What kind of laminate is placed on a water-heated floor? Laminate flooring with water heating. Thermal resistance coefficient

Some craftsmen are afraid to install a water-heated floor under a laminate, but if you choose the right materials, such a system will not only be highly effective, but also safe. In our article we will consider various technologies installation of such heating and we will figure out which one is preferable.

Water heated floor is a system metal-plastic pipes located directly under the floor covering. Circulates through these pipes hot water, which heats the surface, and from it the heat is transferred to the environment.

Water heated floor

Among floor coverings, laminate is very popular, and all thanks to its advantages. High quality material has excellent wear resistance, is not afraid of moisture and has a magnificent aesthetic appearance. It is able to create good competition with expensive parquet. And installation will not cause difficulties even for non-professionals. But still there is a drawback - low thermal conductivity. Therefore, if you decide to give preference to a warm floor, then you should take into account the features.

For the system to be as effective as possible, it is better to install water pipes into a sand-cement screed. Firstly, in this way you will ensure the integrity of the metal-plastic elements and reduce the likelihood of breaks to a minimum. Secondly, such a screed will act as a continuous heating surface, and the heat will be distributed evenly.

Warm floors have a lot of advantages. Due to the low temperature regime You can save a lot on heating costs. The lack of generation also has a positive effect magnetic field. It is worth noting that this is an environmentally friendly system. Well, and, of course, the aesthetic side benefits, because all the pipes are hidden in the floor and will not spoil the interior. Yes, and such heating can be connected absolutely to, the main thing is that the equipment is equipped with a circulation pump.

Water floor heating under laminate

If we are talking about a residential building with an existing heating system, you don’t have to remodel it, but simply add another branch. Due to the fact that the heat source is located below, uniform heating is ensured throughout the entire volume.

For the sake of fairness, a few words should be said about the shortcomings. Firstly, only residents of private houses can enjoy water heated floors. Of course, if you really want to, you can install it in an apartment, but in this case you will have to knock on the thresholds of various authorities, since its connection to central heating forbidden. Secondly, it is necessary to regulate the temperature of the liquid circulating through the pipes. And thirdly, during installation it should be taken into account that the bending diameter of the heating elements must be more than 10 cm, otherwise cold spots cannot be avoided.

Of course, installation of a heated floor system and subsequent steps are the most important and responsible stages, but in order for such heating to please you for as long as possible, you need to follow following rules operation. Laminate flooring is very sensitive to sudden changes in temperature, so it is recommended to heat the floor no more than 5°C per day at the beginning of the heating season. And the maximum temperature on its surface is 28°. It is also not recommended to cover the floor with rugs or carpets, as this can lead to overheating.

Installation of a heated floor system

Many people are interested in what humidity should be maintained in the room where laminate flooring is installed. If its level is less than 30%, then the floor covering is likely to loosen. It is also harmful when humidity exceeds 60%, in which case swelling is possible. By installing special thermostats, you will not only prevent overheating of the lamellas, but also save heat energy.

Now we will look detailed instructions, thanks to which even inexperienced builders will be able to install a heated floor system and further lay the laminate.

Laminate on a water-heated floor

How to install a water-heated floor under a laminate - step-by-step diagram

Step 1: Selecting a Laminate

The quality of the lamellas plays a huge role: the thinner the board, the higher its thermal conductivity, and, accordingly, the system will be more efficient. Preference should only be given to coating high class. This is due not only to its thermal conductivity, but also to wear resistance. Panels will be less prone to change linear dimensions due to temperature changes. But cork material has high thermal insulation properties, which negatively affects heating efficiency. In addition, the type of panel connection also plays a role. In principle, you can also purchase laminate with a tongue-and-groove type of lock, but Click is considered more reliable. And the surface under such a floor covering is subject to less stringent requirements, and it may not be perfectly flat.

Step 2: Preparing materials

The underlay under the laminate for heated floors also plays a significant role, so you should choose it wisely. The efficiency of the system will suffer significantly if this material is too dense and thick. The optimal thickness is considered to be from 1.5 to 3 mm. Today, many companies produce a special substrate made of extruded polystyrene. And thanks to perforation, it perfectly transmits heat and at the same time compensates for unevenness of the base.

Step 3: Preparatory work

Having figured out the type of laminate and which substrate is suitable for such work, let’s move on directly to the practical part. To calculate the amount of materials, you need to decide on the area. At the same time, it is better to leave areas reserved for heavy and bulky furniture, as well as near radiators, without heating. This will save money, since heated floors in such places are irrational. We thoroughly clean the base of debris and check for differences; if they exceed 3 cm, then we eliminate them.

Step 4: Screed

There are two types of screeds - cement-sand and dry. Which one is better, we will consider in this paragraph. The first one is considered more difficult to perform, but also effective. In this case, the insulation is laid first. Expanded polystyrene with a thickness of 25 to 100 mm is ideal. This is followed by a layer of foil foam, on top of which it is necessary to place a reinforcing mesh. Now you can proceed directly to the installation of pipes. They are fixed to the grid using plastic clamps. Let's take it damper tape and lay it around the perimeter of the entire room. Next we fill the floor cement-sand mortar. It is important that the mixture is homogeneous and does not contain large particles. The thickness of the layer should not exceed 7 cm, and the distance between the surface of the pipe and the floor is maintained at 3 cm. Before proceeding with subsequent work, wait 21–28 days, such a screed should gain strength. Moreover, in the first 7 days the floor should be moistened once a day to avoid the appearance of cracks.

It was already said above that it is better to give preference to cement-sand screed, due to the fact that dry screed is less effective, but its installation is much faster and easier. We lay a layer of waterproofing on the base, on top of which we pour dry sand or expanded clay screenings. Be sure to set up beacons. They will help us level the loose layer. Next comes the installation of profiled heat distribution plates. These elements are located in the places where you plan to place the pipes. Such plates will help distribute the heat of the system as much as possible over the entire surface. Now we put the pipes into the special recesses and once again level the surface using the rule. In this case, it is also necessary to lay a damper tape around the perimeter. Then comes the laying of drywall or plywood. If you plan to carry out work on the ground floor, then this type of screed is not suitable, since about 50% of the heat will go into the ground.

Step 5: System Check

After the base has completely dried, you can cover it with a substrate. But before laying laminate flooring, you should check the system. Warm up the floor to operating temperature, at the same time we bring the panels without packaging into the room and leave them there for a couple of days. This procedure will stabilize the moisture content of the lamellas.

Step 6: Laying the Laminate

There are two ways to connect lamellas - locking and adhesive. But if a water heated floor system is installed under the floor covering, then only the first option is suitable. The fact is that the glue loses its properties when heated, and then the connection will “lead”. Be sure to leave small gaps (about 1 cm) between the walls and the outer planks. These gaps will be covered with baseboards and will not disturb the aesthetic appearance, while they will provide proper ventilation and protect the floor from unwanted deformation due to linear expansion of the laminate due to temperature changes.

There is an opinion that laminate flooring is a waste of money: the coating will deform and dry out. Even 10 years ago it had grounds. Modern technologies production has stepped far forward, and products have appeared that are perfectly combined with any type of heated floor. Each type of flooring has its own distinctive characteristics. If you want to know how to choose correct laminate for heated floors, read carefully!

Characteristics of laminate flooring

Each manufacturer strives to fully meet all market requirements. Therefore, today popular laminate brands have models that can be used with heated floors. Properly selected material will allow the coating to last a long time and delight household members with warmth and comfort. First of all, it should be noted that this type of laminate has special requirements:

  • resistance to elevated temperatures;
  • low formaldehyde emissions;
  • high thermal conductivity;
  • laminate thickness no more than 9 mm;
  • connecting the lamellas to each other using locks.

The first requirement is to what temperature the product can be heated without causing harm to it. Manufacturers usually indicate in the instructions or on the package the maximum temperature to which the material can be heated (from +27 to +30 degrees). As a rule, the most durable and wear-resistant laminate can withstand even critical temperatures.

During heating, formaldehyde may be released from the compressed carrier layer, which is harmful to humans. Therefore, it is worth choosing a material with an emission class of E1 or E0.

By the way, according to GOST 32304-2013, the production and sale of laminate flooring corresponding to the E1 emission class is allowed in Russia.

The thermal conductivity of a laminate characterizes the material's ability to transfer heat. If the coating has a low level of thermal conductivity, then it is better to use it above a room in which there is no heating. Thus, the material will serve as an additional insulating layer. If you place it on a heated floor, the system will overheat, and the room will take a very long time to heat up. In the end, the warm floor will simply fail.

It is worth mentioning that these days all manufacturers offer customers products with a nominal thermal resistance of less than 0.10 m2*K/W, which makes its use very effective. In this case, you can choose the most suitable thickness and color scheme.

Also an important aspect when choosing is the thickness of the laminate for heated floors. For high-quality coating, this figure starts from 7 mm. But you should not follow the path “the thicker the better,” since with increasing thickness the thermal conductivity coefficient of the coating decreases. 9 mm is the maximum thickness of the material suitable for covering a heated floor.

The adhesive method of laying laminate over a heated floor is highly undesirable. When heated and cooled, the dimensions of the panels change. Glued panels cannot move relative to the floor. As a result, the coating surface may become distorted or gaps may appear between the panels. It is better to choose a coating designed for the floating installation principle. This will allow it not to deform when heated and cooled. Therefore, the material with lock connection will be the most optimal.

Carpet flooring should not be used over laminate flooring on a heated floor. They impede heat release and contribute to system overheating. As a result, the floor heating may fail.

How to choose laminate for heated floors?

Choosing a laminate for a heated floor is the most common problem that needs to be solved when planning to install heated floors in your home. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to several aspects: rely on the characteristics described above and choose the material in relation to the purpose of the room and heating features.

As already described above, when choosing a laminate for a heated floor, you should pay attention to the characteristics: temperature resistance, thermal conductivity, emission classes and locking connections.

When answering the question of which laminate is better to choose, it is worth saying that you will probably come across a huge variety of all kinds. Installation of underfloor heating systems will significantly increase the area that will heat the entire room. Thus, the system can quickly warm the room to the required temperature, even despite the resistance of the laminate. The main difference between a heated floor and a conventional radiator is that the second one takes much longer to heat the room. Warming up the space begins from one point - usually from a window or wall - and gradually moves deeper into the room. The warm floor heats evenly.

Almost any type of laminate is suitable for water heated floors. This type of heating system is most often used in kitchens. This is where our whole family meets several times a day, eats and cleans a lot. And since women have to spend a lot of time here, it is fair to take care of their health and install heated floors with laminate.

The most suitable for the kitchen is only laminate of class 33 and above. It has all the necessary wear resistance characteristics for the most efficient operation among all other types. A high-quality cement-sand screed and this type of laminate will allow you to achieve maximum heat transfer. If you choose a model with increased moisture-resistant properties, then this will be an ideal option.

Insulation of bathrooms is considered one of the trends modern construction and conducting overhaul. In this case, choosing a suitable laminate for a heated floor system is not so difficult. Here the main selection criterion will be the characteristics indicated on the product. They will show information on the use of coating in rooms where there is constant presence high humidity. The manufacturer is also required to indicate all data on thermal conductivity, resistance of products to damage and compatibility with various systems warm floors.

An important criterion for choosing a material is taking into account heating features. This means that the selected product model must correspond to the floor heating system of your room, which, in turn, is calculated taking into account the number and efficiency of conventional heating radiators used, so as not to overheat the space around.

Common types of heated floors:

  • Electrical;
  • Infrared;
  • Mermen.

Let's look at each type separately.

Laminate on electric heated floor

Electric heated floors are characterized by high heating intensity. Therefore, the material that will be used for the coating must be as resistant to heat as possible, and also meet safety requirements. Carefully check the labeling on the package, which allows you to use laminate on electric-type heated floors. It is advisable to choose a material that can withstand heating up to 30 degrees or more.

Before installation, be sure to check the laminate to avoid “surprises.”

Laminate on infrared film heated floor

Infrared film heating (IFO) of the floor is based on electricity. Therefore, the requirements for this type of laminated coating are almost identical to those in the previous case. However, IPO has a more uniform surface heating than other types of underfloor heating. In addition, it does not require covering the heating elements with screed, which increases its efficiency. Laminate suitable for use with infrared heated floors has an indicator icon on the package or in the instructions for use.

Laminate over water-heated floor

The most common type of underfloor heating is water. This option is simple and quick to install. There are many models on the market from different manufacturers. The popularity is so high also because this sample is much more accessible in financially than other types of heated floors.

Laminated boards for this type of flooring must contain a special protective coating high quality, which will lie on warm floors. Any system allows temperature changes. This factor is detrimental, since condensation occurs as a result of such changes. As a result, the products will begin to change their dimensional characteristics. Therefore, the quality of the entire structure of a warm water floor will be directly affected by the selected laminate. So which one should you choose? The answer is simple: you should take a thinner and more moisture-resistant coating.

The fact is that water-based systems are not only prone to condensation, but can also lose their seal over time. As a result, the entire floor structure or part of it will be flooded with water. If you use the wrong material, you will simply have to throw it away. High-quality laminated panels will return to their previous shapes and characteristics after drying.

Unfortunately, in water heated floor systems there is always the possibility of a leak or complete depressurization of the circuit. Therefore, many owners opt for ceramic tiles.

Tip: Install a thermostat on the underfloor heating system. This will help prevent the water circuit from overheating and allow you to better control the indoor climate. This will also have a positive effect on the laminate covering the heated floor.

Some manufacturers offer innovative laminate flooring with built-in heating on the market. The floor covering contains heating elements. The effectiveness of this development has not yet been appreciated by all clients, since many are simply afraid to buy a new product.

Each laminate board with built-in heating has its own power for square meter. The range of values ​​of this parameter is from 40 to 70 W/m2. This information is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging, so there will be no problems with calculating thermal power and electricity consumption.

Laminate with built-in heating has a number of advantages compared to conventional electric heated floors covered with laminate:

  1. Since the heating elements are not located in the screed, but in the thickness of the material, the efficiency of the system increases. When turned on, heating comes from the inside, quickly heating the air masses in the room.
  2. Due to its design, the heat loss of the material is one third lower than standard.
  3. When laying, you can use regular laminate boards. This way it will be possible to create zones without heating, if necessary.
  4. Installing a thermostat and regulator will significantly save energy.

Selecting a substrate

Laminate flooring, like a regular one, is laid on a substrate that performs four main functions:

  1. protection of the coating from wear during friction against the screed;
  2. eliminating squeaks when the material touches the screed;
  3. correction of small irregularities on the prepared surface;
  4. additional sound insulation.

The use of a substrate over a heated floor should not disturb the temperature regime. In addition, the substrate material must be environmentally friendly, since a lot of heat will be generated during the heating of the floor. Poor quality products may emit an unpleasant odor.

As a result of heating and cooling, condensation can collect under the laminate. To prevent the development of mold and damage to the coating, the substrate should not prevent the evaporation of moisture. Therefore, it is important to choose a material that has good vapor permeability. Best suited for such purposes cork backing. She has porous structure and therefore “breathes” perfectly. However, this is a very expensive material. You can save money by using synthetic substrates made of foamed polyethylene or polystyrene with perforation.

Remember that the substrate has its own thermal resistance, which depends on its thickness. This information can be found on the material packaging. To prevent overheating of the floor heating system, the total thermal resistance of the substrate and laminate should not exceed 0.15 m2*K/W.

Marking laminate flooring for heated floors

Before buying the material, let's take a look at the labeling of products that can be used for heated floors. The manufacturer puts icons indicating certain characteristics of the laminate on the packaging or provides them in the operating instructions.

We are interested in floor covering marking icons that you should pay attention to:

possibility of using laminate with underfloor heating systems;
coating withstands high temperature;
the coating is suitable for water heated floors (H2O);
high vapor permeability of the material (applicable mainly to the substrate);
increased moisture-resistant properties of the coating;
laminate class (read more in the article “What is a laminate class?”)
emission class harmful substances E1 (E0 is possible).

Features of installing laminate flooring on heated floors

Laying the laminate is done only after the base is perfectly leveled. If this step is completed, you can begin the installation process.

When laying on a heated floor, you must follow some rules:

  1. The poured screed must dry completely. If you are not sure whether it has dried or not, it is better to wait a little longer. This usually takes from 1 to 4 weeks. Believe me, too many mistakes were made at this stage not to mention it.
  2. Laminate flooring is installed only on a proven floor heating system. It must be started and warmed up to operating temperature. Only after making sure that everything is in order, you need to turn off the heated floor and wait until it cools down completely. room temperature. Only after thorough testing of the configuration heating system installation can begin.
  3. Packs of material must rest for at least 3 days (preferably a week) in the room where they will be installed. This is necessary so that the laminate boards accept the temperature and humidity environment and after installation did not change their geometric dimensions.
  4. Installation of the laminated coating is carried out at a temperature of no less than 16 and no more than 32 degrees Celsius on a cold base.
  5. After laying the laminate, you should turn on the heated floor and gradually increase the temperature to the desired value, increasing by 5 degrees per day.

It is quite easy to lay the material on your own. Laying is carried out according to the same rules as for conventional laminate.


There is nothing difficult in choosing a laminate for a heated floor. Look for appropriate labeling on packages of material and in operating instructions.

Even a layman can install laminate flooring on a heated floor.

Remember that laminate cannot be heated above 27 degrees. Therefore, a warm floor is only an auxiliary source of heat, but not the main one.

Strict adherence to all the tips described in the article guarantees a high-quality, durable and cozy floor on which you will want to lie down, and not just walk!

Can hydronic heated floors be installed under laminate and parquet? Does this solution have serious drawbacks? Which laminate for a warm water floor should you buy?

How to make a water-heated floor under a laminate with your own hands? Let's figure it out.

The photo shows a water-heated floor, ready for laying screed. How will it fit with laminate?

What is it

First of all, to avoid confusion with terminology, let's give a clear definition of our project. What are we going to create?

Water heated floors are pipes laid under the finishing coating in small increments and heating it to a temperature slightly below the temperature human body.

What does such a heating scheme provide?

  • A water heated floor can be connected to any boiler with a circulation pump, including solid fuel.
    To create it, it is not at all necessary to completely redo the existing heating system - just add another circuit to it.

Please note: you will, however, have to regulate either the temperature or the speed of water circulation so that the warm water floors under the laminate do not exceed the specified temperature limits.

  • When using high-temperature wall-mounted radiators, the air temperature in the room is distributed extremely unevenly.
    It can be +30 under the ceiling, and +15 on the floor. Here, since the heat source is located below, the air warms up throughout the entire volume.

As always, the devil is in the details.

What is necessary for the normal functioning of a heated floor?

Traditionally, water-heated floors are laid under tiles or porcelain tiles, which have good thermal conductivity. A good alternative is homogeneous linoleum.

It is from these positions that we will begin to consider the scheme that interests us - laminate flooring on a warm water floor.

Laminate properties

Which laminate for water heated floors will suit best way?

The answer, in general, can be suggested not only by experience, but also by simple common sense.

  1. The pressed hardboard from which the laminate is made has a fairly low thermal conductivity and serves as a heat insulator. If so, the smaller the thickness of the laminate boards, the more efficient the heating will be.
  2. Higher grade laminate has a higher density and a thicker protective coating. This directly affects its thermal conductivity.

Important: laminate flooring for water-heated floors should be taken only of high quality and for other reasons. The higher the class, the less likely the board is to dry out and change linear dimensions with fluctuations in temperature and humidity.

The higher the class of the laminate, the stronger, more durable and... more thermally conductive

  1. The laminate you choose for warm water floors is not the only thing that determines the efficiency of the heating system. It depends just as much on the substrate.

It is worth choosing those types that are designed specifically for underfloor heating systems and have maximum thermal conductivity. An example is the Finnish Tuplex, which, by the way, can withstand loads of up to 600 kg/m2 without caking.

Installation features

Let's look at the main points of how a warm water floor and laminate can be combined when different types floor.

Cement-sand screed

Instructions for installing heated floors with your own hands in this case look like this:

The floor gains strength within three to four weeks. During the first week, the surface should be moistened once a day to avoid cracks due to uneven drying. The pipes are not heated until the screed is completely dry.

Then the substrate is laid - quite standardly, without any frills. Let us remind you: a substrate with the maximum available thermal conductivity and minimum thickness.

It is better to lay laminate on a water-heated floor after preheating it to operating temperature. In this case, before installation, the laminate is kept for several days in the same room in which it will be installed, without packaging. This is necessary to stabilize its humidity.

Along the edges, as with the standard one, there are gaps between the edge of the board and the wall of at least 6-8 millimeters wide.

Dry screed

Let's be realistic: a warm water floor under a laminate, and even laid in a dry screed, is an extremely inefficient solution in terms of heat consumption. However, this drawback in some cases can outweigh the main advantage of a dry screed - the speed of its installation. There is no need to wait for the concrete to gain strength.

How are dry screed, water-heated flooring and laminate combined?

  1. Waterproofing is laid on the floor.
  2. The floor is covered with bulk material - expanded clay screenings or simply dry sand.
  3. Profiles-beacons are set along the horizon, along which, as a rule, or simply with a straight batten.
  4. But then comes the key point. Profiled aluminum heat distribution plates are laid under the heated floor pipes. Their function, as you can easily guess from the name, is to distribute heat from the coolant pipe throughout maximum area coverings.
  5. A pipe is placed in the recesses of the plates.

Important: don’t be too lazy to go over the floor surface again after laying the pipes. There should be no bumps or depressions. Move along the bulk surface by laying a bridge - a small sheet of drywall or plywood.

  1. A tape of porous material is laid around the perimeter of the room here too. It will serve as a damper, dampening sound from shock loads.
  2. Then the floor is covered with two layers of plasterboard, plywood or OSB with the obligatory overlap of the seams. The layers are fastened with self-tapping screws at the seams in increments of 5 cm for gypsum plasterboard and 15 cm for plywood and OSB.
  3. What follows is exactly the same as in the first option. The floor warms up; the substrate and the laminate of your choice are laid sequentially under a warm water floor.

Useful little things

What should you remember if you want to combine laminate and warm water flooring?

  • If you lay a heated floor in a dry screed on the ground floor, up to 50% of the heat will go into the basement and ground.
  • Laminate flooring isn't just afraid of temperature changes. He is primarily afraid of rapid temperature changes. Warm up the floor no more than 5 degrees per day.
  • The temperature on the surface of the laminate should not exceed 27-28C.

Considering the heat distribution in the volume of the room, no more is needed


If it remains unclear to you how to choose and install laminate flooring under water-heated floors, the video at the end of the article may be useful. Good luck with the renovation!

One of the prejudices regarding laminate flooring is that it is supposedly prohibited to lay laminate flooring under a heated floor. There are other warnings that installation is possible, but only if your floor is water-based and not electric.

I would like to say right away that all these prohibitions are purely prejudices. As for the truth, it is possible to lay laminate flooring under heated floors, the main thing is to use the right approach, do everything carefully and take your time.

How and what type of laminate to install under a heated floor, and is it even possible to install it on a heated floor?

Regardless of what type of heated floors you have, it is necessary that the laminate you choose be marked with a certain icon that looks like this:

This icon means that this laminate flooring is approved for use.

Of course, laminate, like any wooden flooring, you won’t like the situation with temperature fluctuations. For this reason, after the laminate flooring has been delivered to your home, it is necessary that it remain in the very room where you plan to install it for about three days.

Laying electric heated floors under vido laminate

What is this for?

The reason is simple: the laminate gets used to and adapts to the conditions where you will later use it. During this time, based on temperature and humidity, the laminate will gain required sizes, and after you install it, there will be no contractions or expansions creating unnecessary difficulties for you.

Laminate under heated floors, important points

If the room already has heated screed floors, the following steps must be taken:

  • 1. To begin with, the screed warms up.
  • 2. After warming up, you need to turn it off 2-3 days before the laminate installation process (more precisely, turn it off just when the laminate was delivered to you).
  • 3. And do not forget that after the work is completed, the temperature of the room must remain unchanged for three days.

With the beginning of each heating season, the temperature of the heated floors themselves must be gradually increased every day (by about three), until you get a comfortable temperature for the floor covering.

The same must be done after heating season will be over, gradually lowering the temperature to 15-18 degrees. After this, you can safely turn off the thermostat and enjoy the warm summer season.

How to install laminate flooring on a heated floor

To begin with, I would like to note that the floor under the furniture may have a higher temperature, therefore, during installation, it is necessary to seal the seams more firmly.

We lay laminate flooring on heated floors in a screed

In normal mode, the laminate is laid on a substrate, which is designed to improve thermal insulation and sound insulation, for this reason the heat coming from heating element, will pass through it poorly, preventing the floor from warming up as needed. As for laying laminate flooring without a backing, in this case it will be noisy. But, of course, there is a way out of any situation.

In order for the laminate to lay well on a water-heated floor and warm up the entire floor, a thinner screed is made for the heating element. And the thinnest substrate is taken, for example 3 mm, which will later be flattened by another half a millimeter or a millimeter, which will make it even more heat conductive, while the noise insulation properties will remain. There is nothing unusual about laying laminate on a substrate - everything is standard.

We lay the laminate on film or heating mats

Since a screed is not needed in this case, you can finish the job literally in one day. When laying the heating film itself or mats under the laminate, you need to remember some features:

  1. — heating film/mats are not placed under heavy furniture;
  2. — on top of the laid films or mats, a thick polyethylene film (about 80 microns) is placed, the essence of which is to protect electrical parts in case of liquid penetration.

Choosing a laminate for a water-heated floor

Which is better to buy laminate for water-heated floors? Does this solution have significant disadvantages? How to make water-heated floors under laminate yourself? Many people ask these questions, so let’s figure it out.

First, let's define the terminology. What is a water heated floor system?

This is a system of pipes that are laid in small increments under the finishing coating and heat it up. The warm-up temperature will be slightly lower than the human body temperature. What is the essence of such a heating circuit?

  • 1. You can connect water heated floors to any boilers that have circulation pumps, even to solid fuels.
  • 2. In order to create a water heated floor, there is no need to redo the existing heating system - you will just update it with another circuit.
  • 3. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact of adjusting the temperature, or adjusting the speed of water circulation, so that the temperature of the warm water floor is in the desired mode and does not go beyond the limits.
  • 4. Another plus is that due to the fact that the heat source is located below, the air is heated throughout the entire volume.

Of course, everyone knows that the truth lies in the details. So, what is needed for a warm floor to function properly? Yes, we are talking about the good thermal conductivity of the floor covering mass surrounding the pipe. Just in order to meet this requirement, pipes of water-heated floors are usually laid in a screed.

Otherwise, the pipe will only warm up the section of the floor that passes above it, while the main part of the floor will remain cold. Among other things, the screed also performs the function of heat distribution. But here the question arises - what is the point in heating the screed if it is isolated from the room?

So the most traditional option for laying a water-heated floor is under a tiled or porcelain stoneware covering - they have good thermal conductivity. Another good option is homogeneous linoleum.

As for the question of which laminate to choose for a water-heated floor, the answer is actually quite simple. It is necessary to simply use common sense. Since laminate is made from pressed hardboard, its thermal conductivity is quite low, it serves as a heat insulator. Accordingly, the smaller the laminate boards are in thickness, the more efficient the heating will be. When talking about a higher-class laminate, you need to understand that its density is higher and the protective coating is thicker.

This is what its thermal conductivity depends on. There are other reasons why you need to purchase a higher-class laminate for your hydronic heated floors. The higher class the laminate is, the less prone it will be to drying out and changing linear dimensions depending on temperature fluctuations and humidity. The more durable and durable it will be.

In addition to the laminate you choose, you should not forget about the substrate, because a lot depends on it too. We recommend that you choose this type of laminate substrate, which will be designed specifically for underfloor heating systems and have maximum thermal conductivity.

Correctly laying laminate flooring for heated floors (water)

So, as you already know, laminate floor heating is reliable and safe. In this case, one of the advantages of a water floor is that heating the base, for example, concrete screed, is carried out evenly, which leads to an increase in the service life of the laminate. Let's look at the main points of combining a warm water floor and laminate, depending on the type of floor.

Let us immediately note that in order to ensure the required level of humidity in the screed after the water-heated floor has been laid, simply turning on the system is sufficient. Thanks to this, the concrete will be perfectly dried and heated, you just need to remember about the gradual increase in temperature. Before you start laying laminate flooring, make sure that the base is in accordance with the conditions specified by the manufacturer in the recommendations for this product. floor covering.

Features of installing laminate flooring under water-heated floors

Installation of heated floors Cement-sand screed

In order to install heated floors with your own hands in this case, you must:

— On the floor, which is already leveled to the horizon (i.e., has differences of no more than three centimeters), you need to lay expanded polystyrene (its thickness is from 2.5 to 10 cm).

— The next layer will be either polyethylene or foil penofol (the second option is preferable).

— You need to lay a reinforcing mesh on top, the cells should be no more than 1.5 cm. Thickness — 2-4 mm.

— A pipe (cross-linked polyethylene, aluminum-reinforced polypropylene or metal-plastic) must be laid on top and secured to the mesh using plastic clamps.

— It is also necessary to lay a damper tape around the entire perimeter of the room. Any flexible material is suitable for the tape.

— Then you need to fill the floor with sand-cement screed with fine screenings. As for the thickness - no more than 5-7 cm. Between the floor surface and the pipe (taking into account the thickness of the laminate) there should be no more than 3 centimeters.

— It will take three to four weeks for the floor to gain strength.

— Then the substrate is laid.

— Before you start laying laminate flooring on a warm floor, you need to warm it up to operating temperature. Just as in the case of standard laminate installation, there should be gaps at the edges (from the edge of the board to the wall), the width of such gaps should be no less than 6-8mm. To accomplish this, you can use spacers.

Installation of heated floors on a dry screed

I would like to immediately note that warm water floors under laminate, with a dry screed, are an ineffective idea in terms of heat consumption.

The only impressive advantage of this option is that installation is much faster, since there is no need to wait until the concrete becomes strong.

So how do they combine dry screed, water-heated floors and laminate? It happens like this:
— First, the waterproofing is laid on the floor

— Afterwards, the floor is covered with bulk materials (this can be expanded clay screenings or ordinary dry sand).

— You need to set beacon profiles along the horizon; with their help, you can level the floors under the laminate, using a rule or just a straight strip.

— The next step is to lay a tape of porous materials around the perimeter of the room.

— The floor needs to be covered, for this you can use two layers of drywall (optionally, plywood or OSB), the main thing is that the seams must overlap. The layers are fastened with self-tapping screws at the seams in increments of 5 cm for gypsum plasterboard and 15 cm for plywood and OSB.

— Everything else is exactly the same as in the case of cement-sand screed. The floor needs to be heated, the underlay must be laid, and then the laminate itself.

Underlay for laminate floor heating: which one is suitable for the water type and which one for the electric one?

Warm floors today are no longer a luxury item and do not surprise anyone. Heated floors can be made in various modifications, depending on how the heater is designed. The important fact is that with warm floors you can use any flooring, in particular laminate.

It is worth noting here that in this case the system “substrate under the laminate - warm floor” works. Let's see what properties a good substrate has:

  • The substrate has high waterproofing and thermal insulation qualities.
  • Has extremely high reflectivity.
  • Resistant to various temperature changes.
  • Resistant to deformation.
  • Has soundproofing properties.
  • Good vapor barrier.
  • Environmentally safe.
  • Easy to install.

Laying laminate flooring on electric heated floors

Since laminate belongs to the category of natural floor coverings, it is natural that it has all the advantages and disadvantages natural wood. This is precisely the reason why it is impossible to do without a backing when laying laminate boards on heated floors. If you don't install it, the floors will be very noisy.

If the installation of a heated floor is carried out on a self-leveling floor or on a thin screed, then you will need the thinnest substrate, its thickness should be 3 mm. As already mentioned, since other layers will put pressure on it, under their weight it will be flattened to the required 2-2.5 mm and will serve both as a good heat insulator and have high sound insulating properties.

Requirements for the substrate for water-based floors

The main condition in a heated floor system is to ensure an increased degree of heat transfer. In this case, there will be no wasted heat consumption. If the floors are based on pipes, then at a minimum, if an accident occurs, the underlay will serve as additional waterproofing.

As an option, sometimes you can use a special molded foam coating - you can easily fix the pipeline into it, and it will act as a substrate.

Most often, the typical backing base is foil, it helps to reflect heat, because this heat should not heat the ceiling of your neighbors on the lower floor. If the foil is thick enough, it can be either polymer-based (needs to be glued in a thin layer) or in its pure form. In principle, the degree of waterproofing of the heat insulator is low. You need to take care of this protection and lay a separate layer of insulating material.

No special fastening is needed for the substrate, since it is laid on the insulation. When installing water heated floors, a reinforcing screed is used, with which the substrate is pressed down.

Just 10 years ago, using laminate flooring for heated floors was out of the question. The material of those times shriveled and deformed at the slightest temperature fluctuations, cracks appeared on the surface, and seams came apart. Today everything is different. Modern laminate has become one of the most popular finishing coatings for heated floors. However, in order to avoid disappointment in using laminate flooring in conjunction with heating systems, you need to know about the main criteria for choosing this material.

Marking – “permissive” sign from the manufacturer

Not every laminate is compatible with heated floors. In the traditional version, laminated dies have high thermal insulation properties. Even if they do not warp due to temperature during operation, it is quite possible that they will heat up poorly and allow heat to pass through. To minimize these unpleasant qualities, manufacturers have developed a special technology for the production of laminated coatings, which work well in combination with heated floor systems. And they marked the improved material with markings. It can be seen in the instructions or on the packaging of the laminate. Next to the “permit” icon, the recommended temperature limit to which you can heat is also indicated. this type material. Usually it is 27-28°C.

Markings indicating the possibility of using laminate floor heating

The accompanying documentation notes and. Laminate for water heated floors is not allowed to be used as a covering for electrical systems, the same rule applies in the opposite direction. By choosing a laminate according to the rules, you can be sure that it will transmit heat well and at the same time will not overheat.

Determining thermal insulation properties

IN technical specifications laminate, a very important figure is indicated - the coefficient of thermal resistance. Pay attention to her! The higher this number, the higher the thermal insulation properties of the material. According to European EN standards, the total value of this coefficient for the final laminated coating over a heated floor should not exceed 0.15 m²*K/W. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the resistance of both the laminate and the substrate used. Let's say you purchased a laminate with a coefficient value of 0.051 m²*K/W, and a substrate with a coefficient value of 0.049 m²*K/W. Summing these two figures, you get a total calculated value of 0.1 m²*K/W, which fully complies with accepted European standards.

The resistance coefficient is directly dependent on the thickness and density of the laminate. That is, for a warm floor you need to choose a material with a lower density and a small thickness (recommended 8-10 mm). Even if the thermal resistance coefficient is slightly exceeded, the risk of overheating of both the lower surface of the laminate and the heated floor system significantly increases. Accordingly, this is fraught with damage to the floor covering and failure of the heated floor.

Laminate class depending on the room

The higher the class of laminate, the higher quality it is and the less susceptible to abrasion. When used above a heated floor, it is subjected to thermal loads and, accordingly, works in extreme conditions. Therefore, you need to select a material with high wear resistance, class 32 or 33. Typically, all brands of laminate with the appropriate marking “for underfloor heating” have the required strength class.

For heated floors, it is allowed to use laminate of classes 32, 33 and higher

Any living space can be divided into several key zones.

  • Sleeping area. This includes lounges and bedrooms.
  • Working area: office, kitchen.
  • “Transit” zone – hallway, corridor.
  • Relaxation area: bathroom, loggias.

When arranging each of them, you should know what kind of laminate flooring you need to lay.

Zone #1 - kitchen area

The kitchen in the house is a place where several people stay at the same time. A place of constant movement. The likelihood of liquid, debris, and greasy deposits getting onto the floor surface is very high. Taking these features into account, you need to choose a moisture-resistant laminate coated with a special water-repellent wax-based composition for a warm water floor in the kitchen.

It contains a “wooden” component, which is very sensitive to moisture. In this case, the joints between the panels must be hermetically sealed with a special sealant. Laminate class 32 or 33 is an option for the kitchen. Although the thermal conductivity coefficient is not very high, laying underfloor heating pipes in a sand-cement screed will ensure maximum heat transfer.

Zone #2 - bathroom (bathtub and toilet)

Very often, heated floors are installed in the bathroom and toilet. For effective use of the coating, a temperature must not exceed 29º C. To regulate it, a sensor is used that takes readings between the floor and the coating. Water heated floor is very suitable for it. Smooth heating helps eliminate thermal changes and deformation of laminate panels.

Most laminate flooring on the market today is not designed to be in constant contact with water. To do this, choose a special “aqua laminate”

Zone #3 - children's room, bedroom, hallway

For the hallway, children's room and bedroom, you can use a material with a matte surface, characterized by an antistatic and sound-absorbing effect, moisture resistance and a protective layer against fire. Various shades of wood and colors can decorate any interior.

Children's room with laminate flooring: good microclimate and children's health

For this type of premises, laminate of classes 21 and 22 is suitable. As a “warm floor”, you can use aluminum mats with heating cable. In this case, no additional cement screed is not required, and the slabs are laid directly on the floor.

By the way. A thin film floor installed on a finished screed is also suitable. This will give the rooms a feeling of comfort and prevent the children from catching colds.

Type of connection: glue or lock?

The method of connecting laminate slats can be adhesive or locking. In the first case, they are connected to each other using special glue. In the second case, using locks located at the ends of the plates. When using laminate in a heated floor system, only floating installation using locks is allowed. Glue cannot be used, since when heated from below, such a connection will most likely “lead” and the surface will be deformed.

Pay attention to the type of locks - Click or Lock. Lock locks are a conventional tongue-and-groove connection, which is sometimes also called a drive-in connection. Click – a more complex lock that snaps into place. When choosing a laminate for a warm water floor (or electric - it doesn’t matter), you can choose any type of lock. However, Click is preferable due to its higher bond strength. This will allow the floor covering, even with the drying effect of the heated floor, to avoid cracks and deformation. In addition, laminate flooring with snap locks requires less of a perfectly level base.

Laminate with Click lock can be installed in a relatively uneven surface, where there are differences of up to 3 mm per 1 running meter. For laminate flooring with Lock locks, the floor must be perfectly level

Choosing a suitable substrate

The choice of laminate for a heated floor should be inextricably linked with the choice of substrate. If it is too thick and dense, with high thermal insulation properties, then the efficiency of the heated floor will be low. You will have to increase the temperature on the thermostat and suffer significant financial losses. To prevent this from happening, choose a substrate with a thickness of 1.5-3 mm. Now many manufacturers of laminate for heated floors also produce a specialized underlay for it. For example, from extruded polystyrene with perforation (small holes), which easily transmits heat and at the same time fulfills its purpose main function– compensates for uneven floors and “supports” the laminate.

Arbiton Izo Floor Thermo underlay is intended for laminate flooring in rooms where a floor heating system is used

In the process of laying laminate flooring, you cannot do without trimming the panels. We will tell you how to do this and what tools you may need in the material: .

Laminate and heated floors - two in one

In addition to the scrupulous selection of laminate, substrate and heated floors, there is alternative option– purchase of two-in-one material. Great: you don’t have to decide which laminate is better for underfloor heating - the manufacturer will take care of this for you. The author of this innovation was the Alloc company, which released a laminated coating combined with a heated floor - Alloc Heating System. This system is a three-layer system: the heating elements are located between a sound-insulating soundproofing underlay and laminated strips of 32 or 33 grades. Aluminum Click locks guarantee excellent fixation and safety of connections during operation.

Installation of heated floors and laminate in this structure occurs simultaneously. First, the wires of the heating elements are connected, then the aluminum locks of the laminate are immediately snapped into place. The Alloc Heating System also includes a programmable thermostat. In other words, this is a completely ready-made system for creating a heated floor with a turnkey laminate finish.

The Alloc Heating System allows you to get a heated floor with a laminated finish in a matter of hours

And lastly, if you have already looked at the store suitable laminate, look for information about its manufacturer. A company with a good reputation that has proven itself in construction market, will not allow you to serially “drive away” defects. Pay close attention to this, because quality laminate over a warm floor should last you at least 15-20 years. That's why we choose it!