What time do they start planting petunia? Planting petunias for seedlings and growing from seeds. Sowing in peat tablets

Bright petunia is good for everyone: beautiful flowers various shades, splendor, long flowering, unpretentiousness. However, not every gardener is able to decorate his plot with these popular flowers, the reason for this is the difficulty of growing seedlings.

Since the cost of finished planting material is quite high, setting up a large flower bed will require considerable financial costs. It’s better to learn how to get sprouts yourself, even if it takes some time. But, knowing personal experience How to properly grow petunia seedlings, in the future it will be much easier for you to grow any other flowers.

If you want to receive flowering plants earlier, start sowing seeds at the end of January

Plant in open ground Petunia is best grown in mid-June, which means you should start sowing seeds from mid-March. It takes approximately 12-13 weeks for the seedlings to grow stronger, the root system to become stronger, and the first flowers to appear. If you want to have flowering plants earlier, start sowing seeds in late January.

Video about growing petunia

How to grow petunia seedlings at home: general recommendations

Selecting soil for seedlings

Proper soil is one of the keys to the success of growing seedlings. For petunias, it should be light, breathable, moisture-absorbing and nutritious.

The easiest way is to purchase ready-made soil for seedlings in the store. The advantages of this solution are obvious. First of all, the finished soil is sterile and does not contain pathogens. In addition, this is clean soil, in which there are no foreign inclusions. For such small seeds, like petunia, this point is especially important.

It is, of course, worth keeping in mind that not every ready-made soil mixture is suitable for growing petunia seedlings.

Did you know: Often petunias do not germinate well because the soil substrate is too acidic. The “culprit” of this situation is high-moor peat, which is characterized by high acidity.

First of all, you should pay attention to the type of peat used in the soil mixture. It can be high (red) or low (black). The soil for growing petunias should not be too acidic, so you need to choose soil based on lowland peat.

Did you know: You can reduce the acidity of the soil by adding lime to it. A teaspoon of limestone or dolomite flour is added to one liter of soil.

German soil brand Green World is well suited for growing petunias. You can also use soil from Russian manufacturer"Pelgorskoe-M".

If you decide to prepare the soil yourself, you will need turf soil, peat and sand. In this case, the sand should not be red, but river sand – white or grayish in color. Red sand contains too much iron oxide. Mix sand, peat and garden soil in a ratio of 1:2:2. All components of the soil mixture must be thoroughly sifted to remove debris, lumps and pebbles. After this, the soil should be poured with boiling water or calcined in the oven to destroy all pathogens.

Technique for sowing petunias for seedlings

Petunia seedlings need good lighting. If you have the opportunity to provide the seedlings with additional daylight, you can sow at the end of February. Otherwise, it is better to wait until mid-March, otherwise the sprouts will be weak and elongated.

Can be used as containers for seedlings plastic containers(preferably with opaque walls), special seedling greenhouses with cassettes or sow in peat tablets. Place drainage at the bottom of the containers, and a soil mixture at least six centimeters thick on top.

Petunia seeds can be found on sale in two versions: in granules or in bulk.

Hybrid seeds can most often be found in granular form. These are very beautiful ampelous, terry, multi-colored and other interesting varieties. Such seeds have only one drawback - high cost. In addition to the higher average price per bag, each bag usually contains from three to seven seeds. However, this can be convenient for planting petunias in pots, balcony boxes and flowerpots. You will need a lot of these bags for a flowerbed.

There are many advantages to granulated seeds. First of all, petunia seeds themselves are extremely small, they are much smaller than a grain of sand, and sowing them is difficult. But sowing granules is extremely simple. It is enough to place the granules on the prepared and moistened soil mixture and press them lightly (there is no need to sprinkle with soil, petunia is sown superficially). The seeds are laid out at a distance of several centimeters from each other. You can sow directly into pots or cups - two per cup. The sown granules are covered with plastic film. By the way, granulated seeds give on average higher germination compared to regular ones.

But with loose seeds everything is somewhat more complicated. Here the inconvenience is compensated by the lower cost. In addition, a loose bag can contain up to several hundred seeds (this information is usually indicated on the packaging). In this situation, one of the following instructions will be useful.

Option 1: Mix with sand

Option 2: Tweezers or toothpick

  1. Prepare a container with soil. Pour the seeds from the bag onto a white sheet of paper, so you can clearly see them. Prepare two toothpicks and a glass of water.
  2. Dip the tip of one of the toothpicks into water. Now it will be easy to pick up a petunia seed on it and transfer it to a container. Shake the seed onto the soil using a second (dry) toothpick.
  3. Sprinkle the sown seeds with water from a spray bottle on top.
In the same way, you can carefully transfer the seeds to the soil using tweezers.

Option 3: Sowing in snow

For all sowing options, the seeds are covered with plastic wrap on top.

Sowing seeds in prepared soil mixture or peat tablets

The soil for sowing seeds should not be alkaline or strongly acidic. Loose, nutritious soil mixtures are used that are able to retain moisture, but also not become soggy, allowing excess water to pass through. Ready-made soil mixtures are sold in stores; you can mix a suitable mixture yourself by taking two parts of well-decomposed peat, turf land, rotted humus and one part of sand. Mix all the ingredients well, sift twice - through a very coarse sieve and through a finer sieve.

In boxes or pots, pour crushed expanded clay at the bottom as drainage, on top of the expanded clay - large screenings of the soil mixture, fill the upper third of the container with small screenings, leaving about 6 cm to the edge. Scatter the seeds in even rows over the moistened soil and lightly sprinkle water on top.

The soil for sowing petunia seeds should not be alkaline or strongly acidic.

There is no need to sprinkle the seeds with soil, since they need light to germinate. It is enough to lightly press each seed to ensure contact with the ground. If you are interested in how to grow petunia seedlings most the easy way , use peat tablets instead of containers for seedlings. They must first be filled with boiled water. hot water, and then cool. Small seeds are carefully placed with tweezers into special recesses.

How to properly care for seedlings

The air temperature in the room for growing seedlings should be 20-22 degrees. You need as much light as possible (ideally backlighting during the day). The substrate must be constantly moist, but water stagnation should not be allowed. Condensation on the lid or film must be wiped off daily. In addition, you need to take care of hardening the sprouts. To do this, after sprouting, remove the lid for 10 minutes every day. Gradually, the ventilation time increases. You can completely remove the lid or film after all the sprouts have acquired real leaves.

Feeding is not necessary in the first stages, but you can strengthen the immunity of seedlings by adding Epin to the water for spraying (a few drops per spray bottle).

In individual containers it will be more convenient for the plant to develop, it will grow healthier

You can start picking seedlings when their height reaches 4-5 centimeters. Using a narrow knife, remove each sprout, pinching the root at a depth of about three centimeters. After this, each sprout is planted in an individual container.

The main problem that can be encountered when growing petunia seedlings is excessive elongation of sprouts due to lack of light. You can cope with this problem by picking, burying the seedlings in the soil up to the cotyledon leaves.

Granulated seeds can be sown directly into peat tablets - then you won’t have to dig anything.

In individual containers it will be more convenient for the plant to develop, it will grow healthier, and it will be easier for you to transplant seedlings into open ground. When picking, deepen the seedling to the first true leaves so that a good root system is formed and the likelihood of the shoots being damaged by the “black leg” is reduced.

In order for a healthy, beautiful petunia to grow from seeds, the cultivation of sprouts must be accompanied by regular, careful watering. When the soil dries out, the plants will die, and waterlogging will lead to the appearance of a “black leg”, and as a result, to the rotting and death of small seedlings. Frail seedlings should be carefully watered at the root.

Fertilizing is applied two weeks after picking the plants.

To harden a young plant, already from the second week, open the window for 10 minutes, thereby lowering the air temperature in the room. However, the sprouts must be protected from drafts and direct flow of cold air; the temperature of the seedlings themselves should not drop.

Video about growing petunia seedlings with your own hands

Fertilizing is applied two weeks after picking the plants. At first, only spray the leaves with fertilizer every two days, alternating between growth stimulants and complex mineral fertilizers with nitrogen content. In the future, you can add root feeding. Important little things :

  • sprouts need light almost around the clock; you will need to provide not only daytime supplementary lighting for seedlings in gloomy weather, but also leave dim light at night;
  • do not allow a crust to form on the ground, otherwise the seedlings will suffocate;
  • when the roots of the plant fill the entire clod of earth, transplant the petunia into a larger container;
  • if you notice that the seedlings are too long, add a little soil mixture;
  • To grow expensive and rare varieties, use peat tablets.

At first, petunia will grow quite slowly, do not worry - the plants are forming a root system. After about 1.5 months, the above-ground part will develop no less actively.

How to properly plant petunia in open ground

At least a week before planting in open ground, seedlings must begin to be accustomed to new conditions. To do this, seedlings are taken out to the balcony or veranda every day, increasing the time they spend in the open air every day. Three days before planting, the pots are left to spend the night outside.

It is better to plant seedlings in the evening or on a cloudy day (not in direct sun). Holes are prepared for seedlings at a distance of 18 to 35 centimeters (depending on the variety). Fill the holes generously with water. As carefully as possible, remove the seedling from the cup along with the earthen lump. Immerse the earthen ball into the hole, sprinkle with earth and tamp tightly.

Petunia is a flower of magnificent beauty that attracts gardeners with its variety of varieties. It can be planted not only on summer cottage, but also on your balcony. In order to achieve such an impressive effect, you need to know how to sow petunia. Then bright shades They will not only decorate, but also create a great mood.

General information: when is the best time to sow petunia?

There are many varieties of petunias. They need to be sown no earlier than mid-March. This particular period of time is considered the most optimal: the day is longer and the weather is good. It is very important to know when to sow petunia so that your seedlings turn out healthy.

Helpful Tips:

  • purchase a special lamp for illumination, so the seedlings will germinate better;
  • if you want to diversify varieties in order to achieve a brighter result, first of all you need to plant hanging forms, they need a little more time to take root;
  • the temperature must be at least 20 degrees, then the hybrids will germinate as expected.

The modern selection of hybrid seeds is simply huge. You can even find ones that are sold in a special casing. They are quite rare, and they are more expensive. Be sure to check how to sow petunia into tablets - there are some features that you may not know about.

Own varieties

Petunia is much easier to grow than any other flower. If you have seeds from several varieties, time and desire, you can try to create your own own view, which will take pride of place in the landscape. Don't forget to use a special lamp to enhance the effect.

Setting the stage

As mentioned above, petunia is very popular among summer residents due to its bright appearance and ease of cultivation. You just need to take into account a few rules when planting, then everything will definitely work out.

To understand how to sow petunia correctly, special attention need to be given to the soil. It should be moisture-absorbing and loose. In order to achieve the desired consistency, mix sand, humus, and soil from the garden in equal proportions.

Even if you suddenly decide to buy ready-made land in a specialized store, it is still advisable to improve it a little. For a flower, a poor base is very bad.

Recipe for 5 liters of soil:

  • perlite, approximately 250 grams;
  • 0.5 liter can of ash;
  • potassium sulfate - a tablespoon.

After combining all the ingredients, mix them well in a separate container. When you prepare the container, you must put expanded clay on the bottom, and then add the soil itself. Petunia seeds are very small in size, so the soil must be prepared in this way. Due to the fact that there will be lumps there, the flower will be able to sprout and breathe. When you look at how to sow petunia, be sure to pay attention to the fact that the acid-base balance of the soil should be average.

How to grow seedlings

It is recommended to grow seedlings in a plastic container with a height of at least 10 cm. This is the best option for beneficial seed growth. When you fill the boxes, leave one on the edge. free space, approximately 2 cm. This way you can protect the petunia from drafts. And do not forget that there must be drainage holes at the bottom, otherwise the flower will simply begin to rot.

If you take seeds in a special shell, everything will be much easier. They are less damaged and germinate better.

It is very important to know how to sow petunia correctly so that the flowers turn out bright and healthy. Seedlings may become infected with blackleg, but this can be avoided at the initial stage. Simply treat the soil with a medium solution of potassium permanganate.

Subtleties of landing

You've learned how to sow petunias and are ready to get to work. The first thing you need to start with is the container. Be sure to treat it with an antiseptic. This can be a regular solution of potassium permanganate, just don’t make it too strong.

Very often, snow is used during sowing; if you do not have this opportunity, then the seeds will first need to be mixed with sand. This will allow you to distribute them evenly.

If you have coated seeds, then best view plantings for them will become They have their advantages:

  • quickly soak in water;
  • do not mold;
  • do not injure the roots of seedlings.

The most convenient thing about the tablets is that by their color you can easily understand whether you need to water your petunia now or not. The ideal condition for seed germination is a temperature of 20-25 degrees. Make sure that the room is not overheated or overcooled, otherwise the seedlings will become susceptible to disease.

Watering petunias

It is very important not to water the flower immediately after you have planted it. Petunia is directing all her strength to strengthen her root system, and when abundant watering she won't be able to do this. It is best to lightly spray it for several days.

Helpful Tips:

  • You can’t water petunia leaves, the water should get right under the root;
  • constantly loosen the soil slightly so that a crust does not form on top;
  • If suddenly a crust appears, then you need to carefully get rid of it as quickly as possible, otherwise the flower will not receive the proper amount of oxygen.


Sunlight is very important for seed germination. When you plant seeds, do not allow them to go deep into the ground. Lightly press them down on top, this will be enough. This way the plant will receive the right amount of light, quickly strengthen the root system, and the seeds will begin to germinate.

Picking up seedlings

When the seedlings grow up, it is very important to begin careful picking. The soil needs to be loosened very carefully so as not to harm the flowers; for this you can use a regular toothpick.

We pinch the stem at the top, above the leaves. However, this should be done only with those varieties whose shoots grow quickly. For example, if your shoot is now 6-7 cm, then pinching is needed. Try to do this carefully so that your bush becomes wider as it grows.

After transplanting, make sure that there is enough soil for the petunias. Water carefully, making sure that the soil does not settle.

It is very important that the plant spreads out in width and not in height. After pinching and replanting, this process must be constantly monitored. The best option At this stage it will be to move the container to a cooler place.

In about a month, your petunia will be ready to move into a greenhouse, flower bed, or decorate your balcony.

In conclusion

To understand when and how best to sow petunia, you should definitely try to do it once with your own hands. The process is not complicated, it is just important to adhere to the main rules. If you do everything clearly according to the established plan, you will be able to enjoy the beauty of this amazing flower by summer already.

Brief plan:

  • we buy seeds;
  • prepare the soil (it is advisable to follow the recipe);
  • we treat the soil with potassium permanganate to avoid flower diseases;
  • prepare the seeds and plant them;
  • spray the flower (not water, but spray);
  • we dive and loosen the soil;
  • put it in a cool place;
  • transplanted into a flowerbed.

And don't forget that you can always experiment a little and create your own variety. It's interesting and inspiring. There is nothing more pleasant than looking at a petunia flower grown with your own hands.

Petunia, a native of Brazil, was first brought to Europe in 1820. The flower immediately won the love of flower growers, thanks to its ability to bloom for a long time and generously delight the eye with bright colors. Modern petunia has more than 25 species and is widely used to decorate flower beds, flower beds, balconies and terraces.

If you are planning to start breeding this plant, but cannot boast of in-depth knowledge about it, then this article is for you. Let's start from the beginning - from the time of planting petunia seeds for seedlings

When to sow petunia for seedlings?

All types of petunias reproduce by seeds, but the timing of their sowing is different. So, planting varieties that are distinguished by tall growth and large flowers is carried out early February, and small-flowered species – a month later (in the first ten days of March). You should also take into account some nuances:

  • Ampelous types of petunias take longer to germinate than bush ones;
  • Plants whose flowers have blue, as well as petunia of light colors;
  • You will have to wait the longest for red and purple petunias to sprout.

Deadlines When is the best time to sow petunia seeds for seedlings?, depend on the variety. Pay attention to the packaging with seeds. As a rule, the manufacturer indicates on it optimal timing sowing seeds.

Sowing is done in February-March, then petunias will bloom in May-September:

Important! When choosing a sowing time, it is best to follow the recommendations of the seed manufacturer (on the package), since they largely depend on the variety.

In 2018... Sowing dates

Lunar calendars compiled for gardeners and gardeners give their recommendations on the timing of sowing petunias for seedlings in 2018. Favorable and unfavorable days for sowing depend on the phase of the Moon, the sign of the Zodiac and the Element. Information in calendars from different sources different. Apparently, each of them interprets astrological data in their own way. Every year, for several years now, we have been subscribing to the magazine “My Beautiful Dacha.” We consider it an informative and authoritative source that you can trust, which is why we put it in first place.

Source - “My Beautiful Dacha” magazine:

In 2018, petunia seeds can be sown for seedlings

  • in February on the 6th, 8th, 12th, 22nd, 26th,
  • in March 9th, 16th, 18th, 21st, 24th,
  • in April: 1-4, 8, 17, 21, 22, 25, 27.

Unfavorable days

  • February 1, 9, 14, 15, 16, 19, 24, 27,
  • March 2, 12, 13, 15, 17, 23, 28, 29, 31,
  • April 10, 15, 29, 30.

This source separately allocates days for working with the soil, preparing seeds for planting and sowing. These dates are favorable for sowing flower seeds. IN unfavorable days It is advisable not to plant seeds of any plants.

Source - newspaper "AiF. At the dacha":

  • in February 4-8, 11-13, 18-20, 20-23,
  • in March 3-8, 10-13, 15-16, 24-26,
  • in April: 2-4, 11-14, 16-18, 20-22, 24-27.

Source - magazine “1000 tips for summer residents”:

Seeds of annual flower crops are recommended to be planted

  • in February 1-4, 17-27,
  • in March 4-8, 13-15, 18-26, 28-30,
  • in April 17-29.

Unfavorable days for planting

  • in February 15th, 16th,
  • in March 2, 3, 16, 17,
  • in April on the 15th, 16th, 30th.

Here we are talking about sowing any annual flower crops in general.


The seeds are sown on the surface of the soil; they are not sprinkled with earth, but covered with film or glass. The best container for this is food containers. You will need moist, loose, nutritious soil. Its ideal composition:

  • Peat;
  • Soil from the turf layer;
  • Humus;
  • Sand (not large number)

Until the first shoots appear (an average of 2 weeks), the seeds should be kept in a dark place at a temperature of approximately 25 degrees. The last circumstance is especially important: if the temperature is too low, petunia will not sprout.

Timing for planting seedlings in open ground

With the appearance of sprouts, the temperature should be reduced to 20 degrees and the seedlings should be brought into the light. It is advisable to pick and plant the plants at a distance of 2 cm from each other, burying them in the soil up to the cotyledon leaves - this will contribute to the development and strengthening of their root system. And varieties with large flowers You can dive into separate pots.

Planting petunia seedlings in open ground is carried out in April-May, as soon as consistently warm weather sets in and the soil warms up. If your seedlings are already ready for planting, and the temperature outside does not allow this, then you can delay the growth of the plants by moving them to a cool place.

By Lunar calendar 2018….

It is recommended to plant petunia seedlings in open ground:

  • In April: 1-4, 8, 17, 21, 22, 25, 27.
  • In May: 1-2, 18, 22-23.

(According to the Lunar calendar of the magazine “My Beautiful Dacha”)

Secrets of care

So that in the future petunia will delight you with large ones, beautiful flowers, feed the seedlings with complex fertilizers, which contain nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and microelements. If development is slow, use growth stimulants. An amazing effect is obtained by spraying the leaves with a solution of any B vitamin (ampoule per glass of water);

After the 6th leaf appears, pinch the plant (except for ampelous species), that is, remove (pinch off) the apical bud: the bush will be compact, with a large number of flowers.

All these measures will give you the opportunity to grow strong, healthy seedlings.

Elegant petunia is deservedly a favorite of summer residents and flower growers. After all, she needs little care and is different abundant flowering. The plant stands out festively in flower beds thanks to bright flowers. Petunia bushes exquisitely decorate garden plots and lawns in city squares. In apartments, the plant decorates balconies. Growing petunia at home or in the open ground does not require much time.

Types of petunias

Several types of plants are considered popular:

The most important thing when growing flowers is to find high-quality seed material. Therefore, it is better to purchase it from trusted manufacturers.

Planting and care

The best option avoid risk when sowing seeds in open ground - growing flower seedlings.

Seed selection

The most the right time for sowing - early or mid-February. On average, flower seeds are planted 14-15 weeks before transplanting plants into open ground. A more specific time for sowing flower seeds depends on the climatic characteristics of the region. Petunia bushes do not tolerate frost well, so it is better to plant them after the threat of spring frosts has passed.

Important! Flower seeds in stores are sold in natural form(small grains) or granular (seeds are enclosed in shells of nutritional elements).

By purchasing planting material flowers in granular form, you must keep in mind that these are artificially bred petunia seeds. However, it is worth recognizing that petunia bushes grow quite resistant to diseases and are characterized by dynamic growth and high survival rate.

How to plant petunia correctly

It is necessary to prepare soil consisting of garden soil, sand, decomposed peat (in a ratio of 1: 1: 2). To eliminate the presence of worms and loosen the soil mixture, sift it through a sieve. If such preparatory process seems long, it is worth purchasing a special composition in the store (universal primer Stender). To increase fertility purchased soil, it is advisable to add fertilizers (for 5 liters of soil you need to put 1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate, 0.5 liters of wood ash, 250 g of perlite).

Advice! The garden soil is pre-treated - neutralized from the possible presence of pests. It is steamed in the oven and then fertilized with vermicompost or supercompost.

Boxes for seedlings of petunia bushes must have drainage holes. The container is filled with soil, leaving about 6-20 mm short of the edge. This is necessary to provide flowers with protection from drafts. The best option is a box with a lid that has several holes for ventilation.

Planting stages

Attention! Flower sprouts even with good care will not develop quickly, since petunia first begins to build up the root mass.

As soon as the first two leaves appear on the sprouts, the seedlings can be planted in separate containers. If the planting of flowers has become very dense, you need to thin it out. To do this, carefully pull out individual petunia sprouts with tweezers. If the leaves begin to touch the polyethylene, then the covering material is completely removed.

Picking seedlings

For planting and caring for petunia, it is better to use separate containers or plastic cups. For drainage, the bottom of the cups is perforated. Immediately after transplanting flowers, water the soil and, if necessary, add soil.

The box with flowers should be placed in a place where direct lines do not fall sun rays. This can cause petunia seedlings to stretch out. To prevent this, the room temperature is lowered by a couple of degrees.

After transplanting flowers, the first feeding is carried out a week and a half later. Solutions of “Kemira Plus”, “Aquarin”, “Plantofol” can be used as nutrient mixtures. Foliar feeding of petunia is also encouraged - pollination of the planting with a solution of "Crystalon". With further cultivation of flower seedlings, fertilizing is applied more often - approximately twice a week. The best option is to alternate root and foliar application of fertilizers.

How to grow petunia as a beautiful bush

Flower seedlings must be pinched in time. To do this, the top of the shoot (with the growing point) is broken off above the 4-5 leaves of the seedlings. Then the plants begin to throw out new shoots from the axils near the leaves. After two weeks, you can repeat pinching the flowers. To form round petunia bushes, you need to make several pinches.

Two weeks before planting seedlings in open ground, hardening of the seedlings begins. To do this, containers with flowers are taken out into the open air. The first time for about 20 minutes, and then every day the time the petunia stays outside is increased. By the time of transplanting into open ground, the flowers should be outside all day.

Planting petunia in the garden

Planting is carried out from mid-May to mid-June, which is determined by the climatic characteristics of the area.

Features of cultivation

Petunia bushes are unpretentious and can grow in almost any conditions. However, for abundant and long flowering It is recommended to plant flower seedlings in well-lit loamy soils.

Before planting petunia, prepare the place for the flower bed. To do this, the soil is dug up, cleared of weeds and fertilized. To make flowers take root faster, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules:

Watering and fertilizing

Flowers are watered at the root as the soil dries out. The next day it is necessary to loosen the soil. Weeding is constantly carried out.

Advice! For watering and caring for the plant, it is better to set aside time in the evening or on cloudy days. You need to use distilled water.

The soil must be fertilized weekly. How to care for and feed petunia? It is necessary to alternate the application of organic and inorganic additives, and this can be done in different ways:

  • dry fertilizers are poured into the soil;
  • in liquid form, additives are added to the soil when watering petunia bushes. Considered the most the best way plant nutrition;
  • at foliar feeding bushes are sprayed with flowers.

When caring for petunia during flowering, you must keep in mind that the plant needs increased nutrition. Therefore, fertilizers are applied at least twice a week.

Chicken droppings contain many microelements that provide good growth and flowering petunia bushes. It is necessary to add a weak solution to the soil so as not to burn the root system of the flowers.

When growing and caring for adult petunia bushes, granular fertilizers can be used. Suitable options: ammophosphate, ammonium nitrate, calcium nitrate (10 g of fertilizers are diluted in 10 liters of water).

Growing petunia on the balcony

We also grow petunia on the balcony without errors and therefore fulfill the following requirements:

In order for the plant to bloom profusely, it is necessary to remove dried flowers. Such actions will stimulate the formation of new ovaries on the bushes.

You can't miss the appearance of pests. If dangerous symptoms are detected, the petunia bushes are sprayed with special preparations. The stems must be processed both from above and from below, lifting the flower shoots.

How to care for petunia

If in the middle of the season the bushes begin to bloom less, the stems are too elongated, rejuvenating pruning is carried out. To do this, the stems of bush petunias are cut at a height of 13-16 cm, and the ampelous forms of flowers can be safely shortened by half. The plant will quickly produce fresh shoots and restore abundant flowering.

If you pay a little attention to the petunia bushes, it will decorate your garden or balcony with lush flowers until the cold weather. On winter time The flowerpots can be brought into the rooms and then you can admire the elegant plants throughout the cold season.