Lighting in a studio apartment. How to properly organize and distribute lighting in an apartment Interior for a one-room apartment with a bay window

Designer Ekaterina Malaya helped The Village figure out why lighting design is needed, what tiers and lighting scenarios are, and why, already at the electrical planning stage, you need to know exactly where your favorite figurine will stand.

Ekaterina Malaya


Even if you found “that” shade for the walls, spent money on wooden floors, brought back a Moroccan carpet from a trip and ordered furniture from the latest collection of a successful brand in Milan, the result may be disappointing. All your six-month efforts can be crossed out by one single mistake - illiterate lighting. This happens when electrical wiring is installed at random at the planning stage. And not from a lack of diligence, but simply because they haven’t yet decided where the sofa will be, how long the dining table will be, and haven’t thought about accessories at all.

Rule one

Start electrical planning when a detailed furniture arrangement plan is ready

At least this is how you will do yours new home convenient for life. Switches are usually located at a distance of 15 centimeters from the edge doorway, on the side where the door handle is: you must be sure of the door opening pattern. For overhead lights in the bedroom, I always recommend a pass-through switch to my customers so that they can turn the same overhead light on or off both at the door and at the bed. This is also convenient for long corridor, leading from the hallway to the bedrooms. But try to avoid too many switches. If on the way from front door to get to the kitchen you will have to turn on the light more than twice, then the circuit is bad: you simply will not use it to its fullest extent.

Rule two

The light should be different

The space we live in is three-dimensional, and building lighting in tiers will help emphasize depth and volume, which is impossible to do with a single light source. Designers distinguish four tiers of lighting: the top (ceiling lamps, chandeliers, built-in spotlights), the first middle ( wall lamps, sconces, floor lamps), the second middle (bedside lamps, lamps on low window sills and coffee tables) and lower (lights built into the plinth and floor, floor light sculptures).

The lower the light source, the more intimate the atmosphere it creates, and vice versa. With the overhead light on (even if it is a stunningly romantic chandelier with candles and crystal pendants), achieve the effect cozy room it is forbidden. The two lower levels of lighting are best suited for this purpose - candles in decorative fireplace or a real fire in the hearth also includes them.

Rule three

Don't insist on sconces

Wall lamps (first middle tier) are not currently used independently. 150 years ago these were candles on the wall that were easy to reach, while chandeliers were lit only on special occasions. In modern classic interiors The sconces remained by inertia, as an accessory. They turn on rarely, and always together with the chandelier. Many of my customers ask me to plan a sconce above the bed. But it's not functional. Ideal for the sleeping area is a combination of a lamp with soft diffused light on bedside table and a small lamp with a flexible leg for reading, which can be mounted on the wall or at the head. This way you will be able to see the text clearly without tiring your eyes. The sconce only illuminates the wall or the top of your head.

Rule four

Think about unusual lamps in advance

Another type of wall lamps: located at the same height as classic sconces (140-170 centimeters from the floor), they look more like a sculpture or installation and can become a central element in the interior. It is better not to put off the appearance of such objects in the apartment until the last minute. This is the very stove from which you should dance, thinking over the covering of the walls, the configuration of the furniture and even the proportions of the room. If you simply put a free cable on the wall in order to then pick up something here to illuminate a dark corner, you will be disappointed: such lamps do not produce much more light than a night light, and most likely they will look out of place.

Rule five

Avoid mistakes when planning spot lighting

Built-in, or spotlights, came to us along with the European-quality renovation. Multi-level ceiling with halogen lamps was intended to replace the bourgeois chandelier. 20 years have passed, but many of us still have no idea that we can use this tool in any other way. It is useful to know that each spotlight has a specific beam width. By placing a series of narrow beam spotlights very close to a wall, we create a rhythmic light pattern on the surface of the wall, built-in wardrobe or upholstered high headboard. In addition, this is the most effective way to emphasize an unusual texture - artificial stone, brickwork, relief tiles.

Built-in lamps can be fixed or rotating. The latter are especially useful for accent lighting of art objects or accessories. If you are going to place your grandfather's collectible sailboat on the console or mantelpiece, take care of a pair of spotlights built into the ceiling, the rays of which can be directed at the object crosswise, like spotlights on a stage. Beam width for accent lighting also plays a big role. 40–50 degrees is optimal for illuminating large paintings. Small sculptures in such a stream of light will get lost and merge with the wall; they require a narrow beam 10 degrees wide.

A common mistake is using flat surfaces for spot illumination. LED lamps. The light source must be located in the recess, otherwise it will draw attention not to the object, but to itself, and, even worse, simply blind the eyes. The same rule is true for illuminating the work surface in the kitchen, especially if the kitchen is combined with the dining room. The eyes of a person sitting at the table are below the level of the lighting mounted under the hanging kitchen cabinets. And if the lamps are not recessed into the bottom of the cabinets, the bright light hits the eyes and causes discomfort. Therefore, high-quality modern kitchens have a thickened bottom with built-in lighting. If your budget does not allow you to spend money on such a model, at the kitchen planning stage do not forget to add a special baseboard for upper cabinets and install the lighting strictly behind it.

Rule six


If the capabilities of built-in lamps are constantly used in interiors on the ceiling tier, then the lower tier is completely undeservedly ignored, while integrating a spotlight into the floor is no more difficult. Such lamps are often waterproof and equipped with diffusers. Taking into account the fact that rare repairs are done without leveling the floor, the necessary centimeters for the lamp from the ceiling to the surface flooring there will always be, and as a result you get additional volume and depth of the room. If you are the proud owner of deep window sills, build a couple of miniature spotlights into each of them near the slopes. So, firstly, you will emphasize the beauty architectural feature your apartment, and secondly, get another soft light source on the middle tier.

Rule seven

Be careful when choosing light for your bathroom

Light in the bathroom is often undeservedly left unattended. But he is capable of changing a room beyond recognition. Apply tiered lighting, integrate an LED strip into the recess in the bath screen (you will get the effect of a “floating bath”) and under the sink, frame the ledge with the lamps built into the floor wall hung toilet And doorway. Use moisture-proof bidirectional lamps in a wet area: the sheaves of light will make your mosaic on the wall sparkle.

The mirror area deserves special attention. Remember that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection, and use this rule to get the most out of your face. A common mistake is to place a wall lamp on a leg above the mirror, the bright light of which is directed downward. Your reflection in such lighting will appear 15 years older, your complexion will look lifeless, deep folds will appear on it, and bags will appear under your eyes. The same thing will happen to the face as to a textured wall, which was emphasized with built-in lamps: its relief will be greatly enhanced due to hard shadows. Choose a rotating lamp and direct the beam or use diffused circular lighting of the mirror. A good alternative would be two wall lamps on either side of the mirror: their cross light will remove unnecessary shadows.

Rule eight

Don't overdo it with light in the kitchen

It is commonly believed that there is no such thing as too much light in the kitchen. As a rule, apologists of this principle place large number light bulbs on the ceiling, creating a grid of spotlights. Nothing but harsh shadows, unnatural faces and an operating room atmosphere can be achieved this way. Meanwhile, the main thing in the kitchen is lighting working area and proper lighting of the dining table, which determines the atmosphere and duration of family dinners.

The lamp above the table must have a long suspension. If it is located above 150 centimeters from the floor, then, again, it casts shadows on faces and does not illuminate the table enough. Choose a lamp with a wide lampshade made of dense material: the ideal shape for a round and square table is a large inverted bowl. The dimensions of the table must be known in advance, otherwise you will not be able to avoid moving the lamp. A suspended ceiling in the dining area there is no room for error at all.

You can complement the lighting scheme in the kitchen with built-in lighting on the lower tier: for example, install an LED strip in the bottom of the lower cabinets or spotlights in the kitchen plinth.

Rule nine

The most important thing is lighting scenarios

Evening with family, children's birthday, house party, work from home, romantic dinner- it is obvious that in different situations you will need different lights. For large apartments and complex schemes perfect solution- installation of the system smart home", which will control not only lighting, but also sound system, electric curtains and warm floors. The lighting scenario in this case is programmable and can be changed according to your wishes.

If you need to once and for all think through the groups for switching on lighting fixtures and assign them to switches, be guided by imaginary situations. If you go to the toilet at night, you don't need bright light at all. This means that one key should turn on all the soft lighting - the lower tier, the illumination of niches, and the second key, on which the flood light is turned on, you will use while cleaning or in the morning to wake up.

The middle tier in the living room is conveniently connected to one switch. Have you ever noticed how the heroes of American films come home and turn on everything with one click? table lamps and floor lamps? This is the so-called evening lighting scenario, ideal in a situation when you have returned after a long day of work and dream of one thing - throwing yourself on the sofa. But you should not group lamps solely according to the principle of tiers. Don’t be afraid to show your imagination: for example, a soft evening scenario for a corridor may include lower lighting and an illuminated wall niche at a dead end. All this is your script and your dramaturgy.

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Organizing lighting in an apartment is one of the primary tasks that must be solved at the interior planning stage. When choosing lighting fixtures, you need to think about more than just aesthetic appeal. Remember that the level of illumination in a home directly affects the health of people, pets and even flowers.

Correct lighting

Two factors influence lighting efficiency:

  • Lamp power
  • Number of light sources

By varying the number of lamps, you can successfully reflect the light scenario of the room.

To arrange functional areas, for example, for relaxing, eating, working, playing, etc., lighting fixtures of different brightness are combined. The skillful use of light and shadow emphasizes all the advantages and hides the flaws of the room.

Living room

This room requires bright general light (200-250 W). Based on the area, the number of local sources is determined. For example, if the living room also includes workplace, then it is additionally illuminated with a table lamp.


Here it is appropriate to use a lamp with a matte shade or a short chandelier (100-150 W). Sconces (60-100 W) are placed at the head of the bed on both sides.

Opposite you can place a floor lamp or a pair of less powerful lamps (40-60 W). This combination helps create a calm environment.


If the room is small, then general lighting is not necessary. It is recommended to move the lamp closer to the dining table. LEDs can be used to additionally illuminate kitchen units.


General lighting is required. The local source can be hung above the mirror. Since this is a room with high humidity, lamps must have shades.


In this room, it is better to create lighting using multi-point lamps. They do not emit bright directional light, which avoids negative impact on vision.

Educational or computer desk equip with a table lamp. Light a place for doing handicrafts, drawing or reading with a sconce or floor lamp.

Corridor and hallway

Since these are often small and narrow rooms, the light here needs to be bright and versatile. Install lamps along the perimeter of the walls. Additionally, a mirror can be highlighted with soft natural light.

For modern lighting apartments, it is important to take into account the color rendition of sources. This will allow you to comfortably arrange all the rooms and prevent color distortion of interior items. It is optimal to use lamps with an index of Ra-100. This light allows you to display colors most accurately. The lower the value of the indicator, the worse the color rendering.

If you still haven’t decided how exactly to make lighting in your apartment, look at photos on the Internet and you’ll probably come up with ideas. Otherwise, you can hire a designer and he will solve this problem.

If problems arise with the lighting circuit, you can seek advice from a lighting engineer, he will tell you how to correctly calculate the lighting and give good advice. Remember that with the help of light you can turn an inconspicuous home into a masterpiece. Don't be afraid to experiment!

Photo of lighting in the apartment

Today, carrying out European-quality renovations in your apartment is not uncommon. But no matter what interior is chosen, without decent lighting it will not make the right impression. Considering that the presence of electrical appliances in apartments has increased significantly, the old wiring cannot cope with the load. To achieve stability and security it is necessary correct scheme apartment lighting. It is not necessary to invite specialists. If there is a desire, replacement old electrical wiring You can do it yourself.

To ensure proper distribution of light, home lighting is planned and thought through. It should not only correspond to the interior design, but also provide residents with convenience and comfort.

How to do it right

There are two types of lighting: local and general. From the names it is clear that general is used to illuminate the entire room, and local is used only in a certain area. If we talk in more detail about local lighting, it is divided into working and spot. Thus, work-type lighting is provided to illuminate the work area: the dining table in the kitchen, a place in the office, etc. Spot lighting emphasizes details: lighting of paintings, mirrors, decorative elements.

When planning the arrangement of light, you need to carefully think about what you want to achieve as a result. They focus not only on matching the interior, but also on the personal preferences of the owners.

What do you need

To arrange proper lighting, you must remember the following facts:

  • Light must be provided individually for each room. If bright light is suitable for the living room, then for the bedroom it is necessary to provide a soft light flux.
  • The layout of lamps and other light sources is based on the location of functional areas requiring lighting.
  • The correct selection of power and number of lighting fixtures will create a comfortable environment.

The most important thing is to accurately determine the location of the lamps

Lighting plan

If you approach the provision of light in an apartment according to all the rules, then initially carry out the design. The lighting scheme in the apartment is based on the design of the house itself and the rooms itself, the shape of the ceiling, finishing materials, placement of furniture. After assessing all the factors on the apartment plan drawing, you need to select the placement of light fixtures, as well as switches and sockets.

Calculation of lighting (standards and number of lamps)

To ensure proper lighting design, you need to determine what power will be optimal for a particular home. From here, an indicator is calculated such as the number of light sources and incandescent lamps needed for a certain area. According to all the rules, the light power is distributed in the following way: every 5 m2 is illuminated by a lamp with a power of 60-65 kW. Based on these indicators, it will not be difficult to correctly calculate the number of light bulbs needed for a certain room.

Let's consider an example of how many lamps are needed to illuminate a living room with an area of ​​15 m2. The table below shows different types of lamps.

Connection diagram

After the number of devices to provide light has been determined, they begin to formulate a lighting plan for the apartment. It displays the locations of lamps or lighting groups, as well as elements that are used to turn light sources on and off.

The type of switches used should also be noted. For example, you can set one-key or two-key. Sometimes, if the room has a large area, duplicate light switches are used. They are intended to regulate the same lighting fixture, but are located at different ends of the room.

Example of a lighting plan with redundant switches

The type of lighting - ceiling or wall - is also indicated on the diagram drawing. Be sure to mark on the diagram which control element the lighting point belongs to.

Circuit example

Here is an example of a light supply circuit studio apartment area of ​​about 40 m2. In accordance with the standards, no more than 8 lamps will be needed.

Lighting with devices in a one-room apartment can be done in the following way:

  • 3 spotlights on the ceiling;
  • one chandelier;
  • two sconces;
  • one floor lamp;
  • lamp for lighting a desk.

Lighting scheme in a one-room apartment

Installation of lighting in an apartment having a similar area, but consisting of two rooms, is ensured by:

  • two chandeliers;
  • 3-4 ceiling lamps;
  • table lamp;
  • two sconces and a floor lamp.

Lighting gasket

Lighting should be carried out using different types of light sources:

  • Spotlights are built into a suspended or suspended ceiling.

  • Conventional chandeliers are mounted in two ways: mounting on a hook in ceiling surface or using dowels.

Wall lamps and table lamps are also used to illuminate a certain area. Widespread received and LED strips to provide additional illumination. Depending on what types of lighting fixtures will be used, the electrical wiring diagram is selected.

On video: principles of designing lighting in an apartment.

Do-it-yourself electrical wiring: from diagram to installation

Installing electricity in a house is quite a responsible task. You can’t do without experience and certain skills. The main thing is to know the correct aspects of wiring, read and create diagrams, and have electrical installation skills. But if you wish, you can master all this and make the gasket yourself. To do this, we will present recommendations on all aspects.

Basic rules

All the rules that must be followed when wiring, as with other types construction work, covered in SNiPs and GOSTs. Regarding electrical wiring, please refer to the section “Rules for electrical installations (PUE)”. When starting work on wiring, be sure to study this section.

We will provide a basic list of rules for installing wiring in an apartment:

  • It is necessary to place the main components, such as a meter, sockets, switches, automatic machines, etc., in easily accessible places.
  • The switch placement parameters vary from 0.6 to 1.5 m from the floor level. The location should be in an easily accessible place near the door when entering the room. Wires must be laid starting from the top.

  • The installation parameters for sockets are 0.5-0.8 m from the floor level. This is due to the prevention of short circuits when the apartment is flooded. Do not place sockets near gas or electric stove, as well as near grounded objects. The distance from them should be at least 0.5 m.

  • According to the standard, the number of sockets is planned to be 1 piece per 6 m2. A larger number of them is allowed in the kitchen, as they are necessary for connecting electrical appliances. There are no sockets installed in the bathroom, and it is better to provide a separate transformer for the bathroom.
  • It is necessary to lay wires only along horizontal and vertical lines, which must be marked on the plan.

  • When laying, it is necessary to take into account the location of pipes, ceilings and other obstacles. In the case of horizontal wires, the distance should be about 10 cm, and vertical - 15 cm.
  • Be sure to ensure that the wires do not come into contact with metal objects.
  • When laying several wires, ensure a distance of at least 3 mm between them. It is also advisable to insulate the wiring in a special corrugation.

  • Special boxes should be used for routing wires. The connections are carefully insulated. Experts categorically prohibit the connection of aluminum and copper wires.

Electrical wiring design and diagram

Like any work, electrical wiring begins with design and drawing up diagrams. To create them, specialists are involved, of whom there are quite a lot in Moscow. After all, safety in the apartment, and throughout the house, depends on them. This service costs some money, but safety and peace of mind are paramount.

If you decide to do the work yourself, and have initial knowledge in the field of electricity, then you should adhere to all the rules described above. Make sure that all light loads are calculated correctly.

To draw up a project and diagrams, you need to start with mastering symbols. Their decoding is given below in the photo.

They begin the project by creating an apartment plan, which marks all the lighting points, the location of switches and sockets. Next, taking into account all the rules, the lines for laying the conductors are drawn. In order for the wiring diagram to be practical, the location of the devices is thought out in advance.

At the next stage of drawing up the diagram, the connection to the connection point is thought out. This point requires more detailed consideration. This is due different types connections: parallel, serial or mixed. The latter method is the most economical in terms of material use and operational efficiency.

To facilitate the process, connection points are divided into groups:

  • lighting layout for the kitchen, corridor and living rooms;
  • ensuring illumination of the bathroom and bathroom;
  • arrangement of sockets in the residential area;
  • electricity supply for the kitchen;
  • installation of sockets for electric stoves.

This is one example of grouping for a wiring diagram. The bottom line is that the more carefully thought out the groups are, the more economical the costs of materials will be, and simpler drawing schemes. The dimensions of the apartment also matter. In a one-room room, design is carried out in one way, and in a room with a large area - with the addition of elements.

The next important point is load calculation. It must be indicated in the project. Calculations are made using the formula I=P/U. It uses the values ​​P - the sum of the powers of all devices that are planned to be used, U - an indicator of the voltage in the network.

An example of voltage calculation: electric kettle - 2.2 kW, lighting for 10 light bulbs with a power of 100 W, power of the refrigerator and microwave in total 1.4 W. In apartments, the current strength is traditionally 220 Volts. After calculations we get: (2200+1000+1400):220=20.1 A.

There are some minor assumptions. You can add a little to the calculated load. But, according to the standard, it is required not to exceed 25 A. Having calculated the load, they begin to purchase necessary materials, based on the result. To make your choice easier, the table below shows the main parameters of the wire and cable.

Electrical wiring installation

Important! Carrying out installation new wiring, initially dismantle the old one. In this case, it is necessary to use a voltage tester.

Drawing the diagram and preparing channels

All work begins with transferring the drawing directly to the walls. Prepare the surface according to the following algorithm:

1. According to the plan, mark with a marker the right places passing the wiring. Then mark the installation locations of the elements: sockets, panels, machines, etc. Everything is marked out according to plan.

2. Using a drill with a “crown” attachment, holes are made for boxes for them at the locations of sockets and switches.

3. Using a hammer drill, grooves are made. You can also use a turbine for this. The groove must be of a certain size so that the wire fits easily into it.

After the surface is ready, wires are brought into the space from the corner side. To do this you need to make a hole in the wall. It is best if it is placed in the corner of the room.

Installation of open wiring

At the initial stage, the shield is installed at a certain height. An RCD is placed directly into the shield. By quantity they are determined according to lighting groups. The structure of the shield looks like this: terminals for neutral wires are located at the top, and grounding terminals at the bottom. Between them there are machine guns.

The connection in the panel device is carried out in the following way: blue wire to the neutral terminal, white wire to the RCD in its upper part, yellow wires to the ground terminals. The connections of the machines are made in parallel.

For an open type of installation, first fasten along the marked lines of the box. Fastening is carried out using dowels with self-tapping screws. The extreme ones are arranged at a distance of about 5-7 cm, and then they adhere to a step of 0.5 m.

Important! When installing open-type wiring, there is no need to prepare holes for sockets and switches. They use products that are hung on the plane of the wall.

All wires along marked lines are placed in boxes and led to distribution boxes. Connections are made directly there. This can be done by tightly twisting, after which the wires must be carefully insulated.

Installation of hidden wiring

Hidden electrical wiring is installed a little easier in terms of the amount of work. According to the principle of connection, it differs from the open type only in that it is placed inside the walls, in a groove prepared in advance. Before placing the wires in the groove, boxes for switches and sockets are installed. They are fixed using alabaster. When the material has hardened, electrical wires are inserted into them and, according to the plan, they are led in the groove to the distribution boxes.

After all the sockets and switches are installed, the lighting fixtures are connected, and the wires in the boxes are connected, you need to check the correctness of the connection. To prevent mistakes, connections are “ringed” special device for electrical testing.

On video: TOP 10 electrical wiring rules.

Which wire to use

Cables for providing electricity in an apartment must be selected according to certain criteria. It is advisable not to change anything at your own discretion, since the safe operation of the system depends on this.

Material and design

The materials used to make wires come in two varieties: aluminum and copper. Aluminum ones are inexpensive, but copper ones are much more reliable and can provide high-quality operation.

According to their structure, wires are divided into single-core and multi-core. In the first case, the material is covered with an insulating sheath. The characteristics of single conductors include: they are cheap, easy to install, and have a high degree of rigidity. The latter property leads to frequent fractures of the conductor.

Craftsmen prefer to work with stranded wires. They have good resistance to twisting and bending. If the circuit involves a sharp turn, then you can be sure that the conductor will not break.

Cable cross-section for wiring in an apartment

Cable cross-section is one of the important characteristics. Its indicator directly determines whether the conductor can withstand the applied voltage. Measured in square millimeters. Thus, in aluminum conductors with a core cross-section of 1 mm 2, a voltage of 8 A can be withstood. With regard to copper products, 1 mm 2 can pass 10 A.

The choice of conductor cross-section must be carried out under load. It is not allowed to use wires whose cross-section is smaller than the intended load.

Core insulation thickness

Any conductor has insulation. To ensure this, they use plastic materials. The thickness of the core insulating layer is determined by the articles regulatory documents. For example, for a conductor designed for a load of 660 V, with a cross-section of 1.5-2.5 mm 2, the insulation thickness is 0.6 mm.

Shell thickness

The next point to pay attention to is the outer sheath of the cable. It is she who closes several wires of the conductor. Similar to core insulation, plastic materials are used for external insulation, but its thickness is much greater. Mostly 1.4-1.8 mm. Take into account the fact that there are permissible deviations.


On any cable there are signs called markings. It allows you to better read information about the characteristics of the product:

  • The first letter indicates the material from which the outer shell of the product is made.
  • The following letters can indicate properties such as the degree of tightness, flammability of the insulating layer, the presence of steel strips in the insulation, flatness or flexibility.
  • The material from which the conductor is made is marked only on aluminum cables with the letter “A”. On copper products the letter of the material is not indicated.
  • Additionally, you can read information about the manufacturer and date of manufacture.

Core colors

The core insulation can be of a single color, or sometimes it can be applied in a 1 mm thick strip along the entire length of the product.

The color of the core insulation characterizes the purpose of the conductor:

  • the first is the phase, this is red, brown and white insulation;
  • second – zero, blue;
  • the third is grounding, green or green-yellow.

The process of planning lighting in a home is quite a responsible one. But if the goal is achieved with all compliance with the rules, then this will lead to an amazing result. The right light in the interior enhances the effect several times. Consumer impressions are assessed from comments found on the Internet.

How to choose cables and circuit breakers for an apartment (1 video)

Correct lighting in a residential area is important point providing comfort and aesthetic perception of the interior. Light is given special attention when designing a studio apartment. Lighting plays a very significant role in interior design.

Particular attention must be paid to creating light in a small room. Proper lighting visually expands the space.

Please note. If the lighting is poor, the room looks dim and dull, precious space is lost, colors are distorted (sky blue turns into dirty gray).

  • Pendant lighting fixtures are most often used above the dining area.
  • Lamps located high under the ceiling are best used in the corridor or hallway.

Lighting for a studio apartment is based on the principle of promoting zoning. Combination natural light with the general one ensures the effectiveness of other methods of zoning a room.

The rather complex concept of “lighting design” unites three interrelated disciplines:

  • General design forms a physiologically based background where everything else is located.
  • It also reflects the views of its inhabitants, individual styles(modern, high-tech) are not realized without suitable lighting (the interior loses all expressiveness).
  • Lighting design reflects the individuality of the owner, it is plastic (easy to replace or move).

This division arose naturally. Serious project lighting contains all three elements. Elements of lighting architecture with interior lighting design are consecrated to reflect the solution to the general lighting problem.

Types of lighting

Types of lighting decor work with types of lighting:

  • Ordinary, natural.
  • Setting the background.
  • Regular local.
  • Designed for the work area.
  • Decorative design.

Natural light

Let's take a closer look:

  • When passing through glass, it should not be too hard, sharp or overly directed.
  • The scattering light is softened with the help of translucent or openwork barriers, for example, from tulle.
  • This ability has always been actively used to optimize natural light.

Please note. Today, vertical fabric blinds are a means of directing light. They reduce the hardness of light (diffraction) even when their panels are directed parallel to the rays.

  • Rotated panels diffusely reflect the flow in a certain direction.

If the blinds are pulled back, then the intercepted part of the light can illuminate a dark corner. There are “smart” blinds that can automatically maintain optimal mode room illumination.

Other types of lighting

Varieties Functions Solutions
Basic (main, background). Evenly fills the room with the most neutral light. Created by placing:

· Built-in ceiling lights.

· Sconces and floor lamps.

These lamps provide warm, natural, diffused light that is reflected from the walls and ceiling.

Halogen lamps cannot be used.

Working. Targeted and brightly illuminates a specific area.

It is necessary to ensure comfortable work and maintain health.

Provided by installation:

· Table lamps.

· Pendant lamps.

· Floor lamps.

Accent (spot, local). Highlights individual objects in a room. Used to draw attention to decorative elements (paintings, photographs, sculptures). This lighting gives the room dynamism. It is actively used to provide a cozy and comfortable atmosphere. Hidden lamps, spotlights, wall sconces are placed, the light from which falls on a specific object.
Decorative. It is a decorative element. It is not mandatory, but serves to create the general mood in the room. Are located decorative candles, lamps.

It is necessary to provide a shadow-free, filling background; deep shadows create psychological discomfort. In practice, it is enough to achieve openwork and penumbra.

Local lighting

Working lighting should be oriented towards the eye, so its brightness and spectrum are determined based on physiological requirements. It is especially needed in the kitchen area, where lamps (lighting built into wall cabinets) should be placed above:

  • Stove.
  • Washing.
  • Working surface.
  • In the hallway, bathroom, where a mirror is usually placed.
  • In the dining room, above the table to create a comfortable atmosphere.
  • Above the chair (sofa) to make it convenient to read or make something.
  • In the office (office area).
  • In the children's room, at the work (writing, computer) desk.

Please note. Decorative lighting (ceiling lighting) can be used everywhere, but it should not harm health.

Backlighting is an informal type of lighting that is opaque when viewed from the outside. In addition, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the material (How to furnish a studio apartment).

Artificial light

When creating lighting, you must follow the general rules:

  • Bright small apartments should be illuminated evenly.
  • Studio apartments decorated in dark colors It is best to zone using lamps.
  • Working white light is mandatory.
  • For colored objects and local lighting, it is recommended to use white light.
  • Accent lighting in a studio apartment of white objects can be done with colored light.

Good afternoon. Please help me plan lighting in a one-room apartment. We will not zone the room with partitions, in the kitchen rough plan I threw it in, there will be a wardrobe in the corridor almost to the door to the room. After negotiations with stretch ceiling installers, I am confused by the large number of spotlights offered. Please advise or share your experience.

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Good afternoon)

By lighting.

There should be in the kitchen general light

There must be work light

If desired, you can add decorative light

2 answers

Good afternoon)

It’s better to sketch out a plan in any simple program, taking into account the dimensions. Some Planner 5D. Otherwise, now you have a dining table of 40x60 cm. As a result, it may happen that the passages will be too narrow and inconvenient.

By lighting.

There should be in the kitchen general light: chandelier or ceiling lamp. If you have 2 zones, then you can make a lamp for each zone.

There must be work light over work surface kitchen set.

If desired, you can add decorative light in the form of a sconce above dining table and a sconce over the sofa.

It's the same in the bedroom. General light (chandelier) + bedside lamps + closet lighting + table lamp on the chest of drawers + floor lamp by the chair.

In the bathroom: general light + good lighting above the mirror (or a mirror with built-in lighting). In the bathroom, all the lights can be turned on with one switch - this is convenient.

Helpful answer? Yes 1 / No

Are you considering the option of moving the door to the room opposite the toilet, and then the dressing room will be even more spacious, and the room can be cleared of cabinets.

The entrance to the dressing room can be made through a closet (in which things used in daily use are stored), as in this blog:

Helpful answer? Not really

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