When is the day of an agricultural worker? When is Agriculture Day celebrated?

The country's economy, as well as the health of the population, depends on agricultural products. The better the quality, the stronger the nation. Therefore, the work of agricultural workers is important and in demand. This professional holiday is dedicated to the people, thanks to whose activities the population eats quality products.

When is it celebrated?

Agricultural Workers' Day is celebrated annually on the third Sunday of November. In 2019, the celebrations take place on November 17th. In Ukraine, the date was established by Decree of President L.M. Kravchuk No. 428/93 of October 7, 1993. In Belarus, the event was formalized by Decree of the head of state A. Lukashenko No. 454 “On the establishment of a holiday - the Day of Agricultural Workers and processing industry agro-industrial complex" dated November 10, 1995 (repeated by Decree No. 157 "On public holidays, holidays And memorable dates in the Republic of Belarus from March 26, 1998).

Who's coping

The holiday is celebrated by grain growers, machine operators, livestock breeders and all those related to agriculture, agricultural enterprises, food industry, processing and storage of agricultural raw materials and so on.

History of the holiday

This event began to be celebrated during the existence of the Soviet Union. November 1, 1988, by Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces No. 9724-XI “On amendments to the legislation of the USSR on holidays and memorable days» two professional holidays dedicated to land reclamation workers and agricultural workers were combined into one and a single day of celebration was established.

In 1993, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, many countries abolished or moved this date, but in some countries, including Ukraine and Belarus, the tradition remained unchanged.

About the profession

Agriculture brings together representatives of many specialties. They all love to work on the land, put their soul and strength into getting the harvest, are not afraid of physically hard work, and follow centuries-old traditions.

Agriculture in Ukraine is dominated by farming, and in Belarus - livestock farming.

Belarus covers 100% of its needs for meat, milk, eggs, almost 100% for potatoes and vegetables and, therefore, is in 1st place in these indicators. Despite the huge amount of cultivated land and the growth of livestock farming, only 9.7% of the population is employed in this field of activity in the country. But this allows it to be one of the 5 largest exporters of dairy products.

In Belarus for collection vegetable crops(beets, carrots), as in Soviet times, once a year they resort to the help of schoolchildren.

In colloquial speech, Belarusians are called bulbash (bulba - potato), due to the fact that potatoes are a symbol of this state.

In 2012, an independent tasting competition “Product of the Year” was held. Based on the results of the work of the tasting commission of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the company of the Republic of Belarus JV Spartak OJSC became the winner of the Grand Prix among confectionery products.

In Belarusian agriculture there is no private ownership of land; everything belongs to the state.

Ukraine is one of the leaders in chicken exports, and is also beginning to increase growth rates in pork exports.

The Agricultural Workers' Day holiday is celebrated in Russia annually on the second Sunday of October. It is far from a secret for every person that a daily slice of bread and a glass of milk are available to us thanks to the tireless work of agricultural workers. We will congratulate these workers, who never know tiredness or days off, on the professional holiday “Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers” on October 14, 2018.

Russia has always been famous for its agriculture. One hundred years ago, before the 1917 revolution, Russian Empire was largely an agricultural state that fed the whole of Europe with bread.

Postcard congratulations on Agriculture Day 2017

The Bolsheviks' experiments with organizing agriculture led to the fact that in Soviet times our country already purchased grain abroad. Fortunately, in modern Russia Having moved away from Soviet excesses, agriculture began to regain its previous positions, and our country, through the efforts of agricultural workers, again became a major exporter of grain, the first in the world in exporting wheat. Grain exports replenish the country's budget by billions of dollars annually.


During the existence of the USSR, there were two holidays for workers in the agricultural and processing industries. With changes in legislation, in order to show how important agricultural activities are for each of us, the government of the Russian Federation signed a decree in 1999 establishing a single professional holiday.

The beginning of October was chosen as the day of celebration - the time when all large-scale field work ends and preparations for the winter period begin.

Agriculture has always been a leading component of the economy of most countries. Many progressive countries are investing enormous capital in improving their agriculture.

Agricultural Worker's Day

The agricultural industry is an incredibly important part of the Russian economy; its activities account for a third of the country’s GDP, and approximately half of the Russians’ budget is spent on the food basket.

Russian agriculture has gone through a difficult path in its development - these include numerous land reforms, collectivization, the NEP, and the transition to a market economy. Due to ill-conceived reorganization of agriculture recent years Its infrastructure was greatly damaged, in most regions the farms collapsed, and many fertile lands were abandoned.

In Russia, the holiday was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 679 of May 31, 1999 “On the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers” and is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of October.


IN different regions In Russia, workers in agriculture and the processing industry celebrate it in their own way. They hold festive events, a concert on Agriculture Day, this is an indispensable event in the holiday scenario, many remember their successes and achievements. They hold fairs and sales. Managers are preparing congratulations on Agriculture Day to their employees.

Official congratulations to agricultural workers in prose

Congratulations on Agriculture Day! I sincerely want to wish you good bountiful harvests so that weather conditions are always conducive to this! Let agriculture develop at a rapid pace, and let your field of activity bring you pleasure and prosperity! Good luck, health and success in business!
The second Sunday in October traditionally reminds us of the importance of the agricultural profession. The real economy is reaping the many benefits of your hard work. Understanding how difficult this work is, I would like to wish you a worthy reward and a good rest.
Dear farmers, thank you for your hard work and golden hands, for fresh bread on the shelves, for high-quality dairy and meat products! We wish you high yields, record milk yields, growth of livestock on farms, and personal life– harmony, love and prosperity!
On Agriculture Day, I congratulate you, the diligent and hardworking man, which gives us healthy food! Your work is incredibly hard, but you chose this path, giving people wonderful life filled with a variety of different products. I want to wish you prosperity, good health and good luck! Let your work bring you only joy and triple your strength!
Working near the land is the most ancient and natural labor of man. And let big cities grow, agricultural workers will always be held in high esteem on Earth! Happy Agricultural Workers Day! Set new records, increase the wealth of our lands!
On Agriculture Day, I want to congratulate you and wish you success in your business. Humanity cannot live without agriculture - you feed us, treat us and clothe us. Thank you for this and low bow to the ground! I wish you happiness, may your work always bring joy. Health, harmony in the family and enough money to be enough for everything you want!
Agriculture is the basis. In fact, this is the basis of all life. Without it, there would be no normal existence not only in the rural environment, but also in the urban one. An agricultural worker is the king and god of the country’s entire food supply! I wish you excellent health, high performance, material well-being. Let everything you grow in the fields bring joy to people and give them food. I wish you happiness, prosperity, an easy life! Happy Agriculture Day!
Dear agricultural worker, I congratulate you on your professional holiday. Let me thank you for your important work and wish you favorable weather, fertile soil, high yields and decent profits. May your hands never tire, and may your eyes always rejoice at the earing fields! Happy Agriculture Day!
No one will argue that we cannot live without agriculture! Bread, milk, meat and other only the most natural and fresh products are given to us by agricultural workers. For this, I bow to you and have the most wonderful wishes on Agriculture Day - your professional holiday! Let your health not fail you, your plans come true and your dreams come true! Thanks for your hard work!
Dear farmers! Dear agricultural workers! I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday! I wish you, who have dedicated your life to your native land, to work as hard and selflessly, without giving up, and to sincerely enjoy the fruits of your labor as we enjoy them. May your efforts always be crowned with impressive results, may droughts and rains pass your lands, and may the harvest exceed your wildest dreams. Thank you for the hard work that we all need! Happy Agriculture Day!

Cool poems-congratulations on Agriculture Day 2017

Breadwinners of our entire huge country,
Thank you for your hard work.
Thank you for the bread, for the butter and porridge,
Let thunderstorms and troubles pass you by.

May your days and nights be filled with happiness,
Let love reign in all matters.
The weather and luck are normal,
So that everything you need is in the bins.
Although bread is the basis for the table,
We need different food.
We thank the food industry workers:
What don't we eat?
We congratulate the food industry workers,
We wish you all health!”
Invent and create -
Feed us even more deliciously!
I would do such a thing,
After all, I'm younger...
You bake bread at night
And buns too!
So that in the morning me and my mother-in-law, son-in-law,
And Mosya, Zina
We were able to take those bread and rolls
From the store...
What to wish for (after all, money is copper!),
So that life does not go out?
To have a white loaf
Caviar and butter!!!
On the holiday of rural labor
We wish from the bottom of our hearts:
Let cows grow in the barn,
The pigs will be good!

Let them make ears on the field:
Rye, wheat and oats,
Let under the weight of products
The wheel axles are bent!

Fertile land to you!
Great harvests!
Wonderful, good
Large and beautiful!
What to wish to those people who
He spends days and nights working in the fields.
It seems to us: there is nothing in it,
And plant, and grow, and surround with care.

We wish you only patience on your day,
Health and more strength.
And so that all your desires,
Your angel has come to life.

May everything that happens be good
And the work continues every day.
Go into the future with a bold, fast step,
Your work is very important for people!
Today, on this autumn holiday,
We are happy to hasten to congratulate those
Who once did not abandon work in the fields,
At a time when everyone has a choice.

Work is hard sometimes, no doubt about it
And we never tire of thanking you.
We echo our congratulations to everyone,
What you do is your calling, your life.

Everything you do brings joy to people
And no matter what anyone says,
No matter how tired you are,
Anyone would appreciate your work.
Rural work is hard, thankless,
In order for bread to become a loaf,
How much effort you need to put into it!
Is it possible to live without bread?
You received few thanks,
We haven’t been bored without work for a long time,
We will honor you today
For your hard work, noble one.

SMS congratulations on Agricultural Worker's Day in verse

Congratulations on Agricultural Workers' Day in verse

Today is the holiday of those who plow the land,
And those who feed our large people.
Let life be a happy streak
Everything will be fine year after year.
Let us remember today
Those who have linked their fate with the village.
We all really appreciate your work,
And congratulations on the holiday!
Your work is in demand, hard,
And therefore very priceless.
And on your holiday, when you are in the thick of things,
He is especially appreciated.
We need you, and labor,
to whom they gave themselves,
Deserves kind words from those living here,
What would you like to say today?
Workers of the earth!
You from dawn to dawn
Busy with hard work
Low-income ones at that.
Only never again
You won't be lured to the cities.
Someday to other lands
The earth will not let you go.
Together with the whole country
Low bow to you.
To the best people among the people
The word “laziness” is unfamiliar:
After all, peasants produce
What you need every day!
Not easy, but noble
Life in work and without sin...
Congratulations to them today
Happy Agricultural Workers Day!

Short congratulations on Agriculture Day in verse

Postcard congratulations on Agriculture Day

Without a peasant farmstead
To us, ordinary citizens,
I would like to treat you at a feast
It was like heavenly manna for everyone.
For that I bow to you deeply
And of course we wish
Meet deadlines exactly
Happy harvest to you!
Milk, sour cream, cottage cheese...
Any Russian
Endlessly in the heart of roads
Their taste is familiar from childhood!
May it be fruitful
Your hard rural work,
And the cows are choice for you
They provide product every day!
Stretched for kilometers
Like golden knitting needles
Blown by the wind
Ripe ears of wheat.
There will be hot bread for the table,
For its production
A lot of work was expended.
Fruits, bread and butter on the table
melon and watermelon in sultry July -
this is the work of all those on earth
works hard and honorably.

To the farmer

You cannot hide your inner happiness from the world,
From the proud and bright day of today.
When in all its glory, without a bit of bad weather,
You can congratulate the farmer by the open fire.
Let this fire of smiles and fun,
It will penetrate you to the very depths.
You are the best working generation,
You are the light of the harvest, we are in love with you!
On a beautiful day like this,
When others don't understand.
Being a farmer "isn't it"
Not nonsense, but pride. No less, cannot be taken away!
They can handle the most difficult tasks,
Ready to wash your face all day long.
For this we thank you, congratulations! How else?
Without you, the lilac in the soul will not bloom.
I would like to congratulate today those
Who devotes his day to the field.
Who, without being lazy, without looking around at luxury, fur,
He inclines himself to work and glory.
Being a farmer is not an easy task,
You always need to be on your guard.
Today is your day, good luck to you,
He favors, especially, each of you!

Congratulations on Agriculture Day 2018


The sunrise is beautiful and very bright,
So beautiful that there are no words!
We congratulate all milkmaids,
They go to milk the cows
Sometimes without noticing the sunrise,
They may not have slept enough, but they are coming!
They understand perfectly well
Without milk, everyone will be lost!
Agriculture Festival
Celebrating in October!
Congratulations to all milkmaids,
That we woke up at dawn
To milk a cow,
Pour some milk for us all!
Thank you, dears,
Be happy, dear ones!
We wish you happiness, milkmaid,
In your difficult work,
So that the sun shines brightly
And the house was full!
Happy Agriculture Day to you
Congratulations today,
We wish you joy, love,
And we wish you happiness!
A braid to the waist, a smile on your face,
You are a Russian beauty, milkmaid!
You don't live in a palace, of course,
But the sun shines brightly for you!
And you are glad to milk from the heart,
You love cows, and they love you, of course.
We wish your days to be good,
Today celebrate your holiday carefree!

Holiday "Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers" celebrated in Russia annually on the second Sunday of October. In 2017, "Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers" is celebrated on October 8.

Holiday Day of Workers of Agriculture and Processing Industry was established by Presidential Decree Russian Federation dated 05/31/1999

On this holiday, not only workers in agriculture and the processing industry are honored, but also all those who work on the land from dawn to dusk, without days off or holidays, grow bread and vegetables, supply milk, meat and other food products to our tables. .

The Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers is a holiday of field and farm workers, managers and specialists of agricultural enterprises, farms, agricultural scientists, rural intelligentsia, food and processing industry workers.

With their dedicated and conscientious work, workers in agriculture and the processing industry provide the population of Russia with high-quality food products.

Stabilizing and increasing the production of basic types of food based on the introduction of resource-saving technologies, expanding the range of products is the key to the successful development of Russian agriculture.

Agriculture is one of the backbone sectors of the economy of any country. Regardless of soil and climatic conditions, even the most developed industrial countries invest very large amounts of money in the development of domestic agriculture. The available land in the Russian Federation represents a huge productive force given by nature. “Labor is the father of wealth, and land is its mother” - this postulate of the economic doctrine of the physiocrats was also included in political economy. In agriculture, the earth and plants, like a huge chemical and biological machine, work using the energy of the Sun.

The crisis in agriculture and the decline in its production immediately deals a heavy blow to the entire economy, since it leads to the loss of a huge amount of free natural resources, but these losses have to be paid when importing food.

Most of Russia's territory lies in the zone of risky agriculture. Over large areas, yields vary greatly depending on weather conditions. You have to expend maximum effort to achieve good performance harvest.

Agriculture is an industry that is strategically important for our country. A lot of problems have accumulated here that have not been solved for decades. Today in agriculture there are a number of systemic problems that hinder the further development of the industry. High production costs and an outdated technological base have made the products of domestic agriculture, fisheries, food and processing industries limitedly competitive in relation to food products, which are now saturated in the world market.

To solve existing problems, it is necessary to implement a whole range of measures in the near future. The federal law “On the Development of Agriculture” was adopted, which provides for the adoption and implementation of a state program for the development of agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food.

The state program for the development of agriculture is a document that defines the goals and main directions of development of agriculture and regulation of these markets for a medium-term five-year period, financial support and mechanisms for the implementation of developed activities.

Agro-industrial complex and its significance

Agricultural products all over the world are not just a commodity, they are a strategic commodity, one of the foundations of the normal existence and progress of society. Therefore, support for agro-industrial production is the most important task economic policy states.

The agro-industrial complex is the most important integral part the Russian economy, where products vital to society are produced and enormous economic potential is concentrated. It employs almost 30% of workers in the sphere of material production, uses a fifth of production assets, and creates about a third of gross national income. The development of the agro-industrial complex decisively determines the state of the entire national economic potential, the level of food security of the state and the socio-economic situation in society.

The most important link in the agro-industrial complex is agriculture. It occupies a special place not only in the agro-industrial complex, but throughout national economy. Almost 75% of the population's demand for consumer goods is covered by agriculture. At the same time, food expenses account for about half of the expenses in the budget of the average Russian family.

The state of agricultural production determines the food security of the state.

Agricultural production is associated with biological and natural processes, is directly dependent on climatic factors, the involvement in production of humans, land, plants, animals, fixed and working capital, diverse in composition and purpose, and is a very complex form economic activity.

Moreover, regardless of nationality, level of development, forms of ownership, methods of its organization, agriculture has its own specific, unique features that significantly distinguish it from all other sectors of the national economic complex. These features are most significantly manifested in a market economy with free competition and insufficient state regulation of ongoing processes. As a consequence of this, in most countries of the world the need for state regulation of agriculture has not only been recognized, but also specific legislative acts have been adopted, on the basis of which effective directions and programs have been developed to ensure the sustainable development of not only agricultural production sectors, but also all areas of activity and living conditions rural population.

During the ceremonial events, the best representatives of the region's agro-industrial complex were awarded federal and regional awards.

On October 17, the Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Ryazan Region, Dmitry Filippov, presented awards to leaders in the agro-industrial complex and media employees covering the development of the agro-industrial complex.

The award ceremony took place as part of the celebration of the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers. Congratulating those gathered, Minister Dmitry Filippov noted that workers in the region's agro-industrial complex are successfully completing the agricultural year: a record grain harvest has been harvested - more than 2 million tons, production of milk, meat and other products is growing.

The achievements of Ryazan agricultural producers were recognized with awards from the most prestigious agricultural forum in the country - the exhibition " Golden autumn" 16 participants of the competition program “For the production of high-quality food products” were awarded 26 gold, silver and bronze medals of the exhibition. The work of the Kasimovsky municipal district, the Blagovsky rural settlement and the Niva agricultural production complex of the Aleksandro-Nevsky district was awarded gold medals “For achieving high results in the field of sustainable development of rural areas.” The region's livestock breeding farms received gold awards from the forum. Gold medal “For effective information and consulting support of the agro-industrial complex” in the nomination “Development and implementation of modern information technology on agro-industrial topics" was awarded to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Ryazan Region for the development and implementation of a system for providing state support to farmers in electronic form.

The Minister of Agriculture and Food of the region, Dmitry Filippov, presented the medals of the Golden Autumn forum. In addition, departmental and regional awards were received by the best representatives of the food and processing industries in the region.

In addition to farmers, awards were given to the winners of the “News from the Region” competition, designed to encourage journalists covering the topic of agricultural development.

In the “Agro TV” category, the winners were Stanislav Panteleev, correspondent of the State Autonomous State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company “Ryazan Region”, and the editorial team of the “Gorod” television company. The editorial team of the regional newspaper “On the Shatskaya Land” was recognized as the winner of the “Editorial” nomination, and the laureate was the team of the regional news agency “7 News”. In the “District News” nomination, the winner was the correspondent of the editorial office of the regional newspaper “Korablinskiye Vesti” Olga Kharina, the laureates were the correspondent of the newspaper “Evening Ryazan” Marina Vlasova, editor-in-chief Internet information resource “Ryazan Vesti” Gennady Zavyazkin and editor-in-chief of the regional newspaper “Skopinsky Vestnik” Natalya Isaeva. Special diplomas based on the results of the competition were awarded to Lidia Ryabova for publishing the children's newspaper Avangard LLC and the editorial team of the regional newspaper Ryazanskie Vedomosti for the series of materials “Point on the Map”. The Director of the Municipal Budgetary Institution “Television and Radio Company – District Skopinskoe Television and Radio” Tatyana Mushnikova was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Ryazan Region.

On October 20, the ministry held a solemn celebration of the foremost workers included in the Honor Board of the Agro-Industrial Complex of the Ryazan Region. Certificates of inclusion were presented to the heads of 15 enterprises and labor collectives of the agro-industrial complex of the Ryazan region, as well as 75 workers in agriculture and the processing industry - managers, specialists and ordinary workers of the most successful enterprises in the region based on the results of 2017.

During the ceremony, the region's farmers were awarded federal and regional awards. The silver medal “For contribution to the development of the agro-industrial complex of Russia” was awarded to the general director of the closed joint-stock company “Pobeda” of the Zakharovsky district of the Ryazan region, Vyacheslav Vasilyevich Kabanov. Eight specialists of the agro-industrial complex were awarded the Title “Honorary Worker of the Agro-Industrial Complex of Russia”.

On the same day, Governor Nikolai Lyubimov took part in a gala event dedicated to the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers, which took place in the student palace of culture of the Ryazan State Agrotechnological University named after P.A. Kostycheva.

The event was attended by the chairman of the Ryazan regional Duma Arkady Fomin, Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Ryazan Region Dmitry Filippov, Rector of RSATU named after P.A. Kostycheva Nikolay Byshov, heads of municipalities, managers and employees of leading agricultural enterprises in the region, students, industry veterans.

Governor Nikolai Lyubimov congratulated those gathered on their professional holiday. He noted: “The 2017 harvest season in the region is almost over. Its results once again confirmed that the agro-industrial complex is a very promising area for the Ryazan region. A record has been collected for the entire recent history grain harvest - 2 million 126 thousand tons. With such a result, Ryazan farmers completed the harvesting campaign only twice: in 1973 and in 1987.” According to Nikolai Lyubimov, this year the region has good indicators for threshing oilseeds, it is planned to receive about 130 thousand tons, and the gross harvest of potatoes and vegetables is expected to be at a good level. The region's livestock farmers have also done a great job and achieved sustainable growth in milk production. Thus, as of October 1 of this year, 263.4 thousand tons of milk were produced in the region, which is 5.2% more than in the same period last year. 38.6 thousand tons of meat were obtained, which is almost 2.5% more than the result of 2016.

“In order to maintain momentum and ensure development, it is necessary to continue the diversification of agriculture,” Nikolai Lyubimov emphasized. – Our region belongs and has always belonged to the zone of risky agriculture. In these conditions, especially in years like 2017, when difficult weather conditions test our farmers’ strength, multidisciplinary farms have advantages.” As the Governor noted, modern challenges have become an incentive for agricultural enterprises to work more actively, search for new markets, work to increase profitability, produce higher quality products, and expand their range. “Practice shows that Ryazan products are in demand and successfully compete with analogues produced in other regions and abroad,” said Nikolai Lyubimov. – This year, Ryazan processors plan to sell products worth more than 43 billion rubles. Of course, such indicators would be impossible without systemic government support.”

According to the Governor, in 2017, 2.7 billion rubles were allocated for the development of the region’s agro-industrial complex, and the amount is expected to be no less next year. In the country as a whole in 2018, on the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin will allocate 20 billion rubles to support the agro-industrial complex. in addition to the budgeted 222 billion rubles. “This money will be used to subsidize lending rates and tariffs for grain transportation across railway,” noted Nikolai Lyubimov. “This will help avoid a fall in grain prices, which is extremely important for our region, which has received record grain harvests.”

The head of the region emphasized that the Government of the Ryazan region will continue to pay the most serious attention to the agro-industrial complex. Work will actively continue to consistently solve existing problems, develop the industry, support import-substituting industries, and attract investment in the agro-industrial complex. Among the main tasks is to provide maximum possible support to industry enterprises in the development and implementation of modern technologies, in search of new markets, formation of modern infrastructure in rural areas, creation of a young personnel reserve for the agricultural sector.

During the event, the Governor presented state and regional awards to the best representatives of the agro-industrial complex of the Ryazan region. The honorary title “Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Russian Federation” was awarded to Alexander Grabovnikov, a machine operator at AGRARY-RANOVA OJSC, Miloslavsky district. Badge of honor “For services to the Ryazan region” - head of the production and technological laboratory of the MP “Bread Factory No. 3 of the city of Ryazan” Lidia Doronkina. A number of workers of agricultural enterprises in the Sarajevo, Rybnovsky, Starozhilovsky, Zakharovsky, Ryazhsky, Pronsky and Ryazan districts received memorial signs “For highest achievements" And honorary titles"Honorary worker of the agro-industrial complex of the Ryazan region."

Congratulations from Alexander Tkachev on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers

Dear friends!

Congratulations on our professional holiday - Agricultural and Processing Industry Worker's Day!

Thanks to your creative and tireless work, agriculture not only maintains sustainable production growth, but also serves as the basis for the well-being and prosperity of Russia.

Today, agriculture has become the embodiment of the country's success: stable growth and confidence in the future. We have again set a series of records in the agricultural industry. The harvest is nearing completion. A lot of work has been done. Despite the weather conditions, this year it will be possible to harvest 128 million tons of grain - this is an absolute record! Such high volumes harvested fully meet the growing needs of our country, allow for high-quality feed procurement for livestock farming, and also allow us to consolidate Russia’s status as a world leader in wheat exports.

Excellent results have been achieved for barley, oilseeds, buckwheat, greenhouse vegetables and other crops. Last year, Russia came out on top in the world in terms of sugar production from sugar beets, and based on the results of the current season good harvest beets will allow us to count on maintaining our leadership position.

The country's farmers have managed to achieve serious success in livestock farming. Today we have almost completely supplied the domestic market with our own meat and are now consolidating the achieved successes.

The country's food security has been ensured, and high-quality and affordable food products have appeared on store shelves. Prospects for further growth in key niches - grain, meat, milk, greenhouse vegetables and fruits. I am confident that with these products we will not only feed our country, but also allow it to become a major food exporter in the world.

The development of agricultural production has inspired new life and in rural areas: income from the sale of agricultural products returns to the village and stimulates development rural settlements. Houses are being built for rural residents, gas and water are provided, schools, kindergartens, medical institutions, clubs, and sports grounds are opened. As a result, the issue of the quality and living conditions of rural residents today comes to the fore in domestic policy states.

Behind all this is the work of thousands of teams: at agricultural enterprises, farms and cooperatives, regional management bodies of the agro-industrial complex, our subordinate institutions, research institutes and agricultural universities.

I am confident that the consolidation of efforts at the federal and regional levels, local governments, agricultural business, the farmers' movement to solve a common problem will make our village a modern, comfortable and promising place to live and work.

Dear workers of the agro-industrial complex, thank you for your high professionalism, love for the Motherland embodied in work, and daily service in the rural field. I am confident that your hard work and your perseverance in overcoming all adversities will become a solid foundation for achieving new breakthrough results.

I wish you all good health, good spirits, implementation of your plans, prosperity, happiness and love!

Congratulations from the Governor of the Ryazan Region Nikolai Lyubimov on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers

Dear agricultural workers of the Ryazan region! Congratulations on your professional holiday!

This year, the region's farmers, despite difficult weather conditions, showed good results. In the Ryazan region, over 2 million 100 thousand tons of grain crops will be collected during the harvesting campaign. This is a record figure in modern history regional agro-industrial complex. The farmers of the Ryazan region achieved this thanks to high professionalism, a responsible attitude to business, and the competent use of modern technologies. Our villagers have achieved high results in potatoes and oilseeds, and provided livestock with a reliable feed supply. Growth in dairy and meat livestock production is also expected by the end of the year, primarily due to increased productivity.

Workers in the agricultural industry effectively solve problems for the development of the region's agro-industrial complex, including import substitution. Food production is developing in the region, high quality which are often superior to foreign analogues. Today, the Ryazan region is fully self-sufficient in food, and our environmentally friendly agricultural products are deservedly in constant great demand in other regions of the country.

The region's agro-industrial complex is today provided with serious government support. In 2017 alone, about 2.7 billion rubles were allocated. And work to develop the industry and attract investments into it will continue actively, there are all conditions for this. The government of the Ryazan region pays the most serious attention to the agro-industrial complex, creating favorable conditions for him efficient work, increasing the volume of agricultural production, modernizing the industry, providing young qualified personnel, and therefore improving the standard of living in rural areas.

I wish all workers of the region’s agro-industrial complex, industry veterans, agricultural scientists, food and processing industry workers good health, energy, optimism and further success in their noble work for the benefit of their native Ryazan region!

Congratulations from the Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Ryazan Region Dmitry Filippov on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers

Dear workers of agriculture and processing industry, dear veterans of the agricultural industry!

I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday!

This is one of the kindest and most significant holidays. It is a symbol of our recognition to people of the most peaceful profession, which managed to ennoble the earth, make it fruitful, give birth and bestow innumerable wealth, which has formed the creative, constructive principle in man over the course of thousands of years.

The outgoing agricultural year was no less stressful for workers in the agro-industrial complex of our region than many previous ones. And it is gratifying that Ryazan farmers are successfully coping with their tasks, setting ever higher targets for themselves and achieving them. I would especially like to note the contribution of grain growers to our common prosperity and abundant table. You and I have something to be proud of.

In the Ryazan region, much attention is paid to the development of agriculture: funds are invested in the creation of new industries, a program to support beginning farmers is being implemented, we are successfully increasing export potential and developing rural areas. Investments should work for the residents of the region, to create new jobs, to increase wages and, accordingly, to improve the standard of living in rural areas, and this is our priority task.

I wish you good health, happiness, prosperity and prosperity, stable and successful work.

Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Ryazan Region

Below is some background information.

The Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers in the Russian Federation, celebrated annually on the second Sunday of October, was established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 1999. In 2018, the date falls on October 14.

Initially, the holiday was established by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on August 26, 1966 and was called “All-Union Day of Agricultural Workers.” It was also celebrated on the second Sunday in October. On the third Sunday of October, “Food Industry Workers’ Day” was celebrated, established by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated August 30, 1966. In 1986, these two holidays were combined into a single one - “Day of Workers in Agriculture and Processing Industry of the Agro-Industrial Complex”. It was celebrated on the third Sunday of November. In 1988, it was combined with “Reclamation Day” into a single holiday called “Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers,” which was also celebrated on the third Sunday in November. In 1999, the date of the celebration was moved to the second Sunday in October, and the word “workers” was replaced in the name with “worker”.

Russia has a significant share of the planet's agricultural land - 4.5%. In the country, as throughout the world, agricultural production is the largest life-supporting sector of the national economic complex. Its condition and economic efficiency of functioning have a decisive influence on the level of food supply and well-being of the people. The agro-industrial complex (AIC) largely determines the state of the entire economy of the country, since it closely interacts with other sectors of the national economy.

The agrarian reforms carried out in the country since the early 1990s, without preliminary scientific study, which are reduced mainly to unregulated market liberalization, led to the collapse of the material and technical base of the agro-industrial complex and systemic production technologies, their primitivization, and threatened the existence of the main, non-renewable means of production - land, without which the functioning of this industry is generally impossible. Production of products in the agro-industrial complex decreased by almost half, and in the structure-forming industry - agriculture - by 40%, which limited the country's ability to provide the population with food of its own production.

Since 1999, economic growth in agriculture began, which continued until 2006. During this time, agricultural production increased by 34.4%. But since 2002, there has been a tendency for the rate of agricultural development to slow down and lag behind the rate of development of the economy as a whole.

The slowdown in economic growth in agriculture, the lack of conditions for alternative employment in rural areas, and the historically low level of development of social and engineering infrastructure have led to an aggravation of social problems sat down.

To overcome crisis phenomena and bring the agro-industrial complex to sustainable development, it was adopted in 2006 Federal law"On the development of agriculture." In pursuance of this law, the “State Program for the Development of Agriculture and Regulation of Agrarian Markets of Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Food” for 2008-2012 was adopted in 2007, and in 2012 the State Program for 2013-2020.

Government measures aimed at stimulating agriculture have proven their effectiveness. The industry began to show growth and began to develop actively various shapes agricultural activities: not only large enterprises, but also small peasant farms.

Today, agriculture, and the agro-industrial complex in general, is one of the most dynamic sectors Russian economy. Russia has become a leading grain power and occupies a leading position in the world in wheat exports. There are positive dynamics in other areas, such as the production of pork and poultry meat, the collection of oilseeds, sugar beets, fruits, and vegetables.

The volume of Russian agricultural production in 2017 increased by 2.6% compared to 2016 (and by 20% over the past five years), and exports of agricultural products in 2017 exceeded the level of 2000 by 15 times.

Russian producers fully supply the domestic market with grain, sugar, vegetable oil, chicken meat, fish and borscht vegetables. In 2017 specific gravity domestic grain in the total volume of resources of the domestic market amounted to 99.3%, beet sugar - 94.6%, vegetable oil- 84.8%, potatoes - 97%, meat and meat products - 90.4%, milk and dairy products 82.4%, table salt 63.6%.

In 2017, Russia broke the historical record for grain harvest set in the USSR in 1978 (when 127.4 million tons were collected) and received a harvest of 134.1 million tons of grain (according to Rosstat). The wheat harvest for the first time in history amounted to 85.8 million tons. Grain exports from Russia in the 2016-2017 agricultural year (from July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017) amounted to a record 35.474 million tons, including 27.075 million tons of wheat. In 2017, the country increased its exports of wheat and meslin (a mixture of wheat and rye) by 30.4% compared to 2016, to 33.026 million tons. In 2016-2017, Russia became an exporter of sugar and increased export volumes of vegetable oil, pork, and poultry.

Due to weather conditions, grain yields in 2018 are projected to be approximately 20% lower than in 2017.

The development of agricultural production has breathed new life into rural areas: income from the sale of agricultural products returns to the countryside and stimulates the development of rural settlements. Houses are being built for rural residents, gas and water are provided, schools, kindergartens, medical institutions, clubs, and sports grounds are opened.