with removal of circuits. Mechanical processing of parts according to 11-12 qualifications with fitting and finishing of parts. Drawing up and installation of connection diagrams of medium complexity. Instrument painting. Soldering with various solders (copper, silver, etc.). Heat treatment of parts followed by finishing. Determination of the hardness of metals with calibrated files. Repair, adjustment and adjustment of particularly complex devices under the guidance of a more highly qualified mechanic.
Must know: the structure, purpose and operating principle of repaired and adjusted instruments and apparatus; state standards for testing and passing individual instruments, mechanisms and apparatus; basic properties of metals, alloys and other materials used in repairs; electrical properties of conductive and insulating materials; methods of heat treatment of parts with their subsequent finishing; influence of temperatures on measurement accuracy; symbols shut-off, control, safety valves in thermal circuits; rules for installing restriction devices; types of impulse pipeline laying; installation of equalization and separation vessels; system of tolerances and landings, qualities and roughness parameters.

Characteristics of the work of a 4th category instrumentation mechanic

Repair, adjustment, testing, adjustment, installation and delivery of complex electromagnetic, electrodynamic, heat measuring, optical-mechanical, counting, automatic, pyrotechnic and other devices with fitting and finishing of parts and assemblies. Configuration and commissioning of relay protection devices, electrical automation, telemechanics. Determining defects in devices being repaired and eliminating them. Metalworking of parts according to 7-10 qualifications and assembly of gear and worm gears. Drawing up and installation of complex connection diagrams. Calculation of absolute and relative errors when checking and testing instruments. Drawing up defect reports and filling out passports and certificates for devices and machines.
Must know: The design, principle of operation and methods of setting up repaired and adjusted complex instruments, mechanisms, apparatus, the purpose and methods of setting up instrumentation and control and adjustment devices, methods of adjusting and calibrating instruments and apparatus and the rules for taking characteristics when testing them, calculation rules resistances, diagrams of complex connections, rules for calculating absolute and relative errors when checking and testing devices, designations of thermal and electrical circuits and drawings, a system of tolerances and fits, qualities and parameters of roughness, fundamentals of mechanics and electronics in the scope of the work performed.

Characteristics of the work of an instrumentation mechanic of the 5th category

Repair, adjustment, testing, adjustment, installation, adjustment and delivery of complex heat-measuring, optomechanical, electrodynamic, counting, automatic and other devices with an automatic control installation with a summing mechanism and remote transmission of readings. Identification and elimination of defects in the operation of instruments, production of laboratory instruments. Drawing scales, grids and complex sketches. Conversion of electrical devices to other measurement limits. Adjustment and quality testing of all types of thermal and electrical instrumentation, automatic regulators and automatic power supply units.
Must know: Design features of complex and precision instruments being repaired and methods for their adjustment and adjustment, the design of precision measuring instruments, the causes of defects in the operation of instruments and machines, measures to prevent and eliminate them, the kinematic diagram of recording instruments of all types, rules for repair, testing and adjustment complex instruments and machines and rules for selecting base surfaces that guarantee the required accuracy.

Characteristics of the work of a 6th category instrument mechanic

Characteristics of the work. Repair, adjustment, installation, testing, adjustment, adjustment and calibration of experimental, experimental and unique heat measuring, automatic and electronic equipment of projection and optical systems, radioactive devices, radio station units, direction finders, radar installations. Identification and elimination of defects in the operation of equipment. Determination of the degree of wear of parts and assemblies. Adjustment and comprehensive testing after installation diagrams of thermal control and automation of boilers, turbines and process equipment. Assembling circuits for testing thermal automation devices.
Must know. Design, interaction of complex devices, technological process of their assembly and adjustment methods, electrical thermal circuits thermal automation devices, design and methods for calibrating complex control and adjustment devices, properties of optical glass, metals and auxiliary materials, conductors, semiconductors used in instrument making, fundamentals of calculating gears of various meshing profiles and optical systems, fundamentals of physics, mechanics, telemechanics, thermal engineering , electrical engineering, metrology, radio engineering and electronics in the scope of the work performed.

Instrumentation mechanic safety precautions

When undergoing training or performing his immediate duties in terms of compliance with safety and labor protection rules, the instrumentation mechanic is guided by the instructions for the workplace and the GENERAL REGULATIONS on the industrial safety and labor protection management system, the main provisions of which are given below.

1. General provisions

1.1. This Regulation has been developed on the basis of current legislative and regulatory acts Russian Federation, Rules of organization and implementation production control compliance industrial safety at a hazardous production facility (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 263 of March 10, 1999) and Methodological recommendations for organizing production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements at hazardous production facilities (approved by Order of the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia N 49 of April 26. 2000).
1.2. The Regulations were developed in order to create stable organizational and legal conditions for ensuring labor protection and industrial safety in the country and regulate:
— functions and tasks, specific content of work to ensure compliance with industrial safety and labor protection requirements at various levels of production management;
— the procedure for collecting, analyzing information, recording and reporting in matters of ensuring industrial safety and labor protection;
— the procedure for exchanging information, the required level of detail in accordance with the level of management;
— forms of accounting and state statistical reporting in this field of activity.

2. Rights, duties and responsibilities in the field of labor protection

2.1. Functions and tasks in the labor protection system.
2.1.1. The main functions of the occupational safety system are:
organization and coordination of production control work;
— organization and coordination of labor protection work;
— ensuring industrial safety (ensuring safety production equipment, technological processes, buildings and structures);
— training workers in labor safety;
— monitoring the state of labor conditions and safety;
— information support for labor protection;
— creation of economic mechanisms to ensure labor safety.
2.1.2. The content of work in each of these functions, the procedure for their implementation, the responsibilities of officials to ensure the safety of production facilities are regulated by Federal Laws (“On the Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health in the Russian Federation”, “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”, the Code of Labor Laws), state standards of the SSBT system, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, state supervisory authorities, documents and these Regulations.
2.1.3. Organization and coordination of work in the field of industrial safety and labor protection provides for:
— presence of a labor protection and industrial safety department in accordance with current standards;
— determination of the responsibilities and procedure for interaction of persons and services involved in ensuring occupational safety;
— adoption and implementation of management decisions (orders, instructions, instructions, etc.).
2.1.4. Ensuring occupational safety must be achieved by bringing technological processes, operated equipment, buildings and structures in accordance with the requirements:
Federal Law“On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities”;
— state labor safety standards by type of technological processes and equipment operations;
building codes and rules for ensuring the safety of buildings and structures.
2.1.5. Occupational safety training for workers must be carried out in accordance with the requirements:
— GOST 12.0.004-90. SSBT. “Organization of training on occupational safety. General provisions";
— Model regulations on the procedure for training and testing knowledge on labor protection of managers and specialists of enterprises, institutions and organizations (Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated October 12, 1994 N 65);
— Regulations on the procedure for training and certification of employees of organizations operating hazardous production facilities under the control of the State Technical Supervision Authority of Russia (Resolution No. 2 of January 11, 1999);
Regulatory documents“, establishing the procedure for training workers in occupational safety.
2.1.6. Information support for labor protection includes:
— organization of information flows between different levels of production management;
— determination of the composition of information (list of indicators), frequency and form of its presentation;
— accounting (registration) of information as it occurs (accident, accident, inspection carried out, order issued);
— transmission of messages (notifications) about events provided for in the list of indicators;
— processing, storage of information, status of statistical reports, sending them to established authorities;
— appointment of those responsible for the organization and functioning of the information support system.
2.1.7. The creation of economic mechanisms for ensuring security provides for:
— ensuring the economic interest of the joint-stock company, its structural units, production divisions and all workers in creating healthy and safe conditions labor.
— compulsory insurance of employees against industrial accidents and occupational diseases and the conclusion of insurance contracts against the risk of liability for causing harm during the operation of hazardous production facilities in accordance with current legislation.

3. Functions of managers, specialists and workers of workshops, sections within the framework of the industrial safety and labor protection management system at the enterprise

3.1.1. Responsibility for organizing work on industrial safety and labor protection rests with the General Director
3.1.2. Management of the organization for industrial safety and labor protection is entrusted to the chief engineer
3.1.3. Operational, methodological management, coordination of work on industrial safety and labor protection is assigned to the head of the production control and environmental service.
3.1.4. The responsibilities of officials set out in this section are typical for the list of positions.
The specific responsibilities of employees in the field of industrial safety and labor protection should be reflected in their job descriptions, taking into account the structure

3.1.38. Worker (operator, mechanic, etc.):

- must comply with labor protection and industrial safety rules, fire safety, industrial sanitation when carrying out all types of work and technological operations at the workplace in accordance with job descriptions, labor protection instructions and other documents when performing certain types works;
- before starting work, checks at his workplace the serviceability and operability of equipment, instruments, protective equipment, blocking and signaling devices, serviceability of fences, tools, fire extinguishing equipment, safety devices and devices, integrity protective grounding, absence of violations in management technological process. Reports any violations identified during the inspection to the immediate supervisor;
- is obliged to prevent cases of gas contamination of premises and territory, discharge of non-regulated Wastewater;
- is constantly at the workplace in the required and serviceable overalls, special shoes, has necessary funds protection (according to workplace instructions);
- is obliged to keep equipment and tools in good working order and clean, to prevent the presence of foreign objects in the workplace, to immediately remove workplace from foreign objects and remaining materials, parts, etc. after completion of repair and other work;
- supervises the work supply and exhaust ventilation;
— carries out maintenance of equipment and communications from stationary sites or other special devices. Servicing equipment and communications from random objects (barrels, chairs, window sills, etc.) is prohibited;
— immediately reports any violation in the maintenance and operation of equipment, communications, technological process, or any accident to the immediate supervisor of the work;
- performs only the work that is included in the scope of his duties according to the instructions for the workplace.

4. Implementation of control functions over the state of industrial safety and labor protection

4.1. Control procedure
4.1.1. Constant preventive monitoring of the state of industrial safety and labor protection in the workplace is one of the means of preventing accidents, industrial injuries and is carried out by promptly identifying deviations from industrial safety requirements with the adoption necessary measures to eliminate them.
4.1.2. The main principle of monitoring the state of working conditions and labor protection is regular inspections carried out by managers different levels production management according to a certain scheme.
4.1.3. Monitoring the state of industrial safety and labor protection is carried out:
— managers of the first level of control, direct supervisors of work (foremen, mechanics, power engineers, shift supervisors, work producers, production site foremen, etc.);
— managers of the second level of control, heads of workshops, sections and other production departments;
— managers of the third level of control - senior employees of the enterprise, chief specialists, heads of departments, employees of the production department, labor protection and industrial safety department, and other departments of the enterprise;
4.1.4. First stage of control.
Managers of the first level of control (foremen, shift supervisors, mechanics, power engineers and other immediate supervisors of work) daily at the beginning of work, independently or with the participation of authorized persons for labor protection, must check:
— condition and correct organization of workplaces (safe condition working area and workplaces, the state of passages and passages), the correctness of warehousing and storage of parts, tools, materials;

— sealing of equipment, shut-off and control valves and communications;

— serviceability and uninterrupted operation of ventilation units and local suction systems;

— compliance by workers safe methods and work methods, technological regimes, instructions, work orders, production and labor discipline;
sanitary condition workplaces, maintenance of sanitary facilities, devices;

— the assimilation by workers undergoing internships of safe techniques and work methods.
Violations and shortcomings identified during the inspection must be eliminated. Violations that cannot be eliminated by the team, shift, service, require a certain time frame for their elimination, or their elimination is not within the competence of the immediate supervisor of the work, are registered in the Workshop (Site) Preventive Work Log for the subsequent adoption of appropriate measures.
The log should reflect: the date of the inspection, the name, initials, position and signature of the inspectors, identified deficiencies and proposals for eliminating them, deadlines and persons responsible for execution. Level 1 managers must promptly inform the workshop (site) management about these violations and shortcomings, which must take the necessary measures to ensure the safety of workers.
Responsibility for the implementation of the first stage of control, along with the foremen and work managers, also lies with their immediate supervisor, who determines the responsible executors or personally organizes the elimination of identified violations and shortcomings.
4.1.5. Second stage of control.
The manager of the II level of control (the head of the workshop (section) or his deputies), at least once a month, must, together with the engineer for labor protection and industrial safety, with the participation of authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection, the workshop mechanic, the deputy chief workshop, power engineer, instrumentation foreman to check the work of level 1 managers in carrying out the first stage of control, the state of conditions and labor protection at each production facility and take prompt measures to eliminate identified violations and shortcomings. When conducting Special attention pay attention to:
— the work of foremen in carrying out the first stage of monitoring and analyzing the state of working conditions (regularity and quality of inspections, their effectiveness);
— availability and correctness of documentation on production safety issues (registration of briefings, equipment passports, etc.);
— timeliness and completeness of implementation of measures to improve working conditions, proposals of authorized (trusted persons) on labor protection;
— timeliness and quality of workers’ briefings by foremen and other first-level managers, correctness and quality of instructions, availability of workers’ knowledge testing certificates according to special rules;
— correct and safe organization of workplaces (safe condition of the work area and workplaces, condition of transitions and passages);
technical condition and serviceability of equipment, mechanisms, instrumentation, devices and tools, their compliance with the requirements of safety rules and conditions safe work;
— availability and serviceability of grounding devices for protection against static electricity;
— sealing of equipment, shut-off and control valves and communications, operation of ventilation and air purification devices, their condition;
— condition of containers, cylinders, receivers and other devices and vessels operating under pressure;
— presence and serviceability of protective, safety and sealing devices, devices automatic control, alarms, remote control and other means of protection;
— serviceability of lighting systems and state of illumination of workplaces;
— availability and correct use of workers’ protective clothing and equipment personal protection(helmets, gas masks, safety glasses, safety belts, etc.);
— correct and safe organization of work, conducting technological processes in accordance with the requirements of technological regulations, compliance by workers with safe methods and techniques of work, technological regimes, instructions, production and labor discipline;
— sanitary condition of workplaces, maintenance of sanitary facilities, provision of workplaces with washbasins, detergents, accessories for washing in showers, availability and completeness of medical first aid kits;
— presence and condition of instructions, posters, warning notices, safety signs, designations and markings of starting devices, control symbols;
— preparation and implementation of hazardous, fire and gas hazardous repair work; availability and correctness of documentation for these works (work orders, permits, projects, plans, etc.);
— performance by work managers (foremen, mechanics, etc.) of their duties to ensure safe working conditions as provided for in job descriptions.
Violations and shortcomings identified during the inspection must be immediately eliminated. Violations that cannot be eliminated during the inspection are recorded in the Workshop (Site) Preventive Work Log for subsequent adoption of appropriate measures, indicating the performers and deadlines. If necessary, based on the results of the inspection, the workshop manager issues an order for the workshop, which is communicated to all engineering and technical workers and workers.
If the identified violations cannot be eliminated by the forces of his department or their elimination is not within the competence of the head of the workshop, then he must inform the management of the enterprise and take appropriate measures to ensure safety.
Responsibility for the implementation of the second stage of control and for the timely elimination of identified violations and shortcomings rests with the managers of the second level of control, heads of workshops (sections) or heads of departments equivalent to the workshop.
4.1.6. Third stage of control.
Managerial employees, chief specialists, heads of departments (OTN and D, OHS and industrial safety, OKSR and EZS, OPK, OOP), the commander of the VGSO as part of the permanent commission on occupational safety of the enterprise according to the approved schedule, must carry out spot checks of the work of heads of structural divisions according to implementation of the first two stages of control, the state of conditions and labor protection in departments, areas and workplaces. Employees of the production department, labor protection and industrial safety department, chief mechanic department, chief metrologist, chief power engineer, personnel training department, department capital construction, repair and operation of buildings and structures, the department of technical supervision and diagnostics, the department of environmental protection, VGSO personally or as part of the permanent commission on occupational safety of the enterprise at least twice a month according to the approved schedule, must carry out a random check of the work of the heads of structural divisions to implement the first two stages of control, the state of conditions and labor protection, industrial safety in departments, areas and workplaces.
At the same time they check:
— implementation of orders and instructions from the management of the enterprise, instructions from regulatory authorities, as well as implementation of proposals and elimination of comments included in logs and reports of inspections of working conditions and industrial safety;
— availability of work plans for industrial safety and labor protection and the state of their implementation;
— the work of shop managers, their deputies and other specialists to ensure safe working conditions in accordance with their job descriptions;
— the effectiveness of the first two stages of control by first-level managers and shop managers (regularity, completeness, taking the necessary measures, etc.);
— timeliness and completeness of implementation of planned measures to improve working conditions, as well as measures provided for in the acts of investigation of accidents and accidents at work;
— timeliness and quality of worker briefings, correctness and quality of registration of logs, protocols, certificates, procedure for conducting extraordinary briefings;
— the procedure for familiarizing employees with orders, instructions, information letters;
— the procedure for training and probation of workers before allowing them to service complex equipment and mechanisms, whether they have documents authorizing them to work;
— organization and composition of shop commissions for certification of workers, the procedure for the commissions, the availability of programs, their content, registration of certification results and tests of workers’ knowledge;
— presence and condition of instructions, posters, warning notices, safety signs;
— availability and correctness of documentation on security issues (magazines, passports, protocols, etc.);
— technical condition and serviceability and correct operation of equipment, mechanisms, instrumentation, fixtures and tools, devices for ventilation and air purification, heating and lighting systems, grounding of equipment and structures, as well as automation and mechanization equipment, Vehicle, compliance with the requirements of safety regulations and safe work conditions;
— organizing and conducting flaw detection of equipment and technical examination of pressure vessels, lifting mechanisms and other equipment;
— the presence and serviceability of protective, safety and sealing devices, automatic control devices, alarms, remote control and other means of protection;
— correct organization of work and conduct of technological processes, compliance by workers with safe work methods and techniques, technological regimes, instructions;
— preparation and conduct of high-risk work, the availability and correctness of documentation for these works (work orders, permits, projects, plans, etc.), the procedure for conducting briefings before allowing workers to perform such work;
- provision of workers and workplaces with protective equipment, correct use of them, condition of these equipment;
— provision of workshops and facilities with sanitary facilities and devices, and their condition.
Violations and shortcomings identified during the inspection must be immediately eliminated. Violations that cannot be eliminated during the inspection are recorded in the Workshop (Site) Preventive Work Log for subsequent adoption of appropriate measures, indicating the performers and deadlines.
If identified violations and deficiencies can lead to an accident or injury to workers, then work must immediately stop until these violations are eliminated.
The results of inspections at the third stage of control are discussed at an extended meeting of the commission and formalized in an act that provides an assessment of the state of industrial safety and the work of shop managers with conclusions and proposals for eliminating identified violations and shortcomings; if necessary, the management of the enterprise issues an order.
Responsibility for the timely elimination of identified violations rests with the heads of workshops (sections).
Managerial employees and specialists (engineering and technical workers) of the enterprise, when visiting workshops, sites, production facilities for their main functions, are obliged to check the state of safety and working conditions at the facilities, take the necessary measures to eliminate identified deficiencies and provide practical assistance to department heads in their work.

Contents (courses, subjects) Number of hours 1 General technical course 54 1.1 Fundamentals of market economics 4 1.2 Electrical engineering 10 1.3 Materials science 8 1.4. Drawing (reading drawings) 14 1.5 Tolerances and technical measurements 10 1.6 Industrial safety and labor protection 8 2 Special course 60 2.1 Introduction 2 2.2 Occupational hygiene, industrial sanitation and injury prevention 2 2.3 Rules for the repair of instrumentation 20 2.4 Weighing devices 18 2.5 Optical -mechanical devices 18 3 Industrial training 192 3.1 Training at the training site 30 3.2 On-the-job training 162 4 Consultations 6 5 Exam 8 Total 320 CURRICULUM AND PROGRAMS FOR IMPROVING THE QUALIFICATIONS OF WORKERS IN THE PROFESSION OF “INSTRUMENT AND AUTO FECTER” MATIKE" 6 – DISCHARGE QUALIFICATIONS Profession: instrumentation and automation mechanic.

Kipia locksmith

Drawing up defective lists and filling out passports and certificates for instruments and automatic machines. Must know: The design, principle of operation and methods of setting up repaired and adjusted complex devices, mechanisms, devices, purpose and methods of setting up instrumentation and control and adjustment devices, methods of adjustment and calibration instruments and apparatus and rules for taking characteristics when testing them, rules for calculating resistance, diagrams of complex connections, rules for calculating absolute and relative errors when checking and testing devices, designations of thermal and electrical circuits and drawings, a system of tolerances and fits, qualities and roughness parameters, basics mechanics and electronics in the scope of work performed.

Vacancies and work: “3rd category instrumentation mechanic” in Moscow

Adjustment and quality testing of all types of thermal and electrical instrumentation, automatic regulators and automatic power supply units. Must know: the design features of complex and precision instruments being repaired and methods for their adjustment and alignment; arrangement of precision measuring instruments; causes of defects in the operation of devices and machines, measures to prevent and eliminate them; kinematic diagram of recording devices of all types; rules for repair, testing and adjustment of complex instruments and machines and rules for selecting base surfaces that guarantee the required accuracy.

Secondary vocational education required. Examples of work 1. Automatic power supply, pressure and temperature - repair, testing and adjustment.

Characteristics of the work of a instrumentation mechanic

Reports to the immediate supervisor about violations identified during the inspection; - is obliged to prevent cases of gas contamination of the premises and territory, discharge of unregulated wastewater; - is constantly at the workplace in the required and serviceable work clothes, special shoes, has the necessary protective equipment (according to the instructions for the worker place); - is obliged to keep equipment and tools in good condition and clean, to prevent the presence of foreign objects in the workplace, to immediately remove the workplace from foreign objects and remaining materials, parts, etc. after completion of repair and other work; - controls the work of the supply system; exhaust ventilation; - maintains equipment and communications from stationary sites or other special devices.

Instrumentation and automation mechanic

Repair, adjust, test, adjust, install, configure and hand over particularly complex heat-measuring, optical-mechanical, electrodynamic, counting, automatic and other devices with an automatic control unit with a summing mechanism and remote transmission of readings; 2. Identify and eliminate defects in the operation of instruments, manufacture laboratory instruments: 3.
Draw scales, grids and make complex sketches; 4. Convert the readings of electrical devices to other measurement limits; 5.
Adjust and check all types of thermal and electrical instrumentation, automatic regulators and automatic power supply units according to accuracy classes; (hereinafter referred to as general qualification requirements given in the qualification characteristics for the 2nd category, section “must be able to”, paragraphs. 7-12).

Kipia mechanic 3rd category

Special course 144 2.1 Introduction 4 2.2 Occupational hygiene, industrial sanitation and injury prevention 6 2.3 Plumbing 20 2.4 Information about parts and mechanisms 10 2.5 Assembly of detachable and permanent connections 12 2.6 General information about automation elements and instrumentation 6 2.7 Weighing devices 12 2.8 Design, principle of operation of instrumentation 22 2.9 Design of optical-mechanical instruments 10 2.10 Relay contact control devices 12 2.11 Repair of instruments and automation elements 22 2.12 Standardization and quality control products 2 2.13 Occupational safety 4 2.14 Security environment 2 3 On-the-job training 428 3.1 Training at the training site 70 3.2 On-the-job training 358 4 Consultations 6 5 Exam 8 Total 640 QUALIFICATIONS Profession - instrument and automation mechanic.

Kipia mechanic 3rd grade salary


Safety precautions for an instrumentation mechanic When undergoing training or performing his immediate duties in terms of compliance with safety and labor protection rules, an instrumentation mechanic is guided by the instructions for the workplace and the GENERAL REGULATIONS on the industrial safety and labor protection management system, the main provisions of which are given below. 1. General provisions 1.1. These Regulations have been developed on the basis of the current legislative and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation, the Rules for the organization and implementation of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements at a hazardous production facility (approved.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 263 of March 10, 1999) and Methodological recommendations for organizing production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements at hazardous production facilities (approved.

Instrument mechanic 3rd category vacancies

Gostekhnadzor of Russia (resolution No. 2 of January 11, 1999); - Regulatory documents “establishing the procedure for training workers in labor safety. 2.1.6. Information support for labor protection provides for: - organization of information flows between different levels of production management; - determination of the composition of information (list of indicators), frequency and form of its presentation; - accounting (registration) of information as it arises (accident, accident, inspection carried out, issued order); - transmission of messages (notifications) about events provided for in the list of indicators; - processing, storage of information, status of statistical reports, sending them to established authorities; - appointment of those responsible for the organization and operation of the information support system. 2.1.7.

Responsibilities of a 3rd category switchgear mechanic

Servicing equipment and communications from random objects (barrels, chairs, window sills, etc.) is prohibited; - any violation of the maintenance and operation of equipment, communications, technological process management, or an accident is immediately reported to the immediate supervisor of the work; - is carried out only the work that is included in the scope of his duties according to the instructions for the workplace. 4. Implementation of control functions over the state of industrial safety and labor protection 4.1.

Control procedure4.1.1. Constant preventive monitoring of the state of industrial safety and labor protection in the workplace is one of the means of preventing accidents and industrial injuries and is carried out by promptly identifying deviations from industrial safety requirements and taking the necessary measures to eliminate them.4.1.2.

Job description for a 3rd category switchgear mechanic


Computers and other equipment and means of electronic computing technology, ensuring their output to the specified operating parameters. Diagnosis of equipment control systems using special test programs.

Must know: the basic principles of constructing control systems based on microprocessor technology, functional and block diagrams of programmable controllers, micro- and mini-computers; design of microprocessor devices; basics of programming and theory of automated electric drive; methods of introducing technological and test programs; methodology for setting up systems in order to obtain the specified static and dynamic characteristics of devices and devices of converter technology; installation of basic instrumentation and diagnostic equipment created on the basis of microprocessor technology; methods and organization of building “memory” in control systems.

What a 3rd category switchgear mechanic should know

Checking electrical measuring instruments of accuracy class 0.5 and lower by comparing readings with readings of standard instruments. 2.10. Temperature measurement with a thermoelectric pyrometer and an electric resistance thermometer.

Checking nodes and various elements radio-electronic devices according to electrical circuits using control and measuring equipment and instruments. 2.12. Electrical adjustment of units and elements of radio devices of medium complexity.

2.13. Adjustment of the main power sources of radio equipment. 2.14. Instrument painting. 2.15. Soldering with various solders (copper, silver, etc.).
2.16. Heat treatment of parts followed by finishing. 2.17. Determination of metal hardness with calibrated files. 2.18. Repair of devices of medium complexity under the guidance of a more highly qualified mechanic. 2.19.

Carry out heat treatment of low-critical parts and then fine-tune them; 7. Determine the hardness of metal using calibrated files; 8. Repair, adjust and adjust particularly complex instruments and apparatus under the guidance of a more highly qualified mechanic; (hereinafter referred to as the general qualification requirements given in the qualification characteristics for the 2nd category, section “must be able to”, paragraphs 7-12.). CURRICULUM for retraining and advanced training of workers in the profession “Fitter for instrumentation and automation” of the 3rd category Duration of training 2 months No. Content (courses, subjects) Number of hours 1 General technical course 54 1.1 Fundamentals of a market economy 4 1.2 Electrical engineering 10 1.3 Materials science 8 1.4.

Examination tickets for mechanics of boiler houses with links to new fnip


For all provided for by law social guarantees. 3.2. For receipt special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment.



Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their professional duties and the exercise of rights. 3.4. Require the creation of conditions for the performance of professional duties, including the provision necessary equipment, equipment, workplace that complies with sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations, etc.


To pay additional expenses for medical, social and professional rehabilitation in cases of health damage due to an industrial accident and occupational disease. 3.6. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities.


Job responsibilities The responsibilities of an instrumentation mechanic of the 6th category include: 2.1. Repair, adjustment, testing and delivery of simple, magnetoelectric, electromagnetic, optical-mechanical and heat-measuring instruments and mechanisms.


Repair, assembly, inspection, adjustment, testing, adjustment, installation and delivery of heat measuring, electromagnetic, electrodynamic, counting, optical-mechanical, pyrometric, automatic, recorder and other devices of medium complexity with removal of circuits. 2.3. Repair, adjustment, testing, adjustment, installation and delivery of complex electromagnetic, electrodynamic, heat measuring, optical-mechanical, counting, automatic, pyrotechnic and other devices with fitting and finishing of parts and assemblies.


Examination tickets for the specialty locksmith

Instrumentation mechanic Ticket No. 6 1. Purpose and sequence of drilling, tools and devices 2. Grounding. The concept of solidly grounded and isolated neutral. RCD 3.Measurement of flow at the restriction device.

Concepts of pressure difference. 4.First aid for bleeding. Methods of applying bandages Surgut Training and Course Center for Vocational Education.

Instrumentation mechanic Ticket No. 7 1. Tools and devices for installation of instrumentation and automation. Security measures. 2. Unified electrical signals.
Troubleshooting in measurement circuits. 3. Description of the operation of the simplest regulator. 4.Interindustry rules of labor protection in electrical installations. General provisions. Surgut Training and Course Center for Vocational Education. Instrumentation mechanic Ticket No. 8 1. Electrical materials, properties and application. 2. Regulation laws, physical meaning of regulation coefficients.

Training program for mechanics of 3-6 grades - file n1.docx

Typical composition of industrial control modules. 4.Protective means used in electrical installations. Surgut Training and Course Center for Vocational Education.

Instrumentation mechanic Ticket No. 9 1. Physical meaning of linear measurements. Vernier calipers 2. DAC and ADC principle of operation, purpose 3. Conversion of measurement information signals 4. First aid for injuries electric shock. Surgut Training and Course Center for Vocational Education. Instrumentation mechanic Ticket No. 10 1. Electrical wiring. Concepts, methods of installation and marking.
2. Purpose, design and principle of operation of pressure alarms. 3. General concepts about semiconductor devices. 4. Procedure for dealing with electric shock. Surgut Training and Course Center for Vocational Education.
Instrumentation mechanic Ticket No. 11 1. Cable lines. Concepts, methods of installation and marking.
Special course 144 2.1 Introduction 4 2.2 Occupational hygiene, industrial sanitation and injury prevention 6 2.3 Plumbing 20 2.4 Information about parts and mechanisms 10 2.5 Assembly of detachable and permanent connections 12 2.6 General information about automation elements and instrumentation 6 2.7 Weighing devices 12 2.8 Design, principle of operation of instrumentation 22 2.9 Design of optical-mechanical devices 10 2.10 Relay contact control devices 12 2.11 Repair of instruments and automation elements 22 2.12 Standardization and product quality control 2 2.13 Labor safety 4 2.14 Environmental protection 2 3 Production training 428 3.1 Training at the training site 70 3.2 Training in production 358 4 Consultations 6 5 Exam 8 Total 640 QUALIFICATIONS Profession - instrument and automation mechanic.

List of exam questions for electric locksmith 3-6 categories

A mechanic for instrumentation and automation of the 6th category must be able to: 1. Repair, adjust, install, test, set up, adjust and calibrate experimental, pilot and unique heat measuring, automatic and electronic equipment, projection and optical systems, radioactive devices , radio station units, direction finders, radar installations; 2.

Identify and eliminate defects in equipment operation; 3. Determine the degree of wear of parts and assemblies; 4. Set up and comprehensively test after installation the thermal control circuits and automation of process equipment; 5. Collect circuits for testing thermal automatic devices: (hereinafter - the general qualification requirements given in the qualification characteristics for the 2nd category, section “must be able to”, paragraphs 8-13). Secondary specialized education required.
Repair, adjustment, installation, testing, adjustment, adjustment and calibration of experimental, experimental and unique heat measuring, automatic and electronic equipment of projection and optical systems, radioactive devices, radio station units, direction finders, radar installations. 2.5. Mechanical processing of parts for 12-14 qualifications. 2.6.

Mechanical processing of parts according to 11-12 qualifications with fitting and finishing of parts. 2.7. Metalworking of parts according to 7-10 qualifications and assembly of gear and worm gears.

2.8. Determining the causes and troubleshooting of simple devices. 2.9. Installation of simple connection diagrams. 2.10. Drawing up and installation of complex connection diagrams. 2.11. Drawing up and installation of connection diagrams of medium complexity. 2.12. Winding springs from wire in a cold state, protective lubrication of parts. 2.13.
I approve (organizational and legal form, (signature) (full name, position of the head, name of the organization, or other official, enterprise) authorized to approve job descriptions) » » 20 M.P. Job description Instrumentation and automation mechanic of the 6th category (name of organization, enterprise, etc.) This job description was developed and approved on the basis of employment contract with Instrumentation and automation mechanic 6th category, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Standard Industry Standards for the free issuance of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to chemical production workers, approved. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of July 22, 1999 N 26; Standards for the free issuance of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to employees of customs authorities of the Russian Federation, approved.

Qualification - 4th category. A mechanic in instrumentation and automation of the 4th category must know: 1. The design, principle of operation, methods of setting up repaired and adjusted complex devices, mechanisms, apparatus; 2.

Purpose and methods of setting up complex control and measuring and control and adjustment instruments; 3. Methods for adjusting and calibrating instruments and apparatus and rules for taking characteristics when testing them; 4.

Rules for calculating resistance; 5. Schemes of complex connections; 6. Rules for calculating absolute and relative errors when checking and testing instruments; 7. Designations of thermal and electrical circuits and drawings; 8. System of tolerances and fits, qualifications (accuracy classes) and roughness parameters (processing cleanliness classes); 9.

Calculate absolute and relative errors when checking and testing instruments; 7. Draw up defect reports and fill out passports and certificates for devices and machines; (hereinafter referred to as the general qualification requirements given in the qualification characteristics for the 2nd category, section “must be able to”, paragraphs.

7-12). CURRICULUM for advanced training in the profession "Fitter for instrumentation and automation" 4th category Duration of training 2 months No. Contents (courses, subjects) Number of hours 1 General technical course 54 1.1 Fundamentals of market economics 4 1.2 Electrical engineering 10 1.3 Materials science 8 1.4.