Bakery in a residential building ventilation requirements. We study regulatory documents. What promotions are held at BreadBerry bakeries?


dated 11/27/97 No. 6




1. In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population":

1.1. Enter into force on the territory of St. Petersburg Sanitary rules and regulations for mini-bakeries SanPiN

1.2. Specialists from regional centers of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision should use these sanitary rules and regulations when planning and implementing hygienic control over the content of foreign substances that contaminate food raw materials and food products, as well as when investigating food poisoning of a non-bacterial nature.

Chief State
sanitary doctor for St. Petersburg
V.I. Kurchanov

Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance
in St. Petersburg

Sanitary rules and regulations for mini-bakeries

1. Study of ND by specialists from the food hygiene department of the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in St. Petersburg:

deadline - 01/30/1998

2. Conduct an instructional and methodological meeting with the manager. food hygiene departments of regional centers of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision:

deadline - 02/05/1998

3. Monitor the implementation of this document and its use in the work of the department in the regional centers of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision during scheduled inspections of the department’s work.

Head of Food Hygiene Department

Dmitrieva G.A.



1. Developed by: Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in St. Petersburg (Dmitrieva G.A.);

Department of Human Nutrition, Faculty of Additional Professional Education, St. Petersburg State Medical Academy named after. I.I. Mechnikova (Belova L.V., Krestova G.A., Mishkich I.A.).

2. Approved and put into effect by Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor for St. Petersburg dated November 27, 1997 No. 6.


These Sanitary Rules and Standards were developed and approved on the basis of the Law of the RSFSR "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population", the Law Russian Federation"On the Protection of Consumer Rights", the Law "On Certification of Products and Services" and "Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standardization", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 5, 1994 No. 625, and establish requirements for enterprises producing bread, bakery products.


These Sanitary Rules and Standards refer to the following documents.

2.1. Law of the RSFSR "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population" of April 19, 1991.

2.2. Law of the Russian Federation "On Certification of Products and Services" dated June 10, 1993.

2.3. Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" and Federal Law Russian Federation "On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights".

2.4. Law of the RSFSR "On the Protection of the Natural Environment".

2.5. "Regulations on state sanitary and epidemiological regulation", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 5, 1994 No. 625.

2.6. CH 245-71 " Sanitary standards design of industrial enterprises" gr.8.

2.7. SanPiN "Sanitary rules and standards for the production of bread, bakery and confectionery products."

2.8. SNiP 23-05-95 "Natural and artificial lighting".

2.9. SNiP 2.04.05-91 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning".

2.10. SNiP 2.04.01-85 "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings."

2.11. SanPiN No. 4630-88 "Sanitary rules and standards of protection surface waters from pollution."

2.12. VNTP 02-92, part 2 "Bakeries".


3.1. These Sanitary Rules and Standards (hereinafter referred to as the Sanitary Rules) define the hygienic requirements for the design, equipment and maintenance of mini-bakeries producing bread and bakery products with a maximum productivity of up to 3 tons per day, regardless of the form of ownership and departmental affiliation, as well as the requirements for mode of production, storage, sales, quality of bread and bakery products.

3.2. The placement of low-power enterprises with maximum permissible productivity is permitted only in separate buildings. For bakeries and workshops for the production of: bread and bakery products - no more than 1 ton per day is allowed, in agreement with the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities (provided there is no harmful effect on residents), placement in premises attached to residential and other buildings, as well as built into non-residential buildings (administrative, production, trade, etc.).

3.3. When locating low-power enterprises in separate buildings, the dimensions of sanitary protection zones must be established in agreement with the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities, based on the sanitary classification of enterprises depending on the existing hazards, as well as taking into account the situation on the ground.

3.4. In the case of low-power enterprises located in premises attached or built-in-attached to residential buildings, sources of harmful influences (vibration, noise, dust, gases, odors, etc.) should be located in the premises most remote from the main building. In addition, measures must be taken to eliminate or reduce the harmful factors of this production to acceptable levels.

3.5. When designing, constructing new and reconstructing existing enterprises, one should be guided by building codes technological design enterprises producing bread and bakery products, as well as the requirements of these Sanitary Rules.

3.6. Construction projects, reconstruction, overhaul, as well as the commissioning of newly built or overhauled, reconstructed and re-equipped enterprises must be agreed upon with the bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia.

3.7. The range of manufactured products, as well as the points of their sale, are approved by the administration of the enterprise and coordinated with the centers of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision. The range of low-power enterprises should be limited and correspond to existing capabilities. Changes in the assortment must be agreed upon with the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Center.

3.8. During the production of bread and bakery products, environmental measures must be carried out in accordance with the Law of the RSFSR "On the Protection of the Natural Environment".

3.9. When designing enterprises, maximum permissible loads on the environment must be taken into account. natural environment and provide for reliable and effective measures to prevent and eliminate pollution of the natural environment with hazardous waste, their neutralization and disposal, the introduction of resource-saving, low-waste and non-waste technologies and production.

3.10. The construction and reconstruction of enterprises, structures and other facilities must be carried out according to approved projects, agreed upon with the bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, in strict accordance with current environmental, sanitary, and construction standards and regulations.

3.11. During the construction and reconstruction of enterprises located within settlements, the dimensions of the sanitary protection zone should be established in agreement with the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities.

Industrial, domestic, and storm water from bakery enterprises must be discharged into sewers and treated at city (village) or local facilities. Local projects treatment facilities and discharge sites must be agreed upon with the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities. Discharge of industrial and domestic wastewater into water bodies without appropriate treatment and disinfection is prohibited.


4.1. The selection of a land plot for construction and reconstruction of enterprises must be agreed with the authorities of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

4.2. The yard area must be fenced, illuminated, and kept properly clean. Yard cleaning should be done daily, winter time be cleared of snow and ice; during icy conditions, sprinkle with sand.

4.3. It is not permitted to place residential premises or fattening facilities for domestic animals and poultry on the territory of the enterprise; there should be no landfills, livestock farms or other possible pollutants nearby.

For the drainage of atmospheric waters, slopes must be provided directed from buildings and other structures to the reservoirs.

The area should be landscaped.

4.4. For the collection and temporary storage of waste and garbage, waterproof garbage containers and containers with a capacity of no more than two days of waste accumulation, with lids, must be installed on a concrete and asphalt area, the area of ​​which must be at least 1 sq.m. Placement of garbage containers from the enterprise and from residential buildings at least 25 m, containers must be cleaned as they are filled, but at least once every 2 days, followed by disinfection in the spring-summer period of the year with a 10% solution of bleach or other approved disinfectants . means.

Removal of waste from receptacles should be carried out using special transport, which is used for transporting raw materials and finished products prohibited.


5.1. Water supply to enterprises should be carried out by connecting them to a centralized water supply network, and in its absence, by installing an internal water supply from artesian wells.

5.2. The quality of water used for technological, drinking and domestic needs must comply with the requirements of GOST "".

5.3. Artesian wells and reserve tanks must have sanitary protection zones of at least 25 m. Systematic control must be established over their sanitary and technical condition and water quality.

5.4. The quality of water supplied to reservoirs and production workshops must be systematically monitored in accordance with GOST "Drinking water. Hygienic requirements and quality control" within the time limits established by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities (chemical analysis is carried out at least once a quarter, bacteriological - at least once a month).

5.5. The premises of water tanks for reserve water must be insulated, sealed and kept clean.

5.6. Production premises should provide:

Eyeliner cold and hot water drinking quality with installation of mixers at water intake points for technology needs;

Flush taps at the rate of one tap per 500 m2 of area in workshops, but not less than one flush tap per room;

Sinks for washing hands in workshops with cold and hot water supply with a mixer, equipped with soap (disinfectant solution), a disposable towel or an electric hand dryer.

Sinks should be located in each production workshop at the entrance, as well as in places convenient for their use, at a distance of more than 15 m from the workplace.

For drinking purposes, drinking fountains, carbonation units or drinking tanks are installed at a distance of no more than 75 m from the workplace.

The temperature of drinking water should be between 8-20° WITH.

The water in the tanks must be replaced daily, and the tanks must be sealed.

5.7. For the hot water supply system, water must be used that meets the requirements of GOST "Drinking water. Hygienic requirements and quality control."

It is prohibited to use hot water from the water heating system for technological processes, sanitary treatment of equipment and premises.

5.8. In the event of a lack of hot water, it is necessary to provide for the installation of electric boilers and water heaters to provide enterprises with hot water. running water in sufficient quantities.

5.9. The design of the sewerage system of enterprises must meet the requirements of SNiP "Sewerage. External networks and structures", "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings", as well as the requirements of these SanPiN.

5.10. The sewerage systems of mini-bakeries located in buildings for other purposes or extensions to them should be provided separately from the sewerage systems of these buildings.

5.11. For removal of industrial and household waste waste water enterprises must be connected to the city sewerage system or have independent sewerage and treatment facilities.

The internal sewerage system for industrial and domestic wastewater must be separate with independent release into the yard network.

5.12. It is prohibited to discharge industrial and industrial products into open water bodies. domestic water without appropriate cleaning, as well as the installation of absorption wells.


6.1. Production and auxiliary premises, with the exception of cold warehouses, must be provided with heating in accordance with the requirements of SNiP “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”, “Industrial buildings”, “Administrative and domestic buildings”, while it is preferable to use a water heating system as the most hygienic .

Heating devices must be easily accessible for cleaning from dust.

6.2. Equipment, piping and other sources of significant convective and radiant heat emissions ( baking ovens, steam lines, hot water pipelines, steam boilers, boilers, etc.) must have thermal insulation, the surface temperature should not exceed 45° WITH.

6.3. At workplaces near ovens, as well as near final proofing cabinets, to protect against escaping hot vapors and gases, it is necessary to provide air ventilation at the level of the breathing zone. The temperature of the stifling air in winter should be within (18+1)° WITHat an air speed of 0.5-1.0 m/sec., and in summer (22 + 1)° C at an air speed of 1-2 m/sec. Air recirculation is not permitted.


7.1. Natural and artificial lighting in production and auxiliary premises must comply with the requirements of SNiP "Natural and artificial lighting. Design standards" and "Technological design standards".

In all production and support areas, measures should be taken to maximize the use of natural light. Light openings should not be cluttered with production equipment, containers, etc. both indoors and outdoors.

7.2. The glazed surface of light openings of windows, lanterns, etc. must be regularly cleaned of dust and soot.

Broken glass in windows must be replaced immediately with whole glass. It is prohibited to install composite glass in windows and replace glazing with plywood, cardboard, etc.

Lighting fixtures and fittings must be kept clean and wiped when dirty.

7.3. Lighting sources in production workshops and warehouses must be enclosed in special explosion-proof fittings: fluorescent lamps - depending on the type, incandescent lamps - in closed shades.

The enterprise must keep records of electric lamps and lampshades in a special journal.

7.4. It is recommended to install fluorescent lighting in enterprises producing bakery products in departments: bakery, dough mixing, dough cutting, brewing and yeast, bread storage, expedition, administrative and utility rooms.

7.5. It is prohibited to place lamps directly above open (opening) process containers.

7.6. To avoid dust explosions in rooms for storing and preparing flour, the following must be provided: hidden electrical wiring, moving electrical switches and circuit breakers outside these rooms, using sealed lamps with a protective mesh.

Monitoring the condition and operation of lighting devices should be entrusted to technically trained persons.


8.1. The production premises and workshops of the enterprise must be located in such a way as to ensure the flow of technological processes and the absence of counter and intersecting flows of raw materials and finished products. Their location in basements and semi-basements is prohibited.

The set of premises must meet technological design standards.

8.2. Warehouses must be dry, clean, heated, with good ventilation (temperature - not lower than 8 ° C, relative air humidity - 70 - 75%), equipped with special rooms for unloading raw materials and loading finished products and provided with canopies for protection from precipitation, completely covering vehicles.

Separate forklifts must be provided for transporting raw materials and finished products.

Gas treatment of barn pests is allowed in warehouses in accordance with the current rules for gas treatment of warehouses.

The floor in warehouses must be dense, without cracks, cemented, the walls must be smooth.

The warehouse must have refrigerated chambers for storing perishable raw materials and semi-finished products.

In food warehouses, storage of non-food materials and odorous household goods (soap, washing powders, etc.) is prohibited.

8.3. As part of the production workshops of the enterprise, in accordance with the requirements of the “Sanitary Standards for the Design of Industrial Enterprises,” thermal (hot) workshops must be allocated in separate rooms; washing rooms requiring special hygienic conditions.

Before going out to production premises Mats soaked in a disinfectant solution should be provided.

8.5. Ceilings and walls above panels in production premises and auxiliary workshops must be whitewashed with glue or painted water-based paints.

Painting and whitewashing of ceilings and walls must be done as needed, but at least twice a year.

Places with chipped plaster must be immediately plastered, followed by painting or whitewashing.

8.6. Small work to eliminate defects in plaster, whitewash, replacement broken glass etc. allowed to be carried out without completely stopping the production process, subject to local fencing and reliable protection products from getting foreign objects into it.

8.7. Floors in all production premises must be waterproof, non-slippery, without cracks and potholes, with a surface that is easy to clean and wash with appropriate slopes towards the ladders.

8.8. For finishing floors, walls and ceilings, materials approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities must be used.

8.9. In dressing rooms it is necessary to ensure separate storage of outerwear, home clothes, work clothes and shoes.

The doors to the toilet and the toilet cubicle are of the “subway” type.

There should be sinks, toilet paper, soap, an electric towel, a disinfectant solution for hand cleaning, a hanger for bathrobes and a disinfectant mat in front of the toilet at the washbasins and toilet airlocks.

The toilet cabin must be equipped with a bracket for toilet paper. There should be a reminder on the cabin doors: “Take off your sanitary clothing.”

Showers should be located next to dressing rooms and have pre-shower areas equipped with hangers and benches.

The number of places in showers should be determined in accordance with SNiP based on the number of workers in the longest shift.

8.10. Food points must be part of household premises.

In the absence of canteens, enterprises must have rooms for meals.

Before entering food points, there should be hangers for sanitary clothing, washbasins with hot water and cold water, soap, electric towel.


9.1. Equipment and equipment must be located in such a way as to ensure the flow of the technological process and free access to them.

9.2. All parts of equipment and apparatus in contact with products must be made of materials approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities for use in food engineering and food industry. The use of imported equipment and inventory is permitted only if there is a hygienic certificate (conclusion).

9.3. The surface of equipment and inventory must be smooth and easy to clean, wash and disinfect. Detergents and disinfectants approved by the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia must be used.

9.4. New iron molds and sheets intended for baking flour products must be baked in ovens before use. The use of sheets and forms with defective edges, burrs, or dents is prohibited.

Bread pans must be periodically (as necessary) subjected to straightening (elimination of dents and burrs) and removal of carbon deposits - by firing in ovens and other methods permitted by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities.

9.5. The internal and external surfaces of the dough mixing bowls are cleaned and lubricated with vegetable oil after each kneading.

9.6. Each line feeding flour into a silo must be equipped with a flour sifter and a magnetic trap for metal impurities.

The flour sifting system must be sealed: pipes, burats, auger boxes, silos must not have any cracks.

The flour sifting system must be disassembled and cleaned at least once every 10 days, and at the same time its serviceability must be checked and treated against the development of flour pests. The flow from the flour sifters is checked for the presence of foreign objects at least once per shift. In magnetic devices, the magnet strength should be checked 2 times every 10 days. It must be at least 8 kg per 1 kg of the magnet’s own weight. Magnets are cleaned by a mechanic at least once per shift.

The results of checking and cleaning the flour sifting system must be recorded in a special log.

9.7. Silos for bulk storage of flour must have a smooth surface, cones of at least 70 cm, devices for breaking flour arches and inspection hatches at a height of 1.5 m from the floor level.

9.8. Knives on rolling machines are cleaned upon completion of work. Boards, table surfaces, rubber transport belts must be mechanically cleaned and washed regularly hot water with soda as it gets dirty.

Carts, shelves and scales should be washed with hot water and dried dry daily.

9.9. Inventory and in-shop containers must be processed in special washing departments. When washing by hand, containers and equipment are washed at the end of each shift after thorough mechanical cleaning in washing machines or three sectional baths.

In the first section - soaking and washing at a water temperature of 40 - 45 ° C, the concentration of the detergent solution is determined according to the instructions attached to it.

The second section is disinfection. In the third - rinsing with hot running water at a temperature of at least 60 degrees C.

9.10. After processing, equipment and in-shop containers are dried. They are stored in a special room on racks, shelves, stands with a height of at least 0.5 - 0.7 m from the floor.

9.11. Washing of returnable containers should be carried out separately from the washing of in-shop containers and equipment.

9.12. For washing and disinfection of equipment, equipment, inventory, bathrooms, hands, etc., centralized preparation of washing and disinfecting solutions must be provided.

Storage of detergents and disinfectants is permitted only in a specially designated room or in special cabinets.

9.13. When carrying out repairs of equipment and equipment, measures must be taken to prevent the possibility of foreign objects getting into products in accordance with the “Instructions for preventing foreign objects from getting into products.”

9.14. Commissioning of equipment and equipment after repair (reconstruction) is permitted only after washing, disinfection and inspection by the shift supervisor (foreman).

9.15. The equipment of mechanics and other repair workers should be kept in portable tool boxes. It is prohibited to store repair parts, small spare parts, nails and other things near workplaces in production premises. A special storage room or place is allocated for this.


10.1. All incoming raw materials, auxiliary, packaging materials and manufactured products must meet the requirements of current standards, technical specifications, hygienic requirements, have hygienic certificates and quality certificates.

10.2. A hygiene certificate is issued for the type of product, and not for a specific batch. Confirming the compliance of a batch of manufactured and supplied products with established requirements (to guarantee the appropriate quality of the product) is the responsibility of the manufacturer.

10.3. Monitoring safety indicators in finished products bakery industry is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the product manufacturer in agreement with the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities and guaranteeing product safety.

10.4. Raw materials and auxiliary materials are allowed into production only if there is a conclusion from a laboratory or specialists from the technological control of the enterprise.

10.5. When using imported food additives, the enterprise must have a certificate and specification from the supplier company, as well as a hygienic certificate or permission from the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia.

10.6. Raw materials entering production must be prepared for production in accordance with technological instructions and the “Instructions for preventing the ingress of foreign objects into products.”

The preparation of raw materials for production must be carried out in a separate room - the preparatory department.

Unstuffingraw materials, semi-finished products and auxiliary materials should be carried out after preliminary cleaning of the container from surface contaminants.

Before emptying, bags of raw materials are cleaned from the surface with a brush and carefully ripped open along the seam.

Cans and jars with raw materials are protected from surface contamination and disinfected. Fillings and semi-finished products prepared for the production of bakery products must be stored in labeled, closed containers at a temperature not exceeding +6° WITH.

10.7. Contained raw materials, auxiliary materials and finished products must be stored in warehouses and expeditions on racks and stockpiles at a distance of at least 15 cm from the floor level and 70 cm from the walls in stacks, with passages at least 75 cm wide between them.

10.8. Flour should be stored separately from all types of raw materials. Flour in containers should be stored in stacks on racks at a distance of 15 cm from the floor level and 50 cm from the walls. The distance between stacks must be at least 75 cm.

10.9. When accepting and storing flour in bulk, the following conditions must be observed:

During the absence of unloading flour trucks, the receiving devices must be constantly closed, the receiving flexible hoses must be removed indoors and suspended;

Before connecting the flour truck to the receiving devices, the responsible person is obliged to carefully inspect the internal contents of the outlet pipe of the flour truck, as well as the integrity of the seals on the loading hatches of the flour trucks;

Air filters on silos and bunkers must be in good condition and cleaned at least once a day. All manholes and hatches must be securely closed. It is prohibited to send flour into production without passing through magnetic catchers;

After repairs and cleaning of flour lines, switches, feeders, bins and silos, it is necessary to inspect the equipment so that no tools, parts, brushes, etc. remain in it.

10.10. During bulk storage, flour is placed in a container in accordance with quality indicators. Complete cleaning of the bunkers (silos) and cone must be carried out at least once a year.

Cleaning of the upper zones of bunkers (silos) and the cone should be carried out systematically once a month.

10.11. Salt should be stored in separate bins or chests with lids, as well as in dissolved form in containers equipped with filters, and can only be supplied to production dissolved and filtered.

10.12. Yeast is supplied to the enterprise pressed, dried or in the form of yeast milk. Pressed yeast and yeast milk are stored at temperatures from 0 to +4 ° C. It is allowed to store a replacement and daily supply of compressed yeast in the workshop.

10.13. Pasteurized cow's milk is stored at temperatures from 0 to +6 ° With no more than 36 hours from the end of the technological process of its production.

10.14. Fats, eggs and dairy products should be stored in refrigerators at temperatures from 0 to +4° WITH.

10.15. Egg melange is allowed in dough for the manufacture of small-piece confectionery and bakery products if it meets the required organoleptic, physicochemical and microbiological parameters. Egg melange is stored at temperatures from -6 to +5 ° C, re-freezing melange is strictly prohibited. Storage of defrosted melange for more than 4 hours is not allowed.

10.16. Food additives, including baking powder, must have hygienic certificates and be stored in original packaging with appropriate labels.

Sprinkling or pouring food additives into other storage containers is not permitted.

Solutions of dyes and flavors are prepared by employees of the enterprise laboratory and issued for production in containers made from materials approved by the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision for use in the food industry. Containers with solutions of dyes and flavors must have labels with the name and concentration of the drug solution.

10.17. Raisins and dried fruits are carefully sorted, twigs and foreign impurities are removed, then washed on racks or in a raisin washing machine with running water at a temperature of about 5° C. Raisins are allowed to be used in products where they have been reliably tested heat treatment. The candied fruits are moving.

10.18. Bread selected from the oven must be immediately placed in trays and sent on the expedition. Storing bread in bulk is prohibited.

10.19. Bread affected by “stringy” (potato) disease is not allowed for food purposes, cannot be processed and must be immediately removed from the bakery.

To prevent the spread of “sticky” (potato) disease at the enterprise, it is necessary to take measures in accordance with the requirements of the “Instructions for the Prevention of Potato Bread Disease”.

10.20. Products that have fallen on the floor (sanitary defect) must be placed in a special container marked “Sanitary defect”.


11.1. Bread and bakery products are sold in accordance with the “Rules for Trade in Food Products” and current regulatory and technical documentation.

11.2. It is prohibited to approve regulatory and technical documentation for new types of bakery products, put them into production, sell and use without a hygienic assessment of their safety for human health; coordination of regulatory and technical documentation for these types of products with the bodies of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia; obtaining a hygiene certificate in accordance with established requirements.

11.3. Each batch of bread and bakery products must be provided with quality certificates and certification information.

11.4. Bread, bakery and confectionery products must be transported in vehicles specially designated for the transportation of these products, and during loading and unloading they must be protected from exposure to precipitation.

11.5. Bread and bakery products may be on sale at retail establishments after leaving the oven for no more than:

36 hours - bread made from rye and rye-wheat and peeled rye flour, as well as a mixture of wheat and rye flour;

24 hours - bread made from wheat-rye and peeled wheat flour, bread and bakery products weighing more than 200 g from high-quality wheat, rye flour;

16 hours - small-piece products weighing 200 g or less (including bagels).

After these periods, the sale of bread and bakery products is prohibited, and they are subject to withdrawal from the sales floor and are returned to the supplier as stale.

11.6. Bread and bakery products must be placed in trays in accordance with the Rules for the stacking, storage and transportation of bread and bakery products in accordance with GOST "Stacking, storage and transportation of bread and bakery products". Bread trays must be clean and must be checked by bakery workers when filled.

11.7. A permit to operate vehicles is issued by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Center for 6 months. After this period, vehicles must be presented for inspection. Transportation of bread and bakery products by transport that does not meet sanitary requirements is prohibited.

Vehicles used to transport bread and bakery products must be clearly marked "Bread".

It is not permitted to transport any cargo in vehicles designed for the transportation of bread and bakery products.

Vehicles, containers and tarpaulins intended for transporting bread and bakery products must be kept clean.

Before loading, transport and containers must be inspected and cleaned, and upon completion of work, thoroughly washed with hot water and disinfected at least once every 5 days at the transport enterprise.

11.8. The manager of the transport fleet and the administration of the transport enterprise are responsible for the sanitary condition of transport intended for the transportation of bread and bakery products, as well as for the sanitary literacy of transport workers.

Persons accompanying the bread must load and unload bread in sanitary clothing and have a personal sanitary book with a note on the medical examination, examinations and passing the sanitary minimum exam.

Loading and unloading of finished products should be done under a canopy to protect from rain and snow.

Officials of the bakery enterprise are responsible for compliance with sanitary standards when loading finished products, and when unloading, the administration of the trading enterprise is responsible.

If loading of finished products is carried out by trading enterprises into their transport, then for compliance sanitary condition The administration of the trading enterprise is responsible.

11.9. Bread and bakery products are sold in specialized branded bread and confectionery stores, bread departments of grocery stores and supermarkets, in consumer cooperation stores selling everyday goods, bread and food stalls, pavilions, auto stores and from vending machines. The sale of bread and bakery products in small retail trade enterprises is carried out in the presence of their industrial packaging.

11.10. Bread and bakery products returned from trade are processed at the manufacturing plant in the form of lobes. Uncontaminated products without signs of microbiological spoilage can enter the lobe. The lobe can only be used in the production of rye bread from wallpaper and peel flour, bread from rye- wheat flour, bread made from premium, first and second grade wheat flour.

It is prohibited to accept bread affected by “potato disease” from the retail chain for processing. Storage of waste in production and return of bread products subject to soaking for more than 4 days is not permitted.

11.11. Laboratory control consists of checking the quality of raw materials, auxiliary materials, finished products and compliance with technological and sanitary-hygienic regimes for the production of bread and bakery products, carried out by an accredited laboratory of the enterprise, and in the absence of a laboratory, control can be carried out under a commercial agreement with bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority or accredited laboratories bodies of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision and the State Standard.


12.1. Cleaning of production, auxiliary, warehouse and household premises must be carried out by cleaners (combining is not allowed), and cleaning of workplaces must be done by workers. Enterprises operating in several shifts must be serviced by a rotating staff of cleaners.

12.2. Cleaners must be provided with cleaning equipment, washing, disinfection and cleaning products.

12.3. Cleaning equipment for cleaning production, auxiliary and utility rooms must be marked with paint and stored in separate rooms equipped with special washing baths and drainage devices with hot and cold water supply, as well as a register for drying cleaning equipment.

12.4. After finishing cleaning at the end of the shift, all cleaning equipment should be washed with water containing detergents and disinfected, dried and stored clean.

12.5. Doors and door handles of production and auxiliary premises, as needed, but at least once per shift, must be washed with hot water and soap and disinfected.

12.6. When necessary, the wall panels of production workshops are wiped with damp rags soaked in soap-alkaline solutions, washed with hot water and wiped dry.

12.7. Floors should be cleaned every shift; they must first be cleaned wet, then washed and wiped dry. If necessary, floors are cleaned of dirt using scrapers. Oily and slippery floors (according to production conditions) are washed with hot water and soap or an alkaline solution.

12.8. Internal glazed surface window frames washed and wiped when dirty, but at least once a week.

12.9. Heating appliances and the spaces behind them must be regularly cleaned of dirt and dust.

12.10. Electrical equipment, gratings and other protective fences and transmissions, fan chambers and panels must be cleaned periodically, as they become dirty, during a complete power outage.

12.11. In domestic premises, cleaning must be done daily (at least twice per shift) using hot water, detergents and disinfectants. Toilets and urinals are periodically cleaned of uric acid salts using commercial hydrochloric acid.

12.12. For cleaning and disinfection sanitary facilities should be highlighted special equipment(buckets, scoops, rags, brushes, etc.) with distinctive colors and markings. Equipment for cleaning bathrooms should be stored separately from cleaning equipment in other household premises.

12.13. The presence of rodents and insects (flies, cockroaches, barn pests) is not allowed on the premises of the enterprise.

To prevent the appearance of rodents and insects, a sanitary regime must be observed on the territory, in production, warehouse and household premises.

All openings that open during the warm season must be protected from insects by removable metal mesh.

12.14. To prevent the appearance of rodents, holes in the floor, ceilings, walls, and cracks around technical inputs must be sealed with cement, brick or iron.

Ventilation holes and channels must be covered with metal mesh.

If rodents appear, apply mechanical methods their destruction (traps, tops).

12.15. If cockroaches are detected, the premises are thoroughly cleaned and specially treated (disinfestation).

Application chemicals for the destruction of rodents (deratization) and insects (disinsection) is allowed only when these activities are carried out by specialists from disinfection enterprises.

12.16. To carry out disinfestation and deratization work, the administration of the enterprise must have contracts with the disinfection station or with the state unitary disinfection enterprise, the renewal of which is carried out in a timely manner.

12.17. Deratization and disinfestation must be carried out on sanitary days under conditions that guarantee the impossibility of contact of drugs with raw materials and finished products.


13.1. The working conditions of bakery workers must be subject to control during the allotment of a site, during the design, construction, commissioning and operation of the enterprise, as well as during the introduction of new technological equipment, new raw materials, and food additives at enterprises in accordance with the requirements of federal, regional and industry standards.

13.2. Assessing working conditions involves assessing factors:

Temperature, humidity, air mobility at all workplaces;

Thermal radiation at workplaces near furnaces;

Noise in all workplaces;

Natural and artificial lighting in workplaces;

Forced standing working position for all workers;

Stereotypical working movements when working with the predominant participation of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle - at workplaces in dough mixing, baking departments, when laying finished products, as well as during other operations involving manual labor;

The mass of the load lifted and moved manually - when manually lifting and moving trays with products during other relevant operations ();

Tilts of the body when laying products, raw materials during non-mechanized manual operations;

Air pollution from dust during loading, unloading and dosing of bulk products (flour, granulated sugar, etc.);

Contact with hot surfaces of equipment, when servicing ovens, products.

13.3. The microclimate of bakery enterprises must comply with the requirements of the “Sanitary Standards for the Microclimate of Industrial Premises”.

13.4. Noise levels in production premises must be within the limits of current sanitary standards. In all rooms with noisy equipment, measures must be taken to reduce noise in accordance with SNiP “Noise Protection” and be no more than 80 dB.

13.5. Machine tools, machines, and devices must have vibration damping devices, and the vibration level must not exceed sanitary standards.

13.6. The illumination of working surfaces at workplaces must comply with the requirements of the current SNiP “Natural and artificial lighting” and range from 200 to 400 lux, depending on the purpose of the room.

13.7. The floors of production premises located above unheated or artificially cooled premises must be insulated in such a way that the temperature difference between the room and the floor surface does not exceed 2.5 ° C, and a ventilated air gap must also be provided.

13.8. Concentration of harmful substances in the air working area should not exceed the maximum permissible concentration for specific substances.

13.9. Before entering work, employees and those working at the enterprise must undergo a medical examination in accordance with orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 90 of March 14, 1996 and No. 405 of December 10, 1996.

13.10. The administration should not hire persons who have general and additional contraindications due to harmful working conditions.

13.11. In agreement with the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities, health-improving measures aimed at eliminating (reducing the level of exposure to) harmful production factors must be developed and implemented at the facility.

13.12. The enterprise must organize systematic monitoring of harmful production factors, organize work on the use of collective and individual protective equipment.

13.13. All new employees must undergo training on the sanitary minimum and pass exams, then undergo training every 2 years.


14.1. Newly admitted employees are allowed to work after familiarization with the rules of personal hygiene and instructions on preventing foreign objects from getting into finished products.

14.2. Each employee must have a personal medical record book of the established form with passport data, a photograph, in which the results of medical examinations, information about past infectious diseases, and the passing of the sanitary minimum must be entered.

14.3. Mini-bakery staff must comply with following rules personal hygiene:

Come to work in clean clothes and shoes;

Leave outerwear, hats, and personal items in the dressing room;

Cut your nails short and keep your hands clean;

Before starting work, wash your hands thoroughly with soap, put on clean sanitary clothing, and tuck your hair under a cap or headscarf;

When visiting the toilet, take off sanitary clothing in a specially designated place, wash your hands thoroughly with soap after visiting, and use hand disinfectants;

If signs of a cold or intestinal dysfunction, as well as suppuration, cuts, burns, appear, notify the administration and contact a medical facility for treatment.

14.4. It is prohibited to wear jewelry, cover food, or smoke in the workplace; Eating and smoking are permitted in a specially designated area.

14.5. Every enterprise should have a first aid kit with a set of medicines for first aid.

14.6. Mechanics, electricians and other workers employed repair work in the production and warehouse premises of the enterprise, they are required to work in the workshops in clean overalls, carry tools in special closed boxes, and when carrying out work, avoid contamination of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products.

14.7. Heads of workshops (sections) and shift foremen must exercise strict control over the implementation of personal hygiene rules by workshop workers, especially with regard to washing hands before work, after breaks in work and using the toilet.


15.1. The administration is obliged to ensure:

Each employee is provided with sanitary clothing in accordance with approved standards;

Regular washing and repair of sanitary clothing and issuing it to employees to wear only during work;

Availability of sufficient cleaning equipment, detergents and disinfectants for cleaners;

Systematic implementation of disinfection, disinfestation, deratization work according to schedule,

agreed uponwith the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities;

Taking classes and passing examinations on the sanitary minimum for all employees of production workshops and departments upon entering work, and then once every two years, recording the results of the classes in a personal medical record book and a special sanitary journal;

Carrying out once every two years certification of the sanitary knowledge of management and engineering personnel (shop managers, engineers, workers and department heads) of the enterprise;

The required number of medical books for employees subject to medical examinations and examinations, in the prescribed form;

Presentation to the clinic and other medical institutions where they are carried out medical examinations, lists of employees to mark the results and date of the examination.

15.2. The director of the enterprise is responsible for the sanitary condition of the enterprise and for compliance with these sanitary rules at the enterprise.

15.3. The administration is obliged to monitor the timely completion of medical examinations by employees of enterprises and the passing of examinations on the sanitary minimum.

15.4. Responsibility for the sanitary condition of production workshops, departments, warehouses, household areas, etc. lies with the heads of the relevant departments.

15.5. The employee serving it is responsible for the sanitary condition of the equipment and workplace.

15.6. Each employee of an enterprise must be familiarized with these Sanitary Rules and subsequently pass a test according to the sanitary minimum.

15.7. Responsibility for compliance with these Sanitary Rules at enterprises rests with the administration of the enterprise.

15.8. Monitoring the implementation of these Sanitary Rules is carried out by the territorial centers of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.




Indicators of the severity of the labor process

Class of working conditions



harmful (hard) work

1st degree


2 degrees


3 degrees


Mass of the load lifted and moved manually, kg


Lifting and moving (one-time) heavy loads when alternating with other work up to 2 times per hour

for men

up to 15

up to 30

more than 30

for women

up to 5

up to 10

more than 10


Lifting and moving (one-time) heavy objects constantly during the work shift

for men

up to 5

up to 15

up to 30

more than 30

for women

up to 3

up to 7

more than 7

Stereotypical work movements (number per shift)


With regional load, when working with the predominant participation of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle

up to 10000

up to 20000

up to 30000

more than 30000

Body tilts (number per shift)

up to 50 times per shift

forced. tilts more than 30 degrees, 51-100 times per shift

forcing. tilts more than 30 degrees, 101-300 times per shift

forcing. tilts more than 30 degrees, over 300 times per shift



Production premises

Cold period, degrees Celsius, humidity%

Warm period, degrees Celsius, humidity%





Raw materials preparation department

19-21 degrees C

17-23 degrees C

20-22 degrees C

18-27 degrees. WITH





Flour storage warehouse

8-10 degrees C

12-18 degrees C

18-20 degrees C

20-25 degrees C





Raw materials storeroom

10-12 degrees C

18 degrees C

15-20 degrees C

20 degrees C




up to 80%

Bakery Hall

17-19 degrees C

15-22 degrees C

19-21 degrees C

16-27 degrees C



up to 70%



19-21 degrees C

17-23 degrees C

18-22 degrees C

18-27 degrees C



up to 65%


Washingreturnable packaging

19-21 degrees C

17-23 degrees C

18-22 degrees C

18-27 degrees C



* At workplace temperatures of 25 degrees C and above, the maximum permissible values ​​of relative air humidity should not exceed the following limits:

70% - at an air temperature of 25 degrees C

65% - at an air temperature of 26 degrees C

60% - at an air temperature of 27 degrees C

55% - at an air temperature of 28 degrees C



Document title

Levels sound pressure in dB in octave bands with geometric mean frequencies

Sound levels and equivalent sound levels,












Sanitary standards for permissible noise levels in workplaces












Document title

Naim. or equivalent. object size, mm

Spectator category. work

Subdivision. duration work

Contrast of subject with background

Artificial lighting

Illumination, sec.

at syst. combined lighting

at syst. general lighting


incl. from the total

Natural light, CFU

Combined lighting, %

A combination of norms. great. blindness indicator and coefficient. pulsations

with overhead lighting.

with side lighting.

with overhead lighting.

with side lighting.


KP, %








No. 4617-88 dated 05.26.88


In this article we will tell you exactly what requirements for mini-bakeries today are imposed by the supervisory authorities, and we will also talk about general requirements to open this type of business.

Opening your own bakery is not difficult. You will need initial investments and a desire to finally start making money from bread production. When opening a bakery, you will need to ensure that the premises that will become your production base comply certain requirements supervisory authorities. Below is a list of basic requirements.

  1. There is a rule for mini bakeries that prohibits placing them directly in residential buildings and buildings. If the bakery is small - productivity up to 1 ton per day, then it is allowed, in agreement with the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities, to place the bakery in premises that are extensions to residential and other buildings.
  2. Also in the above case, it is necessary to ensure that sources of harmful influences are located as far as possible from the main building. In addition, you must take other measures to reduce or completely eliminate harmful factors in your production to acceptable levels.
  3. If you are building a separate building for your mini bakery, then you need to be guided by the construction standards for the technological design of enterprises producing bread and bakery products, as well as the requirements of the Sanitary Rules.
  4. Projects for the construction or reconstruction of buildings for mini-bakeries and the commissioning itself must be coordinated with the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities of Russia.
  5. Also, when designing a new building in which a mini-bakery will be located, it is necessary to take into account the permissible loads on the natural environment. You must ensure the minimum permissible impact on environment, otherwise the premises will not be approved.
  6. When constructing a building within the city limits, it is necessary to provide for the discharge of all household waste. sewer water to the general city sewer network. It is prohibited to discharge household wastewater into water bodies without special treatment and disinfection.

Requirements for a mini-bakery - auxiliary and household premises

  1. All production facilities of your bakery must be located in such a way that you have a flow of processes, so that the production process is not interfered with by counter and intersecting flows of raw materials and finished products. Bakery premises should not be located in basements or semi-basements.
  2. Storage areas at a mini bakery must be dry and clean, they must also be heated and ventilated. Regarding humidity, we add that its level here should not exceed 75%.
  3. Warehouse facilities need equipment special equipment for loading raw materials and shipping finished products.
  4. It is necessary to equip warehouses with separate load lifters.
  5. In warehouses, it is necessary that the floor is free of cracks and cemented, and the walls are smooth.
  6. It is prohibited to store non-food and odorous materials and household goods in warehouses.
  7. Ceilings in the production and storage areas of a mini bakery should be whitewashed with adhesive or painted with water-based paints. In places where the plaster is chipped, it is necessary to plaster the ceiling surface as soon as possible.
  8. Floors, walls and ceilings must be finished only with finishing materials approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities.
  9. In mini-bakery dressing rooms, it is necessary to ensure separate storage of outerwear and employee belongings.
  10. Premises for food must be included in the household premises.
  11. If there is no dining room in the mini bakery, then it is necessary to equip rooms for meals.
  12. Before entering food points, there should be hangers for sanitary clothing, washbasins with hot and cold water supply, soap, and electric towels.

The requirements for the premises of a mini bakery are not so complicated, but they must be observed in any case!

Opening your own mini-business in modern economic conditions is not very easy, but it is quite possible if you follow the “rules of the game” proposed by the state. And it is inexorable: any food production must comply with the sanitary and epidemiological safety requirements established for them. And, if you are starting from scratch, you will have to complete paperwork for the bakery long before the first loaf or baguette comes out of its oven.

It is worth noting that you will have to find premises and purchase equipment before you contact Rospotrebnadzor to obtain the necessary approvals. It would also be useful to draw up a detailed business plan that takes into account all the features of the business project and upcoming expenses. You will also need to undergo state registration - as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, and register with Rosstat and other regulatory organizations. And only after this it will be possible to issue a permitting package of documents to open a mini-bakery and begin production of bakery products.

Features of collecting a package of documents

Regulatory acts regulating the operation of food production are relevant for the entire territory of the Russian Federation. They set out the following requirements for the operation of enterprises and business organization:

  • production cannot be located in basements or semi-basements;
  • there must be a working ventilation system, water supply, sewerage;
  • materials for wall decoration must be non-flammable ( ceramic tiles, plaster, paint);
  • the floor covering must be moisture resistant;
  • On the territory of the bakery there must be production areas, a warehouse area, a locker room, and the necessary unit for performing hygiene needs.

However, not only these aspects of the enterprise’s work are carefully controlled. Much more important may be the compliance of the selected facility and working conditions there with sanitary standards.

Package of documents for starting a business

After completing the initial business registration procedures, the necessary documentation will have to be obtained by passing inspections by Rospotrebnadzor and other regulatory organizations. In particular, you will have to receive information obtained on the basis of examinations performed by specialists. Separately, permitting documentation for production and its products is issued. Another required document— certificate of conformity, it is issued after inspection by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.

Permission to start production will have to be obtained from both the fire inspectorate and the environmental department.

It is mandatory for staff to obtain personal medical records; without them, employees are not allowed to work.

What documents are needed to open a bakery for SES?

Garbage removal and rodent control: we solve organizational issues

When preparing documents for a bakery, a novice businessman has to face the need to find not only suppliers of raw materials or contractors to bring the sanitary condition of the premises to established standards. In addition, it will be necessary to conclude official contracts for garbage removal, disinfestation and deratization with SES services.

Eco-Processing specialists recommend:

Before entrusting the work to a company offering sanitation services, make sure it has the appropriate license and other necessary permits. What matters is experience, a list of the means and preparations used, and readiness to carry out exterminatory and preventive deratization and disinfestation, as well as other necessary sanitary measures. All these moments will play important, when it will be necessary not just to work for reporting, but to take real measures to combat sources of danger.

What does Eco-Processing offer?

Do you need to collect documentation to organize your own baking business? Then you will definitely need professional help to complete all the necessary registration procedures. To receive qualified practical and consulting assistance, as well as to significantly speed up the passage of bureaucratic processes, small business representatives today no longer need to waste time on long searches. It is enough to contact the Eco-Processing company, which provides enterprises and organizations with a full range of services related to sanitary and epidemiological safety.

By contacting us, you can get plans drawn up production control for baking, conclude contractual obligations to provide services in the field of deratization, disinfestation and disinfection, take advantage of other advantages of cooperation with true professionals in their field, who always ensure that the desired results are obtained in the shortest possible time.

Feedback from our client: We prepared business documents using Eco-Processing. We saved a lot of time, which made it possible to open a mini-bakery from scratch much earlier than competitors who registered at the same time as us. Well done, you work professionally, everything is on point, all obligations under the deratization and disinfestation agreement are met. We are very pleased with the cooperation.

Do you think you are Russian? Were you born in the USSR and think that you are Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian? No. This is wrong.

Are you actually Russian, Ukrainian or Belarusian? But do you think that you are a Jew?

Game? Wrong word. The right word"imprinting".

The newborn associates himself with those facial features that he observes immediately after birth. This natural mechanism is characteristic of most living creatures with vision.

Newborns in the USSR saw their mother for a minimum of feeding time during the first few days, and most of the time they saw the faces of the maternity hospital staff. By a strange coincidence, they were (and still are) mostly Jewish. The technique is wild in its essence and effectiveness.

Throughout your childhood, you wondered why you lived surrounded by strangers. The rare Jews on your way could do whatever they wanted with you, because you were drawn to them, and pushed others away. Yes, even now they can.

You cannot fix this - imprinting is one-time and for life. It’s difficult to understand; the instinct took shape when you were still very far from being able to formulate it. From that moment, no words or details were preserved. Only facial features remained in the depths of memory. Those traits that you consider to be your own.


System and observer

Let's define a system as an object whose existence is beyond doubt.

An observer of a system is an object that is not part of the system it observes, that is, it determines its existence through factors independent of the system.

The observer, from the point of view of the system, is a source of chaos - both control actions and the consequences of observational measurements that do not have a cause-and-effect relationship with the system.

An internal observer is an object potentially accessible to the system in relation to which inversion of observation and control channels is possible.

An external observer is an object, even potentially unattainable for the system, located beyond the system’s event horizon (spatial and temporal).

Hypothesis No. 1. All Seeing Eye

Let's assume that our universe is a system and it has an external observer. Then observational measurements can occur, for example, with the help of “gravitational radiation” penetrating the universe from all sides from the outside. The cross section of the capture of “gravitational radiation” is proportional to the mass of the object, and the projection of the “shadow” from this capture onto another object is perceived as an attractive force. It will be proportional to the product of the masses of the objects and inversely proportional to the distance between them, which determines the density of the “shadow”.

The capture of “gravitational radiation” by an object increases its chaos and is perceived by us as the passage of time. An object opaque to “gravitational radiation”, the capture cross section of which is larger than its geometric size, looks like a black hole inside the universe.

Hypothesis No. 2. Inner Observer

It is possible that our universe is observing itself. For example, using pairs of quantum entangled particles separated in space as standards. Then the space between them is saturated with the probability of the existence of the process that generated these particles, reaching its maximum density at the intersection of the trajectories of these particles. The existence of these particles also means that there is no capture cross section on the trajectories of objects that is large enough to absorb these particles. The remaining assumptions remain the same as for the first hypothesis, except:

Passage of time

An outside observation of an object approaching the event horizon of a black hole, if the determining factor of time in the universe is an “external observer,” will slow down exactly twice—the shadow of the black hole will block exactly half of the possible trajectories of “gravitational radiation.” If the determining factor is the “internal observer,” then the shadow will block the entire trajectory of interaction and the flow of time for an object falling into a black hole will completely stop for an outside view.

It is also possible that these hypotheses can be combined in one proportion or another.

  • Search for premises
  • Registration of activities
  • OKVED code
  • Agreements with suppliers
  • Recruitment
  • Bakery opening
  • How much can you earn
  • Production technology
        • Similar business ideas:

Organizing a mini-bakery is much easier and cheaper than opening a large bakery. A small enterprise has an advantage over large bakery production due to the possibility of rapid diversification. A mini-bakery can produce unique varieties of bread and bakery products and thereby follow demand trends and find its buyer. In a highly competitive environment, these are very important advantages.

How to open a mini-bakery? We suggest you consider step by step instructions to open this business in your city.

Step-by-step plan for opening a mini-bakery

The first step is to find start-up capital to start a business. Sources of financing, in addition to own funds, may include:

  1. Bank loan;
  2. Participation in government support programs for entrepreneurship in your region. Today in many regions of our country you can receive free financial assistance from the state to open your own business;
  3. Search for a potential investor based on a well-written business plan.

Search for premises

In accordance with the requirements of the SES, the area of ​​the premises for a mini-bakery must be at least 60 m2. Approximate description of the room:

  1. Flour warehouse with sifting area - 5.0 m²
  2. Raw materials warehouse - 5.5 m²
  3. Raw material preparation room - 2.5 m²
  4. Dough preparation - 10.0 m²
  5. Cutting, shaping and proofing - 9 m²
  6. Washing equipment - 2.5 m²
  7. Corridor – 3.5 m²
  8. Staff quarters – 7.5 m²
  9. Baking shop – 9.0 m²
  10. Cooling and forwarding - 11.0 m²
  11. Tray washing area – 4.0 m²

TOTAL: 73 m²

When renting ideal option is a municipal premises with a possible purchase in the future. Rent from municipalities is usually an order of magnitude lower than from private individuals. However, there are few such premises left and the best ones are already occupied. To rent municipal property, you should contact the local administration, or rather the municipal (city) property management committee. They should have a list of objects that they are ready to rent out; maybe it will contain a room that suits your requirements.

In general, the rental price for a 70m2 premises will cost at least 25 thousand rubles.

The location of the mini-bakery is not very important; it can operate successfully both in the city itself and in the suburban area.

Registration of activities

To legally operate a mini-bakery, it is enough to register individual entrepreneurship at the local Federal Tax Service. The registration procedure will take 5 working days, the cost of registration is 800 state duty.

OKVED code

When filling out an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur, you must indicate the OKVED code corresponding to your type of activity. The most suitable OKVED code for a mini-bakery is 15.81 “Production of bread and flour confectionery products with short shelf life.” It is worth noting that when registering an activity, you can specify several OKVED codes.

Which tax system to choose

As tax systems such specialists can act. regimes such as the simplified tax system, UTII or patent taxation system. When choosing a simplified system (STS), you will pay either 15% of the profit or 6% of the mini-bakery’s revenue. When choosing UTII, the tax amount will depend on the k2 coefficient established by local authorities and the basic profitability this species activities. It is worth noting that after registering an individual entrepreneur, you must write an application within 5 days to switch to a special taxation regime, or you risk remaining on common system taxation. Let us remind you that special regime (STS, UTII or patent) relieves you from paying taxes such as property (real estate) tax, income tax and VAT.

After registering your activities and hiring the first employees in your bakery, you need to register as an employer with extra-budgetary funds - Pension fund and the social insurance fund. Subsequently, you need to pay insurance contributions for your employees, the amount of which depends on the amount of wages.

What documents are needed to open a mini-bakery?

  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for production. This document is prepared by Rospotrebnadzor. The procedure is free, you only need to provide the results of the examination;
  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for the product. It is also issued at the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor based on the results of the examination;
  • Certificate of conformity. Issued by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology;
  • Conclusion of the fire inspection on compliance with fire safety requirements.

What equipment to choose for a mini-bakery

After registering your activity and finding a suitable premises, you need to purchase equipment for your mini-bakery. The minimum set of equipment for opening a mini-bakery with a capacity of 50 kg/hour with a range of products - hearth bread (0.7 kg), loaf (0.5 kg), buns (0.15 kg) and other bakery products:

  • Flour sifter;
  • Spiral dough mixer;
  • Electric baking oven;
  • Proofing cabinet;
  • Hearth sheet;
  • Tabletop dough sheeter
  • Dough divider;
  • Cassette of bread forms;
  • Pastry table;
  • Production table;
  • One-piece washing bathtub;
  • Rack;
  • Scales;
  • Ventilation umbrella;
  • Refrigerated cabinet;

The approximate cost of such a set of equipment is about 400 thousand rubles.

How much money do you need to invest to open a mini-bakery?

In addition to purchasing equipment, the initial costs should include repairs to the premises, connection to engineering networks(if there is no connection), system installation against fire safety, security system, ventilation and purchase of office equipment. In some cases, the cost of opening a mini-bakery can reach 1 million rubles.

Agreements with suppliers

As soon as the mini-bakery premises are ready to start production, you need to take care of what the bakery products will be baked from. To do this, it is necessary to conclude preliminary agreements with suppliers for the supply of raw materials for the mini-bakery. It is necessary to purchase raw materials immediately before starting production.

The main raw material for the production of bread and bakery products is flour. At the same time, only the highest grade of flour is suitable for buns. In addition to baking flour, you will need compressed yeast, vegetable oil, sugar, salt, vanillin, stabilizers, food additives, thickeners, etc. In general, the consumption of raw materials depends on the recipe compiled by the bakery technologist.


For the normal functioning of the mini-bakery, you will need to hire the following personnel:

  • Manager (business owner);
  • Bakers (4 people);
  • The technologist is a very important figure in a mini-bakery. The quality and taste characteristics of the products produced depend on its work;
  • Sales representative (sales manager).

An accountant and a cleaner can be hired under a contract for the provision of services. Since the work involves food products, each employee (baker) must have a medical record.

Bakery opening

After the bakery starts operating, do not forget to notify the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor about the start of your activities.

How much can you earn

Net earnings from mini-bakeries depend on the location, the region in which production is opened, as well as on the demand for your products. Mini-bakeries can operate as separate enterprises, selling through their own network, or as part of hypermarkets or other establishments. The approximate cost of opening a mini-bakery is about 2.5 million rubles, most of which is based on the purchase necessary equipment(about 1.2 million rubles), rental of premises and costs for the purchase of raw materials. With sufficient production capacity, the output of finished bakery products will be approximately 700 kilograms of finished products per month. Provided that the entire range is sold, the net income will be 120-150 thousand rubles. The payback of such a business will be at the level of 1.5-2 years.

Do you need permits to open a business?

Since bakeries are catering establishments, the list of permits and requirements is quite large. Permits for this type of activity include the following documents:

  1. Production permit issued by Rospotrebnadzor.
  2. Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.
  3. Certificate of conformity issued by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.
  4. Fire safety report issued by the Fire Inspectorate.

According to the standards of the sanitary and epidemiological service, premises must be equipped with ventilation, have service (warehouse, bathroom) and household premises, sewerage, as well as cold and hot water.

Production technology

The technology for the production of bakery products comes down to three main criteria:

  1. The process of preparing dough.
  2. Cutting dough pieces.
  3. The process of baking products.

The harvesting process includes the kneading stage and the so-called maturation stage. After the dough is ready, it is divided into portions according to the required technological process. Such operations are done manually or using special production machines to speed up and facilitate the procedure. The dough preparation is followed by preliminary and final proofing; this procedure is mandatory for all types of baked goods. Preliminary proofing is the process of giving the required shape, and final proofing is the process of maturing and increasing the volume of finished products, which takes about one hour on average. After all these steps, proceed directly to baking.