What do the bumps on the palm tell you? Definition of Apollo's Hill. Upper Hill of Mars

Palmistry is a very mysterious science that reveals to a person the hidden veil of what awaits him in the near future. Lumps on the palm are small-sized elevations that exist under each finger; they determine the aspirations and abilities inherent in a particular person. In palmistry they began to be named after the planets, and the actual ones in some sense correspond to their characteristics. The hillocks have different manifestations, so the degree of significance of the hills also varies.

Palmists identified eight central and five indirect bulges. How and where they are located can be seen in the photographs, but the meaning is best deciphered together with a specialist in this field.

Main types

The main signs are located at the base of the fingers and on the side surfaces of the hand, and additional ones are located in the center and at the wrist. They are all separated by fields. But not everyone can clearly see the secondary figures. Some inexperienced or irresponsible palmists simply overlook them, claiming that they do not contain important information. But these hillocks have a fairly strong influence on the course and changes in life.


  1. Venus.
  2. Small and Large Hill of Mars.
  3. Jupiter.
  4. Apollo (Sun).
  5. Saturn.
  6. Mercury.
  7. tubercle of the Moon.


  1. Mount Ketu is located between Venus and the Moon.
  2. Between Saturn and Jupiter is Pluto.
  3. On the side of the thumb on the wrist - Neptune.
  4. In the lower corner of the inner part of the plain of Mars is the hillock of Rahu.
  5. In the upper corner of the outer part of the plain of Mars is the hill of Uranus.

The hills that are on the human palm have different contours, sizes and even shades, some also differ in certain signs. The dominant role is given to the most pronounced tubercle. After all, based on it, palmists make predictions.

Characteristics of the main tubercles

Venus Hall is located at the base of the thumb. It characterizes human emotions and sensuality. If there are a lot of lines on it, then this shows that the person is very sensual, therefore he often finds himself in all sorts of situations during which he is simply torn apart by passion. Such people do not give preference to sublime feelings, but to more down-to-earth – carnal love, so they quickly change partners. If the tubercle is smooth, then this person is cold and resistant to stressful situations. A convex and wide hill is a sign of tolerance and generosity. A flat and poorly developed tubercle shows a reserved and slightly naive person.

The large and small mounds of Mars perfectly complement each other. If the surface is smooth, then this can only indicate composure, self-control and unique inner strength. The presence of lines predicts that this is a person with an explosive temperament who does not always cope with the emotions that wash over him.

The lesser hill is located between the index finger and thumb. Small and a little flat, inherent in personalities that avoid risky moments. Solid - these are determined individuals who love risk but, despite this, they try to think through all the moments and consequences. A convex and wide tubercle is a pronounced choleric person, who is often aggressive and even cruel at some points. And if Mars begins to approach Jupiter, then it endows the individual with the ability to mobilize and gather in the shortest possible time. But on the other hand, people begin to spend energy incorrectly, so they very quickly burn out and lose interest.

Upper (Great) Mount of Mars. It determines the hidden reserves in a person, which is why such a person is often called passive. If there is a small and not very pronounced bump on the palm, then such people difficult situations They occupy a mainly defensive position, therefore they do not like risky moments, and experience an energy deficit. A large and convex hill is of particular importance, since it indicates that the palmist is facing a brave and strong-willed person who does not give in to difficulties. If the Mount of Mars is close to the Moon, it endows the owner with excellent intuitive thinking and the ability to foretell future events.

Character Traits:

  • aggressiveness,
  • swiftness,
  • determination,
  • self-control
  • authority,
  • ability to resist,
  • courage.

Sunny hill on the hand - deciphered in a creative direction. The Mount of Apollo is located under the fourth (ring) finger. The presence of lines on it symbolizes the presence of talent. If they are crossed out, this shows that there is an object, situation or person that does not allow normal development. A smooth surface in palmistry indicates a measured and calm life, on the one hand this is a good meaning, but not everyone is seduced by a life without recognition and special joys.

If the Sun approaches Saturn, then this is a characteristic of a strong personality, who is endowed with special perseverance and the desire to achieve the best.

Success comes at a later age. If Apollo moves towards Mercury, then the owner has the ability to quickly establish contacts; in the future, this person may engage in business or trade.

This hillock bears the name of the dominant god of the Roman pantheon - Jupiter. Normal development is a sign of a comprehensively developed person who will experience success, a good family and happiness. If it is flat and small in size, then the owner can be considered going with the flow, not ambitious, since all his aspirations are base and the simplest and most primitive. Wide is a sign of generosity, but also wastefulness. It is characteristic of honest people who try to realize their own ambitions as much as possible. This person wants to be the first everywhere.

Lumps on the palm in mythology

In ancient mythology, this character was considered the patron of robbers, trade and was a liaison. Therefore, he was endowed with incredible intelligence and a good dose of cunning. If there is a wide mound on the palm, without any bulges, then this is evidence that the fortuneteller has the talent of a financier. If the hill is a little underdeveloped, then it makes people unable to take other people's opinions into account. They have a poorly developed sense of humor, they constantly analyze and comprehend what is happening.

Those who have a wide ridge on their palm think outside the box, are inventive, and have a particularly critical mind. These are straightforward, caustic individuals who make controversial conclusions. If Mercury has shifted towards the Sun, then this is a sign of strong character and high intellectual abilities.

Sciences like palmistry cannot be called exact. The lines and bumps on the hands have their own characteristics and meanings, which can only be deciphered by a specialist in this field. The hills on the palm differ in size, shape, and hardness. All these parameters, as well as additional signs on them, directly affect the result of fortune telling.

Features of hills in palmistry

There are bumps on the palms under each finger and on the sides different sizes, which are also called hills. All of them are named after the planets of the solar system and have their own characteristics, they are similar to the properties of celestial bodies. They differ in size and degree of expressiveness.

These parameters are individual for all people. Only a professional palmist is able to correctly determine a person’s inclinations and abilities and their significance in life based on the hillocks. You need to see the palms in person; their decoding from photographs may be erroneous.

If each tubercle is in its proper place, they are all of normal size, this indicates that the person is a harmoniously developed personality, balanced, talented, and his personal qualities and character traits are balanced. If any tubercles are absent or very prominent, some deviations in one direction or another are observed. To find out how they affect life, you need to explain their meaning.

People's hills may even differ in contours and colors. Sometimes you can see them different signs. If they are too high, then this indicates negative character traits. Lumps are smaller than normal - a person is deprived of some abilities. Hills of medium size and density are ideal.

Types of mounds

There are 8 main and 5 additional hills on the palms. They are all connected to each other by clear or barely noticeable lines. The main tubercles are located under the fingers and on the sides of the palm. Absolutely every person has them. Hills in palmistry are named after planets:

  • Jupiter;
  • Saturn;
  • Sun;
  • Mercury;
  • Venus;
  • Moon;
  • Mars (there are small and large hills of Mars).

Additional tubercles are located near the wrist and in the center inside brushes Not all people have them, but just like the main ones, they are capable of influencing fate. These include hills named after the planets Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, and also after the opposite celestial bodies in Indian astrology Rahu and Ketu.

The Mount of Neptune is located on the wrist, on the thumb side. The Mount of Uranus is located in the upper outer corner plains of Mars. The mount of Pluto can be found between the lower edges of the mounts of Jupiter and Saturn. The mount of Rahu is located in the lower inner corner plains of Mars. And the Mount of Ketu can be found between the Mounts of the Moon and Venus.

Hill of Jupiter

The Mount of Jupiter is located under the index finger. It is separated from the Mount of Venus by the line of life, in some by the lines of the head and heart. Depending on the degree of expression, this elevation indicates different qualities:

  • strongly expressed hill - ambition, vanity, desire to get as much as possible from life, tendency to gluttony, disrespect for others;
  • tubercle of medium expressiveness - honesty, ambition, decency, good character, religiosity;
  • a barely noticeable hill - laziness, selfishness, egocentrism, passivity, spiritual callousness, intemperance, atheism, lack of ambition, inability to be a leader, reluctance to try to change something in your life, but there are very few people with this form.

A person’s character traits also depend on the shape of the hills:

  • wide and convex - generosity, active manifestation of one’s feelings, moderate ambition, a tendency to recklessly waste time and money;
  • wide and medium-convex - ambition, egocentrism combined with naivety, the desire to satisfy one’s desires by any means;
  • broad and firm - active manifestation of feelings, the desire to lead everyone, ambition, the desire to be the first in everything, generosity;
  • middle latitude - inability to renounce, lack of nobility, weak cheerfulness;
  • narrow - lack of strength, not ready to make sacrifices for the sake of others and give up personal benefits.

If the Mount of Jupiter is located next to the Mount of Saturn or is in contact with it, this indicates that the person is brave, honest, capable, with an ambitious character, knows how to control himself, and is ready to interact with other people.

Harmoniously developed hill

If this hillock is harmoniously developed, it is moderately convex, then we have a born leader with healthy ambitions, comprehensively developed, able to express himself and think sensibly in any situation. He is honest, decent, fair, noble, proud, has a sense of dignity and strong convictions, and is respected by others.

Usually those who have such exaltation of Jupiter in the palm are religious, love life and love nature. They are destined for a long and happy life, strong marriage, good families, they do what they love and succeed in it, occupying leadership positions.

The Mount of Saturn is located under the middle finger. The line of fate begins from him. If there are no other stripes on it, then the person will be happy and successful. But if there are many small lines on this hillock, then a person’s life will be quite difficult. A harmoniously developed Mount of Saturn speaks of a quiet, calm and monotonous life without ups and downs.

With its help, you can accurately determine your character and abilities. Depending on the shape and severity of the hill, the personality characteristics depend:

  • wide and convex - rigidity and severity, self-organization, self-control, strong beliefs, unwillingness to make concessions, contempt for weaknesses, composure;
  • wide and medium-convex - weak pliability, antagonistic nature, strict moral principles, unwillingness to change, generalized concepts;
  • flat and weakly expressed - pedantry, self-organization, rigor and strength of character, seriousness, pessimism, sedentarism, dependence on habits;
  • strongly expressed - courage, independence, predisposition to loneliness, pedantry, scrupulousness, patience, consistency, sometimes isolation, melancholy, suicidal tendencies.

If the Mount of Saturn is slightly shifted towards the Mount of Jupiter, then the person can be considered rational, thoughtful, and a realist. Usually such people have a strong character and great intelligence. They quickly learn about life, gaining experience, giving the necessary and useful tips. And the displacement of the Mount of Saturn to the Mount of the Sun speaks of irresistible willpower, self-confidence and high ambitions.

If there is the Mount of Saturn on the palm standard size, then the person is serious, sensible, reasonable and diligent, with good self-control. Usually people with such a palm are truly happy. And if this elevation is greater than the norm, then the person is a loner.

Impact on humans

Palmists are convinced that fate and well-being largely depend on the Mount of Saturn. They believe that a flat hillock foreshadows unfavorable life circumstances: problems, losses and severe shocks. He bestows bad habits, a tendency to depression and negative thoughts. Such individuals can quickly lose interest in life.

But the harmoniously developed Mount of Saturn speaks only of good qualities: wisdom, self-control, sanity, independence. People with such palms are always careful, know how to concentrate on the right thing, and therefore achieve success in life.

Hill of the Sun

The sunny hill or hill of Apollo is located under ring finger. It characterizes the will and creative abilities of a person. If a line passes through it, then the carrier is talented. If it intersects with other lines, then something is preventing the gift from revealing itself.

Palmists say that the Sun is able to influence the destinies of people and shape their personal qualities. Many owners of palms with a harmoniously developed Mount of Apollo were distinguished by genius, generosity, condescension, self-control and the ability to control the situation. Such people strive to become famous and gain universal recognition.

Here are the character traits a person has, depending on the shape and degree of expressiveness of the Mount of the Sun:

  • wide and convex - self-confidence, love of life and pleasures, pride, ambition, desire for material well-being;
  • wide and medium-convex - generosity, easy-going character, creative abilities, active life;
  • flat and weakly expressed - modesty, self-doubt, weak-willedness, cowardice, indifference to life's pleasures, lack of perseverance;
  • well expressed - high intelligence, love of art and literature, desire for beauty;
  • too pronounced - extravagance combined with a passion for enrichment;
  • the absence of a hill means callousness and poverty of the soul.

If the Solar Mount is shifted to the right side, then the bearer is distinguished by common sense, sociability, the ability to get along with people, and a penchant for trading activities; to the left, the person can be described as ambitious, independent, self-disciplined and uncompromising. People with such a displacement of the Mount of Saturn have a strong character, do not change their beliefs and achieve success in adulthood, making maximum efforts.

The normal size of the hill indicates that a person will have easy and good life, he has a good sense of taste. A large bulge indicates an extravagant character. If the hill is poorly developed, then this person is not interested in art or culture.

The Mount of Mercury is located under the little finger. It testifies to a person’s intelligence, his thirst for knowledge, the ability to write and speak competently, oratory skills, openness and sociability, the ability to establish contacts, as well as a penchant for mental work.

The shape of the mound indicates the presence of the following human qualities:

  • wide and convex - subtle mind, flexibility of character, ingenuity, originality, a penchant for mental work, provocativeness, mockery;
  • wide and medium-convex - poise, a penchant for learning and trading, a good sense of humor;
  • flat and weakly expressed - slowness of thoughts and actions, egocentrism, weak sense of humor, irrationality, obsession with ideas.

If the Mount of Mercury is close to the Solar Mount, the person has a strong personality, has high intelligence, he is able to easily build a career and achieve success in various fields to which Mercury is favorable. A good mindset allows such people to predict and analyze different situations, solve problems and difficult problems, put forward new theories.


If the Mount of Mercury is harmoniously developed, then it endows a person with dexterity, high intelligence and efficiency, eloquence, ingenuity, commercial skills, the ability to quickly think and act, and sometimes a penchant for science. If the tubercle is weakly expressed, then all these qualities are absent.

Mercury indicates a tendency towards fraud and theft. If it is clearly expressed, there are perpendicular lines on it, forming a cross or a lattice, then the person is a liar or a fraudster. This may also foreshadow imprisonment. If on a given elevation there are one or more small lines that can form a triangle, wealth and success in business await the person.

The Mount of Venus is located at the base of the thumb. This is an indicator of sensuality, emotionality and love relationship. It combines ideal, physical and sensual love. If the upper part of the hill, which is located closer to the fingers, is more developed, then the person prefers perfect love. If bottom part the most developed, for a person feelings come first. And harmonious development speaks of a creative nature.

Depending on the form of this elevation, the following personal qualities are distinguished:

  • wide and convex, but not hard - emotionality, impressionability, tendency to humility, weakness of will, desire to satisfy needs;
  • wide, convex and hard - passion, possessiveness, impulsiveness, desire to satisfy sexual desires;
  • wide and slightly convex - variability of feelings, inconstancy, infidelity, lack of thoughts about the future;
  • flat and weakly expressed - restraint in feelings, vulnerability, naivety.

If the mound is even and smooth, this means that the person is resistant to stress, impeccable and indifferent. If there are many lines on it, then the bearer is a sensual, passionate person, prone to unstable relationships and prefers carnal pleasures to love feelings. If the Mount of Venus is harmoniously developed, a person acquires such qualities as nobility, tenderness, sophistication, and grace. He needs sensual love and approval from the people around him.

Hill of the Moon

The Mount of the Moon is located opposite the Mount of Venus under the large Mount of Mars. It indicates sensuality, receptivity, tenderness and romanticism. On right hand it reflects past emotional experiences, and on the left - hidden, troubling problems, secret thoughts and feelings.

The relationship between the shape of the mound and personal qualities:

  • wide and convex right palm- soft and flexible character, sincerity, benevolence, sensitivity, need for romance;
  • wide and convex on the left palm - need for support, increased anxiety, short temper, infantilism;
  • not very wide, but convex and firm on the right hand - enthusiasm, developed imagination and intuition; on the left - rich inner world, tendency to self-deception and despondency;
  • flat and weakly expressed on the right palm - reluctance to show feelings, softness and weakness; on the left - pacification of feelings and emotions, callousness, inability to be generous.

In palmistry, a smooth lunar mount indicates a calm character and an inability to fantasize. If there are one or more lines on it, the person has the ability to predict the future. And if there are a lot of them, then the person has a wild imagination.

A person has two hills of Mars on each palm: small and large. They have different meanings and features, but harmoniously complement each other. These hills in the science of Palmistry are also called upper and lower. The first is located between the hills of Mercury and the Moon, symbolizing the mental state of a person. And the second is located between the hills of Jupiter and Venus, that is, between the thumb and index finger, it indicates physical abilities.

These palm hills define such human qualities as courage, self-control, self-confidence, morality, rationality, perseverance, authority. If both eminences are smooth, the person has a strong character, composure and self-control. If there are lines on them, the person has an explosive character and is a hot, groovy nature.

Lower (small) hill

Depending on the form of this elevation, a person is determined by the following qualities:

  • a wide and convex mound - energy, rudeness and cruelty, beautiful appearance;
  • flat and weakly expressed - indecision, unwillingness to take risks;
  • hard - courage, desire to take risks, effectiveness of actions.

If the minor mount of Mars is shifted to the base index finger, then a person can be a good entrepreneur, he is able to work hard, but wastes his energy inappropriately. And if the tubercle is close to the thumb, passion bubbles up inside the person, he is very emotional and is guided by feelings in everything.

Upper (large) hill

The different shapes of the great mount of Mars indicate the following features:

  • wide and convex - a lot vital energy, courage, strong character;
  • flat and weakly expressed - little vital energy, a tendency to defend rather than attack, reluctance to be responsible for anything;
  • hard - many opportunities, inability to rationally use one’s strengths.

If the upper hill of Mars is close to Mercury, a person is always guided by his mind, he has high intelligence and mature thinking, he strives to learn new things. If this hill is located next to the Moon Hill, then the person is able to predict the future, he also has empathic abilities.


In palmistry, each elevation and line has a special meaning.

It is difficult for a common person to interpret them without the help of a specialist. Hills on the palms not only indicate certain human qualities, but can also predict fate.

Have you ever looked carefully at your own palms? Once you begin to closely examine your hands, you will discover many things that you did not notice before. For example, you will notice that some tubercles stand out very much compared to others. It is possible that some parts of the surface of the palm will be flat, while others will be raised. External side The palms can be rounded towards the wrist, connected straight or transition smoothly. Have you ever noticed this before? And if you noticed, did you ever think about what it means?

Extend your arm to eye level, palm facing the ceiling. Now bend your hand slightly and look at it from the wrist to the tips of the nails. In this position, you will clearly see the small “pads” on your palms. They are called tubercles and their number can reach nine. Don't worry if you have fewer of them - often some will grow together. You can count only five, or even less, bumps. Experts consider them places of concentration of energy, which, depending on their location on the palm, can tell us about our interests, weaknesses and strengths personality, about how we use our talents. If you mentally divide your palm into sections, you will find that each section reflects some aspect of our life.

One section talks about the state of our health, the other about our feelings, the rest will tell you whether we can be called brave, whether we are interested in science and art, and so on. If any hillock is larger than others, it means that the abilities “hidden under it” are more developed in you, or you have special energy. If the tubercle is flat, it means that you have little interest in the area that this segment of the palm represents. By the largest bump on your palm you will understand in which area your talents lie. Accordingly, the smallest tubercle will tell you what you are missing, what you need to pay attention to and work on yourself.

However, this must be approached with the greatest caution. When comparing the bumps on your palms, remember that the bump at the base of the thumb is almost always taller than the rest! He can only be considered truly big if others appear dwarfed next to him. With the help of the illustration you will be able to determine what each of the hillocks means.

Nine hillocks

  1. Hillock Jupiter located directly under the index finger. He talks about self-confidence. If it is big, it means that you are a completely mature person and can cope with any situations. If it is too big, then you have the makings of a boss! And vice versa, if it is flat and inconspicuous, then you are not confident in yourself, and a career as a boss is not for you. In this case, look at which tubercles on your hand are better developed - look for your talents there, but if it stands out strongly, it characterizes a shy and complex person.
  2. Hillock Apollo located under the ring finger. People with a bump in the form of a round pad can be congratulated: they are creative people. A flat mound indicates that the person is not interested in art; a too large mound indicates a person with conceit.
  3. Hillock Saturn located under the middle finger. It defines a sense of responsibility. Of all the hillocks, it is the least developed. Usually it is barely visible.
  4. Hillock Mercury located under the little finger. It represents different aspects of character: sociability, interest in science or money. If it's big, it means you're a friendly person and like to talk to other people, but if it's very big, then you're just a talker! Often people with a flat mount of Mercury lack a sense of humor.
  5. Hillock Upper Mars lies directly under the Mount of Mercury. The clearly visible mount of Upper Mars reveals people with a strong will who do not give up easily. These are highly moral people, they have strong beliefs that they are always ready to defend. People with a poorly developed tubercle are more easily influenced by others.
  6. Hillock Lower Mars located above the junction of the thumb and palm. This segment characterizes physical health and courage. A person with a large bump is brave, a person with a small one is timid. If the area is loose and the mound rises high, then you have an aggressive person in front of you. He needs to engage in sports or physical work to expend excess energy, and not spread his aggression to others.
  7. Hillock Venus located under the tubercle of Inferior Mars at the base of the thumb. Usually this is a fairly large, swollen area. Well developed and elastic, it speaks of human health. The owner of such a mound is usually a very energetic person and quickly recovers from illness. A loose mound characterizes a lazy person; pale and expressionless can mean poor health, as well as arrogance and selfishness. But if the mound is very large, then it betrays a passionate nature, ready to achieve its goal at any cost.
  8. Hillock Neptune located at the base of the palm. Usually it is underdeveloped, but if it exists, it means that this is a sociable person who knows how to get along with others.
  9. Hillock Moon located at the base of the palm opposite the thumb. It speaks of ingenuity, sensitivity and intuition. If he stands out too much, he reveals a narrow-minded personality, flighty and capricious; a flat surface reflects a lack of imagination. We will find a round and elastic mound on the hand of a writer, a lover of music and poetry. Sometimes there is a very interesting shape of this mound, when it seems to hang over the wrist - this means that its owner has an exceptional sense of rhythm and dances beautifully. Very often this type of bump occurs in models who move with amazing grace and rhythm.

Exists large number ways to obtain data about a person and his fate, having a minimum of information. One of the methods is palmistry, which has existed for many centuries. She gathers information about a person’s life by deciphering the signs on her hand. When fortune telling, not only the lines are important, but also the hills on the palm. Only a comprehensive analysis will help make an accurate prediction.

General rules for fortune telling by hand

Palmistry originated many centuries ago. This is not an academic science, but a teaching based on the fact that patterns on the palm carry deep meaning. Palmistry terms are borrowed from astrology and astronomy. The most striking example is the naming of hills by analogy with planets solar system, which bear the names of ancient gods. The description of the hills is associated with their characters reflected in mythology.

Everyone's hands are different. Not only the presence of lines, bumps, their length, color carry meaning, but also their absence. For palmists, there are no trifles; they pay attention to the structure and color of the skin, the shape of the fingers and nails.

According to the rules available in palmistry, for research you need to take the active hand - the one that is most involved in work and in everyday life.

For some it is the right hand, for others it is the left. In the palm of your hand active hand all signs are expressed most clearly. Sometimes you may need comparative analysis both hands.

The following elements important for palmistry are distinguished on the palms:

  • lines;
  • various signs.

The meaning of hills in palmistry

Every individual has palm hills. For some they are pronounced, for others they are less noticeable. They are defined as the elevations above each finger. For objective analysis in palmistry, there are several rules:

  • identification can be carried out with proper development of the hills and their location in certain places,
  • the distance of the mounds from their typical location means a weakening of the main properties and an admixture of additional ones;
  • the clearer the hill, the more developed a certain personality quality;
  • if you cannot see them, then the influence of the patron planet is minimal, and the bright expression of an individual indicates the increased influence of this planet;
  • if one hill touches the neighboring one, then they play an important role for a person;
  • The information should be read on the largest hills.

Hill classification

There are 8 hills, 5 of them have the names of the planets of the solar system and ancient gods, two more are named after the Sun and Moon. The qualities of the gods, known from mythology, are transferred to the owners of the palms. Hills are often called mounds; the meaning of these concepts is identical.

Hill of Jupiter

It is located at the base of the index finger and bears the name of the supreme god of Ancient Rome.

Its normal development indicates harmonious development personalities, happy life in all directions - personal, professional, creative.

A large mound speaks of a personality capable of leading others. Among its owners you can find politicians, public figures. The Mount of Jupiter is associated with the following personality traits:

  • ambition;
  • pride;
  • determination;
  • ambition;
  • authority;
  • vanity.

A small tubercle is found in lazy, uninitiative people who depend on the opinions of others; if it is narrow, then this speaks of people who are capable of betrayal. Reverse side medals: a person with an overdeveloped Mount of Jupiter can go over his head in order to achieve his goal, does not know how to listen to others, or show attention to loved ones. If the tubercle is located near the middle finger, then this person behaves with dignity and is respected by others.

Mount of Saturn

It is located under the middle finger. In mythology, Saturn is associated with evil fate and misfortune, but if there is no hill in the palm, then this indicates an unsuccessful life filled with sorrows.

A developed tubercle is associated with its owner’s desire for solitude, philosophizing, and also with a tendency to see everything in black.

The small size of Saturn's mount indicates excessive fatalism.

A wide hill is found in strong personalities who rarely compromise.

If the elevation of Saturn is significantly greater than the other hillocks, this indicates a good family man.

Hill of the Sun

Its second name is Apollo Hill. Named after the Greek god of the arts. The tubercle is visible next to the ring finger. Its description speaks of happiness in the life of the owner of the palm.

Its good manifestation is found in people gifted with various talents in the arts - music, poetry, painting. Also, such individuals are focused on the development of their spiritual world; they can become the leaders of groups. Negative meaning: such a person is too eager for fame.

A small hillock of the Sun is observed in ignorant, stupid people who do not know how to behave in society.

Hill of Mercury

Located under the little finger, it bears the name of one of the Roman gods who patronized merchants. Large size shows well developed business qualities allowing you to engage in activities with great profit.

Flexibility of mind, eloquence, organizational skills, and a passion for exact sciences are inherent in the owner of a wide Mount of Mercury. Negative side: such a person may be inclined to earn money through illegal means. If the tubercle is small, then success in business will rarely occur.

Hill of Venus

It is located in the lower part of the palm, bordering the Life Line. As you know, Venus is the goddess of love. The characteristics of the hill tell about the life potential of the owner of the palm, about love side his life, the emotional sphere, shows the quality of relationships with the opposite sex.

Options for describing the Mount of Venus:

  • hard and wide with rounded edges for passionate natures seeking pleasure in love;
  • convex shows a person inclined to submit to his other half;
  • a convex and wide mound occurs in people who are committed to sincere relationships and long-term affection;
  • a wide, but not convex mound occurs in flighty people who do not know how to be faithful;
  • a small tubercle is found in those who are restrained in their feelings and are not prone to obvious expression of emotions;
  • a large mound testifies to the wealth of a person’s natural talents, his beauty, and his ability to appreciate beauty.

Hill of the Moon

Located on the opposite side of the Mount of Venus. The moon is associated with daydreaming and wild imagination.

A large lump with lines extending from it occurs in superstitious people; a fictional life often replaces the real one for such individuals.

Miniature size shows straightforward personalities who are not prone to romanticism.

The best option is the average size of the tubercle. Such people have hearts in harmony with their minds.

The meaning of the bump varies on the hands:

  • on the right hand reflects the whole gamut of experienced emotions;
  • on the left hand - the secret thoughts of the owner of the palm.

Upper Hill of Mars

In the central part of the palm, above the hills of Venus and the Moon, there are two hills of Mars - upper and lower. Otherwise they are called big and small.

The upper hill reflects development positive characteristics- restraint, the presence of an inner core, perseverance, strong-willed behavior. If it is too flat, then this person tends to show cowardice.

Lower Hill of Mars

Excessive expression of the lower hillock of Mars indicates a tendency towards aggression, quarrelsomeness, temper, and touchiness, which is why it got its name in honor of the god of war, Mars.

The normal size of the hill indicates the courage and bravery of its owner.

If the tubercle is too small, then this individual is not prone to conflicts, but does not know how to stand up for himself, and often infringes on himself for the sake of others.


Hills play an important role in palmistry. The interpretation options are varied, but you should not take them too seriously, because a person is capable of free actions to improve his life.

on the palms during a massage it feels like there are pieces of coarse salt under the skin. They appeared recently. What do the wisest people say, what is this?

We kindly ask you, you don’t need to send for intestinal cleansing, and you don’t need homeopathy either. And the guy with predictions of imminent death also doesn’t have to comment.

I have nothing against it, but this is not the case. Thank you all in advance.


Gymnastics for the face means youth, beauty, health and good mood!

Type of activity: Masseurs, Cosmetologists, Beauty salons
Svetlana, I would try to massage it, work with one tubercle (circular movements with the thumb of the other hand, adjust the pressure according to how you feel), see what happens.
And gymnastics will improve blood flow (clench and unclench your fingers, circular movements with your thumb).
Good luck!

Type of activity: Healers, Alternative medicine, Courses, schools and seminars
Hands allow us to receive and give. In other words, to love Life, to experience and feel the love and joy of Life, to accept and give unconditionally, without prejudice, without fear, etc.

You feel strong, deep mental fatigue, distrust of Life, mental exhaustion, disbelief in Life and the value of all positive mental states.
You are tired of the hardships of life, you have little faith in the best in your life.

Your hands show you all this, it is your soul that speaks to you and asks you to pay attention to it, that is, to yourself.

If you want to understand everything more deeply, and have questions, or really want to help yourself, please contact us, call or write.

[email protected]

This is dyshidrosis - a sweating disorder. It is worth going to a dermatologist, he will prescribe you an ointment - NERIDERM. It is also worth drinking vitamins B and C, as well as a probiotic. If you miss the moment, you will have dyshidrotic eczema - you most likely have chronic occupational disease. For today, if possible, limit the use of water and chemicals.

Cosmetologist Naaria, medical pedicure Naaria, קוסמטיקאית בנהריה , הסרת שיער בלייזר נהריה

Type of activity: Cosmetologists, Manicure, pedicure, Beauty salons
Yes, here’s another thing, this has nothing to do with your soul, rather, you should spend less time in a cold room and take salt baths, and in no case a massage on your hands. Otherwise, itching and eczema will begin.

Astrology without magic!

Type of activity: Astrologers, Psychologists
Svetlana! Any changes in the body, any illness and recovery are directly related to the soul. And the place where these tubercles appeared will indicate problems in the subconscious... But treatment should be done by specialists...

Cosmetologist Naaria, medical pedicure Naaria, קוסמטיקאית בנהריה , הסרת שיער בלייזר נהריה

Type of activity: Cosmetologists, Manicure, pedicure, Beauty salons
Dear Elena, astrologer-tarologist-practitioner. No black magic! 25 years of experience,
A girl who works for 10-12 hours with oils of unknown origin, stuffed with chemical essences, begins to develop professional eczema, which in a couple of weeks will cover the surface of her arms up to the elbows with small watery blisters. What do you say then? Is the whole subconscious boiling? This is really a problem for dermatologists, please advertise more delicately or something, what does the subconscious have to do with it, then help Svetlana with money so that she can relax and work with her subconscious.