Dream Interpretation open fracture of the arm. What does a dream about Breaking things or objects mean? Why do you dream of a broken Arm in a dream according to the dream book

The article on the topic: “dream book why you dream of a broken arm” provides current information on this issue for 2018.

In general, a dream about any hand injury - a fracture, a cut - is considered a bad sign and promises all sorts of misfortunes. However, some dream interpreters hold a different point of view, and consider a broken arm in a dream to be a harbinger of an imminent turning point in a person’s life. And this turning point should not be perceived purely negatively; changes are steps to new achievements. It is only important to treat them correctly and pass them with honor.

Of course, for the correct interpretation of a dream, it is necessary to take into account the circumstances that accompanied the fracture. It is especially important to know whose arm is broken - the dreamer’s, a person close to him or a stranger, as well as the type of fracture itself: whether it was open or closed.

Key Aspects

  • A dream about a broken arm may indicate the likelihood of a serious illness in one of your close relatives. Wherein important depends on which arm is broken. The right one means one of the male relatives will get sick, the left one means a woman.
  • If you dream of another person’s arm being broken, be careful: they will try to drag you into a scandal. It is necessary to avoid quarrels at all costs, otherwise the conflict can become fatal for you and significantly change your life, and not for the better.
  • If you dream of a closed fracture, the future troubles will be annoying, but not so big as to seriously affect your life. Seeing an open fracture in a dream is a bad sign. Problems or illness will be serious and overcoming them will take a lot of strength from you, both physical and mental. However, you should not despair, you just need to concentrate and be prepared for the coming streak of failures, constantly remembering that victories and success will certainly come after them.

Important nuances

  • Seeing in a dream the actual process of breaking your arm means a sudden illness.
  • A dream that both your arms are broken indicates your state of helplessness. It will not be possible to overcome the difficulties that arise without the support of loved ones: friends or relatives. And how much you allow yourself to be helped and supported depends on how much the negative situation will cripple you. In addition, breaking both arms in a dream may indicate the dreamer’s indecisiveness in reality.
  • In an intimate relationship, a broken arm in a dream can be a harbinger of a feeling of fatigue, which negatively affects relationships with your significant other.
  • Seeing your arm in a cast in a dream means you will soon feel pressure. Someone from your environment will actively impose their own opinion on you, and you will have to agree with them so as not to provoke a conflict situation. Also, a cast on your arm may be an indication of the intrigues that your ill-wishers are weaving against you.

In any case, negative omens should not be taken as a guarantee of life's adversity. This is the meaning of dream interpretation - to see the signs, hear the signals of fate and respond to them in a timely manner. We see dreams not in order to fall into sadness from them, but in order to act and change, thus changing our destiny.

“Dream Interpretation of a Broken Arm, I dreamed about why a Broken Arm is dreamed about in a dream”

Dream Interpretation Broken Arm

Why do you dream of a broken Arm in a dream according to the dream book?

If you dreamed about a broken arm, you should protect your relatives, they may find themselves in a bad situation or find themselves in a difficult situation. A broken arm is swollen - you will receive unexpected income or become rich.

A broken arm in a cast - active attempts will be made towards you to impose your own opinion, which you will have to agree with so as not to provoke a conflict. To see someone's arm broken - you may be drawn into a big scandal.

The ability to interpret dreams is a valuable gift, because sometimes it is in dreams that consciousness gives us the deepest and most important clues.

Did you dream about a broken Arm, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of a broken Arm in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Both hands are in plaster, and the length of the plaster is only slightly above the wrist. It felt like the right one was broken, it hurt, the left one felt like it had been wrapped at the same time, it didn’t hurt at all. The dream was colorful.

Today I had such a dream. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any interpretation from the dream books, that’s why I’m turning to you.

The beginning of the dream is quite blurry, I remember the events from this moment: I and a group of people are participating in a competition. We are located on a fenced training ground, inside of which there are various stairs, cable cars, something like an obstacle course. The point is that we must get to the right ladder first. The situation is a little stirred up by a crowd of zombies who are released on us at the start signal. At some point, I understand that there is no point in going through the obstacle course - it will only delay me, and zombies, in fact, can get in there too. So I immediately run to the right stairs. (although I’m passing for the first time, I know where it is) I run out over the fence and together with one of my friends (I don’t remember exactly who it was) I run to the finish line. A girl is trying to catch up with us, she says, “Wow, you’re going so fast, you’re literally breaking my record. And from the first time I understood what and how to do. Not bad." My friend and I climb up this staircase at the same time, there is a needle button at the top, pressing which notifies you of your passage. So we won. But literally 5 minutes later we are put into a new race. We are winning again. Then to another one. I understand that this is pointless, and I don’t have much strength left. I agree with my friend to run away from this place. She doesn’t make it in time, and I run out of the fence and take our prizes with me. But as soon as I get out, a siren goes off, telling me that if I don't stop, I'll be blown up. I finally run to the hospital, throwing away all the prizes along the way, because I think there’s a bomb in them. But as soon as I walk into a room, little bombs explode in my shoulders. Which turns out to not be that painful. The doctor takes me into the office, but I hear that one of the organizers of these “races” is looking for me at the hospital. I try to hide under the bed, but she still sees me. Then I’m already getting out of there and then the doctor says that all the participants in the race have one thing in common - they all have broken fingers. And then I start to “attack” the organizer, saying, have you ever had your fingers broken? and your hands? All my arms are broken, and now my shoulders are also broken (I remember from previous dreams where my arms were broken). The doctor is amazed, they say, how and why did you try so hard to complete this race with such injuries? I answer that winning is the easiest and safest option in former situation, so I didn't really have a choice. In general, everyone present was shocked by my speech (which was quite pretentious in the dream). That's where I wake up.

I simply dreamed that I had a broken arm. And there was also a ghoul on my arm. And I also collected coins in the dream. I don’t know how to connect it all.

a dream that my left hand is broken at the wrist, I see a fracture, but there is no blood or pain, and the little fingers on both hands are twisted,

hello! I dreamed that my daughter broke her arm. The bones were sticking out straight

My left arm was broken, but it didn’t show anything. That is, there was no plaster or terrible pain. I just couldn’t work with it and understood that it was broken. I had to have an operation, which was not cheap.

In a fight, he broke his opponent’s hand on his knee (left), thereby protecting unknown girls, the father then arrived in a new car and said something about the boss (“I agreed with the boss...” either work or a car, I don’t remember). stop at the station... I do not remember exactly.

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  • Tsvetkova


  • Why do you dream about a broken arm?

    If you dreamed of a broken arm, then real life you should expect trouble. There is a high probability that your enemies will try to thwart your plans. However, not all dream books interpret this dream as negative. To find out why you dream about a broken arm, in each specific case, you need to read this article.

    This dream is often a harbinger of the illness of loved ones. If the left arm is broken, then one of the women will get sick.

    If you saw a hand in a cast, it means that someone will impose their opinion on you. To avoid scandals, you will have no choice but to agree. It is also quite possible that envious people and ill-wishers will weave intrigues behind your back.

    What kind of fracture was also important. If closed, then the future troubles will not be too great. An open fracture of the arm is a harbinger of danger. You will need a lot of strength to cope with all the problems.

    If you clearly saw yourself breaking your arm, then such a dream foreshadows sudden illnesses and deterioration in health.

    A dream in which another person's arm was broken, not yours, is a warning that you may be embroiled in a big scandal. The Dream Interpretation strongly advises avoiding any conflict situations. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the upcoming quarrel will be fatal for you.

    An intimate dream book states that a broken arm can indicate the dreamer’s fatigue. You need to try to solve your problems in order to improve your relationship with your other half.

    The dreamer's helplessness is indicated by a dream in which two arms were broken. To exit from difficult situation, you need to stock up on the support of relatives or friends.

    Good afternoon! In a dream I quarrel with my ex, suddenly I break him ring finger after that he shouted. what does this mean? thank you very much!

    He says that you yourself do not understand him in many ways; compromises are probably needed.

    Everything is the other way around with him.. I’m trying to understand, but he’s on his way.. he has a feeling for me from the dream, can you tell? Are examples possible?? thank you very much in advance.

    Please don’t write anything on the site, we seem to have agreed. Now you wrote http there. No need, it makes it harder to reply to the comment.

    Perhaps, if he understands, and you can forgive and accept him for who he is.

    In my dream I also said, “I can’t say I’ll marry you yet, but I’ll be next to you.”

    I have 8 friends with whom I am connected by a common cause. I dreamed that one friend had a very bad headache, that she even cried and could not tolerate touching and the pills did not help much. Then in the dream I saw my friend, at first with a normal arm, and then it turned out to be broken, and even decreased in size, as if it had dried out. The third friend also had a headache, but much less than the first. What was all this for?

    Perhaps these people will have to decide something important, however, according to another version, they may turn out to be a kind of weak link. To break an arm means to participate in a common cause too little, to trouble.

    Hello! In a dream, I saw my daughter’s hand torn off, without blood. She is sick now, so I am very worried about this dream. Help me understand the meaning of my dream.

    Tatyana, judging by the dream, it shows that she really may have health problems for some time, also the dream about the hand shows not only physical health, but also problems in communicating with someone.

    You can argue with her.

    Hello! I dreamed that there was a through hole in the palm of my hand, which was without blood and overgrown before my eyes, after which I saw that there was index finger Blood began to flow, and then the wound healed. Later, some people ask me to stick a needle into my finger and pour some blood into a bottle. Nonsense, of course, but still. Thank you in advance.

    Sophie, someone may need help from you. The dream signifies loss own strength and energy for other things.

    I dreamed that my second cousin (also with whom we have a bad relationship in real life) breaks my arm and pierces my back with a knife, and her mother beats my cousin (we have a wonderful relationship with my cousin). In retaliation, my cousin and I set fire to the building near which all this happened. And in a dream it belongs to a second cousin and her mother.

    What could such a dream mean?

    Yana, the dream perhaps means family troubles and increased conflict on some specific issue. It is possible that in reality the participants in the events will be the people involved in the dream.

    Good afternoon I dreamed that my husband was fixing something on the balcony, putting in a shutter or something like that, and something sharp fell off, the tool or the profile itself was sharp, and it cut off his entire hand. He was really screaming, like, “nooo, tell me this is a dream.” And I watch everything from the side, I also screamed loudly, realizing how much pain he was in. What do you think is a bad dream?

    Tatyana, a dream can really promise trouble. Moreover, everything points to the rapid development of events, and your reaction to them will be important.

    Hello, I dreamed that my husband came home and his arm was broken and in a cast. What does it mean?

    Troubles and unexpected troubles are possible.

    Hello!) Please tell me why I was dreaming, when a hand appears from behind from the darkness and begins to put pressure on my shoulder, I throw it off with such anger, after which curses pour out. Why the hell are you even touching? The hand is not old, but of a young girl.

    It is likely that the dream speaks of pressure and instructions that you may not like. There may be difficulties in communication at work and at home.

    Broken arm according to the dream book

    Seeing an injury in a dream is a painful plot. No matter how hard you try to find good omens in a dream about a broken arm, it is unlikely that you will succeed. One consolation is that the troubles prophesied by dream books are not tragic. At the same time, having learned what such damage means in a dream, you can take a sober look at yourself from the outside and change the course of your life for the better.

    Signs of creation and development

    Each part of the body in a dream symbolizes some physical or spiritual sphere. For example, the hand is interpreted by dream books as creation, cooperation, the finger - indication, warning, and the foot - development, progress. Trauma means disruptive changes in some aspect of life. Why dream of seeing yourself in a cast - obstacles arising from outside.

    In accordance with this, dream images are interpreted as follows:

    • A broken arm in a dream means complications in a relationship or business.
    • An injured leg means unfulfilled hopes for success in career advancement and spiritual development.
    • An arm and leg in a cast are circumstances that limit forward movement and prevent communication.
    • I dreamed of a finger in a cast - a person will be extremely limited in freedom of decision.

    Miller's Dream Book - about the nature of injuries

    Miller gives an interpretation of sleep based on the characteristics of the injuries. In his opinion, a closed fracture represents the destruction of what is dear - in terms of relationships with people or in the implementation of an important project.

    Why do you dream about open fractures and bleeding wounds? The dreamer is ready to condemn his friend and break off relations with him without serious reasons. This also applies to relatives with whom there are blood ties. If you dream of a bone that has not fused properly, this is a harbinger of trouble.

    Treason and temptation

    Were you able to remember whether the broken arm was right or left? The left one symbolizes a woman, the right one symbolizes a man. So who will turn away from the dreamer - a friend or a friend?

    In a man’s dream, if damaged right hand, this means loss of support from a comrade, left - your wife or girlfriend will cheat. For a lady, a broken left arm in a dream foretells that her friend will betray her, and her right arm will be betrayed by her husband or lover.

    Why dream of seeing yourself injured, but without pain: a person is confident in his own irresistibility and expects that success with women (men) will come by itself, but life will disappoint the dreamer. Anyone who dreamed of seeing someone in a cast will admire someone else's success, which he will not be able to repeat.

    Erotic associations

    According to Freud's dream book, if you dreamed of a broken arm, the dreamer will soon be overtaken by impotence. In a woman’s dream, this image may reflect problems with her partner associated with the loss of his male viability. By the way, many dream books claim that the sight of a wound reveals a certain secret - the inability to receive pleasure in sex without pain.

    It is also interesting how Freud’s dream book interprets the application of plaster in a dream. All attempts to seduce the object of desire will be in vain. A man will not be able to persuade a young lady to be intimate, although he will be ready to use any means of pressure.

    Dream Interpretation

    Broken arm

    Dream Interpretation Fracture of the arm dreamed of why you dream about a broken arm? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see a broken arm in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

    Dream interpretation of why you dream of a broken arm

    dream book broken arm

    Fractures and injuries that you see in a dream do not carry a positive prediction. As a rule, they promise obstacles and sorrows. The consolation can be that a dream about a broken arm is not tragic and is not considered the most negative prediction.

    Dream about a broken arm - negative interpretation

    Why do you dream about a broken arm? To unpleasant changes in a certain area of ​​your life.

    If the dream book identifies a hand with cooperation with people, friendship, then such a vision promises trouble specifically in the communication sphere.

    Who broke his arm

    A broken arm means problems in relationships with others; in addition, troubles will haunt the dreamer in business sphere. To get as close as possible to accurate interpretation, you will need to remember who exactly broke his arm in a dream.

    If you broke your arm in a dream

    The dreamer's arm is broken

    Any dream book will tell you that a fracture of your upper limb in a dream is an unfavorable vision. It will mark a deterioration in your health, perhaps you will suffer a specific serious illness, especially, this interpretation is correct in the case when you see the moment at which your arm breaks. The dream book advises not to bother yourself with physical work after such a dream and take care of your health.

    At times, a broken arm symbolizes a relative who will suffer illness, and perhaps even death. The right one is responsible for male relatives, the left one is for female relatives.

    An open fracture indicates that the negative changes that will come into your life will be large-scale, and it will take a lot of effort and time to cope with them. Among other things, an open fracture may indicate that you have convicted a close friend without compelling evidence.

    I dreamed that another person suffered a fracture

    Seeing in a dream how another person breaks a limb - you will not be able to find the right approach to the people around you. Because of this, conflict situations may arise.

    If a child breaks his arm

    • When in a dream you see that your child breaks his arm, pay attention to his relationships with his peers; perhaps he has a misunderstanding with them.
    • Sometimes parents dream about a child breaking his arm after the child transfers to another school or moves to another city. This vision also indicates that the child is experiencing problems with communication.
    • Often a child with a broken arm is the first sign that your child will soon become seriously ill. Pay maximum attention to your baby's health.

    Which hand was damaged as a result of the injury?

    Which arm was broken

    • When in a dream you break both the right and left hand, then the dream book speaks of an unwillingness to withstand everyday adversities. The dream suggests that it is in your hands to change everything for the better, but indecision and reluctance are holding you back.
    • A damaged left hand means that you will have a conflict with your close relative, or she will suddenly be overcome by illness.
    • For men, a damaged right limb indicates that a friend may betray at the most inopportune moment. But if you are injured left hand, then you should expect betrayal from your other half.
    • For women, the dream book gives the opposite interpretation. Injury to the left limb is the betrayal of a friend; the injury to the right limb is the betrayal of a husband or boyfriend.

    Positive interpretation of a dream about a fracture

    Although dream books tend to classify this dream as negative, a positive interpretation can also be found. Sometimes, for example, there is an assumption that a turning point will soon come in life. If you heed the predictions and prepare well for the changes, they will definitely be in a good direction.

    If you dream of a closed fracture, then all the troubles and obstacles will be minor, and you will cope with them without much difficulty.

    Dream interpretation of why you dream of a broken arm

  • We often have strange, sometimes even unpleasant dreams. But are the consequences of such dreams so terrible? For example, if we find out why we dream of breaking a leg or arm, we will not get a terrible picture, but hope for rather pleasant events.

    Also, dreams about a fracture are often an important warning about possible dangers or troubles. This is why it is so important to correctly interpret what you saw in your night dreams.

    You can dream about someone else’s fracture or about your own fracture. Do not ignore this fact, as it can radically change the meaning of your dream. It is also very important what part of the body you saw injured.

    Breaking your arm in a dream means doubting the correctness of your actions. The dream book recommends not to panic and listen to your heart. Do as it tells you, and not as others advise.

    Dreaming of a broken arm as a consequence signifies the appearance of a rival in your life. Most likely, he won’t give you much competition, but he will try to get on your nerves. The less attention you pay to him, the sooner you will cease to interest him.

    • Seeing yourself in the emergency room means waiting for someone's help.
    • They put a cast on you - this means that an obstacle will appear on your way.
    • A lot - to communicate with relatives.
    • Feeling pain in a dream means taking everything to heart.
    • Suspicion of a fracture is a vain worry.

    If in your dream you broke, then in reality you are afraid to take the initiative. But in vain - the dream book foretells you success in many matters. Your actions in the business sphere will be especially successful.

    A broken spine indicates your helplessness. At least that's how you think of yourself. In fact, you are capable of many things. The main thing is not to doubt your abilities and try to move forward.

    According to the dream book, breaking a hip in a dream means finding a good reason not to do work. Perhaps you will realize that your efforts are in vain, or you will find out that a competitor wants to appropriate your achievements.

    A dream in which you broke someone else's leg means that you will figure out in time who is your friend and who is just called such. Awareness of this fact will strengthen you, and you will become a better judge of people.

    And breaking the arm of another person, according to the dream book, means neutralizing the enemy. If an ill-wisher was preparing an unpleasant surprise for you, then he will not be able to ruin your mood. Intuition will help you defeat your enemy.

    A fracture in a dream is an important sign that will tell you what is happening around. Also, such a dream is a warning about possible troubles. Try to interpret it correctly and take into account everything that fate wants to convey to you. Author: Vera Drobnaya

    If you dream beautiful hands- Fame, quick mastery of your profession and a high position in your circle await you.

    Ugly hands or hands that have ugly shapes portend trouble.

    Blood on your hands promises temporary alienation among people close to you, unfair condemnation of a friend.

    If you see that your hand is damaged, you will have to give up part of what is very dear to you.

    Burning your hands in a dream promises you a loss in a competition with fate: having put all your efforts into achieving wealth, you will miss out on something more valuable.

    Seeing your hands thickly covered with hair in a dream promises you strong and courageous partners and competitors in your work. It is possible that such a dream warns you of the futility of intrigues against those who are actually loyal to you.

    If the size of your hands is larger than natural, you will quickly advance towards your brightest goal. Too small hands encourage you to be more active.

    Dirt on your hands is a sign that you are capable of injustice towards people who love you.

    If a woman admires her hands in a dream, the dream foretells that she will be able to conquer more than one sincere heart.

    If she sees that someone takes her hand in his and kisses it, the dream warns her to be more careful in her behavior.

    If you see fire in your hands that does not burn your fingers, success will take you to very great heights.

    Tied hands foreshadow future difficulties. Untying them in my sleep. In reality you will master the situation.

    An amputated hand means separation or mutual dissatisfaction between lovers (or spouses).

    The dream warns of possible deception or fraud.

    Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

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    A vision of injuries and serious wounds is unlikely to please anyone, because such a dream evokes thoughts about real health problems. "If in the dream it was as if my arm was broken“, this means this will happen in real life,” - many inexperienced dreamers share such erroneous interpretations on forums. In fact, broken arm Rather, it foreshadows some significant event that is about to happen in life. This event will be a turning point in life and will result in global changes.

    Why do you dream about a broken arm?, which does not cause pain and heals quite quickly? Usually this vision is interpreted as a sign that the coming changes will be positive. Perhaps the dreamer will change his job to a more promising one or find his true love, that same person with whom a relationship will bring only joy. If the fracture turns out to be open and very painful, you should expect serious problems and negative turns in your own destiny. Often such a vision foreshadows a crisis in personal life, divorce and loss of a beloved job. In the coming weeks, the dreamer should refrain from making serious decisions, since each of them may have negative consequences.

    Why do you dream about breaking your arm? specially? In fact, such a vision has a rather simple interpretation - the dreamer, for some reason, seeks to destroy own successes, destroy the prospects for which he worked so long. Perhaps the dreamer is simply afraid of possible success that could fall on him at any moment.

    What if you dream about a broken arm?

    "Why do you dream that you broke your arm? comrade on purpose?" - usually such a vision has a purely negative interpretation. A serious crisis is about to brew between comrades, and as soon as this happens, their relationship will deteriorate sharply. It is quite possible that the dreamer will have to endure many treacherous pricks from the one to whom he really trusted.

    Seeing in a dream how someone breaks the hand of the owner of the vision is also a symbol of better character. Very soon a person will appear in his life who is able to cross the dreamer’s path and who uses the most vile and disgusting methods to achieve his goals. A collision with such a person will not lead to anything good, and most likely the dreamer will have to deal with global crises due to the dishonest actions of the enemy.

    Why do you dream about a broken arm? in plaster is also a common question. Usually a vision means that a turning point in the dreamer’s life has already occurred, and now he will have to persistently move forward for the sake of barely noticeable prospects. You can console yourself with the fact that the most difficult period is already over, and very soon things will return to normal and your financial well-being will settle down. Seeing a newly broken arm in a dream and treating the wound yourself is a good sign. Usually, a dream means that despite all life’s obstacles along the way, the dreamer can boast of ideal endurance. The owner of a vision is able to independently remove any obstacles in his path and achieve success, but he needs to act actively. The sooner you can begin to combat problems, the less they will affect the future.

    What does a broken hand portend?

    If a person dreamed of a broken arm that did not heal within several months, it means that in real life he experienced some kind of tragedy that still weighs heavily on him, affecting his personal life and career. Now the dreamer should throw all his strength into fighting this problem, otherwise there will be no need to talk about any prospects in life.

    Seeing a fracture resulting from a serious fight in a dream means conflicts with colleagues and superiors. It is quite possible that the dreamer is too actively defending his position, which leads to negativity from others. If the dreamer wins this fight, it means that in real life his beliefs are absolutely fair and accurate, and one should fight hard for them in real life.

    If in a dream someone breaks several bones in their hands at once, it means that in real life the person will find himself face to face with a whole bunch of problems. It will take many months to cope with it, but as a result, a person will be able to achieve success in all his endeavors.

    Some dream books also pay attention to which limb was broken. For example, if a person breaks his right arm, then he should expect some shocks in his work. If the fracture occurs in the left arm, then most likely troubles will affect your personal life. Perhaps the owner of the vision will reconsider his attitude towards his partner, which will lead to inevitable separation. Seeing both arms broken in a dream is a negative sign. Usually this vision means that the dreamer will have to fight circumstances that are stronger than himself. As a result, defeat on all fronts will be inevitable, and besides, it will hurt a person’s self-esteem.