When and what to feed peonies. Feeding peonies in spring for abundant flowering. Fertilizing peonies in summer

Luxurious flowering plant- peony is considered the king among flowers. In terms of the beauty of huge single flowers and abundant flowering of the bush, it is on the same level as beautiful roses. Since ancient times, wonderful legends have been written about him, paintings have been painted, and miraculous properties have been attributed to him.

Flowers can reach a diameter of 15 to 25 cm. Their shape is spherical, double, or pink.

Peony is cold-resistant and grows in one place for a long time. And to admire the lush flowering, you need a competent feeding peonies in spring.

Peony fertilizer and care

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In order for peonies to enchant with their lush flowering for as long as possible, they need to be fed in a timely manner. Then they will feel comfortable for a long time without a transplant. But you need to know how to feed peonies. And also adhere to the time frame recommended by experts. Since at each stage of bush formation it needs different nutrients.

Peonies need to be fed both in spring and autumn. Autumn feeding is carried out in order to strengthen the plants and prepare them for winter. In spring, peonies need additional nutrition for active growth, successful entry into the budding phase and lush flowering which is pleasing to the eye. The composition of peony fertilizers in spring depends on the age of the plant.

Timing and scheme for feeding peonies

The effectiveness of any fertilizer when caring for peonies depends not only on what particular composition is used for fertilizer, but also on the time of its application to the soil or to the plants. Thus, some drugs are more appropriate to use in the spring, while others are suitable only for autumn processing, since in different period For growth and development, the plant needs different micronutrients.

Feeding young peonies

Feeding of peonies in the first 2 years after planting is not required (root feeding), if the soil was sufficiently fertilized at planting. At this age, it is enough to water, loosen and weed peonies.

Peonies should be loosened very carefully: next to the bush, loosen the soil to a depth of 5 cm, and at a distance of 20 cm from the bush - to a depth of 10 cm. Loosening is especially necessary after rains and heavy watering.

Foliar feeding of peonies in the first year after planting:

  1. Urea solution: 40-50 g per 10 liters of water. With the help garden sprayer treatment is carried out in the spring, as soon as the plants wake up and begin to grow.
  2. Peonies are treated again after 10-15 days. This time 1 tablet is added to the urea solution. microelements.
  3. The third feeding is done after another 10-15 days. Composition of the solution: 2 tablets. microelements per 10 liters of water, without urea.

At the same time, during the 2nd and 3rd feeding, you can water the peonies at the root with one of the solutions to stimulate the growth of the root system:

  • Sodium humate: 5 g per 10 liters of water
  • Heteroauxin: 2 tablets per 10 liters of water

In the first 2 years, it is important for a young plant to develop a powerful root system, get stronger, and form a strong bush. Therefore, in addition to fertilizing, the literature advises removing peony buds in the first 2 years after planting. Abundant flowering can be expected only in the 3rd year.

Feeding peonies for 3-7 years

At the age of 3 years, peonies, as a rule, begin to delight the eye with lush flowering. By this time, the plant usually has 10-15 stems. Now the plant needs regular root feeding. mineral fertilizers. During the entire growing season (from spring to autumn) there should be at least three of them. It is important to observe the dosage and timing of plant treatment. Overfeeding is just as undesirable as undernutrition.

First spring feeding of peonies

Time: early spring, during snow melt or immediately after. Composition: 10-15 g of nitrogen and 15-20 g of potassium per plant, urea can be used. How to feed: fertilizers are scattered around the bush or embedded in the furrow around it.

Second spring feeding of peonies

Time: during the budding phase Composition: 10 g of nitrogen, 15-20 g of phosphorus, 10-15 g of potassium per 10 liters of water. Dosage - for 1 plant. How to feed: in the form of an aqueous solution, at the root.

Third feeding of peonies

Time: 14 days after flowering. Composition: 15-20 g of phosphorus, 10-15 g of potassium per 10 liters of water. Dosage - for 1 plant. How to feed: in the form of an aqueous solution, at the root.

Feeding peonies for 8-10 years

Peonies in “advanced” age need to increase the dose of mineral fertilizers in the composition of fertilizing by 1.5 times. At the age of 8-10 years, peonies are recommended to be fed with slurry. Fertilizing is carried out once during the budding phase of the plant.

Recipe for preparing top dressing:
Fresh mullein (1 liter) is diluted in 10 liters of water. Instead, you can use bird droppings (500 ml) per 10 liters of water. Add 40-50 g of superphosphate to the solution and leave for 10-12 days. Before use, the solution is diluted with water 1:1.

How to feed:
A groove 10-15 cm deep is dug around the bush at a distance of 20 cm from it. 1 bucket of fertilizer is used for 1 plant.

Important! Root feeding is carried out so that the solutions do not fall on the peony rhizome.

Peonies are especially in need of nitrogen-containing compounds, but not least for them are such useful substances as potassium and phosphorus. In addition, if the lush flowering of your “wards” is really important, then you should stock up on fertilizers based on magnesium, iron, boron, zinc and copper, which plants also need, albeit in smaller doses. All of these micronutrients can be supplied in two main ways: root and foliar.

Root feeding of peonies

On par with the use foliar feeding The root method of fertilization is often used. As in the previous case, throughout the entire growing season, nutritional compositions should be used several times: early spring(already at the beginning of March) good fertilizer for peonies there will be mineral mixtures, simply scattered under the bush.

Together with melt water, they will gradually be absorbed into the soil and very soon reach the roots, feeding the entire plant from the inside. With the arrival of summer, the gardener can expect two more such fertilizers, and, as in the first case, the dry mixtures are simply scattered under the peonies and then watered well.

Foliar feeding of peonies

Foliar feeding is carried out in relation to many plants, but in the case of peonies it is also mandatory because thanks to this procedure, you can observe the lush flowering of the plant in the summer season. Young and adult bushes like to take foliar nutritional formulations every month, but gardeners decide on their own what exactly to feed the flowers.

For example, a plant responds well to watering from a watering can (it is advisable to install a special strainer on the spout) with a solution of ready-made mineral fertilizer (a good example of such compositions is the “Ideal” preparation), and so that it sticks more firmly to the leaves, to ready mixture add a small part of ordinary laundry soap or laundry detergent (one large spoon per ten-liter bucket of water is enough).

Scheme for using foliar fertilizers for peonies:

  1. The first feeding is carried out as soon as the above-ground part of the bush sprouts (a urea solution is used in a proportion of 50 g of the substance per 10 liters of water).
  2. The second - a few weeks after the first, and special “fertilizer” tablets (1 per 10 liters) are added to the specified urea solution.
  3. For the third treatment (after the bush has flowered), only microfertilizers are used at the rate of 2 tablets per ten-liter bucket of water.

Important! Many compositions can be applied to the bush from a spray bottle, however, when using soapy compounds, for better “adhesion” you can spray the peonies with a long-bristled brush.

We have found out exactly when it is worth fertilizing peonies; we still need to figure out what to water the flowers with for their lush and long-lasting flowering. First of all, it should be noted that everything is good in moderation, therefore, both in spring and at other times, all compositions used for feeding should be used according to the recommendations given and in the correct dosages. Otherwise, an excessive amount of, for example, nitrogen will lead to the growth of the leaf part to the detriment of flowering.

Organic fertilizers for peonies

For active growth and good flowering For peonies, care must be taken to fertilize them in the fall, providing the soil and rhizomes with a sufficient amount of micronutrients. Organic formulations are perfect for these purposes, since they contain a wide variety of components necessary for the plant.

Typically, compost, manure or humus are used for autumn organic feeding, simply laying them on the ground under the bush. Gradually rotting, all the nutritional components come out of them in doses, which over time sink closer and closer to the root system of peonies.

In addition, such organic matter also performs another important function: it does not allow the ground to freeze, since the decomposition of manure occurs with the release of heat, necessary for plants during particularly harsh winters.

With the onset of the first stable frosts, plant shoots may freeze, after which they are cut flush with the soil (so that the stumps are invisible). After completing this procedure, you can additionally mulch the ground using humus, compost and fallen leaves.

Important! Cut shoots are not suitable for this purpose, as they often become sources of diseases that are transmitted to young plants.

To enhance the effect, you can add wood ash (300 g), bone meal (200 g) or both substances at the same time under the mulch layer. It is enough to scatter it all in an even layer around the bush and dig in a little.

This approach to the integrated application of nutrients in the autumn will help prepare the peony for lush flowering next year, especially if you support positive effect the right fertilizers in spring time.

If we are talking about plants that have been in the same place for quite a long time without replanting, then you can use ready-made organic fertilizer called “Baikal EM-1”, with the presence of living microorganisms in its composition.

The latter have a good effect on the structure of the soil and increase its fertility, but before spring fertilizing with this preparation, it must be mixed with autumn compost and then used as mulch. The thickness of such a “fertilizing” layer should not exceed 7-10 cm.

Mineral fertilizers for peonies

TO mineral supplements You can include a wide variety of compositions, which today are easy to find in specialized stores. For example, a well-known representative of this group is the drug “Kemira”, which is used three times per season.

With the onset of spring (before the start of flowering), a more suitable composition would be “Kemira-Universal”, and it is also used 7 days after the end of flowering of plants. This preparation is quite simple to use: having made a small depression under the bush, pour a small handful of the specified composition into it and sprinkle soil on top.

“Kemira-Combi” is also good for the second feeding, and this time you don’t have to add it in drops. Simply pour the packaging onto the ground under the peonies and water generously on top. This composition dissolves quite quickly, so it will soon reach the root system of the plant.

For foliar fertilizer, ready-made complex preparations (for example, the above-mentioned “Ideal”) are also good, most of which must first be dissolved in water in accordance with the instructions.

Another useful composition with a whole range of microelements is the drug “Siliplant”, which can increase the strength of peony tissues and optimize the flowers’ own protective powers. By improving the plant's immunity, the likelihood of peonies getting sick is reduced and their growth is improved, which is why the effect of the drug is often compared to the effect of growth stimulants. To prepare a ready-made solution for treating bushes, you need to mix 2-3 ml of the drug with 1 liter of water.

There are many options for preparations for mineral and organic fertilizing, but much in this matter depends on the growth characteristics of the plant, the climatic region and the personal preferences of the gardener.

Traditional methods
feeding peonies

Gardeners often use bread fertilizer for lush flowering of peonies. And it’s not difficult to do. For one night, place half a loaf in a small amount of warm water and a glass of sugar. In the morning, strain the contents and pour into a bucket of water. All that remains is to water the peonies starting to grow with this fertilizer.

Similar feeding can be done using yeast. Only instead of bread, take a 100 gram pack of baker's yeast. In addition, this fertilizer will ferment faster.

Another recipe for feeding peonies, consisting of simple ingredients, is based on chicken droppings. It is supposed to take only half a liter per bucket of water. You just have to infuse the fertilizer for two weeks. Then use it diluted in a ratio of 1 to 3. For greater effect, add a handful of wood ash.

Where to buy peony seedlings

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Proper feeding of peonies at the beginning of the growing season allows you to get incredibly lush flowering. Peony bushes grow in one place for a long time and bloom profusely every year, which leads to rapid depletion of the soil. Plants need to be carefully looked after. Early spring feeding is one of the most necessary measures to improve the quality of flowers. With the help of special fertilizers, you can make peonies bloom much more abundantly and brightly than usual.

Early spring feeding

Peonies planted in a well-fertilized hole begin to be fed only after three years. At this time, the plants in the garden begin to bloom. For abundant flowering In addition to regular watering and loosening, additional nutrition is required. You need to try to have time to feed peonies in the spring immediately after the snow melts. During this period, plants primarily need nitrogen.

Intensive growth of bushes can be supported:

  • urea;
  • ammonium nitrate (sodium, calcium or potassium);
  • calcium cyanamide (suitable for floating soils).

Organic matter contains a lot of nitrogen. Instead of mineral fertilizers, the soil can be sprinkled with rotted manure from last year. The thickness of the organic layer should be about 5 cm. The soil, sprinkled with humus, is loosened and watered abundantly.

Gardeners who do not have humus can use spring fertilizing with rye bread:

  1. 1. Half a loaf of black bread is dipped into cold water for 12 o'clock.
  2. 2. The resulting slurry is diluted with a bucket of water and the plants are watered. One bucket is enough for a bush.
  3. 3. Fertilizing with bread is carried out immediately when the first shoots appear from the ground.

When applying mineral fertilizers, you should calculate their dose so that each bush receives 10-15 g of nitrogen. For example, if on a pack of urea it is written that the nitrogen content is 46%, then for each young bush that is about to bloom for the first time, add 20 g of fertilizer, which in terms of pure nitrogen will be 10 g of useful substance.

Nitrogen fertilizer No. 1

All nitrogen fertilizers dissolves well in water. Urea or saltpeter can be diluted with warm liquid and watered over the bushes. Sometimes the granules are simply scattered on the ground and buried with a rake. The second method is suitable if the soil is still wet from melted snow.

Budding period

Peonies begin to produce buds in the summer. Already in early June, numerous flower shoots form on the bushes. Plants require phosphorus for good budding. To ensure the friendly development of leaves, flowers and roots during this period, 10 g of nitrogen, 20 g of phosphorus and 10 g of potassium are added to each bush.

Plant nutritional needs will be fully met by:

  • azophoska;
  • nitroammophoska.

To achieve ideal proportions of nutrients, experienced flower growers Mix several monofertilizers in the required quantity. For example, as mentioned above, 10 g of nitrogen are contained in 20 g of urea. The plant will receive the required amount of phosphorus from 150 g of simple superphosphate or 60 g of double superphosphate, and 10 g of potassium from just 20 grams of potassium chloride - a highly concentrated fertilizer, a little more than half of the composition of which is potassium, which is well absorbed by plants.

Period after flowering

During flowering, plants are not fed. For the third time during the season, the bushes are fertilized 2 weeks after flowering - in July. At this time, peonies are developing buds and the plants will need a lot of phosphorus and potassium. 20-25 g of pure potassium is added to each bush.

You need to carefully monitor the dosage of fertilizers, since it is better to underfeed any plant than to overfeed it. Excessive amounts of nutrition disrupt the development of crops and prevent them from preparing for winter. Improperly fertilized bushes often freeze in winter and suffer from fungal diseases during the season.

For the third feeding, you can use a mixture of wood ash and superphosphate:

  • 500 g of wood ash and 300 g of superphosphate are thoroughly mixed and infused for at least a day in five liters of water.
  • The bushes are fertilized by diluting the working solution clean water 10 times.

Late summer and autumn

In August and September it is time to prepare for wintering. Early autumn until October root system the flower thickens. It intensively accumulates nutrients. Throughout the first half of autumn, the roots continue to grow. Additional feeding will help the plants store more nutrition and survive the winter easier.

Potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are used for autumn feeding. Potassium increases the winter hardiness of plants, phosphorus will stimulate flowering next year.

Autumn fertilizing is carried out in dry form. In the first case, 20 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium chloride are poured onto the soil near each bush. Water the flowers well beforehand.

Industrial flower fertilizers

The modern chemical industry produces ready-made fertilizer mixtures that increase the brightness, splendor and duration of flowering. These drugs are easy to use. They are ideal for beginner gardeners, since when using them there is no risk of miscalculating the dosage.

Industrial mixtures can be used both when planting peonies and for feeding already planted plants. In addition to ease of use, ready-made powders and liquids have one more advantage - they are more effective than conventional mineral fertilizers, and sometimes even surpass organic fertilizers in quality.

Table: mineral fertilizers for flowers:


Directions for use

"Kemira" flower

For feeding flowers in spring and summer. Sold in large volume packages (2.5 kg). Does not contain chlorine. Suitable for any flowers: annual, perennial, bulbous. Peonies are fertilized once every 2 weeks at the rate of 10-20 g per 10 liters of water


Suitable for root and foliar feeding. Diluted at a dosage of 20 g per 10 liters of water

OMU Bui fertilizers "Flower"

100 g of fertilizer per bush. Sprinkle over the surface of the soil and loosen

"Agricola" for flowers

Crystalline powder, completely soluble. Suitable for foliar feeding. A sachet (50 g) is diluted in 20 liters of water

"Agricola Aqua" for flowering plants

Contains trace elements in chelated form, humic substances, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Suitable for root and foliar feeding. A 250 ml bottle is enough to prepare 50 liters of solution

"Fertika" floral

No chlorine. Contains macro- and microelements. For 10 liters of water take 10-20 grams of powder

Fertilized soils allow you to get earlier and larger flowers. The bushes will become more durable; they will not need to be transplanted to a new location due to depletion of the substrate. Properly and timely fed plants overwinter well and almost never get sick.

In this article we will look at how and what fertilizers to use and folk remedies for feeding peonies.

Peony is rightly called the king of the garden. Its magnificent lush, fragrant buds attract attention, and its heady, dizzying aroma easily envelops you in a haze of magical fragrance. In this article we will talk about feeding peonies.

How to feed peonies after winter in early spring?

In order for peonies to please the eye and serve as a decoration for the front garden, today we will look at how and when to care for them, as well as what and how to feed them correctly.

  • Peony itself is quite unpretentious and resilient, if, of course, all measures are followed correct landing and the place was well chosen
  • This crop is quite hardy and tolerates both persistent frost and heat.
  • On the roots of peonies there are many dormant buds that change all the time. You should not try to “transfer” the plant from one place to another. With the right place, a crop can remain and bloom for up to fifty years in the allotted time, and there are cases even longer. For such favor, gardeners adore them and never stop caring for them.

However, in order for these flowers to please your eye, it is not enough to plant them on the site; you also need to create them favorable conditions, namely:

  • Eliminate weeds to allow stems to emerge
  • Water and loosen the soil
  • Fertilize the crop with various fertilizers and other necessary additives
  • Prevent the occurrence of diseases

Caring for a crop in the spring is not difficult, but it has a number of its own features and characteristics. It must be said right away that not only feeding is important during this period, it is also very important to ensure proper care peonies and only after that start fertilizing them.

  • The above-ground part of the plant dies before the onset of cold weather, and in the spring the shoots grow again
  • Weeds must be eradicated immediately so that they do not affect the growth of new stems. The soil around the bushes must be loosened very carefully, at least 12 cm from the bush, otherwise you can harm the sprouts that are trying to break through.
  • It is necessary to try to rake the soil towards the plant, while ensuring protection of the root system with the necessary layer of soil within 5 cm. This arrangement of the rhizome must be constantly monitored so that it does not rise above the soil. If the root nevertheless rises above the surface, then the growing buds will suffer from cold or heat and as a result will die

As soon as the snow melts, usually in early spring, during the period when small shoots begin to emerge from the ground, the plant bushes must be fed with the following nutrients:

  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Microelements
  • Potassium permanganate solution
  • Ammonium nitrate

Indeed, if the plant’s bushes are untimely and insufficiently fed in early spring, it will not receive enough of the nutrients it needs and will lag behind in development and be prone to disease.

How and what fertilizers and folk remedies to use to feed peonies in early spring after winter: rules, recipes and technologies

Among other feedings that are carried out throughout the growing season, a special place is given to spring. After all, it has a huge impact on how quickly the bushes will wake up after hibernation and whether enough strength will be accumulated to form and bloom buds.

In this regard, gardeners who have been growing peonies for a long time carry out a number of complex procedures and manipulations in the spring, which are aimed at fertilizing the soil with all the necessary substances and microelements.

The first stage of spring feeding falls at the end of April, beginning of May. It is at this time that the sprouts rise above the ground plane and need organic fertilizers:

  • Mullein
  • Horse manure
  • Bird droppings
  • Humus
  • Compost
  • Nitrophoska

The second stage of feeding the crop plants occurs 14-20 days after the first. The goal is to provide the crop with all nutrients during flowering:

  • 35 g phosphorus
  • 25 g potassium
  • Bucket of infused mullein

The third stage of feeding begins about a month later, when the bushes have already finished blooming:

  • Mullein infusion 1 bucket
  • 35 g superphosphate
  • 20 g potassium sulfate

As previously reported, spring feeding is very important. But also an important aspect is the selection of high-quality and effective fertilizer. The most common fertilizers include:

  • Fertika, approved for use as many as 3 times in one season. The method of applying it is as follows: you need to put a handful of fertilizer in a hole made under the bush and sprinkle it with soil. At each stage of feeding, different types of fertilizer should be used: Kemira-Universal, also called Fertika, is used in early spring before flowering, but Kemira-Kombi is used during the second feeding. This fertilizer dissolves quite easily, so you just need to sprinkle it on the soil and water the bush with water.
  • Baikal EM-1 has gained enormous popularity among organic substances. It amazingly nourishes the soil, but also improves the soil structure itself. But before directly fertilizing peonies in the spring with Baikal EM-1E, it must be mixed with compost. In addition, the layer of such fertilizer should be within 10 cm.
  • Chicken manure can be used as a resource of useful substances. To make fertilizer based on it, you will need 1.5 liters chicken manure and a full bucket of water. The solution sits for 2 weeks. The fertilizer is applied in this form 1:3 with water. For a better effect, you can add a handful of wood ash to it.

There is also a folk remedy for fertilizing these flowers:

  • 120 g yeast
  • Glass of sugar
  • Warm water to dissolve yeast
  • Bucket of water

We dissolve granulated sugar in warm water, and then add yeast to the liquid. Leave the resulting mixture for 10-12 hours. After time, filter the liquid and then mix it with a bucket of water.

Experienced gardeners use such fertilizers to ensure lush flowering of crop bushes. In addition, a yeast-based solution is ideal for bushes just beginning to grow.

How to feed peonies in the spring during budding?

As you can see, these flowers constantly need regular feeding, and the period of formation of plant buds is no exception. It is very important to fertilize the bushes of these plants at this time, because after winter period peonies, like all plants, are very weakened and need to be replenished. Consequently, in this case it is impossible to do without fertilizing, so it is unacceptable to skip the application of fertilizers that improve the budding of the crop.

In order for peony bushes to delight with lush and rich flowering for a long time, it is necessary to remove all the buds for the first couple of years after planting them in the ground. This technique will allow the plant to take root firmly and develop in the best possible way in the future.

So, during the active budding of flowers, you should give preference to the following substances:

  • Initially, you should give preference to fertilizers that contain nitrogen and potassium.
  • Specifically, during the budding period, peonies must be fertilized with a mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium
  • After the plant has flowered, you can limit yourself to adding substances such as phosphorus and potassium.

How and what fertilizers and folk remedies to use to feed peonies during budding: rules, recipes and technologies

The magnificent flowering of this crop occurs 3 years after it is planted in the soil. By this period, the main stems in the amount of 10 to 15 pieces are fully formed on the bushes. During the formation of buds, fertilizing of already formed bushes is also carried out.

To fertilize the crop during the formation of buds, you can use the following liquid feed, which is prepared on the basis of the following components:

  • 15 g nitrogen
  • 25 g phosphorus
  • 20 g potassium
  • 12 liters of water

This amount of the mixture must be diluted in 12 liters of water. The resulting liquid solution is poured under one bush. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out such a manipulation for each existing peony bush in the garden.

Here is another recipe for good flower feeding for this period:

  • 2.5 tbsp. l. nitrophoska
  • 1 liter mullein
  • 10-12 liters of water

Mix all the ingredients, let it brew for a while and use it to feed peonies at the rate of 6.5 liters per bush.

  • It would not be superfluous to spray the bushes with a solution of such a product as “Bud”. This product helps regulate plant growth. You need to mix the ingredients like this: for 1 liter of water you need to take 1 g of the substance
  • They also use wood ash, simply sprinkling it around the bushes. For 1 bush you need 1.5 cups of ash

How and what fertilizers and folk remedies to use to feed peonies after flowering in July and August: rules, recipes and technologies

Young peony bushes begin to delight us with their lush flowering only in the 3rd year after planting. Consequently, during this period they require nutritional feeding, which is carried out approximately 3 times in spring and summer.

The final stage of fertilizing with mineral fertilizers (potassium-phosphorus fertilizing) coincides with the first month of summer. To prepare this type of fertilizer, the following ingredients are used:

  • 10 to 15 g potassium
  • from 15 to 20 g phosphorus
  • Microfertilizer tablet

Mix all the ingredients in a container and fertilize the bushes with the resulting mixture in the cool or evening. It is important to know that peonies must be fertilized with this mixture very carefully, without getting it on the stems, otherwise it may cause a burn.

You can also use a mixture of the following ingredients:

  • 2 tsp superphosphate
  • 10 water
  • Microfertilizer for flowering plants

You will need approximately 5.5 liters per flower bush.

Autumn feeding of peonies, for the winter - fertilizers, folk remedies: rules, recipes and technologies

In addition to fertilizing, which is carried out during the most highly intensive stages of plant development, an important place is given to autumn. In the autumn season, somewhere in September, early October, the roots of plants still continue to grow, while accumulating in their individual compactions nutritional elements, which are very important for overcoming the winter period and spring germination. For this reason, autumn fertilizing of the crop should not be skipped.

You can use the following feeding products. To prepare phosphorus-potassium fertilizer you need to prepare:

  • 17 g phosphorus
  • 17 g potassium
  • Bucket of water

Pour the liquid into the container and add our fertilizers to it. We carefully water each bush with the resulting mixture, avoiding getting it on the stems and leaves of the flower, in order to avoid dangerous burns that weaken general condition plants.

Final feeding of peonies is carried out using a mixture of the following products:

  • 100 g bone meal
  • 1 cup wood ash

The resulting mixture must be spread in an even layer around each bush of the plant and loosen the soil, thus the resulting fertilizer will penetrate into right place. Here's another one useful remedy. This nutritious fertilizer for peonies can be prepared using a fairly accessible and simple method:

  • In a prepared barrel you need to dilute a bucket of mullein with 5 buckets of water
  • Next, place the resulting mixture on sunlight and let it brew for 2 weeks.

At this time, you need to do the following manipulations with the fertilizer:

  • wait for active fermentation
  • add 50 g of wood ash to the barrel
  • 200 g superphosphate
  • mix thoroughly
  • Before watering, dilute the resulting mixture with ordinary water.

In addition to feeding flowers in autumn period it is equally important to create for them good conditions for wintering:

  • When the outside air temperature rapidly drops, the crop is exposed to unfavorable weather conditions Therefore, it is important to create the most comfortable conditions, in which the plant will remain until spring. The most important conditions for a good immersion of a peony in sleep are pruning the bush and creating a shelter for the peony.
  • This procedure should be carried out in the last month of autumn, with the first frosts. Pruning bushes means almost completely removing the stems. Only small shoots above the buds are left above the ground. You can use fallen leaves, humus, or peat as shelter. In addition, such a layer should reach from 10 to 20 centimeters, depending on how cold the winters are.
  • Thanks to this manipulation, the plants will be protected from frost and provided necessary elements for hibernation. When sprinkling bushes, preference should not be given to straw and wood shavings. Indeed, under such a thickness, the formation of fungi and bacteria is possible. Throughout the winter, keep an eye on the peony bushes; sometimes the buds become bare. If this happens, cover the shoots immediately. And when spring comes, the seedlings will need to be freed from the improvised “blanket”.

In order for peonies to be healthy and delight with their lush, luxurious flowering your eye, it is vital to take care of them on time, efficiently, and, following all instructions and recommendations.

Video: Caring for peonies in autumn and spring

Without enough nutrition, peonies, like all other plants, will quickly lose their decorative qualities, and their flowering will stop in a few years. After all, the content of nutrients in the soil is limited; over time, the soil becomes depleted, and the flowers begin to lack essential microelements. Feeding peonies in spring and summer is not just necessary - applying fertilizers and stimulants is the key to the long-term beauty of your bushes.

Of course, the most important thing for a peony is water. It dissolves nutrients in the soil surrounding the crop and delivers them to all parts of the plant through suction roots.

When growing 3-year-old peonies in 6-liter pots in one warm day (air temperature - 25 ° C) in sunny weather, the soil in them dries out and daily watering is required. And the second observation: under peonies in the garden the soil is always dry, except during the rainy period. If we assume that an adult peony consumes only 1 liter per day, then its need to replenish moisture in the soil in 2 weeks is 14 liters.

So, peonies most of all and always need water, and with dry soil, watering is simply necessary! And this is more important than any fertilizer, but you still shouldn’t ignore fertilizing when caring for peonies.

On this page you will learn how to fertilize peonies in spring and summer, and what to do if your bushes refuse to bloom.

How to feed peonies in early spring for lush flowering?

At the beginning of spring, when it is cold and the ground part is undeveloped, the development of the plant occurs due to the reserves of nutrients in the roots. After the leaves unfold, a downward flow (of sugars) occurs from the leaves to the storage roots. This period of the presence of two flows of equal intensity during the growth process is very short: from mid-May to early June (2-3 weeks), full growth of the shoot and the beginning of flowering for milkweeds. Later, in summer and early autumn, the downward flow of sugars formed during photosynthesis predominates.

How to fertilize peonies and when is it necessary to fertilize? It is considered necessary to carry out these activities throughout the growing season. But spring feeding of peonies is especially important during active plant growth.

The main nutrients needed for peony growth are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. They are required in significant quantities. Full development is impossible without magnesium, sulfur, boron, iron, copper, zinc, which are needed in smaller doses. They are usually called trace elements.

What happens to peonies if there is a lack of fertilizer? With a lack of nitrogen, the leaves, starting from the tips, turn light green and then yellow. Perhaps too much abundant watering and/or rain washed nitrogen out of the soil.

If peonies are not fed enough phosphorus in spring and summer, the leaves first turn dark green, then purple or purple-violet hue. Darkening begins with the veins and then spreads to the entire leaf blade. A brown color appears along the edges of the leaves. Darkened leaves fall off. One reason for this may be the poor availability of phosphorus at acidic (pH<5,5) или, наоборот, щелочных почвах (pH >7).

If there is a shortage of fertilizers for peonies containing potassium in spring and summer, the plants' resistance to drought decreases and they wither faster. The edges and tips of the leaves turn yellow-brown and curl. Buds and/or flowers are delayed in development and do not reach normal size. This can often be observed when plants grow too actively.

With a lack of magnesium, the areas of the leaves between the veins become yellow or orange. The color change begins at the edges, then spreads toward the center of the leaf. Magnesium is often deficient if the soil in the garden is light and acidic.

If peonies are not fed sufficiently in spring and summer with fertilizers containing sulfur, the leaves acquire a whitish, yellow or yellowish-brown tint. The color change starts at the base of the leaves, then spreads to the top. Symptoms appear first on young leaves. This occurs if the soil is poor in organic matter.

If you do not fertilize with boron in spring and summer, the leaves on the tops of the shoots turn yellow. Light or dark spots resembling splashes appear on the leaves. Flowering weakens or stops. Lots of barren flowers.

With a lack of iron, the leaves become whitish or yellow tint. The veins remain green. The absorption of iron is inhibited in alkaline or neutral soil, as well as if lime has recently been added to the soil.

If there is a lack of feeding of peonies in spring and summer with fertilizers containing copper, the leaves of the plants turn pale, bend or curl. The cause may be an excess of potassium permanganate, which interferes with the flow of copper into the plant.

With a lack of zinc, yellow spots appear on the leaves. The veins remain green at first, then also turn yellow. Plants are stunted.

Below we describe how to feed peonies in the spring for lush flowering of the bushes.

Spring and summer feeding of peonies with fertilizers for flowering

The growth and development of peonies, like other plants, is controlled by special compounds - plant hormones. Auxins stimulate cell growth, and gibberellins determine plant height. These are growth stimulants. But there are other hormones that inhibit the growth and development of the plant. They are called growth inhibitors. If there is a lack of native plant hormones, growth and development may be impaired; in this case, it is advisable to use artificially synthesized analogues of these substances.

How to feed peonies in spring and summer so that they actively bloom?

Heteroauxin stimulates root formation and growth, increases the survival rate of divisions. A good result is obtained by soaking in a solution and watering at the root 10 days after planting. The solution is prepared in accordance with the instructions on the package. The effectiveness is enhanced when used together with zircon.

Epin increases resistance to fungal diseases, increases cold resistance, increases decorativeness. It is recommended to treat plants twice: in May when the stems are growing and in the budding phase. In case of frost damage, immediate spraying of plants with epin has a good effect. The solution is prepared in accordance with the instructions on the package.

Zircon — growth regulator, root formation, inducer of flowering and disease resistance. Provides increased germination, accelerated seed germination, growth and development of plants, stimulates root formation, protection from adverse external factors- frost, drought, excess moisture. Efficiency increases when feeding peonies in early spring along with the addition of heteroauxin. To soak seeds, 0.02 ml is dissolved in 200 ml of water. For spraying plants - 0.05 ml in 200 ml of water.

Cytovit accelerates seed germination, increases resistance to external unfavorable conditions. Prevents the development of leaf diseases and rot. To soak the seeds, dissolve 1.5 ml in 5 liters of water. Soaking time - 10 hours. The same solution is used for spraying plants. The greatest effect is observed when used together with epin and zircon.

Ferovit is a universal stimulator of growth and photosynthesis. Designed for root and foliar feeding throughout the entire growing season. A good effect is achieved by spraying plants 3-4 times per season in the morning and evening hours. For cooking spring fertilizer for peonies, 1.5 ml of the drug is dissolved in 1 liter of water.

Siliplant is a microfertilizer with active silicon and a full range of microelements. It increases the strength of plant tissues, stimulates their own defenses to withstand unfavorable external conditions and diseases, and thereby enhances growth. Therefore, the effect of siliplant on a plant can sometimes be compared with the effect of growth stimulants. To prepare a working solution, mix 2-3 ml with 1 liter of water. Fertilizing is carried out in the spring at the beginning of the growing season, then 2-3 more times with an interval of 20 days. When root feeding, the consumption of the working solution is 4-5 liters per 1 m2. For non-root use, consumption is 1-1.5 liters per 10 m2.

The video “Feeding peonies in spring and summer” shows how to fertilize plants:

Knowing how to feed peonies in early spring and summer, you will provide the bushes on your site with a long life span and active flowering.

Reasons why peonies do not bloom and what to do in this case

Peonies planted last year or the year before do not bloom. This is fine. Most varieties and hybrids begin to bloom in the third year after planting.

Some peonies do not bloom even in the third year. According to some observations, hybrids are ahead of the milky peony varieties in development and in the third year, as a rule, they bloom fully, although not profusely.

But some varieties, most often red and some of the late-blooming ones, can begin to bloom only in the fourth year.

The peonies are 4 years old or more and they are not blooming. If they appearance normal, then there may be several reasons. Below we describe why peonies do not bloom and what to do in this case.

  1. Maybe, planting material was of poor quality or the division was non-standard, too small. In this case, all that remains is to wait.
  2. Deep landing. The peony rhizome should be located no more than 5-6 cm below the soil level, otherwise they will not bloom. This is especially true for varieties of milky peony. To check, carefully remove the soil above the center or use a wooden probe to determine the depth of the rhizome. If the rhizome is very deep, you should dig up the plant at the end of August, divide it into standard divisions and plant according to the rules.
  3. The plant was planted close to trees, bushes, large herbaceous perennials with a large root system penetrating into the zone. A transplant to a more suitable location is required.
  4. A division that was too large was planted or an adult plant was transplanted. In this case, the new root system, which ensures the full development of the peony, does not develop well. Then in the second half of August the peony should be dug up and, following all the rules, divided and planted in a new place.

It happens that peonies grow in the garden for many years, but in recent years they began to bloom much worse. Most likely the problem is soil depletion. Peonies need to be provided with abundant nutrition; feeding is done through wells.

It is possible that deterioration or cessation of flowering is also possible if the peonies are accidentally covered with soil or, conversely, the rhizome is exposed. Check planting depth and restore normal level immersion - 3-5 cm.

Peonies are 8-10 years old. Some of them continue to bloom well, but the hybrids began to get sick and bloom worse. Varieties of milky peony with good care can grow in one place and bloom normally for 30-50 years or more. The lifespan of hybrid peonies is limited, and after 8-10 years they are severely affected by gray mold and should be divided and planted again.

To combat gray mold, the main disease of peonies, in the spring, during the period of active plant growth, carry out 2-3 sprayings with a solution of copper-containing preparations: Bordeaux mixture, copper sulfate, copper chloride. Concentration - 0.5%. Before feeding peonies and treating them against diseases, use information about recommended preparations and their concentrations for treating peonies in the spring, and beyond. late dates- from late spring with watering and spraying.

There may be other reasons why peonies do not bloom. Some of them are discussed below.

  • An unsuitable location is too shaded, too dry or waterlogged, near large trees, shrubs or perennials. The plant needs to be replanted.
  • Kidney damage due to late spring frosts. Be patient, the peonies should bloom next year if the rhizome itself is not damaged.
  • Dry season, lack of moisture during the period of bud formation in the previous year, lack of nutrition.
  • Too much vigorous flowering bush last year, excess buds were not removed. They should be removed before flowering next year.